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Transgenic technology affords exciting new opportunities in the field of behavioral neuroendocrinology. We have extended our research into the behavioral function of oxytocin in maternal and social behavior using two transgenic approaches: (i) targeted deletion of the oxytocin gene in mice and (ii) augmented oxytocin receptor expression in the brain. Mice genetically deficient in oxytocin can mate, give birth, and display normal maternal behavior; however, milk ejection and certain aspects of social behavior are affected. Comparative studies of oxytocin receptors have led to the observation that species differences in social organization are associated with differences in receptor distribution. Specifically, monogamous prairie voles and nonmonogamous, asocial montane voles exhibit different patterns of OT receptor expression in the brain. Transgenic mice have been created with a reporter gene driven by the prairie vole oxytocin receptor gene promoter. Analysis of the expression pattern suggests that it should be possible to manipulate receptor expression in the vole brain in order to examine the effects of receptor distribution on behavior.  相似文献   

Classical behavioral neuroendocrinology has focused on a limited number of domestic mammals and birds. The model systems used in these studies represent a very small proportion of the diversity of hormone-behavior interactions found in nature. In the last three decades, an increasing number of researchers have concentrated their efforts on studying behavioral neuroendocrinology of wild animals. Field behavioral neuroendocrinology presents a series of challenges ranging from the design of the experiments to sample preservation and transportation. The constraints of field conditions limit the number of factors that can be controlled for and the questions that can be addressed. On the other side, many behaviors can be studied only in the field, and only a few species can be kept in captivity. Thus, field studies are necessary to understand the complexity and variety of interactions between hormones, brain, and behavior. In this article, we will review some of the peculiarities and challenges of field behavioral neuroendocrinology, including solutions for some of the most commonly encountered technical issues.  相似文献   

Progress in the field of insect neuroendocrinology has been rapid despite the relatively small number of investigators working on insect systems. This progress, in part, reflects the ease of studying insect behavior in the laboratory, and a historical perspective reveals that insect neuroendocrinology has been dominated since its inception by laboratory studies. Recent advances in methodology and a renewed interest in the concept of behavioral state in insects suggest that it might be useful for insect neuroendocrinologists to spend a little more time in the field.  相似文献   

Behavioral neuroendocrinology is an integrative discipline that spans a wide range of taxa and neural systems, and thus the appropriate designation of homology (sameness) across taxa is critical for clear communication and extrapolation of findings from one taxon to another. In the present review we address issues of homology that relate to neural circuits of social behavior and associated systems that mediate reward and aversion. We first address a variety of issues related to the so-called “social behavior network” (SBN), including homologies that are only partial (e.g., whereas the preoptic area of fish and amphibians contains the major vasopressin–oxytocin cell groups, these populations lie in the hypothalamus of other vertebrates). We also discuss recent evidence that clarifies anterior hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray homologies in birds. Finally, we discuss an expanded network model, the “social decision-making network” (SDM) which includes the mesolimbic dopamine system and other structures that provide an interface between the mesolimbic system and the SBN. This expanded model is strongly supported in mammals, based on a wide variety of evidence. However, it is not yet clear how readily the SDM can be applied as a pan-vertebrate model, given insufficient data on numerous proposed homologies and a lack of social behavior data for SDM components (beyond the SBN nodes) for amphibians, reptiles or fish. Functions of SDM components are also poorly known for birds. Nonetheless, we contend that the SDM model provides a very sound and important framework for the testing of many hypotheses in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

Gerlinde Höbel 《Biotropica》2017,49(3):372-381
Anuran breeding activity is frequently linked to environmental factors, mainly temperature and rainfall. However, a key feature of anuran reproductive behavior—gathering in choruses and producing loud advertisement calls to attract females—generates a conspicuous social cue that may also facilitate reproductive behavior. Here, I examine the relative importance of environmental and social factors in explaining the intensity of reproductive activity in the Neotropical treefrog Hypsiboas rosenbergi. I show that social cues generally play an important role, but that there are sex differences: male behavior is associated with a combination of environmental and social factors, while female behavior is associated almost exclusively with social cues. I discuss the potential benefits of using social cues in regulating breeding activity, and suggest that conservation efforts may take advantage of the apparently widespread pattern of social facilitation in anuran reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

Although social behavior in vertebrates spans a continuum from solitary to highly social, taxa are often dichotomized as either ‘social’ or ‘non‐social’. We argue that this social dichotomy is overly simplistic, neglects the diversity of vertebrate social systems, impedes our understanding of the evolution of social behavior, and perpetuates the erroneous belief that one group—the reptiles—is primarily ‘non‐social’. This perspective essay highlights the diversity and complexity of reptile social systems, briefly reviews reasons for their historical neglect in research, and indicates how reptiles can contribute to our understanding of the evolution of vertebrate social behavior. Although a robust review of social behavior across vertebrates is lacking, the repeated evolution of social systems in multiple independent lineages enables investigation of the factors that promote shifts in vertebrate social behavior and the paraphyly of reptiles reinforces the need to understand reptile social behavior.  相似文献   

Known and hypothesized relationships between steroid (estradiol, testosterone, and cortisol) and peptide (oxytocin, vasopressin, and prolactin) hormones and the expression of mammalian paternal behavior are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on newly emerging animal models, including nonhuman primates and men, with elaborate paternal behavior repertoires. Currently available data are broadly consistent with a working hypothesis that the expression of parental behavior will involve homologous neuroendocrine circuits in male and females. Understanding the neuroendocrinology of paternal behavior is an emerging research opportunity in behavioral neuroscience.  相似文献   

Social and breeding status are associated with the expression of GnIH   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discoveries of how social behavior can influence the plasticity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) have revolutionized the field of behavioral neuroendocrinology by providing new insights into the neural mechanisms controlling behavior. In 2000, the neuropeptide gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) was discovered and is changing the way we view how the brain mediates reproduction and associated behaviors. GnIH acts as a reproductive 'pause button', momentarily inhibiting the activity of the reproductive system. However, how GnIH fluctuates naturally in response to social environment is unknown. We examine how the outcome of competition for limited resources needed for reproduction is associated with GnIH. We experimentally manipulated nesting opportunities for pairs of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and examined brain GnIH mRNA and peptide content, as well as GnRH content and plasma testosterone and corticosterone. By limiting the number of nest boxes per enclosure and thus the number of social pairing and nesting opportunities, we observed that birds which outcompeted others for nest boxes ('winners') had significantly fewer numbers of GnIH peptide-producing cells than those without nest boxes ('losers') and this relationship changed with breeding stage. GnRH content, testosterone and corticosterone did not vary with nest box ownership. Thus, while birds appeared reproductively capable across treatments, our data indicate that GnIH may serve as a modulator of reproductive behaviors in response to social environment. Additionally, we provide some evidence of the adaptive value of this mechanism.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit broad heterogeneity in affiliative social behavior. Twin and family studies show that individual differences in core dimensions of social behavior are heritable, yet there are knowledge gaps in understanding the underlying genetic and neurobiological mechanisms. Animal genetic reference panels (GRPs) provide a tractable strategy for examining the behavioral and genetic architecture of complex traits. Here, using males from 50 mouse strains from the BXD GRP, 4 domains of affiliative social behavior—social approach, social recognition, direct social interaction (DSI) (partner sniffing) and vocal communication—were examined in 2 widely used behavioral tasks—the 3‐chamber and DSI tasks. There was continuous and broad variation in social and nonsocial traits, with moderate to high heritability of social approach sniff preference (0.31), ultrasonic vocalization (USV) count (0.39), partner sniffing (0.51), locomotor activity (0.54‐0.66) and anxiety‐like behavior (0.36). Principal component analysis shows that variation in social and nonsocial traits are attributable to 5 independent factors. Genome‐wide mapping identified significant quantitative trait loci for USV count on chromosome (Chr) 18 and locomotor activity on Chr X, with suggestive loci and candidate quantitative trait genes identified for all traits with one notable exception—partner sniffing in the DSI task. The results show heritable variation in sociability, which is independent of variation in activity and anxiety‐like traits. In addition, a highly heritable and ethological domain of affiliative sociability—partner sniffing—appears highly polygenic. These findings establish a basis for identifying functional natural variants, leading to a new understanding typical and atypical sociability.  相似文献   

A previous study of the effects of overcrowding on social behavior is discussed and replicated in this article. Consideration of two major methodological problems — the construction of the class and ethnicity indices and the measurement of social class — leads to reanalysis of the data and to results differing in several significant respects from the original results. Although these new results do not provide a definitive answer to the question of the effects of population density on social pathologies, they do show that studies of the problem are subject to several, possibly severe, measurement problems. Until these are more adequately dealt with, conclusions regarding the relation between density and human behavior must be both cautious and tentative.  相似文献   

Social behavior is regulated by conserved neural networks across vertebrates. Variation in the organization of neuropeptide systems across these networks is thought to contribute to individual and species diversity in network function during social contexts. For example, oxytocin (OT) is an ancient neuropeptide that binds to OT receptors (OTRs) in the brain and modulates social and reproductive behavior across vertebrate species, including humans. Central OTRs exhibit extraordinarily diverse expression patterns that are associated with individual and species differences in social behavior. In voles, OTR density in the nucleus accumbens (NAc)—a region important for social and reward learning—is associated with individual and species variation in social attachment behavior. Here we test whether OTRs in the NAc modulate a social salience network (SSN)—a network of interconnected brain nuclei thought to encode valence and incentive salience of sociosensory cues—during a social context in the socially monogamous male prairie vole. Using a selective OTR antagonist, we test whether activation of OTRs in the NAc during sociosexual interaction and mating modulates expression of the immediate early gene product Fos across nuclei of the SSN. We show that blockade of endogenous OTR signaling in the NAc during sociosexual interaction and mating does not strongly modulate levels of Fos expression in individual nodes of the network, but strongly modulates patterns of correlated Fos expression between the NAc and other SSN nuclei.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1986,7(3-4):379-395
A bewildering variety of social patterns can be described and analyzed as manifestations of ostracism and social rejection. Ostracism can be viewed as a coerced or involuntary rupture of social bonds, as distinguished from voluntary exit; both appear to be characteristic ways that animals use in relating to other members of the group. Based on Albert O. Hirschman's Exit, Voice and Loyalty, a general theoretical framework can be built on the realization that ostracism is far from a strange aberration—but that its excesses strike most moderns as uncivilized. This analysis presumes that active participation, flight, and bonding are general categories intrinsic to social behavior. It follows that, in different social contexts, the implications of ostracism vary greatly. Modern democratic systems, in which voluntary exit remains a possibility, resemble our hominid past more closely than authoritarian societies that place individuals in the unenviable position of being trapped in silence (with no legitimate right to exercise political voice, yet no possibility of escape). At the risk of Charges of valuative bias, the argument is made that democratic regimes may be—all things equal—closer to the center of our species-typical range of behavior than other kinds of centralized states or governmental systems.  相似文献   

Juveniles should choose social partners on the basis of both current and future utility. Where one sex is philopatric, one expects members of that sex to develop greater and sex‐typical social integration with group‐mates over the juvenile period. Where a partner's position in a dominance hierarchy is not associated with services it can provide, one would not expect juveniles to choose partners based on rank, nor sex differences in rank‐based preferences. We tested these ideas on 39 wild juvenile (3.2–7.4 years) blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni), cercopithecines with strict female philopatry and muted hierarchies. We made focal animal observations over 6 months, and computed observed:expected amounts of proximity time, approaches and grooming given to various social partners. Overall, our results agree with the hypothesis that juvenile blue monkeys target social partners strategically. Spatial proximity, approaches and active grooming showed similar patterns regarding juvenile social preferences. Females were far more sociable than males, groomed more partners, reciprocated grooming more frequently, and preferred—while males avoided—infants as partners. Older juveniles (5–7 years) spent more time than younger juveniles (3–4 years) near others, and older females were especially attracted to infants. Close kin, especially mothers and less consistently adult sisters, were attractive to both male and female juveniles, regardless of age. Both sexes also preferred same‐sex juveniles as social partners while avoiding opposite‐sex peers. Juveniles of both sexes and ages generally neither preferred nor avoided nonmaternal adult females, but all juveniles avoided adult males. Partner's rank had no consistent effect on juveniles' preference, as expected for a species in which dominance plays a weak role. Juveniles' social preferences likely reflect both future and current benefits, including having tolerant adult kin to protect them against predators and conspecifics, same‐sex play partners, and, for females, infants on which to practice mothering skills. Am. J. Primatol. 72:193–205, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Given the conflicting and somewhat limited findings available on the effect of zoo visitors on primate behavior, the primary purpose of this study was to provide additional data on gorillas' response to variations in crowd size and to look at what other factors—both intrinsic (e.g. personality, sex, and rearing history) and extrinsic (e.g. group)—might influence such responses. Subjects included four groups (three mixed‐sex and one bachelor) of captive western lowland gorillas living at Zoo Atlanta. Overall activity budgets and rates of social behaviors in high and low crowd conditions were compared. Behaviors suggestive of general welfare did not vary as a function of crowd size alone, although we did observe one significant interaction and several trends. Specifically, two groups spent more time engaged in undesirable behaviors in the high crowd condition, whereas the other two groups showed the opposite response pattern. Additionally, males, but not females, showed a trend toward greater rates of contact aggression in the high crowd condition, although wounding rates did not vary with crowd size. We also found trends towards variation in response to crowd size as a function of individual personality ratings. These results suggest that although the visitor effect may constitute an impediment to optimal animal welfare, this may only apply to some individuals or groups. We emphasize the importance of continuing to explore individual differences and the limitations of a one‐size‐fits‐all approach when describing influences on animal welfare. Zoo Biol 31:586‐599, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Social subjugation is a very significant and natural stressor in the animal kingdom. Adult animals defeated and subjugated during establishment of dominance hierarchies or territorial encounters can be highly submissive in future agonistic interactions. While much is know about the biological and behavioral consequences of winning and losing fights in adulthood, little is known about adolescence; a developmental period noted for impulsivity and heightened agonistic behavior. The present studies were undertaken to determine if the behavioral and neuroendocrine consequences of social subjugation are comparable in adolescent versus adult Syrian golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Male siblings were studied from adolescence into adulthood following exposure to counterbalanced episodes of either a benign stressor, i.e., isolation in a novel cage, or the more severe stressor of social subjugation. RESULTS: As adults, hamsters with a history of social subjugation in adolescence show high levels of aggression toward intruders as compared to siblings subjugated in adulthood. Sibling controls subjugated in adulthood are highly submissive with little or no aggressive behavior. However, when subjugated in adulthood, hamsters with the earlier history of subjugation are no different than their sibling controls, i.e., adult subjugation promotes submissive behavior. Sexual motivation is high in adult hamsters with adolescent subjugation and testosterone levels remained stable over adulthood. In contrast, sibling controls subjugated in adulthood show lower levels of sexual motivation and reduced levels of testosterone. Release of cortisol during agonistic encounters is blunted in animals subjugated in adolescence but not adulthood. Measures of anxiety are reduced in hamsters with adolescent subjugation as compared to their sibling controls. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate a pronounced difference in behavior and neuroendocrinology between adolescent and adult hamsters in their response to social subjugation and suggest adolescence is a resilient period in development.  相似文献   

There are measurable differences in behavior, physiology, social organization, and geographic distribution within and between various species of macaques. We collected information on the social behavior of captive Macaca fascicularis from Indochina and island populations after they had been transferred to a new environment and new social groups. While some changes in behavior occurred over time, we found no decrease in high levels of agonistic behaviors. We interpret this finding in light of previous research reporting that long-tailed macaques show low levels of habitatuation to novelty and are highly aroused in comparison to other macaque species. We found predictable differences in behavior for males, females, and infants, in which infants played more, females had higher levels of contact proximity to other individuals, and males exhibited more sexual and threat behavior. A comparison of social behavior in long-tailed macaques from different origins indicate that Indochinese macaques are generally less affiliative and Indochinese males are more aggressive than their insular counterparts. Differences among macaque species, and within the fascicularis-group, should be considered in management of captive colonies and when interpreting research data.  相似文献   

Maternal effects are widespread in living organisms though little is known about whether they shape individual affiliative social behavior in primates. Further, it remains a question whether maternal effects on affiliative behavior differ by offspring sex, as they do in other physiological systems, especially in species with high levels of adult sexual dimorphism and divergence in social niches. We explored how direct and indirect experiences of maternal affiliative behavior during infancy predicted affiliative behavior approximately 1–6 years later during the juvenile period, using behavioral data from 41 wild blue monkey juveniles and their 29 mothers, and controlling for individual age, sex, and maternal rank. Female juveniles spent less time grooming with any partner and with peers the more maternal grooming they received during infancy, whereas males groomed more with any partner and with peers. Similarly, the more that mothers groomed with other adult females during subjects’ infancy, female subjects played less with peers, and male subjects played more as juveniles. Further, this maternal effect on social behavior appears specific to early life, as the same aspects of mothers’ sociality measured throughout subjects’ development did not predict juvenile behavior. Overall, our results suggest that both direct and indirect experience of mother's affiliative behavior during infancy influence an individual's affiliation later in life that sexes respond differently to the maternal affiliation, and that the first year of life is a critical window.  相似文献   

Extensive research has examined the effects of social isolation in neonatal and adult animal populations, but few studies have examined the effect of social isolation in early adulthood. Animals reaching reproductive age often experience extensive social changes as they leave their natal site, and a social stressor like isolation may uniquely affect this age group. Furthermore, adolescence is a time when sex differences in behavior become more pronounced. As such, the effects of social stressors are likely to vary by sex. In this study, we used noninvasive methods to evaluate stress responses to social change in male and female subadult chickens (Gallus gallus). Half of the birds experienced regular sessions of social isolation over the course of 2 wk, while the other half were never isolated. Subsequently, all of the animals were exposed to a suite of three novel probes, including an open‐field test. We monitored the birds’ behavioral (head movements) and physiological (fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, FGM) response to the tests. Our results indicate that, for subadult chickens, the effect of social isolation is sex dependent: Male FGM and behavioral responses did not change with subsequent experiences, in contrast to females. Females also exhibited more social reinstatement behavior compared to males. Our results are consistent with the expectations of differences between the sexes based on changes in the social environment due to sex‐biased dispersal patterns. For both sexes, the FGM and behavioral responses varied independently, which highlights the necessity for multiple measures of stress in animal populations.  相似文献   

I aim to explicate the pattern of differences and relations between the sexes in two groups ofC. capucinus, in terms of phylogenetic, social and ecological predictors. I use three lines of evidence to develop predictions as to how male and femaleC. capucinus interact and how the sexes differ in behavior: (1) phylogenetic similarities to other species ofCebus; (2) a general model of sex differences in female-bonded social systems; and (3) ecological analogy of Old World monkeys. First, I conclude that phylogenetic affinity is a good predictor in thatC. capucinus are similar to other species ofCebus in many patterns of sex-differentiated behavior. An exception is that, unlikeC. apella andC. olivaceus, in which a single breeding male is reported to be highly conspicuous in each group,C. capucinus live in a decidedly multimale system. Secondly, the general model of sex differences in female philopatric, male-dispersal societies, which was originally developed for Old World species, also accurately predicts several aspects of social behavior inC. capucinus. Thirdly, a proposed ecological analogy betweenCercopithecus ascanius andspecies of Cebus is not substantiated in this study of C. capucinus, though the analogy is apparently well suited to the social dynamics of other species in the genusCebus.  相似文献   

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