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The dynamic behavior of kinetochore fiber microtubules has been examined in PtK1 cells during anaphase of mitosis. Cells in anaphase were injected with biotin-tubulin and, at various intervals after injection, fixed for light or electron microscopic immunolocalization of biotin-tubulin-containing microtubules. When cells in early to mid anaphase were injected with biotin-tubulin and fixed 1-2 min later, fluorescence was observed throughout the spindle, including the region of the kinetochore fibers. Electron microscopy of early to mid anaphase cells, after processing with immunogold methods, revealed both labeled and unlabeled microtubules in the kinetochore fibers; some labeled microtubules contacted the kinetochores. When late anaphase cells were injected with biotin-tubulin, and fixed a few minutes later, little fluorescence was observed in the kinetochore fibers. Electron microscopy confirmed that kinetochore fibers in late anaphase cells were refractory to tubulin incorporation. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the kinetochore fiber incorporates new microtubules during early anaphase but that this incorporation ceases in mid to late anaphase. Thus, microtubule turnover within the kinetochore fiber does not abruptly cease at the onset of anaphase and anaphase kinetochore fiber microtubules are more dynamic than previously suspected.  相似文献   

In normal anaphase of crane fly spermatocytes, the autosomes traverse most of the distance to the poles at a constant, temperature-dependent velocity. Concurrently, the birefringent kinetochore fibers shorten while retaining a constant birefringent retardation (BR) and width over most of the fiber length as the autosomes approach the centrosome region. To test the dynamic equilibrium model of chromosome poleward movement, we abruptly cooled or heated primary spermatocytes of the crane fly Nephrotoma ferruginea (and the grasshopper Trimerotropis maritima) during early anaphase. According to this model, abrupt cooling should induce transient depolymerization of the kinetochore fiber microtubules, thus producing a transient acceleration in the poleward movement of the autosomal chromosomes, provided the poles remain separated. Abrupt changes in temperature from 22 degrees C to as low as 4 degrees C or as high as 31 degrees C in fact produced immediate changes in chromosome velocity to new constant velocities. No transient changes in velocity were observed. At 4 degrees C (10 degrees C for grasshopper cells), chromosome movement ceased. Although no nonkinetochore fiber BR remained at these low temperatures, kinetochore fiber BR had changed very little. The cold stability of the kinetochore fiber microtubules, the constant velocity character of chromosome movement, and the observed Arrhenius relationship between temperature and chromosome velocity indicate that a rate-limiting catalyzed process is involved in the normal anaphase depolymerization of the spindle fiber microtubules. On the basis of our birefringence observations, the kinetochore fiber microtubules appear to exist in a steady-state balance between comparatively irreversible, and probably different, physiological pathways of polymerization and depolymerization.  相似文献   

The acentrosomal plant mitotic spindle is uniquely structured in that it lacks opposing centrosomes at its poles and is equipped with a connective preprophase band that regulates the spatial framework for spindle orientation and mobility. These features are supported by specialized microtubule-associated proteins and motors. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana MAP65-4, a non-motor microtubule associated protein (MAP) that belongs to the evolutionarily conserved MAP65 family, specifically associates with the forming mitotic spindle during prophase and with the kinetochore fibers from prometaphase to the end of anaphase. In vitro, MAP65-4 induces microtubule (MT) bundling through the formation of cross-bridges between adjacent MTs both in polar and antipolar orientations. The association of MAP65-4 with an MT bundle is concomitant with its elongation. Furthermore, MAP65-4 modulates the MT dynamic instability parameters of individual MTs within a bundle, mainly by decreasing the frequency of catastrophes and increasing the frequency of rescue events, and thereby supports the progressive lengthening of MT bundles over time. These properties are in line with its role of initiating kinetochore fibers during prospindle formation.  相似文献   

Origin of kinetochore microtubules in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have attempted to determine whether chromosomal microtubules arise by kinetochore nucleation or by attachment of pre-existing microtubules. The appearance of new microtubules was investigated in vivo on kinetochores to which microtubules had not previously been attached. The mitotic apparatus of Chinese hamster ovary cells was reconstructed in three dimensions from 0.25 m thick serial sections, and the location of chromosomes, kinetochore outer disks, centrioles, virus-like particles and microtubules determined. Central to the interpretation of these data is a synchronization scheme in which cells entered Colcemid arrest without forming mitotic microtubules. Cells were synchronized by the excess thymidine method and exposed to 0.3 g/ml Colcemid for 8 h. Electron microscopic examination showed that this Colcemid concentration eliminated all microtubules. Mitotic cells were collected by shaking off, and cell counts showed that over 95% of the cells were in interphase when treatment began and thus were arrested without the kinetochores having been previously attached to microtubules. Cells were then incubated in fresh medium and fixed for high voltage electron microscopy at intervals during recovery. — In early stages of recovery, short microtubules were observed near and in contact with kinetochores and surrounding centrioles. Microtubules were associated with kinetochores facing away from centrosomes and far from any centrosomal microtubules, and thus were not of centrosomal origin. At a later stage of recovery, long parallel bundles of microtubules, terminating in the kinetochore outer disk, extended from kinetochores both toward and away from centrosomes. Because microtubules had never been attached to kinetochores, the possibility that kinetochore microtubles were initiated by microtubule stubs resistant to Colcemid was eliminated. Therefore we conclude that mammalian kinetochores can initiate microtubules in vivo, thus serving as microtubule organizing centers for the mitotic spindle, and that formation of kinetochore-microtubule bundles is not dependent on centrosomal activity.  相似文献   

D Bar-Sagi  J R Feramisco 《Cell》1985,42(3):841-848
To investigate the possible role of ras proteins in the differentiation process signaled by nerve growth factor, we have microinjected the proto-oncogenic and oncogenic (T24) forms of the human H-ras protein into living rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12). PC12 cells, which have the phenotype of replicating chromaffin-like cells under normal growth conditions, respond to nerve growth factor by differentiating into nonreplicating sympathetic neuron-like cells. Microinjection of the ras oncogene protein promoted the morphological differentiation of PC12 cells into neuron-like cells. In contrast, microinjection of similar amounts of the proto-oncogene form of the ras protein had no apparent effect on PC12 cells. The induction of morphological differentiation by the ras oncogene protein occurred in the absence of nerve growth factor, was dependent on protein synthesis, and was accompanied by cessation of cell division. Treatment of PC12 cells with nerve growth factor or cAMP analogue prior to injection did not alter the phenotypic changes induced by the ras oncogene protein.  相似文献   

Microinjection of gelsolin into living cells   总被引:11,自引:18,他引:11  
Gelsolins are actin-binding proteins that cap, nucleate, and sever actin filaments. Microinjection of cytoplasmic or plasma gelsolin into living fibroblasts and macrophages did not affect the shape, actin distribution, deformability, or ruffling activity of the cells. Gelsolin requires calcium for activity, but the NH2-terminal half is active without calcium. Microinjection of this proteolytic fragment had marked effects: the cells rounded up, stopped ruffling, became soft, and stress fibers disappeared. These changes are similar to those seen with cytochalasin, which also caps barbed ends of actin filaments. Attempts to raise the cytoplasmic calcium concentration and thereby activate the injected gelsolin were unsuccessful, but the increases in calcium concentration were minimal or transient and may not have been sufficient. Our interpretation of these results is that at the low calcium concentrations normally found in cells, gelsolin does not express the activities observed in vitro at higher calcium concentrations. We presume that gelsolin may be active at certain times or places if the calcium concentration is elevated to a sufficient level, but we cannot exclude the existence of another molecule that inhibits gelsolin. Microinjection of a 1:1 gelsolin/actin complex had no effect on the cells. This complex is stable in the absence of calcium and has capping activity but no severing and less nucleation activity as compared with either gelsolin in calcium or the NH2-terminal fragment. The NH2-terminal fragment-actin complex also has capping and nucleating activity but no severing activity. On microinjection it had the same effects as the fragment alone. The basis for the difference between the two complexes is unknown. The native molecular weight of rabbit plasma gelsolin is 82,500, and the extinction coefficient at 280 nm is 1.68 cm2/mg. A new simple procedure for purification of plasma gelsolin is described.  相似文献   

Summary— The spatial distribution of the microtubules (MT) in the rat 3Y1 cells in mitosis was investigated by immunoelectron microscopy and computer-graphic reconstruction of serial thin sections. In anaphase the interzone-MT increased in number gradually with advancing phase, while the kinetochore-MT in half-spindles decreased. The interzone-MT overlapped with each other at the equatorial region of the cell, and they formed a specific structure called the ‘stem bodies’. The ends of the interzone-MT opposite to the stem bodies often attached to chromosomes but not to the poles. The stem bodies were not labeled with immunogold particles of anti-α tubulin. Some of the stem bodies or MT which originate from stem bodies were found just beneath the plasma membrane in the equatorial region where abundant actin filaments appear showing the formation of the contractile ring and subsequently the cleavage furrow begins. On the basis of these observations it is assumed that the interzone-MT is involved both in the separation of chromosomes in anaphase and in the formation of the cleavage furrow in telophase.  相似文献   

Forces in the spindle that align and segregate chromosomes produce a steady poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules (MTs [kMTs]) in higher eukaryotes. In several nonmammalian systems, flux is driven by the tetrameric kinesin Eg5 (kinesin 5), which slides antiparallel MTs toward their minus ends. However, we find that the inhibition of kinesin 5 in mammalian cultured cells (PtK1) results in only minor reduction in the rate of kMT flux from approximately 0.7 to approximately 0.5 microm/min, the same rate measured in monopolar spindles that lack antiparallel MTs. These data reveal that the majority of poleward flux of kMTs in these cells is not driven by Eg5. Instead, we favor a polar "pulling-in" mechanism in which a depolymerase localized at kinetochore fiber minus ends makes a major contribution to poleward flux. One candidate, Kif2a (kinesin 13), was detected at minus ends of fluxing kinetochore fibers. Kif2a remains associated with the ends of K fibers upon disruption of the spindle by dynein/dynactin inhibition, and these K fibers flux.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation in most animal cells is brought about through two events: the movement of the chromosomes to the poles (anaphase A) and the movement of the poles away from each other (anaphase B). Essential to an understanding of the mechanism of mitosis is information on the relative movements of components of the spindle and identification of sites of subunit loss from shortening microtubules. Through use of tubulin derivatized with X-rhodamine, photobleaching, and digital imaging microscopy of living cells, we directly determined the relative movements of poles, chromosomes, and a marked domain on kinetochore fibers during anaphase. During chromosome movement and pole-pole separation, the marked domain did not move significantly with respect to the near pole. Therefore, the kinetochore microtubules were shortened by the loss of subunits at the kinetochore, although a small amount of subunit loss elsewhere was not excluded. In anaphase A, chromosomes moved on kinetochore microtubules that remained stationary with respect to the near pole. In anaphase B, the kinetochore fiber microtubules accompanied the near pole in its movement away from the opposite pole. These results eliminate models of anaphase in which microtubules are thought to be traction elements that are drawn to and depolymerized at the pole. Our results are compatible with models of anaphase in which the kinetochore fiber microtubules remain anchored at the pole and in which microtubule dynamics are centered at the kinetochore.  相似文献   

Summary We have found that a brief treatment of either PtK2 cells or stamen hair cells ofTradescantia virginiana during metaphase with okadaic acid, a potent protein phosphatase inhibitor, results in asynchronous entry into anaphase. After this treatment, the interval for the separation of sister chromatids can be expanded from a few seconds to approximately 5 min. We have performed a series of immunolocalizations of cells with anti-tubulin antibodies and CREST serum, asking whether okadaic acid induces asynchronous entry into anaphase through changes in the organization of the spindle microtubules or through a loss in the attachment of spindle microtubules to the kinetochores. Our experiments clearly indicate that asynchronous entry into anaphase after phosphatase inhibitor treatment is not the result of either altered spindle microtubule organization or the long-term loss of microtubule attachment to kinetochores. The kinetochore fiber bundles for all of the separating chromosomes are normally of uniform length throughout anaphase, but after asynchronous entry into anaphase, different groups of kinetochore fiber bundles have distinctly different lengths. The reason for this difference in length is that once split apart, the daughter chromosomes begin their movement toward the spindle poles, with normal shortening of the kinetochore fiber bundle microtubules. Thus, okadaic acid treatment during metaphase does not affect anaphase chromosome movement once it has begun. Our results suggest that one or more protein phosphatases appear to play an important role during metaphase in the regulatory cascade that culminates in synchronous sister chromatid separation.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification by the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) is emerging as an important regulator in many cellular processes, including genome integrity. In this study, we show that the kinetochore proteins Ndc10, Bir1, Ndc80, and Cep3, which mediate the attachment of chromosomes to spindle microtubules, are sumoylated substrates in budding yeast. Furthermore, we show that Ndc10, Bir1, and Cep3 but not Ndc80 are desumoylated upon exposure to nocodazole, highlighting the possibility of distinct roles for sumoylation in modulating kinetochore protein function and of a potential link between the sumoylation of kinetochore proteins and mitotic checkpoint function. We find that lysine to arginine mutations that eliminate the sumoylation of Ndc10 cause chromosome instability, mislocalization of Ndc10 from the mitotic spindle, abnormal anaphase spindles, and a loss of Bir1 sumoylation. These data suggest that sumoylation of Ndc10 and other kinetochore proteins play a critical role during the mitotic process.  相似文献   

Exposure to cigarette smoke has long been linked to carcinogenesis, but the emphasis has been placed on mutational changes in the DNA sequence caused by the carcinogens in smoke. Here, we report an additional role for cigarette smoke exposure in contributing to chromosomal aberrations in cells. We have found that cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) induces anaphase bridges in cultured human cells, which in a short time lead to genomic imbalances. The frequency of the induced bridges within the entire population decreases with time, and this decrease is not dependent upon the p53-mediated apoptotic pathway. Additionally, we show that CSC induces DNA double stranded breaks (DSBs) in cultured cells and purified DNA. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger, 2' deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate (dGMP) prevents CSC-induced DSBs, anaphase bridge formation and genomic imbalances. Therefore, we propose that CSC induces bridges and genomic imbalances via DNA DSBs. Furthermore, since the amount of CSC added to the cultures was substantially less than that extracted from a single cigarette, our results show that even low levels of cigarette smoke can cause irreversible changes in the chromosomal constitution of cultured cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,132(6):1093-1104
The force for poleward chromosome motion during mitosis is thought to act, in all higher organisms, exclusively through the kinetochore. We have used time-lapse. video-enhanced, differential interference contrast light microscopy to determine the behavior of kinetochore-free "acentric" chromosome fragments and "monocentric" chromosomes containing one kinetochore, created at various stages of mitosis in living higher plant (Haemanthus) cells by laser microsurgery. Acentric fragments and monocentric chromosomes generated during spindle formation and metaphase both moved towards the closest spindle pole at a rate (approximately 1.0 microm/min) similar to the poleward motion of anaphase chromosomes. This poleward transport of chromosome fragments ceased near the onset of anaphase and was replaced. near midanaphase, by another force that now transported the fragments to the spindle equator at 1.5-2.0 microm/min. These fragments then remained near the spindle midzone until phragmoplast development, at which time they were again transported randomly poleward but now at approximately 3 microm/min. This behavior of acentric chromosome fragments on anastral plant spindles differs from that reported for the astral spindles of vertebrate cells, and demonstrates that in forming plant spindles, a force for poleward chromosome motion is generated independent of the kinetochore. The data further suggest that the three stages of non- kinetochore chromosome transport we observed are all mediated by the spindle microtubules. Finally, our findings reveal that there are fundamental differences between the transport properties of forming mitotic spindles in plants and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Leemhuis J  Henle F  Meyer DK 《Peptides》2007,28(9):1700-1705
In neurons from rat hippocampus, VIP induces the elongation of dendrites. In the present study, we have investigated in cultured hippocampal neurons whether VIP changed the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton in dendrites. VIP caused the elongation of dendrites and induced the outgrowth of microtubules, so that they extended up to the tips. In contrast, VIP reduced the F-actin content measured as total pixel after phalloidin staining in dendritic tips. These results suggest that VIP causes dendrite elongation by facilitating the outgrowth of microtubules into the newly formed extensions.  相似文献   

Baccatin III induces assembly of purified tubulin into long microtubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chatterjee SK  Barron DM  Vos S  Bane S 《Biochemistry》2001,40(23):6964-6970
Baccatin III is widely considered to be an inactive derivative of Taxol. We have reexamined its effect on in vitro assembly of tubulin under a variety of conditions. We found baccatin III to be active in all circumstances in which Taxol is active: it assembled GTP-tubulin, GDP-tubulin, and microtubule protein into normal microtubules and stabilized these polymers against cold-induced disassembly. The effect of baccatin III on in vitro microtubule assembly was quantitatively assessed through determination of critical concentrations, which can be used to obtain the apparent equilibrium constants for the addition of tubulin subunits to growing microtubules. The apparent equilibrium constants for the growth reaction for baccatin III-induced GTP-tubulin and GDP-tubulin assembly measured at 37 degrees C were 4.2-4.6-fold less than those measured for Taxol-induced GTP-tubulin and GDP-tubulin assembly. These data indicate that the entire Taxol side chain contributes only about -1 kcal/mol to the apparent standard free energy of microtubule growth at 37 degrees C regardless of the nature of the E site nucleotide. These data also support the idea that the majority of the interactions between Taxol and tubulin that affect this equilibrium occur between the baccatin portion of the molecule and the binding site. We have also observed a structural difference in microtubules formed using baccatin III and Taxol. Baccatin III-induced microtubules were routinely much longer than those assembled by Taxol, even when very high concentrations of baccatin III were employed. One interpretation of these data is that baccatin III and Taxol differ in their abilities to nucleate GTP-tubulin. This difference in activity may have bearing on the large disparity in cytotoxicity of the two molecules.  相似文献   

Microinjection of fluorescent tubulin into dividing sea urchin cells   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(4):1249-1254
To follow the dynamics of microtubule (MT) assembly and disassembly during mitosis in living cells, tubulin has been covalently modified with the fluorochrome 5-(4,6-dichlorotriazin-2-yl)aminofluorescein and microinjected into fertilized eggs of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. The changing distribution of the fluorescent protein probe is visualized in a fluorescence microscope coupled to an image intensification video system. Cells that have been injected with fluorescent tubulin show fluorescent linear polymers that assemble very rapidly and radiate from the spindle poles, coincident with the position of the astral fibers. No fluorescent polymer is apparent in other areas of the cytoplasm. When fluorescent tubulin is injected near the completion of anaphase, little incorporation of fluorescent tubulin into polymer is apparent, suggesting that new polymerization does not occur past a critical point in anaphase. These results demonstrate that MT polymerization is very rapid in vivo and that the assembly is both temporally and spatially regulated within the injected cells. Furthermore, the microinjected tubulin is stable within the sea urchin cytoplasm for at least 1 h since it can be reutilized in successive daughter cell spindles. Control experiments indicate that the observed fluorescence is dependent on MT assembly. The fluorescence is greatly diminished upon treatment of the cells with cold or colchicine agents known to cause the depolymerization of assembled MT. In addition, cells injected with fluorescent bovine serum albumin or assembly-incompetent fluorescent tubulin do not exhibit fluorescence localized in the spindle but rather appear diffusely fluorescent throughout the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Detailed correlation of in vitro observations with the arrangement of microtubules (MTs) during anaphase-telophase were made on endosperm of Haemanthus katherinae. It is stressed that the general course of events leading to the formation of the phragmoplast is the same in all cells, but considerable variation of details may be found in different objects and even in various cells of the same tissue. The changes of MT arrangement in the interzonal region responsible for formation of the phragmoplast already occur in anaphase. During this stage continuous fibers (composed of numerous MTs) lengthen, become thinner (the number of MTs on a cross-section decreases), and often seem to break. After mid-anaphase, thin fibers begin to oscillate transversely to the axis of the phragmoplast and often are considerably laterally displaced (lateral movements). The longest MTs in the phragmoplast are present during oscillations and lateral movements. The new MTs arise in the phragmoplast regions depleted of MTs as a result of lateral movements (usually geometric central region of the phragmoplast). Clusters of vesicles, which accumulate in relation to MTs which move, fuse and form the cell plate. After the fusion, the number and the length of MTs decrease. Several processes are superimposed and occur simultaneously. Also the cell plate is, as a rule, in different stages of development in various regions of the phragmoplast. The movements of MTs and fusion of the vesicles is complex and the details of these processes are not entirely clear. The data supplied here modify some generally accepted concepts of phragmoplast formation and development. This concerns the center of origin of new MTs, the moment when they arise, and the way they subsequently behave.  相似文献   

The dynamics of astral and midzone microtubules (MTs) must be separately regulated during cell division, but the mechanism of selective stabilization of midzone MTs is poorly understood. Here we show that, in HT1080 cells, activation of Rho is required to stabilize midzone MTs, and to maintain the midzone structures after anaphase onset or during cytokinesis. Ect2-depleted cells undergoing conventional cytokinesis (cytokinesis A) or contractile ring-independent cytokinesis (cytokinesis B) formed abnormally thin bundles of midzone MTs. C3-loaded mitotic cells with inactivated Rho showed similar but more severe disorganization of midzone MTs. In addition, the bundles of astral MTs were abnormally abundant along the cell periphery in both Ect2-depleted and C3-loaded mitotic cells. Mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 (MKLP1), a component of the spindle midzone required for bundling of MTs, was localized only in the narrower equatorial regions in Ect2-depleted cells, and disappeared from the midzone accompanying the progression of the mitotic phase in C3-loaded cells. Stabilization of MTs by taxol was sufficient to maintain the midzone structures in C3-loaded mitotic cells. These results, when combined with a preceding analysis on another, microtubule-associated Rho GEF (C.J. Bakal, D. Finan, J. LaRose, C.D. Wells, G. Gish, S. Kulkarni, P. DeSepulveda, A. Wilde, R. Rottapel, The Rho GTP exchange factor Lfc promotes spindle assembly in early mitosis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 102 (2005) 9529–9534), suggest that mammalian cells have two potential steps that require active Rho for the stabilization of midzone MTs during mitosis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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