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Aarestrup  Kim  Nielsen  Christian  Koed  Anders 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):95-102
The downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) and sea trout smolt (S. trutta L.) was investigated using radio telemetry in the spring of 1999 and 2000. Forty wild sea trout smolts, 20 F1 sea trout smolts, 20 hatchery salmon smolts and 20 salmon smolts from river stockings were radio tagged and released in the Danish River Lilleaa. The downstream migration of the different groups of fish was monitored by manual tracking and by three automatic listening stations. The downstream migration of radio tagged smolts of both species occurred concurrently with their untagged counterparts. The diel migration pattern of the radio tagged smolts was predominantly nocturnal in both species. Wild sea trout smolt migrated significantly faster than both the F1 trout and the introduced salmon. There was no correlation between net ground speed, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity or fish length in any of the different groups. The migration speed of wild sea trout smolts was positively correlated with water discharge in both years. In F1 sea trout smolts, migration speed was positively correlated with temperature in 1999. The migration speed of salmon smolts did not correlate to any of the investigated parameters.  相似文献   

Juvenile Coho Salmon undergo many physiological changes during their springtime transformation from a freshwater parr to a migratory, seawater-capable smolt. Although field observations indicate smolts moving towards the surface and across the breadth of their streams to either swim or drift downstream with the current, water-velocity preferences of these developing cohos are unknown. Using video analysis of their swimming patterns in a calibrated, laboratory flow table with a velocity gradient, groups of three cohos generally increased their preferred water velocity through the springtime study period, to a late-May peak (daytime data, change-point regression analysis, p < 0.05) and over the entire period (nighttime data, regression analysis, p < 0.05). Moving to swifter currents should facilitate the downstream movements of these young cohos, as they develop through the parr-smolt transformation period. This information should assist managers of regulated watersheds and salmon hatcheries in optimizing juvenile salmon survival (e.g., with timely, late-spring water releases producing 0.1–0.3 m s−1 downstream water velocities).  相似文献   

Variability in animal migratory behavior is expected to influence fitness, but few empirical examples demonstrating this relationship exist. The initial marine phase in the migration of juvenile salmon smolts has been identified as a potentially critical life history stage to overall population productivity, yet how fine-scale migration routes may influence survival are unknown. Large-scale acoustic telemetry studies have estimated survival rates of outmigrant Pacific salmon smolts through the Strait of Georgia (SOG) along the British Columbian coastline to the Pacific Ocean, but these data have not been used to identify and characterize fine-scale movements. Data collected on over 850 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smolts detected at an array in the Strait of Georgia in 2004–2008 and 2010–2013 were analyzed to characterize migration routes and link movements to subsequent survival at an array 250 km further along the marine migration pathway. Both species exhibited disproportionate use of the most eastern route in the Strait of Georgia (Malaspina Strait). While many smolts moved across the northern Strait of Georgia acoustic array with no indication of long-term milling or large-scale east-to-west movements, large proportions (20–40% of sockeye and 30–50% of steelhead) exhibited a different behavior, apparently moving in a westward or counterclockwise pattern. Variability in migratory behavior for both species was linked to subsequent survival through the Strait of Georgia. Survival for both species was influenced by initial east-to-west location, and sockeye were further influenced by migration timing and duration of time spent near the northern Strait of Georgia array. Westward movements result in a net transport of smolts from Malaspina Strait to the Strait of Georgia, particularly for steelhead. Counterclockwise movements may be due to the currents in this area during the time of outmigration, and the higher proportion of steelhead smolts exhibiting this counterclockwise behavior may reflect a greater exposure to wind-altered currents for the more surface-oriented steelhead. Our results provide an empirical example of how movements can affect migration survival, for which examples remain rare in movement ecology, confirming that variability in movements themselves are an important part of the migratory process.  相似文献   

Synopsis We tagged both wild and hatchery Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, smolts from River Ellidaar (64 ° 08′ N, 21 ° 50′ W) with ultrasonic tags. We caught the wild smolts in a smolt trap and selected the largest individuals from the run. We implanted the transmitters in the abdominal cavity of the fish and then released them in River Ellidaar close to the estuary. We used four ultrasonic receivers; one in the river’s estuary, one outside the estuary and two further away on both sides of an island in the estuary zone. The receivers recorded all transmitters within a 600 m radius. The hatchery smolts were larger than the wild smolts. Some of the smolts were lost on the way through the estuary. Only 4 out of 9 wild smolts and 14 of 17 hatchery smolts were recorded all the way through. The tags and the tagging likely affected the survival of the smolts especially the smaller fish. There were no differences in the smolt migration between the 2 years of study and no differences in the migration behavior between the wild and the hatchery smolts. After being released the smolts stayed on average for 10 h in the river then migrated into the estuary were they stayed for 54 h on average. Then they migrated straight through the area to the sea at approximately 0.2 fish lengths per second. We recorded large differences in the migration.  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, the Bishops Falls hydroelectric generating facility on the Exploits River, insular Newfoundland, Canada, underwent extensive refurbishing including replacement of turbines and installation of a ‘retrofitted’ bypass and fish handling system. The effectiveness of this new bypass system has been assessed during the annual downstream run of wild Atlantic salmon smolt and kelt in 2003 and 2004. In 2003, 195 smolt were radio tagged and released between June 9 and July 2, in the forebay of the hydro plant (19 releases) and one upstream (in-river) release. Fish guidance efficiency (FGE) of the system overall was 63% (123 of 195 fish) with 36 fish passing through the turbines, and six known mortalities. In 2004, between June 9 and July 2, a total of 358 smolt and 103 kelt were released in the forebay in 45 and 13 releases (n = 8 per release), respectively. The FGE of the system for smolt was 71.7% (257 of 358 fish) and for kelt was 92.3% (95 of 103 fish). In 2004, 96 tagged smolt passed through the turbines and 43 (44.8%) were detected at a downstream station confirming they had survived turbine passage, suggesting an overall survival of smolt passage of the Bishops Falls hydro facility in the order of 85%. A total of seven kelts (6.8%) passed through the turbines and were not detected 1.5 km downstream suggesting they did not survive turbine passage. Smolt spent on average 39.8 h in the forebay before exiting in 2003 and forebay residency averaged 26 h in 2004. In both years, most smolt selected their passage route, actively or passively, within the first 10 h with secondary peaks at 25–30 h and 50–55 h, corresponding to evening passage in the second and third night, after release. Few smolt were bypassed or entrained into turbines during daylight hours. In both years turbine passed smolt spent more time in the forebay suggesting the longer fish reside in the forebay the greater the likelihood of turbine entrainment. Kelt were either bypassed or turbine entrained relatively quickly, within 2 h of release, and virtually all kelts were bypassed/turbine entrained during the hours of 18:00 and 01:00. These data on fish behaviour and residency in the forebay will assist further refinement of operations of the bypass facility to optimize survival.  相似文献   

To study smolt behaviour and survival of a northern Atlantic salmon Salmo salar population during river descent, sea entry and fjord migration, 120 wild S. salar were tagged with acoustic tags and registered at four automatic listening station arrays in the mouth of the north Norwegian River Alta and throughout the Alta Fjord. An estimated 75% of the post‐smolts survived from the river mouth, through the estuary and the first 17 km of the fjord. Survival rates in the fjord varied with fork length (LF), and ranged from 97·0 to 99·5% km?1. On average, the post‐smolts spent 1·5 days (36 h, range 11–365 h) travelling from the river mouth to the last fjord array, 31 km from the river mouth. The migratory speed was slower (1·8 LF s?1) in the first 4 km after sea entry compared with the next 27 km (3·0 LF s?1). Post‐smolts entered the fjord more often during the high or ebbing tide (70%). There was no clear diurnal migration pattern within the river and fjord, but most of the post‐smolts entered the fjord at night (66%, 2000–0800 hours), despite the 24 h daylight at this latitude. The tidal cycle, wind‐induced currents and the smolts' own movements seemed to influence migratory speeds and routes in different parts of the fjord. A large variation in migration patterns, both in the river and fjord, might indicate that individuals in stochastic estuarine and marine environments are exposed to highly variable selection regimes, resulting in different responses to environmental factors on both temporal and spatial scales. Post‐smolts in the northern Alta Fjord had similar early marine survival rates to those observed previously in southern fjords; however, fjord residency in the north was shorter.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of hypo‐osmoregulatory capacity and timing of downstream migration in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts from the River Stjørdalselva and stocked young‐of‐the‐year (YOY), derived S. salar smolts from the tributary River Dalåa. Both wild and stocked S. salar smolts developed seawater (SW) tolerance in early May, persisting through June, measured as their ability to regulate plasma osmolality and chloride following 24 h SW (salinity = 35) exposure. Although the majority of downstream migration among the stocked S. salar smolts occurred later than observed in their wild counterparts, the development of SW tolerance occurred concurrently. The wild S. salar from Stjørdalselva and stocked YOY smolts from the River Dalåa started to migrate on the same cumulative day‐degrees (D°). The study revealed no downstream migration before development of SW tolerance. This emphasizes the importance of incorporating physiological status when studying environmental triggers for downstream migration of S. salar smolts. Overall, these findings suggest that the onset of smolt migration in stocked S. salar smolts was within the smolt window from an osmoregulatory point of view.  相似文献   

What little is known about the seaward migration of Salmo salar smolt migration through standing waters indicates that it is both slow and results in high mortality rates, compared with riverine migration. This may be partly because smolts in lakes need to swim more actively and require more complex directional cues than they do in rivers. In this telemetry study of smolt migration through Loch Lomond, S. salar smolts made repeated movements in directions away from the outflowing river, which considerably increased migration time.  相似文献   

Anadromous salmonids are viewed as a prized commodity and cultural symbol throughout the Pacific coast of North America. Unfortunately, several native salmonid populations are threatened or at risk of extinction. Despite this, little is known about the behavior and survival of these fish as the juveniles transition from freshwater to the ocean. Our primary objectives were to estimate survival of juvenile steelhead migrating between trapping sites and the ocean and evaluate whether survival in the estuary varies temporally (within a year) or spatially (within and between estuaries) within the same distinct population segment. We also evaluated whether flow or fork length were correlated with survival and collected information on variables that have been demonstrated to affect smolt survival in other studies to lend insight regarding differences in survival estimates between basins. We compared run timing, migration rate, survival, condition factor, age composition and time of residence in the estuary for steelhead outmigrants from each basin and measured parasite loads in outmigrating steelhead to evaluate potential differences in parasite density and parasite community between basins. In 2009, we implanted acoustic transmitters in 139 wild steelhead smolts in two small rivers on the Oregon Coast. In general, only 40–50 % of the wild steelhead smolts tagged at upstream smolt traps were detected entering the ocean. The majority of mortality occurred in the lower estuary near the ocean. Wild steelhead smolts typically spent less than 1 day in the estuary in both basins. Using similar data from previous studies in the Nehalem and Alsea basins, we showed that survival appears to be negatively correlated with flow in most releases, and in 2009 fork length was not correlated with survival. Our observations provide baseline information on factors that could influence smolt survival through the estuary as well as smolt to adult survival in these basins, and emphasize the importance of monitoring smolt survival in the estuary.  相似文献   

Around 30% of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts successfully survived passage through Loch Meig, a reservoir in the north of Scotland, en route to the sea. However, this survival rate was in turn dependent on the timing of migration, with the earliest migrants in the spring having the best chance of survival. This could have implication for fisheries management, since the estimation of smolt downstream survival may be influenced by which time period of the smolt run is analysed.  相似文献   

Whether time of seaward migration of young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar influences their subsequent survival and growth was investigated in the River Imsa, south‐western Norway. Salmo salar were tagged when moving downstream through a trap near the outlet between 1976 and 2010 and recaptured on their adult return. Most descended as smolts in April and May, but some descended during the other months of the year. Annual variation in timing of the smolt migration was significantly correlated with variation in water temperature during spring. Mean total body length of the descending S. salar varied with month of seaward migration. The sea survival of S. salar emigrating from the River Imsa between January and May was 2·8 times higher than for those descending between June and December. The sea survival of the various cohorts decreased with increasing river temperature in April to May, prior to the smolt migration, and decreasing day number when the smolts moved to sea. The size of smolts descending the river between April and May did not affect the survival at sea as much as it affected the survival of migrants descending in any other month of the year. The majority of the downstream migrating S. salar were 2 years old, but proportionally, more 1 year olds moved downstream in the autumn than in the rest of the year. Mean duration between downstream migration of the young and the return migration of the grilse was shortest (12·7 months) for those descending in July and August and longest for those descending in October (21 months). Mean monthly specific growth rate was highest for those migrating downstream between May and July and lowest for those emigrating in September. Based on the present results, it was hypothesized that S. salar emigrating between April and August migrated directly out into the ocean, while those that emigrated between October and March stayed in the estuary until the subsequent spring.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between behavioural responses of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts to saltwater (SW) exposure and physiological characteristics of smolts in laboratory experiments. It concurrently described the behaviour of acoustically tagged smolts with respect to SW and tidal cycles during estuary migration. Salmo salar smolts increased their use of SW relative to fresh water (FW) from April to June in laboratory experiments. Mean preference for SW never exceeded 50% of time in any group. Preference for SW increased throughout the course of smolt development. Maximum continuous time spent in SW was positively related to gill Na+, K+‐ATPase (NKA) activity and osmoregulatory performance in full‐strength SW (measured as change in gill NKA activity and plasma osmolality). Smolts decreased depth upon reaching areas of the Penobscot Estuary where SW was present, and all fish became more surface oriented during passage from head of tide to the ocean. Acoustically tagged, migrating smolts with low gill NKA activity moved faster in FW reaches of the estuary than those with higher gill NKA activity. There was no difference in movement rate through SW reaches of the estuary based on gill NKA activity. Migrating fish moved with tidal flow during the passage of the lower estuary based on the observed patterns in both vertical and horizontal movements. The results indicate that smolts select low‐salinity water during estuary migration and use tidal currents to minimize energetic investment in seaward migration. Seasonal changes in osmoregulatory ability highlight the importance of the timing of stocking and estuary arrival.  相似文献   

Recent advances in micro-electronics make the study of the migration of even small marine animals (>12 cm) over many 1000s of kilometres a serious possibility. Important assumptions in long-term studies are that rates of tag loss caused by mortality or tag shedding are low, and that the tagging procedure does not have an unacceptable negative effect on the animal. This paper reports results from a study to examine the retention of relatively large (24 × 8 mm) surgically-implanted dummy acoustic tags over a 7-month period in steelhead pre-smolts (O. mykiss), and the effects of implantation on growth and survival. Although there was some influence on growth to week 12, survival was high for animals > 13 cm FL. In the following 16-week period, growth of surgically implanted pre-smolts was the same as the control population and there was little tag loss from mortality or shedding. Currently available acoustic tags can be implanted in salmonid fish ≥12 cm FL, although combined losses from mortality and tag shedding were 33–40% for animals in the 12 and 13 cm FL size classes. By 14 cm FL, combined rates of tag loss (mortality plus tag shedding) for surgically implanted tags dropped to <15% and growth following surgery was close to that of the controls. Our results suggest that studies of ocean migration and survival over periods of many months are now feasible even for animals as small as salmon smolts. Surgically implanted salmon smolts are therefore good candidates for freshwater and coastal ocean-tracking studies on relatively long time scales (months). On such time scales, even relatively small salmon smolts may move thousands of kilometers in the ocean.  相似文献   

The migratory behavior and swimming patterns of anadromous upstream migratory fish have been poorly described in the Shibetsu River in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. In this 2004 study, we used electromyogram (EMG) transmitters and depth/ temperature (DT) loggers to compare the upstream migratory behavior of adult male chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the canalized and reconstructed segments of the Shibetsu River, where a part of canalized section was preliminary reconstructed meander to restore a more natural section. The EMG transmitter and DT logger were externally attached to the left side of the body, below the front edge of the dorsal fin. Fish of both species often migrated along the riverbanks and near the bottom of the water column, sometimes engaged in holding behavior, which was defined as cessation of swimming during their upstream migration for 5 minutes. Modal swimming depth calculated by DT loggers for chum salmon (0.2–0.4 m) was shallower than pink salmon (0.6–0.8 m). Further, modal swimming speeds measured by calibrated EMG for chum salmon (0.2–0.4 BL s−1) were slower than pink salmon (1.2–1.4 BL s−1). Pink salmon swam faster as well as in relatively deeper than chum salmon, suggesting that they expend more energy than chum salmon in the reconstructed segment. Based on these results, it seemed likely that the upstream migration behavior of chum and pink salmon was different with species-specific strategies.  相似文献   

An investigation with acoustic telemetry of the passage of Salmo salar smolts through a large natural lake found heavy mortality occurred at the river‐to‐lake confluences (mean 31.2% km?1), but was lower in the main body of the lake (mean 2.4% km?1). Predation was a significant pressure on emigrating smolts as tagged pike Esox lucius aggregated at river‐to‐lake confluences during the peak of the smolt run. Tagged smolts mainly emmigrated into the lake in the late evening after dusk, possibly as a predator‐avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt run of the Rivière Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada, in 2009 and 2010 were determined using acoustic telemetry. Tagged smolts were tracked from freshwater release sites for 17 km, then through the estuary and for their entry into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The smolt migration began in both years at water temperatures of 10 °C, but lasted twice as long in the cooler year. The smolts in 2009 crossed the river to ocean boundary faster than the smolts of 2010, despite being similar in size. Smolt speed over ground increased from the river to the estuary to the marine environment. Smolts migrated both during the day and the night, but most movements began near or just after sunset, with increasingly nocturnal movements in the ocean. Smolts crossed the estuary during ebbing tides and moved faster during the night than the day. The tide cycle also influenced estuarine smolt travelling rates, but only secondarily to the diel cycle.  相似文献   

In general, hatchery salmonid smolts experience higher mortality during migration than wild smolts, which is suggested to be due to domestication effects and that hatchery fish lack experience of the natural environment. However, possible differences in feeding during smolt migration between hatchery and wild smolts have rarely been addressed. We compared the number of feeding smolts and stomach fullness among wild Atlantic salmon smolts, hatchery-reared smolts released as 1-year-old parr, and hatchery-reared smolts released as 2-year-old smolts during their descent to sea in River Tornionjoki. In addition, estimations of prey selection among the smolt groups were conducted. A high proportion of wild smolts and smolts stocked as parr actively fed during the smolt migration. A lower proportion of smolts stocked as smolts was feeding and their stomach fullness were much reduced in comparison with the two other groups. The study also indicated that the feeding of migrating smolts is selective rather than opportunistic. In conclusion, this study suggests that stocked 2-year-old smolts may enter sea with an inferior foraging behaviour and it is a possibility that this may contribute to the observed low post-smolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Jaime Otero  Jan Henning L'Abée‐Lund  Ted Castro‐Santos  Kjell Leonardsson  Geir O. Storvik  Bror Jonsson  Brian Dempson  Ian C. Russell  Arne J. Jensen  Jean‐Luc Baglinière  Mélanie Dionne  John D. Armstrong  Atso Romakkaniemi  Benjamin H. Letcher  John F. Kocik  Jaakko Erkinaro  Russell Poole  Ger Rogan  Hans Lundqvist  Julian C. MacLean  Erkki Jokikokko  Jo Vegar Arnekleiv  Richard J. Kennedy  Eero Niemelä  Pablo Caballero  Paul A. Music  Thorolfur Antonsson  Sigurdur Gudjonsson  Alexey E. Veselov  Anders Lamberg  Steve Groom  Benjamin H. Taylor  Malcolm Taberner  Mary Dillane  Fridthjofur Arnason  Gregg Horton  Nils A. Hvidsten  Ingi R. Jonsson  Nina Jonsson  Simon McKelvey  Tor F. Næsje  Øystein Skaala  Gordon W. Smith  Harald Sægrov  Nils C. Stenseth  Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad 《Global Change Biology》2014,20(1):61-75
Migrations between different habitats are key events in the lives of many organisms. Such movements involve annually recurring travel over long distances usually triggered by seasonal changes in the environment. Often, the migration is associated with travel to or from reproduction areas to regions of growth. Young anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) emigrate from freshwater nursery areas during spring and early summer to feed and grow in the North Atlantic Ocean. The transition from the freshwater (‘parr’) stage to the migratory stage where they descend streams and enter salt water (‘smolt’) is characterized by morphological, physiological and behavioural changes where the timing of this parr‐smolt transition is cued by photoperiod and water temperature. Environmental conditions in the freshwater habitat control the downstream migration and contribute to within‐ and among‐river variation in migratory timing. Moreover, the timing of the freshwater emigration has likely evolved to meet environmental conditions in the ocean as these affect growth and survival of the post‐smolts. Using generalized additive mixed‐effects modelling, we analysed spatio‐temporal variations in the dates of downstream smolt migration in 67 rivers throughout the North Atlantic during the last five decades and found that migrations were earlier in populations in the east than the west. After accounting for this spatial effect, the initiation of the downstream migration among rivers was positively associated with freshwater temperatures, up to about 10 °C and levelling off at higher values, and with sea‐surface temperatures. Earlier migration occurred when river discharge levels were low but increasing. On average, the initiation of the smolt seaward migration has occurred 2.5 days earlier per decade throughout the basin of the North Atlantic. This shift in phenology matches changes in air, river, and ocean temperatures, suggesting that Atlantic salmon emigration is responding to the current global climate changes.  相似文献   

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