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Transcription of plasmid DNA in Escherichia coli minicells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary Genes ofEscherichia coli were grouped according to the biochemical relatedness of the enzymes they specifiy, using two schemes to determine relatedness: similarity of reaction or similarity of reactants. The tendency of biochemically related genes as so defined to lie approximately 90° or 180° from one another on the circular genetic map was analyzed statistically. Of the classes analyzed, only the genes for the enzymes of glucose catabolism showed a significant departure from random distribution in this respect. The glucose catabolism genes showed a pronounced tendency to lie either 90° or 180° from one another (P = ca. 10–9), and, furthermore, most of these genes were found to lie in only four gene clusters on theE. coli genome. The significance of this observation is discussed in relation to evolutionary mechanisms and to mechanisms of gene expression.  相似文献   

Transforming activity of plasmid and chromosomal DNA inEscherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An auxotrophic strain ofEscherichia coli with therecB recC sbcB genotype was transformed by chromosomal DNA of the prototrophic strain and by plasmid DNA carrying genes for antibiotic resistance (R1drd 19). The donor plasmid DNA obtained by cell lysis in the presence of Triton X-100 and subsequent centrifugation in a caesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradient was shown to have a circulaf molecule and to retain its completeness after penetration into the recipient. Experiments with mixtures or plasmid and chromosomal DNA indicate a competition between these two DNA types during the transformation reaction in the given system.  相似文献   

This review covers the use of anucleate minicells of Escherichia coli for expressing the recombinant DNA encoded proteins. We briefly discuss the methods being used for preparation of anucleate minicells, incorporation of cloned DNA and assessment of gene expression. While the largest use has been that of microbially derived cloned functional DNA, examples of eukaryotic gene product synthesis have also been reviewed. This technology may represent some interesting commercial opportunities.  相似文献   

The differential rate of synthesis of penicillinamidohydrolase (penicillin acylase — EC was studied inEscherichia coli growing in some chemically defined media and in a complex medium. The enzyme is synthesized at a constant rate only during the exponential phase of growth of cells. Its synthesis is induced most effectively (with respect to quantity) by phenylacetic acid. The induction lag of the enzyme synthesis in a medium with acetate corresponds to two generation times. The highest rate of the enzyme synthesis is reached in a medium containing phenylacetic acid as the only source of carbon and energy. The enzyme synthesis is fully repressed by an increased concentration of dissolved oxygen in the medium, even whenEscherichia coli is cultivated in the medium with phenylacetic acid as the only carbon and energy source.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of the bacterial penicillinamidohydrolase (penicillinacylase, EC fromEscherichia coli was determined by measuring initial rates of enzyme hydrolysis of different substrates within zero order kinetics. SomeN-phenylacetyl derivatives of amino acids and amides of phenylacetic acid and phenoxyacetic acid of different substituted amides of these acids or amides, structurally and chemically similar to these compounds, served as substrates. Significant differences in ratios of initial Tates of the enzyme hydrolysis of different substrates were found when using a toluenized suspension of bacterial cells or a crude enzyme preparation, in spite of the fact that the enzyme is localized between the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane, in the so-called periplasmic space.N-phenylacetyl derivatives are the most rapidly hydrolyzed substrates. Beta-phenylpropionamide and 4-phenylbutyramide were not utilized as substrates. The substrate specificity of the enzyme is discussed with respect to a possible use of certain colourless compounds as substrates, hydrolysis of which yields chromophor products suitable for a simple and rapid assay of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

When studying the kinetics of DNA synthesis, growth and cell division inEscherichia coli B/r after irradiation with different doses of UV-radiation (254 nm) we could demonstrate, by means of pulse incorporation of3H-thymidine, a lag in DNA synthesis after the irradiation. The relative rate of the restored DNA synthesis (related to the number of viable cells) was higher than in the non-irradiated culture. After 3 h the rate of DNA synthesis settled at a constant value, which was identical with the control rate up to the “critical dose” of 20 J/m2. The irradiated cell population is heterogenous and contains basically two categories of cells — surviving and non-surviving. Cells of both types contribute to DNA synthesis restored after the lag period to a different extent. During the first hour after the irradiation even the nonviable portion of the population,i.e. cells that do not form colonies but are still penicillin-sensitive, is involved in the DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Synthesis of penicillinamidohydrolase (penicillin acylase, EC in Escherichia coli is subjected to the absolute catabolite repression by glucose and partial repression by acetate. Both types of catabolite repression of synthesis of the enzyme in Escherichia coli are substantially influenced by cyclic 3',5'-adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP). Growth diauxie in a mixed medium containing glucose and phenylacetic acid serving as carbon and energy sources is overcome by cAMP. cAMP does not influence the basal rate of the enzyme synthesis (without the inducer). Derepression of synthesis of penicillinamidohydrolase by cAMP in a medium with glucose and inducer (phenylacetic acid) is associated with utilization of the inducer, due probably to derepression of other enzymes responsible for degradation of phenylacetic acid. Lactate can serve as a "catabolically neutral" source of carbon suitable for the maximum production of penicillinamidohydrolase. The gratuitous induction of the enzyme synthesis in a medium with lactate as the carbon and energy source and with phenylacetic acid is not influenced by cAMP; however, cAMP overcomes completely the absolute catabolite repression of the enzyme synthesis by glucose.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that heat shock and nutritional stress produce an increase in UV resistance and a decrease in UV-induced mutation frequency in DNA repairproficient strains ofEscherichia coli K12. The effect depends on nucleotide excision repair and requires protein synthesis. We now show that comparable changes occur after oxidation stress, exposure to ethanol, or osmotic shock, all in conditions that do not affect the natural mutation frequency. The results support the hypothesis that many unrelated, nonmutagenic treatments elicit a common protective response in these cells that involves induction of an error-free DNA excision repair system.  相似文献   

The catalase-peroxidase hydroperoxidase I of Escherichia coli has been confirmed to be located in the cytoplasm using two independent methods. Catalase activity was found predominantly (> 95%) in the cytoplasmic fraction following spheroplast formation. The cytoplasmic enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and the periplasmic enzyme alkaline phosphatase were used as controls. The second method of immunogold staining for the enzyme in situ revealed an even distribution of the enzyme across the cell.  相似文献   

We have constructed a partial library of Y chromosome derived DNA sequences of bovine origin inEscherichia coli. That, the recombinants arc Y derived and Y specific was ascertained by differential colony hybridization using male and female DNA probes. Out of 1000 recombinants analysed, 17 were found to be Y derived as well as Y specific and were of repetitive nature. Restriction analysis revealed that most of them had short DNA inserts.  相似文献   

Components of minicell lyzatesof Escherichia coli P678-54 (Rldrd19) andEscherichia col P678-54 (R6K) were visualized in an electron microscope and used for the transformation ofEscherichia coli JC7623. The frequency of the resulting transformants (of the order of 10−6 %) was not appreciably influenced by the manner of lyzate preparation. The presence of covalently closed circular DNA was detected in two different transformants using radioisotopes, thus demonstrating an autonomous existence of Rldrd19 or R6K plasmids in tested transformants. This finding corresponds with the results of their genetic analysis.  相似文献   

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