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紫外线(254nm)能诱导一系列DNA损伤。嘧啶二聚体是至今所知的主要损伤产物。然而,由于细胞基因组结构和复制方式的复杂性以及DNA损伤修复途径的多样性,定量地研究特定DNA损伤的生物学效应是困难的。微小病毒是一种良好的探针,因它们有特有的基因组结构和复制方式,它们已被成功地用于探测细胞的诱发性易错修复功能和突变过程。在此项研究中,自主性微小病毒  相似文献   

DNA错配修复与癌症的发生及治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA错配修复是细胞复制后的一种修复机制,具有维持DNA复制保真度,控制基因变异的作用。DNA错配修复缺陷使整个基因组不稳定,最终会导致肿瘤和癌症的发生。DNA错配修复系统不仅通过矫正在DNA重组和复制过程中产生的碱基错配而保持基因组的稳定,而且通过诱导DNA损伤细胞的凋亡而消除由突变细胞生长形成的癌变。错配修复缺陷细胞的抗药性也引起了癌症化疗研究方面的关注。大多数情况下,错配修复健全型细胞对肿瘤化疗药物敏感,而错配修复缺陷细胞却有较高的抗性。DNA错配修复系统通过修复和诱导细胞凋亡维护基因组稳定的功能,显示了错配修复途径在癌症生物学和分子医学中的重要性。  相似文献   

酵母模式生物研究表观遗传调控基因组稳定性的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯碧薇  陈建强  雷秉坤  潘贤  吕红 《遗传》2010,32(8):799-807
基因组的遗传稳定性是维持正常的细胞复制、增殖和分化的关键。外源因素和内源因素造成的DNA损伤及其修复失败, 是各种遗传疾病发生的根本原因。表观遗传调控(包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和非编码RNA)在DNA损伤修复和细胞周期调控方面发挥着重要的作用, 也是维持基因组稳定性的基础。酵母作为单细胞真核生物, 是最早开展表观遗传学研究的物种之一, 特别是在DNA损伤修复和异染色质形成等方面的研究, 为揭示遗传稳定性的本质提供了理论依据。国际上前期以酵母为模式生物研究表观遗传学的报道主要集中于组蛋白修饰领域; 近期利用裂殖酵母作为模式生物研究RNAi指导的组蛋白修饰也有了一定的进展。文章以酵母作为模式生物, 论述了表观遗传修饰在维持基因组遗传稳定性中的研究进展、作用机制和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

DNA损伤修复是维持细胞基因组稳定性和完整性的基础,越来越多的研究发现,E3泛素连接酶在DNA损伤修复中起着重要的作用.该文将介绍DNA损伤修复的机制、DNA损伤修复与疾病的关系、及E3泛素连接酶接头蛋白MDM2和SPOP在DNA损伤修复中的作用.重点围绕DNA损伤修复的两条通路:E3泛素连接酶接头蛋白SPOP与ATM...  相似文献   

芦广庆  段金志  张昱 《遗传》2016,38(2):178-179
保持基因组的完整性和稳定性对于生物体的存活是十分重要的。DNA损伤来源于多方面,主要包括内源性的生理因素(如细胞代谢产物、DNA复制错误、抗体类别转换等)和外源性因素(如UV照射、同位素辐射等)。基因组DNA一旦发生损伤,机体内的DNA损伤修复机制就会被激活。DNA被错误地修复会导致基因突变或者基因组的不稳定,包括染色体缺失、扩增以及转位,最终这些突变的细胞可能会转化为癌细胞,进而引起肿瘤的发生。  相似文献   

聚腺苷二磷酸-核糖聚合酶1(poly ADP-ribose polymerase-1,PARP1)是细胞中重要的修饰酶,其最广为人知的作用是通过自身PAR修饰,募集以XRCC1为首的多种DNA损伤修复效应蛋白质,参与DNA单、双链损伤修复。PARP1还能通过促进复制叉停滞与核小体解聚,为DNA损伤修复提供有利条件,维持基因组稳定性。近年来,除DNA损伤修复方面的作用,还发现PARP1能影响细胞凋亡、自噬与炎症通路,与神经退行性疾病的发生发展密切相关。而PARP抑制剂(PARP inhibitor,PARPi)是一种靶向PARP1,与细胞同源重组(homologous recombination,HR)缺陷表型共同作用,产生合成致死效应的抗肿瘤药物。该药物可捕获PARP1并抑制其活性,一方面直接干扰PARP1参与的DNA损伤修复通路,另一方面也抑制了PARP1介导的DNA损伤修复通路选择和复制叉停滞,使细胞基因组不稳定。然而,在临床治疗中常发现肿瘤细胞对PARPi不敏感。肿瘤细胞对PARPi耐药与自身基因突变高度相关,这些基因分别作用于细胞HR修复途径、PARP1循环途径、复制叉稳定性和药物主动外排等方面,在耐药肿瘤患者中确定具体的突变位点,将为临床治疗提供帮助。本文旨在对PARP1的功能作一综述,并重点介绍PARPi的作用机制和与肿瘤耐药相关的突变基因及其耐药机制,以期加深对细胞中PARP1介导的DNA损伤修复通路的认识,并为将来的临床治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感蛋白1在DNA损伤修复中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类乳腺癌易感基因1(breast cancer susceptibility gene 1,BRCA1)首先是在乳腺癌家族中发现的,是具有遗传倾向的乳腺癌和卵巢癌易感基因,其基因的突变与家族性乳腺癌及卵巢癌的发生有密切联系。BRCA1是一种抑癌基因,其基因产物可以参与维持基因组稳定性的多条细胞信号通路,例如DNA损伤诱导的细胞周期调控、DNA损伤修复、基因转录调节、细胞凋亡、泛素化等重要的细胞活动。本文就近几年来BRCA1在DNA损伤修复中的作用的研究进展作一综述,包括DNA损伤诱导的细胞周期检查点的激活和DNA损伤修复两方面。  相似文献   

紫外线诱导的DNA损伤与皮肤癌的发生(1)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日光中紫外线(ultraviolet radiation,UV)诱导的DNA损伤是导致皮肤癌发生的一个重要因素。在皮肤癌细胞中发现,调控细胞增殖、分化和凋亡的特异性基因出现与紫外线损伤相关的变异。根据日光中紫外线波长的不同,可将其分为3种:UVA,UVB和UVC。UVB是导致DNA损伤的主要类型。目前已证实一些原癌基因和抑癌基因由于紫外线引起的DNA损伤而发生变异。UV诱导产生皮肤癌是一个复杂的过程,涉及到许多细胞和分子水平上的变化,同时还与DNA的修复作用相关。  相似文献   

生物有机体基因组DNA经常会受到内源或外源因素的影响而导致结构发生变化,产生损伤;在长期进化过程中,有机体也相应形成了一系列应对与修复损伤DNA,并维持染色体基因组正常结构功能的机制。其中DNA损伤检验点(DNA damage checkpoint)就是在感应DNA损伤的基础上,对损伤感应信号进行转导,或引起细胞周期的暂停,从而使细胞有足够的时间对损伤DNA进行修复,或最终导致细胞发生凋亡。DNA损伤检验点信号转导途径是一个高度保守的信号感应过程,整个途径大致可以分为损伤感应、信号传递及信号效应3个组成部分。其中3-磷脂酰肌醇激酶家族类成员ATM(ataxia-telangiectasia mutated)和ATR(ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related)活性的增加构成整个途径活化的第一步。它们通过激活下游的效应激酶,Chk2/Chk1,通过协同作用许多其他调控细胞周期、DNA复制、DNA损伤修复及细胞凋亡等过程的蛋白质因子来实现细胞对DNA损伤的高度协调反应。近十几年,随着此领域研究的不断深入,人们逐步揭示了DNA损伤检验点途径发生过程中,各种核心组分通过与不同调节因子、效应因子及DNA损伤修复蛋白间的复杂相互作用,以实现监测感应异常DNA结构并实施相应反应的机制;其中,检验点衔接因子(mediators)及染色质结构,尤其是核小体组蛋白的共价修饰在调控ATM/ATR活性,促进ATM/ATR与底物间的相互作用以及介导DNA损伤位点周围染色质区域上多蛋白复合物在时间与空间上的动态形成发挥着重要的作用。同时,人们也开始发现DNA损伤检验点途径与DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性以及肿瘤发生等过程之间某些内在的联系。该反应途径在通过协调细胞针对DNA损伤做出各种反应的基础上,直接或间接地参与或调控DNA损伤修复过程,并与DNA损伤修复途径协同作用最终保证染色体基凶组结构的完整性,而检验点途径的改变,则会引起基因组不稳定的发生,包括从突变频率的提高到大范围的染色体重排,以及染色体数量的畸变。如:突变发生在肿瘤形成早期,会大大增加肿瘤发生的几率。文章将对DNA损伤检验点途径机制及其对DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性影响的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

范可尼贫血症(FA)又称范可尼综合征,是一种常染色体或X染色体连锁的隐性遗传病.范可尼贫血症患者具有先天性发育异常、骨髓衰竭、高度癌症易感性等特征.尽管范可尼贫血症是一种在人群中发生比例仅为1:1000000~5:1000000的罕见遗传病,但它却是一个可以用来研究DNA损伤修复和肿瘤发生的重要模型.迄今为止,已经确定了15个范可尼贫血症基因(FA基因)以及一些范可尼贫血症相关基因.当15个FA基因中的任何一个发生突变,都会导致范可尼贫血症的发生.从这些基因发生突变的病人身上所分离得到的细胞则具有对DNA交联损伤试剂(如丝裂霉素C等)高度敏感,以及基因组不稳定的表型.在此,对目前所了解的FA基因所编码的FA蛋白参与DNA交联损伤修复的具体分子机制进行了回顾与阐述.  相似文献   

The hR24L gene ORF was cloned from the total RNA of HeLa cells by RT-PCR method. There is no mutation of the hR24L gene in HeLa cells. Ion radiation significantly increased the expression of hR24L gene, and the sense hR24L enhanced and accelerated the cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase in HeLa cells. Besides, it should seem that the overexpression of hR24L gene could enhance the repair ability of DNA damage induced by ion radiation, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of hFIX protein in nonhepatocytes was studied. The gene targeting vector was constructed and transferred into HeLa cells. With the detection system of PCR, we demonstrated that the endogenous hFIX promoter was replaced with an hCMV promoter when targeted insertion of the constructor was directed by the sequence homology. The expression of hFIX in the modified HeLa cells, 11.2 ng/106 cell/24 h, strongly suggested that hFIX gene could be activated by a powerful promoter in nonhepatocytes. The results would make it possible to examine the feasibility of re-regulate gene expression by promoter replacement.  相似文献   

A primary site of infection by human adenoviruses is lymphoid cells. However, analysis of the viral control elements and the cellular factors that regulate adenoviral gene expression in lymphocytes has not been reported. The adenovirus early region 3 (ES) gene products are involved in the maintenance of viral persistence by complexing with the class I MHC antigens, thus preventing their cell surface expression with a resultant decrease in host immunologic destruction. To determine whether different cellular factors were involved in E3 regulation in lymphocytes as compared with HeLa cells, both DNA binding and transfection analysis with the E3 promoter in both cell types were performed. These studies detected two novel domains referred to as L1 and L2 with a variety of lymphoid but not HeLa extracts. Each of these domains possessed strong homology to motifs previously found to bind the cellular factor NF-kappa B. Transfections of E3 constructs linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene revealed that mutagenesis of the distal NF-kappa B motif (L2) had minimal effects on promoter expression in HeLa cells, but resulted in dramatic decreases in expression by lymphoid cells. In contrast, mutagenesis of proximal NF-kappa B motif (L1) had minimal effects on gene expression in both HeLa cells and lymphoid cells but resulted in a small, but reproducible, increase in gene expression in lymphoid cells when coupled to the L2 mutation. Reversing the position and subsequent mutagenesis of the L1 and L2 domains indicated that the primary sequence of these motifs rather than their position in the E3 promoter was critical for regulating gene expression.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

辐射诱导转录子RIGb cDNA对HeLa细胞增殖的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核酸序列同源性分析和RT -PCR确定辐射诱导转录子RIGb是染色质重构基因CHD6表达的一个剪接转录子.Northern杂交结果表明,0 . 5Gyγ射线诱导RIGbmRNA表达增加,但4Gy大剂量照射对其表达无明显的影响.正常成人组织Northern杂交结果显示,RIGb基因在心脏、肝脏和睾丸中有高表达.细胞生长曲线分析结果表明,转染和稳定表达RIGb的人宫颈癌细胞(HeLa)的增殖生长受到明显抑制,细胞周期分析发现G1/S期阻滞.  相似文献   

构建了以CEA启动子控制的HSV-TK基因表达质粒pCEA-TK。转染pCEA-TK的人结肠癌细胞LoVo对GCV的敏感性提高了1300倍。同样条件下,人宫颈癌细胞HeLa对GCV的敏感性仅提高8倍,且对低于血药浓度(20μmol/L)的GCV不敏感。以上结果显示在GCV存在时,CEA启动子控制下HSV-TK基因的表达使CEA阳性的人结直肠癌细胞获得专一性杀伤。此外,DNA片段分析和电镜观察表明GCV诱导转染pCEA-TK的LoVo细胞发生凋亡可能是这个系统杀死肿瘤细胞的机制之一。本工作还讨论了癌胚抗原(CEA)基因启动子用于人结直肠癌专一性自杀基因治疗的可能性。  相似文献   

Although histone synthesis and DNA synthesis are normally very well coordinated in HeLa cells, their histone synthesis proved relatively resistant to inhibition by ionizing radiation. During the first 24 h after 1 000 R the rate of cellular DNA synthesis progressively fell to small fractions of control values while histone synthesis continued with much less relative reduction. Acrylamide gel electropherograms of the acid soluble nuclear histones synthesized by irradiated HeLa cells were qualitatively normal.  相似文献   

The immediate-early response gene 5 (IER5) was previously shown, using microarray analysis, to be upregulated by ionizing radiation. Here we further characterized the dose- and time-dependency of radiation-induced expression of IER5 at doses from 0.5 to 15 Gy by quantitative real-time PCR analyses in HeLa cells and human lymphoblastoid AHH-1 cells. A radiation-induced increase in the IER5 mRNA level was evident 2 h after irradiation with 2 Gy in both cell lines. In AHH-1 cells the expression reached a peak at 4 h and then quickly returned to the control level, while in HeLa cells the expression only remained increased for a short period of time at around 2 h after irradiation before returning to the control. After high-dose irradiation (10 Gy), the induction of the IER5 expression was lower and delayed in AHH-1 cells as compared with 2-Gy irradiated cells. In HeLa cells, at this dose, two peaks of increased expression were observed 2 h and 12–24 h post-irradiation, respectively. RNA interference technology was employed to silence the IER5 gene in HeLa cells. siRNA-mediated suppression of IER5 resulted in an increased proliferation of HeLa cells. Cell growth and survival analyses demonstrated that suppression of IER5 significantly increased the radioresistance of HeLa cells to radiation doses of up to 6 Gy, but barely affected the sensitivity of cells at 8 Gy. Moreover, suppression of IER5 potentiated radiation-induced arrest at the G2-M transition and led to an increase in the fraction of S phase cells. Taken together, we propose that the early radiation-induced expression of IER5 affects the radiosensitivity via disturbing radiation-induced cell cycle checkpoints.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus E3L gene codes for double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding proteins which can prevent activation of the dsRNA-dependent, interferon-induced protein kinase PKR. Activated PKR has been shown to induce apoptosis in HeLa cells. HeLa cells infected with vaccinia virus with the E3L gene deleted have also been shown to undergo apoptosis, whereas HeLa cells infected with wild-type vaccinia virus do not. In this report, using virus recombinants expressing mutant E3L products or alternative dsRNA binding proteins, we show that suppression of induction of apoptosis correlates with functional binding of proteins to dsRNA. Infection of HeLa cells with ts23, which leads to synthesis of increased dsRNA at restrictive temperature, induced apoptosis at restrictive but not permissive temperatures. Treatment of cells with cytosine arabinoside, which blocks the late buildup of dsRNA in vaccinia virus-infected cells, prevented induction of apoptosis by vaccinia virus with E3L deleted. Cells transfected with dsRNA in the absence of virus infection also underwent apoptosis. These results suggest that dsRNA is a trigger that can initiate a suicide response in virus-infected and perhaps uninfected cells.  相似文献   

The induction of stress proteins in HeLa and CHO cells was investigated following a 2 h exposure to radiofrequency (RF) or microwave radiation. Cells were exposed or sham exposed in vitro under isothermal (37 ± 0.2 °C) conditions. HeLa cells were exposed to 27- or 2450 MHz continuous wave (CW) radiation at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 25 W/kg. CHO cells were exposed to CW 27 MHz radiation at a SAR of 100 W/kg. Parallel positive control studies included 2 h exposure of HeLa or CHO cells to 40 °C or to 45 μM cadmium sulfate. Stress protein induction was assayed 24 h after treatment by electrophoresis of whole-cell extracted protein labeled with [35S]-methionine. Both cell types exhibited well-characterized responses to the positive control stresses. Under these exposure conditions, neither microwave nor RF radiation had a detectable effect on stress protein induction as determined by either comparison of RF-exposed cells with sham-exposed cells or comparison with heat-stressed or Cd++ positive control cells. Bioelectromagnetics 18:499–505, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

以鸡新城疫病毒F基因(NDV-F)为模式外源基因,通过基因切割-重叠延伸PCR法(SOE-PCR)将其插入到单核细胞增多性李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)毒力基因hly的启动子和信号肽序列下游,并将该融合片段克隆入穿梭质粒pKSV7,随后将重组质粒电转李斯特菌进行同源重组。NDV-F基因的PCR扩增表明该重组菌构建成功,RT-PCR结果表明F基因在重组菌中得到了转录。比较了重组菌和野生型菌株的溶血性、黏附和侵袭力、对小鼠和鸡胚的毒力和生长特性以及重组菌的体内外稳定性,结果表明:hly基因中F片段的整合消除了单核细胞增多性李斯特菌溶血素基因的表达,其培养上清液没有溶血性,而野生型菌株的溶血价达24;细胞试验表明重组菌对细胞的黏附力和相对侵袭力均有不同程度的降低,而相对侵袭力与野生型菌株具有显著性差异(P<0.05);重组菌对小鼠及鸡胚的毒力(LD50)与野生型相比分别下降3.7和6.5个对数数量级;重组菌在BHI肉汤和小鼠体内连续5次后,仍然可以扩增出目的基因NDV-F,初步表明该重组菌较为稳定。  相似文献   

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