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Early studies on lens induction suggested that the optic vesicle, the precursor of the retina, was the primary inducer of the lens; however, more recent experiments with amphibians establish an important role for earlier inductive interactions between anterior neural plate and adjacent presumptive lens ectoderm in lens formation. We report here experiments assessing key inductive interactions in chicken embryos to see if features of amphibian systems are conserved in birds. We first examined the issue of specification of head ectoderm for a lens fate. A large region of head ectoderm, in addition to the presumptive lens ectoderm, is specified for a lens fate before the time of neural tube closure, well before the optic vesicle first contacts the presumptive lens ectoderm. This positive lens response was observed in cultures grown in a wide range of culture media. We also tested whether the optic vesicle can induce lenses in recombinant cultures with ectoderm and find that, at least with the ectodermal tissues we examined, it generally cannot induce a lens response. Finally, we addressed how lens potential is suppressed in non-lens head ectoderm and show an inhibitory role for head mesenchyme. This mesenchyme is infiltrated by neural crest cells in most regions of the head. Taken together, these results suggest that, as in amphibians, the optic vesicle cannot be solely responsible for lens induction in chicken embryos; other tissue interactions must send early signals required for lens specification, while inhibitory interactions from mesenchyme suppress lens-forming ability outside of the lens area.  相似文献   

The process of lens cell determination in amphibians is currently viewed as one involving a series of inductive interactions. On the basis of previous investigations, these interactions are thought to begin during gastrulation when the presumptive foregut endoderm and then the heart mesoderm come into contact with the presumptive lens ectoderm. This earlier period of induction is followed by the later interaction of the optic vesicle with the lens-forming ectoderm. Transplantation experiments were performed to determine the relative significance of the early and later periods of induction in the process of lens cell determination in the anuran Xenopus laevis. Various ectodermal tissues were transplanted either into the lens-forming region of open neural plate stage host embryos or over the newly formed optic vesicle of later neurula stage embryos. All transplanted tissues were labeled with the intracellular marker horseradish peroxidase to assess the exact origins of any induced lens structures. The results indicate that all nonneural ectodermal tissues have some lens-forming potential early during gastrulation; however, this potential is restricted to the lens-forming region, and perhaps nearby regions, later in development during the time of neurulation. Furthermore, the results show that the optic vesicle is not a substantial inductor of the lens in tissues that have not been previously exposed to the earlier series of inductive interactions that take place during gastrulation and neurulation. Since the optic vesicle does not appear to be a sufficient inductor of the lens, these earlier inductive interactions are, therefore, essential in the process of lens cell determination in Xenopus. These earlier inductive interactions lead to a steady increase in what may be called a lens-forming bias in the presumptive lens ectoderm during this period of development. The eventual loss in the ability of nonlens ventral ectoderm to respond to these lens inductors is presumably the result of other determinative processes that occur in this tissue.  相似文献   

Xlens1 is a novel Xenopus member of the fork head gene family, named for its nearly restricted expression in the anterior ectodermal placode, presumptive lens ectoderm (PLE), and anterior epithelium of the differentiated lens. The temporal and spatial restriction of its expression suggests that: (1) Xlens1 is transcribed initially at neural plate stages in response to putative signals from the anterior neural plate that transform lens-competent ectoderm to lens-biased ectoderm; (2) further steps in the process of lens-forming bias restrict Xlens1 expression to the presumptive lens ectoderm (PLE) during later neural plate stages; (3) interactions with the optic vesicle maintain Xlens1 expression in the lens placode; and (4) Xlens1 expression is downregulated as committed lens cells undergo terminal differentiation. Induction assays demonstrate that pax6 induces Xlens1 expression, but unlike pax6, Xlens1 cannot induce the expression of the lens differentiation marker beta-crystallin. In the whole embryo, overexpression of Xlens1 in the lens ectoderm causes it to thicken and maintain gene expression characteristics of the PLE. Also, this overexpression suppresses differentiation in the lens ectoderm, suggesting that Xlens1 functions to maintain specified lens ectoderm in an undifferentiated state. Misexpression of Xlens1 in other regions causes hypertrophy of restricted tissues but only occasionally leads ectopic sites of gamma-crystallin protein expression in select anterior head regions. These results indicate that Xlens1 expression alone does not specify lens ectoderm. Lens specification and differentiation likely depends on a combination of other gene products and an appropriate level of Xlens1 activity.  相似文献   

The ability of a tissue to respond to induction, termed its competence, is often critical in determining both the timing of inductive interactions and the extent of induced tissue. We have examined the lens-forming competence of Xenopus embryonic ectoderm by transplanting it into the presumptive lens region of open neural plate stage embryos. We find that early gastrula ectoderm has little lens-forming competence, but instead forms neural tissue, despite its location outside the neural plate; we believe that the transplants are being neuralized by a signal originating in the host neural plate. This neural competence is not localized to a particular region within the ectoderm since both dorsal and ventral portions of early gastrula ectoderm show the same response. As ectoderm is taken from gastrulae of increasing age, its neural competence is gradually lost, while lens competence appears and then rapidly disappears during later gastrula stages. To determine whether these developmental changes in competence result from tissue interactions during gastrulation, or are due to autonomous changes within the ectoderm itself, ectoderm was removed from early gastrulae and cultured for various periods of time before transplantation. The loss of neural competence, and the gain and loss of lens competence, all occur in ectoderm cultured in vitro with approximately the same time course as seen in ectoderm in vitro. Thus, at least from the beginning of gastrulation onwards, changes in competence occur autonomously within ectoderm. We propose that there is a developmental timing mechanism in embryonic ectoderm that specifies a sequence of competences solely on the basis of the age of the ectoderm.  相似文献   

Summary Lens induction is a classic example of the tissue interactions that lead to cell specialization during early vertebrate development. Previous studies have shown that a large region of head ectoderm, but not trunk ectoderm, of 36 h (stage 10) chicken embryos retains the potential to form lenses and synthesize the protein δ-crystallin under some conditions. We have used polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography to examine protein and glycoprotein synthesis in presumptive lens ectoderm and presumptive dorsal (trunk) epidermis to look for differentiation markers for these two regions prior to the appearance of δ-crystallin at 50 h. Although nearly all of the proteins incorporating3H-leucine were shared by presumptive lens ectoderm and trunk ectoderm, these two regions showed more dramatic differences in the incorporation of3H-sugars into glycoproteins. when non-lens head ectoderm that has a capacity for lens formation in vitro was labeled, a hybrid pattern of glycoprotein synthesis was discovered: glycoproteins found in either presumptive lens ectoderm or trunk ectoderm were oftentimes also found in other head ectoderm. Therefore, molecular markers have been identified for three regions of ectoderm committed to different fates (lens and skin), well before features of terminal differentiation begin to appear in the lens.  相似文献   

Induction of a lens by the optic vesicle of the brain was the first demonstration of how tissue interactions could influence cell fate during development. However, recent work with amphibians has shown that the optic vesicle is not the primary inducer of lens formation. Rather, an earlier interaction between anterior neural plate and presumptive lens ectoderm appears to direct lens formation. One problem with many early experiments was the absence of an unambiguous assay for lens formation. Before being able to test whether the revised model of lens induction applies to chicken embryos, we examined the suitability of using delta-crystallin as a marker of lens formation. Although delta-crystallin is the major protein synthesized in the chick lens, one or both of the two delta-crystallin genes found in chickens is transcribed in many non-lens tissues as well. In studies of lens formation where appearance of the delta-crystallin protein is used as a positive assay, synthesis of delta-crystallin outside of the lens could make experiments difficult to interpret. Therefore, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence were used to determine whether the delta-crystallin messenger RNA detected in non-lens tissues is translated into protein, as it is in the lens. On Coomassie-blue-stained gels of several tissues from stage-22 embryos, a prominent protein was observed that co-migrated with delta-crystallin. However, on immunoblots, none of the non-lens tissues tested contained detectable levels of delta-crystallin at this stage. By imunofluorescence, delta-crystallin was observed in Rathke's pouch and in a large area of oral ectoderm near Rathke's pouch, yet none of the cells in these non-lens tissues showed the typical elongated morphology of lens fiber cells. When presumptive lens ectoderm or other regions of ectoderm from stage-10 embryos were cultured and tested for lens differentiation, both cell elongation and delta-crystallin synthesis were observed, or neither were observed. The results suggest that delta-crystallin synthesis and cell elongation together serve as useful criteria for assessing a positive lens response.  相似文献   

In larval X. laevis the capacity to regenerate a lens under the influence of inductive factors present in the vitreous chamber is restricted to the outer cornea and pericorneal epidermis (Lentogenic Area, LA). However, in early embryos, the whole ectoderm is capable of responding to inductive factors of the larval eye forming lens cells. In a previous paper, Cannata et al. (2003) demonstrated that the persistence of lens-forming competence in the LA is the result of early signals causing lens-forming bias in the presumptive LA and of late signals from the eye causing cornea development. This paper analyzes 1) the decrease of the lens-forming capacity in ectodermal regions both near LA (head epidermis) and far from LA (flank epidermis) during development, 2) the capacity of the head epidermis and flank epidermis to respond to lens-competence promoting factors released by an eye transplanted below these epidermal regions, and 3) the eye components responsible for the promoting effect of the transplanted eye. Results were obtained by implanting fragments of ectoderm or epidermis into the vitreous chamber of host tadpoles and by evaluating the percentage of implants positive to a monoclonal antibody anti-lens. These results demonstrated that the lens-forming competence in the flank region is lost at the embryonic stage 30/31 and is weakly restored by eye transplantation; however, lens-forming competence in the head region is lost at the larval stage 48 and is strongly restored by eye transplantation. The authors hypothesize that during development the head ectoderm outside the LA is attained by low levels of the same signals that attain the LA and that these signals are responsible for the maintenance of lens-forming competence in the cornea and pericorneal epidermis of the larva. In this hypothesis, low levels of these signals slacken the decrease of the lens-forming competence in the head ectoderm and make the head epidermis much more responsive than the flank epidermis to the effect of promoting factors released by a transplanted eye. Results obtained after transplantation of eyes deprived of some components indicate that the lens and the retina are the main source of these promoting factors. The immunohistochemical detection of the FGFR-2 (bek variant) protein in the epidermis of stage 53 larvae submitted to eye transplantation at stage 46 showed that the eye transplantation increased the level of FGFR-2 protein in the head epidermis but not in the flank epidermis, indicating that the lens-forming competence in X. laevis epidermis could be related to the presence of an activated FGF receptor system in the responding tissue.  相似文献   

Our previous research has demonstrated that lens induction in Xenopus laevis requires inductive interactions prior to contact with the optic vesicle, which classically had been thought to be the major lens inductor. The importance of these early interactions has been verified by demonstrating that lens ectoderm is specified by the time it comes into contact with the optic vesicle. It has been argued that the tissues which underlie the presumptive lens ectoderm during gastrulation and neurulation, dorsolateral endoderm and mesoderm, are the primary early inductors. We show here, however, that these tissues alone cannot elicit lens formation in Xenopus ectoderm. Evidence is presented that presumptive anterior neural plate tissue (which includes the early eye rudiment) is an essential early lens inductor in Xenopus. The presence of dorsolateral mesoderm appears to enhance this response. These findings support a model in which an essential inductive signal passes through the plane of ectoderm during gastrula and early neurula stages from presumptive anterior neural tissue to the presumptive lens ectoderm. Since there is evidence for such interactions within a tissue layer in mesodermal and neural induction as well, this may be a general feature of the initial stages of determination of many tissues.  相似文献   

Homoiogenetic Neural Induction in Xenopus Chimeric Explants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We previously raised monoclonal antibodies specific for epidermis (7) and neural tissue (8) of Xenopus for use as markers of tissue differentiation in induction experiments (8). Here we have used these monoclonal antibodies to examine homoiogenetic neural induction, by which cells induced to differentiate to neural tissues can in turn induce competent ectoderm to do the same. Presumptive anterior neural plate excised from late gastrulae of Xenopus laevis was conjugated with competent ectoderm from the initial gastrula of Xenopus borealis , either side by side or with their inner surfaces together. The chimeric explants enabled us to distinguish induced neural tissues from inducing neural tissues. In both types of explant, neural tissues identified by the neural tissue-specific antibody, NEU-1, were induced in the competent ectoderm by the presumptive anterior neural plate. The results suggest that homoiogenetic neural induction does occur in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

Heteroplastic combinations were made between Xenopus laevis presumptive neural plate and competent ectoderm of Xenopus borealis . Primarily induced presumptive neural plate cells ( Xenopus laevis ) can easily be distinguished from Xenopus borealis cells by specific quinacrine fluorescence of the nuclei. It was clearly shown that presumptive neural plate, which has primarily been induced by the underlying chordamesoderm exerts homoiogenetic inducing activity on competent ectoderm. The inducing activity is increased in pieces of presumptive neural plates, when the superficial layer has been removed from the adjacent deep layers. The enhancement can be explained by the fact that the removal of the superficial layer acting as barrier allows the inducing stimulus to be easily propagated from the apical (distal) side of the deep layers of the presumptive neural plate.  相似文献   

Neural induction is known to involve an interaction of ectoderm with dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation, but several kinds of studies have argued that competent ectoderm can also be neutralized via an interaction with previously neuralized tissue, a process termed homeogenetic neural induction. Although homeogenetic neural induction has been proposed to play an important role in the normal induction of neural tissue, this process has not been subjected to detailed study using tissue recombinants and molecular markers. We have examined the question of homeogenetic neural induction in Xenopus embryos, both in transplant and recombinant experiments, using the expression of two neural antigens to assay the response. When ectoderm that is competent to be neuralized is transplanted to the region adjacent to the neural plate of early neurula embryos, it forms neural tissue, as assayed by staining with antibodies against the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM. Transplants to the ventral region, far from the neural plate, do not express N-CAM, indicating that neuralization is not occurring as a result of the transplantation procedure itself. Because this response might be occurring as a result of interactions of ectoderm with either adjacent neural plate tissue, or with underlying dorsolateral mesoderm, recombinant experiments were performed to determine the source of the neuralizing signal. Ectoderm cultured in combination with neural plate tissue alone expresses neural markers, while ectoderm cultured in combination with dorsolateral mesoderm does not. We conclude that neural tissue can homeogenetically induce competent ectoderm to form neural tissue and argue that this induction occurs via planar signaling within the ectoderm, a mechanism that, in normal development, may be involved in interactions within presumptive neural ectoderm or in specifying structures that lie near the neural plate.  相似文献   

Cranial placodes are local thickenings of the vertebrate head ectoderm that contribute to the paired sense organs (olfactory epithelium, lens, inner ear, lateral line), cranial ganglia and the adenohypophysis. Here we use tissue grafting and dye injections to generated fate maps of the dorsal cranial part of the non-neural ectoderm for Xenopus embryos between neural plate and early tailbud stages. We show that all placodes arise from a crescent-shaped area located around the anterior neural plate, the pre-placodal ectoderm. In agreement with proposed roles of Six1 and Pax genes in the specification of a panplacodal primordium and different placodal areas, respectively, we show that Six1 is expressed uniformly throughout most of the pre-placodal ectoderm, while Pax6, Pax3, Pax8 and Pax2 each are confined to specific subregions encompassing the precursors of different subsets of placodes. However, the precursors of the vagal epibranchial and posterior lateral line placodes, which arise from the posteriormost pre-placodal ectoderm, upregulate Six1 and Pax8/Pax2 only at tailbud stages. Whereas our fate map suggests that regions of origin for different placodes overlap extensively with each other and with other ectodermal fates at neural plate stages, analysis of co-labeled placodes reveals that the actual degree of overlap is much smaller. Time lapse imaging of the pre-placodal ectoderm at single cell resolution demonstrates that no directed, large-scale cell rearrangements occur, when the pre-placodal region segregates into distinct placodes at subsequent stages. Our results indicate that individuation of placodes from the pre-placodal ectoderm does not involve large-scale cell sorting in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Brain formation in variously aged presumptive ectoderms of Cynops pyrrhogaster under the influence of the head organizer was examined by the sandwich method. The head organizer was obtained from the middle portion of the archenteron roof at the slit-blastopore stage. The presumptive ectoderm was taken from 0- to 36-hr exogastrulae. Exogastrulae were prepared from the earliest gastrulae just before invagination (0-hr embryos). The presumptive neural plate overlying the archenteron roof used as organizer was cultivated in an envelope of belly ectoderm from an early neurula.
The following results were obtained: 1) Brain induction was almost entirely restricted to explants covered with 6-hr ectoderm and its frequency was low. 2) The presumptive neural plate above the head organizer was almost completely determined as neural tissues. 3) The head organizer showed a tendency to differentiate into more endodermal and less mesodermal tissues than those expected from its prospective fate.
Brain induction in normal development and the relationship between neural tissue formation in variously aged presumptive ectoderms and the time necessary for neural induction are discussed.  相似文献   

After lentectomy through the pupillary hole, the outer cornea of larval Xenopus laevis can undergo transdifferentiation to regenerate a new lens. This process is elicited by inductive factor(s) produced by the neural retina and accumulated into the vitreous chamber. During embryogenesis, the outer cornea develops from the outer layer of the presumptive lens ectoderm (PLE) under the influence of the eye cup and the lens. In this study, we investigated whether the capacity of the outer cornea to regenerate a lens is the result of early inductive signals causing lens-forming bias and lens specification of the PLE, or late inductive signals causing cornea formation or both signals. Fragments of larval epidermis or cornea developed from ectoderm that had undergone only one kind of inductive signals, or both kinds of signals, or none of them, were implanted into the vitreous chamber of host larvae. The regeneration potential and the lens-forming transformations of the implants were tested using an antisense probe for pax6 as an earlier marker of lens formation and a monoclonal antibody anti-lens as a definitive indicator of lens cell differentiation. Results demonstrated that the capacity of the larval outer cornea to regenerate a lens is the result of both early and late inductive signals and that either early inductive signals alone or late inductive signals alone can elicit this capacity.  相似文献   

T M Rahmani 《Acta anatomica》1984,119(4):203-209
The ability of stage-4-9 chick presumptive lens ectoderm to undergo nervous tissue or lens differentiation was studied in vitro. The tissue was cultured alone or co-cultured with alcohol-killed primitive node or optic cup as inducer. Immunofluorescence was studied on paraffin-wax preparations, which were then studied histologically. An attempt was made to correlate immunological and histological differentiation. The presumptive lens ectoderm differentiated both nervous tissue and lens structures in all stages, regardless of the presence or absence of an inducer. The outcome, however, was improved when an inducer was included. The inducers were not qualitatively specific. The stage-4 ectoderm proved to be more apt than older stages to differentiate nervous tissue and form neural tube-like structures. In the former stage, lens differentiation occurred with less readiness. Older stages differentiated lens structures readily and also showed immunological signs of nervous tissue differentiation. No indication of histological differentiation, however, was apparent and no neural tube-like structures formed.  相似文献   

In the mouse embryo the anterior ectoderm undergoes extensive growth and morphogenesis to form the forebrain and cephalic non-neural ectoderm. We traced descendants of single ectoderm cells to study cell fate choice and cell behaviour at late gastrulation. In addition, we provide a comprehensive spatiotemporal atlas of anterior gene expression at stages crucial for anterior ectoderm regionalisation and neural plate formation. Our results show that, at late gastrulation stage, expression patterns of anterior ectoderm genes overlap significantly and correlate with areas of distinct prospective fates but do not define lineages. The fate map delineates a rostral limit to forebrain contribution. However, no early subdivision of the presumptive forebrain territory can be detected. Lineage analysis at single-cell resolution revealed that precursors of the anterior neural ridge (ANR), a signalling centre involved in forebrain development and patterning, are clonally related to neural ectoderm. The prospective ANR and the forebrain neuroectoderm arise from cells scattered within the same broad area of anterior ectoderm. This study establishes that although the segregation between non-neural and neural precursors in the anterior midline ectoderm is not complete at late gastrulation stage, this tissue already harbours elements of regionalisation that prefigure the later organisation of the head.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation was studied of presumptive eye material developing in the absence of ectoderm. Explants were made of the anterior (forebrain- and eye-forming) part of the neural plate, without the lateral neural folds, of early to mid-neurulae ofRana temporaria andR. esculenta. The underlying endomesoderm as well as the outer layer of the neural plate were removed prior to explantation. Consequently the explants did not become surrounded by epidermis. The explants segregated into a mass of forebrain tissue and a single retina, which did not assume the typical cup shape. In between these two components an interzone developed, consisting of incompletely differentiated layers of iris tissue. In the interzone typical lentoids, as well as lentoids continuous with other tissue components, differentiated. The formation of lentoids in the absence of ectoderm is discussed in terms of the availability of a lens-inducing agent. It is assumed that in the interzone the lens-inducing agent acts on tissue components which are competent for lens formation. The formation of lens-like tissue may be regarded as analogous to lens regeneration in newts.The author wishes to express her sincere appreciation to Prof. G. V. Lopashov for his advice and encouragement throughout the course of this study, to Mrs. Nina A. Ivanova for expert technical assistance, and to Dr. J. Faber (Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht) for the correction of the English.  相似文献   

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