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不同发育时期小麦种子活力的变化及其对环境温度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济麦22和山农23号为试验材料,利用标准发芽试验法对不同年份小麦种子发育过程中的种子活力变化进行研究,分析环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响,为早期小麦种子的利用及高活力种子的生产提供参考依据.结果表明: 伴随着小麦种子发育,鲜种子在花后26 d左右出现发芽能力,之后其发芽率整体呈上升趋势;干种子发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数在花后5~8 d迅速升高,之后保持相对稳定,活力指数主要受到幼苗单株干质量的影响而持续升高,一般在完熟前4~6 d达到最大值;不同发育时期小麦干种子的田间种植及其后代种子的活力测定表明,济麦22花后17 d以后的干种子田间出苗较好,并可成穗结实,其后代种子的发芽率和活力指数在不同样品间无显著差异.环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响显著,小麦花后日平均温度均值、日最高气温均值以及日最低气温均值均高,且花后日温差均值大的年份,种子发育时间短、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较早;反之,发育时间较长、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较晚,但完熟期积温高,种子活力较高.  相似文献   

The dynamics of stomatal resistance and osmotic adjustment in response to plant water deficits and stage of physiological development was studied in the leaves of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L., GWO 1809). Plants were germinated and grown in pots in a growth chamber at the Duke University Phytotron to four physiological stages of development (4th leaf, 7th leaf, anthesis, and soft dough), during which time stomatal resistance, total water potential and osmotic potential were measured on the last fully developed leaf of water stressed and non-stressed plants. Pressure potential was obtained by difference. Stomatal closure of the abaxial and adaxial surfaces were independent of each other, each having a different critical total water potential. The total water potential required to close the stomata on the last fully developed leaf were different at different stages of physiological development, decreasing as the plants grew older. The development of osmoregulation in wheat allows the closure of stomata during the vegetative stage at a high total water potential, but insures that stomata remain open from anthesis through the ear filling period to a lower total water potential.  相似文献   

In pomegranate (Punica granatum), seed hardness is an important trait directly affecting fruit marketability. However, seed formation in pomegranate has not been well studied. We investigated the genetic mechanism underlying pomegranate seed hardness by comparing protein expression profiles between soft- and hard-seeded varieties 60 and 120 days after flowering. We identified 1940 proteins, of which 399 were differentially expressed. Most of the differentially expressed proteins were involved in posttranslational modification and carbohydrate metabolism. Cell wall biosynthesis, which showed positive correlations with seed hardness, was selected as the candidate pathway. The mRNA levels of 14 proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis were further analyzed by qPCR. Lignin biosynthesis-related differentially expressed proteins showed lower expression at protein and gene levels in a soft-seeded variety at the early stages. Moreover, cellulose biosynthesis-related differentially expressed proteins showed higher expression levels in the soft-seeded variety at 60 days after flowering. Thus, the soft-seeded variety showed lower lignin but higher cellulose biosynthesis at the early fruit developmental stage, suggesting that lignin and cellulose play opposing roles in cell wall formation in pomegranate seeds. Moreover, differentially expressed proteins involved in cell wall degradation showed higher expression levels in the soft-seeded variety at both developmental stages. These results suggested that differences in seed hardness between soft- and hard-seeded pomegranates might result from cell wall biosynthesis and also be affected by cell wall degradation. The present proteome-wide profiling of pomegranate genotypes with contrasting seed hardness adds to the current knowledge base of the molecular basis of seed hardness development.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, the effect of foliar Zn applications on the concentration of Zn in seeds of a bread wheat cultivar ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Balatilla) was studied during different stages of seed development. In addition, a staining method using dithizone (DTZ: diphenyl thiocarbazone) was applied to (1) study the localization of Zn in seeds, (2) follow the remobilization of Zn during germination, and (3) develop a rapid visual Zn screening method for seed and flour samples. In all seed development stages, foliar Zn treatments were effective in increasing seed Zn concentration. The highest Zn concentration in the seeds was found in the first stage of seed development (around the early milk stage); after this, seed Zn concentration gradually decreased until maturity. When reacting with Zn, DTZ forms a redcolored complex. The DTZ staining of seed samples revealed that Zn is predominantly located in the embryo and aleurone parts of the seeds. After 36 h of germination, the coleoptile and roots that emerged from seeds showed very intensive red color formation and had Zn concentrations up to 200 mg kg−1, indicating a substantial remobilization of Zn from seed pools into the developing roots (radicle) and coleoptile. The DTZ staining method seems to be useful in ranking flour samples for their Zn concentrations. There was a close relationship between the seed Zn concentrations and spectral absorbance of the methanol extracts of the flour samples stained with DTZ. The results suggest that (1) accumulation of Zn in seeds is particularly high during early seed development, (2) Zn is concentrated in the embryo and aleurone parts, and (3) the DTZ staining method can be used as a rapid, semiquantitative method to estimate Zn concentrations of flour and seed samples and to screen genotypes for their Zn concentrations in seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Diallel crosses among Triticum boeoticum (4 lines from different geographical areas), T.urartu, Aegilops squarrosa and Ae. speltoides exhibited reciprocal differences in hybrid seed morphology, endosperm development, and embryo viability. T. urartu and Ae. squarrosa as females with T. boeotiaum and Ae. speltoides lead to shrivelled inviable seed. T.boeoticum accessions as female with Ae.speltoides also lead to shrivelled seeds. The reciprocal crosses produced plump seeds which either resembled the maternal parent or showed size differences. By altering the endospermic genome ratios, hybrid seeds with 1 (PF)/1 (PM) showed extreme shrivelling whereas those with 4 (PF)/1 (PM) were medium shrivelled to plump. Genetic experiments involving hybrids of T. boeoticum, T. urartu and T. monococcum showed that a factor is present in pollen or male gametes, which shows dosage effect and which, by interacting with the maternal genome, leads to endosperm abortion.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy develops latein embryogenesis after a period of potential prematuregermination and has been associated with levels ofabscisic acid (ABA) in, and sensitivity to, ABA ofembryos. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)embryos, there are two peaks in levels of ABA duringdevelopment: the first occurs 25 days afterpollination (DAP) and the second from 35 to 40 DAP. The first peak of ABA appears to be associated withthe development of the embryo's sensitivity to ABAsince such sensitivity was altered in seeds on earsthat were incubated in a solution of ABA from 15 and20 DAP. In the embryos of Kitakei wheat, a line thatexhibits dormancy, the second peak, at around 35 DAP,was more prolonged in comparison to Chihoku, anon-dormant line. The results support the proposedinvolvement of ABA in the formation and maintenance ofseed dormancy during middle and late embryogenesis. When developing embryos were incubated in water,embryonic ABA leaked out from the embryos, inparticular between 30 and 40 DAP. Prematuregermination observed between 30 and 40 DAP might berelated to such leakage of ABA from embryos.  相似文献   

Three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mutants that lacked dormancyat maturity were isolated from an ethylmethane sulphonate-treatedpopulation of a dormant red-grained line, Kitakei-1354 (Kitakei).The three mutants (EH47-1, EH47-2-5 and EH47-2-6) were selectedin segregating generations derived from one M2 plant. They differin morphological and physiological characteristics, showingthat these mutants contained several mutations besides non-dormancy.Despite these differences, embryos of all the mutants rapidlylost sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA) during the later halfof seed maturation while Kitakei embryos maintained the sensitivityeven after maturity. These results suggest that embryo sensitivityto ABA plays a key role in seed dormancy. The profile of ABAcontent of EH47-1 embryos during seed development was similarto that of Kitakei, except for a significantly lower level at30 d after pollination (DAP). This reduced level of ABA at DAP30is discussed in relation to the development of seed dormancyand ABA sensitivity of the embryos. Segregation ratios for non-dormancyin progeny of EH47-1Kitakei crosses suggest that the non-dormancyof EH47-1 is a single dominant mutation. Key words: Abscisic acid, wheat, seed dormancy, inheritance, mutant  相似文献   

施氮水平对小麦籽粒发育过程中氨基酸含量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
施氮能提高小麦籽粒蛋白质氨基酸的含量,并与施氮水平呈正相关;但对普通小麦必需氨基酸与蛋白质氨基酸的比值没有影响,而硬粒小麦4286随施氮水平的提高,该比值下降。在开花后32d以前,籽粒发育过程中游离氨基酸与施氮水平呈正相关,以后,籽粒中游离氨基酸趋于相近,表明施氮增加了游离氨基酸的库源,不同基因型小麦对施氮水平的反应不同,在同等施氮水平和栽培条件下,籽粒中蛋白质氨基酸和游离氨基酸含量为硬粒小麦4286>小偃6号>小偃107,不同施氮水平下,籽粒中氨基酸含量为高氮>中氮>低氮。  相似文献   

小麦不同品种和播期对发育阶段的效应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
以热时间(thermal time)为尺度研究了小麦不同品种和播期对发育阶段的效应,结果表明,小麦分蘖发生的早晚以生态因子调控为主,基因型差异较小;分薛- 节期为冬性品种(京411)一生中可变性最大的生育阶段,穗分化进入单棱斯的早晚以基因型效应为主,生态因子的影响次之,单棱-二棱期为春化作用的敏感期,冬性品种晚播(3月2日)春化效应可延迟到小花原基分化期之前,小麦物候期与穗发育阶段的对应关系具有一定的可变性,冬性品种较强的春化作用增加了其生态可变叶原基数;春化过程结束前,物候发育及穗发育阶段累计GDD与相应生殖器官原基分化的数的相关性不明显,春性品种(扬麦158)的物候发育及药隔分化期之前的穗发育阶段与各类顶端原基的分化数均具有极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

BackgroundAs a newly discovered muscle factor secreted by skeletal muscle cells, irisin is a polypeptide fragment formed from hydrolysis of fibronectin type Ⅲ domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5). Irisin can promote beigeing of white adipose tissue (WAT) and regulate glucose and lipid metabolisms. However, the functions of irisin in skeletal muscle development remain largely unknown. In order to characterize the expression of irisin, this study investigated the expression of irisin precursor FNDC5 in myoblasts and skeletal muscles during different developmental stages of SPF mice.ResultsThe Western blot, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and immunofluorescence assay results showed that FNDC5 was expressed in all the developmental stages of myoblasts and gastrocnemius, but its expression differed at different stages. FNDC5 protein exhibited the highest expression in gastrocnemius of sexually mature mice, followed by elderly mice and adolescent mice, and it displayed the lowest expression in pups. Additionally, FNDC5 protein was mainly expressed in cytoplasm, and it had the highest expression in primary myoblasts, followed by the myotubes with the lowest expression in C2C12 myogenic cells.ConclusionsOverall, FNDC5 was mainly expressed in cytoplasm and extracellular matrix with different expression levels at different developmental stages of skeletal muscle cells and tissues in mice. This study will provide new strategies for promoting skeletal muscle development and treating muscle- and metabolism-related disease by using irisin.  相似文献   

Vergne P  Dumas C 《Plant physiology》1988,88(4):969-972
Procedures have been designed to isolate viable immature male gametophytes from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) anthers of different stages of development. Maceration of anthers by a micro-blender allowed for the release of numerous intact vacuolate microspores. Tris-buffered media prevented tricellular pollen grains from bursting during the isolation procedure. Proteins from the undamaged male gametophytes have been analyzed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. A set of new proteins was detected at the onset of the second pollen grain mitosis. The results demonstrate the opportunity for studies on haploid gene expression at the translational level.  相似文献   

Total hemicelluloses from wheat at different stages of growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The changes in total hemicellulose composition of leaf and stem tissues of field-grown wheat plants have been examined. In each plant tissue the percentage of xylose in the total hemicellulose increases with increasing plant maturity, that of galactose varies little and those of L-arabinose, D-glucose, and uronic acid decrease. There is a markedly higher proportion of D-glucopyranuronosyl than of 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranuronosyl residues in leaf and stem tissues at all stages of maturity. The ratio of β(1 → 3) to β(1 → 4) linkages in the β-glucans, and the DP of these β-glucans decrease concommitantly with tissue maturity.  相似文献   

Rna synthesis during the germination of wheat seed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incorporation of [14C]uridine into various RNA fractions of germinating wheat embryo was studied. During the first 3 hr of germination the precursor was incorporated predominantly into a specific component of the RNA (messenger RNA). Neither ribosomal nor transfer RNA were labeled at this time. It is concluded that biosynthetic processes are resumed after the breaking of dormancy in a sequential manner. This sequence begins with the initiation of messenger RNA synthesis.  相似文献   


Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) have received a great deal of attention for their properties as prebiotic components. Several plants store FOS in their tissues as carbohydrate source or as osmoregulators. In comparison with the other natural FOS sources, cereals, in particular durum wheat, store a significant amount of these oligosaccharides during their growth. To gain a deeper insight on the relationships between FOS and plant/kernel development, FOS levels were analysed in the grains and stems of a widely cultivated durum wheat cultivar (Simeto), during the whole period of grain filling. In addition, a broad analysis of FOS contents was carried out by comparing their levels in the stems and grains of 45 cultivars of durum wheat harvested at two development stages. Results show a large variation among cultivars in their capability to metabolise FOS.  相似文献   

Young leaves of Triticum timopheevi Zukh. show a defined gradient of development. One-mm-long sections from such leaves were cultured in vitro. At a low concentration of exogenous auxin, cells in the most basal, highly meristematic explants divided readily in culture, but in the absence of auxin they soon ceased dividing and were arrested in G1 and G2 of the mitotic cell cycle. In the region adjoining the meristem, where most cells were arrested in G1, very high concentrations of auxin had to be applied to reinitiate cell division, i.e. stimulate transitions from G1 to S-phase and from G2 to mitosis. Above this potentially auxin-responsive region, which represented less than 50% of the total leaf length, there followed tissue, which, when excised, showed nuclear DNA replication in a number of cells in the absence of auxin. However, the cells did not complete the mitotic cycle, either in the absence or presence of exogenous auxin. We suggest this loss of responsiveness is correlated with an uncoupling of auxin from the control of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

As a precursor to a large variety of compounds, myo-inositol is a central molecule required for cell metabolism and plant growth. The de novo synthesis of myo-inositol requires the activity of the enzyme D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate synthase (MIPS). MIPS cDNAs encoding one or more isoforms have been cloned from a number of species, nevertheless, little is known about the regulation of MIPS expression in developing seed. Seed-specific expression of a soybean isoform (GmMIPS-1) has been demonstrated, but tissue-specific localization during embryo development has not been reported. Using immunolocalization techniques, a specialized area of GmMIPS-1 expression was identified in the outer integumentary layer during early soybean seed development. In addition, localization data provided evidence that MIPS was associated with oxalate crystal idioblasts.  相似文献   

It was to be shown whether during the biogenesis of microbodies some of their components were already present in the cell prior to the organelle's assembly. To this end, the occurrence and properties of catalase in soluble and particular fractions of ripening cucumber seeds were examined. Homogenates of seeds from ripening fruits were fractionated by isopycnic density gradient centrifugation, and thus catalase was found in three different fractions: as a soluble enzyme in the gradient supernatant, as a membrane fraction at density d=1.18 kg l-1, and in association with microbodies. In the early steps of seed formation, catalase was detected at density d=1.18 kg l-1 and in the gradient supernatant. At a later stage of seed maturation, however, catalase was primarily associated with microbodies which exhibited an equilibrium density of d=1.23 kg l-1. M r as well as subunit M r of catalase were determined, and their close immunological relationship to leaf peroxisomal catalase and glyoxysomal catalase was demonstrated. Biosynthesis of catalase at different stages of seed maturation was investigated by in vivo labeling with l-[35S]methionine, l-[14C]leucine and -[3H]aminolaevulinic acid. Electrophoretic analysis of de novo synthesized catalase subunits revealed the occurrence of a heavy form (M r 57,500) in the soluble fraction; this form was preferentially labeled. A light form, M r 53,500, was detected in microbodies and also in the soluble fraction. The findings lend support to the hypothesis that the rate of catalase synthesis is highest in an early stage of seed formation, when globulins have already been formed, but before de novo synthesis of malate synthase has commenced. Prior to microbody assembling, a cytoplasmic pool of catalase was labeled.Abbreviations EDTA Na2-ethylenediaminotetraacetate - Hepes 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - M r molecular weight  相似文献   

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