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Tubulin conformations other than microtubules in the meristematiccells of wheat roots grown in the presence of 2 mM colchicinesolution were investigated by immunofluorescence and electronmicroscopy. In the affected cells microtubules disappeared andwere replaced by tubulin fluorescent strands that occurred inthe cortical cytoplasm. With increasing time of exposure tocolchicine the tubulin strands became better organized and occurredalso in the subcortical cytoplasm and finally they were restrictedto the area around the nucleus. In prophase and preprophasecells thick strands occupied the cortical cytoplasmic zone wherein normal cells a preprophase microtubule band (PMB) was expectedto be assembled. In the colchicine-treated cells electron microscopy revealedan accumulation of paracrystalline aggregates, which initiallyoccurred along the cell wall and later deeper in the cytoplasm,in the perinuclear regions and the cytoplasmic invaginationsof the nucleus. In transverse planes the paracrystalline strandsappear to consist of hexagonal subunits in a 'honeycomb' arrangement,while in longitudinal and oblique sections they exhibit variableimages. Since their distribution coincides with that of thetubulin strands visualized by immunofluorescence, they are consideredto be the same structure. Therefore, the paracrystals consistof, or at least contain, tubulin. They are most likely to bepolymers of tubulin-colchicine complexes.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Wheat roots, colchicine, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, tubulin paracrystals, Triticum aestivum L  相似文献   

Effect of Water Deficit on Sporogenesis in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plants of Triticum aestivum L., cv. Gabo, were grown in a glasshousefor 4 weeks and then transferred to a controlled environmentwith 20±1 °C temperature and 16 h photoperiod. Theywere subjected to water deficit by withholding the water supplyduring various stages of floral development, including thoseimmediately before meiosis and all stages until just after anthesis. The proportion of apparently normal florets which produced grainwas reduced when water deficit occurred during and immediatelyafter meiosis in the generative tissues. The effect of thisreduced grain set on total grain yield was partially compensatedby an increase in the weight of the remaining grains. Cross-pollinationbetween stressed and well-watered plants showed that grain setwas reduced as a direct consequence of the induction of malesterility by water stress, whereas female fertility was unaffected.A large proportion of the anthers on water-stressed plants weresmall and shrivelled, did not dehisce normally and containedpollen which was devoid of normal cytoplasmic constituents andshowed no staining reaction with triphenyl tetrazolium chloride.This effect on male fertility was not a result of desiccationof the sporogenous tissue, but an indirect outcome of the decreasein water potential elsewhere in the plant. Water stress, Triticum aestivum L., wheat, pollen, sporogenesis, grain set, male sterility  相似文献   

不同处理条件下小麦胚芽鞘长的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以小麦双单倍体(DH)群体(旱选10号×鲁麦14)的150个株系及其亲本为材料,对不同处理条件下的胚芽鞘长、幼苗株高和幼苗生物学产量进行遗传分析,以探讨胚芽鞘长、幼苗株高及幼苗生物学产量的遗传基础及其相关性.结果表明:(1)随着播种深度的增加,胚芽鞘长、幼苗株高显著增加,16.1%PEG-6000处理条件下的幼苗株高显著低于对照,干旱胁迫条件下的幼苗生物学产量显著低于正常供水对照;(2)胚芽鞘长、幼苗株高、幼苗生物学产量的遗传力分别为92.5%、90.3%和78.1%;(3)胚芽鞘长、幼苗株高及幼苗生物学产量均受多基因控制,决定各性状的基因估计数目分别为7、8和14对;(4)根据对性状偏度和峰度系数的估算结果,控制这3个性状的多基因之间均有互补作用;胚芽鞘长与幼苗株高、生物学产量及成熟期株高之间呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

The effect of osmotic stress on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mitochondrial activity and phospholipid composition was investigated. Preliminary growth measurements showed that osmotic stress (−0.25 or −0.5 megapascal external water potential) inhibited the rate of shoot dry matter accumulation while root dry matter accumulation was less sensitive. We have determined that differences in sensitivity to osmotic stress existed between tissues at the mitochondrial level. Mitochondria isolated from roots or shoots of stressed seedlings showed respiratory control and ADP/O ratios similar to control seedlings which indicates that stressed mitochondria were well coupled. However, under passive swelling conditions in a KCl reaction mixture, the rate and extent of valinomycin-induced swelling of shoot mitochondria were increased by osmotic stress while root mitochondria were largely unaffected. Active ion transport studies showed efflux transport by stressed-shoot mitochondria to be partially inhibited since mitochondrial contraction required the addition of N-ethylmaleimide or nigericin. Efflux ion transport by root mitochondria was not inhibited by osmotic stress which indicates that stress-induced changes in ion transport were largely limited to shoot mitochondria. Characterization of mitochondrial fatty acid and phospholipid composition showed an increase in the percentage of phosphatidylcholine in stressed shoot mitochondria compared to the control. Mitochondrial fatty acid composition was not markedly altered by stress. No significant changes in either the phospholipid or fatty acid composition of stressed root mitochondria were observed. Hence, these results suggest that a tissue-specific response to osmotic stress exists at the mitochondrial level.  相似文献   

The free polyamine content of flag leaves, peduncles, rachis,glumes, and grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Castell)plants, ripening under field conditions, has been investigatedduring three consecutive growing seasons. Putrescine was quantitativelythe most important of all polyamines detected in these organs.Concentrations were highest in the grains, glumes and flag leaves.No correlation was found between polyamine content and the onsetof senescence of flag leaves and other organs. Excised primaryleaves, however, showed a decrease in polyamine content in thedark and also in light/dark cycles, but in the latter case onlyafter an initial increase. Sink removal of otherwise intactwheat plants caused an accumulation of putrescine in flag leavesat the later stages of senescence, whereas removal of all otherleaves was without any significant effect. Putrescine was alsorecovered in phloem-exudate samples collected throughout theperiod of grain development. In both grains and glumes, peakconcentrations of polyamines were found early during seed development. Key words: Triticum aestivum, polyamines, ripening, senescence  相似文献   

Morphological changes of roots and shoots following oxygen deficiencyin the root medium and after partial pruning of the root systemwere analyzed to obtain easily measurable parameters of theadaptive capacity of the root system against stress. Wheat seedlings(Triticum aestivum L. cv. Hatri) were cultivated on nutrientsolution which was either aerated or flushed with nitrogen,or were cultivated on flooded sand. On the third day after grainswelling in two pruning variants, roots 1–3 or 4–8were excised. Root anaerobiosis retarded longitudinal growth and biomass accumulationof the shoot and the seminal roots, and stimulated the developmentof adventitious roots. Partial removal caused a general compensativegrowth of the remaining roots under aerobic conditions. Root pruning plus anaerobiosis exceeded the compensatory capacityof the seedlings and thus caused a strong delay of elongationand biomass accumulation of both roots and shoots, includingdecrease of the root/shoot ratio. Roots became independent ofendosperm reserves on the seventh day under aerobic conditionsthough caryopses were not completely exhausted at this time.Additionally, oxygen deficiency delayed the reserve exhaustionprocess. Triticum aestivum L. cv Hatri, wheat, roots, growth analysis, morphology, anaerobiosis, strees, root pruning, compensatory capacity, caryopsis  相似文献   

The influence of fungi on seedling emergence of naked and hulled spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated. Seeds were sown in flat trays and placed in a growth chamber under stress conditions (low temperature and water logging) for four weeks, followed by favourable growth conditions. At weekly intervals, 150 seeds were removed, surface sterilized, and investigated for fungi. Pythium aristosporum Vanterpool, a causal agent of damping-off, was found to be best adapted to the unfavourable conditions and to be a major cause of pre-emergence damping-off. The frequency of seed-borne fungi decreased during the stress period, whereas soil-borne fungi survived and could be isolated from seeds and glumes in the following period with more favourable growth conditions. Seedlings from hulled seeds of spelt emerged more frequently than from naked kernels of spelt and both emerged at a higher rate than from seeds of winter wheat. This is good evidence that glumes protect seeds against fungal colonization and therefore increase the fitness of spelt under unfavourable germinating conditions.  相似文献   

小麦抗倒性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
倒伏是严重影响小麦子粒产量和品质的一个重要因素。本文系统阐述了小麦茎秆形态和结构特性、茎秆化学成分与抗倒伏关系以及抗倒性的遗传和分子标记等方面的最新研究进展。株高、基部节间长度与抗倒性呈负相关;而基部节间粗度、秆壁厚、单位长度干重与抗倒性呈正相关。茎秆机械组织细胞层数、厚度,维管束数目、面积以及髓腔大小与抗倒性密切相关。茎秆化学成分中纤维素、木质素以及碳水化合物含量和硅、钾元素含量与抗倒性呈正相关。小麦抗倒性呈数量性状遗传特征,除受多对主基因控制外,可能还受微效修饰基因作用。采用分子标记技术已将抗倒性以及与抗倒性相关的茎秆形态性状进行了QTL定位。  相似文献   

Monocultures of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown at overcrowded densities (10 000 and 3 000 plants per m^2) under well-watered and water-stressed conditions to investigate the effects of water deficits on self-thinning. The results showed that density reduction in water-stressed populations was delayed compared with that In well-watered populations. Populations grown In well-watered conditions conformed to the -3/2- power law. Compared with the well-watered condition, there was no significant decrease of the self-thinning line under water-stressed conditions In this experiment, although the rate of average shoot blomass accumulatlon decreased. This result Implied that the exponent of the -3/2-power equation Is not as sensitive as the rate of average shoot blomass accumulation to water stress. Further analysis indicated that, In each density treatment, the lines of the height versus shoot blomass relationships did not differ significantly between the two water conditions. However, the Intercepts of the height versus shoot blomass relationships were greater In the higher-density populations (10 000/m^2) than those In the lower-density populations (3 000/m^2). These results showed that water deficit did not change plant geometry In this experiment. That Is to say, shoot competition for light remains constant at a given blomass, although root competition for water becomes more serious In water deficit conditions. Based on these results and previous reports we propose that, to affect the thinning line slope, changes In symmetric competition are not as efficient as changes In asymmetric competition.  相似文献   

A Study of Floret Development in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants of wheat (Triticum aestlvum L.) cv. Aotea were grownat high or low nitrogen levels and in a natural photoperiodor continuous light. Starting 17–21 days from the double-ridgestage, eight plants from each treatment were sampled every 3days until anthesis, and the two basal, the sixth, and the terminalspikelets were sectioned longitudinally. A developmental scorewas assigned to each floret and rates of development calculated.Continuous light hastened development but reduced the numberof spikelets per ear, while high nitrogen delayed developmentbut increased spikelet numbers. The number of florets initiatedin each spikelet varied within narrow limits, but grain settingdepended strongly on spikelet position and on treatment. Althoughflorets were initiated in acropetal succession, the rate ofdevelopment tended to increase up to floret 4 but then declinedmarkedly. As a result grain setting was confined to basal floretpositions, although the two basal spikelets developed so slowlythat they contributed relatively little to grain yield. Distalflorets degenerated almost simultaneously at or before ear emergence,but those in intermediate positions continued to develop untilafter fertilization in the lower florets. It is argued thatthe spikelet is an integrated system in which correlative mechanismsplay a part throughout the development of the florets.  相似文献   

In Vitro Synthesis of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Storage Proteins   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Greene FC 《Plant physiology》1981,68(3):778-783
Free and membrane-associated polysomes were isolated in approximately equal amounts from endosperm of wheat kernels harvested 20 days after anthesis. The presence of heparin in the homogenizing buffer minimized polysome degradation. Ribonucleic acid from the isolated polysomes, when translated in vitro in a wheat germ system, yielded products ranging in size from about 12,000 to about 80,000 daltons, including at least two polypeptides that co-migrated with seed extract proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The nature of the translation products of free and membrane-associated RNA are distinctly different, with membrane-associated RNA yielding a higher proportion of polypeptides in the size range of 30,000 to 37,000 daltons. Analysis of membrane-associated 3′-terminal polyadenylyl-containing RNA in vitro translation products, by solubility in 70% ethanol and by immunoprecipitation, indicates that the 33,000- to 37,000-dalton polypeptides contain gliadins, and the analysis provides evidence that these proteins are synthesized in association with membranous cell organelles. Gliadin polypeptides synthesized in vitro are larger than authentic gliadins and probably are precursors which, in vivo, undergo modification to yield the smaller final products.  相似文献   

The anchorage of winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., is providedby a cone of rigid coronal roots which emerge from around thestem base. During root lodging this cone rotates at its windwardedge below the soil surface, the soil inside the cone movingas a block and compressing the soil beneath. A theoretical modelof anchorage suggested that lodging resistance should be dependenton the diameter of the root-soil cone, coronal root bendingstrength and soil shear strength. We tested the predictions of the anchorage model by carryingout two series of experiments. In the first, varieties of contrastinglodging resistances were artificially lodged. The moment requiredto rotate plants into the soil, the diameter of the root-soilcone, and the bending strength of the coronal roots were recorded.The lodging moment was correlated with the size of the soilcone, as predicted. Generally, differences in anchorage strengthbetween varieties were due to differences in root-soil conediameter, although coronal root strength was also important. A second series of tests was carried out using model plantsanchored by plastic discs. The behaviour of the models duringartificial lodging supported the anchorage model; the forceresisting lodging was similar to that of plants with root-soilcones of the same size and the resisting force was dependenton the soil strength. These results suggest that root lodging resistance might beimproved by increasing both the angle of spread and the bendingstrength of the coronal roots. Key words: Anchorage, root-soil cone, coronal roots, lodging, wheat  相似文献   

The number and developmental stages of florets were determinedin each spikelet of the spike in the main shoots of spring wheat.Samples were taken frequently from plants grown in a phytotronand in a nitrogen application field-test. Ten stages of development,from floret initiation until anthesis, were recognized and described. Inter-spikelet variation in the total number of initiated floretswas rather small. However, the number of florets at advancedstages of development, as well as the number of grains, washighest in the central spikelets in which florets initiatedfirst. Floret initiation did not proceed beyond spike emergence,whereafter the distal florets and the spikelet apex degenerated.Grain-set was restricted to florets which had developed at leastto the stage of visible anther lobes at spike emergence. Thenumber of these florets was increased significantly by nitrogenapplication. Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., spikelet, floret, grain set, nitrogen  相似文献   

采用牛磺酸溶液培育小麦幼苗,测定10、100、500、1 000、5 000 mg/L的牛磺酸对小麦幼苗的光合作用PS Ⅱ光化学效率、细胞膜相对透性和膜脂过氧化以及生长的影响.结果表明,与对照组相比,适宜浓度的牛磺酸处理可促进小麦幼苗的生长,使其根长、株高、单株幼苗的干重和鲜重增加,并在一定程度上提高叶片的光化学效率,降低细胞膜相对透性和膜脂过氧化产物的含量;最适处理浓度约为500 mg/L.说明牛磺酸对小麦幼苗细胞膜有一定的保护作用.  相似文献   

The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf proteome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wheat leaf proteome was mapped and partially characterized to function as a comparative template for future wheat research. In total, 404 proteins were visualized, and 277 of these were selected for analysis based on reproducibility and relative quantity. Using a combination of protein and expressed sequence tag database searching, 142 proteins were putatively identified with an identification success rate of 51%. The identified proteins were grouped according to their functional annotations with the majority (40%) being involved in energy production, primary, or secondary metabolism. Only 8% of the protein identifications lacked ascertainable functional annotation. The 51% ratio of successful identification and the 8% unclear functional annotation rate are major improvements over most previous plant proteomic studies. This clearly indicates the advancement of the plant protein and nucleic acid sequence and annotation data available in the databases, and shows the enhanced feasibility of future wheat leaf proteome research.  相似文献   

The effect of damage to the food storage of the seed on theensuing plant was compared in cultivars of two species differingin seed structure, the Greenfeast pea with cotyledons and theGabo wheat with endosperm. Partial removal of storage tissue slightly retarded growth ratein both species and slowed development rate in wheat. Completeremoval lowered the germination rate, drastically slowed thegrowth rate of the survivors for the first 20 d after sowingand lowered the development rate throughout the life cycle. This treatment doubled the time to flower initiation (20 d later)compared with the control, thus indicating the promotive roleof both cotyledon and endosperm in the progress of the shoottowards the reproductive state. The number of vegetative nodes in the pea was lowered by twonodes whereas it was raised by one in the wheat.  相似文献   

Effects of Kinetin on Tiller Bud Elongation in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Experiments are described in which at four stages of developmentmain tillers of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were isolated andinserted in test-tubes containing distilled water or kinetin.Leaves and leaf sheaths were split off to expose a lateral budapproximately 3 mm long whose growth was measured during a periodof 8 days. Kinetin at 6 ppm promoted bud elongation and dry-weightgain at all stages of development and in different light intensitiesand photoperiods. Reducing assimilate supply either by partialdefoliation of the main tiller or treatment with DCMU inhibitedbud growth during the early part of development, an effect whichwas relieved by kinetin. TIBA applied to prevent auxin transportincreased bud growth at the first two but not later stages ofdevelopment. Kinetin also inhibited nodal root growth consistently. At least two phases of bud control in grasses have to be considered,the first being the imposition of apical dominance after initiationof floral organs and stem elongation, the second being the releaseof buds from inhibition around ear emergence. Imposition ofbud inhibition appears to be a function of auxin and assimilatesupply, and at this stage the promoting effects of kinetin maybe through its action of mobilizing flow of assimilates. Therelease of buds at a later stage is apparently not associatedwith auxin, and kinetin may no longer be concerned with assimilateflow but rather with overcoming an inhibitory effect on budgrowth emanating from the leaves.  相似文献   

抗除草剂草甘膦EPSPs基因在小麦中的转化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
陈梁鸿  张文俊 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):239-243
通过基因枪法,用抗除草剂草甘膦的EPSPs基因转化小麦京花1号的幼穗约1000个,及幼胚约800个,经草甘膦选择后分别获得38株和4株再生植株。这些再生植株经PCR和(或)Southern杂交证明,其中有部分再生植株的基因组中稳定整合了外源EPSPs基因,并且转化体中部分是可育的。首次用实验证明,抗除草剂草甘膦的EPSPs基因作为单子叶禾谷类作物小麦基因转化的选择标记是行之有效的。  相似文献   

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