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日本黄脊蝗的一种发音器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 日本黄脊蝗patanga japonica(I.Bolivar)在凉山州分布较广,主要为害甘蔗、玉米、高梁、水稻等禾本种作物,是该地区农作物的一大害虫。笔者观察到该蝗除具备飞翔中后足股节-翅脉摩擦发音器外,还具有另一种在停止状态下也能发音的发音器(后足内距-前翅翅脉摩擦发音器),现将后一种发音器介绍如下。 一、后足内距-前翅翅脉摩擦发音器的部位、构造与功能 后足内距-前翅翅脉摩擦发音器由音剉(前翅径脉中部之前的部分翅脉)和刮器(后足胫节  相似文献   

宽额异距蝗的两种发音器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 笔者在进行蝗虫发音器的种类及其发音规律的观察研究中,发现宽额异距蝗Heteropternisrobusta B-Bienko具有两种不同发音器(股节中横脉发音器和内距腹端刮弹发音器),且能发出响亮的声音。笔者通过5年的野外观察和室内解剖,基本弄清了这两种发音器的构造、发音作用和规律,现将情况介绍如下。 一、两种发音器的构造部位与机能 (一)股节中横脉发音器(图:Ⅰ、Ⅱ) 股节中横脉摩擦发音器由音剉(前翅中横  相似文献   

<正> 西藏飞蝗Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen在四川为初次记录。该蝗雄虫具有股节-中国脉摩擦发音器和飞翔时的刮弹发音器,因此能发出zlzlzl的摩擦音和da、da、da的刮弹音。笔者在盐源地区发现该蝗雌虫另具有前翅亚前缘脉、肘脉(音锉)与后翅径脉(刮器)相互摩擦而发音的发音结构,现将观察结果介绍于下。  相似文献   

吴燕如 《昆虫学报》1965,(6):591-599
准蜜蜂科是蜜蜂总科中的一个小科,科内共分与足蜂亚科 Dasypodinae,准蜜蜂亚科Melittinae,栉距蜂亚科 Ctenoplectrinae及宽痣蜂亚科Macropidinae等四亚科。全科有12属,目前共记载有120种。宽痣蜂属 Macropis 是宽痣蜂亚科内唯一的属,属内包括 Ma-cropis s.str.及Paramacropis两亚属。此属分布于全北区,共记载有14种,其中北美有  相似文献   

蝗虫双翅振动发音方式与作用的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 蝗虫种类繁多,其发音器及发音方式也随之大不相同。笔者发现宽额异距蝗Heteropternisrobusta B-Bienko、黄翅踵蝗Pternoscirta calliginasa(De Haan)、爪哇斜窝蝗Epacromiacriojavana Will和埃蝗类Eascyllana sp.等其雌虫具有两种振翅发音方式,即步行双翅振动发音与静止双翅振动发音。这两种发音方式均具有“报警呼救”的作用,现将观察结果介绍如下。  相似文献   

稻虱跗(虫扇)的个体发生研究:生活史和寄生作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顾秀慧  贝亚维 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):174-181
稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱.稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体.三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动.一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上.它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食.幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫.雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟.雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育.卵长75μm×宽40μm.第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3.第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹.卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天.蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天.在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天.稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡.在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生率5—7%,灰稻虱的寄生率为2%,褐稻虱为1%.有时白背稻虱的寄生率可达20—40%.  相似文献   

本文记述的一新属二新种隶属于同翅目、飞虱科(Delphacidae)、片距族(Delphacini),皆采自我国南部地区。模式标本均存放于安徽农学院。 披突飞虱属 Parathriambus,新属 头部比前胸背板窄;头顶长度略短于基宽,二者比约为1:1.1,二中侧脊于顶端末会合,侧面观头顶与额成直角圆接;额长与最宽处宽度比约2:1,中脊于距基端1/3处分叉;  相似文献   

东北槭属的花粉形态及其在分类上的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹伟  卓丽环 《植物研究》1992,12(3):309-315
本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国东北地区械属10种变1种的花粉形态进行了观察。本属花粉近球形式长球形,赤道面观为近圆形或窄椭圆形,极面观为3裂圆形,极轴长2.-40μm;具3沟,沟明显;外壁通常具条纹状纹饰,稀具网状纹饰。从观察材料看,本属花粉可归之为2个类型:(1)色木槭型:(Mono maple type):外壁具条纹状纹饰,条纹宽0.250.50μm;(2)梣叶槭型(Ash-leaved maple type):外壁具条网状纹饰,网眼形状不规则,多为长形,长约3μm;网脊宽0.7μm,这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的个亚属相吻合。花粉形态所提供的资料,也支持色木槭(Acermono Maxim.)和平基槭(A.truncatum Bge.)作为两个独立种的处理意见。  相似文献   

本研究首次报道温度对异长足漠甲Adesima anomala dejeani Gebl生长发育的影响。异长足漠甲的整个变态过程饲养使用矿泉水瓶法,并优化了此方法,避免过度失水,进行加水并同时观察。随着温度的升高,发育历期缩短,30℃饲养条件下异长足漠甲的总发育历期为117.4 d,33℃的总发育历期为90.99 d;2龄期、5龄期幼虫的头壳长和宽,前胸长和宽,体长,在33℃饲养条件下显著高于30℃;7龄期幼虫的头壳长和宽,前胸宽,体长,在33℃饲养条件下显著高于30℃;5龄期幼虫,温度30℃时的体重为(0.0634±0.021)g,33℃时的体重为(0.0906±0.0313)g,差异显著;6龄期幼虫,蛹期、孵化成虫在温度30℃时存活率高于33℃。  相似文献   

本文系统研究了中国金小蜂科脊柄金小蜂属AsaphesWalker ,共记述 6种 ,其中包括 4新种 :脐刻脊柄金小蜂Asaphesumbilicalissp .nov .,大眼脊柄金小蜂Asaphesoculisp .nov .,长梗脊柄金小蜂Asaphessici formissp .nov .和小索脊柄金小蜂Asaphesglobularissp .nov .。模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。脐刻脊柄金小蜂Asaphesumbilicalissp .nov .:正模 :♀ ,吉林延吉 ,196 2 VI 2 0 ,陈泰鲁采。本种与本属其它种区别 :胸部被粗糙的网状刻点 ,且具脐状刻点 ;后足基节背面光滑无毛 ;前翅后缘脉为缘脉的 2倍 ;触角位于复眼下缘连线上方 ,第 2环节亚方形且具感觉毛。大眼脊柄金小蜂Asaphesoculisp .nov .:正模 :♀ ,云南丽江丽地坪 ,340 0m ;1984 VIII 14,李畅方采。本种与蚜茧蜂脊柄金小蜂A .vulgarisWalker区别在于 :梗节长为宽的 2 .33倍 ;前翅被密毛 ,无透明斑。长梗脊柄金小蜂Asaphessiciformissp .nov .:正模 :♀ ,云南小中甸 ,380 0m ,1984 VIII 1,李畅方采。本种与大眼脊柄金小蜂Aaphesoculisp .nov的区别为 :梗节与鞭节长之和与头宽相当 ;头背面观宽为长的1.8倍 ,上颊后缘无被毛 ;颚眼距为复眼高的 1/ 2。小索脊柄金小蜂Asaphesglobularissp .nov .:正模 :♀ ,西藏曲松 ,4 10 0m  相似文献   

Abstract  Data on stridulitral types, strial rumber, width, interspace and ontogenetic changes of stridulitral structures are provided and analyzed. Its significance on taxonomy is discussed.  相似文献   

A panel of 18 rat x mouse somatic cell hybrid clones segregating individual rat chromosomes in different combinations was used to assign 23 biochemical loci to rat chromosomes. The chromosomal locations for these 23 loci were determined as follows: GOT1 on rat chromosome 1; HAGH on 2; ACP2, ADA, GANC, ITPA, and SORD on 3; LDHB on 4; PEPB on 7; GLB1 and HEXA on 8; IDH1 on 9; UMPH2 on 10; GUSB on 12; FH and PEPC on 13; PEPS on 14; ESD and NP on 15; DIA4 on 19; and PP on 20. In addition, ACP1 and GLO1 were reassigned to rat chromosomes 6 and 20, respectively. The chromosomal assignments of these loci extends the known syntenic homologies among rats, mice, and humans.  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对云南紫胶虫自然种群的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了云南紫胶虫(Kerria yunnanensis)在聚果榕、南岭黄檀、钝叶黄檀和偏叶榕上的发育、存活和繁殖情况.结果表明:在自然条件下,云南紫胶虫在钝叶黄檀上的种群初始密度最高,为181.17头·cm-2,聚果榕上最低,为145.27头·cm-2;雄虫占的比例以在南岭黄檀上最少,为0.19,偏叶榕和聚果榕上最多,为0.24;从幼虫到成虫的累积死亡率,南岭黄檀上最高,为90.03%,偏叶榕上最低,为87.05%;完成世代时间以在南岭黄檀上最长,为156 d,聚果榕上最短,为140 d;平均怀卵量以在南岭黄檀上最高,为536粒,聚果榕上最低,为345.86粒;虫体质量以在南岭黄檀上最大,为12.62 mg,偏叶榕上最小,为9.03 mg;世代净增值率以在南岭黄檀上最高,为48.51,聚果榕上最小,为32.79.综合比较4种不同寄主植物,南岭黄檀是云南紫胶虫夏季世代种群生长发育和繁殖最适宜的寄主.  相似文献   

本文对我国春孢锈菌属(形式属)增补了以下9个种:1.腺梗菜春孢锈菌Aecidium adenocauli Syd. 寄主:腺梗菜Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgew (菊科Compositae) 2.臭椿春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium ailanthi J.Y.Zhuang sp.nov.寄主:臭椿 Ailanthus altissima Swingle (苦木科Simaroubaceae)3.筋骨草春孢锈菌 Aecidium alugae Syd.寄主:紫背金盘 Ajuga nioponensis Makino (唇形科 Labiatae) 4.八角枫春孢锈菌 Aecidium alangii Hirats.& Yosh 寄主:长毛八角枫 Alangium kurzii Craib,瓜木A platanifoHum Harms (八角枫科 Alangiaeeae) 5.紫珠生春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium callicarpivola J Y.Zhuang sp.nov.寄主:杜虹花 Callicarpa oedunculata R,Br.(马鞭草科Verbenaeeae) 6.吴茱萸春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium evodiae J.Y.Zhuang sp.nov. 寄主:吴茱萸 Evodia rutaecarva (Juss.)Benth.(芸香科Rutaceae) 7.杨叶木姜子春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium litseae-populifoliae J.Y.Zhuang sp.Nov.寄主:杨叶木姜子 Litsea povulifolia Gamble (樟科Lauraceae) 8.青海春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium qinghaiense J Y.Zhuang sp.nov. 寄主:莴苣属一种Lactuca sp.(菊科Compo sitae) 9.合掌消春孢锈菌 Aecidium vincetoxici P.Henn.& Shirai 寄主:牛皮消 Cynanchum auriculatum Royle (萝藦科 Asclepiadaceae)  相似文献   

目的了解实验所用常见致病真菌能否在常用医用原材料上生存及生存时间。方法选择8种常见致病真菌,活化后将它们分别接种在5种常用的医用原材料上,接种后及以后的每24h将接种有真菌的医用材料放入巯基乙酸盐液体培养基中并观察能否生存,记录存活时间。结果红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌在棉布、纸板、铁皮、玻璃表面存活25~28d,在地板胶表面存活14~15d;新生隐球菌在棉布、纸板、铁皮表面存活24~27d,在玻璃和地板胶表面存活14~18d;茄病镰刀菌在上述5种材料上存活22~27d;石膏样小孢子菌在棉布、纸板、铁皮和玻璃表面存活20~27d,在地板胶表面存活8d;申克孢子丝菌在棉布、纸板、玻璃和地板胶表面存活17~24d,在铁皮表面存活10d;白念珠菌在棉布、纸板、铁皮和地板胶表面存活15~20d,在玻璃表面存活4d;犬小孢子菌在棉布、纸板、铁皮、玻璃和地板胶上存活时间分别为10d、9d、3d、2d和1d。结论实验所用各种真菌在医用原材料上都能存活,其时间长短不仅与菌种有关,还与所存在的材料有关。真菌在吸水性强、表面粗糙的材料(棉布、纸板)上的平均存活时间长于在吸水性差、表面光滑的材料(玻璃、铁皮和地板胶)。  相似文献   

【目的】异迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia difformis Frey的幼虫取食为害作物的地下部分,影响作物的品质,为了明确韭菜、蚕豆、生菜、白菜和甘蓝5种植物对异迟眼蕈蚊生长发育以及繁殖的影响。【方法】本试验采用室内人工饲养测定的方法,研究了5种不同植物对异迟眼蕈蚊生长发育,繁殖力和存活率的影响,并统计了其对异迟眼蕈蚊种群参数的影响。【结果】结果表明:卵到蛹的发育历期依次为甘蓝、白菜、韭菜、生菜、蚕豆;5种植物对雌雄虫寿命影响不显著,对雌虫产卵量以及蛹重均有影响,其中在韭菜上的产卵量最大,甘蓝最少,在韭菜上蛹最重,生菜上蛹最轻;异迟眼蕈蚊的存活率随着生长发育降低,总体在韭菜上的存活率高于其他寄主植物,在生菜上的存活率均最低。统计分析不同植物对异迟眼蕈蚊种群参数的影响,净增殖率和内禀增长率在韭菜上最大而在甘蓝上最小;平均世代周期在蚕豆上最短,甘蓝上最长;种群加倍时间在韭菜上最短,而在甘蓝上最长。【结论】由此可知,异迟眼蕈蚊均可以在韭菜,蚕豆,生菜,白菜和甘蓝上完成生长发育及繁殖,其对5种植物的适应性依次为:韭菜、蚕豆、白菜、甘蓝和生菜。  相似文献   

The biology of the pentatomid Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) feeding on cultivated and non-cultivated plants was studied in the laboratory. Nymph mortality varied from approximately 60 on corn (seed mature) to 77% on wheat (ear immature); no nymphs survived on seedlings of corn or wheat. Nymph developmental time on soybean, corn or wheat (seed, pod or ear) varied from 25.5 to 32.8 days. Body weight at adult emergence was similar and greater on most foods than on wheat ear. Nymphs fed preferentially on soybean (pod immature). On non-cultivated hosts, nymphs showed high mortality (73%) on crotalaria (pod immature); on tropical spiderwort (stem) all nymphs died. Nymphs took longer time to develop on crotalaria and/or on spiderwort than on soybean. Body weight at adult emergence did not differ on crotalaria or soybean. Survivorship decreased with time on most foods, with approximately 50% of adults alive at day 30. On corn and wheat seedlings approximately 80% of adults were dead on day 20. Adult longevity ranged 31-43 days, except on corn and wheat seedlings < 15 days. Females % ovipositing peaked ( approximately 76%) on soybean (pod or seed immature), and was minimum ( approximately 9%) on wheat ear (immature); no females reproduced on seedlings of corn or wheat. Preoviposition period was shorter ( approximately 12 days) on soybean (immature pod or seed) and longer ( approximately 37 days) on wheat (ear immature). Fecundity was similar and higher on all foods than on wheat (ear immature). Body weigh gain occurred on all foods, but on corn and wheat seedlings. Adults fed preferably on soybean (pod immature and seed mature); wheat (seedling) was the least preferred food.  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》2011,30(6):853-860
补充记载了采自海南省的9种锈菌。甲竹Bambusa remotiflora上的华南柄锈菌Puccinia austrosinensis、大花紫薇Lagerstroemia speciosa上的紫薇夏孢锈菌Uredo lagerstroemiae和海南薯Ipomoea sumatrana上的宽乳单胞锈菌Uromyces latimammatus为新种;厚叶素馨Jasminum pentaneurum上的巴氏查科锈菌Chaconia butleri、猪肚木Canthium horridum上的鱼骨木驼孢锈菌Hemileia canthii、牛筋果Harrisonia perforata上的牛筋果无眠多胞锈菌Kuehneola harrisoniae、毛咀签Gouania javanica上的椴叶咀签柄锈菌Puccinia gouaniae-tiliaefoliae、蒲桃Syzygium jambos上的番石榴柄锈菌Puccinia psidii以及象草Pennisetum purpureum上的钝叶草柄锈菌Puccinia stenotaphri为中国新记录。引证的标本均保存于中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Abstract. The vegetation on a wet mountain slope on Haleakala (an oceanic island) is compared with that on Kinabalu (a continental island) to examine relationships between regional floristic richness and α- and β-diversities. The two mountains are similar in their constant tropical climate, generic and family-level floristic elements and geological age of the summit regions, but different in regional floristic richness (rich on Kinabalu vs. poor on Haleakala). α-diversity of canopy and subcanopy tree species was much higher on Kinabalu than in comparable zones on Haleakala. Average turnover rate of species (as logarithmic community similarity) on the slope was one order of magnitude greater on Kinabalu than on Haleakala (0.127 vs. 0.017 per 100 m alt.). While there were genera with wide altitudinal ranges on both mountains, a large proportion of the genera was differentiated into parapatric altitudinal congeners on Kinabalu. By contrast, most genera are altitudinally monotypic on Haleakala. The number of sympatric congeners per genus, and the frequency of multi-specific genera per plot were high on lower slopes but decreased with increasing altitude on Kinabalu, whereas the values were low across all altitudes on Haleakala. These patterns suggest that sympatric and parapatric species radiation was less on Haleakala than on Kinabalu. This may be related to Haleakala's initially poor and disharmonic flora.  相似文献   

D. BAINES 《Ibis》1989,131(4):497-506
Data on the breeding success of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus on unimproved and improved grassland, with comparative data for arable land, were obtained from a study on 760 Lapwing clutches. The study was undertaken in the Eden Valley, Cumbria, and Teesdale, Co. Durham, between 1985 and 1987. First clutches were larger on unimproved grassland with a mean of 3.73 eggs compared to 3.61 eggs on improved grassland. In contrast, replacement clutches were larger on improved areas (3.90 eggs) than on unimproved (3.47 eggs). On average, 40% of eggs laid on unimproved pastures hatched compared to only 17% on improved pastures. No significant difference in hatching success was found between unimproved and improved meadows with 32% and 22% of eggs hatching, respectively. Overall, 73% of unsuccessful first clutches were replaced on unimproved pastures, whereas on meadows and improved pastures combined, only 32% were replaced. Survival of small chicks was highest on unimproved areas. Production on unimproved areas was sufficient to replace adult losses and so maintain numbers, whereas on improved land production was too low to maintain existing breeding densities. Hatching success on unimproved areas was similar for the four species of wader considered. On improved areas, Redshank hatching success was relatively high, with 54% of pairs producing chicks, compared to 35% for Lapwing and 23% for Curlew.  相似文献   

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