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Summary Leaf carbon isotope ratios and leaf mineral composition (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, N, and P) were measured on the dominant species along an irradiance cline in a subtropical monsoon forest of southern China. This irradiance cline resulted from disturbance caused by fuel-harvesting. Leaf carbon isotope ratios increased from undisturbed to disturbed sites for all species, indicating that leaf intercellular CO2 concentrations decreased and leaf water use efficiencies increased along this cline. Nitrogen and magnesium levels were lower in leaves of species on the disturbed sites, but there were no clear patterns for calcium, potassium, phosphorus or manganese.C.I.W.D.P.B. Publication no 932  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-tree variations in 13C/12C ratios were studied within a single clone plantation of 20-year-old Sitka spruce, some of which were treated with mist simulating acidic cloud water. For groups of trees of similar height and the same treatment, sampled at the same whorl height, 13C values for current year needles showed variations (1 SD) of between 0.2 and 0.7. The variations reflect the seasonally averaged influences, on intercellular CO2 concentrations, of slight variations in the microhabitat within a group. For a typical intra-group variation of 0.4 one may be able to distinguish between groups whose mean intercellular CO2 concentrations differ by only 8 ppm. Acid misting resulted in a lowering of 13C values by c. 0.7 (significant at the P0.05 level). This reflects higher intercellular CO2 concentrations for acid misted trees, which can be interpreted in terms of their having assimilation rates c. 10% lower than those of control trees, and might explain the observed reduction in stem growth for acid-misted trees. Without careful attention to sampling strategy, however, these small inter-tree 13C variations can be easily masked by the much larger intra-tree variations with height. Large gradients of increasing needle 13C with height, of c. 0.5 m-1, were observed in two untreated trees of different total height. The gradient was similar for both trees so, though 13C values of both trees were identical close to their leaders (–27), the taller tree displayed much lower values close to the ground (–31). The gradients are believed to reflect lower light levels close to the ground, rather than the accumulation of respired CO2 in the atmosphere. The different height response of stems versus needles, reflected by an increase in 13Cstems13Cneedles with height (for cellulose), is discussed in terms of stem photosynthetic recapture of internally respired CO2.  相似文献   

This paper describes and compares two microsampling methods, DM 2800 and Dremel, which were used in taking aragonite samples from otolith zones of cod, Gadus morhua, for stable isotope analysis. There were no significant differences between the two sampling methods both in carbon and oxygen isotope ratios (13C/12C, 18O/16O) and in annual and seasonal otolith zones. The possible finite effect with Dremel could be minimized or negligible by selecting otoliths of younger fishes. Thus, Dremel may be accepted as a convenient microsampling method in stable isotope analysis of otoliths.  相似文献   

Aldesuquy  H.S. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(1):135-141
Area and fresh and dry masses of flag leaf show two phases of development during grain filling in Triticum aestivum. The initial large increase in leaf size is mainly due to water intake. Contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids, reducing sugars, and sucrose, Hill reaction rate, and photosynthetic activity increased during leaf growth, but a noticeable decline in these parameters followed throughout leaf senescence. The maximum accumulation of polysaccharides and proteins occurred at the beginning of grain set, but a continuous decline in their absolute values was manifested during grain filling. Grain priming with indol-3-yl acetic acid (IAA) at 25 mg kg-1 stimulated the flag leaf growth, namely its fresh and dry masses and its area. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect was mainly due to the increase in the pigment formation that in turn increased the photosynthetic activity of flag leaf during grain filling. On the other hand, the highest dose of IAA (50 mg kg-1) attenuated the growth and physiological activity of flag leaf through its inhibitory action on leaf fresh and dry masses, leaf area, pigments, saccharides and protein formation, as well as its effect on 14CO2 assimilation.  相似文献   

R. L. France 《Hydrobiologia》1996,325(3):219-222
Stable isotope analysis of carbon has been proposed as a means for discerning the incorporation of terrestrial forest detritus into aquatic foodwebs, and as such, has the potential to be used as a biomonitor of the aquatic effects of riparian deforestation. A synthesis of 13C/12C data from the literature indicates, however, that the scope for successful use of carbon isotope analysis in separating allochthonous and autochthonous food provenance is much more limited than was once thought. This occurs due the overlap in carbon isotope ratios between terrestrial forest detritus and those of both lotic attached algae and lentic filamentous attached algae. Only within rockyshored, oligotrophic lakes without macrophytes, and forest-fringed estuaries and lagoons, where the carbon isotope ratios for attached algae and forest detritus are significantly different, is there any likelihood of discerning the incorporation of allochthonous carbon into aquatic foodwebs using 13C/12C values alone.  相似文献   

Samples of an angiosperm species, nine lichen species and a terrestrial alga, were collected from a variety of Antarctic terrestrial habitats, and were analysed for C and N stable isotope composition. Collections were made along natural gradients, the marine gradient, running from the sea coast inland and the moisture gradient, determined by melt water and precipitation runoff, and running towards the sea coast. Considerable variation in stable isotope ratios was found; δ13C values ranged between −16 and −32‰ and δ15N values between −23 and +23‰ The variation in stable carbon isotope ratios could be attributed in part to species specific differences, but differences in water availability also played a role, as was shown for the terrestrial alga Prasiola crispa and the lichen species Usnea antarctica. The differences in the isotope ratios of nitrogen could be retraced to the origin of nitrogen: marine or terrestrial. The nitrogen stable isotope ratios were influenced by both the marine gradient from the sea inland and the melt water and precipitation flow running in the opposite direction, towards the sea. This was shown for the lichen species Turgidosculum complicatulum and the angiosperm species Deschampsia antarctica. The variation in the C and N stable isotope ratios can be used to determine sources and pathways of N and changes in the water availability in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. Contrary to earlier reports the use of stable N isotope ratios is possible in this case because of the relative simplicity of the structure of the Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Further knowledge of the processes conditioning nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is of great relevance to crop productivity. The aim of this paper was characterise C and N partitioning during grain filling and their implications for NUE. Cereals such as bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Califa sur), triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack cv. Imperioso) and tritordeum (× Tritordeum Asch. & Graebn line HT 621) were grown under low (LN, 5 mm NH4NO3) and high (HN, 15 mm NH4NO3) N conditions. We conducted simultaneous double labelling (12CO2 and 15NH415NO3) in order to characterise C and N partitioning during grain filling. Although triticale plants showed the largest total and ear dry matter values in HN conditions, the large investment in shoot and root biomass negatively affected ear NUE. Tritordeum was the only genotype that increased NUE in both N treatments (NUEtotal), whereas in wheat, no significant effect was detected. N labelling revealed that N fertilisation during post‐anthesis was more relevant for wheat and tritordeum grain filling than for triticale. The study also revealed that the investments of C and N in flag leaves and shoots, together with the ‘waste’ of photoassimilates in respiration, conditioned the NUE of plants, and especially under LN. These results suggest that C and N use by these plants needs to be improved in order to increase ear C and N sinks, especially under LN. It is also remarkable that even though tritordeum shows the largest increase in NUE, the low yield of this cereal limits its agronomic value.  相似文献   

Response of two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, salt tolerant SARC-I and salt sensitive Potohar, to different concentrations of NaCl was examined under glasshouse conditions. Eighteen-day-old plants of both the lines grown in sand culture were irrigated with 0 (control), 80, 160 or 240 mM NaCl in full strength Hoagland's nutrient solution. Shoot fresh and dry masses, and leaf area per plant of SARC-I at the vegetative stage, were significantly greater than those of cv. Potohar at higher salt concentrations, however, relative growth rate (RGR) of cv. Potohar was significantly higher than that of SARC-I. SARC-I had higher net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration rate (E) than cv. Potohar at the vegetative stage, but the cultivars did not differ significantly in water-use efficiency (PN/E), intrinsic water use efficiency (PN/gs), and intercellular/ambient CO2 concentration ratio. At the grain development stage, SARC-I had significantly higher PN and gs in the flag leaf than cv. Potohar under salinity. SARC-I was superior to cv. Potohar with respect to number of grains per spike, number of grains per spikelet, mean grain mass, and grain yield per plant at all NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

Isotype analyses were performed on biochemical fractions isolated from leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Tom Thumb. during aging under long days or short days. Irrespective of the age or photoperiodic conditions, the intermediates of the starch-malate sequence (starch, phosphorylated compounds and organic acids) have a level of 13C higher than that of soluble sugars, cellulose and hemicellulose. In short days, the activity of the crassulacean acid metabolism pathway is predominant as compared to that of C3 pathway: leaves accumulate organic acids, rich in 13C. In long days, the activity of the crassulacean acid metabolism pathway increases as the leaves age, remaining, however, relatively low as compared to that of C3 pathway: leaves accumulate soluble sugars, poor in 13C. After photoperiodic change (long daysshort days), isotopic modifications of starch and organic acids suggest evidence for a lag phase in the establishment of the crassulacean acid metabolism pathway specific to short days. The relative proportions of carbon from a C3-origin (RuBPC acitivity as strong discriminating step, isotope discrimination in vivo=20) or C4-origin (PEPC activity as weak discriminating step, isotope discrimination in vivo=4) present in the biochemical fractions were calculated from their 13C values. Under long days, 30 to 70% versus 80 to 100% under short days, of the carbon of the intermediates linked to the starch-malate sequence, or CAM pathway (starch, phosphorylated compounds and organic acids), have a C4-origin. Products connected to the C3 pathway (free sugars, cellulose, hemicellulose) have 0 to 50% of their carbon, arising from reuptake of the C4 from malate, under long days versus 30 to 70% under short days.Abbreviations CAM crassulacean acid metabolism - CAM pathway pathway with malate accumulation by -carboxylation of PEP, arising from glycolysis of starch (starch-malate sequence) - C3-metabolism metabolism with primary carbon fixed by the Calvin and Benson pathway (C3-origin) - C4-metabolism metabolism with primary carbon fixed by the Hatch and Slack pathway (C4-origin) - C3-pathway pathway with RuBPC activity and the Calvin and Benson pathway, irrespective of the CO2-source, atmospheric or reuptake of the C4 from malate - 13C()=(Rsample-RPDR)103/RPDB where PDB Pee Dee belemnite (belemnite from the Pee Dee formation, South Carolina) and R=13C/12C - D isotope discrimination - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PEPC (EC PEP carboxylase - PGA phosphoglyceric acid - Py.di-PK (EC pyruvate, Pi-dikinase - RuBP ribulose bisphosphate - RuBPC (EC RuBP carboxylase - SD short days - LD long days  相似文献   

Summary Carbon isotope discrimination () was compared between populations of dominant perennial plant species, differing in life expectancy, in two deserts with contrasting vegetation types. In both deserts, plants of the shorter-lived species showed significantly higher and greater intrapopulation variance in this character compared to the long-lived species. These results indicate underlying differences in gas-exchange physiology, and suggest a positive correlation between water-use efficiency and lifespan in desert plants. Differences in variance for this character may reflect greater microenvironmental variation experienced by shorter-lived plants and/or different forms of selection acting on water-use traits. Spatial distributions were significantly clustered for the shorter-lived species and significantly uniform for the long-lived species, indicating that competition has been important in the development of the long-lived populations. The long-lived Larrea tridentata showed a significant, negative correlation between and Thiessen polygon area, suggesting a positive relationship between water-use efficiency and longevity within this species. This relationship was weakly supported in the other warm desert species, Encelia farinosa, but was not observed within populations of the cold desert species, Gutierrezia microcephala and Coleogyne ramosissima. These results suggest that reflects key aspects of plant metabolism related to lifespan; these differences may ultimately influence interactions among desert plants and the structure of desert plant communities.  相似文献   

Water status parameters, flag leaf photosynthetic activity, abscisic acid (ABA) levels, grain yield, and storage protein contents were investigated in two drought-tolerant (Triticum aestivum L. cv. MV Emese and cv. Plainsman V) and two drought-sensitive (cvs. GK élet and Cappelle Desprez) wheat genotypes subjected to soil water deficit during grain filling to characterize physiological traits related to yield. The leaf water potential decreased earlier and at a higher rate in the sensitive than in the tolerant cultivars. The net CO2 assimilation rate (P N) in flag leaves during water deficit did not display a strict correlation with the drought sensitivity of the genotypes. The photosynthetic activity terminated earliest in the tolerant cv. Emese, and the senescence of flag leaves lasted 7 days longer in the sensitive Cappelle Desprez. Soil drought did not induce characteristic differences between sensitive and tolerant cultivars in chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of flag leaves during post-anthesis. Changes in the effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) and the photochemical quenching (qP) depended on the genotypes and not on the sensitivity of cultivars. In contrast, the levels of ABA in the kernels displayed typical fluctuations in the tolerant and in the sensitive cultivars. Tolerant genotypes exhibited an early maximum in the grain ABA content during drought and the sensitive cultivars maintained high ABA levels in the later stages of grain filling. In contrast with other genotypes, the grain number per ear did not decrease in Plainsman and the gliadin/glutenin ratio was higher than in the control in Emese during drought stress. A possible causal relationship between high ABA levels in the kernels during late stages of grain filling and a decreased grain yield was found in the sensitive cultivars during drought stress.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to show the application of the CG/C/IRMS in real time during competition in the steroid confirmation analysis. For this reason, this paper summarizes the results obtained from the doping control analysis during the period of the 2007 Pan American Games held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Approximately 5600 athletes from 42 different countries competed in the games. Testing was performed in accordance to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) technical note for prohibited substances. This paper reports data where abnormal urinary steroid profiles, have been found with the screening procedures. One 8 mL urine sample was used for the analysis of five steroid metabolites with two separate analyses by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). Urine samples were submitted to GC/C/IRMS for confirmation analysis to determine the 13C/12C ratio of selected steroids. Fifty-seven urine samples were analyzed by GC/C/IRMS and the δ 13C values (‰) of androsterone, etiocholanolone, 5β-androstane-3α, 17β-diol (5β-diol), 5α-androstane-3α, 17β-diol (5α-diol) and 5β-pregnane-3α, 20α-diol (5β-pdiol), the endogenous reference compound are presented. One urine sample with a testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio of 4.7 was confirmed to be positive of doping by GC/C/IRMS analysis. The δ values of 5β-diol and 5α-diol were 3.8 and 10.8, respectively, compared to the endogenous reference compound 5β-pdiol, which exceeded the WADA limit of 3‰. The results obtained by CG/C/IRMS confirmation analyses, in suspicious samples, were conclusive in deciding whether or not a doping steroid violation had occurred.  相似文献   

Summary 13C-based three-dimensional 1H–1H correlation experiments have been used to determine essentially complete 13C and 1H resonance assignments for the amino acid side chains of uniformly 13C/15N labelled L. casei dihydrofolate reductase in a complex with the drug methotrexate. Excellent agreement is observed between these assignments and an earlier set of partial assignments made on the basis of correlating nuclear Overhauser effect and crystal structure data, indicating that the tertiary structure of the enzyme is similar in solution and in the crystal state.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Jiang  D.  Dai  T.  Jing  Q.  Cao  W.  Zhou  Q.  Zhao  H.  Fan  X. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):439-446
Based on a 20-year fertilization experiment with wheat-maize double cropping system, the effects of different long-term fertilization treatments on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield in different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were studied in the growing seasons of 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. A total of nine fertilization treatments were implemented, i.e. no fertilizer (CK), N fertilizer (N), N and P fertilizers (NP), N and K fertilizers (NK), N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK), only organic manure (M), organic manure and N fertilizer (MN), organic manure and N and P fertilizers (MNP), and organic manure and N, P, and K fertilizers (MNPK). With the treatments of combined organic manure and inorganic fertilizers (TMI), net photosynthetic rate (P N), maximal activity of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm), and chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of flag leaves and leaf area index (LAI) were much higher at the mid grain filling stage (20 or 23 d post anthesis, DPA), and exhibited slower declines at the late grain filling stage (30 DPA), compared with the treatments of only inorganic fertilizers (TI). The maximal canopy photosynthetic traits expressed as P N×LAI and SPAD×LAI at the mid grain filling stage were also higher in TMI than those in TI, which resulted in different grain yields in TMI and TI. Among the treatments of TMI or among the treatments of TI, both flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic abilities and yield levels increased with the supplement of inorganic nutrients (N, P, and K fertilizers), except for the treatment of NK. Under NK, soil contents of N and K increased while that of P decreased. Hence the unbalanced nutrients in soil from the improper input of nutrients in NK treatment were probably responsible for the reduced flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic characteristics and LAI, and for the fast declining of flag leaf photosynthetic traits during grain filling, resulting in the reduced yield of NK similar to the level of CK.  相似文献   

The mechanisms behind the 13C enrichment of organic matter with increasing soil depth in forests are unclear. To determine if 13C discrimination during respiration could contribute to this pattern, we compared δ13C signatures of respired CO2 from sieved mineral soil, litter layer and litterfall with measurements of δ13C and δ15N of mineral soil, litter layer, litterfall, roots and fungal mycelia sampled from a 68-year-old Norway spruce forest stand planted on previously cultivated land. Because the land was subjected to ploughing before establishment of the forest stand, shifts in δ13C in the top 20 cm reflect processes that have been active since the beginning of the reforestation process. As 13C-depleted organic matter accumulated in the upper soil, a 1.0‰ δ13C gradient from −28.5‰ in the litter layer to −27.6‰ at a depth of 2–6 cm was formed. This can be explained by the 1‰ drop in δ13C of atmospheric CO2 since the beginning of reforestation together with the mixing of new C (forest) and old C (farmland). However, the isotopic change of the atmospheric CO2 explains only a portion of the additional 1.0‰ increase in δ13C below a depth of 20 cm. The δ13C of the respired CO2 was similar to that of the organic matter in the upper soil layers but became increasingly 13C enriched with depth, up to 2.5‰ relative to the organic matter. We hypothesise that this 13C enrichment of the CO2 as well as the residual increase in δ13C of the organic matter below a soil depth of 20 cm results from the increased contribution of 13C-enriched microbially derived C with depth. Our results suggest that 13C discrimination during microbial respiration does not contribute to the 13C enrichment of organic matter in soils. We therefore recommend that these results should be taken into consideration when natural variations in δ13C of respired CO2 are used to separate different components of soil respiration or ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

Chikov  V.  Bakirova  G. 《Photosynthetica》2000,37(4):519-527
14CO2 uptake in leaves of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) fertilized by urea or Ca(NO3)2 (25 mol m-3) was investigated. The Warburg effect (inhibition of 14CO2 uptake by oxygen) under 0.03 vol. % CO2 concentration was observed only in non-fertilized plants. Under 0.03 vol. % CO2, the Warburg antieffect (stimulation of 14CO2 uptake by oxygen) was detected only in plants fertilized by Ca(NO3)2. Under saturating CO2 concentration (0.30 vol. %), the Warburg antieffect was observed in all variants. Under limitation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity (0.30 vol. % CO2 + 1 vol. % O2), the rate of synthesis of glycollate metabolism products decreased in control and urea-fertilized plants but was enhanced in nitrate-fed plants. Hence, there was an activation of glycollate formation via transketolase reaction in fertilized plants, and the products of nitrate reduction function were oxidants in nitrate-fertilized plants whereas the superoxide radical played this role in urea-fertilized plants.  相似文献   

Dilnawaz  F.  Mohapatra  P.  Misra  M.  Ramaswamy  N.K.  Misra  A.N. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(4):557-563
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Sonalika) seedlings were grown in Hoagland solution. Primary leaves were harvested at 8, 12, and 15 d and cut into five equal segments. Contents of photosynthetic pigments and proteins, and photosystem 2 (PS2) activity increased from base to apex of these leaves. Chlorophyll (Chl) content was maximum at 12 d in all the leaf segments, but PS2 activity showed a gradual decline from 8 to 15 d in all leaf segments. In sharp contrast, the CO2 fixation ability of chloroplasts increased from 8 to 15 d. CO2 fixation ability of chloroplasts started to decline from base to apex of 15-d-old seedlings, where the content of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (RuBPCO-LSU) increased acropetally. RuBPCO-LSU content was maximum in all the leaf segments in 12-d-old seedlings. This shows a distinctive pattern of PS2, Chl, CO2 fixation ability of chloroplasts, and RuBPCO-LSU content along the axis of leaf lamina during development and senescence. RuBPCO-LSU (54 kDa) degraded to fragments of 45, 42, 37, 19, and 16 kDa products which accumulated along the leaf axis during ageing of chloroplasts. Thus the CO2 fixation ability of chloroplasts declines earlier than PS2 activity and photosynthetic pigment contents along the leaf lamina.  相似文献   

Behboudian  M.H.  Ma  Q.  Turner  N.C.  Palta  J.A. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(1):155-157
The rate of photosynthesis (P N) in leaves and pods as well as carbon isotope content in leaves, pod walls, and seeds was measured in well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS) chickpea plants. The P N, on an area basis, was negligible in pods compared to leaves and was reduced by water stress (by 26%) only in leaves. WS pod walls and seeds discriminated less against 13CO2 than did the controls. This response was not observed for leaves as is usually the case. Pod walls and seeds discriminated less against 13CO2 than did leaves in both WW and WS plants. Measurement of carbon isotope composition in pods may be a more sensitive tool for assessing the impact of water stress on long-term assimilation than is the instantaneous measurement of gas exchange rates.  相似文献   

In marine bivalves, the relative sizes of the gills and palps appear to be a useful functional trait that reflect feeding mode, i.e. suspension feeders have relatively larger gills than palps for pumping, whereas deposit feeders have relatively larger palps than gills for sorting. Also, within a species, the relative sizes of the gills and palps are related to changes in local food conditions. However, there is still no firm evidence showing that differences in the relative gill and palp sizes between species are related to diet selection. Based on the knowledge that carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of an animals tissues reflect past diet, we compared the relative gill and palp sizes of bivalves from Roebuck Bay, northwestern Australia with their carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures. The carbon isotope signatures distinguished clear differences in diet between bivalves along a gradient from suspension to deposit feeding, and strikingly this pattern was closely followed by the relative sizes of the gills and palps of the bivalves. This study confirms that relative gill and palp sizes in bivalves are a functional trait that can be used to compare resource use between species. Furthermore, these data may suggest that morphospace occupation, as determined by relative gill and palp sizes of bivalves, could reflect a gradient of resource use between species.  相似文献   

Rhizodeposition, i.e. the release of carbon into the soil by growing roots, is an important part of the terrestrial carbon cycle. However thein situ nature and dynamics of root-derived carbon in the soil are still poorly understood. Here we made an investigation of the latter in laboratory experiments using13CO2 pulse chase labelling of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). We analyzed the kinetics of13C-labelled carbon and more specially13C carbohydrates in the rhizosphere. Wheat seedlings-soil mesocosms were exposed to13CO2 for 5 hours in controlled chambers and sampled repeatedly during two weeks for13C/C analysis of organic carbon. After a two-step separation of the soil from the roots, the amount of total organic13C was determined by isotope ratio mass spectrometry as well as the amounts of13C in arabinose, fructose, fucose, glucose, galactose, mannose, rhamnose and xylose. The amount and isotopic ratio of monosaccharides were obtained by capillary gas chromatography coupled with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) after trimethyl-silyl derivatization. Two fractions were analyzed : total (hydrolysable) and soluble monomeric (water extractable) soil sugars. The amount of organic13C found in the soil, expressed as a percentage of the total photosynthetically fixed13C at the end of the labelling period, reached 16% in the day following labelling and stabilised at 9% after one week. We concluded that glucose under the form of polymers was the dominant moietie of rhizodeposits. Soluble glucose and fructose were also present. But after 2 days, these soluble sugars had disappeared. Forty percent of the root-derived carbon was in the form of neutral sugars, and exhibited a time-increasing signature of microbial sugars. The composition of rhizospheric sugars rapidly tended towards that of bulk soil organic matter.  相似文献   

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