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Three new species of Huffmanela, here described from eggs only, are reported from the gills of marine fish caught off Nouméa, New Caledonia. Eggs of Huffmanela branchialis n. sp., from Nemipterus furcosus (Nemipteridae), are 45-52 (mean 48) microm in length and 23-30 (mean 25) microm in width, with thin shells. Each egg is enclosed in a thin membrane forming a spindle-shaped envelope 53-85 (mean 63) microm in length. Eggs of H. filamentosa n. sp., from Gymnocranius grandoculis (Lethrinidae), are 48-53 (mean 50) microm in length and 25-30 (mean 27) microm in width, with thin shells. Each egg bears a few long (150 microm), thin filaments. Eggs of these two new species were compared to those of H. paronai Moravec & Garibaldi, 2000, which are redescribed. Eggs of H. ossicola n. sp. were found within the branchial arch bone of Bodianus loxozonus (Labridae) and also filled the spinal chord bone and other bones. This is the first species of Huffmanela reported from bone tissue. Eggs are large, 72-88 (mean 79) microm in length and 32-40 (mean 36) microm in width, with a very thick shell. Each egg is covered with numerous filaments enclosed in a thin envelope. Fresh eggs were unembryonated, but embryos were visible after incubation in seawater. The three new species can be distinguished from other species of Huffmanela by size and the nature of the egg covering. Egg morphology of and their location in the host suggest different life-cycles: those of the first two species (small eggs, thin shells, egg covering possibly favouring flotation) are released from the gill mucosa with the turnover of living tissues and immediately continue their life-cycle, but eggs of H. ossicola (large eggs, thick shell) are only available for the continuation of the life-cycle after the host's death.  相似文献   

A new dracunculoid genus and species, Moravecia australiensis, is described from gill-filaments of the green porcupine fish Tragulichthys jaculiferus (Cuvier) (Tetraodontiformes: Diodontidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Abundant mobile larvae and a few adult males with females occurred in the gill-filament between the epithelial basement membrane and efferent artery. Gills of all 69 fish examined contained larvae. Eleven harboured adult nematodes of a previously undescribed species belonging to the family Guyanemidae. The new species is placed within a newly proposed genus because it differs from the four existing genera in the family in possessing fine cuticular transverse striations, two forward protruding cephalic elevations, a circumoral elevation, a small triangular mouth surrounded by six cephalic papillae arranged in two lateral clusters of three each and a pair of large lateral amphids. Males have two pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae supporting the caudal alae. A key to the genera of the Guyanemidae is presented.  相似文献   

The dracunculoid nematode Philonema oncorhynchi Kuitunen-Ekbaum, 1933 is redescribed from specimens collected from three species of anadromous Pacific salmon, i.e. Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), O. kisutch (Walbaum) and O. nerka (Walbaum), from Japan, North Pacific Ocean and eastern Russia (Kamchatka), respectively. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of hitherto undescribed cuticular ornamentations on the male caudal end and made it possible to establish the numbers, distribution and shape of cephalic and caudal papillae in the male, which are hardly visible under a light microscope; two horn-like protrusions and a median pre-anal papilla situated on the anterior cloacal lip were not previously described in this species. The necessity of detailed morphological studies on Philonema spp. parasitic in salmonids for the clarification of their taxonomy is stressed.  相似文献   

Gravid females of the nematode Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), a parasite of gonads of marine perciform fishes, were found in wild and cultured dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe) from waters near the Balear Islands (Spain, Mediterranean Sea) and Sicily (Italy, Thyrrenean Sea), and in the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso) in Croatia (south-eastern Adriatic Sea). In wild E. marginatus in Spain, the overall prevalence was 21% and the intensity of infection 1 nematode per fish. The nematodes are briefly described and illustrated. The species Sanguinofilaria jordanoi López-Neyra, 1951, described from the ovary of Epinephelus gigas Brünich from Morocco, is synonymized with P. lateolabracis. This is the first documented record of P. lateolabracis from fishes of the Mediterranean region and its finding in S. dumerili represents a new host record. The possible importance of this pathogenic parasite for cultures of marine perciform fishes in the region is stressed.  相似文献   

Eight species of Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) have been reported from South America in rodents of the Sigmodontinae, only 1 of which has been recorded in Argentina. Syphacia (Syphacia) carlitosi n. sp. is described from the ceca of Akodon azarae bibianae and Akodon azarae hunteri (Sigmodontinae: Akodontini) captured in 3 provinces in the northeast region of Argentina. The new species is differentiated principally by the shape of the cephalic plate; distribution of submedian papillae and amphids; presence, extent, and shape of cervical alae in females; absence of lateral alae; absence of deirids; spicular and gubernaculum length; shape and structure of accessory hook of gubernaculum; and distance of mamelons, excretory pore, and vulva from the anterior extremity. This is the second record of Syphacia parasitizing rodents of the tribe Akodontini.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe 2 new species of Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871 (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), found in fishes from southern Chile. Ascarophis carvajali n. sp. was found in Austrolycus depressiceps and Patagonotothen cornucola, whereas Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was taken from Champsocephalus gunnari. These new Ascarophis species differ from other species in a combination of several morphometric and morphological characteristics. Although A. carvajali n. sp. was morphologically close to Ascarophis minuta, the new species has a larger ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus, filaments on both egg poles, and a shorter right spicule than A. minuta. Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was morphologically similar to Ascarophis adioryx and Ascarophisfiliformis. However, A. adioryx has eggs without filaments, a smaller ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus length, and a smaller ratio between left and right spicule lengths in contrast to A. draconi n. sp., whereas A. filiformis has a shorter glandular esophagus and left spicule length than A. draconi n. sp. Only 1 Ascarophis species has been recorded in a single fish from Chile (i.e., Ascarophis sebastodis in Sebastes capensis). Consequently, this study constitutes not only new species and records of Ascarophis in fishes from Chile, but also new records for the Pacific coast of South America.  相似文献   

Capillaria (Procapillaria) navoneae n. sp. is described from the congrid fish Conger orbignianus from waters off Mar del Plata, Argentina (38 degrees 08'S, 57 degrees 32'W) (prevalence 29.17%, mean intensity +/- SD 6.07 +/- 6.59). The new species is assigned to the subgenus Procapillaria Moravec, 1987, despite the absence of vulvar appendages in gravid females. Of the 3 species so far known in the subgenus, the new one most closely resembles C. (P.) margolisi, from which it is distinguished by lacking a medial expansion in the spicule and a slightly elevated anterior lip of vulva, and by having a shorter esophagus, a larger number of stichocytes, and a shorter tail.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus morerai n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) is described from the pulmonary arteries of Azara's grass mouse Akodon azarae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Argentina. It is distinguished from its congeners principally by the morphology of the dorsal ray, which is as long, or longer, than the externodorsals and has 2 long branches; the spicule lengths are also greater (400-465 microm). This is the first record of a metastrongyloid from sigmodontine rodents in Argentina.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species of the family Cystidicolidae, each representing a new genus, were recovered from marine perciform fishes off New Caledonia, South Pacific: Ascarophisnema tridentatum n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the Japanese large-eye bream, Gymnocranius euanus (Günther) (Lethrinidae) and Metabronemoides mirabilis n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the painted sweetlip, Diagramma pictum (Thunberg) (Haemulidae). Ascarophisnema is characterized mainly by its cephalic structures (presence of two tooth-like projections on either side of the base of each pseudolabium, dorsal and ventral inner extensions of each pseudolabium recurved laterally in apical view, and submedian sublabia fused together dorsally and ventrally) and the presence of trident-like deirids, and Metabronemoides by its unique cephalic structures (presence of one dorsal and one ventral labium and four large dorsolateral and ventrolateral labia, and absence of sublabia). Rhabdochona gymnocranius (considered a species inquirenda) is provisionally transferred to the former genus as Ascarophisnema gymnocranius (Yamaguti, 1935) n. comb. To date, a total of seven species of cystidicolids are reported from marine fishes off New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Species of Trichuris (Nematoda:Trichuridae) parasitize a broad range of mammalian hosts. To date, 21 Trichuris species infecting nine families of rodents have been found in North and South America. Trichuris navonae n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens recovered from a species of forest-dwelling mice, Akodon montensis (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae), from nine localities of Misiones Province, Argentina. A comparison with all the species of Trichuris from North and South American rodents is given. The separation of the new species of Trichuris is based on morphologic and morphometrica features, such as the absence of a spicular tube, the presence of a cylindrical spicular sheath with sharp spines, a non-protrusive vulva, a long anterior-posterior portion of the body, a lengthy spicule, and a proximal and distal cloacal tube. This is the third record of this genus in rodents of the Sigmodontinae from Argentina and the fifth record from South American rodents. Despite the large number of potential host species, only about 1.9% of sigmodontine rodent species have been reported as hosts of Trichuris spp. It is suggested that this number represents but a small fraction of Trichuris spp. that occur in sigmodontine rodents, and that additional survey of this group should yield additional species.  相似文献   

Aplectana novaeguineae n. sp. (Ascaridida, Cosmocercidae) from the intestines of Sphenomorphus pratti (Squamata: Scincidae) is described and illustrated. Aplectana novaeguineae n. sp. represents the 48th species assigned to the genus and the 5th species of the genus reported from the Australo-Papuan region. It is most similar to Aplectana leesi, Aplectana linstowi , and Aplectana krausi in that females of only these 4 species exhibit a swollen anterior vulvar lip. These 4 species may be separated by spicule length and caudal papillae arrangement. Spicules of A. linstowi and A. krausi are less than 200 μm in length, A. leesi between 200 and 250 μm, and A novaeguineae greater than 400 μm. Aplectana linstowi possesses 18 post cloacal papillae, A. leesi and A. krausi each possess 10, and A. novaeguineae possesses 8. In addition, Paraleptonema ranae has been assigned to Aplectana as Aplectana fujianae nom. nov.  相似文献   

Falcaustra kinsellai n. sp. from the intestines of the turtle Heosemys grandis is described and illustrated. Falcaustra kinsellai represents the 30th Oriental species assigned to the genus and is distinguished from other species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae (6 precloacal, 6 adcloacal, 10 postcloacal, and 1 median), length of spicules (427-451 microm), presence of a pseudosucker, and presence of a toothed chamber between vestibule and pharynx.  相似文献   

Morphological and osteological development of the flathead,Percophis brasiliensis, is described based on specimens collected from southeastern Brazilian waters. Identification of larvae was based on pigment pattern and meristic counts. Distinct melanophores were present on the bottom of the hindbrain, between the bases of the pelvic fins and on the bases of the pectoral fins. Within the family Percophididae onlyPercophis brasiliensis has 57 myomeres, which result in the larvae having an elongated body form. The larval pigment pattern and structure of the caudal complex suggest that the subfamilies Percophinae and Bembropinae are phylogenetically close, while the Hemerocoetinae belong to an advanced group within the family.  相似文献   

Falcaustra odaiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Cosmocercoidea: Kathlaniidae) is described from the Japanese clawed salamander, Onychodactylus japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782), and Ishizuchi salamander, Hynobius hirosei Lantz, 1931 (Caudata: Hynobiidae), in Japan. This nematode is characterized by having multiple pseudosuckers in the male. It resembles Falcaustra araxiana, Falcaustra duyagi, Falcaustra lambdiensis, Falcaustra pillaii, Falcaustra siamensis, and Falcaustra washingtonensis, but is readily distinguished by the spicule length and/or egg size. This is the first Falcaustra species described from Japanese salamanders.  相似文献   

Raillietnema nanus n. sp. from the intestines of the skink Carlia mysi (Scincidae) from Morobe Province, Paupa New Guinea, is described and illustrated. It is the 23rd species assigned to the genus and first species of Raillietnema to be reported from the Australian biogeographical realm. It is the ninth species with a lizard type host and is distinguished from other species by its short body length, small egg size, and number of caudal papillae in the male. An initial parasite list of R. nanus and the nematode Physalopteroides milnensis is established for C. mysi.  相似文献   

Spauligodon zweifeli n. sp. (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) from the large intestines of a gecko, Lepidodactylus novaeguineae (Sauria: Gekkonidae), is described and illustrated. Prevalence of infection was 57% (mean intensity 8.5, range 1-23). Spauligodon zweifeli n. sp. is the 43rd species to be assigned to this genus and differs from other species in the genus by possessing asymmetrical fusiform eggs in which the ends are extended as digitiform processes. It is the second species to be described from the Australian biogeographical realm.  相似文献   

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