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本文作者于1980—1984年,在山西省对鹤形目鸟类的生物学进行了研究,其内容包括季节迁徙、鹤类组成、数量分布、食性分析,并对其有关繁殖的种类进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国鸡形目鸟类的现状与保护对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
鸡形目是一个与人类关系非常密切的鸟类类群 ,其保护工作受到国际自然保护组织的广泛关注。作为世界上鸡形目鸟类资源最为丰富的国家之一 ,我国加强该类群鸟类的保护工作不仅是野生动物资源保护的一个重要组成部分 ,而且对全球生物多样性的保护具有特别重要的意义。本文结合国家林业局“十五”期间将要实施的《全国野生动植物及自然保护区建设工程总体规划》 ,对我国鸡形目鸟类的多样性、特有性和分布特点进行了阐述 ,对该类群的濒危状况和致危因素进行了分析 ,从就地保护、易地保护以及科学研究三个方面介绍了我国在该类群研究与保护方面所取得的成就 ,探讨了目前保护管理工作中所存在的问题并提出了相应的保护对策  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS技术的河北省鸡形目鸟类分布格局   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
收集和整理河北省鸡形目鸟类的分布资料,借助GIS的绘图功能,把解译的遥感影像数据数字化为植被类型图和地貌图;根据文献和标本记录的地理位置和野外考察记录,做出河北省鸡形目鸟类的点分布图;根据鸡形目鸟类与其生境之间的相互依赖关系,定义鸡形目鸟类的适宜生境类型,利用GIS技术的分析、提取和叠加功能,提取每种鸡形目鸟类的适宜生境类型图,预测河北省鸡形目鸟类的总体分布格局。结果表明:河北省鸡形目鸟类物种丰富度地区主要集中在坝上高原区和燕山太行山山地区;河北省鸡形目鸟类可分为全省广布种(鹌鹑和雉鸡)、燕山太行山山地和坝上高原分布种(石鸡、斑翅山鹑、勺鸡)和局部地区特征种(黑琴鸡、黑嘴松鸡、花尾榛鸡、褐马鸡)3种类型。  相似文献   

鹳形目和鹤形目8种鸟类的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了鹳形目鹭科的黄嘴白鹭,紫背苇鸦、黄斑苇鳽和绿鹭4种,鹤形目秧鸡科的黑水鸡,斑胁田鸡和小田鸡3种及三趾鹑科的黄脚三趾鹑的核型。鹭科2种染色体数目为2n=66,另2种为2n=62,秧鸡科3种染色体数目均为2n=78。黄脚三趾鹑的染色体数目为2n=88。  相似文献   

用模糊聚类法处理四川20县(市)的鸡形目鸟类资料。结果表明,四川盆地东部中山-平原区,西部中山-高山区,以及川西北山原区的鸡形目鸟类区系彼此差异较大,进面对鸡形目鸟类区系的结构特点作了比较和记述。  相似文献   

鸟类盲肠的类型及结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
鸟类的盲肠依据其形态结构可分为小肠型、腺体型、淋巴型、退化型和缺乏型。不同食性的鸟类其盲肠变异程度大;草食性和杂食性的鸟类具有较发达的盲肠,肉食性和以昆虫为食的鸟类盲肠变化较大,食鱼类和食谷类的鸟类盲肠较小。  相似文献   

中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库(The Site Record Database for Chinese Galliformes,SRDG)是以中国鸡形目鸟类分布点的有关信息为数据源的综合性资源数据库,于1996年初步建立,2005~2006年进行了更新维护和完善,由中国鸡形目鸟类物种代码库(WZDM)、中国鸡形目鸟类分布状况库(FBZK)和信息来源库(XXLY)三部分构成,包括中国鸡形目全部63个种的5859条分布信息和1027条相关文献记录。本数据库操作简单,各库之间通过共有字段相链接,具有信息查询、修改和维护等功能。本数据库的物种信息有助于加深对我国鸡形目鸟类资源的了解,可为中国鸡形目鸟类的研究和保护提供翔实的基础数据。在数据库基础上,可以进行有关我国鸡形目鸟类分布状况的分析,如鸡形目鸟类地理区划研究、分布区与占有面积的比较、物种濒危状况评估以及热点地区分析和GAP分析等。  相似文献   

7种鹤形目鸟类性别的分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境破碎化和非法狩猎已经使很多鸟类陷入了濒危境地,笼养繁殖进行迁地保护及再引入的保护措施已经具有举足轻重的作用,鸟类性别鉴定对于有效的繁殖至关重要。然而对珍稀濒危鸟类进行安全、方便和准确的性别鉴定一直是个难题。本文运用CHD基因的一对引物2550F/2718R,对7种鹤形目鸟类:大鸨(Otis tarda)、丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)、蓑羽鹤(Anthropoides virgo)、灰鹤(G.grus)、白鹤(G.leucogeranus)、白头鹤(G.monacha)和灰冠鹤(Balearica regulorum)共48只鸟,进行了有效的性别鉴定。研究结果不但对7种鹤形目鸟类的笼养繁殖和个体交换起到了指导作用,而且为今后的再引入提供了有利条件。本研究的性别分子鉴定方法适用于7种鹤形目鸟类,具有安全、方便、准确等特点,并且可以推广使用。  相似文献   

据中国野生动物保护协会网站报道,第四届国际鸡形目鸟类学术研讨会于2007年10月15~20日在我国四川省成都市和卧龙自然保护区召开。来自英国、法国、德国、美国、澳大利亚、中国、印度、马来西亚、新加坡、刚果等世界上20多个国家的180位代表参加了会议一我国是世界上野生鸡形目鸟类资源最丰富的国家,目前已经记录到的鸡形目鸟类63种,其中松鸡8种,雉类55种,其中属于我国特产的有20种。  相似文献   

Based on sensitive immunohistochemical methods, the ceca of three owl species (Tyto alba, Strix aluco, Asio otus) were studied for the presence of important Ca-transport proteins [Ca-channel (α2-subunit), calbindin D-28K, vitamin D3 receptor) and one mitochondrial energy marker (succinate dehydrogenase (subunit A)]. Additionally, some information is given on basic ceca morphology, general histology, and goblet cells. The results obtained demonstrated that the enterocytes of the ceca are regularly involved in calcium transport and that this phenomenon is generally associated with high energy demands. The positive reactions for Ca-transport proteins were normally located in the apical cell membrane and/or cytoplasm but sometimes also in the basal cell membrane of the enterocytes. In the crypts, this cell type generally reacted weaker for the Ca-transport markers than in the epithelial layer of the intestinal villi; however, there were no differences between the cecal localizations (basis, corpus, apex) studied.  相似文献   

By using molecular methods for the identification and quantification of methanogenic archaea in adult chicken ceca, 16S rRNA genes of 11 different phylotypes, 10 of which were 99% similar to Methanobrevibacter woesei, were found. Methanogen populations, as assessed by cultivation, and the 16S rRNA copy number were between 6.38 and 8.23 cells/g (wet weight) and 5.50 and 7.19 log(10)/g (wet weight), respectively.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity and lipid composition of enzymic preparations of water extract from the pyloric caeca of salmon fishes have been studied. Phospholipids and sterols are tightly bound with proteins. The participation of lipids in the proteolytic activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus salivarius have been recently recognized as a natural means to control Campylobacter and Salmonella in live poultry. This finding is of relevance since Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the predominant species isolated from poultry that are associated with human campylobacteriosis. In the present work, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the cecum of twenty Tunisian chickens were identified and those isolates with antagonism against Campylobacter were further characterized. Following their preliminary confirmation as LAB, 150 strains were identified by combining morphological criteria, biochemical tests, and molecular methods, the latter inluding intergenic 16S- 23S PCR, specific lactobacilli PCR, and a biphasic approach. Most of the LAB isolated belonged to the genus Lactobacillus, among them Lb. sakei (33.3%), Lb. salivarius (19.4%), Lb. reuteri (8.6%), and Lb. curvatus (8.6%). The other LAB strains included those of the genus Weissella (16.7%), Enterococcus faecalis (5.3%), Leuconostoc mesenteroides (2.7%), Lactococcus graviae (2.7%), and Streptococcus sp. (2.7%). The Lactobacilli strains were tested for their antagonism against C. jejuni and C. coli. The activity of three of them, Lb. salivarius SMXD51, Lb. salivarius MMS122, and Lb. salivarius MMS151, against the aforementioned target strains could be ascribed to the production of bacteriocins.  相似文献   

Morphological and physiological studies were made on chicken cecal isolates of the strictly anaerobic bacterial species Gemmiger formicilis. Structural features (phase-contrast and electron microscopy) of these microorganisms indicate they (i) are highly pleomorphic, (ii) possess a trilaminar cell wall like gram-negative bacteria, (iii) exhibit an unusual growth process characterized by polar swelling (resembling budding bacteria), and (iv) grow into elongated cells when exposed to a subinhibitory concentration of penicillin. The morphological data presented suggest that this species has a rod-shaped structure. These bacteria ferment a variety of sugars to produce formic, butyric, and lactic acids. There appear to be two groups of Gemmiger, one producing primarily lactate and the other producing formate as major fermentation metabolites. Growth of six strains in a basal medium, consisting of Trypticase, minerals, carbohydrate, Na2CO3 buffer, and cysteine as reducing agent, was stimulated by rumen fluid and yeast extract. Volatile fatty acids partially replaced the requirement for rumen fluid with some strains. Single deletions of vitamins (from a defined vitamin mixture) indicated that pantothenate, riboflavin, and thiamine were highly stimulatory to growth of the organism in a medium containing rumen fluid and Trypticase as source of vitamins. Other vitamin requirements were not studied.  相似文献   

Trypsin was purified from pyloric ceca of the starfish Asterina Pectinifera by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and cation-exchange chromatography. Final enzyme preparation was nearly homogeneous in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and its molecular weight was estimated as approximately 28000. Optimum pH and temperature of A. pectinifera trypsin for hydrolysis of N(alpha)-p-Tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride were approximately pH 8.0 and 55 degrees C, respectively. A. pectinifera trypsin was unstable at above 50 degrees C and below pH 5.0, and was not activated by adding Ca(2+). The N-terminal amino acid sequence of A. pectinifera trypsin, IVGGHEF, was found.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter-specific bacteriophage were enumerated from broiler chicken ceca selected from 90 United Kingdom flocks (n = 205). C. jejuni counts in the presence of bacteriophage (mean log(10) 5.1 CFU/g) were associated with a significant (P < 0.001) reduction compared to samples with Campylobacter alone (mean log(10) 6.9 CFU/g).  相似文献   

Functions of the anatomically obvious, yet peculiar, pyloric ceca of the fish gut have been a source of conjecture for over two millennia since Aristotle hypothesized on digestive utilities. Here, we demonstrate regulated and adaptive changes in osmoregulatory physiology of ceca from chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha). Transfer of salmon from freshwater to seawater (both short- and long-term) significantly stimulated both fluid uptake from 5.1 to 8.3-9.3 microl/cm2/hr and also Na+/K+ -ATPase from 6.5 to 8.3-9.6 micromol/ADP/mg protein/hr. Similar changes were induced with implants of cortisol, which resulted in high physiological cortisol levels in plasma. Ceca, which can number about 200 in chinook salmon, were estimated to account for the majority of fluid uptake capacity of the intestine and, after long-term seawater adaptation, the proportion of uptake capacity was sixfold higher. Transport physiology of ceca is thus under environmental and endocrine control indicative of an important role in salt and water homeostasis.  相似文献   

Surgical ligation of chick ceca was used to study the role of absorption and extraintestinal transport in the action of anticoccidial drugs. The administration of drugs in the feed was started after ligation of one of the paried ceca. Birds were inoculated orally with oocysts of Eimeria tenella before cecal ligation or were given bilateral cecal injections of sporozoites after ligation. Cecal lesions caused by the coccidia were evaluated and compared on day 6 postinoculation. Lesions in ligated and unligated ceca were reduced by feeding robenidine (33 ppm), arprinocid (70 ppm), zoalene (125 ppm), aklomide (250 ppm), clopidol (125 ppm), nicarbazin (125 ppm), monensin (120 ppm), salinomycin (60 ppm), and lasalocid (75 ppm). The lesions were more severe in the ligated cecum than in the intact cecum, whether in nonmedicated or medicated birds, but the differences were statistically significant only upon treatment with amprolium, aklomide, robenidine, and clopidol. Generally, however, all drugs except amprolium, significantly reduced the lesions in the ligated cecum in comparison with the control, nonmedicated ligated cecum. Therefore, we concluded that the systemic absorption of most anticoccidial drugs contributes significantly to their efficacy against coccidia in the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

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