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This study aimed to develop nutritionally balanced and cost-effective processed diets for milkfish larvae ( Chanos chanos Forsskal). Two larval diets (feed A and feed B) were formulated and prepared to contain 45&percnt| protein and 10&percnt| lipid. Several larval diet preparations were tried such as microbound/ unpelleted (freeze-dried), microbound/pelleted (oven-dried) and microbound/flaked (drum-dried) and assessed in terms of feed particle size and buoyancy, water stability and feed acceptability. The preparation that gave the best particle size and buoyancy as well as good water stability was prepared as the microbound diet (using K -carrageenan as a binder) and flaked using a drum drier. A series of feeding experiments were conducted to determine the growth and survival of milkfish larvae reared on various feeding schemes using these processed larval diets which were fed either solely or in combination with live feed. Larvae in control treatments were reared on live foods such as Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii. Larvae were observed to ingest the diets, indicating that the feeds had suitable physical characteristics and were attractive to the larvae. The overall results of the feeding trials showed that the artificial diets could be fed to milkfish larvae in combination with Brachionus rotifers starting on day 2 or day 8, and could be fed alone starting from day 15. These promising results would reduce the dependence of milkfish larvae on live feed and would have significant economic benefits in the form of simplified milkfish hatchery procedures.  相似文献   

Milkfish, Chanos chnos , were sampled from two geographical areas in the Hawaiian Islands approximately 200 miles apart, from Pearl Harbor on Oahu, and Puako on Hawaii. Differences in the incidence of gastritis, a stomach inflammation, and electrophoretic patterns of nuclear lens proteins from fish of the two areas suggested they were separate populations. Genetically, the pattern frequencies indicated homogeneity in the Pearl Harbor fish and heterogeneity in the Puako fish. The former may be a small population in which homozygousity was produced through genetic drift. The genetic heterogeneity of the Puako fish may indicate a single large population or a mixture of populations. These observations support the hypothesis, previously deduced from field studies, that milkfish have many nearshore spawning areas over a wide geographical range and, therefore, little opportunity for genetic interchange between the fish from widely separated areas. Pearl Harbor fish had the highest incidence of gastritis, which appeared to be due to a combination of polluted water and a possible genetic susceptibility to disease from inbreeding.  相似文献   

The economic viabilities of two types of commercial hatchery milkfish ( Chanos chanos Forsskal) fry operations were assessed and compared. Based on the actual cost of input, the physical facilities, and the potential production yields, four commercial hatcheries previously used for shrimp ( Penaeus monodon Fabricius) fry production were classified as either large- or small-scale operations. Cost–return analysis revealed high profits for both types of operation. The return on investment (54–61%) and the payback period (≈ 1.5 years) were comparable between the two types, although a large-scale operation (476%) had double the working capital return of a small-scale hatchery (221%). Benefit–cost analysis over a 5-year period also revealed positive and above-baseline discounted economic indicators [net current value = 0.2–2.2 million Philippine Pesos (1 US Dollar = 25 Philippine Pesos); internal rate of return = 88–107%]. The net benefit–cost ratio of a large-scale operation (2.0) was higher than that of a small-scale hatchery (1.4), suggesting a slight edge in the investment viability of a large-scale hatchery. Compared with a large-scale operation, a small-scale hatchery was more sensitive to changes in the acquisition price of eggs or newly-hatched larvae and in the price of selling hatchery fry. Both types of operation are viable nonetheless when the acquisition cost is P6000 per million eggs or larvae and hatchery fry are sold at P0.50 each. Together, profit and investment in milkfish hatchery fry production appear viable, making milkfish an alternative commodity for production in many abandoned shrimp hatcheries. The limited availability of spawned eggs and larvae for rearing and the quality of hatchery fry are issues requiring urgent attention.  相似文献   

Synopsis Chanos chanos belongs to a monotypic gonorynchiform family and is most closely related to the freshwater Ostariophysi. The earliest gonorynchiforms occurred in the Cretaceous of Brazil and west Africa. Chanos occurred in the freshwater Eocene deposits of Europe and North America, and probably invaded the circumtropical Tethys Sea during transgression episodes. At present, milkfish occurs near continental shelves and around oceanic islands throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. Milkfish populations throughout the range show high genetic variation but low genetic divergence, similar to many other commercially important teleosts. The natural life history of milkfish is one of continual migration. Adults are relatively large (to 1.5 m or 15 kg), long-lived (to 15 years), pelagic and schooling. They spawn offshore near coral reefs or small islands. The eggs, embryos and larvae are pelagic and relatively larger than those of most marine species. Larvae ≥ 10 mm long and 2–3 weeks old move inshore via a combination of passive advection and active migration. Passing shore waters and surf zones, they settle in shallow-water depositional habitats such as mangrove swamps and coral lagoons, where they metamorphose and spend a few months as juveniles. Some juveniles may enter freshwater lakes where they grow into sub-adults but do not mature. Both small juveniles and large sub-adults go back to sea when they reach the size limit supportable by the habitat. Little else is known of the dynamics of wild populations of milkfish. A fishery on inshore larvae supports the centuries-old aquaculture of milkfish in southeast Asia. During the past ten years, milkfish have matured and spawned under various conditions of captivity, and hatcheries have produced larvae to supply the culture ponds. Much remains to be learned concerning the milkfish, particularly its ecology and physiology.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sample of stomach contents collected on 10 dates from May to October, 1978, were used to describe the diet and estimate the daily ration of subadult largemouth bass (primarily age-III fish) in Lake Rebecca, Minnesota. The method of Elliott & Persson (1978) was used to estimate daily ration. Data from sources in the literature were used to quantify gastric evacuation, which was found to be adequately described by an exponential decay model. The exponent of gastric evacuation increased exponentially with temperature. Seasonal changes in the diet with respect to composition, distribution of food among stomachs, and food particle size were reflected in the seasonal pattern of growth. Weight gain and the formation of scale annuli did not occur until the diet shifted from large bluegills and insects to age-0 largemouth bass and bluegills. Estimates of daily ration ranged from almost zero in mid-May and early June to over 5% in late August. The use of median weights of stomach contents was found to yield more meaningful estimates of the daily ration of individual bass than those based on means. Estimates based on medians were consistent with the observed pattern of growth and with information on maintenance rations and satiation levels. A growth-limiting lack of suitably-sized forage fish apparently occurred in the early part of the growing season.Paper Number 11,657, Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN. 55108.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the nutritional conditions of larval milkfish in the surf zone, the following parameters were examined: 1) DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio of fed and unfed larvae collected from the surf zone and reared in the laboratory; 2) survival rate of the unfed larvae; and 3) total length, otolith increment counts and RNA/DNA ratio of wild larvae collected daily from the surf zone. The DNA and RNA content of the unfed larvae decreased, but increased in fed larvae. The RNA/DNA ratio decreased in unfed larvae, whereas in the fed larvae it decreased for the first three days after capture and increased thereafter. These results indicated that the values of DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio could be used as an indicator of nutritional condition of milkfish larvae after 6 days of starvation. Although total length of the wild-larvae did not show serial changes, their otolith increment counts showed continuous increases, indicating that the larvae sojourned in the surf zone for several days. In the same period, RNA/DNA ratios of the wild larvae decreased continuously, the ratios of larvae with fewer otolith increment counts being relatively higher than those of larvae with greater increment counts. Based on these results, the milkfish larvae remaining in the surf zone were concluded as being under insufficient nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: investigated in milkfish Chanos chanos, which had a cumulative mortality of up to 66.7% over the course of 1 yr. Gross reddish- or greyish-white nodules appeared on the peritoneal surface, spleen, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Epithelioid granulomas with the formation of Langhan's type giant cells were the prominent histopathological changes. Despite large numbers of acid-fast bacilli in the granulomas, neither caseous necrosis nor dystrophic calcification were observed. Using degenerate primers that targeted the heat shock protein 65 kDa gene of Mycobacterium spp., a 441 bp product was amplified. When compared with published sequences, our products were identical to those of Mycobacterium abscessus Type II (GenBank accession number AY603554). This is the first report of M. abscessus infection in milkfish.  相似文献   

Basic histological sections (with different staining methods) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examinations showed that there were three distinctive layers in the adipose eyelid of milkfish Chanos chanos , which is found in the cephalie region and covers the entire eye. The outer and inner layers were epithelial tissues and the middle layer was composed of connective tissue formed by type I collagen fibrils. No adipose tissue was found in any of the three layers of the so-called adipose eyelid. Examination by transmission spectrophotometer showed that the adipose tissue could filter out ambient light with a wavelength shorter than 305 nm. A photoretinoscope was used to investigate whether the adipose eyelid influenced the mechanism of eye focusing. Eye diopter values did not differ before or after eyelid removal, which indicated that the adipose eyelid did not play a role in eye focusing. In light of these findings, it is suggested that the adipose eyelid serves to block exposure of harmful ultraviolet light into eyes and may also to offer some protection against impact to the eye in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The formation of daily growth increments of otoliths was studied in the reared larvae of milkfish. The first growth increment was formed during the yolk–sac reabsorption period c .2 days after hatching, and increment formation continued on a daily schedule regardless of growth rate. The initial incremental zone was of amorphous structure, and the subsequent incremental zone was of needle–shaped crystalline structure; the former structure was formed in the yolk–sac reabsorption period of the larva and the latter in the exogenous feeding period. Accordingly, ageing of milkfish larvae is possible by counting growth increments, and timings within the developmental stage of the larvae can be understood by examining the otolith microstructure.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on daily growth and increment formation in the otolith were examined using a double oxytetracycline-labelling method on larval milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), reared under different feeding regimes. The results indicated that the differences in body and otolith growth between the larvae fed once and three times a day were not significant, and that the otolith growth increment was deposited daily in both groups of fed larvae. In contrast, the starved larvae grew at a slower rate than fed larvae in body length and otolith dimensions, and the otolith growth increment in the starved larvae was not deposited on a daily basis. After undergoing starvation, the larvae were unable to recover their normal growth either in otolith increment deposition or in body and otolith growth even though they were fed. Therefore, the application of ageing techniques based on counting otolith growth increments seems to be inaccurate for starved larvae.  相似文献   

The pituitary gland of the milkfish, Chanos chanos , was studied at different stages of sexual maturation and spawning. Consecutive median sagittal sections were treated with a range of stains to demonstrate the different cell types and regions. The milkfish pituitary consists of a neural component, the neurohypophysis, and an epithelial component, the adenohypophysis, which in turn consists of three regions: the rostral pars distalis (RPD), proximal pars distalis (PPD), and pars intermedia (PI). However, unlike most teleosts, the pituitary gland of the milkfish is encased in a bony chamber, has dorsal and ventral lobes and extends anteriorly from its point of origin at the base of the brain. PAS (+) basophils are found in all regions of the adenohypophysis, but mostly in the proximal pars distalis. These cells undergo hypertrophy and hyperplasia during sexual maturation, shrinkage and degranulation during spawning.  相似文献   

Synopsis Gastric evacuation rate estimates often suffer from an important bias caused by fitting experimentally-derived data distributions that are inherently constricted by the X-axis (Y = 0). Monte Carlo simulations were used to evaluate the bias. Truncating constricted distributions prior to curve fitting was suggested as a means to circumvent the problem. A food consumption model developed by D.S. Robson was presented. It employs the integral of the function fit to percentage gastric evacuation data, and does not require an a priori assumption of exponential gastric evacuation. The methods were illustrated using experimental gastric evacuation data and stomach contents data for fishery-caught yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the assessment of the environmental condition of a receiving water and demonstrates how the environmental capacity of the system can be estimated based on effluent discharge from milkfish ponds and water criteria from scientific literature and other studies. An estuary (average volume, 295 333 m3; average depth, 1.9 m) in Punta Pulao, Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines served as discharge and irrigation system for commercial milkfish ponds and experimental/verification ponds owned by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. Total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll a (chl a) were determined monthly (during spring tide) for 4 months. Samples were taken at low and high tides that coincided with the draining and flooding of ponds, respectively. Monthly concentrations of these water quality variables generally increased from the first to fourth month of sampling (April–July 2001) during low tide. Very slight increases were observed during high tide. The magnitude of changes in the diurnal patterns of phosphate, chl a, and dissolved oxygen appeared to be higher at spring tide than at neap tide. This indicates that the inflowing river at low tide (during spring tide) brought effluents containing high amounts of nutrients from ponds located upstream. The water, salt, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and phosphate (DIP) budgets of the entire estuary were determined following the one‐box model by LOICZ‐IGBP (2000, LOICZ biochemical budgeting procedure: a tutorial pamphlet. L. T. David, M. L. San Diego‐McGlone, C. J. Crossland and S. V. Smith (Eds). Publ. for LOICZ International Project Office, the Netherlands, 29 pp.). The budgets indicate that the system is net heterotrophic and nitrogen (N) fixing during the dry months, but that there could be no environmental impact during the rainy months because of short water exchange time. Results further suggest that the system is a source of N and phosphorus (P) during the dry and rainy months; the condition is largely influenced by the high amount of nutrient inputs in to the river. Linear regression analysis was performed to determine relationship between nutrient concentrations in the system and total DIN or DIP input to the system at low tide. Environmental capacity in terms of the maximum amount of DIN or DIP input to the system was predicted using regression analysis and following set criteria for nutrients, i.e. nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. At present, the estuarine water quality has already reached its environmental capacity during the dry months. About 945 ha of commercial milkfish ponds are operating upstream, mostly as extensive systems. If these ponds are converted to semi‐intensive or intensive systems, it is recommended that the pond area be reduced to 122 ha if the DIP criterion is to be followed so as not to exceed the environmental capacity. Exceeding this environmental capacity may affect production through reduction of fish growth, occurrence of diseases, and fish mortalities.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and meal size on gastric evacuation rates of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , consuming sockeye salmon, O. nerka , fry were examined and used in the estimation of daily meal, daily ration and number of fry consumed by coho in Chignik Lake, Alaska. Evacuation of fry by coho was best described by a negative exponential model (average R2 = 0.93). A square root model also provided a good fit (average R2 = 0·93), but the y-intercepts deviated more from the expected value than did the y-intercepts of the exponential model. The effect of temperature ( T , 5–13° C) and meal size (MS, 0·166–0·367 g) on the exponential evacuation rate (re, h-1) could be described as
In the lake, coho fed continuously during the 24-h period in early June 1986 and 1987. Estimates of daily meal and ration of coho calculated by the Eggers method and the geometric mean of prey weight ranged from 0·224 to 0·435 g (2.1–4.4% body wt) depending on location and year. The Elliott & Persson method provided similar estimates of food consumption, whereas estimates based on the Pennington method and square root evacuation of prey differed from the exponential models. Sockeye fry represented 93% of the total prey weight. The average number of sockeye fry consumed per coho per 24 h, based on the arithmetic mean of prey weight, was 3·0–3·9 fry.  相似文献   

Gonadal maturation, rematuration, and spawning of nine- (1982 stock) and ten-year-old (1981 stock) milkfish reared in 150 and 200 m3 concrete tanks were observed in 1990 and 1991. From 23 September to 9 November 1990, the 1981 stock spawned 15 times with an average daily collection of 61,000 ± 21,000 eggs. From 4 larval rearing trials, the mean overall survival rate (from eggs to 21 -day-old fry) was 9.68 ± 4.3%. From 25 Aril to 31 October 1991, the stock spawned a totaf of 108 times. Mean daily egg collection increasef to 305,000 ± 32,000. Successful rearing trials conducted during the latter part of the spawning season had a mean overall survival rate of 17 ± 3% (n = 17) indicating that mass fry production techniques can be improved. Spawning of milkfish broodstock in concrete tanks provides an alternative to other existing methods of seed production.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake rates and yolk-inclusive dry weiGhts were measured during the egg and yolk-sac larval stages of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal). Oxygen uptake by eggs and yolk-sac larvae was measured to assess the effects of four salinities (20,25,30,35 ppt) at 28°C. The effects of three temperatures (23,28,33°C) on oxygen uptake by yolk-sac larvae were determined at a salinity of 35 ppt. Dry weights were measured throughout embryonic development at 28°C and the yolk-sac stage at 23.28 and 33°C.
Oxygen uptake rates of eggs increased more than fivefold during embryogenesis (0.07±0.03 to 0.40 ± 03 μl O2 egg −1 h −1;blastula to prehatch stage). Larval oxygen uptake did not change with age but was affected by rearing temperature (0.33 ± 0.08, 0.44 ± 0.07 and 0.63 ± 0.13 μl O2 larva −1 h−1 at 23, 28 and 33°C, respectively; Q10= 1.93). Acute temperature changes from 28 to 33°C caused significant increases in oxygen uptake by embryos (Q 10= 1.69–3.58) and yolk-sac larvae (Q 10=2.55). Salinity did not affect metabolic rates.
Dry weight of eggs incubated at 28°C decreased 13% from fertilization to hatching. Incubation temperatures from 23–33°C did not affect dry weights at hatching. Rearing temperatures significantly affected the rate of larval yolk absorption (Q 10= 2.25).  相似文献   

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