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The evolution of female multiple mating in social hymenoptera   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The evolution of female multiple mating is a highly controversial topic, especially in social insects. Here we analyze, using comparative analyses and simulation models, the merits of two major contending hypotheses for the adaptive value of polyandry in this group. The hypotheses maintain that, respectively, the resulting genotypic diversity among offspring within a colony: (1) mitigates against the effects of parasites; or (2) favors adaptive division of labor. Only two of 11 phylogenetically uncontrolled comparative analyses supported an association between polyandry and the complexity of division of labor (measured here using worker caste polymorphism or polyethism) as proposed by hypothesis 2, and after controlling for phylogeny there were no significant associations. In contrast, a previous study demonstrated such an association for parasite load as expected under hypothesis 1. In addition, we used simulation models to track the spread of an initially rare allele for double mating in a population of single-mating alleles, thus analyzing the crucial first step from monandry to polyandry. We find that double mating evolves consistently under antagonistic coevolution given that parasites exert sufficient selection intensity. In contrast, selection for enhanced division of labor resulted in only an erratic appearance of polyandry in highly (and mostly negatively) autocorrelated environments where no coevolutionary dynamics were allowed. Together, we interpret these results to suggest that parasites, and the antagonistic coevolutionary pressures they exert, may play an important role in the evolution of polyandry in social hymenopteran populations.  相似文献   

Division of labor is central to the organization of insect societies. Within‐colony comparisons between subfamilies of workers (patrilines or matrilines) revealed genetic effects on division of labor in many social insect species. Although this has been taken as evidence for additive genetic effects on division of labor, it has never been experimentally tested. To determine the relative roles of additive and nonadditive genetic effects (e.g., genetic compatibility, epistasis, and parent‐of‐origin imprinting effects) on worker behavior, we performed controlled crosses using the Argentine ant Linepithema humile. Three of the measured behaviors (the efficiency to collect pupae, the foraging propensity, and the distance between non‐brood‐tenders and brood) were affected by the maternal genetic background and the two others (the efficiency to feed larvae and the distance between brood‐tenders and brood) by the paternal genetic background. Moreover, there were significant interactions between the maternal and paternal genetic backgrounds for three of the five behaviors. These results are most consistent with parent‐of‐origin and genetic compatibility effects on division of labor. The finding of nonadditive genetic effects is in strong contrast with the current view and has important consequences for our understanding of division of labor in insect societies.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone modulates post-imaginal reproductive division of labor in primitively eusocial species and promotes the production of queens (e.g., Polistes) while it modulates age polyethism and promotes the production of foragers in highly eusocial species (e.g., the honey bee). Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp that shows both post-imaginal regulation of reproductive division of labor as well as age polyethism. Hence, R.marginata is a particularly interesting model system to study the effect of juvenile hormone. We demonstrate here that a single, topical application of 100 micro g of juvenile hormone-III per female wasp accelerates ovarian development of wasps held in isolation. Similar application to wasps released back on to their natal nests has no effect on their rate of behavioral development as witnessed from the age of first performance of feed larva, build, bring pulp and bring food. We conclude therefore that in R.marginata, juvenile hormone has retained its function of modulating reproductive division of labor and has not acquired the function of modulating age polyethism.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone paces behavioral development in the adult worker honey bee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioral development in the adult worker honey bee (Apis mellifera), from performing tasks inside the hive to foraging, is associated with an increase in the blood titer of juvenile hormone III (JH), and hormone treatment results in precocious foraging. To study behavioral development in the absence of JH we removed its glandular source, the corpora allata, in 1-day-old adult bees. The age at onset of foraging for allatectomized bees in typical colonies was significantly older compared with that of sham-operated bees in 3 out of 4 colonies; this delay was eliminated by hormone replacement in 3 out of 3 colonies. To determine the effects of corpora allata removal on sensitivity to changes in conditions that influence the rate of behavioral development, we used "single-cohort" colonies (composed of only young bees) in which some colony members initiate foraging precociously. The age at onset of foraging for allatectomized bees was significantly older compared with that of sham-operated bees in 2 out of 3 colonies, and this delay was eliminated by hormone replacement. Allatectomized bees initiated foraging at significantly younger ages in single-cohort colonies than in typical colonies. These results demonstrate that JH influences the pace of behavioral development in honey bees, but is not essential for either foraging or altering behavioral development in response to changes in conditions.  相似文献   

Division of labor based on age, with workers delaying performanceof risky tasks, evolved in all major lineages of eusocial insects,raising questions about possible selective advantages of thispattern. We present a model showing that patterns of senescencein workers can have profound implications for the evolutionof age polyethism in insect societies. Controversy exists overthe relative importance of programmed versus rate of livingsenescence in determining the longevity of animals. If programmedsenescence occurs in eusocial insects, workers that delay performanceof risky tasks until later in life have greater expected longevityand therefore perform more labor per unit production cost. Ifsenescence does not occur or if the age of senescent death isdetermined solely by rate of living effects, then worker longevityis not increased by delayed performance of risky tasks. Severallines of indirect evidence suggest that high rates of work havenegative effects on worker longevity, supporting the rate ofliving hypothesis. Critical empirical data on patterns of senescencein eusocial insect workers are lacking, however, particularlywith respect to the occurrence of programmed senescence. Furthermore,programmed senescence may operate in conjunction with rate ofliving effects. In this case, a negative relationship betweenwork rate and longevity will be evident in highly active workers,while longevity of inactive workers will reach an upper plateauand will not be related to differences in work rate. If programmedsenescence is demonstrated in eusocial insect workers, thenincreased worker longevity may have favored the evolution ofage polyethism with delayed performance of risky tasks.  相似文献   

真社会性昆虫是最具代表性的表型可塑性的研究对象之一,其个体之间分工协作的社会性生活方式增强了整个群体的环境适应性和繁殖力。真社会性昆虫虽然具有相同的遗传背景,个体之间却表现出明显的品级分化和个体分工,这是由环境和遗传共同影响的。表观遗传被认为是应对环境条件下重塑基因表达的主要机制,非编码RNA作为一类广泛参与机体生命活动的不编码蛋白的功能性RNA,在真社会性昆虫的品级分化、个体分工等方面起着重要的调控作用。本文从微小RNA、长链非编码RNA、环状RNA、与PIWI蛋白相作用的RNA等非编码RNA,对蜜蜂、蚂蚁及白蚁等真社会性昆虫的非编码RNA调控机制研究进展进行了综述,以加深对真社会性昆虫内在遗传分子基础的理解和认识,也为害虫防治领域提供新的研发视角。  相似文献   

Summary A numerical model of an eusocial colony foraging for food showed that, for each set of values of resource density, resource size and recruitment system employed, a given optimal proportion of scouts in the colony maximize the amount of resources retrieved by a colony during a fixed period. The model predicts that ants using mass recruitment systems should have larger colonies with small foragers, and should forage on large food sources. Retrieval of small food sources by small colonies is best achieved with large workers using individual foraging strategies. For mass foragers, several food sources are best retrieved using democratic decision-making systems in recruitment, whereas for very large food sources at very low mean food patch density, autocratic decision-making systems are optimal. Some of the experimental evidence available is discussed in the light of these findings, as they confirm the prediction that large colonies with small workers have mass recruitment systems, whereas workers of small colonies with large workers are generally lone foragers.  相似文献   

Eusocial Hymenoptera show a unique divergence in lifespan of queens and workers; queens belong to the longest lived insects while workers in most eusocial species have significantly shorter lives. The different phenotypes within a colony emerge through reproductive division of labour, which is a characteristic trait of eusocial animals. Division of labour as a measure of organismal complexity increases with colony size in eusocial species similar to the increase of complexity with size that has been shown for the whole range of living organisms. We show that queen and worker lifespan diverge in closely related species representing the transition from solitary to social life and show that queen and worker lifespan are correlated if colony size is taken into account: with increasing colony size the lifespan differential between queen and worker increases, whereas neither queen nor worker lifespan is associated with colony size. Additionally, the lifespan differential is better explained by colony size than by the weight differences between the castes. The divergence of phenotypes found is in line with the increasing specialization of subunits in larger organisms, which leads to increasing complexity. We argue that division of labour is acting to increase colony efficiency, which in turn shapes the investments made into individuals leading to short‐lived workers and long‐lived queens. Additionally, maintenance investments may be shaped due to the variable extrinsic risk faced by different castes. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 710–724.  相似文献   

A trademark of eusocial insect species is reproductive division of labor, in which workers forego their own reproduction while the queen produces almost all offspring. The presence of the queen is key for maintaining social harmony, but the specific role of the queen in the evolution of eusociality remains unclear. A long‐discussed scenario is that a queen either behaviorally or chemically sterilizes her workers. However, the demographic and ecological conditions that enable such manipulation are still debated. We study a simple model of evolutionary dynamics based on haplodiploid genetics. Our model is set in the commonly observed case where workers have lost the ability to lay female (diploid) eggs by mating, but retain the ability to lay male (haploid) eggs. We consider a mutation that acts in a queen, causing her to control the reproductive behavior of her workers. Our mathematical analysis yields precise conditions for the evolutionary emergence and stability of queen‐induced worker sterility. These conditions do not depend on the queen's mating frequency. We find that queen control is always established if it increases colony reproductive efficiency, but can evolve even if it decreases colony efficiency. We further derive the conditions under which queen control is evolutionarily stable against invasion by mutant workers who have recovered the ability to lay male eggs.  相似文献   

Age-related division of labor in honeybees is associated with plasticity in circadian rhythms. Young nest bees care for brood around the clock with no circadian rhythms while older foragers have strong circadian rhythms that are used for sun compass navigation and for timing visits to flowers. Since juvenile hormone (JH) is involved in the coordination of physiological and behavioral processes underlying age-related division of labor in honey bees, we tested the hypothesis that JH influences the ontogeny of circadian rhythms and other clock parameters in young worker bees. Treatments with the JH analog methoprene or allatectomy did not influence the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, or the free-running period of rhythmic locomotor behavior. There were, however, significant differences in the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, and longevity between bees from different source colonies, suggesting that there is significant genetic variation for these traits. Our results suggest that JH does not coordinate all aspects of division of labor in bees and that coordination of task performance with circadian rhythms is probably mediated by other regulatory systems.  相似文献   

The evolution of complex societies with obligate reproductive division of labor represents one of the major transitions in evolution. In such societies, functionally sterile individuals (workers) perform many of fitness‐relevant behaviors including allomaternal ones, without getting any direct fitness benefits. The question of how such worker division of labor has evolved remains controversial. The reproductive groundplan hypothesis (RGPH) offers a powerful proximate explanation for this evolutionary leap. The RGPH argues that the conserved genetic and endocrinological networks regulating fitness‐relevant behavior (e g. foraging and brood care) in their solitary ancestors have become decoupled from actual reproduction in the worker caste and now generate worker behavioral phenotypes. However, the empirical support for this hypothesis remains limited to a handful of species making its general validity uncertain. In this study, we combine data from the literature with targeted sampling of key species and apply phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis to investigate if the key prediction of the RGPH, namely an association between allomaternal behavior and an allomaternal physiological state holds in the largest and most species‐rich clade of social insects, the ants. Our findings clearly support the RPGH as a general framework to understand the evolution of the worker caste and shed light on one of the major transition in evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Living in groups constitutes the root of social organizationin animals. Likewise, the spatial aggregation between membersof insects societies plays a crucial role in social cohesionand division of labor, namely, in polymorphic ant species. Inthe present paper, we show caste-specific aggregation patternsin the strictly dimorphic Pheidole pallidula ant species. Weinvestigate the influence on the clustering of ants exertedby direct contacts between nest mates as well as by indirectcues through chemical marking. In a homogeneous environmentdeprived of chemical cues, majors show a higher aggregationlevel than minors and a centripetal behavior. By contrast, minorsare more scattered in the experimental arena and display a centrifugalbehavior. In addition, area marking laid by minors enhancestheir own aggregative behavior while contributing to the localizationof the spontaneously aggregating majors. Such differences inaggregative patterns as well as their adaptive value have tobe coupled with the mobility level and the task performanceefficiency of each worker caste. Contrary to majors that arelikely to aggregate, highly mobile minors, scattered insideand outside the nest colony, can detect colony needs and cancarry out most of the daily tasks for which they are more efficientthan majors.  相似文献   

Models of sex‐allocation conflict are central to evolutionary biology but have mostly assumed static decisions, where resource allocation strategies are constant over colony lifespan. Here, we develop a model to study how the evolution of dynamic resource allocation strategies is affected by the queen‐worker conflict in annual eusocial insects. We demonstrate that the time of dispersal of sexuals affects the sex‐allocation ratio through sexual selection on males. Furthermore, our model provides three predictions that depart from established results of classic static allocation models. First, we find that the queen wins the sex‐allocation conflict, while the workers determine the maximum colony size and colony productivity. Second, male‐biased sex allocation and protandry evolve if sexuals disperse directly after eclosion. Third, when workers are more related to new queens, then the proportional investment into queens is expected to be lower, which results from the interacting effect of sexual selection (selecting for protandry) and sex‐allocation conflict (selecting for earlier switch to producing sexuals). Overall, we find that colony ontogeny crucially affects the outcome of sex‐allocation conflict because of the evolution of distinct colony growth phases, which decouples how queens and workers affect allocation decisions and can result in asymmetric control.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies can be seen as a distinct form of biological organisation because they function as superorganisms. Understanding how natural selection acts on the emergence and maintenance of these colonies remains a major question in evolutionary biology and ecology. Here, we explore this by using multi‐type branching processes to calculate the basic reproductive ratios and the extinction probabilities for solitary vs. eusocial reproductive strategies. We find that eusociality, albeit being hugely successful once established, is generally less stable than solitary reproduction unless large demographic advantages of eusociality arise for small colony sizes. We also demonstrate how such demographic constraints can be overcome by the presence of ecological niches that strongly favour eusociality. Our results characterise the risk‐return trade‐offs between solitary and eusocial reproduction, and help to explain why eusociality is taxonomically rare: eusociality is a high‐risk, high‐reward strategy, whereas solitary reproduction is more conservative.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of animal personalities (also known as behavioural syndromes) have recently been studied in several solitary species. However, the adaptive significance of collective personalities in social insects and especially of behavioural variation among group members remains largely unexplored. Although intracolonial behavioural variation is an important component of division of labour, and as such a key feature for the success of societies, empirical links between behavioural variation and fitness are scarce. We investigated aggression, exploration and brood care behaviour in Temnothorax longispinosus ant colonies. We focused on two distinct aspects: intercolonial variability and its consistency across time and contexts, and intracolonial variability and its influence on productivity. Aggressiveness was consistent over four to five months with a new generation of workers emerging in between trial series. Other behaviours were not consistent over time. Exploration of novel environments responded to the sequence of assays: colonies were faster in discovering when workers previously encountered opponents in aggression experiments. Suites of correlated behaviours (e.g. aggression-exploration syndrome) present in the first series did not persist over time. Finally, colonies with more intracolonial behavioural variation in brood care and exploration of novel objects were more productive under standardized conditions than colonies with less variation.  相似文献   

It is extremely difficult to trace the causal pathway relating gene products or molecular pathways to the expression of behavior. This is especially true for social behavior, which being dependent on interactions and communication between individuals is even further removed from molecular-level events. In this review, we discuss how behavioral models can aid molecular analyses of social behavior. Various models of behavior exist, each of which suggest strategies to dissect complex behavior into simpler behavioral 'modules.' The resulting modules are easier to relate to neural processes and thus suggest hypotheses for neural and molecular function. Here we discuss how three different models of behavior have facilitated understanding the molecular bases of aspects of social behavior. We discuss the response threshold model and two different approaches to modeling motivation, the state space model and models of reinforcement and reward processing. The examples we have chosen illustrate how models can generate testable hypotheses for neural and molecular function and also how molecular analyses probe the validity of a model of behavior. We do not champion one model over another; rather, our examples illustrate how modeling and molecular analyses can be synergistic in exploring the molecular bases of social behavior.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone III levels and juvenile hormone esterase activity were measured in whole body extracts and haemolymph, respectively, of female Aedes aegypti. The amount of juvenile hormone, determined by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, rose over the first 2 days after emergence from 0.7 to 7.5 ng/g, and then slowly fell over the next 5 days in females not given a blood meal. In females fed blood, juvenile hormone levels fell during the first 3 h to 2.3 ng/g. The rate of decline then slowed so that levels had reached their lowest point (0.4 ng/g) by 24 h after the blood meal. By 48 h, levels started to rise again until 96 h when they were equivalent to pre-blood meal levels.Juvenile hormone esterase activity in the haemolymph of females was measured with a partition assay. The esterase activity showed small fluctuations in unfed animals. In females fed blood on the 3rd day after emergence, the juvenile hormone esterase activity rose slowly to a peak at 36 h. At 42 h it began to decline, and by 66 h it had returned to pre-blood meal levels. Thus, juvenile hormone levels and juvenile hormone esterase activity were inversely correlated after a blood meal. Both the ovary and fat body produce juvenile hormone esterase in organ culture.Juvenile hormone III acid was the only metabolite produced after incubation of haemolymph with racemic-labelled juvenile hormone III. Juvenile hormone acid, diol, and acid diol were the main metabolic products seen in whole animal extracts after topical application of labelled hormone. About 25% of topically applied, labelled juvenile hormone appears in the haemolymph as the acid diol, and 50% of this is excreted in the urine immediately after the blood meal. Topical application of BEPAT (S-benzyl-O-ethyl phosphoramidothiolate), a specific inhibitor of juvenile hormone esterase, resulted in the absence of juvenile hormone acid and a reduction in the acid diol. Both BEPAT and methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue, caused a reduction in egg hatch when applied topically 30 h after a blood meal, demonstrating that the decline in juvenile hormone levels after a blood meal is necessary for normal egg development and suggesting that the decline is mediated, at least in part, by juvenile hormone esterase.  相似文献   

Female mating frequency is one of the key parameters of social insect evolution. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain multiple mating and considerable empirical research has led to conflicting results. Building on several earlier analyses, we present a simple general model that links the number of queen matings to variance in colony performance and this variance to average colony fitness. The model predicts selection for multiple mating if the average colony succeeds in a focal task, and selection for single mating if the average colony fails, irrespective of the proximate mechanism that links genetic diversity to colony fitness. Empirical support comes from interspecific comparisons, e.g. between the bee genera Apis and Bombus, and from data on several ant species, but more comprehensive empirical tests are needed.  相似文献   

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