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Gaeanini estas unu malgranda tribo de la familio Cikadedoj. 5 genroj, 8specioj kaj 3 subspecioj estas rekorditaj el cinio Tiu ci artikolo priskribas 11 speciojn de la tribo Gaeanini el cinio, kajdivergigas 3 genrojn novajn el genro Gaeana Amy. et Serv., car tiu estas trokonfuza.  相似文献   

1. "Entomotaxonomia" dedicas sin al la publikigo de artikoloj, skemoj kajsciencaj diskutadoj pri insekta taksonomio inkluzive de novaj ideoj kaj novajakirajoj rilate al principoj, sistemoj, teknikoj kaj metodoj de insekta taksono-mio, kaj priskriboj kaj rekordoj de novaj specioj, genroj kaj aliaj taksonoj deCinio kaj la Orienta Azio.  相似文献   

1. "Entomotaxonomia" dedicas sin al la publikigo de artikoloj, skemoj kajscjencaj diskutadoj pri insekta taksonomio inkluzive de novaj ideoj kaj novajakirajoj rilate al principoj, sistemoj, teknikoj kaj metodoj de insekta taksono-mio, kaj priskriboj kaj rekordoj de novaj specioj, genroj kaj aliaj taksonoj deCinio kaj la orienta Azio.  相似文献   

La tutaj specioj de mekopteroj estas karnoman(?)aj, ili kaptas (?)iam tentredojn, tineojn, cikadelojn, miridojn ktp. Je natura balancado en arbara regiono ili estas pli gravaj ol mantoj, libeloj kaj reduvioj. En (?)inio trovi(?)as du familioj de mekopteroj: 1. Panorpidae, plejparto el la specioj vivas en arbaroj, kaj ili flugas ne malproksime tamen vigle aktivas en multatavole kovritaj miksitaj arbaroj. Ili restas kaj ser(?)as man(?)a(?)ojn sur folioj de arbedoj a(?) arbustoj kaj sin ka(?)as nur dum pluvado. Nur malmultaj specioj sin trovas en pli vastaj herbejoj. 2. Bittacidae, la specioj vivas krom en arbaroj anka(?) en herbaroj apud kampoj.  相似文献   

1. Holcocerus artemisiae, sp. n. Tiu ci specio similas al Arenicola (Staudinger), sed distingigas per jenajkarakteroj: (1) Kvin makuloj ekstere 18 diskcelo sur la antaua flugilo de M2 gis1A. (2) Kelkaj nigr-brunaj strioj sur la ekstera parto de la antaua flugilo. (3) La Jipa gibo de klaspero de vira genitalio pli eta kaj la baza dornotre mallonga.  相似文献   

5 specioj apartenantaj al 2 subgenroj t. e. Sinophora s. str. kaj Sinaphrade la genro Sinophora estis priskribitaj antaue (L. Malichar 1902, Z. P.Metcalf kaj G. Horton 1934, S. Matsmura 1942, G. A. Anufriev 1972), elkiuj 4 estis raportitaj et Cinio. En tiu ci artikolo la autoroj pliigas 8 speciojnel Cinio novajn por scienco (Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Hubei). Lacefaj temoj diskutital en detalo en la cina teksto en tiu ci artikolo estas resu-mataj jene.  相似文献   

Chlamys farreri(Jones & Preston)est la seule espece comestible de la familledes Pectenidae exploitee dans la partie du Nord de Nos cotes. Elle a ete exploiteedepuis l'antiquite par des pecheurs chinois qui fabliquent le "Kinpei" avec le mus-cle adducteur de ce mollusque. Le "Kinpei" est une marchandise alimentaire ma-  相似文献   

En raison du climat tropical du pays,au Viet-Nam on peut faire plusieurs campagnes de riz paran,dont les principales sont les suivantes pour la région du Nord:—Campagne du cinquième mois,avec semis en Novembre,Décembre et récolte en Juin(ciquièmemois lunaire)  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in the laboratory to determine the most suitable diet for adults ofChrysopa scelestes Banks that would result in the maximum fecundity and longevity, without adversely affecting hatchability. Out of 6 adult diets tested, the died containing 40% honey and pollen grains of castor,Ricinus communis L. has influenced upon the female for production of more eggs. On an average, 796 eggs were laid in 36.83 reproductive days, this was followed by Protinex? + fructose + pollen grains and honeydew of mealy bug,Planococcus citri (Risso) + pollen grains. The diet consisting of 40 % honey had little effect either on the per day reproduction or on the effective ovipositional period for total number of egg production. Pre-ovipositional period was observed to be extended in 40% honey followed by honeydew ofP. citri + pollen grains. Hatching of larvae was found to be not affected by various diets.
Résumé Des études de laboratoire ont été menées dans le but de mettre au point un régime pourChrysopa scelestes Banks assurant une fécondité et une longévité maximales et n'affectant pas l'éclosion des jeunes larves. Parmi les 6 régimes essayés, celui qui contient 40 % de miel et du pollen de ricinRicinus communis L. a donné lieu à la ponte la plus abondante de la part des femelles. En moyenne, chaque femelle dépose alors 796 œufs en 36,8 j de ponte. Viennent ensuite les régimes constitués de Protinex, fructose et pollen, puis du miellat de la cochenille farineusePlanococcus citri (Risso) et de pollen. La nourriture à base de 40% de miel aboutit à une fécondité totale très réduite, tant par une incidence sur la fécondité quotidienne que sur la durée de la ponte. La durée de la période de pré-oviposition subit l'allongement le plus considérable dans le cas de l'alimentation avec 40% de miel, suivi par celui que provoque le miellat deP. citri additionné de pollen. L'éclosion des jeunes larves n'a pas été influencée par les divers régimes imaginaux testés.

Contribution No. 350/83 of I.I.H.R., Bangalore-89.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of Rhacophorus based on two adult specimens collected from Hoa Binh Province, northern Vietnam. Rhacophorus hoabinhensis sp. nov. is distinguishable from its congeners on the basis of a combination of the following morphological characters: size small(SVL 31.1–32.5 mm in males); head slightly longer than wide; vomerine teeth absent; snout short(SNL/SVL 0.16); dorsal skin smooth; forearm and tarsus with dermal fringes; dermal appendage at vent present; webbing formula on fingers Ⅰ12/3-12/3 Ⅱ1-2 Ⅲ1-1 Ⅳ and on toes Ⅰ3/4-1 Ⅱ1/2-1Ⅲ1/2-1 Ⅳ1-1/2Ⅳ; dorsal surface grey yellow with brown spots; lower jaw region dark grey, throat, chest and belly cream; anterior and posterior thighs, as well as ventral surface of tibia orange. The interspecific uncorrected genetic distances(16 S rRNA gene) between the new species from Hoa Binh and other analyzed congeners varied from 9.8% to 17.4%. In the phylogenetic analyses, the new species revealed to be a representative of Rhacophorus and was nested within the R. hoanglienensis-orlovi species group.  相似文献   

As early as 1874,the French scientist Père A.David introduced to science a new bird species,Trochalopteron milnei,described as:"Ressemblant au T.formosum du Setchouan,mais ayant le dessus de la tête couleur de cannelle ou d’amadou,et la région parotique blanche"(David,1874).The bird skin that Père David collected,and so far deposited in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris,was from"Koaten of W Fo-kien",in the current Chinese romanization system,Koaten is spelt as Guadun and Fo-kien spelt as Fujian.Then,spelling of the specific name of the bird was given as"milni"by David(1875),David and Oustalet(1877),and La Touche(1899,1925–1930).The bird is now usually known as Garrulax milnei milnei.However,Collar and Robson(2007)resurrected the genus Trochalopteron,and this is also being supported by Luo et al.(2009)as well as by Dickinson and Christidis(2014),but Bird Life still uses Garrulax(Bird Life,2015).  相似文献   

Early biological control attempts ofDiatraea saccharalis in Barbados had failed. Subsequent intensive release campaigns of several parasite species from the Neotropics. Africa and India resulted in the temporary establishment ofMetagonistylum minense andTrichogramma japonicum and the permanent establishment ofLixophaga diatraeae andApanteles flavipes. The latter built up an extraordinarily high population level within a short period of time. From damage assessments it is evident that due to high parasitism crop damage was reduced considerably. The joint borer infestation which fluctuated around 15% until 1966 decreased to less than 6% in 1970.
Résumé Des essais de lutte biologique contreDiatraea saccharalis ont été poursuivis à la Barbade pendant plus de 40 ans. Des libérations en masse deTrichogramma japonicum, faites jusqu’en 1958, se révélèrent infructueuses; la mouche de Cuba,Lixophaga diatraeae, fut introduite au début de l’année 1960, mais sa répartition demeura inégale et sa fréquence généralement faible jusqu’en 1968, date à laquelle elle se répandit soudain dans toute l’?le et augmenta en abondance (moyenne de parasitisme en 1968: 13,6%). Tout s’est passé comme si, durant les années précédentes, une race s’était développée qui est maintenant mieux adaptée aux conditions environnantes de la Barbade. En 1966 et 1967, plusieurs autres espèces de parasites furent introduites à la Barbade. Parmi elles,Metagonistylum minense etTrichogramma fasciatum s’établirent temporairement, tandis queApanteles flavipes, introduite des Indes, s’acclimata d’elle-même en permanence. A la suite d’une libération d’environ 2 000 individus en juillet et ao?t 1966, ce parasite fut retrouvé pour la première fois, plus d’un an après, en octobre 1967; à la fin de 1969, il avait colonisé toute l’?le avec un taux de parasitisme de 0,5 à 95,5% et en moyenne de 30,3%. Ces deux dernières années, la réduction des dégats a produit une augmentation de revenu estimée à 315 000 et 405 000 £, respectivement.

Presented at the symposium OILB on borers of graminaceous plants. Paris, 24th sept. 1970.  相似文献   

Archangelsky, S. (ed.), 1987: E1 sistema Carbonifero en la Republica Argentina. 383 pp. Cordoba: Academia Nacional de Ciencias. Ghergari, L., Mészāros, N., Nicorici, E., & Petrescu, Ⅰ. (eds.), 1987: The Eocene from the Transylvanian basin, Romania. 339 pp. Cluj-Napoca: University of Cluj-Napoca.  相似文献   

目的:探讨青岛地区汉族人群阿司匹林抵抗与血小板膜糖蛋白GPⅢaPLA、Ⅰ a807C/T基因多态性之间的关系.方法:筛选150例动脉粥样硬化患者服用阿司匹林(100mg/d)至少14d以上,根据血小板聚集功能测定将其分为阿司匹林抵抗(AR)组、阿司匹林半抵抗(ASR)组,阿司匹林敏感(AS)组.用PCR-RFLP法确定各组GPⅢaPLA、GP Ⅰa 807C/T基因型.结果:仅于ASR组检出1例PLA1/A2基因型,其余均为PLA1/A1基因型,未发现PLA2/A2基因型,差异无统计学意义(P>0.005);GP Ⅰ a807C/T基因位点AR组、ASR组的T等位基因频率均显著高于AS组,有统计学意义(P<0.005).结论:GPⅢaPLA2基因可能不是阿司匹林抵抗的遗传危险因素.而GP Ⅰ a 807C/T基因位点的T等位基因与阿司匹林抵抗的发生相关联,可能是阿司匹林抵抗遗传易感因素.  相似文献   

J'ai eu l'occasion de trouver un certain nombre d'Hym?nopt?res Crabroniens r?colt?s en Chine, dans les collections qui m'ont ?t? pr?t?es pour d?termination par I'U. S. National Museum (Washington) et par plusieurs institutions d'Europe occidentale, notamment le British Museum (Natural History), le Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universit?t Berlin, l'Alexander-Koenig Zoologisches Museum, Bonn, etc.; nous en avons aussi un petit nombre dans la collection de Gembloux. Il ?tait int?ressant de faire conna?tre les r?sultats de ces d?terminations, d'autant plus. que plusieurs des esp?ces rencontr?es n'ont pas ?t? signal?es de Chine ant?rieurement, et  相似文献   

<正> The Cenozoic deposits of Jingle area was first explored by Teilhard de Chardin & Young in 1929, and six species of mammals: Hipparion houfenense, Gazella blacki Antilospira licenti, Elephas sp., Cervus sp., and Rhinocerotidae gen. indet, were found from the Red Clay in Loc. 1 (Hefeng). Based on the Jingle Fauna, Teilhard de Chardin & Young concluded that the fossil-bearing layer was situated between the typical Hipparion richthofeni Red Clay (Pontian) and the Sanmenian deposits (Polycene) (Teilhard de Chardin & Young, 1930, 1931) and called it "Upper Pontian". Since then, Jingle Formation (or Jingle Red Clay) has been widely used in the stratigraphic generalization of North China (Pei et al., 1963) although its definition and age assignment have never been cleared up. "Jinglean" was put into use for the first time as a stage name by Li et al. (1984, in Chinese) to represent Early Pliocene tentatively: "It may be equivalent to Early Pliocene, more plausibly, it is later ...... Jinglean was temporarily used here to represent Early Pliocene by tradition." In order to make clear the age of Jingle Red Clay and enrich the Hefeng Fauna, a field survey was made in the Summer of 1986 by Chen Xiaofeng and the author. An assemblage of fossil micromammals was unearthed by means of wet-sieving techniques. About 1 ton of sediments from Hefeng (Loc. 86007, or Loc. 1) and Xiagaoai (Loc. 86008, or Loc. 2) in Jingle county (see fig. 1), yielded over 1000 specimens of small mammals. The specimens are from four layers (see table 1), and the present paper only deals with the micromammals from the sand layer and the Red Clay at Hefeng (fig. 2).  相似文献   

正We miscalculated identities of several genes, and the corrected Table 1 should be as follows:a) This table demonstrates identities of 2019-nCoV WIV04 (GenBank Accession No. MN996528.1) compared with bat SARSr-CoV RaTG13 (GenBank Accession No. MN996532.1) and SARS-CoV BJ01 (GenBank Accession No. AY278488.2). Identities were calculated by using nucleotide sequences and  相似文献   

Hoya ledongensis S. Y. He & P. T. Li, sp. nov. 乐东球兰(S2-3. Fig. 1) Type: China. Hainan: Jianfengling, on tree and rock in a montane rainforest, alt. 960 m, 2008-05-08, S. Y. He (0805081 holotype, CANT; 0805082 holotype, CANT).  相似文献   

The change in stored carbon (C) stocks was assessed for a 700 km~2 area where forestcover decreased from 60% to 10% in the last 30 years. At the same time, the area under coffee increased from 7% to 70% with a gradual evolution from open "sun coffee" systems to multi-strata "shade coffee" systems that provide a partial compensation for C loss. The use of a generic tropi-cal forest rather than tree-specific allometric equation can lead to substantial (up to 100%) overes-timates of aboveground biomass depending on wood density and tree shape. The shoot: root ratio (biomass) of coffee shifted with age, from the 4∶1 value often assumed for tropical trees to 2∶1.Annual aboveground C stock accumulation rates during the establishment stage after slash-and-burn land clearing were 1, close to 2 or 3.5 Mg C ha~(-1)a~(-1) for sun coffee, shade coffee and fallowregrowth, respectively. Forest remnants, shade coffee and sun coffee had soil C stocks in the up-per 30 cm of the soil that were 79%, 60% or 45%, respectively, of the values expected for primary forest in Sumatra. Total C stock (time averaged, above-0.3 m in the soil) for forest, shade and sun coffee was 262, 82 and 52 Mg C ha~(-1), respectively. In the 1970-1984 period, while forest cover was reduced from 59.5% to 19.7%, the landscape lost on average 6.8 Mg C ha~(-1) a~(-1). In the1984-2000 period forest cover was further reduced to 12.6%, but the landscape lost only 0.39 MgC ha~(-1) a~(-1), as forest loss was partially compensated by an increase in shade coffee systems. Conversion of all current sun coffee to shade coffee systems while protecting the remaining forest,could increase average landscape level C stocks by 10 Mg ha~(-1) over a time frame of say 20 years,or 0.5 Mg C ha~(-1) a~(-1).  相似文献   

Type Ⅲ interferons (IFNs) represent the most recently discovered group of IFNs.Together with type Ⅰ IFNs (e.g.IFN-α/β),type Ⅲ IFNs (IFN-λ) are produced as part of the innate immune response to virus infection,and elicit an anti-viral state by inducing expression of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs).It was initially thought that type Ⅰ IFNs and type Ⅲ IFNs perform largely redundant functions.However,it has become evident that type Ⅲ IFNs particularly play a major role in antiviral protection of mucosal epithelial barriers,thereby serving an important role in the first-line defense against virus infection and invasion at contact areas with the outside world,versus the generally more broad,potent and systemic antiviral effects of type Ⅰ IFNs.Herpesviruseses are large DNA viruses,which enter their host via mucosal surfaces and establish lifelong,latent infections.Despite the importance of mucosal epithelial cells in the pathogenesis of herpesviruses,our current knowledge on the interaction of herpesviruses with type Ⅲ IFN is limited and largely restricted to studies on the alphaherpesvirus herpes simplex virus (HSV).This review summarizes the current understanding about the role of IFN-λ in the immune response against herpesvirus infections.  相似文献   

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