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Ovarian luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors were characterized using ovarian tissues from 17 cynomolgus monkeys at different phases of the menstrual cycle. Low binding affinity receptors for 125I-LH were observed throughout the menstrual cycle. The binding affinity of these receptors for LH (< 12 × 1010 M?1) was approximately the same as that of ovarian LH receptors previously reported in human and nonhuman primates. In addition, high-affinity receptors (17?85 × 1010 M?1) were also detected at the mid-luteal phase, during which a large functional corpus luteum was present. Thus the high-affinity LH receptors appear with the formation of the corpus luteum and disappear with its regression. Almost no fluctuation of binding capacity was observed throughout the menstrual cycle (32?112 fmol/ mg of ovarian tissue). The high-affinity LH receptor was judged to be derived from the functional corpus luteum.  相似文献   

Spontaneous endometriosis in a cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adult female Macaca fascicularis developed anorexia and minimal fecal production. Abdominal palpation was unrewarding. Rectal palpation revealed a rectal stricture and a large soft tissue mass in the area of the uterus. Clinical pathology tests were within normal limits. Exploratory surgery and histopathology confirmed a diagnosis of endometriosis.  相似文献   

Capacitation and capacitation-related hyperactivated motility do not occur spontaneously in cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) spermatozoa; instead, both have an absolute requirement for exogenous stimulation with caffeine and dibutyryl (db)cAMP. In the present study, we 1) defined sorting criteria for automated analysis of macaque sperm exhibiting hyperactivated motility (HA) and 2) investigated protein tyrosine phosphorylation involvement in dbcAMP- and caffeine-stimulated capacitation and HA. Motion characteristics were assessed by computer-assisted motion analysis. Tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm tail proteins was determined by immunocytochemistry with PY-20 antiserum. Automated sorting criteria for HA were curvilinear velocity (VCL) >/= 150 microm/sec; amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) >/= 8.0 microm, and linearity (LIN) 相似文献   

Background  A 3.3-year-old-male cynomolgus macaque ( Macaca fascicularis ) showed a focally extensive soft, dark, discoid dermal mass, 0.5 cm in diameter, on the dorsal surface of the right hind foot, over the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.
Methods and results  Microscopic examination revealed a cutaneous melanoma with local lymphatic invasion, characterized by neoplastic melanocytes within the subcapsular sinus of popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes. The diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy.
Conclusions  To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of melanoma in a cynomolgus monkey.  相似文献   

[4-14C]Progesterone was administered to two cycling female monkeys during the luteal phase of the cycle, and blood and urine were sampled over a 24 h period. Progesterone had a volume of distribution of 1.75 +/- 0.3 L/kg, and a plasma elimination clearance of 0.06 +/- 0.03 L/kg/min. In comparison to the human, plasma progesterone binding was greater and progesterone clearance was slower in the cynomolgus monkey. The major unconjugated metabolite in plasma was 20 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. In urine 6.2% of 14C-steroids were unconjugated, 2.3% of which were [14C]progesterone. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of conjugated metabolites in urine revealed that 24% had the mobility of sulfates, 19% that of glucuronides, and 52% were more polar. After hydrolysis of conjugates, a major fraction chromatographed with pregnanediol. However, despite evidence for the presence of a 20 alpha-hydroxyl group, none of the pregnanediol isomers could be identified among these 14C-steroids. Nevertheless, over 80% of urinary metabolites had sufficient analogy to pregnanediol to bind to an antiserum specific for ring D and the C-17 side-chain of pregnanediol.  相似文献   

A single dose of MPA (Depo-Provera; Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan) was administered intramuscularly to 12 time-mated pregnant cynomolgus monkeys on day 27 (+/- 2) of gestation at 25 mg/kg or at 100 mg/kg. Maternal blood samples were collected immediately prior to MPA injection and then at regular intervals until cesarean section at term (day 152 +/- 3). Infants in both dose groups had external genital abnormalities. Female infants in the low-dose groups had partial or complete labial fusion, prominent median raphe, and clitoral hypertrophy; at high doses (100 mg/kg), the female infants had complete labial fusion and a distinct penile urethra. MPA had an opposite effect on external genitalia of male infants. The penis was short and the scrotal swelling was absent or less conspicuous, and two males had hypospadias. The adrenal glands were significantly smaller (P less than 0.05) in infants of both sexes treated with 100 mg/kg. One of the infants treated with 25 mg/kg of MPA had a muscular ventricular septal defect. Serum concentrations of MPA were determined by radioimmunoassay in eight pregnant monkeys. In the 25 mg/kg group the patterns of MPA profiles in the serum were similar in all four animals. An initial peak occurred at 24-48 hr postinjection (2.7-9.6 ng/ml), followed by a slight decrease at 3 days postinjection (gestational day 30), and then a steady increase to maximum levels of 10-14 ng/ml occurring between gestational days 37 and 50. Serum levels gradually declined to concentrations below 5 ng/ml by midgestation in three of four monkeys. By comparison, both the patterns and magnitude of MPA concentration showed great interanimal variation in the 100 mg/kg group. MPA was present in cord blood at measurable concentrations in infants at both dose groups; the levels ranged from 0.6 to 8.3 ng/ml, corresponding to 40-72% of the maternal concentrations. These results demonstrate that a single injection of MPA during early pregnancy causes selective embryotoxicity in both male and female fetuses. Presence of high levels of MPA in maternal sera during the critical period of genital development can cause specific genital defects; however, the exact mechanism by which MPA causes these paradoxical genital abnormalities is unknown.  相似文献   

To describe the polymorphism of the DRA gene in Macaca fascicularis, we have studied 141 animals either at cDNA level (78 animals from Mauritius, the Philippines, and Vietnam) or genomic level (63 animals from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam). In total, we characterized 22 cDNA DRA alleles, 13 of which had not been described until now. In the Mauritius population, we confirmed the presence of three DRA alleles. In the Philippine and Vietnam populations, we observed 11 and 14 DRA alleles, respectively. Only two alleles were present in all three populations. All DRA alleles but one differ from the consensus sequence by one to three mutations, most being synonymous; so, only seven DR alpha proteins were deduced from the 22 cDNA alleles. One DRA cDNA allele, Mafa-DRA*02010101, differs from all other alleles by 11 to 14 mutations of which only four are non-synonymous. The two amino acid changes inside the peptide groove of Mafa-DRA*02010101 are highly conservative. The very low proportion of non-synonymous/synonymous mutations is compatible with a purifying selection which is comparable to all previous observations concerning the evolution of the DRA gene in mammals. Homologues of the allele Mafa-DRA*02010101 are also found in two other Asian macaques (Macaca mulatta and Macaca nemestrina). The forces able to maintain this highly divergent allele in three different macaque species remain hypothetical.  相似文献   

Abstract: Formation of the definitive kidney in Macaca fascicularis embryos was investigated using light and electron microscopy. Appearance of the definitive kidney at stage 14 was indicated by the ureteric bud invading the metanephrogenic blastema. Glomerular capillaries originate from the connective tissue that surrounds the developing renal vesicle. At 46–100 days gestational age the more developed glomeruli show thinning of the capillary endothelium, thickening of the basal membrane, and presence of pedicels, suggesting a capability of renal function.  相似文献   

1. An electrophoretic analysis of whey protein from cynomolgus monkey milk revealed that its constituents are more similar to bovine milk than human milk, i.e. cynomolgus monkey milk whey contains, besides alpha-lactalbumin-like protein (LaP), another predominant component similar to bovine beta-lactoglobulin (LgP), in its electrophoretic behavior on both disc- and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses. 2. The amino acid composition of LaP shows close similarity to that of human alpha-lactalbumin, and LaP forms an immunoprecipitin line with anti-human alpha-lactalbumin rabbit antiserum. The homology between LaP and alpha-lactalbumin was further confirmed by an analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence. 3. LgP is not immunologically identical to bovine beta-lactoglobulin, but its amino acid composition is similar. The result of the N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of LgP (up to the 26th residue) strongly suggests homology between this protein and beta-lactoglobulin.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe the findings of serial ultrasound investigations of functioning and histologically normal renal allografts in the cynomolgus monkey. METHODS: Ten cyclosporine (Neoral) treated cynomolgus monkeys underwent renal allograft transplantation with bilateral nephrectomy, seven of which were examined serially with ultrasound. Ultrasound findings were compared to serum creatinine, and the results of histology from allograft biopsy on day 150 post-transplantation. RESULTS: Allografts increased in volume up to one and a half to twice that of their original volume and appeared morphologically similar to native kidneys. Allograft ureters were dilated postoperatively but decreased in size with time. Other than in two cases of ureter complications, the resistive index (RI) was normal in functioning grafts. CONCLUSIONS: Elevations in RI, as well as graft enlargement and increased cortical thickness, were related to graft pathology, but not necessarily to rejection histologically. The ultrasound findings of functioning grafts and of surgical complications after renal allograft transplantation in the cynomolgus monkey were similar to those in humans.  相似文献   

Methods of artificial insemination (AI) for indoor breeding in the Japanese monkey and the Cynomolgus monkey were investigated. For the Japanese monkey AI was carried out in six females during the winter mating season and in six females during the summer non-mating season. During the mating season, semen was inseminated near ovulation time in natural menstrual cycles. In the mating season study, three females inseminated at the uterine cavity became pregnant. Three inseminated at the cervical canal failed to become pregnant. For the non-mating season study, ovulation was induced artificially by PMSG and hCG and AI was carried out near the induced ovulation time. In the non-mating season, no animals became pregnant. Of four Cynomolgus monkeys used, pregnancy occurred in two animals inseminated near ovulation time in natural menstrual cycles. AI occurred at the uterine cavity in one and cervical canal in the other. In both species ovulation was verified by laparoscopy. Semen was collected by penile electro-stimulation then diluted to 2.5 to 5.0×107/ml with Whitten's medium. Diluted semen of 0.2l was inseminated at the uterine cavity or cervical canal. Our results indicate the usefulness of vaginal AI as a method of artificial indoor breeding.  相似文献   

The plasma concentration of the corticosteroid-binding globulin (mCBG) has been measured in Macaca fascicularis, during different stages of reproduction and under hormonal treatments. The mCBG level was determined by a specific electroimmunoassay. There was no difference between females in the follicular phase and intact males; mCBG concentrations were respectively (mean +/- SEM) 469 +/- 53 and 443 +/- 25.6 nmol/l. The mCBG levels levels were similar during both the luteal (469 +/- 33.5 nmol/l) and the follicular phase (469 +/- 53 nmol/l). Compared to intact males, the mCBG levels were higher (P less than 0.05) in castrated males (527 +/- 6.6 nmol/l). During gestation, no systematic variations were found and the mCBG levels were not statistically different from the values found during the follicular phase. When estradiol benzoate was administered to castrated animals, the mCBG concentrations increased rapidly. In contrast, the values were reduced slightly by testosterone treatment. The sex-steroid action on the mCBG levels was discussed and compared with the mSBP levels. We question also, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of the mCBG levels during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Ejaculated spermatozoa from cynomolgus monkeys and rhesus monkeys were frozen in straws with six different extenders (TTE, DM, mDM, LG-DM, G-DM, and TCG) containing glycerol. Sperm motility and head membrane and acrosomal integrity were evaluated after freezing and thawing, and the cryoprotective effects were compared among the extenders and the two species studied. The results showed that sperm motility and motility recovery with the six extenders were comparable for the cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys. There was no significant difference in sperm motility and head membrane integrity among the six extenders in either the cynomolgus or rhesus monkeys (P>0.05). However, a slightly but statistically lower percentage of acrosomal integrity was found with TCG in both species compared to the other extenders (P<0.05). These findings demonstrate that TTE, DM, mDM, LG-DM, G-DM, and TCG are equally suitable extenders for the cryopreservation of spermatozoa from cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

The standard value of serum insulin was determined to be less than 75 microU/ml with ninety-eight female adult cynomolgus monkeys of wild origin. Then, fifteen apparently healthy laboratory-bred female cynomolgus monkeys aged 6-8 years were studied to know the usefulness of the arginine tolerance test (ATT) by measuring blood glucose, insulin and glucagon. Prior to ATT, all animals had been diagnosed as non-diabetic by the intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). Arginine hydrochloride was infused intravenously at a dose of 0.5 g/kg. BW under anesthesia. According to the standard value of insulin, fifteen animals were divided into two groups, that is, the low (n = 7) and the high (n = 8) value groups. In the low value group, glucose and insulin value did not change significantly after arginine infusion and their responses were similar to those in the control group (saline infused, n = 4). But glucagon markedly increased from 10 to 45 minutes post infusion. In the high value group, glucagon response was similar to that in the low value group, while glucose and insulin values significantly decreased. It is concluded that the pancreatic alpha-cell function (glucagon secretion) can be judged by the ATT in the cynomolgus monkey but the beta-cell function (insulin secretion) can not be diagnosed.  相似文献   

We used antisera to human A and C apolipoproteins to identify homologues of these proteins among the high-density lipoprotein apoproteins of Macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus) monkeys, and NH2-terminal analysis was used to verify the homology. The NH2-terminal sequence of the M. fascicularis apoA-I is identical with that of another Old World species, Erythrocebus patas, and differs from human apoA-I at only 4 of the first 24 residues. M. fascicularis apoA-II contains a serine for cysteine replacement at position 6 and is therefore monomeric like the apoA-II from all species below apes. Human and monkey apoA-II are not otherwise different through their first 25 residues. About 20% of M. fascicularis apoC-I aligns with human apoC-I through residue 22, and 80% lacks an NH2-terminal dipeptide. Otherwise, the monkey apoC-I differs from the human protein at only 2 of 25 positions. Two forms of M. fascicularis apoC-II were identified. ApoC-II1 is highly homologous with human apoC-II, whereas an NH2-terminal hexapeptide is absent from apoC-II2. ApoC-II2 was the predominant species, and apoC-II1 appears to represent a propeptide from which a hexapeptide prosegment is cleaved at a Gln-Asp bond. Both forms of monkey apoC-II are potent activators of lipoprotein lipase. There are two polymorphic forms of M. fascicularis apoC-III, and their electrophoretic mobilities become identical after treatment with neuraminidase. Except for a glycine for serine substitution at position 10, the first 15 NH2-terminal residues of M. fascicularis and human apoC-III are the same.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone concentrations have been determined during the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy in the bonnet monkey, Macace rediata. During the cycle, there is an increase around the time of ovulation and a secondary peak in the late luteal phase. In pregnancy, there is a distinct peak around 23-25 days, a period which corresponds to the peak of chorionic gonadotropin reported by Atkinson et al. (1975) in Rhesus monkeys. Administration of exogenous hCG causes a significant rise in the serum testosterone level in cycling monkeys.  相似文献   

Renewal of spermatogonia in the monkey (Macaca fascicularis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Populations of different types of spermatogonia and their mitotic activity were analyzed in the monkey Macaca fascicularis: 3 adults aged 5-6 yr and 3 young aged 2-3 mo. Two young and two adult monkeys received injections of 3H-thymidine for radioautographic study of the relationships between Type A spermatogonia: dark Type A (Ad), pale Type A (Ap) and transition Type A (At). In the adult the number of Ad and At spermatogonia did not change significantly throughout the seminiferous epithelium cycle. The number of Ap spermatogonia doubled at Stage VII, and half divided at Stage IX to give rise to B1 spermatogonia. The durations of the seminiferous epithelium cycle and spermatogenesis were estimated as 10.5 days and 42 days respectively. In the young and adult monkeys, some Ap spermatogonia and a lesser number of At spermatogonia were labeled one h after injection of precursor. At longer intervals after injection, the number of labeled At spermatogonia increased significantly, and some Ad as well as Ap spermatogonia were also labeled. These results indicate that Ap spermatogonia are renewal stem cells, and Ad spermatogonia are reserve stem cells. The differences in labeling after isotope exposure suggest that Ap cells may give rise successively to At and Ad cells.  相似文献   

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