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The 3D chromatin structure modeling by chromatin interactions derived from Hi-C experiments is significantly challenged by the intrinsic sequencing biases in these experiments. Conventional modeling methods only focus on the bias among different chromatin regions within the same experiment but neglect the bias arising from different experimental sequencing depth. We now show that the regional interaction bias is tightly coupled with the sequencing depth, and we further identify a chromatin structure parameter as the inherent characteristics of Hi-C derived data for chromatin regions. Then we present an approach for chromatin structure prediction capable of relaxing both kinds of sequencing biases by using this identified parameter. This method is validated by intra and inter cell-line comparisons among various chromatin regions for four human cell-lines (K562, GM12878, IMR90 and H1hESC), which shows that the openness of chromatin region is well correlated with chromatin function. This method has been executed by an automatic pipeline (AutoChrom3D) and thus can be conveniently used.  相似文献   

Genomic sequences obtained through high-throughput sequencing are not uniformly distributed across the genome. For example, sequencing data of total genomic DNA show significant, yet unexpected enrichments on promoters and exons. This systematic bias is a particular problem for techniques such as chromatin immunoprecipitation, where the signal for a target factor is plotted across genomic features. We have focused on data obtained from Illumina's Genome Analyser platform, where at least three factors contribute to sequence bias: GC content, mappability of sequencing reads, and regional biases that might be generated by local structure. We show that relying on input control as a normalizer is not generally appropriate due to sample to sample variation in bias. To correct sequence bias, we present BEADS (bias elimination algorithm for deep sequencing), a simple three-step normalization scheme that successfully unmasks real binding patterns in ChIP-seq data. We suggest that this procedure be done routinely prior to data interpretation and downstream analyses.  相似文献   

Researchers generating new genome-wide data in an exploratory sequencing study can gain biological insights by comparing their data with well-annotated data sets possessing similar genomic patterns. Data compression techniques are needed for efficient comparisons of a new genomic experiment with large repositories of publicly available profiles. Furthermore, data representations that allow comparisons of genomic signals from different platforms and across species enhance our ability to leverage these large repositories. Here, we present a signal processing approach that characterizes protein–chromatin interaction patterns at length scales of several kilobases. This allows us to efficiently compare numerous chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) data sets consisting of many types of DNA-binding proteins collected from a variety of cells, conditions and organisms. Importantly, these interaction patterns broadly reflect the biological properties of the binding events. To generate these profiles, termed Arpeggio profiles, we applied harmonic deconvolution techniques to the autocorrelation profiles of the ChIP-seq signals. We used 806 publicly available ChIP-seq experiments and showed that Arpeggio profiles with similar spectral densities shared biological properties. Arpeggio profiles of ChIP-seq data sets revealed characteristics that are not easily detected by standard peak finders. They also allowed us to relate sequencing data sets from different genomes, experimental platforms and protocols. Arpeggio is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/p/arpeggio/wiki/Home/.  相似文献   

Immunoprecipitated crosslinked protein-DNA fragments typically range in size from several hundred to several thousand base pairs, with a significant part of chromatin being much longer than the optimal length for next-generation sequencing (NGS) procedures. Because these larger fragments may be non-random and represent relevant biology that may otherwise be missed, but also because they represent a significant fraction of the immunoprecipitated material, we designed a double-fragmentation ChIP-seq procedure. After conventional crosslinking and immunoprecipitation, chromatin is de-crosslinked and sheared a second time to concentrate fragments in the optimal size range for NGS. Besides the benefits of increased chromatin yields, the procedure also eliminates a laborious size-selection step. We show that the double-fragmentation ChIP-seq approach allows for the generation of biologically relevant genome-wide protein-DNA binding profiles from sub-nanogram amounts of TCF7L2/TCF4, TBP and H3K4me3 immunoprecipitated material. Although optimized for the AB/SOLiD platform, the same approach may be applied to other platforms.  相似文献   

Segmental duplications and other highly repetitive regions of genomes contribute significantly to cells’ regulatory programs. Advancements in next generation sequencing enabled genome-wide profiling of protein-DNA interactions by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq). However, interactions in highly repetitive regions of genomes have proven difficult to map since short reads of 50–100 base pairs (bps) from these regions map to multiple locations in reference genomes. Standard analytical methods discard such multi-mapping reads and the few that can accommodate them are prone to large false positive and negative rates. We developed Perm-seq, a prior-enhanced read allocation method for ChIP-seq experiments, that can allocate multi-mapping reads in highly repetitive regions of the genomes with high accuracy. We comprehensively evaluated Perm-seq, and found that our prior-enhanced approach significantly improves multi-read allocation accuracy over approaches that do not utilize additional data types. The statistical formalism underlying our approach facilitates supervising of multi-read allocation with a variety of data sources including histone ChIP-seq. We applied Perm-seq to 64 ENCODE ChIP-seq datasets from GM12878 and K562 cells and identified many novel protein-DNA interactions in segmental duplication regions. Our analysis reveals that although the protein-DNA interactions sites are evolutionarily less conserved in repetitive regions, they share the overall sequence characteristics of the protein-DNA interactions in non-repetitive regions.  相似文献   



DNA sequencing technologies deviate from the ideal uniform distribution of reads. These biases impair scientific and medical applications. Accordingly, we have developed computational methods for discovering, describing and measuring bias.


We applied these methods to the Illumina, Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences and Complete Genomics sequencing platforms, using data from human and from a set of microbes with diverse base compositions. As in previous work, library construction conditions significantly influence sequencing bias. Pacific Biosciences coverage levels are the least biased, followed by Illumina, although all technologies exhibit error-rate biases in high- and low-GC regions and at long homopolymer runs. The GC-rich regions prone to low coverage include a number of human promoters, so we therefore catalog 1,000 that were exceptionally resistant to sequencing. Our results indicate that combining data from two technologies can reduce coverage bias if the biases in the component technologies are complementary and of similar magnitude. Analysis of Illumina data representing 120-fold coverage of a well-studied human sample reveals that 0.20% of the autosomal genome was covered at less than 10% of the genome-wide average. Excluding locations that were similar to known bias motifs or likely due to sample-reference variations left only 0.045% of the autosomal genome with unexplained poor coverage.


The assays presented in this paper provide a comprehensive view of sequencing bias, which can be used to drive laboratory improvements and to monitor production processes. Development guided by these assays should result in improved genome assemblies and better coverage of biologically important loci.  相似文献   

Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is widely used to identify chromosomal binding sites. Chromatin proteins are cross-linked to their target sequences in living cells. The purified chromatin is sheared and the relevant protein is enriched by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. The co-purifying genomic DNA is then determined by massive parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq).We applied ChIP-seq to map the chromosomal binding sites for two ISWI-containing nucleosome remodeling factors, ACF and RSF, in Drosophila embryos. Employing several polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies directed against their signature subunits, ACF1 and RSF-1, robust profiles were obtained indicating that both remodelers co-occupied a large set of active promoters.Further validation included controls using chromatin of mutant embryos that do not express ACF1 or RSF-1. Surprisingly, the ChIP-seq profiles were unchanged, suggesting that they were not due to specific immunoprecipitation. Conservative analysis lists about 3000 chromosomal loci, mostly active promoters that are prone to non-specific enrichment in ChIP and appear as ‘Phantom Peaks’. These peaks are not obtained with pre-immune serum and are not prominent in input chromatin.Mining the modENCODE ChIP-seq profiles identifies potential Phantom Peaks in many profiles of epigenetic regulators. These profiles and other ChIP-seq data featuring prominent Phantom Peaks must be validated with chromatin from cells in which the protein of interest has been depleted.  相似文献   

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