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An operational criterion for the identification and isolation of epithelial-like (E) cells, based on their ability to cover and protect a collagen gel from the action of collagenase, has been developed. The E cells isolated by this collagenase-separation technique (CST) exhibited the ultrastructural features, including desmosomes and abundant tonofilaments, that are considered characteristic of this cell type. Unlike confluent cultures of fibroblast-like (F) cells, E cells were not found to have large external transformation-sensitive (LETS) protein on their surface membranes. The CST provides a nondestructive and efficient means of identifying and isolating E cells from mixed populations.  相似文献   

牦牛输卵管上皮细胞分离培养和纯化鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立牦牛输卵管上皮细胞原代培养及纯化方法,通过选取牦牛输卵管,运用机械刮取法和0.25%胰蛋白酶消化两种方法分离上皮细胞进行体外培养。对不同分离方法的培养效果比较,培养细胞进行形态学观察与传代培养、MTT比色检测细胞活力并制定生长曲线,原代及传代上皮细胞的免疫组织化学鉴定,冷冻解冻后经台盼蓝排斥试验检测活细胞数。结果表明该试验分离出的原代细胞,纯化后传代培养,经鉴定为牦牛输卵管上皮细胞,培养的细胞生长状况良好,建立了一套牦牛输卵管上皮细胞分离培养及纯化鉴定的方法。  相似文献   

Summary Nasal turbinate epithelial cells were isolated from rats, rabbits, and humans using either a surgical or an in situ enzyme incubation technique. The culture conditions that permit optimal cell attachment and selective growth of the nasal epithelial cells were determined. These conditions will permit the long-term culture of these cells where typically 20 to 30 population doublings were observed. Differences between rat and human nasal epithelial cells were seen in substrate requirements, colony-forming efficiency, and response to fetal bovine serum and bovine serum albumin. These methodology and results will permit mechanistic studies of normal and abnormal cellular function and comparative response studies between nasal epithelial cells from rats and humans. This work was supported under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contract 68-02-4032.  相似文献   

目的:探讨体外大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(rBMMSCs)的分离培养和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)对其定向诱导为内皮样细胞(ELCs)的可行性。方法:采用Percoll(1.073g/ml)分离液分离骨髓单个核细胞,用含10%胎牛血清(FBS)的LG-DMEM培养基贴壁纯化培养,倒置显微镜、免疫细胞化学法、流式细胞仪、MTT法、透射电镜(TEM)联合对rBMMSCs形态、表型、生长曲线、细胞周期以及超微结构进行鉴定;诱导后的细胞,采用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,免疫细胞化学法检测CD31、CD144(VE-cadherin)和CD34表达以及摄取Dil-ac-LDL、结合FITC-UEA-1的功能特点。结果:rBMMSCs呈长梭形,漩涡状排列。细胞生长曲线显示潜伏期、对数生长期和平台期,符合干细胞的生长规律。透射电镜结果表明:rBMMSCs有两种不同的形态结构,其中体积较小、核质比大、胞质内细胞器稀少者为处于未分化或分化较低状态的幼稚型rBMMSCs。细胞周期分析显示:第4代细胞G0/G1期为95.67%,表明绝大部分细胞处于非增殖状态;诱导后的部分细胞形态可见类似ELCs改变,表达血管内皮细胞(ECs)特异性表面标志CD31、CD34和CD144,具有摄取Dil-ac-LDL以及结合FITC-UEA-1的功能特点。结论:采用Percoll密度梯度离心与贴壁培养相结合的方法所培养的rBMMSCs在体外具有定向诱导分化为ELCs的潜能,可能成为血管组织工程理想的种子细胞来源。  相似文献   

Summary A short method is described for obtaining a large number of pure vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. The smooth muscle cells were isolated from human umbilical cord arteries digested twice by an enzyme mixture of collagenase, trypsin, elastase, and DNAase with addition of α-tosyl-lysyl chloromethane. Primary cell culture and first subculture were not contaminated by endothelial cells, no Factor VIII being produced. The cultures consisted of smooth muscle cells as appeared from phase contrast and electron microscopy. Part of this study was supported by a scholarship from the Dutch Ministry of Education and Science and by the Leyden University Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for the short-term culture of pure populations of rabbit corneal endothelial and epithelial cells has been developed. Rabbit corneas were placed on concave agarose surfaces, treated briefly with a solution of trypsin and ethylenediamine tetracetic acid, and transferred, either epithelial cell surface or endothelial cell surface down, to microscope slide culture chambers. Within 6 to 12 h the epithelial cells or endothelial cells attached to the slide chamber surface and the cornea was removed, leaving behind a pure population of cells which spread out and grew to fill the surface of the slide chamber. This technique provides a simple and economic means for the reproducible initiation of primary cultures of rabbit corneal epithelial and endothelial cells for us in a variety of experiments. This study was supported in part by Public Health Service grants EY03150, EY02580, and EY02377 from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and a Foreign Fellowship (Dr. Xie) from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., New York, NY.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells from the normal mouse thymus were successfully cultivated on tissue culture plastic when plated with lethally irradiated support cells of the LA7 rat mammary tumor line. As the irradiated LA7 cells slowly decreased in number the thymus cells proliferated concomitantly to form a confluent monolayer. The cells now in culture have been subcultured 8 times, have doubled in number at least 30 times, and are still proliferating vigorously. The culture technique also supported clonal growth from a single cell, and nine clones have been isolated. The colony-forming efficiency of thymic cells plated at low concentrations was about 8%. These cultures were never overgrown by fibroblasts. The thymus cells were characterized as epithelial by the presence of cytoplasmic keratin and numerous desmosomes and tonofilaments. They were shown to be mouse cells by immunocytochemistry with species specific antibodies, by isoenzyme analysis, and by karyology. The cells stained when reacted with antibodies to tubulin, vimentin, and actin, but not with antibodies to Thy-1.2, Lyt-1, Lyt-2, Ia, or H-2 proteins. More than 85% of the cells had a normal mouse diploid chromosome number of 40. This culture technique opens the way for future studies of T-cell education with homogeneous thymic epithelial cell populations both in vitro and after reimplantation into genetically defined strains of mice. This work was supported by the Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Culture of airway epithelial cells is a useful model to investigate physiology of airway epithelia and airway disease mechanisms. In vitro models of airway epithelial cells are established for various species. However, earlier published method for isolation and culture of equine tracheal epithelial cells requires significant improvements. In this report, the development of a procedure for efficient isolation, characterization, culture, and passage of primary equine tracheal epithelial cells are described. Epithelial cells were isolated from adult equine trachea by exposing and stripping the mucosal epithelium from the adjacent connective tissue and smooth muscle. The tissue was minced and dissociated enzymatically using 0.25% trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution for 2 h at 37 degrees C. Cells were collected by sieving and centrifugation, and contaminating fibroblasts were removed by differential adhesion. This procedure resulted in a typical yield of 1 x 10(7) cytokeratin-positive epithelial cells per gram tracheal lining tissue. Viability was 95% by trypan blue exclusion and isolates contained approximately 94% cytokeratin-positive cells of epithelial origin. Cells seeded at a density of 6.9 x 10(4) cells/cm(2) in serum-free airway epithelial cell growth medium formed monolayers near confluency within a week. Confluent cells were dissociated using dispase II and first passages (P1) and second passages (P2) were successfully established in serum-free medium. Collagen coating of tissue culture flask was not required for cell adhesion, and cultures could be maintained at the level of P2 over 30 d. In the present study, we could establish a high-yield protocol for isolation and culture of equine tracheal epithelial cells that can serve for in vitro/ex vivo studies on the (patho-)physiology of equine airway disease as well as pharmacological and toxicological targets relevant to airway diseases.  相似文献   

由最终产物为邻苯基苯酚(2-HBP)的二苯并噻吩(DBT)的4-S代谢途径出发,从被高硫原油污染的土样中分离,纯化得到一株能高效降解DBT的菌株,通过形态学,生理生化试验及16SrDNA基因测序,归类为Mycobacteriumsp.对细菌的培养条件进行研究,初步确定较为适宜的培养条件:温度为40℃,pH值为7.0,转速为200r/min.在此培养条件下,利用该菌株处理含有5mmol/LDBT的正十二烷模拟相,24h以后,DBT减少到3.36mmol/L,平均比脱硫率为8.34mmol DBTh^-1kg^-1 DCW(干细胞重)。  相似文献   

We describe procedures for isolating and culturing airway epithelial cells from chronically infected human lungs. Experience in our laboratory demonstrated the need to balance pathogen eradication against antibiotic toxicity to epithelial cells. To provide a logical basis for antibiotic selection and dose, we systematically analyzed the cytotoxicity of antibiotics useful against typical pathogens. Alone, colistin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, and tobramycin were moderately toxic at concentrations close to those used in cell culture, whereas amphotericin, ceftazidime, chloramphenicol, imipenem, meropenem, piperacillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and vancomycin were nontoxic even at concentrations many times the antimicrobial level. Epithelial cytotoxicity of combined antibiotics was additive, with no evidence of competition or synergism. Antibiotics had little effect on initial cell attachment and did not acutely lyse cells, but inhibited subsequent growth. Interestingly, cytotoxicity decreased markedly with increasing epithelial cell density. Cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-CF epithelial cells showed no differences in sensitivity to the antibiotics tested and initial exposure to antibiotics did not affect the electrophysiologic properties of resistance or short circuit current in well-differentiated cells. Tailored combinations of antibiotics at appropriate doses killed even multidrug-resistant bacteria. Thus, epithelial cells can usually be cultured from chronically infected CF airways.  相似文献   

Isolation and identification of clara cells from rabbit lung   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary A procedure has been developed for the isolation of nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells (Clara cells) from rabbit lung. Following pulmonary lavage to eliminate macrosphages, cells (5% Clara cells) were released by digestion with 0.1% Protease I in HEPES-buffered balanced salt solution containing 0.5 mM ethylene glycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid instilled through the trachea. These cells were then separated on the basis of size using the Beckman JE-6 elutriator rotor. The fourth fraction collected from the elutriator contained about 30% Clara cells. This fraction was then layered on a two-polymer aqueous phase system consisting of 5% dextran T500 (DT) and 3.8% polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) in sodium phosphate buffer. A cell fraction was obtained from the PEG phase, which included approximately 70% Clara cells. These cells were found to be greater than 90% viable by trypan blue dye exclusion. Identification of isolated Clara cells was confirmed by light microscopic observation of nitro blue tetrazolium staining and by ultrastructural characteristics as observed by electron microscopy. This research was supported in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under an interagency agreement relating to the Federal Interagency Energy/Environmental Research and Development Program.  相似文献   

Tissue culture of human epithelial cells from benign colonic tumors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Human colonic epithelial cells from three classes of benign tumors have been reproducibly cultured free of fibroblasts for 8 wk using a supplemented Medium 199 (M 199S). The cultured colonic cells were identified as epithelial by the presence of junctional complexes (tight junctions, gap junctions, and desmosomes), a brush border on the apical surface, keratin fibrils, and by both a close-packed columnar or cuboidal morphology and the capability to transport water and ions to form hemicysts. Colony formation was initiated by groups of epithelial cells, not by single cells, and was inhibited by cocultivation with either lethally irradiated 3T3 cells or human diploid fibroblasts. Enhancement of epithelial colony formation was observed following culture on nonadherent, “floating” substrates compared with substrates attached directly to the bottom of the culture dish. Replication of epithelial cells in M 199S from the class of benign colonic tumors least prone to malignancy, the tubular, was significantly enhanced by epidermal growth factor (EGF). In contrast, EGF did not stimulate the growth of cells in M 199S from the other classes of benign tumors, the villotubular and the villous, which exhibit more malignant potential. These data imply that premalignant colonic epithelial cells lose responsiveness to growth modulation by EGF as they progress toward frank carcinoma. This study was supported by NCI Contract N01-CP43366 to M. L. and NCI Grant 1-R26-CA 28822 to E. F.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells from nasopharyngeal carcinoma biopsies were cultured with a high percentage of success and periods of growth much longer than those previously reported. Such cultured nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, if normal, are useful for experiments with Epstein-Barr virus in relation to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and if the epithelial cells are Epstein-Barr virus associated tumor cells, they will be most useful for investigation into the etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  相似文献   

Skin is a representative self-renewing tissue containing stem cells. Although many attempts have been made to define and isolate skin-derived stem cells, establishment of a simple and reliable isolation procedure remains a goal to be achieved. Here, we report the isolation of cells having stem cell properties from mouse embryonic skin using a simple selection method based on an assumption that stem cells may grow in an anchorage-independent manner. We inoculated single cell suspensions prepared from mouse embryonic dermis into a temperature-sensitive gel and propagated the resulting colonies in a monolayer culture. The cells named dermis-derived epithelial progenitor-1 (DEEP) showed epithelial morphology and grew rapidly to a more than 200 population doubling level over a period of 250 days. When the cells were kept confluent, they spontaneously formed spheroids and continuously grew even in spheroids. Immunostaining revealed that all of the clones were positive for the expression of cytokeratin-8, -18, -19, and E-cadherin and negative for the expression of cytokeratin-1, -5, -6, -14, -20, vimentin, nestin, a ckit. Furthermore, they expressed epithelial stem cell markers such as p63, integrin beta1, and S100A6. On exposure to TGFbeta in culture, some of DEEP-1 cells expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin. When the cells were transplanted into various organs of adult SCID mice, a part of the inoculated cell population acquired neural, hepatic, and renal cell properties. These results indicate that the cells we isolated were of epithelial stem cell origin and that our new approach is useful for isolation of multipotent stem cells from skin tissues.  相似文献   

大鼠细小肺动脉平滑肌细胞原代培养和鉴定方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立一种重复性好、培养周期短及传代次数多的大鼠细小肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCs)培养方法。方法:在无菌条件下,分离雄性SD大鼠肺细小动脉,剥离外膜和剔除内皮细胞,经胶原酶I消化,培养PASMCs。0.4%台盼蓝染色测定细胞活力;倒置相差显微镜观察;免疫细胞化学法和免疫荧光染色法,进行平滑肌α-肌动蛋白(α-SMactin)鉴定。结果:形态学观察、免疫细胞化学法及免疫荧光染色法鉴定表明培养细胞为PASMCs;细胞存活率在96.5%以上;原代培养后4~7d即可传代,并且生长特点、细胞形态不易发生改变。结论:采用胶原酶I消化法培养PASMCs,方法简单、酶消化时间易控制、培养周期短、重复性好,培养的原代PASMCs具有数量多和生长迅速的特点。  相似文献   

The possibility of differentiating bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) into tubular epithelial‐like cells is explored in vitro. Purified BMSCs from Sprague–Dawley rats were obtained by density gradient centrifugation. Third generation BMSCs were divided into six groups and were cultured under different conditions. The expression of alkaline phosphatase and cytokeratin (CK)‐18 protein was detected through staining and immunocytochemistry, respectively, and the expression of E‐cadherin proteins was recorded through immunofluorescence. Some cells in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), all‐trans retinoic acid (ATRA), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and bone morphogenetic protein‐7 (BMP‐7) groups turned positive, whereas the positive cells in the combined group significantly increased compared with the other groups. Compared with the control group, the positive expression rates of CK‐18 in the I/R, ATRA, EGF, BMP‐7 and the combined group were 11·50% ± 3·84%, 27·40% ± 2·70%, 29·60% ± 4·51%, 26·80% ± 5·00% and 44·00% ± 3·16%, respectively, and CK‐18 mRNA expression in the combined group was obviously higher than that in the other groups (P < 0·01). Immunofluorescence detection showed that E‐cadherin expression was not detectable in the control group, whereas the positive expression rates of E‐cadherin in the I/R, ATRA, EGF, BMP‐7 and the combined group were 6·75% ± 2·13%, 16·40% ± 2·69%, 18·25% ± 3·50%, 16·06% ± 2·00% and 30·26% ± 5·16%, respectively. The addition of ATRA, EGF and BMP‐7 induces BMSCs differentiation into tubular epithelial‐like cells in stimulated acute renal failure microenvironment in vitro. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of cultured epithelial cells have been prepared from fragments of guinea pig pancreatic excretory ducts isolated by a simple procedure employing collagenase digestion and manual selection, through which virtually all of the ductal system can be recovered. The isolated fragments were cultured in enriched Waymouth's medium on extracellular matrices of various composition and thickness, including: thin (<5 μm) and thick (0.5 mm) layers of rat tail collagen; thin layers of human placental collagen; thin layers of Matrigel (a reconstituted basement membrane material); uncoated tissue culture plastic; and the cellulose ester membranes of Millipore Millicells. Cells spread rapidly from duct fragments cultured on uncoated plastic or on plastic coated with thin layers of rat tail collagen or human placental collagen and formed epithelial monolayers. However, these cells were squamous and lacked the abundant basolateral membrane amplification and apical microvilli characteristic of freshly isolated duct epithelial cells. Cells did not spread from duct fragments cultured on Matrigel. In contrast, when fragments of pancreatic ducts were explanted onto either a thick layer of rat tail collagen or onto Millicell membranes, cells readily spread and formed confluent monolayers of cuboidal epithelial cells characterized by abundant mitochondria, apical microvilli, and basolateral plasma membrane elaboration. These results demonstrate that different forms of extracellular matrix modulate the growth and differentiation of pancreatic duct epithelial cells, and that culture on a permeable substrate markedly enhances the maintenance of differentiated characteristics in this cell type. The monolayers formed on Millicell membranes should provide a useful model system for physiologic analysis of the regulation of electrolyte secretion by this epithelium. This research was supported by grants DK32994 and DK35912 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   


对2015-2020年大连市流感病毒分离鉴定情况进行对比分析, 为大连市流感防控工作提供参考。


采集大连市2家国家级流感监测哨点医院的流感样病例咽拭子样本, 用MDCK细胞和鸡胚分别进行病毒分离培养, 并采用HA试验和HI试验对分离的病毒滴度和型别进行鉴定。


2015-2020年共分离培养流感病毒核酸检测阳性的咽拭子1 055份, 其中MDCK细胞分离出流感病毒501株, 鸡胚分离出流感病毒72株, 总体病毒分离率54.31%。MDCK细胞分离出A(H1N1)、A(H3N2)、B(Victoria)和B(Yamagata)型病毒, 鸡胚对A(H3N2)型病毒不敏感, 但可以分离出A(H1N1)、B(Victoria)和B(Yamagata)型病毒。每年的优势毒株虽不同, 但分离流感病毒的月份均在流行季内, 与北方流行形势一致。


MDCK细胞与鸡胚的流感病毒分离率不同。大连市每年流感流行的优势株和流行程度虽不同, 但流行程度处于相对平稳状态。


Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are the primary extracellular matrix-producing cells within the river and have numerous vital functions. A robust protocol for the isolation and culture of HSCs is important for further investigations of cell functions and related mechanisms in river disease. The volume of the mouse river is much smaller than that of the rat river, which makes it much more difficult to isolate mouse HSCs (mHSCs) than rat HSCs. At present, isolating mHSCs is still a challenge because there is no efficient, robust method to isolate and culture these cells. In the present study, C57BL/6J mice were intravenously injected with riposomeencapsulated dichloromethylene diphosphate (CL2MDP) to selectively eliminate Kupffer cells from the river. The mouse livers were then perfused in situ, and the mHSCs were isolated with an optimized density gradient centrifugation technique. In the phosphate buffer solution (PBS)-liposome group, the yield of mHSCs was (1.37 ±0.23) × 10^6/g river, the cell purity was (90.18 ± 1.61)%, and the cell survival rate was (94.51 ±1.61)%. While in the CL2MDP-liposome group, the yield of mHSCs was (1.62 ±0.34)× 10^6/g liver, the cell purity was (94.44 ± 1.89)%, and the cell survival rate was (94.41 ±1.50)%. Based on the yield and purity of mHSCs, the CL2MDP-riposome treatment was superior to the PBS-liposome treatment (P 〈 0.05, P 〈 0.01). This study established successfully a robust and efficient protocol for the separation and purification of mHSCs, and both a high purity and an adequate yield of mHSCs were obtained.  相似文献   

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