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The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) has a caudal hindbrain vocal motor circuit that has been proposed to share a common embryonic origin with the hindbrain vocal networks of other vertebrates. In midshipman, this vocal circuit includes three groups of neurons: sonic motor, pacemaker, and ventral medullary. Here, transneuronal transport of biocytin or neurobiotin was used to delineate the early ontogeny of the three hindbrain vocal nuclei and their pattern of connectivity. The organization of the vocal nuclei was studied in animals beginning soon after hatching until the nuclei have the adult phenotype at the time fish become free-swimming. There is a clear sequence of events whereby motoneurons establish their connections with the sonic muscle prior to establishing connections with premotor neurons; developmental milestones of the vocal pathway parallel those of the sonic muscle. The results also indicate that sexual differentiation of the vocal motor system in midshipman begins early in development, well before any evidence of sexual maturation. Embryonic males and females differ in the relationship between soma size and body length for the three hindbrain nuclei. Males are also more variable than females in body mass, volume of the sonic motor nucleus, and motoneuron cell size.  相似文献   

Abstract .Theory predicts that sexual (or behavioral) isolation will be the first form of reproductive isolation to evolve in lineages characterized by sexual selection. Here I directly compare the rate of evolution of sexual isolation with that of hybrid inviability in a diverse and sexually dimorphic genus of freshwater fish. The magnitude of both sexual isolation and hybrid inviability were quantified for multiple pairs of allopatric species. Rates of evolution were inferred by comparing genetic distances of these species pairs with the magnitude of each form of reproductive isolation: the slope of the regression of genetic distance on the magnitude of reproductive isolation represents the rate of evolution. Of the two forms of isolation, the magnitude of sexual isolation exhibited the steeper slope of regression, indicating that sexual isolation will tend to evolve to completion earlier than hybrid inviability, strictly as a by-product of evolution in geographically isolated populations. Additional evidence from the literature is used to qualitatively compare rates of evolution of sexual isolation with that of other forms of reproductive isolation. Preliminary comparisons support the prediction that sexual isolation will evolve more rapidly than other forms. Because Etheostoma is characterized by striking sexual dimorphism, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection for exaggerated mate-recognition characters causes the relatively rapid evolution of sexual isolation.  相似文献   

Summary Hypopomus occidentalis is a weakly electric Gymnotiform fish with a pulse-type electric organ discharge (EOD).Hypopomus used in this study were taken from one of the northernmost boundaries of this species, the Atlantic drainage of Panama where the animals breed at the beginning of the dry season (December). In normal breeding populations,Hypopomus occidentalis exhibit a sexual dimorphism in EOD and morphology. Mature males are large with a broad tail and have an EOD characterized by a low peak power frequency. Females and immature males are smaller, having a slender tail and EODs with higher peak power frequencies (Fig. 1). This study describes differences in the EOD and electric organ morphology between breeding field populations of male and femaleHypopomus. Changes in physiology, morphology and EOD shape which may accompany this seasonal change were examined in steroid injected fish, using standard histological and physiological techniques.A group of females were injected with hormones (5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrogen or saline) to assess changes in their morphology and EOD. Animals treated with DHT developed characteristics which mimicked the sexually dimorphic characteristics of a male, while the other groups did not (see Fig. 5). Tissue from the tails of breeding males and females, and females treated with DHT, were sampled to measure the size of the electrocytes in the tail. The broader tail of males and DHT-females is composed of large electrocytes, whereas the slender tail of normal females is composed of smaller electrocytes. Therefore, the increase in the tail width in the female DHT group is caused by an enlargement of the electrocytes in this area.Intracellular recordings from the electrocytes of saline and DHT injected females show a difference in the responses of the rostral faces of the electrocytes from the two groups, which reflect the differences in their EODs. Saline-treated animals had symmetrical EODs (the first and second phase of the EOD were equal in duration and amplitude), while the physiological responses from each face of the electrocytes yielded responses that were similarly equal in duration and amplitude. DHT-treated animals had asymmetrical EODs (the first phase of the EOD was similar to that of saline treated fish and larger in amplitude and shorter in duration than the second phase) and the physiological responses of the electrocytes reflected this asymmetry. The differential recordings across the caudal face were similar to those from saline treated fish, while the responses from the rostral face were longer in duration and smaller in amplitude.These data suggest that the effects of androgens underlie the changes in single electrocytes which produce the sexually dimorphic signals and morphology present in natural breeding populations ofHypopomus occidentalis.  相似文献   

Understanding the interaction between sexual and natural selection within variable environments is crucial to our understanding of evolutionary processes. The handicap principle predicts females will prefer males with exaggerated traits provided those traits are indicators of male quality to ensure direct or indirect female benefits. Spatial variability in ecological factors is expected to alter the balance between sexual and natural selection that defines the evolution of such traits. Male and female blackspotted topminnows (Fundulidae: Fundulus olivaceus) display prominent black dorsolateral spots that are variable in number across its broad range. We investigated variability in spot phenotypes at 117 sites across 13 river systems and asked if the trait was sexually dimorphic and positively correlated with measures of fitness (condition and gonadosomatic index [GSI]). Laboratory and mesocosm experiments assessed female mate choice and predation pressure on spot phenotypes. Environmental and community data collected at sampling locations were used to assess predictive models of spot density at the individual, site, and river system level. Greater number of spots was positively correlated with measures of fitness in males. Males with more spots were preferred by females and suffered greater mortality due to predation. Water clarity (turbidity) was the best predictor of spot density on the drainage scale, indicating that sexual and natural selection for the trait may be mediated by local light environments.  相似文献   

Most sexually reproducing animal species are characterized by two morphologically and behaviorally distinct sexes. The genetic, molecular and cellular processes that produce sexual dimorphisms are phylogenetically diverse, though in most cases they are thought to occur early in development. In some species, however, sexual dimorphisms are manifested after development is complete, suggesting the intriguing hypothesis that sex, more generally, might be considered a continuous trait that is influenced by both developmental and postdevelopmental processes. Here, we explore how biological sex is defined at the genetic, neuronal and behavioral levels, its effects on neuronal development and function, and how it might lead to sexually dimorphic behavioral traits in health and disease. We also propose a unifying framework for understanding neuronal and behavioral sexual dimorphisms in the context of both developmental and postdevelopmental, physiological timescales. Together, these two temporally separate processes might drive sex‐specific neuronal functions in sexually mature adults, particularly as it pertains to behavior in health and disease.  相似文献   

Marchantia inflexa, a dioecious thallose liverwort, is sexually dimorphic in clonal expansion traits. We used selection analyses to measure the magnitude and direction of selection on clonal fitness to uncover possible mechanisms for the maintenance of preadult sexually dimorphic characters. We planted replicates of genotypes of female and male M. inflexa in two light environments in a greenhouse and measured morphological and phenological characters associated with growth and asexual reproduction. Timing to onset of asexual reproduction and plant size early in development were under sex-specific selection in a low light environment. Additionally, females exhibited a sex-specific cost of plasticity in the timing of their onset of asexual reproduction in high light. Selection on asexual fitness tended to shift traits toward monomorphism rather than sexual dimorphism, whereas the expressed phenotype of females was congruent with patterns of selection acting on sexual fitness. We detected negative trade-offs between asexual and sexual fitness components in females in one light environment. Opposing selective forces acting on asexual and sexual fitness components may explain how sexual dimorphisms persist in the face of selection for monomorphism in the preadult phase.  相似文献   

Synopsis The life history traits (longevity, growth, age at maturity, fecundity, egg size and length of breeding season) were compared for four sympatric sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae). Significant differences occurred for growth, longevity, age at maturity and length of breeding season, but not for egg diameters. Differences in life history traits are interpreted in terms of mechanisms permitting the coexistence of these closely-related territorial fish. Egg numbers were lowest inApeltes quadracus and highest inGasterosteus aculeatus withGasterosteus wheatlandi andPungitius pungitius having similar and intermediate fecundities.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic species characterized by exaggerated male ornamentation, behavioral isolation is often attributed to female preferences for conspecific male signals. Yet, in a number of sexually dimorphic species, male mate choice also results in behavioral isolation. In many of these cases, the female traits that mediate species boundaries are unclear. Females in sexually dimorphic species typically lack many of the elaborate traits that are present in males and that are often used for taxonomic classification of species. In a diverse and largely sexually dimorphic group of fishes called darters (Percidae: Etheostoma), male mate choice contributes to behavioral isolation between a number of species; however, studies addressing which female traits males prefer are lacking. In this study, we identified the dominant female pattern for two sympatric species, Etheostoma zonale and Etheostoma barrenense, using pattern energy analysis, and we used discriminate function analysis to identify which aspects of female patterning can reliably classify species. We then tested the role of female features in male mate choice for E. zonale, by measuring male preference for computer animations displaying the identified (species-specific) conspecific features. We found that the region above the lateral line is important in mediating male mate preferences, with males spending a significantly greater proportion of time with animations exhibiting conspecific female patterning in this region than with animations exhibiting heterospecific female patterning. Our results suggest that the aspects of female phenotypes that are the target of male mate choice are different from the conspicuous male phenotypes that traditionally characterize species.  相似文献   

A previous study from our laboratory examining development in neonatal alligators from polluted Lake Apopka, Florida, found numerous differences relative to neonates from a reference site, Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge. We postulated that the differences were the result of organizational changes derived from embryonic exposure to environmental contaminants and are related to the poor reproductive success reported in alligators from Lake Apopka. In this study we examine differences in alligators collected as eggs from these two populations and raised under similar conditions for 1 yr. Egg hatch rates did not differ between lake populations; however, posthatching mortality was much higher among Lake Apopka hatchlings. Snout-vent length and body mass were greater in Lake Apopka hatchlings, but no differences were detected between lake populations in thyroid, liver, and spleen mass corrected for body size or in plasma concentrations of testosterone and estradiol. Males from Lake Woodruff exhibited greater relative expression of gonadal mRNA for steroidogenic factor 1 (Nr5a1) and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Star) than males from Lake Apopka. Alligators from Lake Woodruff also expressed all genes examined in a sexually dimorphic pattern. In contrast, mRNA expression did not differ between males and females from Lake Apopka for Nr5a1, Star, cytochrome P450 11A1 (Cyp11a1), and hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 1 (Hsd3b1). Our results document persistent differences in development, survivorship, and gene expression in alligators from a contaminated environment. Because these animals were raised under similar laboratory conditions, the differences are most likely of embryonic origin and organizational in nature.  相似文献   

Adult Bengalcse finches emit sexually dimorphic distance calls which are used to locate each other when visually separated. Distance calls of adult females are amplitude modulated while those of adult males are not. We studied the ontogeny of sexual differentiation in these calls. Before 50 days of age, both males and females emitted amplitude modulated, female-type distance calls. After day 55, juvenile males began to emit adult-male type distance calls which were not amplitude modulated, whereas females continued to emit amplitude modulated distance calls. In males, the transitional period coincided with the onset of subsongs. These results suggest that the sexual dimorphism of the distance calls in Bengalese finches involves hormonal and developmental processes.  相似文献   

Both male and female Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis were ready to mate by the end of May. Seventy-five per cent of the 1-year-old males were mature, but only 25% of the females reached maturity at this age. In females, gonads formed an increasingly greater proportion of the total weight with age, but in males the proportion decreased. A bimodal distribution of gonadosomatic indices classes was observed in 2-year-old males (intermediate size), which reflected the lower opportunity that intermediate size males have to spend the ejaculates than have the younger and older males. The liver played an important role in the storage of energy before the reproductive season and reserves were utilized during the breeding season. Physical condition was at its lowest in July in both sexes, but in May, just before the breeding season began, large maturing females had significantly lower eviscerated condition than males. This could be due to females investing in oocyte development, while the priority for the males was to reserve their energy for the parental activities to come. In both males and females, older and bigger animals had lower hepatosomatic and body conditions than younger ones.  相似文献   

Many species of the dioecious, neo-tropical plant genus Clusia secrete a viscous, hydrophobic resin from glandular tissues in both male and female flowers. This substance is readily gathered by meliponine and euglossine bees for whom it most often serves as the sole pollinator reward. Bees use Clusia resin as a nest-building material. As such, resin clearly serves an indispensable mechanical function. However, resins with antimicrobial properties may also serve to reduce the risk of pathogenesis in the nest. If resin-gathering apids benefit from antimicrobial properties in nesting materials and are able to discern these characteristics in the forage they gather, one might predict that the resin reward presented in Clusia could have evolved under selection for both mechanical and antimicrobial properties. In dioecious species, where females and males each present a resin reward, selection regimes may differ between the sexes with the result that resin form and function diverge. We investigated both the form and function of the male and female pollinator reward resins of Clusia grandiflora. Using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), we compared the chemical compositions of floral resins from five widely separated populations of this species growing in southeastern Venezuela. We found that male and female resins exhibited a marked chemical dimorphism, with females having two major TLC-resolvable fractions and males having seven. This dimorphism was stable: there were no component differences between populations in either sex. Using a disk-diffusion technique, we surveyed the same resins for antimicrobial activity using assay microorganisms isolated from eusocial meliponine bees. Both male and female Clusia grandiflora resins had pronounced but relatively directed antimicrobial activity: both were toxic to 10 of 11 Gram-positive bacteria, 7 of 15 Gram-negative or variably-staining bacteria, 0 of 3 yeasts, and 0 of 3 filamentous fungi. Again with the disk-diffusion technique, we performed more detailed tests of resin bioactivity using two Gram-positive honeybee associates, Paenibacillus larvae and P. alvei, as model pathogens. Both male and female C. grandiflora resins were highly toxic to these honeybee pathogens. Female resin, however, produced zones of inhibition with more than twice the mean diameter of those produced by the male resin. This divergence in form and function of the C. grandiflora pollinator reward resins could be in response to different selective regimes as mediated by the pollinating insects. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 9 February 1999  相似文献   

In several species of electric fish with a sex difference in their pulse-type electric organ discharge (EOD), the action potential-generating cells of the electric organ (electrocytes) of males are larger and more invaginated compared to females. Androgen treatment of females and juveniles produces a longer-duration EOD pulse that mimics the mature male EOD, with a concurrent increase in electrocyte size and/or membrane infolding. In Sternopygus macrurus, which generates a wave-type EOD, androgen also increases EOD pulse duration. To investigate possible morphological correlates of hormone-dependent changes in EOD in Sternopygus, we examined electric organs from both fish collected in the field, and untreated and androgen-treated specimens in the laboratory. The electrocytes are cigar shaped, with prominent papillae on the posterior, innervated end. Electrocytes of field-caught specimens were significantly larger in all parameters than were electrocytes of specimens maintained in the laboratory. EOD pulse duration and frequency were highly correlated, and were significantly different between the sexes in sexually mature fish. Nevertheless, no sex difference in electrocyte morphology was observed, nor did any parameters of electrocyte morphology correlate with EOD pulse duration or frequency. Further, whereas androgen treatment significantly lowered EOD frequency and broadened EOD pulse duration, there was no difference in electrocyte morphology between hormone-treated and control groups. Thus, in contrast to results from studies on both mormyrid and gymnotiform pulse fish, electrocyte morphology is not correlated with EOD waveform characteristics in the gymnotiform wave-type fish Sternopygus. The data, therefore, suggest that sex differences in EOD are dependent on changes in active electrical properties of electrocyte membranes. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Male frogs use their forelimb flexor muscles to clasp females during the mating behavior known as amplexus. We investigated the effects of testosterone on a principal forelimb flexor, the flexor carpi radialis muscle (FCR), using morphological and histochemical techniques. Male Xenopus laevis were surgically manipulated to produce high or low levels of circulating testosterone for an 8-week period. After this treatment, measurement of fibers in muscle cross-sections revealed that average fiber size was positively correlated with testosterone level. This effect was not the same for all muscle fibers, however. Fibers in the shoulder region were more sensitive to testosterone than fibers in other regions of the muscle. Histochemical staining of cross-sections showed that the patterns of staining for myosin ATPase or succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) were not influenced by testosterone levels, but total SDH activity was increased by testosterone treatment. When sensitivity to testosterone was correlated with ATPase activity, fibers with high ATPase activity were found to be more sensitive to testosterone than fibers with low activity, regardless of position within the muscle. Most fibers with high ATPase activity were located in the shoulder region of the muscle. These fibers are innervated by different motor axons than are fibers in the elbow region of the muscle, and contractions of shoulder (but not elbow) region fibers, elicited by stimulation of motor axons, are slowed by testosterone treatment (Regnier and Herrera, 1993, J. Physiol. 461:565–581). © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of fish assemblage in a costal river of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Southern Brazil was investigated. Monthly samples using different fishing techniques were completed on a section of the river characterized as a freshwater environment, and an adjacent tide-influenced estuarine section. Species were grouped into three major Feeding Mode Functional Groups: Zoobenthivore, Omnivore and Detritivore. The river section with the greatest occurrence was the site where the most abundant species are likely to feed most intensively. Freshwater strangler species (Cyphocharax santacatarinae - detritivorous, Rhamdia quelen and Oligosarcus hepsetus - zoobenthivorous) presented higher stomach repletion in the freshwater environment while marine migrants (Genidens genidens and Etropus crossotus - zoobenthivorous) and estuarine residents (Bairdiella ronchus - zoobenthivorous) presented higher repletion in the tide-influenced estuarine stretch. Use of food resources was influenced by spatial and temporal variations linked to environmental characteristics such as salinity, habitat heterogeneity, life history evolution, feeding specialization and resource partitioning. Hypotheses concerning potential keystone species, ecosystem engineers or strong interactors were also discussed.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is involved in gonadal sex change in socially controlled sex-changing fish. However, the specific secretion profiles of pituitary gonadotropins (GtHs) in this type of fish are not known. To address this fundamental question, we demonstrated that the diurnal secretion patterns of GtHs differ distinctly between males and females in a socially controlled sex-changing fish. We analyzed the pituitary mRNA levels of glycoprotein hormone subunits (i.e., the common alpha-subunit and specific beta-subunits follicle-stimulating hormone beta, luteinizing hormone beta, and thyroid-stimulating hormone beta) in the wrasse Pseudolabrus sieboldi, which is a model fish that exhibits accurate diurnal rhythms of gametogenesis in both males and females. Northern blots clearly showed that each subunit gene exhibits a diurnal rhythm of expression in the pituitary and that the expression patterns differ distinctly between the sexes. Our results suggest that oogenesis and spermatogenesis in this hermaphroditic fish are regulated differentially through the distinct secretion patterns of pituitary glycoprotein hormones. This study also provides direct evidence of the sexual plasticity of pituitary GtH secretion in a socially controlled sex-changing fish.  相似文献   

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