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The incomplete understanding of the relation between power-frequency fields and biological responses raises problems in defining an appropriate metric for exposure assessment and epidemiological studies. Based on evidence from biological experiments, one can define alternative metrics or effects functions that embody the relationship between field exposure patterns and hypothetical health effects. In this paper, we explore the application of the “effects function” approach to occupational exposure data. Our analysis provides examples of exposure assessments based on a range of plausible effects functions. An EMDEX time series data set of ELF frequency (40–800 Hz) magnetic field exposure measurements for electric utility workers was analyzed with several statistical measures and effects functions: average field strength, combination of threshold and exposure duration, and field strength changes. Results were compared for eight job categories: electrician, substation operator, machinist, welder, plant operator, lineman/splicer, meter reader, and clerical. Average field strength yields a different ranking for these job categories than the ranks obtained using other biologically plausible effects functions. Whereas the group of electricians has the highest exposure by average field strength, the group of substation operators has the highest ranking for most of the other effects functions. Plant operators rank highest in the total number of field strength changes greater than 1 μT per hour. The clerical group remains at the lowest end for all of these effects functions. Our analysis suggests that, although average field strength could be used as a surrogate of field exposure for simply classifying exposure into “low” and “high,” this summary measure may be misleading in the relative ranking of job categories in which workers are in “high” fields. These results indicate the relevance of metrics other than average field strength in occupational exposure assessment and in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics 18:365–375, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields during various work tasks at seven 110 kV substations in Finland's Tampere region was studied. The aim was to investigate if the action values (10 kV/m for the E‐field and 500 µT for the B‐field) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC were exceeded. Electric and magnetic fields were measured during the following work tasks: (1) walking or operating devices on the ground; (2) working from a service platform; (3) working around the power transformer on the ground or using a ladder; and (4) changing a bulb from a man hoist. In work task 2 “working from a service platform” the measured electric field (maximum value 16.6 kV/m) exceeded 10 kV/m in three cases. In the future it is important to study if the limit value (10 mA/m2) of Directive 2004/40/EC is exceeded at 110 kV substations. The occupational 500 µT action value of the magnetic flux density field (B‐field) was not exceeded in any working situation. Bioelectromagnetics 31:252–254, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an investigation on electric and magnetic fields leaking from inductive (magnetic) heaters that are used for thermal processing of high-power electron tubes and lasers in an industrial plant. Measurements of electric and magnetic fields were done using both commercially available and laboratory-developed instrumentation. Isotropic H-field sensors were developed to allow quantitative evaluation of high-intensity magnetic fields. Ten induction heaters with nominal A.C. power ranging from 2.5 kW to 15 kW and operating at frequencies between 300 kHz and 790 kHz were surveyed. Electric field strengths up to 8 kV/m and magnetic field strengths up to 20 A/m were measured.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effects of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the pulse rate of the human heart. The ECG (electrocardiograms) of 41 male volunteers were recorded with a Holter recorder. Twenty-six subjects were measured in and outside real fields, and 15 subjects were measured in and outside “sham” fields. The blood pressure and EEG (electroencephalogram) were also measured, but this article presents only the results of ECG recordings. The measurements took 3 h. The subjects were first sitting for 1 h outside the fields, then 1 h in the real or “sham” fields, and then, again, 1 h outside the fields. The electric field strength varied from 3.5 to 4.3 kV/m and the magnetic flux density from 1.4 to 6.6 μT. An analysis of the ECG recordings showed that the subjects' pulse rates were the same in and outside the fields. No response occurred when the subjects were exposed to real or “sham” fields. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effect of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the human heart. The electrocardiograms of 27 transmission-line workers and 26 male volunteers were recorded with a Holter recorder both in and outside the fields. The measurements took from half an hour to a few hours. The electric field strength varied from 0.14 to 10.21 kV/m and the magnetic flux density from 1.02 to 15.43 μT. Analysis of the ECG recordings showed that extrasystoles or arrhythmias were as frequent outside the field as in the field. In some cases a small decrease in heart rate was observed after field exposure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of light and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on pineal function could have implications for long-term risk of breast cancer, reproductive irregularities, or depression. Health-care workers in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) were interviewed to determine the tasks, work locations, and practices in their work environment as well as the care provided to the infants. After an initial visit, methods for measuring illuminance, luminance, and broadband resultant magnetic fields throughout the NICU were developed. Measurements were made of one nursery during a daytime (1:00 p.m.) and a night-time (12:30 a.m.) visit. Measurements relevant to both nurses and premature infants in the NICU were made. Some measurements could not be completed so as not to interfere with nurses' duties in the NICU. Illuminances measured during the daytime and nighttime averaged 184 and 34 lux (lx), respectively, much lower than those reported in other studies of illuminance in NICUs, with a maximum illuminance of 747 lx. Peak levels may be consistent with those thought to suppress melatonin. There was a high degree of variability in EMF levels, which exceeded 1,000 mG close to certain hospital equipment but averaged 1–2 mG at the nurses' workstation. Fields within incubators exceeded 10 mG. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Some properties of induced electric fields in cell culture media produced by vertical circularly polarized magnetic fields are examined. The described geometry is not advantageous for determining effects that may be attributable to induced electric fields or currents. Bioelectromagnetics 18:524–526, 1997. Published 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate occupational exposure to electric fields, and current densities and contact currents associated with tasks at air-insulated 110 kV substations and analyze if the action value of EU Directive 2004/40/EC was exceeded. Four workers volunteered to simulate the following tasks: Task (A) maintenance of an operating device of a disconnector at ground or floor level, Task (B) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker at ground or floor level, Task (C) breaker head maintenance from a man hoist, and Task (D) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker from a service platform. The highest maximum average current density in the neck was 1.8 mA/m(2) (calculated internal electric field 9.0-18.0 mV/m) and the highest contact current was 79.4 μA. All measured values at substations were lower than the limit value (10 mA/m(2)) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC and the 2010 basic restrictions (0.1 and 0.8 V/m for central nervous system tissues of the head, and all tissues of the head and body, respectively) of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).  相似文献   

Limits on exposures to extremely low-frequency electric fields, magnetic fields and contact currents, designated as voluntary guidelines or standards by several organizations worldwide, are specified so as to minimize the possibility of neural stimulation. The limits, which we refer to as guidelines, derive from "basic restrictions" either on electric fields or current density within tissue, or on avoidance of annoying or startling interactions that may be experienced with spark discharge or contact current. Further, the guidelines specify more conservative permissible doses and exposure levels for the general public than for exposures in controlled environments, which most typically involve occupational settings. In 2001 we published an update on guideline science. This paper covers more recent developments that are relevant to the formulation and implementation of the next generation of guidelines. The paper deals with neurostimulation thresholds and the relevance of magnetophosphenes to setting guideline levels; dosimetry associated with contact current benchmarked against basic restrictions; tissue and cellular dosimetry from spark discharge; assessment of exposures to high electric fields in realistic situations (e.g., line worker in a transmission tower); a simplified approach to magnetic field assessment in non-uniform magnetic fields; and a quantitative approach to sampling workplace exposure for assessing compliance.  相似文献   

We aimed to provide a systematic evaluation of magnetic field (MF) exposure of staff working in the offices located above or close to transformer stations (TS) and electric enclosures (EE). Occupational short-term “spot” measurements with Narda EFA-300 and isotropic magnetic field probe were carried out in two National Banks and one Industrial Company having more than 500 employees. Extremely low-frequency (ELF) MFs up to several tens of μT were measured in the mentioned working environments. 25% of the measured MFs were found less than 0.3 μT, the background exposure level that staff receive at home, 75% were above 0.3 μT with the highest value of 6.8 μT. The mean and median personal exposures were calculated to be 1.19 μT and 0.56 μT, respectively. Most of the staff (83%) is under risk based on epidemiological studies that reported a statistically significant association between risk of leukemia and averaged magnetic fields of 0.2 μT or over. Results showed that risk evaluation should be considered to minimize the possibility of the workers being harmed due to exposure to work-related electromagnetic sources.  相似文献   

We measured magnetic fields and two sources of contact current in 36 homes in Pittsfield, MA. The first source, V(P-W), is the voltage due to current in the grounding wire, which extends from the service panel neutral to the water service line. This voltage can cause contact current to flow upon simultaneous contact with a metallic part of the water system, such as the faucet, and the frame of an appliance, which is connected to the panel neutral through the equipment-grounding conductor. The second is V(W-E), the voltage between the water pipe and earth, attributable to ground currents in the water system and magnetic induction from nearby power lines. In homes with conductive water systems and drains, V(W-E) can produce a voltage between the faucet and drain, which may produce contact current into an individual contacting the faucet while immersed in a bathtub. V(P-W) was not strongly correlated to the magnetic field (both log transformed) (r = 0.28; P < 0.1). On the other hand, V(W-E) was correlated to the residential magnetic field (both log transformed) (r = 0.54; P < 0.001), with the highest voltages occurring in homes near high voltage transmission lines, most likely due to magnetic induction on the grounding system. This correlation, combined with both frequent exposure opportunity for bathing children and substantial dose to bone marrow resulting from contact, lead us to suggest that contact current due to V(W-E) could explain the association between high residential magnetic fields and childhood leukemia.  相似文献   

We conducted a pilot study to assess magnetic field levels in electric compared to gasoline‐powered vehicles, and established a methodology that would provide valid data for further assessments. The sample consisted of 14 vehicles, all manufactured between January 2000 and April 2009; 6 were gasoline‐powered vehicles and 8 were electric vehicles of various types. Of the eight models available, three were represented by a gasoline‐powered vehicle and at least one electric vehicle, enabling intra‐model comparisons. Vehicles were driven over a 16.3 km test route. Each vehicle was equipped with six EMDEX Lite broadband meters with a 40–1,000 Hz bandwidth programmed to sample every 4 s. Standard statistical testing was based on the fact that the autocorrelation statistic damped quickly with time. For seven electric cars, the geometric mean (GM) of all measurements (N = 18,318) was 0.095 µT with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.66, compared to 0.051 µT (N = 9,301; GSD = 2.11) for four gasoline‐powered cars (P < 0.0001). Using the data from a previous exposure assessment of residential exposure in eight geographic regions in the United States as a basis for comparison (N = 218), the broadband magnetic fields in electric vehicles covered the same range as personal exposure levels recorded in that study. All fields measured in all vehicles were much less than the exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Future studies should include larger sample sizes representative of a greater cross‐section of electric‐type vehicles. Bioelectromagnetics 34:156–161, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In 2002, we published a review of the cognitive and physiological effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MFs) and ELF-modulated radiofrequency fields associated with mobile phones. Since the original preparation of that review, a significant number of studies have been published using techniques such as electroencephalography, event-related potentials and positron emission tomography to investigate electromagnetic field effects upon human physiology and various measures of performance (cognitive, perceptual, behavioral). We review these recent studies, and when effects were observed, we reference the time course of observed effects (immediate or delayed). In our concluding remarks, we discuss a number of variables that are not often considered in human bioelectromagnetics studies, such as personality, individual differences and the specific laterality of ELF MF and mobile phone exposure over the brain. We also consider the sensitivity of various physiological assays and performance measures in the study of biological effects of electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of extremely low frequency (ELF; 60 Hz) electromagnetic (EM) fields on somatic growth and cortical development, as well as biochemical and morphological maturation, of the rat neopallium. On the fifth day of pregnancy, female rats were put in pairs into plastic cages that were housed in a specially constructed apparatus for irradiation under three separate sets of combination and intensity: 1) 1 kV/m and 10 gauss; 2) 100 kV/m and 1 gauss; and 3) 100 kV/m and 10 gauss. The dams were exposed for 23 h daily, from days 5 through 19 postconception after which they were returned to cages outside the exposure apparatus until they littered. The neonates were culled to eight pups per litter. At 0 (birth), 5, 12, and 19 days postnatally, they were killed for biochemical and morphological studies. Another group of pregnant rats was sham-exposed in an identical apparatus, which was not energized, and the pups were used as controls. The irradiated rats exhibited no physical abnormalities, nor did they show brain deformities such as swelling or herniation following exposure to ELF-EM fields. There was no difference in somatic growth between control and exposed rats, but a small reduction in cortical weight was observed in rats exposed at 1 kV/m and 10 gauss, and 100 kV/m and 1 gauss, respectively. Biochemical measurements of DNA. RNA, protein, and cerebroside concentrations indicated that among the three separate exposures, only the neopallium of rats exposed at 1 kV/m and 10 gauss showed a small reduction in DNA level, as well as small reductions in RNA and protein levels. No changes were noticed in cerebroside levels in any exposed animals, and there were no differences in protein/DNA and cerebroside/DNA ratios between control and exposed rats. Morphological observations did not reveal any detectable alterations in the irradiated rats. These results indicate that exposure to ELF-EM fields caused minimal or no changes in somatic growth and cerebral development of the rat. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Equipment designed for simultaneous exposure of rodents to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields is described. Three identical systems were constructed, each capable of continuous exposure of 256 rats or 640 mice to a nominal electric field at less than 50 kV/m, and to horizontal and vertical magnetic fields at less than 1 mT. Design features, construction details, and results of various tests of the systems are described. Tests were made: of phase relations between electric and magnetic fields; of uniformity of electric and magnetic fields; of changes across time in electric-field intensity as a result of animals' soiling of cages and various washing routines; of resistance of bedding material during humid and dry conditions; and of acoustic noise due to background, to field-generation equipment, and to air conditioning equipment. The results demonstrated that fields were effectively generated but that significant and troublesome changes in electric-field intensity occurred because of cage-soiling. However, when cages were frequently cleaned, field intensities were consistent from one exposure to another.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory and epidemiological results have stimulated interest in the hypothesis that human beings may exhibit biological responses to magnetic and/or electric field transients with frequencies in the range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Much can be learned about the response of a system to a transient stimulation by understanding its response to sinusoidal disturbances over the entire frequency range of interest. Thus, the main effort of this paper was to compare the strengths of the electric fields induced in homogeneous ellipsoidal models by uniform 100 Hz through 100 kHz electric and magnetic fields. Over this frequency range, external electric fields of about 25–2000 V/m (depending primarily on the orientation of the body relative to the field) are required to induce electric fields inside models of adults and children that are similar in strength to those induced by an external 1 μT magnetic field. Additional analysis indicates that electric fields induced by uniform external electric and magnetic fields and by the nonuniform electric and magnetic fields produced by idealized point sources will not differ by more than a factor of two until the sources are brought close to the body. Published data on electric and magnetic field transients in residential environments indicate that, for most field orientations, the magnetic component will induce stronger electric fields inside adults and children than the electric component. This conclusion is also true for the currents induced in humans by typical levels of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields in U.S. residences. Bioelectromagnetics 18:67–76, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Some neurochemical effects of low-intensity electric and magnetic fields have been shown to be nonlinear functions of exposure parameters. These effects occurred within narrow ranges of frequency and intensity. Previous studies on membrane-associated endpoints in cell culture preparations demonstrated changes in calcium efflux and in acetylcholinesterase activity following exposure to radiofrequency radiation, amplitude modulated (AM) at 16 and at 60 Hz, at a specific absorption rate of 0.05 W/kg. In this study, these modulation frequencies were tested for their influence on the activity of a cytoplasmic enzyme, enolase, which is being tested clinically for detection of neoplasia. Escherichia coli cultures containing a plasmid with a mammalian gene for enolase were exposed for 30 min, and cell extracts were assayed for enolase activity by measuring absorbance at 240 nm. The enolase activity in exposed cultures was compared to the activity in paired control cultures. Exposure to 147 MHz carrier waves at 0.05 W/kg, AM at 16 Hz showed enolase activity enhanced by 62%, and AM at 60 Hz showed enolase activity reduced by 28%. Similarly, exposure to 16 Hz fields alone, at 21.2 V/mrms (electric) and 97 nTrms (magnetic), showed enhancement in enolase activity by 59%, whereas exposure to 60 Hz fields alone, at 14.1 V/mrms (electric) and 65 nTrms (magnetic), showed reduction in activity by 24%. Sham exposures as well as exposure to continuous-wave 147 MHz radiation at 0.05 W/kg showed no change in enolase activity. Although the underlying basis for these field effects in the cytoplasmic compartment has not been established, differential sensitivities to 16 Hz and to 60 Hz signals provide a clear focus for additional research to determine the responsible mechanism. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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