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Photoreceptor cells were enzymatically dissociated from the eye of the file clam, Lima scabra. Micrographs of solitary cells reveal a villous rhabdomeric lobe, a smooth soma, and a heavily pigmented intermediate region. Membrane voltage recordings using patch electrodes show resting potentials around -60 mV. Input resistance ranges from 300 M omega to greater than 1 G omega, while membrane capacitance is of the order of 50-70 pF. In darkness, quantum bumps occur spontaneously and their frequency can be increased by dim continuous illumination in a fashion graded with light intensity. Stimulation with flashes of light produces a depolarizing photoresponse which is usually followed by a transient hyperpolarization if the stimulus is sufficiently intense. Changing the membrane potential with current-clamp causes the early phase to invert around +10 mV, while the hyperpolarizing dip disappears around -80 mV. With bright light, the biphasic response is followed by an additional depolarizing wave, often accompanied by a burst of action potentials. Both Na and Ca ions are required in the extracellular solution for normal photoexcitation: the response to flashes of moderate intensity is greatly degraded either when Na is replaced with Tris, or when Ca is substituted with Mg. By contrast, quantum bumps elicited by dim, sustained light are not affected by Ca removal, but they are markedly suppressed in a reversible way in 0 Na sea water. It was concluded that the generation of the receptor potential is primarily dependent on Na ions, whereas Ca is probably involved in a voltage-dependent process that shapes the photoresponse. Light adaptation by repetitive flashes leads to a decrease of the depolarizing phase and a concomitant enhancement of the hyperpolarizing dip, eventually resulting in a purely hyperpolarizing photoresponse. Dark adaptation restores the original biphasic shape of the photoresponse.  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA) of anthrax toxin binds cellular receptors and forms pores in target cell membranes, through which catalytic lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF) are believed to translocate to the cytoplasm. Using patch clamp electrophysiological techniques, we assayed pore formation by PA in real time on the surface of cultured cells. The membranes of CHO-K1 cells treated with activated PA had little to no electrical conductivity at neutral pH (7.3) but exhibited robust mixed ionic currents in response to voltage stimuli at pH 5.3. Pore formation depended on specific cellular receptors and exhibited voltage-dependent inactivation at large potentials (>60 mV). The pH requirement for pore formation was receptor-specific as membrane insertion occurs at significantly different pH values when measured in cells specifically expressing tumor endothelial marker 8 (TEM8) or capillary morphogenesis protein 2 (CMG2), the two known cellular receptors for anthrax toxin. Pores were inhibited by an N-terminal fragment of LF and by micromolar concentrations of tetrabutylammonium ions. These studies demonstrated basic biophysical properties of PA pores in cell membranes and served as a foundation for the study of LF and EF translocation in vivo.  相似文献   

Vomeronasal organs from female rats were dissociated and isolated microvillous receptor neurons were studied. The isolated receptor neurons kept the typical bipolar shape which they have in situ as observed by scanning electron microscopy. We applied the perforated patch-clamp technique using the cation-selective ionophore gramicidin on freshly isolated and well differentiated receptor neurons. The mean resting potential was -58+/-14 mV (n=39). The contribution of the sodium pump current to the resting potential was demonstrated by lowering the K+ concentration in the bath or by application of 100 microM dihydro-ouabain. The input resistance was in the range of 1-6 GOmega and depolarizing current pulses of a few pA were sufficient to trigger overshooting action potentials. In voltage clamp conditions a fast transient sodium inward current and a sustained outward potassium current were activated by membrane depolarization. These observations indicate that freshly isolated vomeronasal receptor neurons of rats can be recorded, using gramicidin, with little modification of the intracellular content. Their electrophysiological properties are very similar to those observed in situ. Four out of eight female vomeronasal receptor cells were depolarized by diluted rat male urine.   相似文献   

Evolution of the vertebrate eye: opsins, photoreceptors, retina and eye cup   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Charles Darwin appreciated the conceptual difficulty in accepting that an organ as wonderful as the vertebrate eye could have evolved through natural selection. He reasoned that if appropriate gradations could be found that were useful to the animal and were inherited, then the apparent difficulty would be overcome. Here, we review a wide range of findings that capture glimpses of the gradations that appear to have occurred during eye evolution, and provide a scenario for the unseen steps that have led to the emergence of the vertebrate eye.  相似文献   

Three types of receptor with different max of 360, 430, and 530 nm were found in the locust retina by extracellular recording. Their spectral sensitivity curves were considerably broader than the absorption curves of the corresponding pigments. Possible coefficients of electrical coupling between different receptor types in ommatidia were calculated on the basis of the spectral sensitivity curves obtained for photoreceptors, assuming that each receptor contains only one light-sensitive pigment. The resulting values resembled coefficients measured in the locust by Shaw and Lillywhite. The way in which spectral sensitivity curves spread in comparison with pigment absorption curves may thus be caused by electrical coupling between cells.Institute of Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 69–76, January–February, 1986.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors of the tropical bees Melipona quadrifasciata, M. marginata, and Trigona spinipes were measured on-line with a rapid constant response amplitude method. The results indicate that although these bees forage in different habitats they have the same set of photoreceptors with sensitivity maxima in ultra-violet, blue and green.  相似文献   

Two new iridoids, 1,3-dimethoxy-4,7-dimethyl-octahyhro-cyclopenta[c]pyran-6,7-diol (1) and isovillosol (2), together with two known compounds, were isolated from the roots of Patrinia scabra. Their structures were elucidated by different spectroscopic methods including IR, HRESIMS, 1D and 2D NMR experiments as well as X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Adult male crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) show a nocturnal circadian locomotor rhythm, which is driven by the pacemaker in the optic lamina-medulla complex and synchronizes to the light-dark (LD) cycle received by the compound eye. To see whether there was any specially differentiated circadian photoreceptor area in the eye, we examined the effect of a partial reduction of various areas of the compound eye, in addition to a removal of the contralateral optic lamina-medulla-compound eye complex, on entrainability of the locomotor rhythm. All operated animals showed a response to the LD cycle in their locomotor rhythm, no matter which area of the eye was left intact: They either stably entrained to an LD cycle or showed a sign of weak entrainment. The capacity for stable entrainment was still retained when only 262 ommatidia were left. Transient cycles needed for re-entrainment, following a 6-hr phase advance of the LD cycle, were measured in 20 reduced-eye animals showing clear stable entrainment. They were in inverse proportion to the number of ommatidia in the reduced eye: The fewer ommatidia there were, the more transient cycles were observed (r = -0.76, p less than 0.001). These results suggest that almost the whole area of the compound eye may contain circadian photoreceptors, and that the photic information from each ommatidium may additively affect the circadian clock to entrain via neural integration mechanisms.  相似文献   

Replicative polymerases of eukaryotes, prokaryotes and archaea obtain processivity using ring-shaped DNA sliding clamps that are loaded onto DNA by clamp loaders [replication factor C (RFC) in eukaryotes]. In this study, we cloned the two genes for the subunits of the RFC homologue of the euryarchaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. The proteins were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli both individually and as a complex. The afRFC subunits form a heteropentameric complex consisting of one copy of the large subunit and four copies of the small subunits. To analyse the functionality of afRFC, we also expressed the A.fulgidus PCNA homologue and a type B polymerase (PolB1) in E.coli. In primer extension assays, afRFC stimulated the processivity of afPolB1 in afPCNA-dependent reactions. Although the afRFC complex showed significant DNA-dependent ATPase activity, which could be further stimulated by afPCNA, neither of the isolated afRFC subunits showed this activity. However, both the large and small afRFC subunits showed interaction with afPCNA. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ATP binding, but not hydrolysis, is needed to stimulate interactions of the afRFC complex with afPCNA and DNA.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of photosensitivity has been studied in a holometabolous insect, the midgeChironomus ramosus. The life cycle of midges shifts from an aquatic environment to a non-aquatic environment. Extracellular electrical activity of photoreceptor organs was recorded at larval and adult stages. We found an increase in photosensitivity as the larva metamorphosed to the adult stage. This is the first report of changes in photosensitivity during the development of any insect described in an ecological context.  相似文献   

Methanol extract of Holothuria scabrawas tested for antifouling activity using `mollusc foot adherence bioassay'. It was found that the secondary metabolites of H. scabraeffectively prevented foot adherence of P. vulgataat various concentrations. Based on the present findings it could be inferred that the bioassay guided purification and fractionation may give forth potent novel antifouling compounds.  相似文献   

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