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Many studies have shown that women's judgments of men's attractiveness are affected by changes in levels of sex hormones. However, no studies have tested for associations between changes in levels of sex hormones and men's judgments of women's attractiveness. To investigate this issue, we compared men's attractiveness judgments of feminized and masculinized women's and men's faces in test sessions where salivary testosterone was high and test sessions where salivary testosterone was relatively low. Men reported stronger attraction to femininity in women's faces in test sessions where salivary testosterone was high than in test sessions where salivary testosterone was low. This effect was found to be specific to judgments of opposite-sex faces. The strength of men's reported attraction to femininity in men's faces did not differ between high and low testosterone test sessions, suggesting that the effect of testosterone that we observed for judgments of women's faces was not due to a general response bias. Collectively, these findings suggest that changes in testosterone levels contribute to the strength of men's reported attraction to femininity in women's faces and complement previous findings showing that testosterone modulates men's interest in sexual stimuli.  相似文献   

Women's estradiol predicts preference for facial cues of men's testosterone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A growing body of research has shown that women express stronger attraction to more masculine traits when they are tested near ovulation than when tested during other times in the menstrual cycle. Although these effects have been interpreted as increased preferences for markers of elevated testosterone during times in the cycle when conception is most likely, no previous studies have directly demonstrated that women express stronger attraction to higher testosterone men at different times in the cycle. In addition, little research has addressed which hormonal or other physiological mechanisms may regulate temporal shifts in women's attractiveness judgments. In this research, we demonstrate that women with higher estradiol concentrations exhibit stronger preferences for the faces of men with higher testosterone concentrations, and that women's testosterone preference and estradiol curves track one another across days of the cycle. The findings are the first direct demonstration in humans that hormone concentrations in one sex are associated with attraction to cues of hormonal status in the opposite sex. The results support a functional role for estradiol in calibrating women's mating psychology to indices of their current fertility, analogous to similar processes that have been documented in nonhuman species. A strong correlation between estradiol and testosterone preference specifically during the luteal phase further suggests that women's mate preferences may track their fertility between different cycles in addition to being calibrated to the timing of ovulation within individual cycles.  相似文献   

Recent research has reported that male body and facial hair influence women's mate preferences. However, it is not clear whether such preferences are typical for women or for individuals who prefer males as sexual partners. Here we explored body and facial hair in preferred and actual partners among men and women who prefer men as sexual partners. Including homosexual individuals provides a unique opportunity to investigate whether evolved mating psychologies are specific to the sex of the individual or sex of the partner. Based on an online survey of 1577 participants from Brazil and the Czech Republic, we found that, on average, homosexual men preferred hairier stimuli than heterosexual women, supporting past findings that homosexual men have strong preferences for masculine traits. Preferences for facial and body hair appear to be influenced less by sex of the preferred partner than sex of the individual, pointing to a possible sex-specific mating psychology. Further, Brazilians preferred bigger beards than Czechs, which was positively associated with the self-reported amount of beardedness in Brazil, suggesting that familiarity effects underpin cross-cultural differences in preferences for facial hair. Moreover, homosexual men preferred a self-similar degree of beardedness, and Czech women preferred a similar degree of beardedness as their fathers had during their childhood. However, these effects were not associated with the level of facial hair in their actual partners; in general, mate preferences and actual mate choices for facial and body hair differed. Thus, individual differences in some self-reported characteristics, cultural factors, and aspects of personal experience may modulate differences in preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

We present a two-sided search model in which individuals from two groups (males and females, employers and workers) would like to form a long-term relationship with a highly ranked individual of the other group, but are limited to individuals who they randomly encounter and to those who also accept them. This article extends the research program, begun in Alpern and Reyniers [1999. J. Theor. Biol. 198, 71-88], of providing a game theoretic analysis for the Kalick-Hamilton [1986. J. Personality Soc. Psychol. 51, 673-682] mating model in which a cohort of males and females of various 'fitness' or 'attractiveness' levels are randomly paired in successive periods and mate if they accept each other. Their model compared two acceptance rules chosen to represent homotypic (similarity) preferences and common (or 'type') preferences. Our earlier paper modeled the first kind by assuming that if a level x male mates with a level y female, both get utility -|x-y|, whereas this paper models the second kind by giving the male utility y and the female utility x. Our model can also be seen as a continuous generalization of the discrete fitness-level game of Johnstone [1997. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 40, 51-59]. We establish the existence of equilibrium strategy pairs, give examples of multiple equilibria, and conditions guaranteeing uniqueness. In all equilibria individuals become less choosy over time, with high fitness individuals pairing off with each other first, leaving the rest to pair off later. This route to assortative mating was suggested by Parker [1983. Mate Choice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 141-164]. If the initial fitness distributions have atoms, then mixed strategy equilibria may also occur. If these distributions are unknown, there are equilibria in which only individuals in the same fitness band are mated, as in the steady-state model of MacNamara and Collins [1990. J. Appl. Prob. 28, 815-827] for the job search problem.  相似文献   

The “good genes” explanation of attractiveness posits that mate preferences favour healthy individuals due to direct and indirect benefits associated with the selection of a healthy mate. Consequently, attractiveness judgements are likely to reflect judgements of apparent health. One physical characteristic that may inform health judgements is fluctuating asymmetry as it may act as a visual marker for genetic quality and developmental stability. Consistent with these suggestions, a number of studies have found relationships between facial symmetry and facial attractiveness. In Study 1, the interplay between facial symmetry, attractiveness, and judgements of apparent health was explored within a partial correlation design. Findings suggest that the attractiveness–symmetry relationship is mediated by a link between judgements of apparent health and facial symmetry. In Study 2, an opposite-sex bias in sensitivity to facial symmetry was observed when judging health. Thus, perceptual analysis of symmetry may be an adaptation facilitating discrimination between potential mates on the basis of apparent health. The findings of both studies are consistent with a “good genes” explanation of the attractiveness–symmetry relationship and problematic for the claim that symmetry is attractive as a by-product of the ease with which the visual recognition system processes symmetric stimuli.  相似文献   

Research on human mate preferences that distinguishes between short- and long-term partners has been conducted mainly in industrialized societies, where multiple mating and concurrent partnerships are stigmatized. However, cross-culturally, there is significant variation in the frequency and the level of acceptance of such relationships. Furthermore, the dichotomy between short- and long-term partnerships does not fully describe the diversity in actual extra-pair behavior, which ranges from single sexual encounters to multi-year love affairs. Here we present another comparison, between formal (marital) and informal (non-marital) partners, which we feel better captures this diversity. We assess the traits that men and women prefer in each type of partner among Himba pastoralists, where concurrent partnerships are common and accepted for both sexes. We situate our findings in relation to three main explanations for concurrent partnerships: dual-mating, trading-up and multiple investors. We find some similarities with the existing literature in the traits that are listed as important, including physical attractiveness, wealth and intelligence. Our evidence suggest that Himba men follow a dual strategy, preferring hard-working wives and attractive girlfriends. Women's preferences align most strongly with a multiple investors explanation, most clearly articulated through their preferences for wealthy husbands and generous boyfriends. Limited support is also found for a dual-mating strategy in women. These findings suggest that local cultural norms and ecologies modulate mate preferences in important ways.  相似文献   

The literature on human mate preferences is vast but most data come from studies on college students in complex societies, who represent a thin slice of cultural variation in an evolutionarily novel environment. Here, I present data on the mate preferences of men and women in a society of hunter-gatherers, the Hadza of Tanzania. Hadza men value fertility in a mate more than women do, and women value intelligence more than men do. Women place great importance on men’s foraging, and both sexes rate character as important. Unlike college students, Hadza men place considerable importance on women being hard-working, and Hadza women cite looks about as often as men do. This research was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation and the Leakey Foundation. Frank Marlowe (B.A., M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D.) is associate professor in the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University. His research interests include the behavioral ecology of hunter-gatherers, mating systems, parental care, mate choice, and cooperation.  相似文献   

The issue with most studies concerned with mate selection preferences in humans is that they rely on declarations and rational actions of experimental subjects, which are affected by their pre-conceived opinions and prejudices. Moreover, current research suggests that subcortical structures and processes, rather than the neocortex, play the principal role in actual partner choice behaviour. Consequently, we have only limited information on how relevant our current knowledge is in relation to real-life human ethology. To address these issues, we surveyed 2718 women and 4073 men between the ages of 16–50 and compared their declared and observed preferences for various properties in short-term and long-term partners. We found differences between what the subjects declared to prefer and what they preferred in reality: for example, men declared that wealth was the second least desirable property out of eleven in short-term partners, but we observed that in reality, they considered wealth the third most important factor after charisma and sense of humour. Similarly, while women declared that dominance and masculinity were desirable properties in short-term partners, in the observational part of the study, they showed little preference for these traits. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of the phase of the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraception, pregnancy, and partnership and parenthood status on these preferences. We found some support for the good parents hypothesis and no support for the good genes and the immunocompetence handicap hypotheses when observed, rather than declared preferences were considered. We also detected that hormonal contraception, and parenthood and partnership status influenced declared preferences in considerable ways, but had only a small, if any, impact on observed preferences. We suggest interpreting the results of studies reliant on declarations and rational actions of experimental subjects with great caution.  相似文献   

Although many studies have reported that women's preferences for masculine physical characteristics in men change systematically during the menstrual cycle, the hormonal mechanisms underpinning these changes are currently poorly understood. Previous studies investigating the relationships between measured hormone levels and women's masculinity preferences tested only judgments of men's facial attractiveness. Results of these studies suggested that preferences for masculine characteristics in men's faces were related to either women's estradiol or testosterone levels. To investigate the hormonal correlates of within-woman variation in masculinity preferences further, here we measured 62 women's salivary estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone levels and their preferences for masculine characteristics in men's voices in five weekly test sessions. Multilevel modeling of these data showed that changes in salivary estradiol were the best predictor of changes in women's preferences for vocal masculinity. These results complement other recent research implicating estradiol in women's mate preferences, attention to courtship signals, sexual motivation, and sexual strategies, and are the first to link women's voice preferences directly to measured hormone levels.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight normally cycling women provided daily reports of sexual interests and feelings for 35 days. Near ovulation, both pair-bonded and single women reported feeling more physically attractive and having greater interest in attending social gatherings where they might meet men. Pair-bonded women who were near ovulation reported greater extra-pair flirtation and greater mate guarding by their primary partner. As predicted, however, these effects were exhibited primarily by women who perceived their partners to be low on hypothesized good genes indicators (low in sexual attractiveness relative to investment attractiveness). Ovulation-contingent increases in partner mate guarding were also moderated by female physical attractiveness; midcycle increases in mate guarding were experienced primarily by less attractive women, whereas more attractive women experienced relatively high levels of mate guarding throughout their cycle. These findings demonstrate ovulation-contingent shifts in desires and behaviors that are sensitive to varying fitness payoffs, and they provide support for the good genes hypothesis of human female extra-pair mating. The daily assessment method provides an important supplement to existing studies using scheduled laboratory visits as the purpose of the study (examining cycle-related variation) is not known by participants.  相似文献   

The importance of mate choice and sexual selection has been emphasized by the majority of evolutionary psychologists. This paper assesses three cases of work on mate choice and sexual selection in evolutionary psychology: David Buss on cross-cultural human mate preferences, Randy Thornhill and Steve Gangestad on the link between mate preferences and fluctuating asymmetry, and Geoffrey Miller on the role of Fisher’s runaway process in human evolution. A mixture of conceptual and empirical problems in each case highlights the general weakness of work in evolutionary psychology on these issues.
Chris HaufeEmail:

Since direct benefits are likely to be absent in the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus, indirect genetic benefits are a potential explanation for costly female preference. Choosy females may improve their fitness in terms of enhanced attractiveness of sons alone or additionally by improved viability of offspring. We tested the predictions of these two hypotheses by comparing attractiveness-related song traits and viability in offspring of attractive and unattractive grasshopper males. The experiment was conducted with larvae reared under semi natural lab conditions in one year and under natural conditions in the field in the following year. If reared under natural conditions no significant differences in viability and song traits between offspring of attractive and unattractive males could be found. Offspring reared in the lab produced calling songs with a significantly more exact song rhythm when sired by attractive males than offspring of unattractive males. Offspring of attractive males should thus have a theoretical advantage in mate choice, which, however, did not translate into higher attractiveness values in acoustic female choice experiments. Therefore our experiments could not resolve whether female choice in C. biguttulus evolved according to the sexy son hypothesis. Since viability in offspring of attractive males did not differ from offspring of unattractive males, “good genes” seems unlikely to be the underlying mechanism of female choice.  相似文献   

Ovulatory cycle shifts in women's mate preferences have been documented for several physical and behavioral traits. Research suggests that, at peak fertility, women tend to prefer men with characteristics that reflect good genes for short-term sexual relationships. However, existing findings have been criticized for methodological flexibility and failing attempts to replicate core results. In a large (N = 157), pre-registered, within-subject study spanning two ovulatory cycles, we investigated cycle shifts in women's mate preferences for masculine bodies. Using a large set of natural stimuli, we found that when fertile, women's ratings of male bodies increased for sexual as well as for long-term attractiveness. Both effects were partially mediated by the estradiol-to-progesterone-ratio. Furthermore, moderation analyses revealed that both shifts were only evident in women in relationships, but not in singles. Contrary to previous findings, male masculine traits did not interact with cycle phase to predict attraction, indicating that women's preferential priorities do not shift. Taken together, our results do not support women's mate preference shifts, as assumed by the good genes ovulatory shift hypothesis, but are consistent with shifting motivational priorities throughout the cycle. Implications of these results for female estrus theories and methodological recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

 The patterns of phenotypic association between mated males and females depend on the decision rules that individuals employ during search for a mate. We generalize the sequential search rule and examine how the shape of the function that relates a male character to the benefit of a mating decision influences the threshold value of the male trait that induces females to terminate search. If the fitness function is linear the optimal threshold value of a male character increases with the slope of the function. The phenotypic threshold criterion declines, all else being equal, if the fitness function is made more concave (or less convex) by an increase of the risk of the function. The expression of the trait in females has no effect on the optimal threshold value of a male character if the fitness function is linear and phenotypic values combine additively to influence the benefit of a mating decision; the phenotypic threshold criterion is ubiquitous among females. A convex fitness function induces females with high trait values to adopt a relatively high phenotypic threshold criterion, whereas a concave fitness function induces such females to adopt a low threshold value for the male trait. Thus, linear, convex and concave fitness functions effect random, assortative and disassortative combinations of phenotypes among mated individuals, respectively. Changes of female search behavior induced by changes of the distribution of a male character similarly depend on the shape of the fitness function. A variance-preserving increase of male trait values produces a relatively small increase of the threshold criterion for the male character if the fitness function is concave, relative to conditions in which the fitness function is either linear or convex. Our results suggest that a sequential search rule can in principle induce the kinds of mating patterns observed in nature and that the phenotypic association between mated individuals is likely to depend on how a male character translates into fitness, the distribution of the trait among males and attributes of searching females. Received: 20 September 1997 / Revised version: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

Male songbirds learn to produce their songs, and females attend to these songs during mate choice. The evidence that female song preferences are learned early in life, however, is mixed. Here we review studies that have found effects of early song learning on adult song preferences, and those that have not. In at least some species, early experience with song can modify adult song preferences. Whether this learning needs to occur during an early sensitive phase, akin to male imitative vocal learning, or not remains an open question. Studies of the neural bases for female song preferences highlight activity (as measured by immediate-early gene induction) in regions of the auditory forebrain as often, but not always, being associated with song preferences. Immediate-early gene induction in these regions, however, is not specific to songs experienced early in life. On the whole, inherited factors, early experience, and adult experience all appear to play a role in shaping female songbirds preferences for male songs.  相似文献   

Women's preferences for masculinity in men's faces, voices and behavioral displays change during the menstrual cycle and are strongest around ovulation. While previous findings suggest that change in progesterone level is an important hormonal mechanism for such variation, it is likely that changes in the levels of other hormones will also contribute to cyclic variation in masculinity preferences. Here we compared women's preferences for masculine faces at two points in the menstrual cycle where women differed in salivary testosterone, but not in salivary progesterone or estrogen. Preferences for masculinity were strongest when women's testosterone levels were relatively high. Our findings complement those from previous studies that show systematic variation in masculinity preferences during the menstrual cycle and suggest that change in testosterone level may play an important role in cyclic shifts in women's preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

One of the great challenges for evolutionary psychology has been to explain within-sex individual variation in mating behaviour. Several lines of evidence suggest that some of this variation stems from an adaptation for facultatively increasing or decreasing long- and short-term mating inclinations in response to circumstances. It remains unclear, however, how rapidly such changes can occur, and what stimuli might initiate them. This paper presents three experiments that investigate mating strategy change following exposure to the evolutionarily-relevant stimuli of parental care, resource-abundance, and danger. In each experiment, participants indicated their preferred relationship type (long-term, short-term, or none) for each of fifty other-sex individuals, both before and after priming. Relative to a control group, relationship preferences changed in all three experiments, in directions generally consistent with evolutionary psychological predictions. Moreover, short- and long-term relationship preferences were found to shift independently, such that a change in long-term preference was not accompanied by an opposite change in short-term, or vice versa. Together, these experiments represent the first direct test of the claim that brief interventions can shift the relative strength of people's preferences for long-term and short-term relationships.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in habitat preferences have been reported from a variety of animal taxa. However, the ultimate causes for this intersexual niche segregation remain poorly understood. It has been suggested that sexual dimorphism is a consequence of dimorphic niches based upon different reproductive costs and activities of the sexes. Here we provide evidence from field data to examine this hypothesis by studying the behavioral background of niche segregation in Tetrix ceperoi. Our data revealed distinct sexual differences in the substrates on which the insects perched and in the solar radiation of these locations. Males were found at brighter locations and more often on bare ground than females. Incorporation of behavioral data in our analysis showed that patches of bare ground were mainly utilized during mating behavior, in which males invested more time than females. In contrast, females spent more time resting and feeding in the vegetation. Intersexual differences in the proportion of autotomized individuals indicate that males might suffer higher predation risks. These patterns support the dimorphic niches hypothesis, which suggests that differential habitat utilization is caused by differences in the life history strategies of males and females, since males should accept a higher predation risk due to the benefits of multiple matings. Females should invest more time in gaining nutrients and energy for egg production and survival, whereas males should spend more time with searching for mates. We suggest that behavioral covariates should more often be implemented in ecological analyses, since these might have a strong explanatory power.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms controlling sexual behavior are sexually differentiated by perinatal actions of gonadal hormones. We recently observed using female mice deficient in alpha-fetoprotein (AFP-KO) and which lack the protective actions of AFP against maternal estrogens, that exposure to prenatal estrogens completely defeminized their potential to show lordosis behavior in adulthood. Therefore, we determined here whether mate preferences were also affected in female AFP-KO mice. We observed a robust preference for an estrous female over an intact male in female AFP-KO mice, which were ovariectomized in adulthood and subsequently treated with estradiol and progesterone, whereas similarly treated WT females preferred the intact male over the estrous female. Gonadally intact WT males preferred the estrous female over the male, but only when visual cues were blocked by placing stimulus animals behind opaque partitions. Furthermore, when given the choice between an intact male and a castrated male, WT females preferred the intact male, whereas AFP-KO females showed no preference. Finally when given the choice between an estrous female and an ovariectomized female, WT males preferred the estrous female whereas AFP-KO females preferred the ovariectomized female or showed no preference depending on whether they could see the stimulus animals or not. Taken together, when AFP-KO females are tested under estrous conditions, they do not show any male-directed preferences, indicating a reduced sexual motivation to seek out the male in these females. However, they do not completely resemble males in their mate preferences suggesting that the male-typical pattern of mate preferences is not solely organized by prenatal estrogens.  相似文献   

Women's waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) varies with age, and a lower WHR is associated with a higher estrogen-to-androgen ratio and possibly higher fecundity, at least in some populations. Consequently, it has been argued that selection has favored a universal male preference for a low female WHR. In previous studies using frontal pictures, men in the United States preferred a low WHR of 0.7, but men among Hadza hunter–gatherers and a few other small-scale societies preferred higher ratios. Unlike the actual WHR of women, measured with a tape around the waist and the hips and buttocks, the WHR in frontal pictures excludes the buttocks. Because frontal WHR gives only a partial picture, we used profile views of women to measure men's preferences for the profile WHR. Hadza men preferred a lower profile WHR (more protruding buttocks) than American men. Since Hadza men preferred higher frontal WHR but lower profile WHR, and since both contribute to the actual WHR, these results imply there is less disparity between American and Hadza preferences for the actual WHR of real women. We suggest men's preferences vary with the geographic variation in the shape of women who have wider hips in some populations and more protruding buttocks in others.  相似文献   

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