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We previously reported that the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) down-regulates TLR4 signaling and lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes. There have been several reports regarding the association between HCV infection and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Here, we examined the regulation of HCV NS5A on the apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by thapsigargin, an inducer of ER stress.


The apoptotic response to thapsigargin and the expression of molecules involved in human hepatocyte apoptotic pathways were examined in the presence or absence of HCV NS5A expression.


HCV JFH1 infection induced ER stress in the Huh7 cell line. HCV NS5A protected HepG2 cells against thapsigargin-induced apoptosis, the effect of which was linked to the enhanced expression of the 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein/immunoglobulin heavy-chain binding protein (GRP78). Consistent with a conferred pro-survival advantage, HCV NS5A reduced poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase cleavage and activation of caspases-3, -7 and -9, and Bax expression, while increasing the expressions of the anti-apoptotic molecules XIAP and c-FLIP. HCV NS5A weakly interacts with GRP78 and enhances GRP78 expression in hepatocytes.


HCV NS5A enhances GRP78 expression, resulting in the inhibition of apoptotic properties, and inhibits thapsigargin-induced apoptotic pathways in human hepatocytes, suggesting that disruption of ER stress-mediated apoptosis may have a role in the pathogenesis of HCV infection. Thus, HCV NS5A might engender the survival of HCV-infected hepatocytes contributing to the establishment of persistent infection.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein NS5A is critical for viral genome replication and is thought to interact directly with both the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, NS5B, and viral RNA. NS5A consists of three domains which have, as yet, undefined roles in viral replication and assembly. In order to define the regions that mediate the interaction with RNA, specifically the HCV 3′ untranslated region (UTR) positive-strand RNA, constructs of different domain combinations were cloned, bacterially expressed, and purified to homogeneity. Each of these purified proteins was probed for its ability to interact with the 3′ UTR RNA using filter binding and gel electrophoretic mobility shift assays, revealing differences in their RNA binding efficiencies and affinities. A specific interaction between domains I and II of NS5A and the 3′ UTR RNA was identified, suggesting that these are the RNA binding domains of NS5A. Domain III showed low in vitro RNA binding capacity. Filter binding and competition analyses identified differences between NS5A and NS5B in their specificities for defined regions of the 3′ UTR. The preference of NS5A, in contrast to NS5B, for the polypyrimidine tract highlights an aspect of 3′ UTR RNA recognition by NS5A which may play a role in the control or enhancement of HCV genome replication.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a human pathogen which chronically infects nearly 3% of the world''s population (36, 37). Persistent infection, in 80% of cases, leads to chronic hepatitis which can progress to liver cirrhosis and, in the worst cases, hepatocellular carcinoma (37). Current therapies lack specificity and efficacy due largely to an incomplete understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms of virus infectivity, RNA replication, and assembly (4, 36). HCV is a member of the Flaviviridae family of enveloped viruses (30), with a positive-sense RNA genome of ∼9.6 kb consisting of a single open reading frame (ORF) that encodes 10 structural and nonstructural viral proteins (3, 16, 25). Cap-independent translation of the ORF (29) yields a large polyprotein of approximately 3,000 amino acid residues that is cleaved co- and posttranslationally by host and viral proteases into 10 mature virus proteins; these cleavage products are ordered from the amino to the carboxy terminus as follows: core (C), envelope proteins 1 and 2 (E1 and E2), p7, nonstructural protein 2 (NS2), NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B (3, 16, 25). At the flanking ends of the genome are two highly conserved untranslated regions (UTRs). The 5′ UTR is highly structured and consists of the internal ribosome entry site (IRES), which is important for the initiation of cap-independent translation of the polyprotein (29). The 3′ UTR consists of a short genotype-specific variable region, a tract of variable length comprising solely pyrimidine residues (predominantly U), and a conserved 98-nucleotide sequence, known as the X region, containing three stem-loops (13, 23) (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). The 3′ UTR is the initiation site for the synthesis of the negative-strand RNA during viral replication (13) and is involved in translational regulation.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.The HCV 3′ UTR RNA. (A) The positive-strand 3′ UTR consists of three distinct regions, i.e., a short genotype-specific variable region, a polypyrimidine tract [poly(U/UC)] of variable length, and a conserved 98-nucleotide sequence known as the X region containing three stable stem-loops. The predicted structure of the genotype 1b 3′ UTR is shown. (B) Left panel, the integrities of in vitro-transcribed radiolabeled full-length 3′ UTR RNAs of genotypes 1b (nucleotides 9375 to 9595) and 2a (nucleotides 9443 to 9678) and the poly(U/UC) (nucleotides 9406 to 9497) and X region (nucleotides 9498 to 9595) of genotype 1b are shown on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Right panel, the integrities of in vitro-transcribed radiolabeled RNAs comprising the 3′-terminal NS5B-coding region plus the 3′ UTR RNAs of genotypes 1b (nucleotides 9136 to 9595) and 2a (nucleotides 9204 to 9678) (KL-3′ UTR) are shown on denaturing polyacrylamide gels.HCV RNA replication occurs on membranous structures derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a complex that includes host cell factors as well as viral nonstructural proteins, including NS5B, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which replicates the viral genome in vivo and in vitro (2, 25, 30). Initiation of the synthesis of the negative-strand RNA is thought to occur upon recognition and specific binding of the NS5B polymerase to the 3′ UTR of the genomic RNA (2, 16, 26). This replication activity and template specificity of NS5B in vivo are dependent, however, on the presence of the other nonstructural proteins, such as the proteases NS2 and NS3, which are required for polyprotein processing and helicase activity, and the multifunctional protein NS5A (16).NS5A is a proline-rich phosphoprotein that is absolutely required for viral replication and is also involved in virus particle assembly (9, 10, 20, 22, 35). Its specific function in the latter process is, however, still unknown. NS5A is membrane associated due to the presence of an N-terminal amphipathic helix that serves as a membrane anchor allowing association with ER-derived membranes (Fig. (Fig.2)2) (24, 27). The cytoplasmic portion of NS5A is organized into three domains that are separated by low-complexity sequences (Fig. (Fig.2A)2A) (20). The X-ray crystal structure of domain I has revealed that it is a zinc binding domain which forms a homodimer with contacts at the N-terminal ends of the molecules; the resultant large, basic groove at the dimeric interface has been proposed to be involved in RNA binding during viral replication (17, 33). NS5A has also been shown to interact with uridylate and guanylate-rich RNA and to bind to the 3′ ends of the HCV positive- and negative-strand RNAs (8). These observations suggest that NS5A may specifically interact with the large U/G stretches in the IRES of the 5′ UTR, implying a role in HCV translation and genome multiplication, while its interactions with the polypyrimidine tract of the 3′ UTR suggest that NS5A may affect the efficiency of RNA synthesis by NS5B (8, 28, 32). The reported interactions with both flanking regions of the HCV genome imply that NS5A may play a role in the switch between translation and replication that must occur during the viral life cycle (8).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Domain structure and expression of HCV NS5A. (A) Schematic diagram of the functional domains of NS5A and design of the constructs used in the study (genotype 1b NS5A protein numbering). The N-terminal amphipathic helix of NS5A (black box) is responsible for the interaction of NS5A with membranes. NS5A is organized into three domains that are separated by low-complexity sequences, indicated by black boxes. The NS5A constructs used all lacked the N-terminal amphipathic helix and were designed to include an N-terminal Strep tag and a C-terminal hexahistidine tag. (B and C) SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of the NS5A(ΔAH) and NS5A domain constructs purified by nickel affinity and Streptactin tag affinity chromatography. Coomassie brilliant blue-stained gels and Western blots (WB) using anti-NS5A antibodies for NS5A proteins of genotype 1b strain J4 (B) and genotype 2a strain JFH-1 (C) are shown.Among HCV genotypes, domains II and III are less well conserved than domain I (34). By mutational analysis, domain II, along with domain I, has been attributed to the replicase activity of NS5A (12). Contrastingly, domain III has been shown to be dispensable for RNA replication, and large heterologous insertions and deletions in this region can be tolerated, maintaining RNA replication (34). It has been shown, however, that these insertions and deletions within domain III do have an impact on virus particle assembly, highlighting the critical role of domain III NS5A in the viral life cycle (1, 10). Recent nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of domains II and III of NS5A revealed that they both adopt a natively unfolded state (6, 14, 15). The high degree of disorder and flexibility observed in these domains may contribute to the promiscuity of NS5A, which has been shown to interact with a variety of biological partners essential for NS5A function and virus persistence (11, 18, 19, 21, 31). In addition, regions within domains I and II of NS5A interact with NS5B, stimulating the in vitro activity of the polymerase and supporting the hypothesis that NS5A has a role in the modulation of RNA replication (28, 32).In this study, we have investigated in detail the RNA binding properties of NS5A. We have mapped the RNA binding regions of NS5A using bacterially expressed deletion constructs of NS5A and have assayed their binding affinity for HCV positive-strand 3′ UTR RNA. In addition, we provide evidence that the RNA binding activity of NS5A is specific and that NS5A interacts preferentially with the polypyrimidine region of the 3′ UTR.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main agent of acute and chronic liver diseases leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The current standard therapy has limited efficacy and serious side effects. Thus, the development of alternate therapies is of tremendous importance. HCV NS5A (nonstructural 5A protein) is a pleiotropic protein with key roles in HCV replication and cellular signaling pathways. Here we demonstrate that NS5A dimerization occurs through Domain I (amino acids 1-240). This interaction is not mediated by nucleic acids because benzonase, RNase, and DNase treatments do not prevent NS5A-NS5A interactions. Importantly, DTT abrogates NS5A-NS5A interactions but does not affect NS5A-cyclophilin A interactions. Other reducing agents such as tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine and 2-mercaptoethanol also abrogate NS5A-NS5A interactions, implying that disulfide bridges may play a role in this interaction. Cyclophilin inhibitors, cyclosporine A, and alisporivir and NS5A inhibitor BMS-790052 do not block NS5A dimerization, suggesting that their antiviral effects do not involve the disruption of NS5A-NS5A interactions. Four cysteines, Cys-39, Cys-57, Cys-59, and Cys-80, are critical for dimerization. Interestingly, the four cysteines have been proposed to form a zinc-binding motif. Supporting this notion, NS5A dimerization is greatly facilitated by Zn(2+) but not by Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). Importantly, the four cysteines are vital not only for viral replication but also critical for NS5A binding to RNA, revealing a correlation between NS5A dimerization, RNA binding, and HCV replication. Altogether our data suggest that NS5A-NS5A dimerization and/or multimerization could represent a novel target for the development of HCV therapies.  相似文献   

NS5A of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a highly phosphorylated protein involved in resistance against interferon and required most likely for replication of the viral genome. Phosphorylation of this protein is mediated by a cellular kinase(s) generating multiple proteins with different electrophoretic mobilities. In the case of the genotype 1b isolate HCV-J, in addition to the basal phosphorylated NS5A (designated pp56), a hyperphosphorylated form (pp58) was found on coexpression of NS4A (T. Kaneko, Y. Tanji, S. Satoh, M. Hijikata, S. Asabe, K. Kimura, and K. Shimotohno, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 205:320-326, 1994). Using a comparative analysis of two full-length genomes of genotype 1b, competent or defective for NS5A hyperphosphorylation, we investigated the requirements for this NS5A modification. We found that hyperphosphorylation occurs when NS5A is expressed as part of a continuous NS3-5A polyprotein but not when it is expressed on its own or trans complemented with one or several other viral proteins. Results obtained with chimeras of both genomes show that single amino acid substitutions within NS3 that do not affect polyprotein cleavage can enhance or reduce NS5A hyperphosphorylation. Furthermore, mutations in the central or carboxy-terminal NS4A domain as well as small deletions in NS4B can also reduce or block hyperphosphorylation without affecting polyprotein processing. These requirements most likely reflect the formation of a highly ordered NS3-5A multisubunit complex responsible for the differential phosphorylation of NS5A and probably also for modulation of its biological activities.  相似文献   

Flavivirus nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) consists of methyltransferase (MTase) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains, which catalyze 5’-RNA capping/methylation and RNA synthesis, respectively, during viral genome replication. Although the crystal structure of flavivirus NS5 is known, no data about the quaternary organization of the functional enzyme are available. We report the crystal structure of dengue virus full-length NS5, where eight molecules of NS5 are arranged as four independent dimers in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The relative orientation of each monomer within the dimer, as well as the orientations of the MTase and RdRp domains within each monomer, is conserved, suggesting that these structural arrangements represent the biologically relevant conformation and assembly of this multi-functional enzyme. Essential interactions between MTase and RdRp domains are maintained in the NS5 dimer via inter-molecular interactions, providing evidence that flavivirus NS5 can adopt multiple conformations while preserving necessary interactions between the MTase and RdRp domains. Furthermore, many NS5 residues that reduce viral replication are located at either the inter-domain interface within a monomer or at the inter-molecular interface within the dimer. Hence the X-ray structure of NS5 presented here suggests that MTase and RdRp activities could be coordinated as a dimer during viral genome replication.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is essentially required for viral replication. Although previous studies revealed important properties of static NS5B-RNA complexes, the nature and relevance of dynamic interactions have yet to be elucidated. Here, we devised a single molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (SM-FRET) assay to monitor temporal changes upon binding of NS5B to surface immobilized RNA templates. The data show enzyme association-dissociation events that occur within the time resolution of our setup as well as FRET-fluctuations in association with stable binary complexes that extend over prolonged periods of time. Fluctuations are shown to be dependent on the length of the RNA substrate, and enzyme concentration. Mutations in close proximity to the template entrance (K98E, K100E), and in the center of the RNA binding channel (R394E), reduce both the population of RNA-bound enzyme and the fluctuations associated to the binary complex. Similar observations are reported with an allosteric nonnucleoside NS5B inhibitor. Our assay enables for the first time the visualization of association-dissociation events of HCV-NS5B with RNA, and also the direct monitoring of the interaction between HCV NS5B, its RNA template, and finger loop inhibitors. We observe both a remarkably low dissociation rate for wild type HCV NS5B, and a highly dynamic enzyme-RNA binary complex. These results provide a plausible mechanism for formation of a productive binary NS5B-RNA complex, here NS5B slides along the RNA template facilitating positioning of its 3′ terminus at the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus NS5A protein is essential for RNA replication and virion assembly. NS5A is phosphorylated on multiple residues during infections, but these sites remain uncharacterized. Here we identify serine 222 of genotype 2a NS5A as a phosphorylation site that functions as a negative regulator of RNA replication. This site is a component of the hyperphosphorylated form of NS5A, which is in good agreement with previous observations that hyperphosphorylation negatively affects replication.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NS5A has emerged as a new drug target in antiviral therapies for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. NS5A is critically involved in viral RNA replication that takes place at newly formed membranes within the endoplasmic reticulum (membranous web) and assists viral assembly in the close vicinity of lipid droplets (LDs). To identify host proteins that interact with NS5A, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen with the N-terminus of NS5A (amino acids 1–31), a well-studied α-helical domain important for the membrane tethering of NS5A. Our studies identified the LD-associated host protein, Tail-Interacting Protein 47 (TIP47) as a novel NS5A interaction partner. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments in Huh7 hepatoma cells confirmed the interaction of TIP47 with full-length NS5A. shRNA-mediated knockdown of TIP47 caused a more than 10-fold decrease in the propagation of full-length infectious HCV in Huh7.5 hepatoma cells. A similar reduction was observed when TIP47 was knocked down in cells harboring an autonomously replicating HCV RNA (subgenomic replicon), indicating that TIP47 is required for efficient HCV RNA replication. A single point mutation (W9A) in NS5A that disrupts the interaction with TIP47 but preserves proper subcellular localization severely decreased HCV RNA replication. In biochemical membrane flotation assays, TIP47 cofractionated with HCV NS3, NS5A, NS5B proteins, and viral RNA, and together with nonstructural viral proteins was uniquely distributed to lower-density LD-rich membrane fractions in cells actively replicating HCV RNA. Collectively, our data support a model where TIP47—via its interaction with NS5A—serves as a novel cofactor for HCV infection possibly by integrating LD membranes into the membranous web.  相似文献   

Studies of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) life cycle have been aided by development of in vitro systems that enable replication of viral RNA and production of infectious virus. However, the functions of the individual proteins, especially those engaged in RNA replication, remain poorly understood. It is considered that NS4B, one of the replicase components, creates sites for genome synthesis, which appear as punctate foci at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. In this study, a panel of mutations in NS4B was generated to gain deeper insight into its functions. Our analysis identified five mutants that were incapable of supporting RNA replication, three of which had defects in production of foci at the ER membrane. These mutants also influenced posttranslational modification and intracellular mobility of another replicase protein, NS5A, suggesting that such characteristics are linked to focus formation by NS4B. From previous studies, NS4B could not be trans-complemented in replication assays. Using the mutants that blocked RNA synthesis, defective NS4B expressed from two mutants could be rescued in trans-complementation replication assays by wild-type protein produced by a functional HCV replicon. Moreover, active replication could be reconstituted by combining replicons that were defective in NS4B and NS5A. The ability to restore replication from inactive replicons has implications for our understanding of the mechanisms that direct viral RNA synthesis. Finally, one of the NS4B mutations increased the yield of infectious virus by five- to sixfold. Hence, NS4B not only functions in RNA replication but also contributes to the processes engaged in virus assembly and release.Recent estimates predict that the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is approximately 2.2% worldwide, equivalent to about 130 million persons (22). The virus typically establishes a chronic infection that frequently leads to serious liver disease (1), and current models indicate that both morbidity and mortality as a consequence of HCV infection will continue to rise for about the next 20 years (10, 11, 29).HCV is the only assigned species of the Hepacivirus genus within the family Flaviviridae. The virus can be classified into six genetic groups or clades (numbered 1 to 6) and then further separated into subtypes (e.g., 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, etc.) (53, 55). HCV has a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome that is approximately 9.6 kb in length (reviewed in reference 46). Genomic RNA carries a single open reading frame flanked by 5′ and 3′ nontranslated regions, which are important for both replication and translation (19, 20, 34, 47, 56). Viral RNA is translated by the host ribosomal machinery, and the resultant polyprotein is co- and posttranslationally cleaved to generate the mature viral proteins. The structural proteins (core, E1, and E2) and a small hydrophobic polypeptide called p7 are produced by the cellular proteases signal peptidase and signal peptide peptidase (28, 45, 54). Two virus-encoded proteases, the NS2-3 autoprotease and the NS3 serine protease (5, 13, 26), are responsible for maturation of the nonstructural (NS) proteins (NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B). With the exception of NS2, the NS proteins are necessary for genome replication (8, 40) and form replication complexes (RCs), which are located at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane (14, 24, 52, 57, 59). The functions of all viral constituents of RCs have not been characterized in detail. It is known that NS5B is the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (6), while NS3 possesses helicase and nucleoside triphosphatase activities in addition to acting as a protease (32, 58). However, the precise roles of the other proteins remain to be firmly established.Expression of NS4B, one of the replicase proteins, generates rearrangements at the ER membrane that have been termed the “membranous web” (14, 24) and “membrane-associated foci” (MAFs) (25). Detection of viral RNA at such foci suggests that NS4B is involved in creating the sites where genome synthesis occurs (18, 24, 59). It is predicted that NS4B has an amphipathic α-helix within its N-terminal region, which is followed by four transmembrane domains (TMDs) in the central portion of the protein (17, 42). As a result, the majority of NS4B is likely to be tightly anchored to membranes, and experimental evidence indicates that it has characteristics consistent with an integral membrane protein (27). It is thought that after membrane association, NS4B rearranges membranes into a network, thereby generating foci which act as a “scaffold” to facilitate RNA replication. The mechanisms engaged in formation of foci are not known but include the notion that the NS4B N terminus can translocate into the ER lumen, resulting in rearrangement of cellular membranes (41, 42). Alternatively, palmitoylation, a lipid modification, might facilitate polymerization of NS4B, in turn promoting formation of RCs on the ER membrane (68).Apart from inducing membranous changes required for replication, NS4B may perform other tasks in HCV RNA synthesis. For example, studies of cell culture adaptive mutations in subgenomic replicons (SGRs) have identified amino acid changes that can stimulate RNA production (39), suggesting that NS4B may exert a regulatory role in determining replication efficiency. In support of a regulatory function, replacement of NS4B sequences in an SGR from strain H77 (a genotype 1a strain) with those from strain Con-1 (a genotype 1b strain) gave higher levels of replication than for a wild-type (wt) strain H77 SGR (7). The corresponding replacement of strain Con-1 NS4B sequences with those from strain H77 reduced the replication efficiency of a Con-1 SGR (7). Moreover, interactions of NS4B with the RC can affect the behavior of other replicase proteins. For example, NS4B is needed for hyperphosphorylation of NS5A (35, 48) and restricts its intracellular movement (30).To try to gain greater insight into the functional organization of the components that constitute RCs, trans-complementation assays using defective and helper SGRs have been established (2, 64). Such studies reveal that the only protein capable of trans-complementation is NS5A, while active replication cannot be restored for replicons harboring deleterious mutations in NS3, NS4B, and NS5B. These data led to the conclusion that functional NS5A may be able to exchange between RCs (2), whereas, by inference, such exchange would not be possible for other HCV replicase proteins. In transient-replication assays, complementation by NS5A also relied on its expression as part of a polyprotein (minimally NS3-NS5A), and production of the protein alone failed to restore replication for an inactive SGR (2). However, in a separate study, stable expression of wt NS5A was capable of complementing a defective replicon (64). Thus, different assay systems can give dissimilar results for complementation by NS5A.In this study, we have created a series of mutations in the NS4B gene of HCV strain JFH1 (31) to explore the function of the protein in the HCV life cycle. We focused our attention on the C-terminal portion of NS4B, downstream from the predicted TMD regions, since it is relatively well conserved and is predicted to lie on the cytosolic side of the ER membrane (15, 42). Our analysis examines the impact of mutations on replication efficiency and the intracellular characteristics of the mutants compared to the behavior of the wt protein. In addition, we have utilized this series of mutants to reassess trans-complementation of NS4B in replication assays. Finally, we also analyze the impact of mutations which do not affect replication on the production of infectious virus to determine whether NS4B plays a role in virus assembly and release.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) NS4B protein has many roles in HCV genome replication. Recently, our laboratory (Q. Han, J. Aligo, D. Manna, K. Belton, S. V. Chintapalli, Y. Hong, R. L. Patterson, D. B. van Rossum, and K. V. Konan, J. Virol. 85:6464–6479, 2011) and others (D. M. Jones, A. H. Patel, P. Targett-Adams, and J. McLauchlan, J. Virol. 83:2163–2177, 2009; D. Paul, I. Romero-Brey, J. Gouttenoire, S. Stoitsova, J. Krijnse-Locker, D. Moradpour, and R. Bartenschlager, J. Virol. 85:6963–6976, 2011) have also reported NS4B''s function in postreplication steps. Indeed, replacement of the NS4B C-terminal domain (CTD) in the HCV JFH1 (genotype 2a [G2a]) genome with sequences from Con1 (G1b) or H77 (G1a) had a negligible impact on JFH1 genome replication but attenuated virus production. Since NS4B interacts weakly with the HCV genome, we postulated that NS4B regulates the function of host or virus proteins directly involved in HCV production. In this study, we demonstrate that the integrity of the JFH1 NS4B CTD is crucial for efficient JFH1 genome encapsidation. Further, two adaptive mutations (NS4B N216S and NS5A C465S) were identified, and introduction of these mutations into the chimera rescued virus production to various levels, suggesting a genetic interaction between the NS4B and NS5A proteins. Interestingly, cells infected with chimeric viruses displayed a markedly decreased NS5A hyperphosphorylation state (NS5A p58) relative to JFH1, and the adaptive mutations differentially rescued NS5A p58 formation. However, immunofluorescence staining indicated that the decrease in NS5A p58 did not alter NS5A colocalization with the core around lipid droplets (LDs), the site of JFH1 assembly, suggesting that NS5A fails to facilitate the transfer of HCV RNA to the capsid protein on LDs. Alternatively, NS4B''s function in HCV genome encapsidation may entail more than its regulation of the NS5A phosphorylation state.  相似文献   

This study identified specific and avid RNA aptamers consisting of 2′-hydroxyl- or 2′-fluoropyrimidines against hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B replicase, an enzyme that is essential for HCV replication. These aptamers acted as potent decoys to competitively impede replicase-catalyzed RNA synthesis activity. Cytoplasmic expression of the 2′-hydroxyl aptamer efficiently inhibited HCV replicon replication in human liver cells through specific interaction with, and sequestration of, the target protein without either off-target effects or escape mutant generation. A selected 2′-fluoro aptamer could be truncated to a chemically manufacturable length of 29 nucleotides (nt), with increase in the affinity to HCV NS5B. Noticeably, transfection of the truncated aptamer efficiently suppressed HCV replication in cells without escape mutant appearance. The aptamer was further modified through conjugation of a cholesterol or galactose-polyethylene glycol ligand for in vivo availability and liver-specific delivery. The conjugated aptamer efficiently entered cells and inhibited genotype 1b subgenomic and genotype 2a full-length HCV JFH-1 RNA replication without toxicity and innate immunity induction. Importantly, a therapeutically feasible amount of the conjugated aptamer was delivered in vivo to liver tissue in mice. Therefore, cytoplasmic expression of 2′-hydroxyl aptamer or direct administration of chemically synthesized and ligand-conjugated 2′-fluoro aptamer against HCV NS5B could be a potent anti-HCV approach.  相似文献   

目的:设计靶向乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因保守区的人工microRNA(amiRNA),考察其对HBV基因表达的抑制作用。方法:比对HBV全基因组现有序列,选择保守区设计amiRNA,定向克隆到pcDNA6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR载体,将amiRNA载体与HBV复制载体pHBV1.31共转染HepG2细胞,72 h后收取细胞上清,ELISA检测HBV表面抗原(HBsAg)及e抗原(HBeAg)的含量,荧光定量PCR检测HBV DNA含量。结果:amiRNA可显著抑制细胞上清HBsAg、HBeAg和HBV DNA的水平。结论:amiRNA作为防治HBV感染的潜在有效手段之一值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

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