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p-Hydroxyphenylacetate (HPA) 3-hydroxylase from Acinetobacter baumannii consists of a reductase component (C(1)) and an oxygenase component (C(2)). C(1) catalyzes the reduction of FMN by NADH to provide FMNH(-) as a substrate for C(2). The rate of reduction of flavin is enhanced ~20-fold by binding HPA. The N-terminal domain of C(1) is homologous to other flavin reductases, whereas the C-terminal domain (residues 192-315) is similar to MarR, a repressor protein involved in bacterial antibiotic resistance. In this study, three forms of truncated C(1) variants and single site mutation variants of residues Arg-21, Phe-216, Arg-217, Ile-246, and Arg-247 were constructed to investigate the role of the C-terminal domain in regulating C(1). In the absence of HPA, the C(1) variant in which residues 179-315 were removed (t178C(1)) was reduced by NADH and released FMNH(-) at the same rates as wild-type enzyme carries out these functions in the presence of HPA. In contrast, variants with residues 231-315 removed behaved similarly to the wild-type enzyme. Thus, residues 179-230 are involved in repressing the production of FMNH(-) in the absence of HPA. These results are consistent with the C-terminal domain in the wild-type enzyme being an autoinhibitory domain that upon binding the effector HPA undergoes conformational changes to allow faster flavin reduction and release. Most of the single site variants investigated had catalytic properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme except for the F216A variant, which had a rate of reduction that was not stimulated by HPA. F216A could be involved with HPA binding or in the required conformational change for stimulation of flavin reduction by HPA.  相似文献   

GSK3 is a multifunctional regulator of Dictyostelium development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) is a central regulator of metazoan development and the Dictyostelium GSK3 homologue, GskA, also controls cellular differentiation. The originally derived gskA-null mutant exhibits a severe pattern formation defect. It forms very large numbers of pre-basal disc cells at the expense of the prespore population. This defect arises early during multicellular development, making it impossible to examine later functions of GskA. We report the analysis of a gskA-null mutant, generated in a different parental strain, that proceeds through development to form mature fruiting bodies. In this strain, Ax2/gskA-, early development is accelerated and slug migration greatly curtailed. In a monolayer assay of stalk cell formation, the Ax2/gskA- strain is hypersensitive to the stalk cell-inducing action of DIF-1 but largely refractory to the repressive effect exerted by extracellular cAMP. During normal development, apically situated prestalk cells express the ecmB gene just as they commit themselves to stalk cell differentiation. In the Ax2/gskA- mutant, ecmB is expressed throughout the prestalk region of the slug, suggesting that GskA forms part of the repressive signalling pathway that prevents premature commitment to stalk cell differentiation. GskA may also play an inductive developmental role, because microarray analysis identifies a large gene family, the 2C family, that require gskA for optimal expression. These observations show that GskA functions throughout Dictyostelium development, to regulate several key aspects of cellular patterning.  相似文献   

Tissue transglutaminase is a multifunctional BH3-only protein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) protein accumulates to high levels in cells during early stages of apoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. The analysis of the TG2 primary sequence showed the presence of an eight amino acid domain, sharing 70% identity with the Bcl-2 family BH3 domain. Cell-permeable peptides, mimicking the domain sequence, were able to induce Bax conformational change and translocation to mitochondria, mitochondrial depolarization, release of cytochrome c, and cell death. Moreover, we found that the TG2-BH3 peptides as well as TG2 itself were able to interact with the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bax, but not with anti-apoptotic members Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L). Mutants in the TG2-BH3 domain failed to sensitize cells toward apoptosis. In TG2-overexpressing cells about half of the protein is localized on the outer mitochondrial membrane where, upon cell death induction, it cross-links many protein substrates including Bax. TG2 is the first member of a new subgroup of multifunctional BH3-only proteins showing a large mass size (80 kDa) and enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

ARID domain proteins are members of a highly conserved family involved in chromatin remodeling and cell-fate determination. Dril1 is the founding member of the ARID family and is involved in developmental processes in both Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. We describe the first embryological characterization of this gene in chordates. Dril1 mRNA expression is spatiotemporally regulated and is detected in the involuting mesoderm during gastrulation. Inhibition of dril1 by either a morpholino or an engrailed repressor-dril1 DNA binding domain fusion construct inhibits gastrulation and perturbs induction of the zygotic mesodermal marker Xbra and the organizer markers chordin, noggin, and Xlim1. Xenopus tropicalis dril1 morphants also exhibit impaired gastrulation and axial deficiencies, which can be rescued by coinjection of Xenopus laevis dril1 mRNA. Loss of dril1 inhibits the response of animal caps to activin and secondary axis induction by smad2. Dril1 depletion in animal caps prevents both the smad2-mediated induction of dorsal mesodermal and endodermal markers and the induction of ventral mesoderm by smad1. Mesoderm induction by eFGF is uninhibited in dril1 morphant caps, reflecting pathway specificity for dril1. These experiments identify dril1 as a novel regulator of TGF(beta) signaling and a vital component of mesodermal patterning and embryonic morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The hypervariable D3 domain of Salmonella flagellin, composed of the 190-285 segment, is the major determinant of flagellar antigenicity. D3 was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli. Although previous studies concluded that D3 is stabilized by interactions with the D2 domain, our calorimetric experiments have revealed that isolated D3 has a stable tertiary structure which is highly resistant against proteolytic digestion. Repeated heating experiments demonstrated that unfolding of D3 is reversible. Its small size and stable structure makes D3 a promising protein scaffold for the development of artificial binding proteins by directed evolution.  相似文献   

When not bound to cargo, the motor protein kinesin is in an inhibited state that has low microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity. Inhibition serves to minimize the dissipation of ATP and to prevent mislocalization of kinesin in the cell. Here we show that this inhibition is relieved when kinesin binds to an artificial cargo. Inhibition is mediated by kinesin's tail domain: deletion of the tail activates the ATPase without need of cargo binding, and inhibition is re-established by addition of exogenous tall peptide. Both ATPase and motility assays indicate that the tail does not prevent kinesin from binding to microtubules, but rather reduces the motor's stepping rate.  相似文献   

Lysyl hydroxylase (EC ) and glucosyltransferase (EC ) are enzymes involved in post-translational modifications during collagen biosynthesis. We reveal in this paper that the protein produced by the cDNA for human lysyl hydroxylase isoform 3 (LH3) has both lysyl hydroxylase and glucosyltransferase (GGT) activities. The other known lysyl hydroxylase isoforms, LH1, LH2a, and LH2b, have no GGT activity. Furthermore, antibodies recognizing the amino acid sequence of human LH3 and those against a highly purified chicken GGT partially inhibited the GGT activity. Similarly, a partial inhibition was observed when these antibodies were tested against GGT extracted from human skin fibroblasts. In vitro mutagenesis experiments demonstrate that the amino acids involved in the GGT active site differ from those required for LH3 activity.  相似文献   

The macro domain is an ADP-ribose binding module   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The synthesis of exopolysaccharides as biofilm matrix components by pathogens is a crucial factor for chronic infections and antibiotic resistance. Many periplasmic proteins involved in polymer processing and secretion in Gram-negative synthase dependent exopolysaccharide biosynthetic systems have been individually characterized. The operons responsible for the production of PNAG, alginate, cellulose and the Pel polysaccharide each contain a gene that encodes an outer membrane associated tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain containing protein. While the TPR domain has been shown to bind other periplasmic proteins, the functional consequences of these interactions for the polymer remain poorly understood. Herein, we show that the C-terminal TPR region of PgaA interacts with the de-N-acetylase domain of PgaB, and increases its deacetylase activity. Additionally, we found that when the two proteins form a complex, the glycoside hydrolase activity of PgaB is also increased. To better understand structure-function relationships we determined the crystal structure of a stable TPR module, which has a conserved groove formed by three repeat motifs. Tryptophan quenching, mass spectrometry analysis and molecular dynamics simulation studies suggest that the crystallized TPR module can bind PNAG/dPNAG via its electronegative groove on the concave surface, and potentially guide the polymer through the periplasm towards the porin for export. Our results suggest a scaffolding role for the TPR domain that combines PNAG/dPNAG translocation with the modulation of its chemical structure by PgaB.  相似文献   

Bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domains are commonly found in chromatin-associated proteins and fall into two classes; Remodels the Structure of Chromatin (RSC)-like or Sir3-like. Although Sir3-like BAH domains bind nucleosomes, the binding partners of RSC-like BAH domains are currently unknown. The Rsc2 subunit of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex contains an RSC-like BAH domain and, like the Sir3-like BAH domains, we find Rsc2 BAH also interacts with nucleosomes. However, unlike Sir3-like BAH domains, we find that Rsc2 BAH can bind to recombinant purified H3 in vitro, suggesting that the mechanism of nucleosome binding is not conserved. To gain insight into the Rsc2 BAH domain, we determined its crystal structure at 2.4 Å resolution. We find that it differs substantially from Sir3-like BAH domains and lacks the motifs in these domains known to be critical for making contacts with histones. We then go on to identify a novel motif in Rsc2 BAH that is critical for efficient H3 binding in vitro and show that mutation of this motif results in defective Rsc2 function in vivo. Moreover, we find this interaction is conserved across Rsc2-related proteins. These data uncover a binding target of the Rsc2 family of BAH domains and identify a novel motif that mediates this interaction.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has retained a rudimentary Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway; Hh and Smoothened (Smo) homologs are absent, but two highly related Patched gene homologs, ptc-1 and ptc-3, and 24 ptc-related (ptr) genes are present. We previously showed that ptc-1 is essential for germ line cytokinesis. Here, we report that ptc-3 is also an essential gene; the absence of ptc-3 results in a late embryonic lethality due to an apparent defect in osmoregulation. Rescue of a ptc-3 mutant with a ptc-3::gfp translational reporter reveals that ptc-3 is dynamically expressed in multiple tissues across development. Consistent with this pattern of expression, ptc-3(RNAi) reveals an additional postembryonic requirement for ptc-3 activity. Tissue-specific promoter studies indicate that hypodermal expression of ptc-3 is required for normal development. Missense changes in key residues of the sterol sensing domain (SSD) and the permease transporter domain GxxxD/E motif reveal that the transporter domain is essential for PTC-3 activity, whereas an intact SSD is dispensable. Taken together, our studies indicate that PTC proteins have retained essential roles in C. elegans that are independent of Smoothened (Smo). These observations reveal novel, and perhaps ancestral, roles for PTC proteins.  相似文献   

Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains are a family of compact protein modules defined by sequences of roughly 100 amino acids. These domains are common in vertebrate, Drosophila, C. elegans and yeast proteins, suggesting an early origin and fundamental importance to eukaryotic biology. Many enzymes which have important regulatory functions contain PH domains, and mutant forms of several such proteins are implicated in oncogenesis and developmental disorders. Numerous recent studies show that PH domains bind various proteins and inositolphosphates. Here I discuss PH domains in detail and conclude that they form a versatile family of membrane binding and protein localization modules.  相似文献   

Summary Although aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) is an independent, monofunctional enzyme in Escherichia coli, mammalian ATCase is one of the globular enzymatic domains of the multifunctional CAD protein. We subcloned fragments of the hamster CAD cDNA and assayed polypeptide products expressed in E. coli for ATCase activity in order to isolate a stretch of cDNA which encodes only the ATCase domain. Three such expression constructs contain fragments of hamster CAD cDNA similar in length to the gene encoding the E. coli ATCase catalytic subunit (pyrB). These constructs yield stable proteins with ATCase activity, ascertained by both in vivo and in vitro assays; the clones also possess sequence homology with the pyrB gene at both the 5 and 3 ends. The clone producing the most active ATCase contains cDNA which is analogous to the entire pyrB gene, plus a small amount of CAD sequence upstream of this region. Because these constructs produce independently folded, active ATCase from a piece of cDNA the size of the E. coli pyrB gene, they open the door for the in-depth investigation of the isolated mammalian enzyme domain utilizing recombinant DNA technology. This approach is potentially useful for the analysis of domains of other multifunctional proteins.Abbreviations (EC ATCase, aspartate transcarbamylase - CAD the trifunctional protein catalyzing the first three steps of pyrimidine biosynthesis in higher eukaryotes - (EC CPSaseII, glutamine-dependent carbamylphosphate synthetase II - (EC DHOase, dihydroorotase - IPTG isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside  相似文献   

p270 is an integral member of human SWI-SNF complexes, first identified through its shared antigenic specificity with p300 and CREB binding protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of p270 reported here indicates that it is a member of an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins distinguished by the presence of a DNA binding motif termed ARID (AT-rich interactive domain). The ARID consensus and other structural features are common to both p270 and yeast SWI1, suggesting that p270 is a human counterpart of SWI1. The approximately 100-residue ARID sequence is present in a series of proteins strongly implicated in the regulation of cell growth, development, and tissue-specific gene expression. Although about a dozen ARID proteins can be identified from database searches, to date, only Bright (a regulator of B-cell-specific gene expression), dead ringer (a Drosophila melanogaster gene product required for normal development), and MRF-2 (which represses expression from the cytomegalovirus enhancer) have been analyzed directly in regard to their DNA binding properties. Each binds preferentially to AT-rich sites. In contrast, p270 shows no sequence preference in its DNA binding activity, thereby demonstrating that AT-rich binding is not an intrinsic property of ARID domains and that ARID family proteins may be involved in a wider range of DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Oxidation-induced conformational changes in proteins provide a powerful mechanism to sense the redox state of a living cell. In contrast to the unspecific and often irreversible oxidation of intracellular proteins during severe oxidative stress, regulatory redox events need to have specific and transient effects on cellular targets. Here we present evidence for the reversible formation of a vicinal disulfide bond in a prototypic protein interaction domain. NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the structure of the N-terminal hSH3 domain (hSH3N) of the immune cell protein ADAP (adhesion and degranulation promoting adapter protein) in the reduced and oxidized states. An eight-membered ring formed upon oxidation of two neighboring cysteines leads to significant changes in the variable arginine-threonine (RT) loop of the hSH3N domain and alters the helix-sheet packing of the domain. The redox potential for this structural transition is -228 mV at pH 7.4. This is compatible with a role of the cysteinylcysteine moiety in redox signaling during T cell activation.  相似文献   

ERp57 is a multifunctional thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase ERp57 is a soluble protein of the endoplasmic reticulum and the closest known homologue of protein disulfide isomerase. The protein interacts with the two lectin chaperones calnexin and calreticulin and thereby promotes the oxidative folding of newly synthesized glycoproteins. Here we have characterized several fundamental structural and functional properties of ERp57 in vitro, such as the domain organization, shape, redox potential, and the ability to catalyze different thiol-disulfide exchange reactions. Like protein disulfide isomerase, we find ERp57 to be comprised of four structural domains. The protein has an elongated shape of 3.4 +/- 0.1 nm in diameter and 16.8 +/- 0.5 nm in length. The two redox-active a and a' domains were determined to have redox potentials of -0.167 and -0.156 V, respectively. Furthermore, ERp57 was shown to efficiently catalyze disulfide reduction, disulfide isomerization, and dithiol oxidation in substrate proteins. The implications of these findings for the function of the protein in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme aconitase in yeast is a single translation product, which is dual targeted and distributed between the mitochondria and the cytosol by a unique mechanism involving reverse translocation. There is limited understanding regarding the precise mechanism of reverse translocation across the mitochondrial membranes. Here, we examined the contribution of the mature part of aconitase to its dual targeting. We created a set of aconitase mutants harboring two kinds of alterations: (1) point mutations or very small deletions in conserved sites and (2) systematic large deletions. These mutants were screened for their localization by a α-complementation assay, which revealed that the aconitase fourth domain that is at the C-terminus (amino acids 517-778) is required for aconitase distribution. Moreover, fusion of this C-terminal domain to mitochondria-targeted passenger proteins such as dihydrofolate reductase and orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase, conferred dual localization on them. These results indicate that the aconitase C-terminal domain is both necessary and sufficient for dual targeting, thereby functioning as an “independent signal”. In addition, the same C-terminal domain was shown to be necessary for aconitase efficient posttranslational import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding protein AT-Rich Interactive Domain 3B (ARID3B) is elevated in ovarian cancer and increases tumor growth in a xenograft model of ovarian cancer. However, relatively little is known about ARID3B''s function. In this study we perform the first genome wide screen for ARID3B direct target genes and ARID3B regulated pathways. We identified and confirmed numerous ARID3B target genes by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by microarray and quantitative RT-PCR. Using motif-finding algorithms, we characterized a binding site for ARID3B, which is similar to the previously known site for the ARID3B paralogue ARID3A. Functionality of this predicted site was demonstrated by ChIP analysis. We next demonstrated that ARID3B induces expression of its targets in ovarian cancer cell lines. We validated that ARID3B binds to an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) enhancer and increases mRNA expression. ARID3B also binds to the promoter of Wnt5A and its receptor FZD5. FZD5 is highly expressed in ovarian cancer cell lines, and is upregulated by exogenous ARID3B. Both ARID3B and FZD5 expression increase adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components including collagen IV, fibronectin and vitronectin. ARID3B-increased adhesion to collagens II and IV require FZD5. This study directly demonstrates that ARID3B binds target genes in a sequence-specific manner, resulting in increased gene expression. Furthermore, our data indicate that ARID3B regulation of direct target genes in the Wnt pathway promotes adhesion of ovarian cancer cells.  相似文献   

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