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Small GTP-binding proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The effects of mastoparan and compound 48/80 on the activities of alpha beta gamma-trimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) were studied with purified Go and Gi-1 which had been reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of Go or Gi-1 was inhibited by mastoparan or compound 48/80, suggesting that the G proteins were dissociated into their constituent alpha- and beta gamma-subunits in the presence of these compounds. The steady-state rate of GTP hydrolysis catalyzed by Go or Gi-1 was stimulated by the two compounds. Both the stimulations were due to increases in the rate of the GDP-GTP exchange reaction occurring on the G proteins. However, the modes stimulation of the GTPase activity depended on the type of G protein used, and the stimulations caused by the two compounds were differently affected by pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of G proteins. Moreover, the mastoparan-induced stimulation of the GTPase activity was partially inhibited by compound 48/80. Thus, the two histamine secretagogues mastoparan and compound 48/80 appear to activate G proteins differently, though they interact with the signal-transducing proteins, at least partly, at a common binding site.  相似文献   

We believed that GTP-binding protein (G-protein)-coupling receptor always transduces stimulatory signals to G-proteins. From our recent experiments using reconstitution techniques, however, it was revealed that some receptors transduce an inhibitory or no signal to G-proteins in specific tissues, despite some interaction between them. Here we discuss the molecular basis of mechanisms of such diverse modes of functional coupling between different subtypes of opioid receptors and G-proteins.  相似文献   

Previous biochemical and electrophysiological evidence suggests that in invertebrate photoreceptors, a GTP-binding protein (G-protein) mediates the actions of photoactivated rhodopsin in the initial stages of transduction. We find that squid photoreceptors contain more than one protein (molecular masses 38, 42 and 46 kDa) whose ADP-ribosylation by bacterial exotoxins is light-sensitive. Several lines of evidence suggest that these proteins represent distinct alpha subunits of G-proteins. (1) Pertussis toxin and cholera toxin react with distinct subsets of these polypeptides. (2) Only the 42 kDa protein immunoreacts with the monoclonal antibody 4A, raised against the alpha subunit of the G-protein of vertebrate rods [Hamm & Bownds (1984) J. Gen. Physiol. 84. 265-280]. (3) In terms of ADP-ribosylation, the 42 kDa protein is the least labile to freezing. (4) Of the 38 kDa and 42 kDa proteins, the former is preferentially extracted with hypo-osmotic solutions, as demonstrated by the solubility of its ADP-ribosylated state and by the solubility of the light-dependent binding of guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate. The specific target enzymes for the observed G-proteins have not been established.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody, MONO, recognizes an epitope on the G protein alpha o-subunit [van der Voorn et al., submitted] and readily immunoprecipitates heterotrimeric Go proteins from solubilized, crude bovine brain membranes, as well as from a purified bovine brain G protein preparation. Upon incubation of the immunoprecipitates with GTP gamma S, all beta gamma-subunits are released from the alpha o-subunit. Thus, binding of MONO to the Go protein does not appear to interfere with release of bound GDP, binding of GTP gamma S or GTP gamma S-induced subunit dissociation. However, we have been unable to induce a similar dissociation of Go using its physiological activator, GTP. Surprisingly, we did not observe any dissociation of Go (bound to MONO) upon dilution in a range from 500 to 5 nM. Since an apparent Kd of alpha o-GDP for binding beta gamma of 340-390 nM has been reported [(1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 20688-20696] our results would suggest that binding of MONO to the alpha o-subunit induces an increased affinity of alpha o-GDP for beta gamma. Alternatively, these results could be explained if, under the conditions used, the Kd of alpha o-GDP for beta gamma were at least two orders of magnitude lower than estimated previously.  相似文献   

The coelomic cells of the polychaete annelid Glycera dibranchiata contain two hemoglobins. The monomer hemoglobin fraction is composed of one major component and two minor components as determined by starch gel electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing, but is homogeneous as to subunit size as demonstrated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The polymer hemoglobin fraction has and initial molecular weight of Mn = 125,000 as determined by osmometry, but exhibits an increased state of aggregation upon storage. The quaternary structure of the polymer is constituted of monomeric subunits in a non-covalent state of aggregation as demonstrated by its subunit dissociation inthe presence of propyl urea. The oxygen affinity of the polymer is lower than the monomer but increases with deaggregation. The Bohr effect is present only in the polymer. Cooperativity is also characteristic of the polymer and is pH-dependent. Interestingly, cooperativity increases with intermediate states of polymer deaggregation. By far, the main organic phosphate component of the coelomic red cells is ATP accompanied by small amounts of ADP and GTP. No modulating effect of ATP on the oxygen equilibrium of either polymer or total hemolysate was found.  相似文献   

GTP-binding proteins in plants   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

Nuclear membranes and other subcellular fractions derived from bovine brain cortex were investigated for the existence of GTP-binding proteins. By using photolytic labeling with [alpha-32P]GTP a 29 kDa GTP-binding protein was shown to be present in nuclear membranes which was not present in the plasma membranes nor in microsomal or cytosolic fractions. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that this protein is rather acidic with a pI lower than 4.5. Members of the heterotrimeric Gi/o family are not present in the nuclear envelope: a 39 kDa protein, ADP ribosylated by pertussis toxin, was shown to originate from plasma membrane contamination.  相似文献   

A human pathogenic strain of Bacillus cereus produces an exoenzyme which selectively ADP-ribosylates 20-25 kDa GTP-binding proteins in platelet membranes. Pre-ADP-ribosylation of rho proteins of human platelet membranes with Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 or Clostridium limosum exoenzyme inhibits subsequent ADP-ribosylation by the exoenzyme from B. cereus indicating similar substrate specificity of the transferases. The ADP-ribosyltransferase from B. cereus reveals no immunological cross-reactivity with C. botulinum C3 and C. limosum exoenzyme.  相似文献   

GTP-binding proteins in cellular extracts from Escherichia coli, Thermus thermophilus, yeast, wheat germ or calf thymus were identified using in situ periodate-oxidized [alpha-32P]GTP as affinity label. Site-specific reaction of individual GTP-binding proteins was achieved by cross-linking the protein-bound 2',3'-dialdehyde derivative of GTP with the single lysine residue of the conserved NKXD sequence through Schiff's base formation and subsequent cyanoborohydride reduction. Labeled GTP-binding proteins from prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell homogenates were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualized by autoradiography. In addition cross-linking of [alpha-32P]GTP with GTP-binding proteins was demonstrated in model systems using different purified GTPases, human c-H-ras p21, transducin from bovine retina, polypeptide elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) from T. thermophilus and initiation factor 2 (IF2) from T. thermophilus. The described affinity labeling technique can serve as an analytical method for the identification of GTPases belonging to the classes of ras-proteins, elongation and initiation factors, and heterotrimeric signal transducing G-proteins.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting recent discoveries in the area of intracellular protein transport is the finding that many organelles involved in exocytic and endocytic membrane traffic have one or more Ras-like GTP-binding proteins on their cytoplasmic face that are specific for each membranous compartment. These proteins are attractive candidates for regulators of transport vesicle formation and the accurate delivery of transport vesicles to their correct targets.  相似文献   

GTP-binding proteins have been identified on the membranes of highly purified dextran-filled lysosomes (dextranosomes) and Triton-filled lysosomes (tritosomes) obtained from rat liver. Autoradiography of blots of lysosomal membrane proteins incubated with [alpha-32P]GTP revealed the presence of several specific GTP-binding proteins with a relative molecular mass (M(r)) predominantly in the range of 26-30 kDa. These GTP-binding proteins migrated slower in polyacrylamide gels than purified c-Ha-ras protein expressed in E. coli, whose apparent M(r) was 23 kDa in the same blot. The relative contents of GTP-binding proteins in lysosomal membranes were comparable or greater than that of plasma membranes and of microsomes. Chemical extraction showed that lysosomal GTP-binding proteins were more tightly associated with the membranes than with microsomal GTP-binding proteins. The possible involvement of lysosomal GTP-binding proteins in cellular functions including vacuolar (lysosomal) acidification and organellar dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii intraflagellar transport (IFT) particles can be biochemically resolved into two smaller assemblies, complexes A and B, that contain up to six and 15 protein subunits, respectively. We provide here the proteomic and immunological analyses that verify the identity of all six Chlamydomonas A proteins. Using sucrose density gradient centrifugation and antibody pulldowns, we show that all six A subunits are associated in a 16 S complex in both the cell bodies and flagella. A significant fraction of the cell body IFT43, however, exhibits a much slower sedimentation of ~2 S and is not associated with the IFT A complex. To identify interactions between the six A proteins, we combined exhaustive yeast-based two-hybrid analysis, heterologous recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli, and analysis of the newly identified complex A mutants, ift121 and ift122. We show that IFT121 and IFT43 interact directly and provide evidence for additional interactions between IFT121 and IFT139, IFT121 and IFT122, IFT140 and IFT122, and IFT140 and IFT144. The mutant analysis further allows us to propose that a subset of complex A proteins, IFT144/140/122, can form a stable 12 S subcomplex that we refer to as the IFT A core. Based on these results, we propose a model for the spatial arrangement of the six IFT A components.  相似文献   

Evolution of the Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins.   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Rab proteins are small GTP-binding proteins that form the largest family within the Ras superfamily. Rab proteins regulate vesicular trafficking pathways, behaving as membrane-associated molecular switches. Here, we have identified the complete Rab families in the Caenorhabditis elegans (29 members), Drosophila melanogaster (29), Homo sapiens (60) and Arabidopsis thaliana (57), and we defined criteria for annotation of this protein family in each organism. We studied sequence conservation patterns and observed that the RabF motifs and the RabSF regions previously described in mammalian Rabs are conserved across species. This is consistent with conserved recognition mechanisms by general regulators and specific effectors. We used phylogenetic analysis and other approaches to reconstruct the multiplication of the Rab family and observed that this family shows a strict phylogeny of function as opposed to a phylogeny of species. Furthermore, we observed that Rabs co-segregating in phylogenetic trees show a pattern of similar cellular localisation and/or function. Therefore, animal and fungi Rab proteins can be grouped in "Rab functional groups" according to their segregating patterns in phylogenetic trees. These functional groups reflect similarity of sequence, localisation and/or function, and may also represent shared ancestry. Rab functional groups can help the understanding of the functional evolution of the Rab family in particular and vesicular transport in general, and may be used to predict general functions for novel Rab sequences.  相似文献   

Small GTP-binding proteins and their role in transport.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Subunit interactions of lobster hemocyanin. I. Ultracentrifuge studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subunit interactions in the hemocyanin of New England lobster, Homarus americanus, were investigated by means of the ultracentrifuge, using sedimentation velocity and Archibald molecular weight methods. It was verified that a 17S species dimerizes rapidly and reversibly to form a 25S species in the pH range 9.4–9.7 in the presence of calcium ion. From the Ca2+ and pH dependence of the equilibrium constant for this process, the absorption of approximately five calcium ions and three protons accompany the formation of one molecule of the 25S species. The sedimentation velocity patterns were also found to shift in favor of the 17S species with the imposition of excess hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

Interaction of GTP-binding proteins with calmodulin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two GTP-binding proteins (Gi and Go), which were the substrates for islet-activating protein, pertussis toxin, were purified from bovine cerebral cortical membranes. Both Gi and Go completely inhibited calmodulin-stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. The same concentrations of these proteins, however, had no appreciable effect on the basal phosphodiesterase activity. The isolated Gi alpha and beta gamma subunits of GTP-binding proteins were potent inhibitors of the calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterase activity, but Go alpha was very weak. Therefore, the beta gamma subunits were likely to be the major active molecules in the brain membranes. GTP-binding proteins were shown to bind directly to calmodulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner by a gel permeation binding experiment.  相似文献   

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