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Researchers have conducted most studies on primate conflict management and resolution in captive settings. The few studies on groups of the same species in captivity and in the wild and the overall comparison across species of findings from studies in both settings have reported patterns of variation in the rates of various postconflict affinitive behaviors that may be setting related. In fact, some authors have claimed that the high rates of postconflict affiliation reported in captive studies could represent an artifact of captivity. I explored the claim and conclude that it is unjustified. I argue that the dichotomy captivity vs. wild is conceptually meaningless and scientists should abandon it as an explanatory variable, that differences across studies both in setting-related variables and in the methods used for assessing postconflict affiliation reduce the strength of comparisons within and across settings, that the empirical evidence thus far available neither allows adequate assessment nor supports any claim that links the rate of postconflict affiliation to captivity or wild conditions, and that studies conducted in both settings may be equally useful—and should be used—to test theoretically relevant hypotheses regarding the causes and predictors of variation in postconflict affiliation. Instead of asking the title question, I would ask which variables influence postconflict affiliation and then whether the variables are really associated only with one of the two settings.  相似文献   

朱毅  张大均 《人类学学报》2010,29(3):282-292
人类关注公正, 非人灵长类也表现出公正行为。本文先以现有研究资料为基础, 以理毛为例分析后认为, 非人灵长类关注投入—收益的对称性, 说明它们可能具备不公正规避这一心理特质; 关于非人灵长类公正行为的实验也表明, 它们不仅比较自身的投入—收益对称性, 而且能在社会比较过程中与其它个体相比。有实验得出期望假设和挫折效应能更好地解释被试的行为, 本文认为, 这些实验结论不一致的主要原因, 是研究者未充分考虑"投入"对被试行为的影响。文章在最后进行了总结并提出了三点研究展望。  相似文献   

Polyomaviruses are a family of small nonenveloped DNA viruses that infect birds and mammals. At least 7 nonhuman primate polyomaviruses that occur in macaques, African green monkeys, marmosets baboons, and chimpanzees have been described, as well as 4 polyomaviruses that occur in humans. Simian virus 40 (SV40), which infects macaques, was the first nonhuman primate polyomavirus identified as a contaminant of early polio vaccines. Primate polyomaviruses cause inapparent primary infections but persist in the host and can cause severe disease in situations of immunocompromise. This review describes the primate polyomaviruses, and the diseases associated with the viruses of macaques. In macaques, the greatest current concerns are the potential confounding of study results by polyomavirus infections and the zoonotic potential of SV40.Abbreviations: PML, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; SV40, Simian virus 40Polyomaviruses were previously members of the family Papovaviridae, which included (and derived its name from) rabbit papilloma virus (pa), mouse polyoma virus (po), and simian vacuolating virus (va). Papovaviruses are nonenveloped viruses, with double-stranded circular DNA and an icosahedral capsule. Since the 1980s, studies of Simian virus 40 (SV40) and mouse polyomavirus have demonstrated that these viruses have smaller capsids (45 nm versus 50 nm), smaller genomes (5 kb versus 8 kb), and a different genomic organization than those of papillomaviruses. SV40 and mouse polyomavirus now form an independent family, Polyomaviridae.18More than 13 members of Polyomaviridae infect mammals and birds. The first polyomavirus was discovered in 1953 in mice28 and was so named because it caused tumors at multiple sites in neonatal mice. Indeed oncogenicity is a common feature of polyomaviruses, particularly tumor production in non-native hosts. Various members of the group transform cell lines and immortalize primary cell cultures as well as induce tumors in susceptible animals. SV40 was identified in 1960 in primary macaque kidney cell cultures, as a contaminant of polio vaccines.68 In 1971, the human polyomaviruses BKV23 and JCV54 were identified (both are named after the initials of the patients in which they were first recognized). JCV was discovered in the brain of a patient with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and BKV was found in the urine of a renal transplant patient. Recently, 2 additional polyomaviruses of the nasopharynx of humans, KIV and WUV, have been identified2,25 through the use of molecular techniques. KIV was found in nasopharyngeal samples from patients with respiratory disease, and WUV initially was detected in a child with pneumonia. KIV and WUV are closely related genetically and may form a new subfamily of polyomaviruses: their early coding regions (T antigens) are similar to those of other primate polyomaviruses, but their late regions (structural proteins) differ.7,25 Both KIV and WUV appear to be geographically widespread.The capsids of the polyomaviruses contain 3 structural proteins: VP1, the major capsid protein, and VP2 and VP3, which enclose a single molecule of viral DNA. The viruses also encode regulatory proteins, the T (tumor) antigens. SV40 and other primate polyomaviruses encode 2 T antigens, large T and small t, whereas mouse polyomavirus and some of the other family members have a third, middle T antigen. The T antigens of SV40, BKV, and JCV have about 75% amino-acid homology.58 The T antigen of SV40 is essential for initiation of viral DNA replication and promotes transformation and immortalization of host cells, partially through binding to and inhibiting tumor suppressor proteins p53, p107, p130 (pRb2), and pRb (reviewed in reference 10).  相似文献   

Four monkeys were found able to learn to raise and lower hand temperature and to reduce muscle tension to low levels using feedback from the target physiological system. The establishment of this model of biofeedback learning in monkeys enables work on mechanisms mediating the modes of biofeedback most used in clinical practice. Results suggest that biofeedback learning does not need to be mediated by the type of human-specific cognitive strategies employed by humans.  相似文献   

自我觉察是动物个体通过线索觉察到镜像与自己的联系,并利用线索来验证镜像与自身关联的能力。近三十年来,随着各学科的研究范式和方法的发展,关于非人灵长类的自我觉察研究不断深入,并涌现出大量新的研究成果。这方面的相关研究不仅能够为探索更深层、复杂的认知能力提供解释基础,而且能为人类互动行为和认知研究提供参照。目前,国外相关研究较为广泛,而国内却依然十分薄弱。本文重在介绍非人灵长类自我觉察研究的镜子实验这一基本范式,以及根据这一范式所得出的检验自我觉察能力的行为指标、相关推理过程、理论及研究;同时也回顾了自我觉察在猴类方面的研究进展以及其在人类与黑猩猩的物种间发展性比较研究;总结了录像法、脸部识别的认知神经科学范式等较新近的自我觉察研究方法和范式特点和优势、最新进展;最后对于自我觉察研究提出了完善概念界定、整合研究工具与实验范式、结合多学科多物种研究策略的展望,旨在拓展国内的相关研究领域,为其他物种的相关研究提供范例。  相似文献   

Natural infection of captive nonhuman primates (NHPs) with Trypanosoma cruzi (agent of Chagas disease) is an increasingly recognized problem in facilities across the southern USA, with negative consequences for NHP health and biomedical research. We explored a central Texas NHP facility as a nidus of transmission by characterizing parasite discrete typing units (DTU) in seropositive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), identifying the wildlife reservoirs, and characterizing vector infection. In seropositive NHPs, we documented low and intermittent concentrations of circulating T. cruzi DNA, with two DTUs in equal proportions, TcI and TcIV. In contrast, consistently high concentrations of T. cruzi DNA were found in wild mesomammals at the facility, yet rodents were PCR-negative. Strong wildlife host associations were found in which raccoons (Procyon lotor) harbored TcIV and opossums (Didelphis virginiana) harbored TcI, while skunks (Mephitis mephitis) were infected with both DTUs. Active and passive vector surveillance yielded three species of triatomines from the facility and in proximity to the NHP enclosures, with 17% T. cruzi infection prevalence. Interventions to protect NHP and human health must focus on interrupting spillover from the robust sylvatic transmission in the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

Namdapha National Park and Tiger Reserve in the Changlang District of Arunachal Pradesh in northeastern India are rich in biodiversity. The dense evergreen forest of the park with high canopy coverage supports a variety of fauna including primates. In February, 2002, we surveyed the primates in Namdapha National Park to assess their status. We directly sighted, 5 species of diurnal primates, and secondary information shows the presence of stump-tailed macaques and slow lories. We encountered 10 groups of hoolock gibbons (33 individuals), 9 troops of capped langurs (61 individuals), 15 groups of Assam macaques (209 individuals), 6 groups of rhesus macaques (74 individuals) and one unidentified group of macaques (15 individuals). Hunting, rather than habitat destruction, is the chief potential threat for primates in the park.  相似文献   

We tested whether chimpanzee handedness could be characterized as either unidimensional or multidimensional when considered across multiple measures of hand use. We determined for each of 6 different tasks in a sample of 105 captive chimpanzees hand preferences, and subjected the individual hand preference scores to a factor analysis. Five of the 6 tasks loaded on two separate factors that accounted for 54% of the variance. To assess population-level handedness, we calculated handedness indices for the loadings on each factor, for the item loadings across all factors, and for all tasks including ones that did not load on any factor. There is significant population-level right handedness for all 4 indices, which suggests that chimpanzee handedness is multidimensional and not task specific.  相似文献   

A number of human disease-associated sequences have been reported in other species, such as rodents, but compensatory changes appear to prevent these deleterious mutations from being expressed. The aim of this work was to compare the mitochondrial DNA of multiple primates to ascertain whether mitochondrial disease-causing sequences in humans are fixed in nonhuman primates. Indeed, 46 sequences related to human pathology were identified in 1 or more of the 12 studied nonhuman primates, the majority of which were associated with late-onset diseases. Most of these sequences can be explained by the presence of secondary compensatory changes that render these mutations phenotypically inert. Nonetheless, and since humans not only are the longest-lived primate but feature the largest brain, one hypothesis is that a gradual optimization of the human mitochondrion occurred in the hominid lineage driven by the need to optimize the aerobic energy metabolism to delay neurodegeneration. Therefore, it is also proposed that some of these disease-associated sequences in nonhuman primates may be linked to the evolution of human longevity and intelligence, indicating a general pattern of selection on longevity in the course of evolution of the human mitochondrion. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Cardiac sympathetic neurodegeneration and dysautonomia affect patients with sporadic and familial Parkinson''s disease (PD) and are currently proposed as prodromal signs of PD. We have recently developed a nonhuman primate model of cardiac dysautonomia by iv 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Our in vivo findings included decreased cardiac uptake of a sympathetic radioligand and circulating catecholamines; here we report the postmortem characterization of the model. Ten adult rhesus monkeys (5–17 yrs old) were used in this study. Five animals received 6-OHDA (50 mg/kg iv) and five were age-matched controls. Three months post-neurotoxin the animals were euthanized; hearts and adrenal glands were processed for immunohistochemistry. Quantification of immunoreactivity (ir) of stainings was performed by an investigator blind to the treatment group using NIH ImageJ software (for cardiac bundles and adrenals, area above threshold and optical density) and MBF StereoInvestigator (for cardiac fibers, area fraction fractionator probe). Sympathetic cardiac nerve bundle analysis and fiber area density showed a significant reduction in global cardiac tyrosine hydroxylase-ir (TH; catecholaminergic marker) in 6-OHDA animals compared to controls. Quantification of protein gene protein 9.5 (pan-neuronal marker) positive cardiac fibers showed a significant deficit in 6-OHDA monkeys compared to controls and correlated with TH-ir fiber area. Semi-quantitative evaluation of human leukocyte antigen-ir (inflammatory marker) and nitrotyrosine-ir (oxidative stress marker) did not show significant changes 3 months post-neurotoxin. Cardiac nerve bundle α-synuclein-ir (presynaptic protein) was reduced (trend) in 6-OHDA treated monkeys; insoluble proteinase-K resistant α-synuclein (typical of PD pathology) was not observed. In the adrenal medulla, 6-OHDA monkeys had significantly reduced TH-ir and aminoacid decarboxylase-ir. Our results confirm that systemic 6-OHDA dosing to nonhuman primates induces cardiac sympathetic neurodegeneration and loss of catecholaminergic enzymes in the adrenal medulla, and suggests that this model can be used as a platform to evaluate disease-modifying strategies aiming to induce peripheral neuroprotection.  相似文献   

The increasing debate and restrictions on primate research have prompted many surveys about their status. However, there is a lack of information regarding strepsirrhine primates in the literature. This study provides an overview of research on strepsirrhines in captivity by analyzing scientific articles published from 2010 to 2013 and assessing publicly available government reports in Europe and the United States. Data on taxonomy, country, research area, research class, and type of institution were extracted. The 174 qualifying articles showed that species in the Galagidae and Cheirogaleidae families were used more often in invasive studies of neuroscience and metabolism, while the most commonly used species in noninvasive studies of behavior and cognition were true lemurs (family Lemuridae). France conducted the greatest number of invasive research projects, and the Duke Lemur Center was the institution with the most noninvasive studies. This study investigates how strepsirrhines are used in captive research and identifies issues in need of further review, which suggest that increased participation by the scientific community in the monitoring of strepsirrhine research is warranted.  相似文献   

Multilevel (or modular) societies are a distinct type of primate social system whose key features are single-male–multifemale, core units nested within larger social bands. They are not equivalent to fission–fusion societies, with the latter referring to routine variability in associations, either on an individual or subunit level. The purpose of this review is to characterize and operationalize multilevel societies and to outline their putative evolutionary origins. Multilevel societies are prevalent in three primate clades: papionins, Asian colobines, and hominins. For each clade, we portray the most parsimonious phylogenetic pathway leading to a modular system and then review and discuss likely socioecological conditions promoting the establishment and maintenance of these societies. The multilevel system in colobines (most notably Rhinopithecus and Nasalis) has likely evolved as single-male harem systems coalesced, whereas the multilevel system of papionins (Papio hamadryas, Theropithecus gelada) and hominins most likely arose as multimale–multifemale groups split into smaller units. We hypothesize that, although ecological conditions acted as preconditions for the origin of multilevel systems in all three clades, a potentially important catalyst was intraspecific social threat, predominantly bachelor threat in colobines and female coercion/infanticide in papionins and humans. We emphasize that female transfers within bands or genetic relationships among leader males help to maintain modular societies by facilitating interunit tolerance. We still lack a good or even basic understanding of many facets of multilevel sociality. Key remaining questions are how the genetic structure of a multilevel society matches the observed social effort of its members, to what degree cooperation of males of different units is manifest and contributes to band cohesion, and how group coordination, communication, and decision making are achieved. Affiliative and cooperative interunit relations are a hallmark of human societies, and studying the precursors of intergroup pacification in other multilevel primates may provide insights into the evolution of human uniqueness.  相似文献   

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