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The stress of low oxygen concentrations in a waterlogged environment is minimized in some plants that produce aerenchyma, a tissue characterized by prominent intercellular spaces. It is produced by the predictable collapse of root cortex cells, indicating a programmed cell death (PCD) and facilitates gas diffusion between root and the aerial environment. The objective of this study was to characterize the cellular changes take place during aerenchyma formation in root of rice that accompany PCD. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used for cellular analysis of roots. Aerenchyma development was observed in both aerobic and flooded conditions. Structural changes in membranes and organelles were examined during development of root cortex cells to compare with previous examples of PCD. There was an initial collapse which started at a specific position in the mid cortex, indicating loss of turgor, and the cytoplasm became more electron dense. These cells were distinct in shape from those located towards the periphery. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum appeared normal at this early stage though the tonoplast lost its integrity. Subsequently it underwent further degeneration while the plasmalemma retracted from the cell wall followed by death of neighboring cells followed a radial path. However, pycnosis of the nucleus, blebbing of plasma membrane and production of apoptotic bodies were not found which in turn indicated nonapoptotic PCD during aerenchyma formation in rice.  相似文献   

With the aim to reduce the period of flowering and of fruit maturation, we investigated the effect of auxins on flower formation. For these experiments we used young decapitated plants with two plagiotropic branches. Both the auxins, indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), retarded flower formation in coffee, the latter one being more effective. The effects of 2,4-D if applied on only one of the two plagiotropic branches can be observed only in this treated one. Furthermore, the auxins seem to act in coffee plant directly by affecting flower formation and not indirectly by inducing endogenous ethylene production.  相似文献   

Three lines of evidence indicated a connectionbetween zearalenone (ZEN) and flower bud formationin thin cell layer (TCL) explants of Nicotianatabacum L. cv. Samsun. (1) There were two peaks inthe endogenous ZEN level during the formation offlower buds. (2) The specific inhibitor of ZENbiosynthesis, malathion (MAL), inhibited thebiosynthesis of endogenous ZEN and at the same timeflower bud neoformation. (3) Exogenous ZEN inducedflower bud neoformation.  相似文献   

Prevention of flower formation is important, for example for preventing the spread of transgenes from genetically modified plants or the spread of non-native species, for increasing vegetative growth or preventing the formation of allergenic pollen. The aim of this study was to determine whether flowering of dicotyledonous plants can be prevented by genetic manipulation without harmful effects on vegetative growth. Here we describe isolation of the BpMADS1 gene (similar to SEP3, formerly AGL9) from birch and show that it is expressed only in the inflorescences. In tobacco and Arabidopsis, the expression of BpMADS1::GUS was also virtually inflorescence-specific. Transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis containing a BpMADS1::BARNASE construct grew well. In one tobacco line the formation of the inflorescence was completely prevented; in several other lines the flowers lacked stamens and carpels and therefore were sterile. The final dry weights of the shoots of the sterile tobacco lines were 140–200% of those of controls. In Arabidopsis, some of the transgenic lines containing the BpMADS1::BARNASE construct formed inflorescences. Some of these lines formed never flowers and some others formed occasionally single fertile flowers. Some other lines did not form inflorescences, but formed up to about one hundred leaves, even in long-day conditions. These results suggest that formation of flowers or inflorescences in widely different dicotyledonous plants could be prevented using the BpMADS1::BARNASE construct and that prevention of flowering may lead to increased vegetative mass.  相似文献   

Z X Wang  N Iwata 《Génome》1996,39(2):307-313
Four rice (Oryza sativa L.) deficiencies, involving chromosomes 4 (Df4), 8 (Df8), and 11 (Df11-1, Df11-2), were studied. The deficiencies were induced by means of the pseudodominance technique, i.e., strains carrying one or more recessive marker genes were fertilized with irradiated pollen of a strain carrying normal alleles at corresponding loci. No characteristic morphological features were found in the deficiencies, as compared with the normal F1 plants in the progeny. The deficiencies showed high or complete seed sterility. Genetic and cytological studies indicated deficiencies in chromosomes 4, 8, and 11. The fragment chromosomes in Df4, Df8, and Df11-2 were short, possibly being derived from the heterochromatin regions of the chromosomes, including kinetochores, and the fragment chromosome in Df11-1 was long, with about 75% of the long arm missing. At metaphase I, Df4, Df8, and Df11-2 showed only the chromosome configuration of 11 II (bivalents) + 2I (univalents), and Df11-1 only that of 12 II. It seems that the short fragments tend to stay as univalents in meiosis, probably because of their shortness. On the other hand, long fragments act as normal chromosomes and associate with their homologues. The deficiencies were not transmitted to the progenies, although only a few offspring were examined. By using the induced deficiencies Df4 and Df11-1, two morphological marker genes, lg (liguleless) and la (lazy growth habit), were located on the long arm of chromosomes 4 and 11, respectively. This is the first report in rice utilizing induced chromosome deficiencies to locate a gene on a specific arm of a chromosome. The use of induced deficiencies for studying the structure of the rice genome is discussed. Key words : rice, chromosome, deficiencies, cytology, transmission.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study developmental changes in microtubule organization attending the formation of a longitudinally oriented preprophase band, the guard mother cells ofAvena were examined using a new procedure for anti-tubulin immunocytochemistry on large epidermal segments. We found that the interphase band (IMB) of transverse cortical microtubules present in these cells following asymmetric division is replaced after subsidiary cell formation by mesh-like to radial microtubules that extend throughout the cytoplasm. Many of the Mts are also grouped in bundles. Gradually, this intermediate array is succeeded by longitudinal elements of the PPB. Thus, preprophase band formation is accompanied by a 90° shift in Mt orientation, with a radial arrangement serving as an intermediate stage. The micrographs are most consistent with the rearrangement of intact Mts, although changes in Mt assembly are possible as well. The role of the IMB in guard mother cells is also discussed.Abbreviations GMC guard mother cell - IMB interphase microtubule band - Mt microtubule - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

The effects of light irradiation on the arrangement of corticalmicrotubules (MTs) were examined in etiolated A vena mesocotylsand coleoptiles, and in Pisum epicotyls. Elongation of A venamesocotyls ceased as a result of irradiation with white lightwithin 1 h. The predominant orientation of MTs became more longitudinalwithin 1 h in epidermal cells and changed from transverse tooblique, after the elongation ceased, in parenchymal cells.Irradiation with red and with blue light also caused cessationof cell elongation and the same changes in the orientation ofMTs. Elongation of Avena coleoptiles ceased as a result of irradiationwith white light within 24 h. The predominant orientation ofMTs became more longitudinal in epidermal cells and changedfrom transverse to oblique in parenchymal cells. The changein orientation of MTs in epidermal cells preceded that in parenchymalcells. In Pisum epicotyls, elongation ceased as a result ofirradiation with white light within 1 h. Although the orientationsof MTs in epidermal cells did not show any remarkable change,those in parenchymal cells changed from transverse to obliqueafter cell elongation ceased. The change in orientation of MTs and the cessation of cell elongationof A vena mesocotyls induced by white-light irradiation wereboth significantly retarded by treatment with IAA. This resultsuggests that IAA is involved in maintaining the transverseorientation of MTs in Avena mesocotyls. (Received February 22, 1989; Accepted August 2, 1989)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure ofOryza sativa L. cells in suspension was determined as cells developed, matured and senesced at 3, 10, and 17 days, respectively, after transfer to fresh medium. Although cultures of 3-day-old cells contained some senescent cells, the symptoms of cell aging were very conspicuous at 10 days and were most pronounced at 17 days. The amount of cytoplasm decreased as the number of lytic areas, myelin figures and vesicle bodies increased. Other noticeable subcellular changes observed were ultrastructural modifications of mitochondria, proplastids, amyloplasts, and nuclei. Such changes were associated with a general deterioration of the lipoprotein complex of the cell during its growth. A fibrous structure without an external membrane was observed and its reported for the first time for cells grown in suspension culture.Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Summary.  Medicago sativa var. Gabes is a perennial glycophyte that develops new shoots even in high salinity (150 mM NaCl). In the upper exporting leaves, K+ is high and Na+ is low by comparison with the lower leaves, where Na+ accumulation induces chlorosis after 4 weeks of NaCl treatment. By secondary ion mass spectroscopy, a low Na+/K+ ratio was detected in the phloem complex of blade veins in these lower leaves. By transmission electron microscopy, the ultrastructural features were observed in the phloem complex. In the upper leaves of both control and NaCl-treated plants, companion cells in minor veins were found to be transfer cells. These cells may well be involved in the intravenous recycling of ions and in Na+ flowing out of exporting leaves. Under the effect of NaCl, companion cells in the main veins develop transfer cell features, which may favor the rate of assimilate transport from exporting leaves toward meristems, allowing the positive balance necessary for the survival in salt conditions. These features no longer assist the lower leaves when transfer cells are necrotized in both minor and main veins of NaCl-treated plants. As transfer cells are the only degenerating phloem constituent, our observations emphasize their role in controlling nutrient (in particular, Na+) fluxes associated with the stress response. Received February 20, 2002; accepted August 30, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

Triacontanol (TRIA) increased the contents of total chlorophyll (Chl), Chl a and Chl b by 25.1%, 26.1% and 22.4% respectively 4 h after treatment in rice seedlings. The minimal fluorescence (F0), the maximal fluorescence (Fm) and Fv/Fm were also higher in TRIA-treated plants. In actinic light, other Chl fluorescence parameters were measured at different photon flux densities (PFD) to construct light response curves of the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (PSII), light response curves of photochemical quenching (qp), and light response curves of non-photochemical quenching (qN), respectively. The PSII and qp declined with the increasing PFD with a higher level present in TRIA-treated plants. The qN increased with the increasing PFD with a lower level present in TRIA-treated plants. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated a protein expression difference between TRIA-treated materials and the controls at the total-soluble-protein level. Rubisco was 30% higher in TRIA-treated plants than in controls. The quantity of other proteins was unchanged in response to TRIA. These data provide biochemical and photochemical evidence for the effects of TRIA on photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary A simple and rapid procedure for direct organogenesis from root nodulelike structures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) line SGg, spontaneously induced on growth regulator-free Gamborg (B5) medium, was developed. Prolific adventitious shoot initiation was obtained using a combination of 1.0 mg/liter TIBA and 0.5 mg/liter 2iP. Transfer of shoots to a medium containing 0.5 mg/liter ABA and reduced concentration of TIBA (0.5 mg/liter) before rooting markedly stimulated shoot development. Regenerated shoots rooted easily and revealed the early appearance of nodulelike structures on basal medium (B5) lacking growth regulators. Analysis of endogenous growth regulator levels of SGg roots maintained on growth regulators free media, showed that spontaneous shoot appearances was correlated with high cytokinin-to-auxin ratios.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.), belonging to three subspecies, japonica, indica and javanica (some japonicaXindica hybrids were included), were compared for their capacity for callus growth and plant regeneration. Tissue cultures initiated from mature seeds on Murashige and Skoog's (1962) medium with 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were transferred to a medium containing 0.02 mg/l 2,4-D and 10 mg/l kinetin, from which plantlets were regenerated. Large variabilities in callus growth and plant regeneration potentials were revealed among the varieties tested. Most japonica varieties formed a callus that weighed more than 100 mg per seed 30 days after inoculation, and showed a relatively high regenerative potential, whereas indica varieties, japonica-indica hybrids and javanica varieties showed poor callus growth and plant regeneration, although considerable varietal variation was observed in each subspecies. The callus growth potential was not correlated with the plant regeneration potential. Histological observations revealed that the epithelium cells of the scutellum mainly proliferated to form a callus, from which shoot and root primordia were differentiated independently from each other. The shoot primordia developed into plantlets when roots were formed adventitiously. In a few cases, shoots and roots were bilaterally initiated from a single primordium.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of ability to form callus in rice anther culture was studied using the diallel technique. Anthers containing uninucleate microspores from two japonica cultivais (Minehikari and Taipei 309), two indica cultivars (Mingolo and Suweon 290), and 12 F1's of the diallel crosses involving these four parents were cultured on Chaleffs R2 medium and evaluated for callus induction. The parents showed significant differences in anther callus formation, from 41.9% (Taipei 309) to 0% (Suweon 290). Callus induction ability was inherited as a recessive character conditioned by a single block of genes. Additive gene effects were predominant. The japonica types seemed to be good combiners for callus induction. The order of dominance among the four parents was Suweon 290, Mingolo, Minehikari and Taipei 309.  相似文献   

Straighthead disease is a physiological disorder of rice (Oryza sativa L.) characterized by sterility of the florates/spikelets leading to reduced grain yield. Though the exact cause of straighthead is unknown, a glass house experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of inorganic arsenic on straighthead disease in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BRRI dhan 29, a popular Bangladeshi rice strain, was grown in soils spiked with arsenic (prepared from sodium arsenate, Na2HAsO4·7H2O) at the rate of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 mg of As kg?1 and one control treatment was also run to compare the results. Although there may be some other soil physico-chemical factors involved, arsenic concentration was found to be closely associated with straighthead of rice. With the increase of soil arsenic concentration, the severity of straighthead increased significantly. Up to the 50 mg of As kg?1 soil treatments, the severity of straighthead incidences were not prevalent. Straighthead resulted in sterile florets with distorted lemma and palea, reduced plant height, tillering, panicle length and grain yield. Straighthead caused approximately 17–100% sterile florates/spikelets formation and about 16–100% loss of grain yield. Straighthead also causes the reduction of panicle formation and panicle length significantly (p < 0.01). In the present study, panicle formation was found to be reduced by 21–95% by straighthead.  相似文献   

Studies of inflorescences of the mutants bractea and terminal flower1 and double mutant bra tfl1 of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. have shown that the presence of a developed leaf in the node preceding the terminal flower is a necessary condition for the formation of the terminal flower perianth. This means that perianth cannot develop in an abracteose inflorescence of terminal flower. The second necessary condition for the terminal flower formation is a sufficient level of expression of the genes responsible for floral morphogenesis. Combination of these two conditions suffices for the development of a terminal flower with perianth. Since the general principles of organization are common for the majority of Angiosperms, it can be stated that if the abracteose inflorescence is terminated by a flower with perianth, this is a consequence of displacement of the lateral flower into the terminal position.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2005, pp. 90–95.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Penin, Choob, Ezhova.  相似文献   

Stress-induced factors involved in flower formation in Lemna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At a concentration equivalent to 0.3–1 μ M , the norepinephrine solution in which the drought-stressed plants of Lemna paucicostata 441 were immersed for 2 h, induced flowering in L. paucicosrata 151. Not only drought stress but also osmotic stress, 5 min on 0.5 M mannitol solution, and heat stress, 5 min on 45–55°C hot water, were effective in producing or releasing a factor capable of activating norepinephrine. Such a putative factor has been designated as factor C, The first supernatant obtained after immediate centrifugation of the homogenate of the plants had only weak factor C activity, hut the second supernatant, obtained after a 30-min incubation of the suspension of the first pellet, showed high factor C activity. The water in which Lemna plants subjected to both drought and heat stresses had been immersed for 2 h. showed flower-inducing activity even in the absence of added norepinephrine.  相似文献   

The occurrence of genomic modifications in transgenic rice plants recovered from protoplasts and their transmission to the self-pollination progeny has been verfied with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) approach. The plant was the Indica-type rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Chinsurah Boro II. The analysed material was: (1) microspore-derived embryogenic rice cells grown in suspension culture, (2) transgenic plants recovered from protoplasts produced from the cultured cells and (3) the self-pollination progeny (two successive generations) of the transgenic plants. DNA purified from samples of these materials was PCR-amplified with different random oligonucleotide primers and the amplification products were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Band polymorphism was scored and used in band-sharing analyses to produce a similarity matrix. Relationships among the analysed genomes were expressed in a dendrogram.The extensive DNA changes evidenced in cultured cells demonstrate the occurrence of somaclonal variation in the material used to produce protoplasts for gene transfer. Quantitatively reduced DNA changes were also found in the resulting transgenic plants and i their self-pollination progenies.While confirming the stability of the foreign gene in transgenic plants, this work gives molecular evidence for the occurrence of stable genomic changes in transgenic plants and points toin vitro cell culture as the causative agent. RAPDs are shown to be a convenient tool to detect and estimate the phenomenon at the molecular level. The methodology is also proposed as a fast tool to select those transgenic individuals that retain the most balanced genomic structure and to control the result of back-crosses planned to restore the original genome.  相似文献   

The intial phases of auxin-induced growth in coleoptile segments of Avena sativa L. were investigated using a high resolution growth recording technique, based on an angular position sensing transducer. The first response to the hormone is a slight, transient reduction of the growth rate lasting about 5 min. After this phase growth rate increases to a maximum. The duration of the increase and the maximum clearly depend on the concentration of the hormone. With increasing auxin concentration the duration of the growth rate increase is reduced from about 80 min in 10-9 M indoleacetic acid (IAA) to about 14 min in 10-4 M IAA. After the maximum the growth rate declines. Looking at the maximum of the growth rate, we obtained a dose-response curve with a sharp increase between 10-9 M and 10-6 M IAA and a slight decline between 10-6 M and 10-4 M IAA. This result is confirmed by growth rates measured one and two hours after the application of the hormone.Abbreviations IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   

Penin AA  Chub VV  Ezhova TA 《Ontogenez》2005,36(2):90-95
Studies of efflorescences of the mutants bractea and terminal flower1 and double mutant bra tfl1 of Arabidoipsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. have shown that the presence of a developed leaf in the node preceding the terminal flower is a necessary condition for the formation of the terminal flower perianth. This means that perianth cannot develop in an abracteose efflorescence of terminal flower. The second necessary condition for the terminal flower formation is a sufficient level of expression of the genes responsible for floral morphogenesis. Combination of these two conditions suffices for the development of a terminal flower with perianth. Since the general principles of organization are close for most flower plants, it can be stated that if the abracteose efflorescence is terminated by a flower with perianth, this is a consequence of forcing the lateral flower into the terminal position.  相似文献   

In the present study, rice seedlings were exposed to a range of Cd concentrations (0.1 μM, 1 μM, 10 μM, 100 μM and 1 mM) for 15 days and a combination of different molecular approaches were used to evidence Cd effects and to assess the plants’ ability to counteract metal toxicity. At a macroscopical level, only the highest Cd concentration (1 mM) caused a complete plant growth inhibition, whereas the lowest concentrations seemed to stimulate growth. At genome level, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was applied to detect DNA sequence changes in root cells, showing that all the Cd concentrations induced significant DNA polymorphisms in a dose-dependent manner. Data also evidenced the absence of preferential mutation sites.Plant responses were analysed by measuring the levels of gluthatione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs), the thiol-peptides involved in heavy metal tolerance mechanisms. Results showed a progressive increase of GSH up to 10 μM of Cd treatment, whereas a significant induction only of PC3 was detected in roots of plants exposed to 100 μM of Cd. As suggested by the proteome analysis of root tissues, this last concentration strongly induced the expression of regulatory proteins and some metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, the treatment with 10 μM of Cd induced changes in metabolic enzymes, but it mainly activated defence mechanisms by the induction of transporters and proteins involved in the degradation of oxidatively modified proteins.  相似文献   

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