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The lice, Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia were extracted from their hosts, skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae). Lice were extracted from dead birds by combing feathers, while lice from live birds were extracted using a delousing chamber containing chloroform vapour. Lice were measured and the data analysed by canonical discriminant analysis. Lice show variation in morphology that is useful in identifying some of these hosts. This variation is presumably due to micro-environmental pressure provided by each host. Our interpretation is that these chewing lice have evolved to be adapted to each skua taxon; different sizes and morphologies of skua taxa result in different sizes and morphologies of Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia.  相似文献   

Seven avian remains from Mid-Holocene strata of the southeastern coast of Potter Peninsula (King George Island: Isla 25 de Mayo, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) are reported. They were described and assigned to the brown skua Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi (Aves, Laridae), a living species currently breeding in the area. The presence of penguins in the same sequence is in agreement with the current dynamics of the coastal ecosystems of Antarctica. Nowadays, penguins and skuas frequent these same environments.  相似文献   

Hybridisation between South polar skua (C. maccormicki) and Brown skua (C. antarctica lonnbergi) in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula is known at least since the beginning of the last century but no survey has been done so far. This paper reviews information on the species composition of skua colonies of more than 10 pairs in the Antarctic Peninsula region, and the incidence of mixed pairs. Morphometrics, population size and breeding success were examined in detail at King George Island. The northward distribution of South polar skuas extended to King George Island (62°11′ S 59°00′ W), with a small outlying population on Signy Island (60°45′ S 45°36′ W), whereas Brown skuas did not breed further south than Anvers Island archipelago (64°46′ S 64°03′ W). The proportion of mixed pairs was highest at the northern end of the ∼500-km-wide hybrid zone. Body size distribution of sympatric skuas from King George Island is clearly bimodal but overlaps considerably and hybrids cannot be identified. Skua population sizes at Potter Peninsula/King George Island remained stable between 1994 and 2004. Numbers of mixed breeding pairs fluctuated more strongly than those of pure species pairs. Breeding success of Brown skuas varied the least.  相似文献   

The arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) is one of the most long‐lived bird species. In 2010, we captured in Finland an adult, female arctic skua which had been ringed as a nestling in 1987. We tagged it also with a color ring. The bird has last been seen in July 2020 at the age of 33 years, making it most likely the oldest known arctic skua of the world. In 2010–2011 the bird carried a light‐level measuring geolocator, the data of which revealed that the bird had spent the nonbreeding season in the Canary Current area on the west coast of Africa. Breeding populations of arctic skuas have declined recently especially in British Isles, thus it is useful to get longevity data of this species with a high breeding site fidelity.  相似文献   

It is broadly accepted that the brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi) competitively excludes the south polar skua (S. maccormicki) from penguin colonies when breeding sympatrically, forcing the latter to feed on marine resources. The purpose of this work was to examine the diets and trophic niche breadths of each species where they co-occur and to determine the degree of overlap. To this end, we analyzed 169 pellets of brown skuas, collected in two different areas (20 individuals), and 152 of south polar skuas, collected in three different areas (18 individuals), on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the austral summer 2000. Pellet analysis often underestimates the amount of easily digestible prey, but allows for comparisons of the relative contributions of different items in the diet. South polar skuas at our study locations consumed seven different food items and had a trophic niche breadth of 0.133 compared to brown skuas that fed on 10 different items and had a trophic niche breadth of 0.078. The niche overlap between the species was 82.1%. Penguins were the principal food source of both species, however, brown skuas fed mostly on chicks, while south polar skuas fed on adults (carcasses). The use of different age classes of penguins as a food source offers an alternative to competitive exclusion, allowing the coexistence of these species on Deception Island.  相似文献   

We examined the abundance and spatial distribution of sympatrically breeding skuas (Catharacta spp.) within Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, during the austral summer of 2004/2005 in relation to spatial variables, which correspond to access to resources and nesting site safety and quality. We also compared the distribution and abundance of skua pairs observed in 2004/2005 to published skua census data from 1978/1979. Similar to previous studies, we found that brown skua (C. antarctica lonnbergi) pairs often nested in close proximity to penguin colonies and actively excluded other pair types from having direct access to penguin resources. In areas directly around penguin colonies, brown skua displace south polar skua (C. maccormicki) and other pair types, indirectly forcing them to nest in possibly lower quality territories, which are farther away from the coastline and in areas with lower incident solar radiation. When examining skua population trends, we discovered that the total number of breeding skuas in Admiralty Bay had increased by 293%, from 128 to 468 pairs, since 1978/1979. This dramatic increase was driven primarily by a tenfold increase in south polar skua pairs, as well as smaller increases in mixed and hybrid pairs. In contrast, there has been an overall decline (by 40%) in brown skua pairs during this same time, driven primarily by a large decrease in the breeding density of brown skua pairs in areas without penguin colonies.  相似文献   

 Three skua specimens with a colouration pattern of the Chilean skua were observed at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Two of these were breeding birds. However, they showed a pattern of mitochondrial DNA typical for South Polar skua. These birds thus represent hybrids originating from male Chilean skua. The third bird could not be caught. It appeared to be indistinguishable from Chilean skua. Received: 9 October 1995/Accepted: 17 March 1996  相似文献   

Multiple sources of evidence show that the skuas (Aves:Stercorariidae) are a monophyletic group, closely related to gulls (Laridae. On morphological and behavioural evidence the Stercorariidae are divided into two widely divergent genera, Catharacta and Stercorarius, consistent with observed levels of nuclear and mitochondrial gene divergence. Catharacta skuas are large-bodied and with one exception breed in the Southern Hemisphere. Stercorarius skuas otherwise known as jaegers) are smaller bodied and breed exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere. Evidence from both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes and from ectoparasitic lice (Insecta:Phthiraptera) shows that the Pomarine skua, S. pomarinus, which has been recognized as being somewhat intermediate in certain morphological and behavioural characteristics, is much more closely related to species in the genus Catharacta, especially to the Northern Hemisphere-breeding Great skua, C. skua, than it is to the other two Stercorarius skuas, the Arctic skua, S. parasiticus and the Longtailed skua, S. longicaudus. Three possible explanations that might account for this discordant aspect of skua phylogeny are explored. These involve (i) the segregation of ancestral polymorphism, (ii) convergent evolution of morphology and behaviour or (iii) inter-generic hybridization. The available evidence from both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes does not exclude any of these hypotheses. Thus, resolution of this enigma of skua phylogeny awaits further work.  相似文献   

The close similarity in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) between Pomarine and (North Atlantic) Great skuas, Stercorarius pomarinus and Stercorarius skua, has several possible explanations. Two of the main alternatives are stochastic lineage sorting of mtDNA and introgressive hybridization between S. pomarinus and S. skua. Here, a new probabilistic approach to testing these alternatives using different phylogenies based on external morphology, mtDNA and ectoparasites leads to rejection of the lineage sorting and corroboration of the hybridization hypothesis. If great skuas are a monophyletic group, as indicated by the present cladistic analysis based on morphology and by other evidence, the available molecular genetic data are as expected if mtDNA has been transferred from S. pomarinus to S. skua by introgressive hybridization. Further evidence from several unlinked regions of nuclear DNA is crucial for critical testing of the alternative hypotheses on skua evolution.  相似文献   

Skuas, which are closely related to gulls, frequently use a specialized feeding method (kleptoparasitism) by which they rob other seabirds of their food. This paper tests the idea that skuas have evolved as specialist kleptoparasites.
The fibre type composition of the M. pectoralis, M. supracoracoideus and M. iliofibularis of a great skua Catharacta skua (Brünn.) and a herring gull Larus argentatus (Pontopp.) was determined by three enzyme histochemical methods commonly used for mammalian fibre classification; the reactions for alphaGPDH, NADH-TR and mATPase activity.
In both species slow fibres were present only in the M. iliofibularis, and fast twitch glycolytic fibres were not present in any of the muscles. The M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus of both species consisted entirely of the fast twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibres.
The overall metabolic enzyme activities of the muscles were assessed in terms of the proportions of fibres with high, intermediate and low metabolic enzyme activity. The overall levels of oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activity were significantly higher in the M. pectoralis than in the M. supracoracoideus and significantly higher in both of these than in the M. iliofibularis. This was true of both species.
The oxidative and glycolytic activities of all three muscles of the great skua were significantly higher than those of the homologous muscles of the herring gull. This was particularly true of the M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus. It is suggested that this difference between great skuas and herring gulls enables the former to be more effective aerial kleptoparasites than the latter.  相似文献   

South Polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) breed on Ardery Island in the absence of a local breeding population of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Assessment was made of the food remains in skua feeding territories in 1995/1996. The diet of South Polar skuas largely consisted of fulmarine petrel species which bred on Ardery Island. Southern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides) remains were the predominant prey items found, and skuas appeared to feed preferentially on this species. Accepted: 3 June 2000  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on microfungi isolated from soils in the Windmill Islands, continental Antarctica. Growth responses of Alternaria alternata, Chrysosporium pannorum, Nectria peziza, Thelebolus microsporus, Mycelia sterile and Phoma cf. herbarum to temperature, pH and culture media were investigated. Maximum growth occurred after 16 days, except in Nectria peziza and Thelebolus microsporus, where maximum growth occurred 12 days after inoculation. All isolates showed poor growth at 0°C. Maximum growth was obtained with temperatures ranging from 15 to 25°C. The optimum temperature for all fungi was 20°C. An acid medium favoured growth. Chrysosporium pannorum, Phoma cf. herbarum and Nectria peziza grew best at pH 3–4, whereas Mycelia sterile, Alternaria alternata and Thelebolus microsporus grew best at pH 5–6. The culture medium had little effect on growth, except for nutrient agar, which showed poor growth against all isolates with the exception of Thelebolus microsporus. Received: 11 September 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Foods of the south polar skua at Hop Island,Rauer Group,East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Pellets regurgitated by south polar skuas at Hop Island, in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica, Princess Elizabeth Land were collected and analysed. Individual collections were grouped in relation to the nearest breeding colony of seabirds, but irrespective of their source the frequencies of occurrence of the food items identified in pellets indicated that Adélie penguins were of varying, but major (29%–72%), importance to skuas inhabiting the Island. Though the incidence of Antarctic petrel remains (from adult or chick) was generally low in pellets (<7%), the occurrence of remains of southern fulmars was high (>27%) at all sites near the fulmar breeding colonies. Fish remains, and beaks of cephalopods, were present in few pellets. Whilst indicating the range of foods eaten on Hop Island, and perhaps their relative importance, it is considered that the pellets by themselves do not reflect accurately the level of predation of eggs of Antarctic petrels and southern fulmars, nor do the pellets necessarily include the remains of young of these species.  相似文献   

During austral summers 1999-2000 and 2000-01, two outbreaks of avian cholera occurred in the Hope Bay area (63 degrees 24'S, 56 degrees 59'W), located on the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Eighty-six dead birds were found: five kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus), 36 skuas (Stercorarius sp.), and 45 Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). The carcasses were studied using clinical, pathological, and microbiological criteria. Water samples from ponds where birds were settled and samples from 90 healthy birds also were analyzed during the second outbreak. Pasteurella multocida isolates were identified by biochemical tests, capsular type, somatic serotype, and susceptibility to nine antibiotics. Molecular subtyping was performed by ApaI and SmaI pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC-PCR). In February 2000, mortality in skuas was 16% and 2% in kelp gulls. In the 2000-01 breeding season, mortality in south polar skuas was 47%, 24% in brown skuas, 1.4% in kelp gulls, and 0.01% in Adelie penguins. All birds had lesions of avian cholera. In kelp gulls the presentation was chronic, whereas skuas and penguins suffered subacute and acute disease, respectively. Fifty-five isolates recovered from dead birds and one from water were identified as P. multocida gallicida, type A:1. The strains presented a unique molecular pattern by PFGE and ERIC-PCR. A possible hypothesis to explain the origin of the outbreaks was that nonbreeder kelp gulls carried P. multocida gallicida to Hope Bay, and avian cholera was transmitted through water to skuas and penguins. This study reports avian cholera in new bird species, their potential role in the transmission of the disease, and the different responses of these species to the disease.  相似文献   

K. Green 《Polar Biology》1986,6(3):185-186
Summary Regurgitated boluses of undigested material were examined from six sites in East Antarctica. Skuas nesting near Adelie penguin, southern fulmar and Antarctic petrel colonies showed greater site fidelity in their feeding than did skuas nesting close to cape petrels or a Weddell seal pupping site.  相似文献   

Regurgitated pellets and food remains were collected near nest sites, and from a club site, of south polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki in the eastern Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica, during the skuas' presence in the area. The samples indicated that the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea, the most abundant seabird species breeding locally, formed the major dietary component, comprising some 66% of food items identified in pellets and 80% of the food remains obtained. Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae (which do not breed in the Larsemann Hills), other seabirds, fish and marine foods were rarely found as remains or in pellets. However, refuse (meat, fish and vegetable remains) taken as food by skuas from nearby stations occurred in pellets at all sites and formed about 12% of the food remains collected and identified. In this study, foods taken by skuas were related both to the local breeding distribution of snow petrels, and to the possession of a feeding territory. Birds without feeding territories took somewhat fewer snow petrels and included more refuse from local stations in their diet, as did those at the club site. Future monitoring of the influence of anthropogenic foods (and inedible waste materials) on the species' ecology is considered important.  相似文献   

The relationship between colouration and kleptoparasitic efficiency (success rate and chase rate) was studied in the polymorphic arctic skua, Stercorarius parasiticus, at a Mediterranean migration site. A shift in the ratio of morphs through the spring, presumably caused by differential migration between populations that differ in morph frequency (the higher the latitude, the more frequent is the pale morph), allowed the comparison of the relative performances of pale and dark birds under different scenarios of morph frequency. Chase rate showed a clear frequency-dependent effect in chases by solitary skuas, birds of the rare morph always conducting more chases than expected. This trend was explained by chases of yellow-legged gulls, Larus michahellis, a relatively large and aggressive species that was difficult to chase (i.e. chases resulted in low success rate) but provided potentially higher reward (i.e. more food) than any other host. These differences could result from the perceived cost-benefit balance of chases, as skuas from the rare morph could find an advantage in chasing this host species by being less rapidly recognised. This is in agreement with the apostatic selection hypothesis, which says that the rare morph in a predator or parasite population is favoured through its unfamiliarity to potential prey or hosts (the surprise effect). Differences in success rate could have provided further support to this interpretation, but sample size was not sufficient for a proper comparison at the host-species level.  相似文献   

Birds such as great skuas Catharacta skua adapted for successful breeding at high latitudes may experience problems of heat dissipation in mild climates. Great skuas spend time bathing at freshwater sites close to breeding territories and here, we examine impacts of heat stress on bathing, foraging and nest attendance of adults during three breeding seasons with marked variation in the availability of prey (1-group sandeels Ammodytes marinus ). Adults exhibited diurnal variation in bathing activity that matched heat-stress conditions. Moreover more birds bathed on days of higher average heat stress, suggesting that bathing plays a role in thermoregulation. Bathing numbers were lower in years of poor food availability, when adult attendance at territories was low, probably because lower attendance reduced the opportunity for parents to bathe without leaving chicks unattended. Chicks are normally guarded by female parents and fed by males but under conditions of low food availability territorial attendance of breeding pairs was particularly low on days of high heat stress, with chicks regularly left unattended at air temperatures exceeding 14°C. Unattended chicks are at risk of being killed by neighbouring conspecifics and survival of chicks to fledging was low in the two years of low sandeel stocks. Our study indicates that for great skuas, indirect effects of climate change on prey stocks and direct effects on heat stress experienced by adults may be additive.  相似文献   

Haematological parameters, particularly haematocrit, are frequently used in assessing condition in birds. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) overcomes some of the drawbacks associated with measuring haematocrits and therefore should be a better condition index. We investigated the relationship between these blood parameters and the breeding performances of great skuas Catharacta skua . As predicted from activity budgets of the sexes, male MCVs were significantly positively correlated with hatch date and the MCVs of both sexes were negatively correlated with the number of chicks fledged. No correlations existed between these breeding parameters and haematocrit. Since males provision females and chicks, they probably influence breeding performance via foraging abilities, whereas in females nutritional investment may be more important. This is the first study of a free-living/nondomesticated vertebrate population in which these kinds of relationship have been demonstrated and we conclude that MCV is a useful measure of condition.  相似文献   

Whilst we have now a good understanding how past glaciation influenced species at the northern hemisphere, our knowledge of patterns and modes of speciation is far more limited for the southern hemisphere. We provide mtDNA based data on the phylogeography of a circumpolar distributed southern hemisphere seabird group-the southern skua complex (Catharacta spp.). Diversification of southern skuas dates between 210,000 yBP and 150,000 yBP and coincides with a glacial spanning 230,000-140,000 yBP. Skuas most likely first inhabited the Antarctic continent, in the course of global cooling and increasing glaciation spread to the sub-antarctic islands and Tristan da Cunha and finally colonized Patagonia and the Falkland Islands at the glacial maximum. Despite significant differences between taxa most populations still exchange genes with neighboring populations of other taxa and speciation is incomplete.  相似文献   

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