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Abiotic environmental change, local species extinctions and colonization of new species often co‐occur. Whether species colonization is driven by changes in abiotic conditions or reduced biotic resistance will affect community functional composition and ecosystem management. We use a grassland experiment to disentangle effects of climate warming and community diversity on plant species colonization. Community diversity had dramatic impacts on the biomass, richness and traits of plant colonists. Three times as many species colonized the monocultures than the high diversity 17 species communities (~30 vs. 10 species), and colonists collectively produced 10 times as much biomass in the monocultures than the high diversity communities (~30 vs. 3 g/m2). Colonists with resource‐acquisitive strategies (high specific leaf area, light seeds, short heights) accrued more biomass in low diversity communities, whereas species with conservative strategies accrued most biomass in high diversity communities. Communities with higher biomass of resident C4 grasses were more resistant to colonization by legume, nonlegume forb and C3 grass colonists, but not by C4 grass colonists. Compared with effects of diversity, 6 years of 3°C‐above‐ambient temperatures had little impact on plant colonization. Warmed subplots had ~3 fewer colonist species than ambient subplots and selected for heavier seeded colonists. They also showed diversity‐dependent changes in biomass of C3 grass colonists, which decreased under low diversity and increased under high diversity. Our findings suggest that species colonization is more strongly affected by biotic resistance from residents than 3°C of climate warming. If these results were extended to invasive species management, preserving community diversity should help limit plant invasion, even under climate warming.  相似文献   

Global changes are influencing fire regimes in many parts of the world. In the Fynbos plant diversity hotspot (Cape Floristic Region, South Africa), fire frequency has increased in protected areas where the mean fire interval went from 12–19 to 6–9 years between 1970 and 2000. Fire is one of the main drivers of plant diversity in the Cape Floristic Region. Too frequent fires threaten the persistence of slow-maturing plant species, and such insights have led to the adoption of fire management principles based on plant responses. The effects of fire on Fynbos fauna are much more poorly understood, and have not generally been considered in depth in Fynbos conservation policies, planning or management. We assessed the response of bird communities to long-term fire-induced vegetation changes using space-for-time substitution. We studied bird communities, vegetation structure and plant functional composition in 84 Fynbos plots burnt between two and 18 years before. Ten of the 14 bird species analysed showed a significant change in their abundance with time since fire. We observed a significant species turnover along the post-fire succession due to changes both in vegetation structure and plant functional composition, with a characteristic shift from non-Fynbos specialists and granivorous species to Fynbos specialists and nectarivorous species.If current trends of increasing fire frequency continue, Fynbos endemic birds such as nectarivores may become vulnerable. Conservation management should thus aim more carefully to maintain mosaics of Fynbos patches of different ages. Future research needs to estimate the proportion of vegetation of different ages and patch sizes needed to support dependent fauna, particularly endemics.  相似文献   

The response of species numbers and density of Collembola to manipulation of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 species) and number of plant functional groups (grasses, legumes and non-legume herbs) was studied in an experimental grassland at the Swiss BIODEPTH site (Lupsingen, Switzerland) in October 1997. Plant species richness or number of plant functional groups did not affect total diversity of Collembola, however, the number of Collembola species increased in the presence of legumes and the grass Trisetum flavescens . The abundance of Protaphorura armata increased but that of Hypogastruridae/Neanuridae significantly decreased with increasing number of plant functional groups. Other groups including the herbivorous Symphypleona did not respond to plant species richness and plant functional groups. Possibly, Hypogastruridae/Neanuridae species are weak competitors declining in density if the density of other Collembola groups increase. In general, the effect of the number of plant functional groups on the densities of collembolan taxa was stronger than that of plant species richness. Changes in Collembola density and diversity in part was likely caused by increased soil microbial and fine root biomass in treatments with higher plant functional group diversity. The presence of legumes resulted in an increase in the densities of total Collembola, Symphypleona/Neelipleona and Isotomidae indicating that they benefited from the high litter quality and the increased microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of legumes. The results suggest that microbivorous soil invertebrates are controlled by food quality rather than quantity. Furthermore, they indicate that presence of certain plant species and functional groups may be more important for collembolan community structure than the diversity of plant species and functional groups per se.  相似文献   

Effects of herbivores on grassland plant diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of herbivores in controlling plant species richness is a critical issue in the conservation and management of grassland biodiversity. Numerous field experiments in grassland plant communities show that herbivores often, but not always, increase plant diversity. Recent work suggests that the mechanisms of these effects involve alteration of local colonization of species from regional species pools or local extinction of species, and recent syntheses and models suggest that herbivore effects on plant diversity should vary across environmental gradients of soil fertility and precipitation.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the effect of artificial plant cover on plant colonization of a bare peat surface, resulting from peat harvesting. Plant species colonization was compared on plots supplied with plastic models simulating Vaccinium vitis-idaea plants and plots without this artificial cover. After two growing seasons, species composition and total biomass of the established plant cover were similar in the two plot types. However, the number of established seedlings in the plots with artificial cover was significantly higher than that in the plots without cover. Out of 13 species observed four differed significantly in their performance on the two plot types. Betula spec. had both higher seedling numbers and higher biomass on the test plots; Deschampsia cespitosa had a higher biomass, whereas the seedlings were too numerous to be counted; Salix phylicifolia had higher seedling numbers. On the contrary, the number of seedlings of Epilobium angustifoliwn was lower on plots with artificial cover. It is suggested that colonization by Betula, D. cespitosa and S. phylicifolia was facilitated mainly by the improved microclimatic and soil moisture conditions under the artificial plant cover. On the other hand, germination of E. angustifolium may be negatively influenced by the increased shade on the test plots.  相似文献   

Abstract: To study the abundance and occurrence of herbivore insects on plants it is important to consider plant characteristics that may control the insects. In this study the following hypotheses were tested: (i) an increase of plant architecture increases species richness and abundance of gall‐inducing insects and (ii) plant architecture increases gall survival and decreases parasitism. Two hundred and forty plants of Baccharis pseudomyriocephala Teodoro (Asteraceae) were sampled, estimating the number of shoots, branches and their biomass. Species richness and abundance of galling insects were estimated per module, and mortality of the galls was assessed. Plant architecture influenced positively species richness, abundance and survival of galls. However, mortality of galling insects by parasitoids was low (13.26%) and was not affected by plant architecture, thus suggesting that other plant characteristics (a bottom‐up pressure) might influence gall‐inducing insect communities more than parasitism (a top‐down pressure). The opposite effect of herbivore insects on plant characteristics must also be considered, and such effects may only be assessed through manipulative experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Anthropogenic increases in nitrogen deposition are impacting terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. While some of the direct ecosystem‐level effects of nitrogen deposition are understood, the effects of nitrogen deposition on plant–insect interactions and on herbivore population dynamics have received less attention. 2. Nitrogen deposition will potentially influence both plant resource availability and herbivore population growth. If increases in herbivore population growth outstrip increases in resource availability, then increases in the strength of density dependence expressed within the herbivore population would be predicted. Alternatively, if plant resources respond more vigorously to nitrogen deposition than do herbivore populations, a decline in the strength of density dependence would be expected. No change in the strength of density dependence acting upon the herbivore population would suggest equivalent responses by herbivores and plants. 3. A density manipulation experiment was performed to examine the effect of nitrogen deposition on the interaction between a host plant, Asclepias tuberosa, and its herbivore, Aphis nerii. Aphid maximum per capita growth rate (Rmax), carrying capacity (K), and the strength of density dependence were measured under three nitrogen deposition treatments. The effect of nitrogen deposition on the relationship among these three measures of insect population dynamics was explored. 4. Simulated nitrogen deposition increased aphid per capita population growth, plant foliar nitrogen concentrations, and plant biomass. Nitrogen deposition caused Rmax and K to increase proportionally, leading to no overall change in the strength of density dependence. In this system, potential changes in the negative feedback processes operating on herbivore populations following nitrogen deposition appear to be buffered by concomitant changes in resource availability.  相似文献   

T. E. Miller 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):272-278
Summary The time at which plants emerge from the soil is shown to be correlated with both survival and growth in each of four years in a plant community emerging after yearly plowing. For all seven species investigated, earlier emerging individuals generally had both a higher biomass and probability of survival. There were differences among species in the effect of emergence time on biomass, with the growth of upright, annual species being more suppressed by later emergence than the growth of other species. No significant differences were found among species in the effects of emergence time on survival. It was expected that differences among species in the effect of emergence time on fitness might lead to a correlation between the patterns of emergence time and species characteristics such as growth form or lifespan. Mean emergence times did vary significantly among both the seven species and the four years of the study. However, there was no correlation between emergence time and species lifespan, growth form, abundance, or competitive ability. The lack of a correlation between the selection pressure on species and their emergence time could be due low heritability, insufficient time for selection and evolution, and/or selection on correlated characters.  相似文献   

A coupling of above-ground plant diversity and below-ground microbial diversity has been implied in studies dedicated to assessing the role of macrophyte diversity on the stability, resilience, and functioning of ecosystems. Indeed, above-ground plant communities have long been assumed to drive below-ground microbial diversity, but to date very little is known as to how plant species composition and diversity influence the community composition of micro-organisms in the soil. We examined this relationship in fields subjected to different above-ground biodiversity treatments and in field experiments designed to examine the influence of plant species on soil-borne microbial communities. Culture-independent strategies were applied to examine the role of wild or native plant species composition on bacterial diversity and community structure in bulk soil and in the rhizosphere. In comparing the influence of Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue) and Cirsium vulgare (spear thistle) on soil-borne bacterial communities, detectable differences in microbial community structure were confined to the rhizosphere. The colonisation of the rhizosphere of both plants was highly reproducible, and maintained throughout the growing season. In a separate experiment, effects of plant diversity on bacterial community profiles were also only observed for the rhizosphere. Rhizosphere soil from experimental plots with lower macrophyte diversity showed lower diversity, and bacterial diversity was generally lower in the rhizosphere than in bulk soil. These results demonstrate that the level of coupling between above-ground macrophyte communities and below-ground microbial communities is related to the tightness of the interactions involved. Although plant species composition and community structure appear to have little discernible effect on microbial communities inhabiting bulk soil, clear and reproducible changes in microbial community structure and diversity are observed in the rhizosphere. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many theoretical and field studies have emphasized the impact of disturbance in the dynamics and diversity of sessile organism communities. This view is best reflected by the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH), which states that a maximum of diversity is found in ecosystems or communities experiencing intermediate disturbance regimes or at an intermediate stage of development since the last major disturbance event. Although theoretical models based on competitive interactions tend to validate this hypothesis, a recent meta-analysis of field experiments revealed that the mono-modal relationship between disturbance and diversity might not be a general pattern. In this article, we investigate the relationship between disturbance and diversity through the study of patch models, combining two types of competitive interactions: with or without competitive hierarchy, with two mechanisms influencing colonization: negative frequency dependence in colonization rates and immigration. These combinations led to various disturbance-diversity patterns. In the model without competitive hierarchy (founder effect model), a decreasing relationship appeared to be the rule as mentioned in previous studies. In the model with competitive hierarchy, the IDH pattern was obtained for low frequency dependence and low immigration. Nevertheless, high negative frequency dependence in colonization rates led to a decreasing relationship between disturbance and diversity. In contrast, high immigration led to an increasing relationship. The coexistence window (the range of disturbance intensity allowing coexistence) was the widest for intermediate immigration rates. For random species assemblages, patterns with multiple peaks were also possible. These results highlight the fact that the mono-modal IDH pattern should not be considered a rule. Competition and colonization mechanisms have a profound impact on the relationship between disturbance and diversity.  相似文献   

Woody plant colonization in an experimentally fragmented landscape   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The pattern of distribution and abundance of woody plants colonizing old fields is influenced by landscape spatial features, in particular, by the distance from the old field to propagule sources and the size of the habitat patches undergoing succession. Colonization is also influenced by species life history traits, such as dispersal mode, growth form, and fecundity. As part of a long-term project studying effects of habitat fragmentation on secondary succession at the prairie-forest ecotone, we have examined the colonization patterns of early-successional woody plants in an experimentally fragmented old field, with emphasis on the three woody species [Cornus drummondii C. A. Mey (rough-leaved dogwood), Ulmus rubra Muhl. (slippery elm), and Juniperus virginiana L. (red cedar)], which currently dominate the woody community on the site. The shapes of the colonization curve (proportion of colonized quadrats vs time) differed between C. drummondii and U. rubra. The rate of colonization by C. drummondii showed a pattern of acceleration after its initial colonization, consistent with rapid in situ recruitment from clonal growth and early seed production. By contrast, colonization by U. rubra fits a roughly linear pattern, consistent with recruitment only from external propagule sources. For both C. drummondii and U. rubra, density is currently greater in large patches than in small patches. No patch size difference was found for J. virginiana. The stern density of both C. drummondii and U. rubra exponentially decreased with distance to external propagule sources. The negative exponential pattern of U. rubra (wind-dispersed) with distance is sharper than that of C drummondii (bird-dispersed). Moreover, the amount of spatial variation in density explained by distance to source is greater on small patches. Our results highlight the importance of life history traits of colonizing species and spatial aspects of habitat during succession.  相似文献   

植物对昆虫多样性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱慧  彭媛媛  王德利 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2215-2221
昆虫多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,植物及植物群落对昆虫多样性有极为重要的影响。本文从植物不同方面对昆虫多样性影响进行阐述:1)植物高度与盖度的增大为昆虫提供更多的生存空间,增加了昆虫多样性;2)基因多样性高的植物种群能提供更大生态位,使昆虫多样性增加,个体数量增大;3)植物物种和功能群多样性增加,使得有更多的物种数量可以支持更多昆虫;4)植物生产力增加使昆虫需要的食物资源增加,昆虫多样性随之增大。已有相应假说和理论,解释植物对昆虫多样性影响机制。同时,指出了植物对昆虫多样影响存在问题以及今后发展方向。  相似文献   

Ants (L. niger and L. flavus) build conspicuous mounds that are covered with vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the vegetation on ant mounds in semi-natural grasslands differed from that around the mounds. Another aim was to investigate whether the changes in the vegetation on ant mounds were influenced by grazing management or by habitat characteristics, semi-dry versus moist. Here, the total number of plant species and total plant cover were lower on ant mounds than in patches off-mound. The plant cover of perennials that form rosettes was twice as high on mounds inhabited by L. niger than on those inhabited by L. flavus. Only a few plant species were restricted to either ant mounds or adjacent field and the effects of ants on the plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands seemed to be low. Grazing management did not affect the differences in the vegetation on ant mounds and in equal-sized patches off-mound, whereas habitat characteristics affected ant-induced changes in vegetation cover of some plant species.  相似文献   

干扰对植物群落物种组成及多样性的影响   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
毛志宏  朱教君 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2695-2701
在介绍了干扰的概念及其性质和干扰对物种多样性影响的有关假说基础上,以森林干扰为主要对象,探讨了干扰对植物群落物种组成的影响,并从干扰类型、干扰强度和干扰频率等几个方面阐述了干扰对植物群落物种多样性的影响;另外,还分析了重要的小尺度干扰——林隙在该方面的影响。分析总结出干扰对植物群落的影响差异主要与干扰特征、植物群落特征及植物的生物学特性和受干扰地点的资源条件有关。最后,总结分析了国内外在该方面研究存在的问题,并对今后研究提出一些建议,为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

水盐变化对荒漠植物功能多样性与物种多样性关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究植物功能多样性与物种多样性关系对土壤水盐环境的响应规律,有助于掌握胁迫环境下植物多样性的维持机理.本研究分析了艾比湖高、低土壤水盐环境下荒漠植物功能多样性、物种多样性差异及二者间关系在不同水盐环境下的变化规律.结果表明:(1)高水盐环境下植物功能离散度显著低于低水盐环境(P<0.05),物种多样性指数Fish-α显著高于低水盐环境;(2)一元与多元回归分析均表明,高水盐环境下物种多样性对功能多样性RaoQ与FRic指数有显著促进作用,低水盐环境下物种多样性对功能多样性和均匀度有显著促进作用,但对功能离散度具有显著抑制作用(P<0.05);(3)物种多样性对功能多样性的影响在低水盐环境下更显著,预测力更强;(4)功能丰富度、离散度与均匀度能较敏感地反映出荒漠植物功能多样性对水盐变化的响应.本研究有助于理解荒漠植物群落构建机制,并为荒漠植物恢复与管理提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Tree species are striking for their high within-population diversity and low among-population differentiation for nuclear genes. In contrast, annual plants show much more differentiation for nuclear genes but much less diversity than trees. The usual explanation for this difference is that pollen flow, and therefore gene flow, is much higher for trees. This explanation is problematic because it relies on equilibrium hypotheses. Because trees have very recently recolonized temperate areas, they have experienced many foundation events, which usually reduce within-population diversity and increase differentiation. Only extremely high levels of gene flow could counterbalance these successive founder effects. We develop a model to study the impact of life cycle of forest trees, in particular of the length of their juvenile phase, on genetic diversity and differentiation during the glacial period and the following colonization period. We show that both a reasonably high level of pollen flow and the life-cycle characteristics of trees are needed to explain the observed structure of genetic diversity. We also show that gene flow and life cycle both have an impact on maternally inherited cytoplasmic genes, which are characterized both in trees and annual species by much less diversity and much more differentiation than nuclear genes.  相似文献   

The rate at which a plant species is attacked by invertebrate herbivores has been hypothesized to depend on plant species richness, yet empirical evidence is scarce. Current theory predicts higher herbivore damage in monocultures than in species-rich mixtures. We quantified herbivore damage by insects and molluscs to plants in experimental plots established in 2002 from a species pool of 60 species of Central European Arrhenatherum grasslands. Plots differed in plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 60 species), number of functional groups (1, 2, 3, 4), functional group and species composition. We estimated herbivore damage by insects and molluscs at the level of transplanted plant individuals (“phytometer” species Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense, Rumex acetosa) and of the entire plant community during 2003 and 2004. In contrast to previous studies, our design allows specific predictions about the relative contributions of functional diversity, plant functional identity, and species richness in relation to herbivory. Additionally, the phytometer approach is new to biodiversity-herbivory studies, allowing estimates of species-specific herbivory rates within the larger biodiversity-ecosystem functioning context. Herbivory in phytometers and experimental communities tended to increase with plant species richness and the number of plant functional groups, but the effects were rarely significant. Herbivory in phytometers was in some cases positively correlated with community biomass or leaf area index. The most important factor influencing invertebrate herbivory was the presence of particular plant functional groups. Legume (grass) presence strongly increased (decreased) herbivory at the community level. The opposite pattern was found for herbivory in T. pratense phytometers. We conclude that (1) plant species richness is much less important than previously thought and (2) plant functional identity is a much better predictor of invertebrate herbivory in temperate grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

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