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We examined the influence of dose on the spectrum of mutations induced at the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) locus in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Independent CHO-K1 cell mutants at the Hprt locus were isolated from cells exposed to 0, 0.5, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 Gy (137)Cs gamma rays, and the genetic changes responsible for the mutations were determined by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based exon deletion analysis. We observed dose-dependent changes in mutation spectra. At low doses, the principal radiation-induced mutations were point mutations. With increasing dose, multibase deletion mutations became the predominant mutation type such that by 6.0 Gy, there were almost three times more deletion mutations than point mutations. The dose response for induction of point mutations was linear while that for multibase deletions fit a linear-quadratic response. There was a biphasic distribution of deletion sizes, and different dose responses for small compared to large deletions. The frequency of large (>36 kb) total gene deletions increased exponentially, implying that they develop from the interaction between two independent events. In contrast, the dose response for deletion mutations of less than 10 kb was nearly linear, suggesting that these types of mutations develop mostly from single events and not the interactions between two independently produced lesions. The observation of dose-dependent changes in radiation-induced mutation spectra suggests that the types of alterations and therefore the risks from low-dose radiation exposure cannot be easily extrapolated from high-dose effects.  相似文献   

Jacek Radwan 《Ecology letters》2004,7(12):1149-1154
Because of the production of males, sexual populations are expected to incur a 50% cost in potential growth rate. However, theory predicts that sexual competition between males can compensate for this cost by decreasing the mutation load of sexual populations. To test this hypothesis, I induced mutations in male bulb mites with ionizing radiation and subjected their progeny (F1) to two selective regimes differing in opportunity for sexual selection. Mutations which were not removed by selection acting on the F1 decreased embryonic viability in the F2. Viability was significantly higher in the treatment in which there was an opportunity for sexual selection than in the treatment in which sexual selection was experimentally eliminated. The results indicate that sexual selection can increase population fitness and, at least partly, compensate for the cost of sex.  相似文献   

Friedland, W., Li, W. B., Jacob, P. and Paretzke, H. G. Simulation of Exon Deletion Mutations Induced by Low-LET Radiation at the HPRT Locus. Radiat. Res. 155, 703-715 (2001). The induction of HPRT mutants with exon deletions after irradiation with photons was simulated using the biophysical radiation track structure model PARTRAC. The exon-intron structure of the human HPRT gene was incorporated into the chromatin fiber model in PARTRAC. After gamma and X irradiation, simulated double-stranded DNA fragments that overlapped with exons were assumed to result in exon deletion mutations with a probability that depended on the genomic or the geometric distance between the breakpoints. The consequences of different assumptions about this probability of deletion formation were evaluated on the basis of the resulting fractions of total, terminal and intragenic deletions. Agreement with corresponding measurements was obtained assuming a constant probability of deletion formation for fragments smaller than about 0.1 Mbp, and a probability of deletion formation decreasing with increasing geometric or genomic distance between the end points for larger fragments. For these two assumptions, yields of mutants with exon deletions, size distributions of deletions, patterns of deleted exons, and patterns of deleted STS marker sites surrounding the gene were calculated and compared with experimental data. The yields, size distributions and exon deletion patterns were grossly consistent, whereas larger deviations were found for the STS marker deletion patterns in this comparison.  相似文献   

The spectrum of mutations induced by ionizing radiation at two non-essential genetic loci varies markedly. Those at the adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (aprt) locus predominantly have no detectable alterations of gene structure on Southern blots, while those at the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) locus are largely massive deletions eliminating all coding sequence. Insertion mutations were detected at both loci. To characterize the sequence alterations producing the minor changes at the aprt locus, two mutant genes were cloned from lambda genomic libraries and sequenced. One of these mutants proved to be a 20 base-pair deletion formed between two short (3 base-pair) direct repeat sequences, while the second was the result of a 58 base-pair insertion accompanied by a 13 base-pair deletion.  相似文献   

A high proportion of spontaneous mutations at the heterozygous thymidine kinase (TK) locus in a human B-lymphoblast cell line involved loss of the entire active allele. Loss of heterozygosity often extended to other loci on chromosome 17q. The authors have developed a system for analysing the role of homologous recombination and gene conversion in such events. A heteroallelic (TK-/-) cell line containing single + 1 frameshifts in exons 4 and 7 was generated by repeated exposures to ICR-191. Revertant mutations to TK+/- were selected and analysed for the presence or absence or each frameshift as well as changes in linked polymorphic markers on 17q. The molecular changes associated with reversion to TK+ can thus be analysed. Preliminary results indicate that homologous recombination can be detected with this system, though it occurs at low frequency (less than 10(-7]. The authors believe this represents the first quantitative assay for measuring recombination between alleles of a specific intact gene in human cells. It should prove useful in evaluating the potency of various classes of mutagens in inducing recombinational and gene conversion events.  相似文献   

The lacI system of Escherichia coli provides a method for monitoring mutational events at a large number of sites. Using this system, we have previously determined the mutational spectra for gamma-ray and beta-particle emissions resulting from the decay of tritium. Analysis of these mutational spectra reveals that base substitution mutations induced by ionizing radiation are distributed nearly randomly throughout the lacI gene and include all detectable substitution events. The distribution of ionizing radiation-induced mutagenesis is similar to the low frequency of occurrence mutational events induced by other SOS-dependent mutagens. The lack of an apparent nonrandom or high frequency of occurrence component seen with other SOS-dependent mutagens can be best explained as the result of the random interaction of ionizing radiation with the DNA bases leading to production of a variety of base substitutions.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-induced, gamma-induced and spontaneous mutation yields were studied in two different auxotrophic strains of Salmonella typhimurium in the presence and absence of the UV-protecting drug resistance transfer factor R-Utrecht. One strain, carrying the hisC527 (amber) mutation, showed significantly increased spontaneous, UV- and gamma-induced mutability in the presence of the R-Utrecht plasmid. The other strain, carrying the trpD1 mutation (thought to be a missense mutation), also showed significantly increased UV mutability in the presence of the R-Utrecht plasmid. The other strain, carrying the trpD1 mutation (thought to be a missense mutation), also showed significantly increased UV mutability in the presence of the R factor, but appeared to show no significant increase in spontaneous mutability and only a very slight increase in gamma-mutability when carrying the R factor. These results demonstrate that the R-Utrecht plasmid, known to enhance UV-induced mutation yields in S. typhimurium, can also significantly enhance both spontaneous and gamma-induced mutation yields in this species. The latter effects are not so discernible with all markers, however, as shown by the results with strains carrying the trpD1 mutation. Enhancement of spontaneous mutability thus appears to be correlated with enhancement of gamma-mutability rather than UV mutability.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation at clinical dose levels activates both pro- and anti-proliferative signal transduction pathways, the balance of which determines cell fate. The initiating and amplifying mechanisms involved in the activation are poorly understood. We demonstrate that one mechanism involves stimulation of constitutive nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) activity. NOS activity of Chinese hamster ovary cells was measured by the arginine --> citrulline conversion assay. Irradiation stimulated a transient activation of NOS with maximal activity at 5 min of post-irradiation. Western blot analysis and genetic manipulation by overexpression of wild type or dominant negative NOS mutant identify the radiation-induced isoform as NOS-1. Further evidence that NOS-1 is activated by radiation was the demonstration of radiation-induced cGMP formation in cells transiently transfected with the NO-dependent soluble guanylate cyclase. Protein Tyr nitration, a footprint of peroxynitrite formation, followed radiation exposure and was inhibited by expression of a dominant negative NOS-1 mutant. Radiation-induced ERK1/2 kinase activity, a cytoprotective response to radiation, was also blocked by inhibiting NOS activity. These experiments establish NO-dependent signal transduction pathways as being radio-responsive. Given the lipophilic and relatively stable properties of NO, these results also suggest a possible mechanism by which ionization events in one cell may activate signaling processes in adjacent cells.  相似文献   

Astronauts participating in extended lunar missions or the projected mission to Mars would likely be exposed to significant doses of high-linear energy transfer (LET) heavy energetic charged (HZE) particles. Exposure to even relatively low doses of such space radiation may result in a reduced latent period for and an increased incidence of lens opacification. However, the determinants of cataractogenesis induced by densely ionizing radiation have not been clearly elucidated. In the current study, we show that age at the time of exposure is a key determinant of cataractogenesis in rats whose eyes have been exposed to 2 Gy of (56)Fe ions. The rate of progression of cataractogenesis was significantly greater in the irradiated eyes of 1-year-old rats compared to young (56-day-old) rats. Furthermore, older ovariectomized rats that received exogenous estrogen treatment (17-β-estradiol) commencing 1 week prior to irradiation and continuing throughout the period of observation of up to approximately 600 days after irradiation showed an increased incidence of cataracts and faster progression of opacification compared to intact rats with endogenous estrogen or ovariectomized rats. The same potentiating effect (higher incidence, reduced latent period) was observed for irradiated eyes of young rats. Modulation of estrogen status in the 1-year-old animals (e.g., removal of estrogen by ovariectomy or continuous exposure to estrogen) did not increase the latent period or reduce the incidence to that of intact 56-day-old rats. Since the rapid onset and progression of cataracts in 1-year-old compared to 56-day-old rats was independent of estrogen status, we conclude that estrogen cannot account for the age-dependent differences in cataractogenesis induced by high-LET radiation.  相似文献   

Although increasing evidence has suggested that the hMSH5 protein plays an important role in meiotic and mitotic DNA recombinational repair, its precise functions in recombination and DNA damage response are presently elusive. Here we show that the interaction between hMSH5 and c-Abl confers ionizing radiation (IR)-induced apoptotic response by promoting c-Abl activation and p73 accumulation, and these effects are greatly enhanced in cells expressing hMSH5P29S (i.e. the hMSH5 variant possessing a proline to serine change within the N-terminal (Px)5 dipeptide repeat). Our current study provides the first evidence that the (Px)5 dipeptide repeat plays an important role in modulating the interaction between hMSH5 and c-Abl and alteration of this dipeptide repeat in hMSH5P29S leads to increased IR sensitivity owing to enhanced caspase-3-mediated apoptosis. In addition, RNAi-mediated hMSH5 silencing leads to the reduction of apoptosis in IR-treated cells. In short, this study implicates a role for hMSH5 in DNA damage response involving c-Abl and p73, and suggests that mutations impairing this process could significantly affect normal cellular responses to anti-cancer treatments.  相似文献   

The human shuttle plasmid pZ189, containing the Escherichia coli supF gene as the mutational target, was irradiated in vitro with 210Po alpha particles and transfected into human lymphoblastoid cells. Plasmids which were replicated in human cells were recovered and those containing mutant supF genes were isolated by phenotypic screening in E. coli. The mutations were characterized by sequencing the tRNA gene. The mutant frequency increased linearly with the alpha-particle dose and, at 259 Gy, it was 16 times (0.29%) that observed in unirradiated controls (0.018%). The distribution of alpha-particle-induced point mutations was highly nonrandom and similar to that observed in the unirradiated or X-irradiated plasmid DNAs. The majority of the mutations were G.C----A.T transitions and occurred selectively at most 5'-TC (3'-AG) and 5'-CC (3'-GG) sequences. For the unirradiated control DNA, these mutations at C's (G's) were preferentially located in the nontranscribed strand, similar to the observation previously made for mutations in X-irradiated DNA. Such a strand bias was not observed for mutations in the alpha-particle-irradiated DNA. The data suggest that, although similar types of point mutations are induced in unirradiated, X-irradiated, and alpha-particle-irradiated DNAs, the mechanisms of their induction and the exact nature of the lesions involved may be quite different.  相似文献   

We examined the formation of phosphorylated ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) foci in exponentially growing normal human diploid cells exposed to low doses of X rays. Phosphorylated ATM foci were detected immediately after irradiation, and the number of foci decreased as the time after irradiation increased. The kinetics of phosphorylated ATM foci was comparable to that of phosphorylated histone H2AX. We found that there were fewer spontaneous phosphorylated ATM foci than that phosphorylated histone H2AX foci. Notably, significant numbers of phosphorylated histone H2AX foci, but not phosphorylated ATM foci, were detected in the S-phase cells. The induction of foci showed a linear dose-response relationship with doses ranging for 10 mGy to 1 Gy, and the average number of phosphorylated ATM foci per gray was approximately 50. The average size of the foci was comparable for the cells irradiated with 20 mGy and 1 Gy, and there was no significant difference in the kinetics of disappearance of foci, indicating that DNA double-strand breaks are similarly recognized by DNA damage checkpoints and are repaired irrespective of the dose.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Olanzapine (OLA), is prescribed as an anti-psychotic medicine in schizophrenia patients. In this study, the protective effect of OLA against genotoxicity and...  相似文献   

Nonsyndromic hearing loss is one of the most genetically heterogeneous traits known. A total of 30 autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing-loss loci have been mapped, and 11 genes have been isolated. In the majority of cases, autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss is postlingual and progressive, with the exception of hearing impairment in families in which the impairment is linked to DFNA3, DFNA8/12, and DFNA24, the novel locus described in this report. DFNA24 was identified in a large Swiss German kindred with a history of autosomal dominant hearing loss that dates back to the middle of the 19th century. The hearing-impaired individuals in this kindred have prelingual, nonprogressive, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss affecting mainly mid and high frequencies. The DFNA24 locus maps to 4q35-qter. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 11.6 was obtained at 208.1 cM at marker D4S1652. The 3.0-unit support interval for the map position of this locus ranges from 205.8 cM to 211.7 cM (5.9 cM).  相似文献   

hCds1 (Chk2) is an evolutionarily conserved kinase that functions in DNA damage response and cell cycle checkpoint. The Cds1 family of kinases are activated by a family of large phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-like kinases. In humans, ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinases activate hCds1 by phosphorylating Thr(68) . hCds1 and Cds1-related kinases contain the FHA (forkhead-associated) domain, which appears to be important for integrating the DNA damage signal. It is not known how ATM phosphorylation activates hCds1 function and whether the phosphorylation is linked to the FHA. Here, we demonstrate that the hCds1-FHA domain is essential for Thr(68) phosphorylation. Thr(68) phosphorylation, in turn, is required for ionizing radiation-induced autophosphorylation of two amino acid residues in hCds1, Thr(383) and Thr(387). These two amino acid residues, located in the activation loop of hCds1, are conserved in hCds1-related kinases and are essential for hCds1 activity. Thus, the hCds1-FHA domain mediates a chain of phosphorylation events on hCds1, which includes phosphorylation by ATM and hCds1 autophosphorylation, in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

An activated K-ras oncogene was detected by transfection in NIH 3T3 cells and by Southern blot analysis in 6 of 12 rat skin tumors induced by ionizing radiation. The DNA from 10 of the 12 tumors also showed c-myc gene amplification and restriction polymorphisms. Evidence for tissue specificity was observed in patterns of oncogene activation, with each of three clear cell carcinomas exhibiting activation of both c-myc and K-ras oncogenes.  相似文献   

Mouse-human cell hybrid clones retaining an inactive translocated chromosome involving the human X and 13 were isolated. Esterase D, a marker on the segment of chromosome 13 translocated to the X, was not expressed in these clones. These results provide genetic evidence for the spreading of inactivation into the autosomal segment in an inactive human X-autosome translocation.  相似文献   

Microsatellites, short tandem repeats, are useful markers for genetic analysis because of their high frequency of occurrence over the genome, high information content due to variable repeat lengths, and ease of typing. To establish a panel of microsatellite markers useful for genetic studies for hereditary hearing loss in the Korean population, the allele frequencies and heterozygosities of 32 microsatellite markers in 172 unrelated Korean individuals were examined. The heterozygosity values for these markers ranged from 48 to 87%. All the markers except D6S1038 and D14S1034 marker showed PIC values over 0.5. This indicates these markers have a high degree of polymorphism and are randomly distributed in the Korean population. Therefore, the combinations of these STR loci provide a powerful tool to find the candidate loci of a causative gens for non-syndromic hearing loss in the Korean population.  相似文献   

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