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Dmitriew C  Rowe L 《Oecologia》2005,142(1):150-154
Periods of poor nutrition during early development may have negative fitness consequences in subsequent periods of ontogeny. In insects, suppression of growth and developmental rate during the larval stage are likely to affect size and timing of maturity, which in turn may lead to reduced reproductive success or survivorship. In light of these costs, individuals may achieve compensatory growth via behavioural or physiological mechanisms following food limitation. In this study, we examined the effects of a temporary period of food restriction on subsequent growth and age and size at maturity in the larval damselfly Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). We also asked whether this temporary period of reduced nutrition affected subsequent foraging behaviour under predation risk. I. verticalis larvae exposed to a temporary food shortage suffered from a reduced growth rate during this period relative to a control group that was fed ad libitum. However, increased growth rates later in development ensured that adult body size measurements (head and pronotum widths) did not differ between the treatments upon emergence. In contrast, adult dry mass did not catch up to that of the controls, indicating that the increased growth rates for size dimensions occur at the cost of similar gains in mass. Predators reduced foraging effort of larvae, but this reduction did not differ between control larvae and those previously exposed to poor nutrition.  相似文献   

The evolution of sex chromosomes, and patterns of sex-biased gene expression and dosage compensation, are poorly known among early winged insects such as odonates. We assembled and annotated the genome of Ischnura elegans (blue-tailed damselfly), which, like other odonates, has a male-hemigametic sex-determining system (X0 males, XX females). By identifying X-linked genes in I. elegans and their orthologs in other insect genomes, we found homologies between the X chromosome in odonates and chromosomes of other orders, including the X chromosome in Coleoptera. Next, we showed balanced expression of X-linked genes between sexes in adult I. elegans, i.e. evidence of dosage compensation. Finally, among the genes in the sex-determining pathway only fruitless was found to be X-linked, while only doublesex showed sex-biased expression. This study reveals partly conserved sex chromosome synteny and independent evolution of dosage compensation among insect orders separated by several hundred million years of evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The integration of traits into ‘syndromes' has been suggested as a useful framework to advance insights in trait responses to environmental stressors. Yet, how stressors shape the consistency (‘repeatability') of traits and their covariation at the individual level remains debated. We studied how seasonal time constraints shape trait repeatability and integration of life-history, behavioural and physiological traits along a fast–slow continuum, using the ‘pace-of-life syndrome' as a framework. We manipulated the photoperiod during the larval development of the damselfly Ischnura elegans, generating a time-relaxed early, a control, and a time-constrained late group. The photoperiod treatment did not seem to affect the voltinism of the larvae. As predicted, late-period larvae accelerated development and growth, yet this acceleration was no longer detectable for growth and metabolic rate during the final instar, possibly due to costs of the initial life-history acceleration. This warrants caution when inferring a species' pace-of-life based on a specific developmental stage. The late-period larvae were as predicted more active (only during the later stages of the final instar) and bolder than the control larvae, but not different from the early-period larvae. Most studies on time constraints only compared late and control animals, thereby potentially wrongly concluding adaptive responses to time constraints. Activity, boldness and body mass were repeatable, while growth and metabolic rates were not. Notably, repeatabilities did not change under time constraints. There was no support for an overall trait integration in a pace-of-life syndrome, yet activity and boldness covaried positively as expected. Importantly, this ‘behavioural syndrome' was decoupled in the late-period larvae, which might be adaptive to enhance energy acquisition to fuel the accelerated development rate. Our results suggest that besides the predicted plastic acceleration of life-history, plastic changes in behavioural trait integration may also be an important but overlooked adaptive aspect of responding to time constraints.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can have deleterious effects on individual or population fitness. To avoid fitness reduction, individuals may adopt behavioral or physiological mechanisms to reduce their investment in the production of offspring with genetically similar mates. We examined whether insemination by inbred males introduced more dead sperm than insemination by wild males by counting sperm in female Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur) sperm storage organs. If inbred males inseminated fewer or lower-quality sperm, females would avoid inferior sperm. Our results revealed three features of damselfly inbreeding: insemination failed in a larger proportion of inbred pairs than in wild pairs, inbred pairs showed significantly reduced fertility, and the numbers of live and dead sperm in an inbred female’s sperm storage organs did not differ from those in wild females. These results suggested that neither sperm quantity nor sperm quality was responsible for low fertility to a significant extent, but some kind of female quality, such as sperm usage or storing ability, was. Although inbred pairs had lower fertility, there were no significant differences between inbred and wild pairs in the total numbers of live or dead sperm. It thus seemed that female choice at the insemination stage was responsible for low fertility rather than sperm quantity or quality measured by live-to-dead ratio.  相似文献   

Growth, survival and condition of redfish larvae Sebastes spp., reared in the laboratory (0, 500 1500 and 4500 prey l-1) were highest in the 1500 prey l-1 treatment. Significantly lower larval growth and survival in the 4500 prey l-1 treatment corresponded with lower prey bite: orient ratios in later weeks, suggesting that larvae were unable to forage efficiently at high prey densities. While these prey densities are higher than those reported in the field, naturally co-occurring Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae require higher prey densities when reared under similar conditions in the laboratory. These data suggest that prey availability may not be as limiting to redfish as for other commercially important marine species.  相似文献   

Paleoproductivity patterns at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in southern high latitudes and in the equatorial oceans were synthesized from the literature. Three ODP/DSDP sites from the Southern Ocean (Sites 689, 748 and 511) were compared with three DSDP/ODP sites from the equatorial oceans (Sites 574, 462 and 959). Paleoproductivity was estimated by multiple sedimentological, biological and geochemical proxies. Changes in paleoproductivity at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary mainly took place in the southern high latitudes. At Site 689, the benthic foraminiferal fauna also indicates an increase in seasonality. In equatorial oceans, there are no indications for a shift to higher paleoproductivity at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. On the contrary at Site 959, sedimentology documents decreasing paleoproductivity in the Oligocene. Major changes in temperature and ocean circulation in southern high latitudes versus only minor changes in the lower latitudes were probably responsible for the geographically different changes in paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds produced by Pseudomonas fragi and mixed, natural floras on beef of normal pH (5.5-5.8; glucose greater than 1500 micrograms/g) and high pH (6.3-6.8; glucose less than 10 micrograms/g) included a range of alkyl esters and a number of sulphur-containing compounds including dimethylsulphide but not hydrogen sulphide. Production of the last was a property common to the other Gram-negative organisms tested viz. Hafnia alvei, Enterobacter agglomerans, Serratia liquefaciens, Alteromonas putrefaciens and Aeromonas hydrophila, all of which produced similar off-odours and, with the exception of E. agglomerans, 'greening' on high pH meat. Serratia liquefaciens also produced greening of normal pH meat. Acetoin and diacetyl were major end products of Brochothrix thermosphacta but the related 2,3-butanediol was formed only on normal pH meat. The Enterobacteriaceae produced the same compounds but only on normal pH meat and together with Br. thermosphacta were probable sources of these compounds and of the free and esterified branched-chain alcohols detected in the naturally contaminated samples.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds produced by Pseudomonas fragi and mixed, natural floras on beef of normal pH (5–5–5–8; glucose < 1500 μg/g) and high pH (6–3–6–8; glucose < 10 μg/g) included a range of alkyl esters and a number of sulphur-containing compounds including dimethylsulphide but not hydrogen sulphide. Production of the last was a property common to the other Gram-negative organisms tested viz. Hafnia alvei, Enterobacter agglomerans, Serratia liquefaciens, Alteromonas putrefaciens and Aeromonas hydrophila , all of which produced similar off-odours and, with the exception of E. agglomerans , 'greening'on high pH meat. Serratia liquefaciens also produced greening of normal pH meat. Acetoin and diacetyl were major end products of Brochothrix thermosphacta but the related 2,3-butanediol was formed only on normal pH meat. The Enterobacteriaceae produced the same compounds but only on normal pH meat and together with Br. thermosphacta were probable sources of these compounds and of the free and esterified branched-chain alcohols detected in the naturally contaminated samples.  相似文献   

S. M. Dixon  R. L. Baker 《Oecologia》1988,76(2):200-205
Summary We used laboratory studies to examine the role of predation risk and cost of anti-predator behaviour in determining the behavioural response of several larval instars of Ischnura verticalis to a fish predator (Lepomis gibbosus). Smaller larvae were less susceptible to fish predation than larger larvae. Smaller larvae depressed movement to a greater degree in the presence of fish than did larger larvae; large larvae were generally less active than small larvae regardless of fish presence. Reduced feeding resulted in smaller larvae suffering more in terms of reduced growth than did large larvae. In general, our results tend to support the hypothesis that individuals that suffer high costs of anti-predator behaviour but little risk of predation may only exhibit anti-predator behaviours in the presence of predators, whereas individuals with a higher risk of predation and a lower cost of anti-predator behaviour may evolve anti-predator mechanisms that are in effect even in the absence of predators.  相似文献   

Abstract: Limopsis is one of the most speciose and widespread bivalve genera in the Southern Ocean at the present day. However, the fossil record of the genus is poorly known from the southern high latitudes. Here, we review the fossil record in this region to help understand the evolutionary origins of the genus. Limopsis infericola sp. nov. and additional specimens of a previously described species are added to the fossil record of Antarctica. The globally distributed limopsid clade had its earliest occurrences in the Early Cretaceous of Europe and New Zealand, then radiated during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, 70.6–65.5 Ma). Fossil evidence shows that the genus underwent a second, Cenozoic, radiation related to the isolation of Antarctica and the onset of cooling in the southern hemisphere. The genus has persisted in Antarctica for the last 50 myr, adapting to extreme changes in the environmental conditions, including surviving the last glacial maximum in marine refugia.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the behaviour of the photosynthetic products assimilated at different growth stages was conducted in the field and in the greenhouse using C14 tracer.In general, the assimilated carbon is translocated to and accumulates in the growing organs. The carbon assimilated at the maximum tiller number stage is distributed mostly to the lower leaves. The carbon assimilated at the booting stage is distributed mostly to the spikelet, certain leaf sheaths and culms. The carbon accumulated in the form of carbohydrates in the leaf sheaths and the culm before flowering is retranslocated to the panicle after flowering. However, because of the consumption by respiration, the efficiency of this type of carbohydrate in grain production is not very high. The carbon assimilated after flowering accumulated mostly and efficiently in the brown rice.The release of the assimilated carbon as CO2 is most intense immediately after assimilation. Thirty-five to 60 per cent of the assimilated carbon is consumed through respiration under the conditions of this experiment. As the carbon, which is in the form of sugars, rapidly changes to other forms, and also is consumed by respiration, the consumption declines rapidly. The retention percentage of assimilated carbon decreases as mutual shading increases.The large proportion of carbon released through respiration indicates the importance of studies on the significance of respiration in relation to growth.A portion of the thesis for the Master of Science degree submitted by Mr. Shen Lian to the Graduate School, University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture.  相似文献   

The thickest uppermost Cretaceous to lowermost Paleogene (Maastrichtian to Danian) sedimentary succession in the world is exposed on southern Seymour Island (65° South) in the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula. This fossiliferous shallow marine sequence, which spans the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary, has allowed a high-resolution analysis of well-preserved marine palynomorphs. Previous correlation of Cretaceous–Paleogene marine palynomorph assemblages in the south polar region relied on dinoflagellate cyst biozonations from New Zealand and southern Australia. The age model of the southern Seymour Island succession is refined and placed within the stratigraphical context of the mid to high southern palaeolatitudes. Quantitative palynological analysis of a new 1102 m continuous stratigraphical section comprising the uppermost Snow Hill Island Formation and the López de Bertodano Formation (Marambio Group) across southern Seymour Island was undertaken. We propose the first formal late Maastrichtian to early Danian dinoflagellate cyst zonation scheme for the Antarctic based on this exceptional succession. Two new late Maastrichtian zones, including three subzones, and one new early Danian zone are defined. The oldest beds correlate well with the late Maastrichtian of New Zealand. In a wider context, a new South Polar Province based on Maastrichtian to Danian dinoflagellate cysts is proposed, which excludes most southern South American marine palynofloras. This interpretation is supported by models of ocean currents around Antarctica and implies an unrestricted oceanic connection across Antarctica between southern South America and the Tasman Sea.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate Argia vivida (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) populations, identify breeding habitat, and investigate movement of adults within Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, during the summer of 2003. Mark-recapture techniques and standardized dip-net surveys were used to monitor Argia vivida at various life stages. A reproductive index identified which sites Argia vivida recognized as suitable breeding habitat, and exuvia surveys confirmed breeding sites. The basic structure of emergent and surrounding vegetation was measured to investigate the importance of available ovipositing or roosting sites and the condition of the matrix habitat. Data was recorded for Amphiagrion abbreviatum and Ischnura cervula (both Odonata: Coenagrionidae) to determine if these spring-associated damselflies were successfully breeding within Banff National Park. Comparisons were made between the highly protected Middle Springs and the heavily altered Cave & Basin Springs. Additional surveys at the Vermilion Lake cool spring and Middle Springs Bog investigated their use as breeding habitat for Amphiagrion abbreviatum and Argia vivida, respectively. Results suggest the ecological value of thermal springs extends beyond their origin to outflows and downstream pools. Conservation of Argia vivida must recognize the value of unobstructed thermal outflows, and consider the condition of the forested habitat surrounding springs with regard to its potential use as nocturnal roosts and dispersal corridors. Amphiagrion abbreviatum was confirmed breeding within Banff National Park, while no sign of breeding activity was recorded for Ischnura cervula.  相似文献   

Ola M. Fincke 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):118-127
The relative importance of intraspecific, interspecific, and seasonal causes of larval mortality were investigated for aquatic larvae of the giant damselfly Megaloprepus coerulatus in Panama. These larvae live in water-filled holes in fallen and living trees, where they and three other common odonate species are the top predators. By mid wet season, M. coerulatus larvae were found in nearly half of all tree holes that harbored odonates. Although M. coerulatus were typically, but not always, eliminated from holes inhabited by larger hetero-specifics, M. coerulatus were more likely to encounter conspecifics than other odonate species. Hole with less than 11 of water rarely contained more than a single larva. In large holes where M. coerulatus was the only odonate species present, multiple larvae coexisted at a density of one larva per 1–21 of water. There the absence of 2–4 of the 5 larval size classes, despite a continuous input of eggs, suggested that cannibalism was a common cause of mortality. The size of the final instar, which determined adult body size, was correlated positively with tree hole volume for male, but not female, larvae. Experiments showed that when two larvae were placed together in 0.4–1 holes with abundant tadpole prey, the larger larva killed the smaller one. Often the larva that was killed was not eaten. Small larvae were more tolerant of each other than were pairs of medium or large larvae. Before killing occurred, the presence of larger larvae reduced the growth of smaller individuals, relative to controls. Obligate killing was density-dependent. In 3.0–1 holes with ad libitum prey, conspecific killing occurred until the larval density stabilized at one larva per 1–1.5 I, similar to the density found in large holes under field conditions, For M. coerulatus, cannibalism functions to reduce the number of potential competitors for food in addition to providing nutrition. When interactions between paired larvae in small holes were experimentally prevented, competition for food reduced the growth of one or both larvae relative to controls. Holes that were watered during the dry season supported larval densities similar to those in the wet season. Thus, dry season mortality could not be attributed to a decrease in available prey. Rather, M. coerulatus larvae could not survive more than 1 month of complete drying. Because the dry season typically lasts more than 6 weeks, habitat drying is a secondary source of mortality, affecting second- or third-generation larvae that fail to emerge before tree holes dry out completely.  相似文献   

Flexible behavioral response to avoid encountering predators has never been reported in lotic, cased caddisfly larvae with low mobility. However, an earlier laboratory experiment found the growth of such a caddisfly species, Glossosoma sp., decreased in the presence of a predatory sculpin, Cottus nozawae. We conducted laboratory experiments to test whether Glossosoma responses to sculpin varied according to resource level and/or time of day. Lower periphyton biomass resulted in increased movement at any time of day, but was followed by decreased grazing success of Glossosoma in the morning when they were sampled. Although sculpins were active in the morning, evening and night but never in the afternoon, movements of Glossosoma were suppressed by sculpin stimuli only in the morning, when food intake of Glossosoma also decreased, regardless of periphyton biomass. Glossosoma reduced the risk of predation by sculpin by flexibly controlling its grazing activities during the most risky period of the day (i.e. morning). Even in the morning in the presence of sculpin, lower resource levels resulted in longer movement distances similar to those in predator-free conditions, suggesting that lower resource availability promotes predation risk in natural streams inhabited by predatory sculpin.  相似文献   

1. Data from field surveys, laboratory experiments and computer simulations of community dynamics revealed that a novel interaction among intraguild predation, physiological adaptation and environment may explain the complex distributions of two putatively competing aquatic amphipods. 2. Gammarus pulex and G. tigrinus both thrive in fresh and oligohaline waters in western Europe. However, the native European G. pulex excludes the invading North American G. tigrinus from freshwaters of relatively low conductivity, whereas the reverse occurs at higher conductivities. Additionally, there is much spatio-temporal fluctuation in the patterns of coexistence of these species. 3. Laboratory experiments in The Netherlands and Ireland revealed that mutual predation of moulting individuals occurred frequently between these species. However, predation frequencies were differentially in favour of G. pulex under the ionic conditions to which this species is physiologically adapted (freshwater). On the other hand, predation was not differential under the ionic conditions to which G. tigrinus is physiologically adapted (oligohaline water). 4. A mathematical model, which extends the logistic equation to include mutual intraguild predation, simulated interactions over a range of values of relevant population parameters. This indicated that G. pulex would be excluded when balanced instantaneous rates of mutual predation were combined with the known greater reproductive output of G. tigrinus. However, this reproductive advantage is overcome by any relatively small bias in the instantaneous rate of predation favouring G. pulex, leading to the exclusion of G. tigrinus. This occurs even when the reproductive advantage to G. tigrinus is relatively large. Moreover, the model generated ‘switches’ in species dominance that are determined by the relative values of reproductive rate and mutual predation. The time taken to ‘switch’ may explain the transient periods of apparent coexistence of these species observed in the field. 5. The complex community dynamics of such species may thus be understood in terms of variation in the intensity of species interactions mediated by behavioural, physiological and environmental factors.  相似文献   

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