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In a preceding paper (Schröder and Kaerner, 1972) a rolling circle mechanism has been described for the replication of bacteriophage φX174 replicative form. Replication involved nicking and elongation of the viral (positive) strand component of the RF molecule resulting in the displacement of a single-strand tail of increasing length. The synthesis of the new complementary (negative) strand on the single-strand tails appears to be initiated with considerable delay and converts the tail into double-stranded DNA. Before the new negative strand is completed the replicative intermediates split into (I) a complete RF molecule containing the “old” negative and the new positive strand, and (II) a linear, partially double-stranded “tail” consisting of the complete old positive strand and a fragment of the new negative strand.The present study is concerned with the fate during RF replication of these fragments of the rolling circles. Those RFII molecules containing the old negative strands appear to go into further replication rounds repeatedly. Some of the tails were found in the infected cells in their original linear form. “Gapped” RFII molecules, which have been described earlier by Schekman and co-workers (Schekman &; Ray, 1971; Schekman et al., 1971), are supposed to originate from the tails of rolling circle intermediates by circularization of their positive strand components. Evidence is provided by our experiments that even late during RF replication these gaps are present only in the negative strands of RFII. Appropriate chase experiments indicated that the tails finally are converted to RFI molecules. Progeny RFI molecules could not be observed to start new replication rounds under our conditions although we cannot exclude that this might happen to some minor extent.The results presented suggest that the master templates for RF replication are the first negative strands to be formed, rather than the parental positive strands.  相似文献   

On incubation with deoxynucleoside triphosphates and rATP, ether-treated (nucleotide-permeable) cells convert the single-stranded DNA of adsorbed bacteriophage φX174 particles to the double-stranded replicative forms. The main final product is the doubly-closed replicative form, RFI; a minor product is the relaxed form II. Interruptions in the nascent complementary strand of the viral DNA result in pieces corresponding to 5 to 10% of the unit length of the viral DNA. Pieces of similar size were previously seen in studies of the replication synthesis of Escherichia, coli DNA in ether-treated cells. Since the conversion of the single-stranded φX174 DNA to replicative form is known to be mediated entirely by host factors, it is argued that the viral single strands are replicated by macromolecular factors involed in the replication of E. coli DNA and that this is the reason why new φX174 DNA appears in short pieces. Possible consequences of this interpretation for an understanding of duplex replication are discussed. The joining of the short pieces of complementary φX174 DNA is inhibited at low deoxynucleoside triphosphate concentration (1 μM) but not by nicotinamide mononucleotide, which inhibits the NAD-dependent DNA ligase and blocks the conversion of RFII to RFI in ether-treated cells. The results are discussed with respect to previous studies on cell-DNA synthesis (Geider, 1972). It is argued that there are two polynucleotide joining mechanisms, of which only one requires NAD-dependent ligase action.  相似文献   

A previously elaborated technique for fixing a chosen partially melted state of DNA with glyoxal was used in a study of the melting process of the replicative form (RF III) of phi X174 DNA. Electron-microscopic maps corresponding to five points of the melting curve of RF III were obtained and compared with the theoretical melting maps obtained in (4) and (6). This comparison clearly shows that only rigorous calculations (4) and not the ones proposed by Azbel (6,7) correctly predict the course of RF III melting.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the gene A and A * proteins of bacteriophage phi X 174 form covalent associations with the 5' ends of the DNA molecules when superhelical phi X replicative form DNA is nicked by a combination of these proteins in vitro. This evidence is: 1, The 5' ends of the DNA molecules nicked by the gene A protein and reacted with bacterial alkaline phosphatase were protected against subsequent phosphorylation by polynucleotide kinase even after treatment of the nicked DNA with SDS and pronase followed by centrifugation on a high-salt neutral sucrose gradient. 2, Iodinated pronase-sensitive material remained attached to the nicked replicative form DNA and could not be removed by exposure to SDS or 2 M NaCl, either by sedimentation through high-salt neutral sucrose gradients, or by CsCl equilibrium centrifugation. 3, Iodinated pronase-sensitive material was detected on DNA that had been nicked during the reaction, but not on unreacted DNA. 4, Electrophoresis of the iodinated pronase-sensitive, DNA-bound material in SDS-polyacrylamide gels after DNAse digestion revealed that it was composed almost entirely polypeptides with electrophoretic mobilities similar to those of the gene A and A * proteins. We speculate that the gene * protein may be essential for normal progeny single-stranded DNA synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

The replication of bacteriophage phi X 174 replicative-form DNA has been studied by structural analysis of pulse-labeled replicative-intermediate molecules. Such intermediates were identified by pulse-labeling with [13H]thymidine and separated into four major fractions (A, B, C, and D) in a propidium diiodide-cesium chloride buoyand density gradient. Sedimentation analysis of each of these fractions suggests the following features of phi X replicative-form DNA replication in vivo. (i) At the end of one cycle of replication, one daughter replicative form (RFII) contains a nascent plus (+) strand of the unit viral length, and the other daughter RFII contains small fragments of nascent minus (-) strand. (ii) Asymmetry is also associated with production of the first supercoiled RFI after addition of pulse label in that only the minus strand becomes radioactive. (iii) A supercoiled DNA (RFI') seems to occur in vivo. This DNA is observed at a position of greater density in a propidium diiodide-cesium chloride buoyant density gradient than normal RFI. (iv) A novel DNA component is observed, at a density greater than RFI, which releases, in alkali, a plus strand longer (1.5 to 1.7 times) than the unit viral length. These results are discussed in terms of the possible sequence of events in phi X 174 replicative-form replication in vivo.  相似文献   

The break in the complementary DNA strand of early G4 replicative form II DNA (RFII) and in the viral DNA strand of late RFII DNA was located using two single cleavage restriction enzymes (EcoRI and PstI) and by limited nick translation of the break using DNA polymerase I and 32P-labelled deoxyribonucleotides followed by digestion with the restriction enzymes HaeIII and HindII. The break in the complementary DNA strand was unique and in HaeIII Z5 close to the EcoRI cleavage site whereas the break in the viral DNA strand was on the other side of the molecule in HaeIII Z2 approxiately 50% away from the EcoRI cleavage site. Distribution of a short 3H pulse in early G4 replicating intermediates that were synthesising both DNA strands at the same time showed that synthesis of the strands started on opposite sides of the molecule and proceeded in opposite convergent directions, suggesting that initiation of synthesis of the two strands was independent and not unified in a single growing fork.  相似文献   

The insertion of a particular phi X DNA sequence in the plasmid pACYC177 strongly decreased the capacity of Escherichia coli cells containing such a plasmid to propagate bacteriophage phi X174. The smallest DNA sequence tested that showed the effect was the HindII fragment R4. This fragment does not code for a complete protein. It contains the sequence specifying the C-terminal part of the gene H protein and the N-terminal part of the gene A protein, as well as the noncoding region between these genes. Analysis of cells that contain plasmids with the "reduction sequence" showed that (i) the adsorption of the phages to the host cells is normal, (ii) in a single infection cycle much less phage is formed, (iii) only 10% of the infecting viral single-stranded DNA is converted to double-stranded replicative-form DNA, and (iv) less progeny replicative form DNA is synthesized. The reduction process is phi X174 specific, since the growth of the related G4 and St-1 phages was not affected in these cells. The effect of the recombinant plasmids on infecting phage DNA shows similarity to the process of superinfection exclusion.  相似文献   

When the theoretical denaturation maps of phiX174 and SV40 are compared with their gene maps, it is observed that the beginning and the end of each gene in these two DNA's fall in a region of lower melting temperatures. Local (A+T)-contents evaluated from the known sequences at these regions support the above implication that the beginnings and the ends of nearly all the genes in phiX174 and SV40 are relatively rich in (A+T)-content.  相似文献   

To determine the yield of radiation-induced single-strand, double-strand and potential breaks (breaks which are converted into actual breaks by alkali or heat treatment) oxygenated aqueous solutions of phi X174 supercoiled circular double-stranded (RFI) DNA were irradiated with increasing doses of gamma-irradiation and subjected to electrophoresis on agarose gels both before and after heat treatment. A complete separation was obtained of RFI, RFII (relaxed circle due to one or more single-strand breaks) and RFIII (linear DNA due to one double-strand break). A computer-assisted spectrophotometric procedure was developed, which enabled us to measure very accurately the amount of DNA present in the three DNA fractions. The quantitative changes of each fraction of DNA with dose could be fitted to a straightforward statistical model, which described the dose-dependent formation of the different types of breaks and from which the D37-values of single-strand, potential single-strand and double-strand breaks could be calculated to be 0.42 +/- 0.02, 1.40 +/- 0.25 and 57 +/- 36 Gy respectively. Potential double-strand breaks were not formed significantly under our conditions. In addition the maximum distance between two independently introduced single-strand breaks in opposite strands resulting in a double-strand break could be determined. The values before and after heat treatment are shown to be 29 +/- 6 and 102 +/- 13 nucleotides, respectively.  相似文献   

A method for isolating covalently closed circular double-stranded DNA from plants infected with the geminivirus, tomato golden mosaic virus, is described. Ethidium bromide titration showed this DNA to be negatively supercoiled with a superhelical density of -0.062. The presence of S1 nuclease-sensitive secondary structure in the supercoiled DNA was demonstrated by its conversion to the open circular and linear DNA forms on treatment with this enzyme.  相似文献   

Differential melting profiles and denaturation maps are calculated for fdDNA whose sequence of nucleotides has been determined recently. The melting profiles for the total DNA and a number of its restriction fragments are compared with experimental data taken from literature. The comparison enables one to correlate a number of peaks on experimental melting profiles with the melting out of concrete regions of the nucleotide sequence. For three fragments very strong end effects are demonstrated on both theoretical and experimental profiles. These anomalous end effects are shown to be connected with a region highly enriched with AT-pairs. A possible influence of the heterogeneity of stacking interaction on the results obtained is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Replacement of virtually all the cytosine residues with 5-methylcytosine residues in the complementary strand of the replicative form (RF) of phi X174 DNA caused a 300- to 500-fold loss in its transfecting activity. Similar results were obtained with analogously methylated M13 RF. Transfection experiments with phi X RF hemimethylated in only part of the molecule, as assessed by analysis with restriction endonucleases, indicated that gene A of phi X, which needs to be nicked at a specific site by the gene A protein for RF replication, was not the main target for this inhibition by DNA methylation. We propose that the loss of transfecting activity was due to hemimethylation of the phi X RF interfering with the processively catalyzed movement of the replication fork.  相似文献   

The gene A protein of bacteriophage phi X 174 initiates replication of super-twisted RFI DNA by cleaving the viral (+) strand at the origin of replication and binding to the 5' end. Upon addition of E. coli rep protein (single-stranded DNA dependent ATPase), E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein and ATP, complete unwinding of the two strands occurs. Electron microscopic analyses of intermediates in the reaction reveal that the unwinding occurs by movement of the 5' end into the duplex, displacing the viral strand in the form of a single-stranded loop. Since unwinding will not occur in the absence of either gene A protein or rep protein, it is presumed that the rep protein interacts to form a complex with the bound gene A protein. Single-stranded DNA binding protein facilitates the unwinding by binding to the exposed single-stranded DNA. Further addition of the four deoxyribotriphosphates and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to the reaction results in synthesis of viral (+) single-stranded circles in amounts exceeding that of the input template. A model describing the role of gene A protein and rep protein in duplex DNA replication is presented and other properties of gene A protein discussed.  相似文献   

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