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甘蓝粉虱是一种危险性入侵害虫,中国大陆于2012年7月在北京市朝阳区首次发现,寄主植物为抱茎苦买菜;翌年8月份又在新疆乌鲁木齐和吐鲁番发现,寄主植物为开花生菜和抱茎苦买菜。文章描述了甘蓝粉虱的危害方式、寄主植物、分布范围、识别特征、天敌种类以及传播扩散方式,并分析了在我国大陆的发展趋势和需要密切关注的区域。  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱入侵我国海南   总被引:56,自引:1,他引:56  
螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus disperses Russell是一种危险性的入侵害虫,作者于2006年4月,在我国海南陵水首次发现,分析可能是从台湾引入。文章记述螺旋粉虱在海南的发现过程、该种的野外识别及室内鉴别特征,列出海南发现的27种重要寄主植物(这些植物涉及果树、园林和农作物)和几种捕食性天敌,并附有特征图和彩色照片。最后分析其在海南发展趋势及向大陆扩展的可能性,福建、广东、广西等南方省区应密切关注该虫的发展。  相似文献   

橘绵粉虱是一种危险性的入侵生物,已于2018年11月在我国海南文昌的番石榴上发现。本文记述了橘绵粉虱各虫态的形态特征、野外鉴别特征,并列出了其分布及重要寄主植物,附有彩色生态照片。由于橘绵粉虱是柑橘类的重要害虫,具有向中国大陆扩散的可能性,我国南方柑橘产区应密切关注此虫动态。  相似文献   

【目的】针对粉虱类害虫种类多、体型微小、形态相似、难以准确快速识别的问题,以新入侵我国大陆的甘蓝粉虱 Aleyrodes proletella (L.)为靶标,以田间常见的其他10种/隐种粉虱为参照,采用基于线粒体DNA细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I (mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, mtDNA COI) 基因的种特异性 (species-specific COI, SS-COI) PCR方法,研究其快速分子检测技术。【方法】利用mtDNA COI基因通用型引物LCO-1490/HCO-2198获得甘蓝粉虱及其他常见粉虱的COI序列,根据测序结果设计种特异性SS-COI引物1对(APZYJF/APZYJR),其扩增片段大小为384 bp,同时对该对引物的种特异性及灵敏性进行检测。【结果】种特异性检验结果显示,该对引物仅对甘蓝粉虱的mtDNA COI基因具有扩增效果,对我国常见的其他种类的粉虱包括温室粉虱 Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)、柑橘粉虱 Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead)、螺旋粉虱 Aleurodicus disperses (Russell)、双钩巢粉虱 Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae Martin、非洲伯粉虱 Bemisia afer (Priesner et Hosny)以及烟粉虱B. tabaci (Gennadius)5个隐种(MED, Asia I, Asia II 1, Asia II 3和China 1)等不具有交叉反应扩增能力。灵敏性检验结果显示,该对引物不仅对不同性别的成虫具有良好的扩增效能,对2-4龄若虫甚至单粒卵或单头初孵若虫亦具有同样的扩增能力,其最低检测阈值为14.00±0.37 pg/μL(相当于1/25 600头雌性成虫)。【结论】该技术体系完全可用于甘蓝粉虱的快速准确识别及检测监测,对有效阻截其进一步扩张蔓延意义重大。  相似文献   

本文通过随机摆放寄主植物(呈圆形)和采用Y形嗅觉仪实验的方法,研究了螺旋粉虱成虫对多种不同寄主植物的趋性差异,寻找诱集植物,为螺旋粉虱的监测和防治提供理论依据。实验结果表明:10种寄主植物同时存在时,螺旋粉虱成虫趋向于在番木瓜和番石榴上停落、取食和产卵;在不同寄主植物叶片挥发物的Y形嗅觉仪实验中,螺旋粉虱雌成虫对番木瓜、番石榴的趋向性最强。  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱对10种寄主植物的趋性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过随机摆放寄主植物(呈圆形)和采用Y形嗅觉仪实验的方法,研究了螺旋粉虱成虫对多种不同寄主植物的趋性差异,寻找诱集植物,为螺旋粉虱的监测和防治提供理论依据.实验结果表明:10种寄主植物同时存在时,螺旋粉虱成虫趋向于在番木瓜和番石榴上停落、取食和产卵;在不同寄主植物叶片挥发物的Y形嗅觉仪实验中,螺旋粉虱雌成虫对番木瓜、番石榴的趋向性最强.  相似文献   

虞国跃 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1368-1372
在北京房山区上方山的白屈菜Chelidonium majus L.叶背上发现了一种粉虱。这是一种中国新记录种:忍冬粉虱Aleyrodes lonicerae Walker 1852。本文描述了其各期的形态特征及种类鉴别特征,并列出世界已知的11科23种寄主植物,记录了2种寄生蜂:恩蚜小蜂Encarsia sp.和桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus sp.nr.emiratus,并提供了粉虱及寄生蜂的生态图。  相似文献   

中国新疆地区粉虱种类(半翅目:粉虱科)记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了新疆地区粉虱5属6种,即欧洲甘蓝粉虱Aleyrodes proletella(Linnaeus),葡萄穴粉虱Aleurolobus shantungi Tang,非洲小粉虱Bemisia afer(PriesnerHosny),烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius),桑粉虱Pealius mori(Takahashi),温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood),其中葡萄穴粉虱为新疆新记录种。并且用扫描电镜对其伪蛹进行拍照,并依据玻片标本进行了描述。编制了新疆地区粉虱分类检索表。  相似文献   

稻粉虱学名订正   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
国内稻粉虱早在50年代就已有发现,60-70年代在一些稻区开始抬头。福建以外,江西、湖南也都曾发生。寄主植物除禾本科作物外,还有一些杂草。福建省黄邦佩于1976年首先在福州水稻上果得粉虱个体,经与上海昆虫研究所扬平澜教授书信联系,确认为一新种:蛹壳前端长毛3对或2对,后端2对,而近似种竹粉虱Bemisia bambusae Tak.前后各3对。杨先生建议我们即予描述发表,并定Oryzae为本种名。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ovarian and fat body development of cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella L., has been determined from field samples taken during the transition from a summer to an overwintering population. Between mid and late September 1983, the state of ovarian development decreases as the proportion of diapausing females increases. This is accompanied by maximum fat body development. Diapausing females emerge from late August onwards, and the critical photoperiod, based upon known larval sensitivity and including civil twilight as part of the photophase, is LD 15.5:8.5h. This is in agreement with laboratory studies. The majority of overwintering females are mated. Very few males survive the autumn.  相似文献   

Cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella , was found for the first time in Australia in January 1997. It was found on Brassica oleracea gp Capitata, Sonchus oleraceus and Euphorbia peplus in South Australia at McLaren Vale, Adelaide, Virginia and Renmark, and in Victoria at Red Cliffs.  相似文献   

A transmission electron microscope study of the antennal sensilla of the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Aleyrodes proletella (Homoptera : Aleyrodidae) revealed that of the sensilla unique to the antennal flagellum (basiconic, coeloconic and small digitate-tipped sensory pegs), basiconic and coeloconic sensilla occur as subtypes. Four subtypes of basiconic cone sensilla occur on the flagella of T. vaporariorum and 3 on A. proletella. All the subtypes of basiconic sensilla have an ultrastructure typical of olfactory sensilla and probably have a primary olfactory function. Two subtypes of coeloconic sensilla occur on the flagella of both species. Their ultrastructure suggests primarily a chemosensory function. The digitate-tipped sensory peg of both species possesses a triad of neurones which have ultrastructural characteristics similar to the known thermo-/hygroreceptors of other insect species. The other sensilla, which occur on the antennae of the whiteflies, include cheatae, campaniform and subcuticular sensilla, all of which have an ultrastructure typical of mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy has revealed the detailed structure of the antennae of three species of whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Aleyrodes proletella, and Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera : Aleyrodidae). All 3 species have microtrichia and 5 types of sensilla on the antennae: chaetica, campaniform, basiconic, coeloconic, and pegs with digitate tips, the latter 3 of these being unique to the flagellum. The number and distribution of the sensilla unique to the flagellum vary among the species studied. The cuticle of the basiconic and the coeloconic sensilla is pitted and grooved, respectively, a prerequisite for an olfactory and/or a thermo-, hygroreceptive function. A sexual dimorphism does occur with respect to the position of the basiconic sensilla on flagella segment 5 of A. proletella, but not T. vaporariorum or B. tabaci.  相似文献   

In recent years, the coconut whitefly, Aleurotrachelus atratus Hempel, has been recorded from various islands in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Field surveys in La Réunion, the Seychelles, the Comoros and glasshouses in Paris have allowed us to record this whitefly on 56 palm species, some of which are endemic and/or threatened species. Most of trees showed low infestation levels, except for the coconut palm that is its main host plant. Such a wide host range has facilitated the rapid geographical dissemination of this whitefly. A field study was conducted in 2006 in La Réunion, to gain a better understanding of the bioecology of A. atratus in a tropical insular ecosystem. The whitefly was found throughout the island, from sea level to 800‐m altitude. Five parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were found associated with the populations of this pest, with Eretmocerus cocois Delvare being the dominant one. A laboratory study showed that the pre‐imaginal development of A. atratus is around 48 days at 25–27°C, which is relatively long compared to other whitefly species. With a sex ratio of one male per 1022 females collected in La Réunion, it appears that the whitefly reproduces by thelytoky. It represents a threat to ornamental and agricultural palms as well as to natural palm ecosystems in the absence of effective parasitoids.  相似文献   

沈媛  金桂华  任顺祥  杜予州  邱宝利 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1132-1138
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci是一个复合种,它具有的生物型分化、较强的传播病毒的能力和抗药性、较快的繁殖速率等特征使其成为我国农业生产中重要害虫之一。本研究利用细胞色素线粒体氧化酶Ⅰ基因,对采集自江苏、广东和云南三省的烟粉虱样本进行了生物型鉴定,并对烟粉虱生物型与寄主植物之间的关联性开展了调查。结果表明,在广东和云南省,都存在未鉴定的土著种群与入侵的B型、Q型共存的现象;同时,在本研究中广东省尚未采集到Q型烟粉虱,而在江苏采集到的粉虱样本全部为入侵型。研究结果还表明,相对于入侵种而言,土著种群显示出更强的寄主植物趋同性;丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。  相似文献   

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