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2008年5月在重庆市酉阳县采集到7号体尾背部具有"Y"形斑纹的蝌蚪,对其形态特征和口部结构予以描述,经与峨眉髭蟾Vibrissaphora boringii和崇安髭蟾瑶山亚种V. liui yaoshanensis蝌蚪比较,确定其为峨眉髭蟾,为重庆市新纪录.现作为应用蝌蚪进行无尾两栖动物分类鉴定和多样性调查实例予以报道.  相似文献   

五种蝌蚪口器及舌鳃骨的结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏坤  吴民耀  周凤  王宏元 《四川动物》2012,31(4):593-597
采用体视显微镜和骨骼双染色法对5种不同栖息环境的无尾两栖动物蝌蚪的口器和舌鳃骨的形态结构特征进行了观察。5种蝌蚪口器由唇齿行、唇乳突和角质颌等组成。舌鳃骨是由关联骨Ⅰ、关联骨Ⅱ、角舌骨、舌鳃骨盘和角鳃骨等骨骼组成。蝌蚪的梅氏软骨若较发达,其摄食方式可能为刮食;蝌蚪的舌鳃骨发达,其摄食方式则可能为滤食。角质颌、唇齿以及角鳃骨上鳃耙的出现显著增强了蝌蚪主动摄食能力和对食物与非食物的主动选择性。  相似文献   

对中华大蟾蜍 Bufo gargarizans和花背蟾蜍B. raddei 第36期蝌蚪外形和口部形态结构进行详细观察和描述,并进行了定量比较和分析.中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪体背观呈长卵圆形,全身黑褐色;尾呈桨形,背腹鳍透明无斑;唇齿式为2(2)/3 (即Ⅰ:1+1/Ⅲ).花背蟾蜍蝌蚪体背观呈卵圆形,体背面和侧面为灰黑色或深灰色,腹面灰色有金属光泽;尾呈纺锤形,背鳍近透明,其上有黑色细纹,腹鳍透明无色;唇齿式为2(2)/3(即Ⅰ:1+1/Ⅲ),个别为2(2)/3(1)(即Ⅰ:1+1/1+1:Ⅱ).两种蟾蜍蝌蚪在体色、体型、尾色、尾型、口盘形态结构以及繁殖等方面有着明显区别.对辽宁和华西产的中华蟾蜍蝌蚪的分析表明两地蝌蚪在形态特征方面基本相同,显示出蝌蚪在种内的稳定性.编制了两种蟾蜍蝌蚪的简明检索表,供野外调查和监测参考.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the translator is analysed inFockea edulis, Pachycarpus dealbatus, andCalotropis procera. The three species show a similar basic pattern in the construction of the corpusculum. Each side wall consists of two originally separate flanks. In the primitive state (Fockea), these flanks remain separate throughout their development, only the two inner flanks fuse along their base. In the derived state, the two flanks on each side fuse to form solid side walls, and the corpusculum develops a floor by additional secretion. The primitive state of divided flanks is recapitulated in early ontogeny. InFockea, the pollinia are attached apically and dorsally to the outer flanks by means of unmoulded adhesive material; in more advanced translators, caudicles are inserted as new elements between the outer flanks and the pollinia. The caudicles are attached to the lower part of the corpusculum. Within the four tribes of the family, many species have retained parts of the primitive structure in their corpuscula. Flanks divided in the lower part of the corpusculum and caudicles attached dorsally to the outer flanks seem to be common inMarsdenieae andStapelieae. InAsclepiadeae andGonolobeae the side walls are solid throughout the length of the corpusculum. — The question of cellular mechanisms underlying the formation of the translator is discussed. In all probability, the main factor responsible for the complex structure of the corpusculum is a differential secretory activity of the glandular field. This, in turn, points to differential genetic activity as a regulating factor of the ontogeny of the translator.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of swimming speed, schooling behaviour and jellyfish avoidance was studied in hatchery-reared Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus to compare its life-history strategy with two other common pelagic fishes, jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus and chub mackerel Scomber japonicus. Cruise swimming speed of E. japonicus increased allometrically from 1·4 to 3·9 standard length (L(S) ) per s (L(S) s(-1) ) from early larval to metamorphosing stage. Burst swimming speed also increased from 6·1 to 28 L(S) s(-1) in these stages. Cruise speed was inferior to that of S. japonicus, as was burst speed to that of T. japonicus. Engraulis japonicus larvae were highly vulnerable to predation by moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita and were readily eaten until they reached 23 mm L(S) , but not at 26 mm L(S) . Schooling behaviour (indicated by parallel swimming) started at c. 17 mm L(S) . Average distance to the nearest neighbour was shorter than values reported in other pelagic fishes. The relatively low predator avoidance capability of E. japonicus may be compensated for by their transparent and thus less conspicuous body, in addition to their early maturation and high fecundity.  相似文献   

Materials have been generalized that were accumulated in population-ontogenetic studies of plants and leading features of the ontogeny of plants have been noted that determine specific structural features of their populations. The described patterns allowed the authors to develop simulation models of plant population dynamics. The results of simulation are provided, and they are compared to the empirical data. Problems have been considered that concern the influence of specific features of development of different plant biomorphs on the genetic structure of populations and biocoenotic processes.  相似文献   

Using the percentage labeled mitoses method, seven cell cycle determinations were initiated at 6-hr intervals over a 36-hr span in order to see if the cell cycle in the tadpole hindlimb epidermis varied with time or showed rhythmicity. There was a pattern of two long cell cycles followed by a shorter one. Total cell cycle length (Tc) and the length of the G1 phase plus one-half of the mitotic time (TG1+½M) fluctuated the most, although only TG1+½M varied significantly with the Chi-square test. The proportion of TC spent in each phase was also calculated. Only TG1+½M/Tc had statistically significant fluctuations with time.

Rhythmicity was analyzed by a computer program using the method of least squares for cosine curve fitting. Statistically significant ultradian rhythms of 18.4 hr in TC, 18.5 hr in TG1+½M and 18.6 hr in TG1+½M/TC and the length of the DNA synthetic phase/total cell cycle length (TS/TC) were found. Circadian rhythmicity was not observed. The acrophases of the ultradian rhythms of TC and TG1+½M coincided, suggesting that the rhythm of TC was due mainly to variation in TG1+½M. In the absence of significant variation in TS, the longest phase of the cell cycle, whenever G1M was short, TS/TC increased, so that the 18.6 hr rhythm in TS/TC was also a result of the periodicity in TG1+½M.  相似文献   

Leaf d. wt and the levels of soluble sugars and proteins showa two-phase development during leaf growth in Stevia rebaudiana.The initial large increases in leaf size are due mainly to waterintake up to an area of around 9–10 cm2. Increases inabsolute protein content were initially slow though in the secondphase increased it rapidly with dry matter and soluble sugarcontent. In relative terms, however, the concentration of free sugarsdeclined throughout leaf growth. The data indicate that leafprotein synthesis is most probably dependent upon a carbon supplyfrom in situ photo synthesis which only becomes significantat 80 per cent of full leaf area. Stevia rebaudiana Bert., leaf ontogeny, protein content, sugar content  相似文献   

The identity and taxonomic distribution of paranasal sinuses among living platyrrhines has remained a contentious issue (e.g., Cave [1967] Am J Phys Anthropol 26:277-288 vs. Hershkovitz [1977] Chicago: University of Chicago Press) largely because the ontogenetic data required for their detection and identification (e.g., Cave [1967]; Maier [2000] Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 99-132.) were not attainable without sacrificing valuable juvenile and subadult specimens. Non-invasive computed tomography (CT) scanning of ontogenetic series of skulls for 10 platyrrhine genera demonstrates the presence of maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, as well as homologs of the human sphenoid and frontal sinuses. Differences in the latter two sinuses between platyrrhines and hominoids highlight the need for early developmental data in establishing sinus homology. In particular, the identification of homologous recesses in the cartilaginous nasal capsule, from which sinuses later develop, emerges as the critical step. This developmental approach also reveals that the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses are each sets of serial homologs, a point which reconciles previous difficulties in establishing sinus homologies across mammalian orders (e.g., Paulli [1900] Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb 28:147-178, 179-251, 483-564).  相似文献   

Histological analysis of an ontogenetic series of the dasyurid marsupial,Sminthopsis virginiae, from birt to 60 days old, was undertaken to assess the developmental homologies of the deciduous and successional teeth. This period covers the time from the initiation of all teeth as epithelial buds up until the time of early eruption of some teeth. In addition, two older specimens, aged 81 and 97 days, were examined to provide additional information on the state of differentiation of the unerupted third premolar. In the postcanine dentition, only a single tooth position, dP3, was characterized by the later development of a replacing successional tooth (P3), following developmental pathways identical to those in eutherian mammals. In contrast, the anterior dentition is characterized by the formation of rudimentary, nonerupting deciduous incisors and canines, and by the accelerated development of normal, erupting successional incisors and canines in both jaws. Comparison of relative developmental stages for each tooth position throughout its preeruptive ontogeny suggests thatheterochrony (both developmental acceleration and retardation) has played an important role in the evolutionary history of the dasyurid dentition. Differing aspects of this phenomenon are identified and discussed for the anterior dentition, the anterior two premolars, P3, and the lower molars. Further evidence is presented to corroborate the identification of the anterior two premolars in the adult as dP1 and dP2, based on the relative retardation of their initiation and their lack of successor tooth germs. This developmental heterochrony has probably occurred in all three-premolared marsupials.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of cell adhesion molecule L1 in cerebellum was quantitatively assessed in weaver and reeler mutant mice and in heterozygous litter-mate controls. In the latter the concentration and the amount of L1 both increased from the first postnatal week to become maximum at the second. In contrast, in the weaver and reeler neurologic mutant mice, L1 decreased steadily. The L1 concentration and the amount of L1 was lower in the cerebellum of homozygous mutant mice than in litter-mate controls. The findings are consistent with L1 being a component of axonal plasma membranes. However, no evidence was found of any direct effect of thewv andrl phenotypes on L1 expression.  相似文献   

Twenty-six rhesus monkeys were tested repeatedly at 4, 8, and 12 months of age to characterize the expression and development of their defensive responses induced by separation from their mothers and exposure to a potential threat. Results demonstrated that by 4 months of age infant monkeys engaged in adult-like context-dependent responses and adaptively regulated these responses in relation to the changing context. When separated from their mothers and alone, infants at 4 months of age were active and emitted frequent coo vocalizations. However, when exposed to the profile of a human face, infants responded by becoming behaviorally inhibited and freezing. At 8 months of age, a dramatic reduction in infants' separation-induced coos was observed, whereas their duration of threat-induced freezing remained unchanged. At 12 months of age, a further decrease in cooing occurred, while freezing duration was maintained. No sex differences were found in the expression of these behaviors or their developmental patterns. Individual differences in separation-induced cooing and threat-induced freezing were apparent and remained stable over the three ages studied. However, within animals no relation was found between individual differences in cooing and freezing. These data demonstrate important differences in the developmental patterns for the expression of cooing and freezing over the first year of life. Marked individual differences in separation-induced cooing and threat-induced freezing were apparent and remained stable from 4–12 months of age. The data support the hypothesis that these different defensive responses reflect different adaptive responses that likely have different underlying mechanisms. The similarities between these defensive responses in rhesus monkeys and humans suggests that understanding the factors that promote the development of individual differences in monkeys will illuminate important factors that promote individual differences in humans. Am. J. Primatol. 44:125–135, 1998. ©1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of Parabistichella dieckmanni (Foissner, 1998) Foissner, 2016, isolated from north China, were investigated. The Chinese population was characterized as having five to seven frontal cirri in corona, four to seven buccal cirri arranged in a row, two to four short frontal rows and two long frontoventral rows, three to seven transverse cirri, four macronuclear nodules, three dorsal kineties following a Gonostomum-pattern, and caudal cirri absent. Morphogenetic research reveals that the main characteristics during binary fission are as follows: (1) the long left frontoventral row is formed by two or three anlagen; (2) the posterior part of the parental adoral zone of membranelles is renewed, and the oral primordium of the opisthe is formed intrakinetally; (3) FVT-anlagen I to VI (or V, VII) produce each a frontal cirrus to form the frontal corona; (4) development of dorsal kineties follows the Gonostomum-pattern. Phylogenetic analyses showed that P. dieckmanni does not group with other Parabistichella species. Therefore, the genus Parabistichella is polyphyletic. Additionally, Parabistichella variabilis n. comb. (basionym: Bistichella variabilis He & Xu, 2011) and Parabistichella cheni n. nom. (basionym: Parabistichella variabilis Jiang et al., 2013) were suggested.  相似文献   

This study describes dental development within the ferret, Mustela putorius, through study of the form of the carnassial teeth and the upper first molar at progressive growth stages. Primordial teeth were serially sectioned in sagittal and transverse planes and three-dimensional reconstructions of tooth primordia were generated using MacReco software. Regional growth of the crown and asynchronous maturation of the dental tissues were observed in each tooth. The upper carnassial blade develops early and the tooth increases in length rapidly. Lingual growth of the upper carnassial is less pronounced and the protocone and its surrounding region mature late. The lower carnassial blade develops early and the talonid is late to mature. Development of the upper first molar differs from carnassial development in the early emphasis upon transverse growth and reduced lengthwise expansion. The early development of the carnassial blades in the ferret is shared with other carnivores, and may reflect the functional significance of this feature. Later stages of tooth ontogeny differ among carnivoran taxa and the specialized morphology of ferret teeth results from an apparently truncated period of late tooth ontogeny. This suggests that carnivoran species may share a common path of early development that specifies the ontogeny of homologous tooth features and that in later stages developmental differences result in species-specific tooth forms. J. Morphol. 237:69–90, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Histological serial sections of fetal stages of various rodent taxa have been studied. We have concentrated on the ontogenetic differentiation of the infraorbital region in some hystricomorphs and myomorphs. The glirid taxa Graphiurus, Eliomys, Glis and Muscardinus show a specific mode of development of the medial masseter muscle that is clearly different from the other groups: In early ontogenetic stages, the muscle invariably has its anterior-most origin at the dorsolateral rim of the infraorbital foramen, and only in later fetal stages migrates to the side of the muzzle. In contrast to the glirines, Graphiurus has an aboral origin of the lateral masseter muscle from the beginning, and we consider this as a plesiomorphic state. In all other taxa showing an enlarged masseter medialis, this muscle bundle originates from the anterior portion of the ascending process or even from the premaxillary. We interpret our ontogenetical findings as support for the hypothesis of the monophyly of the Gliroidea and for the concept of `pseudo-myomorphy' of Vianey-Liaud (1985), which was derived from the fossil record. This evidence suggests that the gliroids are probably not members of the Myomorpha, but have acquired myomorphy independently. This conclusion is also in agreement with many molecular studies that suggest closer affinities of glirids with sciurids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to gain insight into the ossification sequence of the palatoquadrate and the adjacent lateral cranial wall of prehatching Alligator mississippiensis, a process about which there is almost no published information. Results were obtained by studying serial histological sections of the series of ontogenetic stages and enlarged wax-plate models of several stages. The cartilage of the palatoquadrate starts to ossify endochondrally in the quadrate portion of the pars pterygoquadrata palatoquadrati in Stage 6A. In this stage, a bone, called the lamina palatoquadrati anterior here, appears at and close to the anteromedial wall of the cartilaginous pterygoid portion of the pars pterygoquadrata. The lamina palatoquadrati anterior ossifies in membrane. Later in ontogeny, the lamina palatoquadrati anterior spreads into the cavum epiptericum and sheathes the posterior portion of the trigeminal ganglion laterally. The jaw adductor muscles insert at the outer surface of the lamina palatoquadrati anterior. The lamina palatoquadrati anterior is a new structure not previously recorded in crocodylians or any other Recent reptile. The topology, mode of ossification, and functional anatomy of the lamina palatoquadrati anterior correspond to those of the membranous ossification of the alisphenoid of marsupials. Another bone, called the lamina prootici anterior here, spreads in membrane from the anterolateral wall of the prootic portion of the otic capsule into the prootic fenestra, above the trigeminal ganglion. The lamina prootici anterior represents a structure not recorded previously in crocodylians. It contributes to the orbitotemporal braincase wall.  相似文献   

We describe the ontogeny of the axial skeleton and median fins of the Southeast Asian freshwater puffer Monotrete leiurus, based on a reared developmental series. Most elements of the axial skeleton in M. leiurus arise in membrane bone. Only the base of the anterior three neural arches, the base of the hemal arches of the third preural centrum, the neural and hemal arches and spines of the second preural centrum, the parhypural, the two hypural plates, and the single epural are preformed in cartilage. In contrast to most teleosts, the proximal-middle radials of the dorsal and anal fins are upright and symmetrical and their distal tips coalesce during development to form a deep band of cartilage, from which the spherical distal radials are spatially separated.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy enables us to observe and count the freeze-fracture particles which correspond to the different functional components of thylakoid membranes. The present paper reports the observation on freeze-fracture ultrastructure of thylakoid membranes and the analysis of proteins by the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis within the membranes from differenly located leaves of maize. In the past, we found that the leaies subtending the ear of maize had a much higher chlorophyll content, a lower chlorophyll a/b ratio and more staking thylakoid membranes and provided the photosynthetic energy used to fill the maize seeds more than that of other leaves. Recently, we have further found that the particle densities of all four faces of thylakoid membranes from the ear leaf were the highest, than those, successively, from the terminal leaf, and the fifth leaf (from the base of the plant). The particle densities on all four fracture faces of thylakoid membranes isolated from the ear leaves of maize were significantly higher than those from the terminal leaves with the increases of 19% in EFs, 28% in PFs and 20% in PFu. Increases in particle densities on the PFs, EFs and PFu faces result in increased densities of LHCP II, PSⅡ and PSI reactions centres, respectively. It is significant that this supramolecular architecture of the ear leaves is consistent with our analytical results of the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis within the membranes (a detailed report in another paper). The contents of major polypeptides of 21 kD (LHCP Ⅰ) and 25 kD (LHCP Ⅱ) in thylakoid membranes from the ear leaves were more than those from the terminal leaves. The characteristics of both supramolecular architecture and polypeptide components are in favour of absorbing, transferring, distributing and conversing light energy in the course of photosynthesis of the ear leaves in maize.  相似文献   

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