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Background and Aims Flower colour varies within and among populations of the Rocky Mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea, in conjunction with the abundance of its two major pollinators, hawkmoths and bumble-bees. This study seeks to understand whether the choice of flower colour by these major pollinators can help explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea populations.Methods Dual choice assays and experimental arrays of blue and white flowers were used to determine the preference of hawkmoths and bumble-bees for flower colour. A test was made to determine whether a differential preference for flower colour, with bumble-bees preferring blue and hawkmoths white flowers, could explain the variation in flower colour. Whether a single pollinator could maintain a flower colour polymorphism was examined by testing to see if preference for a flower colour varied between day and dusk for hawkmoths and whether bumble-bees preferred novel or rare flower colour morphs.Key Results Hawkmoths preferred blue flowers under both day and dusk light conditions. Naïve bumble-bees preferred blue flowers but quickly learned to forage randomly on the two colour morphs when similar rewards were presented in the flowers. Bees quickly learned to associate a flower colour with a pollen reward. Prior experience affected the choice of flower colour by bees, but they did not preferentially visit novel flower colours or rare or common colour morphs.Conclusions Differences in flower colour preference between the two major pollinators could not explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea. The preference of hawkmoths for flower colour did not change between day and dusk, and bumble-bees did not prefer a novel or a rare flower colour morph. The data therefore suggest that factors other than pollinators may be more likely to affect the flower colour variation observed in A. coerulea.  相似文献   

The strength and direction of natural selection on floral traits can vary spatially and temporally because of variation in the biotic and abiotic environment. High spatial variation in selection should lead to differentiation of floral traits among populations. In contrast, high temporal variation in selection should retard the evolution of population-specific floral phenotypes. To determine the relative importance of spatial vs. temporal variation in natural selection, we measured phenotypic selection on seven floral traits of the wildflowers Lobelia cardinalis and L. siphilitica in 1999 and 2000. Lobelia cardinalis experienced significant temporal variation in selection, whereas L. siphilitica experienced spatial variation in selection on the same traits. This variation in selection on floral traits was associated with spatial and temporal differences in the soil microenvironment. Although few studies of natural selection include spatial or temporal replicates, our results suggest that such replication is critical for understanding the distribution of phenotypes in nature.  相似文献   

气孔是陆生植物与外界环境进行水分和气体交换的主要通道,控制着植物的光合作用和蒸腾过程。植物往往通过多种性状的组合来适应变化的环境,叶片功能性状之间的紧密关系已经在不同尺度得到证实。然而,植物气孔特征与叶片其它功能性状是否存在关联性以及这种关联性是否会受到环境变化梯度的影响仍鲜少报道。沿长白山北坡6个海拔梯度,测定了150种植物的气孔特征和叶片功能性状。结果发现,气孔密度(SD)与比叶面积(SLA)负相关,与单位面积的叶氮含量(N_(area))正相关;除了SLA和N_(area)外,气孔长度(SL)与SLA、叶片厚度(LT)和单位质量的叶氮含量(N_(mass))均存在显著的相关性(P0.05)。然而,气孔特征与叶片功能性状的相关性只在部分海拔梯度存在。此外,发现SD与SL之间存在稳定一致的负相关关系。这些结果表明,植物气孔特征与叶片形态和化学特征对环境变化的适应存在一定的协同变异性,但这种关系不具有普适性,主要与气孔特征和叶片功能性状的选择压力存在差异以及物种分布范围相关。未来仍需要在更多物种和不同区域内来验证气孔特征与植物功能性状之间的关联关系。  相似文献   

Although there are many reasons to expect distinct pollinator types to differentially affect a plant's reproductive success, few studies have directly examined this question. Here, we contrast the impact of two kinds of pollinators on reproductive success via male and female functions in the Rocky Mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea . We set up pollinator exclusion treatments in each of three patches where Aquilegia plants were visited by either day pollinators (majority bumble bees), by evening pollinators (hawkmoths), or by both (control). Day pollinators collected pollen and groomed, whereas evening pollinators collected nectar but did not groom. Maternal parents, potential fathers and progeny arrays were genotyped at five microsatellite loci. We estimated female outcrossing rate and counted seeds to measure female reproductive success and used paternity analysis to determine male reproductive success. Our results document that bumble bees frequently moved pollen among patches of plants and that, unlike hawkmoths, pollen moved by bumble bees sired more outcrossed seeds when it remained within a patch as opposed to moving between patches. Pollinator type differentially affected the outcrossing rate but not seed set, the number of outcrossed seeds or overall male reproductive success. Multiple visits to a plant and more frequent visits by bumble bees could help to explain the lack of impact of pollinator type on overall reproductive success. The increase in selfing rate with hawkmoths likely resulted from the abundant pollen available in experimental flowers. Our findings highlighted a new type of pollinator interactions that can benefit a plant species.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined data from our own and published collections of intertidal and shallow littoral fishes of the North American Pacific Coast with respect to temporal and spatial trends in species composition and dominance. We compared (1) recent and past intertidal collections made five and seven years apart, respectively, for two California localities, (2) intertidal collections from twelve localities in California, Oregon, and British Columbia, and (3) intertidal versus subtidal collections at one California locality. Temporal comparisons indicated substantially lower abundance of the cottid Oligocottus snyderi at two California localities during 1984, at one locality due to depressed abundance of young. Interannual differences in abundances suggested that other tidepool fish assemblages undergo significant changes as well. Geographical comparisons indicated general similarity in species composition, with cottids predominating in tidepools although several other families also were well represented (e.g., Stichaeidae, Scorpaenidae). Eel-shaped stichaeids and pholids occurred at high densities in exposed boulder fields. Both the tidepool and boulder field assemblages showed north-south changes in species abundances. Comparison of collections from the intertidal and subtidal zones at one California locality demonstrated that fishes of these habitats form two essentially distinct assemblages, with most species restricted to or concentrated in one or the other habitat.  相似文献   

Strong covariation among traits suggests the presence of constraints on their independent evolution due to pleiotropy, to linkage, or to selective forces that maintain particular trait combinations. We examined floral trait covariation among individuals, among maternal families within and across populations, and over time, in greenhouse-raised plants of the autogamous Spergularia marina. We had three aims. First, since the phenotype of traits expressed by modular organs often changes as individuals age, estimates of the degree of genetic covariation between such traits may also change over time. To seek evidence for this, we measured weekly (for five weeks) an array of floral traits among plants representing ~ 10 maternal families from each of four populations. The statistical significance of the phenotypic and among-family correlations among traits changed over time. Second, we compared populations with respect to trait covariation to determine whether populations or traits appear to be evolving independently of one another. Differences observed among populations suggest that they have diverged genetically. Third, we sought correlations that might reflect constraints on the independent evolution of floral traits. Investment in another and ovule production per flower vary independently among maternal families; there was no evidence for a “trade-off” between male and female investment. We propose that in autogamous taxa one should not find a negative correlation between pollen and ovule production per flower, as such taxa cannot evolve sexual specialization and should be under strong selection to maintain an efficient pollen:ovule ratio, preventing the evolution of male-biased or female-biased genotypes. We found that other pairs of floral traits, however, expressed highly signficant correlation coefficients, suggesting the presence of some evolutionary constraints, at least within some populations, although their strength depended on exactly when flowers were sampled.  相似文献   

Fruit selection, i.e., the consumption of fruits disproportionately to their availability, results from the interaction between diet preferences and ecological factors that modify them. We assessed the importance of functional fruit traits to explain fruit selection by birds in Andean subtropical forests, taking into account temporal variation in trait distribution in the assembly of available fruits. During 2 yr, we measured the abundance of ripe fruits and their consumption by birds in a 6‐ha plot during 11 bimonthly samplings, and we used 17 phenological, morphological, and nutritional traits to characterize fruits selected by four bird species. Fruit selection was pervasive year‐round, highly variable over time and across bird species. Fruit species were selected over time periods shorter than their ripening phenology, and the selection of fruits with particular traits was specific to the fruit‐eating species. Maximization in pulp reward per consumed fruit seems to be the main driving force behind fruit selection, indicating that birds select fruits with traits that directly affect net energy gain. Our results can be interpreted in a framework of a hierarchy of foraging decisions, under which the spatiotemporal context of the fruiting environment modifies the relative intake rates of a particular fruit, while the ability to discriminate fruit contents becomes increasingly important on a smaller dimension. We show that fruit‐selection properties are contingent on specific fruit traits and particular spatiotemporal conditions, which modify the structure of mutualistic interactions.  相似文献   

Aim The historical variability of fire regimes must be understood in the context of drivers of the occurrence of fire operating at a range of spatial scales from local site conditions to broad‐scale climatic variation. In the present study we examine fire history and variations in the fire regime at multiple spatial and temporal scales for subalpine forests of Engelmann spruce–subalpine fir (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) of the southern Rocky Mountains. Location The study area is the subalpine zone of spruce–fir and lodgepole pine forests in the southern sector of Rocky Mountain National Park (ROMO), Colorado, USA, which straddles the continental divide of the northern Colorado Front Range (40°20′ N and 105°40′ W). Methods We used a combination of dendroecological and Geographic Information System methods to reconstruct fire history, including fire year, severity and extent at the forest patch level, for c. 30,000 ha of subalpine forest. We aggregated fire history information at appropriate spatial scales to test for drivers of the fire regime at local, meso, and regional scales. Results The fire histories covered c. 30,000 ha of forest and were based on a total of 676 partial cross‐sections of fire‐scarred trees and 6152 tree‐core age samples. The subalpine forest fire regime of ROMO is dominated by infrequent, extensive, stand‐replacing fire events, whereas surface fires affected only 1–3% of the forested area. Main conclusions Local‐scale influences on fire regimes are reflected by differences in the relative proportions of stands of different ages between the lodgepole pine and spruce–fir forest types. Lodgepole pine stands all originated following fires in the last 400 years; in contrast, large areas of spruce–fir forests consisted of stands not affected by fire in the past 400 years. Meso‐scale influences on fire regimes are reflected by fewer but larger fires on the west vs. east side of the continental divide. These differences appear to be explained by less frequent and severe drought on the west side, and by the spread of fires from lower‐elevation mixed‐conifer montane forests on the east side. Regional‐scale climatic variation is the primary driver of infrequent, large fire events, but its effects are modulated by local‐ and meso‐scale abiotic and biotic factors. The low incidence of fire during the period of fire‐suppression policy in the twentieth century is not unique in comparison with the previous 300 years of fire history. There is no evidence that fire suppression has resulted in either the fire regime or current forest conditions being outside their historic ranges of variability during the past 400 years. Furthermore, in the context of fuel treatments to reduce fire hazard, regardless of restoration goals, the association of extremely large and severe fires with infrequent and exceptional drought calls into question the future effectiveness of tree thinning to mitigate fire hazard in the subalpine zone.  相似文献   

Buide ML 《Annals of botany》2004,94(3):441-448
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intraspecific variation in floral components and reproductive success is often located at the intra-individual level. The arrangement of flowers within inflorescences may explain a great deal of this variation. The variation in number of ovules, fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, seed set, seed weight and seed germination is investigated at different positions within the inflorescence of Silene acutifolia. METHODS: Data were obtained in natural populations, and germination experiments were conducted in a germination chamber. KEY RESULTS: The number of ovules, fruit set, number of seeds, seed set and seed weight, showed a significant decline from early (primary) position to later (tertiary) position. The patterns of intra-inflorescence variation were consistent in different populations and years of study. Seed germination showed an opposite pattern, seeds from primary position showed the lowest germination percentages and seeds from tertiary position the highest, although the effect of position on germination was only marginally significant. There was significant among-population variation in number of ovules per flower. Fruit set also varied significantly among populations, with lower fruit set in the smaller and more isolated population. No significant among-population differences were detected in number of seeds per fruit and seed set. Seeds from the smallest and more isolated population (Arnado) were the lightest. Seed germination showed strong differences between populations, seeds from Arnado started to germinate later, and showed the lowest final germination percentages. CONCLUSIONS: Architectural effects or resource competition are the most commonly proposed hypothesis to explain these patterns. Data suggest that there is less pollen available to pollinate tertiary flowers, and that there is not enough outcross pollen in Arnado. The germination percentages suggest that there is variation in the source of pollen within inflorescences, with high probability of receiving outcross pollen in flowers from primary position, and higher probability of geitonogamous crosses in tertiary flowers.  相似文献   

Lambrecht SC  Dawson TE 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):574-583
Variation in flower size is an important aspect of a plant’s life history, yet few studies have shown how flower size varies with environmental conditions and to what extent foliar responses to the environment are correlated with flower size. The objectives of this study were to (1) develop a theoretical framework for linking flower size and leaf size to their costs and benefits, as assessed using foliar stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) under varying degrees of water limitation, and then (2) examine how variation in flower size within and among species growing along a naturally occurring moisture availability gradient correlates with variation in δ13C and leaf size. Five plant species were examined at three sites in Oregon. Intra- and inter-specific patterns of flower size in relation to moisture availability were the same: the ratios of the area of flower display to total leaf area and of individual flower area to leaf area were greater at sites with more soil moisture compared to those sites with less soil moisture. The increase in flower area per unit increase in leaf area was greater at sites with more soil moisture than at sites where water deficit can occur. Values of δ13C, an index of water-use efficiency, were greater for plants with larger floral size. The patterns we observed generalize across species, irrespective of overall plant morphology or pollination system. These correlations between flower size, moisture availability, and δ13C suggest that water loss from flowers can influence leaf responses to the environment, which in turn may indirectly mediate an effect on flower size. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that associations among plant functional traits may differ within different ecological assemblages and plant communities. Association among plant traits including plant maximum height, seed weight, fruit type, pollination mode, mean leaf area, and leaf type were explored within life forms, plant strategy groups along with lowland and montane forest vegetation. In total, 83 sampling plots of 400 m2 were placed along a 2400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian forest. Importance‐values of species within vegetation types were used for weighting data and trait associations were explored using categorical principal component analysis. A G‐test and Fisher's exact test of independence were used to retest significance of the correlations. Different paired trait associations (association lines) including height–leaf, height–seed, height–pollination, leaf–seed, seed–fruit and fruit–pollination were observed and their ecological or physiological basis was discussed. Life forms, strategy types and vegetation types differed based on association lines. Some of the well‐known trade‐offs appear by increasing scale from ecological groups to vegetation types in Hyrcanian forest. The observed patterns of trait associations in Hyrcanian forest and several other ecosystems of the world call the generality of previously accepted trait correlations into question.  相似文献   

Buide ML 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):289-297
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The floral display influences the composition of pollinators interacting with a plant species. Geographic and temporal variation in pollinator composition complicates the understanding of the evolutionary consequences of floral display variation. This paper analyses the relationships between Silene acutifolia, a hermaphroditic perennial herb, and its pollinators, based on field studies in the north-west of Spain. METHODS: Studies were conducted over three years (1997-1999). Firstly, the main pollinators of this species were determined for two years in one population. Secondly, pollen limitation in fruit and seed production was analysed by supplementary hand pollinations, and counting the pollen grains and tubes growing in styles for two different-sized populations. Finally, the effect of flower size and number on the rate of visitation and total seed number was examined for 15 marked plants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The primary pollinators were long-tongued insects, including Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, but the composition and visitation frequencies differed between years. Pollen limitation occurred in one of the years of study. There was between-population variation in the number of pollen grains and pollen tubes found in styles, suggesting pollen limitation in one population. Overall, pollinators visited plants with more open flowers more frequently, and pollinated more flowers within these plants. Conversely, petal and calyx sizes had no effect on insect visitation. Plants with higher rates of visits produced higher number of seeds, suggesting that pollinator-mediated limitation of seed and fruit production may be important in some years.  相似文献   

Floral evolution often involves suites of traits, including morphology, colour and scent, but these traits are seldom analysed together in comparative studies. We investigated the associations between floral traits and pollination systems in Schizochilus, a southern African orchid genus with small nectar-producing flowers that has not been studied previously with respect to pollination biology. Field observations indicated the presence of distinct pollination systems in the four species which occur in the Drakensberg, including pollination by muscid flies in Schizochilus angustifolius, tachinid flies in Schizochilus zeyheri, various small flies in Schizochilus bulbinella and bees and wasps in Schizochilus flexuosus. Pollination success and pollen transfer efficiency clearly differed among the four species but were not correlated with the quantity of nectar rewards. Multivariate analysis of floral morphology and floral scent chemistry based on GC-MS data revealed significant differences among species as well as populations within species. The floral scent of S. angustifolius was dominated by the benzenoid compounds benzaldehyde and phenylacetaldehyde. Samples of one population of S. bulbinella were relatively similar to S. angustifolius but samples of another population were very distinct due to the occurrence of the nitrogen-containing compounds 3-methyl-butyl aldoxime (syn/anti) and the higher amounts of aliphatic esters, alcohols and acids. In contrast, the floral scent of S. flexuosus and S. zeyheri was characterized by high relative amounts of methyl benzoate. We conclude that Schizochilus has distinct, specialized pollination systems associated with subtle but significant variation in floral morphology and scent chemistry. We also caution that sampling of several populations may be required to characterize floral scent composition at the species-level in plants.  相似文献   

Inflorescence architecture directly determines variations in floral traits and fecundity. Disentangling these patterns of variation is crucial to understanding intraplant variation, which sometimes is directly attributed to competition for resources with developing fruits. The dichasial cymes of Silene acutifolia were experimentally manipulated in the field to analyze whether the declines in petal size, ovule number, fruit set, and seed/ovule ratio along the inflorescence are constrained by ontogenetic development or are phenotypically plastic in response to environmental changes. At the same time, the level of pollen deficit was measured on different positions of the dichasia. The results showed clearly that all measured variables were more influenced by architecture than by resource competition with developing fruits; the removal of central (basal) and primary lateral flowers in the dichasia did not increase either the measures of floral characters or fecundity. On the other hand, although most of the decline in fecundity was due to architectural effects, there was also a pollen limitation, dependent to some degree on inflorescence position, which was probably due to lower pollen availability in the population when secondary flowers are in the female phase.  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is to illustrate how four apparently unrelated classes of variables — dental, perceptual, ethnic origin, and other — can be comprehended within a single parsimonious space, even though some of the measures were qualitative, others quantitative. Thirty-five hundred Israeli villagers of varied ethnic origin were examined on several aspects of oral epidemiology, a battery of tests relating to estimation of number, and miscellaneous traits, including eye colour, tasting PTC, tongue rolling, etc. Significant differences between the six Jewish groups — Yemen, Cochin, Kurdistan, Libya, Berber, and Djerba — were found in the scores of most variables. By the use of the Smallest Space Analysis, distances were established between the different ethnic groups which took into account the complex interrelations in each of 3,500 individual subjects of all 45 categories of 16 variables. A three-dimensional model of the interrelations between the ethnic groups and the trait categories was constructed from the 45 sets of coordinates which resulted from the iterative computer procedure. The ethnic group pairs at greatest distance from each other were found to be Kurdistan:Cochin, then Kurdistan:Djerba, followed by Djerba:Yemen. It is suggested that multivariate analyses of the type presented here, and including interrelations between genetic markers, anthropometric and behavioral variables, would deepen our understanding of the present structure and possible backgrounds of populations of diverse origins.  相似文献   

Pollinator-mediated natural selection has been shown to act on phenotypic variation in floral morphology, and this variation has often been demonstrated to be heritable, but few details are available concerning the sources of floral variation. We examined phenotypic variation in seven floral traits in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) at six levels: between two populations grown in a common garden, among plants within populations, among flowers measured on different weeks, between flowers on two flowering stalks measured on the same day, between adjacent flowers on a flowering stalk, and within individual flowers. There were no significant differences between plants derived from the two source populations, which were ~800 km apart. Most of the variance was within individual plants; repeatabilities were all <0.35. There were highly significant differences between flowers measured in different weeks and also highly significant plant by week interactions, indicating that the among-plant variation was not consistent over time. There was substantial variance among adjacent flowers on the same stalk, particularly in the gynoecium. This high within-plant variance is partly responsible for the low heritability of floral traits in the field and the weak selection on floral traits found in previous studies of wild radish.  相似文献   

Potential key functional floral traits are assessed in the species‐rich early divergent angiosperm family Annonaceae. Pollinators (generally beetles) are attracted by various cues (particularly visual, olfactory, and thermogenic), with pollinators rewarded by nectar (generally as stigmatic exudate), heat, and protection within the partially enclosed floral chamber. Petals sometimes function as pollinator brood sites, although this could be deceptive. Annonaceae species are self‐compatible, with outcrossing promoted by a combination of protogyny, herkogamy, floral synchrony, and dicliny. Pollination efficiency is enhanced by pollen aggregation, changes in anthesis duration, and pollinator trapping involving a close alignment between petal movements and the circadian rhythms of pollinators. Most Annonaceae flowers are apocarpous, with syncarpy restricted to very few lineages; fertilization is therefore optimized by intercarpellary growth of pollen tubes, either by stigmatic exudate (suprastylar extragynoecial compitum) or possibly the floral receptacle (infrastylar extragynoecial compitum). Although Annonaceae lack a distinct style, the stigmas in several lineages are elongated to form “pseudostyles” that are hypothesized to function as sites for pollen competition. Flowers can be regarded as immature fruits in which the ovules are yet to be fertilized, with floral traits that may have little selective advantage during anthesis theoretically promoting fruit and seed dispersal. The plesiomorphic apocarpous trait may have been perpetuated in Annonaceae flowers as it promotes the independent dispersal of fruit monocarps (derived from separate carpels), thereby maximizing the spatial/temporal distance between seedlings. This might compensate for the lack of genetic diversity among seeds within fruits arising from the limited diversity of pollen donors.  相似文献   

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