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Guinea pigs with genetically determined resistance or susceptibility to infection with the nematode parasite Trichostrongylus colubriformis were allowed to become infected with the sarcoptid mite Trixacarus caviae. Compared with nematode-susceptible guinea pigs, nematode-resistant animals had larger populations of mites and developed a more severe dermatitis, with greater mast cell hyperplasia and many more infiltrating eosinophils. The results suggest that animals bred for resistance to one parasite may have greater susceptibility to other parasites.  相似文献   

Sodium ampicillin was administered subcutaneously to 350-550 g male Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs at doses of 6, 8 and 10 mg/kg tid for 5 days. Over a period of 12 days, the lowest ampicillin dose appeared to be tolerated well. However, significant body weight reduction and mortality occurred with the two higher dosage regimens. Cecal cultures of dead animals confirmed the presence of Clostridium difficile, an organism associated with antibiotic-induced enterotoxemia. Assay of serum collected from ampicillin-treated animals revealed ampicillin concentrations of approximately 10 micrograms/ml at 5 minutes post-dosing which fell precipitously to less than 0.2 micrograms/ml at 60 minutes. Determination of biliary ampicillin levels during the 60 minutes after administration of a single 10 mg/kg SQ dose revealed concentrations ranging from 18 micrograms/ml to 90 micrograms/ml. Estimates of total urinary ampicillin content after a single 10 mg/kg SQ dose were less than 500 micrograms/animal at 7.5 minutes, but increased to greater than 2000 micrograms/animal at 60 minutes after dosing. Results of this study indicated that due to its short serum half-life, sodium ampicillin probably has little systemic therapeutic efficacy in guinea pigs. Because high concentrations of ampicillin accumulated in the urine and bile, the antibiotic probably would have therapeutic efficacy for urinary and intestinal infections. However, its associated toxicity at large doses probably precludes its use. In view of the rapid clearance of ampicillin in guinea pigs in comparison to other species, the pharmacokinetics of other antibiotics, especially those reported to be less toxic for guinea pigs, should be considered.  相似文献   

To establish an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique for the serological diagnosis of infections caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica (B. bronchiseptica) in guinea pigs, the authors recently assessed the usefulness of three antigen preparations derived from the bacterial cell components: sonication antigen (S-Ag), cell surface antigen (C-Ag) and lipopolysaccharide antigen (L-Ag). The use of S-Ag for ELISA resulted in the most sensitive detection of the antibody to B. bronchiseptica from guinea pig sera immunized with killed bacteria and sera derived from naturally infected guinea pigs. Like C-Ag, S-Ag was highly specific, showing no cross-reactivity with Pasteurella multocida. Assessment of antibody formations in animals with experimentally induced infection using the three antigen preparations revealed that the antibody to S-Ag was formed earlier than antibodies to the other two antigen preparations following growth of the bacterium in the lungs. These results indicate that ELISA with S-Ag as an antigen is a useful tool for the serological diagnosis of infection by B. bronchiseptica.  相似文献   

An outbreak of Streptococcus pyogenes infection occurred in a colony of 800 Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs resulting in 364 (46%) deaths involving breeders, sucklings, weaners, but mainly adults used as a source of blood meals for haematophagus flies (Glossina palpalis). Clinical signs included bleeding from the nose, mouth and vagina before death. Necropsy revealed pneumonia with consolidation of one or both lungs, haemopericardium and haemothorax. There were yellowish-grey deposits in the urinary bladder of more than 50% of both affected breeders and adults used for feeding haematophagus flies. Beta-haemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated in pure culture from many tissues including the urinary bladder. The survivors were treated with oxytetracycline (Terramycin-LA; Pfizer) using the intra-muscular route and the response was good.  相似文献   



This investigation was done to assess vaccine effectiveness of one and two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine during an outbreak of mumps in Ontario. The level of coverage required to reach herd immunity and interrupt community transmission of mumps was also estimated.


Information on confirmed cases of mumps was retrieved from Ontario’s integrated Public Health Information System. Cases that occurred between Sept. 1, 2009, and June 10, 2010, were included. Selected health units supplied coverage data from the Ontario Immunization Record Information System. Vaccine effectiveness by dose was calculated using the screening method. The basic reproductive number (R0) represents the average number of new infections per case in a fully susceptile population, and R0 values of between 4 and 10 were considered for varying levels of vaccine effectiveness.


A total of 134 confirmed cases of mumps were identified. Information on receipt of MMR vaccine was available for 114 (85.1%) cases, of whom 63 (55.3%) reported having received only one dose of vaccine; 32 (28.1%) reported having received two doses. Vaccine effectiveness of one dose of the MMR vaccine ranged from 49.2% to 81.6%, whereas vaccine effectiveness of two doses ranged from 66.3% to 88.0%. If we assume vaccine effectiveness of 85% for two doses of the vaccine, vaccine coverage of 88.2% and 98.0% would be needed to interrupt community transmission of mumps if the corresponding reproductive values were four and six.


Our estimates of vaccine effectiveness of one and two doses of mumps-containing vaccine were consistent with the estimates that have been reported in other outbreaks. Outbreaks occurring in Ontario and elsewhere serve as a warning against complacency over vaccination programs.Between September 2009 and June 2010, there was an outbreak of mumps in Ontario, Canada. Outbreaks of mumps were also taking place in the United States (New York and New Jersey) and in Israel during the same period.1,2 These outbreaks shared several features, including the age distribution of the cases, the predominance of male cases and the occurrence of the disease among people who had received vaccinations against mumps.1,2 This latter issue can lead to questions from the public and health care providers regarding the effectiveness of the vaccine. Rapid assessment of vaccine effectiveness is, therefore, an important component of outbreak management for vaccine-preventable diseases, and knowledge of the history of the vaccination program is necessary for interpreting the results.A live attenuated mumps vaccine was licensed in Canada in 1969 and introduced in Ontario shortly thereafter. In 1975, a single dose of the combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) was implemented. A single-dose program continued until 1996, when a second dose of the MMR vaccine was introduced as part of a plan to eradicate measles. The first dose of the MMR vaccine is routinely given at 12 months of age; until 2007, the second dose was recommended for children between four and six years of age. The recommended age for the second dose is now 18 months.Two MMR vaccines are available for use in Ontario. A single dose of monovalent measles vaccine was offered to all students aged 4–18 years in 1996 as part of a measles catch-up campaign. Because mumps-containing vaccine was not used, a cohort of individuals born before 1992 who had only received one dose of mumps-containing vaccine were therefore potentially susceptible to the virus.Epidemiologic data show that the mumps virus circulated relatively widely throughout Ontario until approximately 1980 (M.A. Simpson, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, Ont.: personal communication, 2011 Feb. 1), which would have resulted in the natural boosting of the population’s immunity to the disease. The combination of changes in the policy governing vaccination against mumps and the circulation of the disease thus resulted in a susceptible cohort of individuals born between approximately 1980 and 1992 (i.e., people currently between 19 and 31 years of age).A person’s susceptibility to mumps is also influenced by the effectiveness of the vaccine he or she received. Clinical trials have reported vaccine efficacy of approximately 95% after one dose of mumps vaccine under controlled conditions, although estimates of vaccine effectiveness that were conducted in the field (as opposed to clinical trials) have been much lower (i.e., 62%–85%).3 There is less information available about vaccine effectiveness after two doses, but estimates have ranged from 76% to 95%,35 with accumulating evidence of waning immunity.26The objectives of this investigation were to assess the vaccine effectiveness of MMR vaccine by dose and by birth cohort during the outbreak, and to estimate the level of vaccine coverage required to reach herd immunity and interrupt community transmission of mumps.  相似文献   

We developed an animal model of late asthmatic response (LAR) in guinea pigs and examined the effects of anti-asthmatic drugs and peptide leukotriene antagonist, MCI-826, on this model. Bronchial challenge of DNP-As (Dinitrophenylated-Ascaris suum extract)-sensitized guinea pigs induced a biphasic increase in pulmonary resistance (RL) with the maximal increase being observed immediately (IAR, immediate asthmatic response) and 3 to 5 hr after antigen inhalation (LAR). Twelve of 22 guinea pigs showed both IAR and LAR. The average increases in RL for all 22 guinea pigs at IAR and LAR, were 168 +/- 13 and 207 +/- 16 (% of baseline value), respectively. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of guinea pigs that received antigen, revealed increases in the numbers of eosinophils (7.3-fold compared to animals receiving saline) and neutrophils (5.3-fold compared to animals receiving saline) 4 hr after antigen inhalation. When DSCG (disodium cromoglycate) was administered (10 mg/kg, i.v.) before antigen challenge, DSCG significantly inhibited IAR (p less than 0.05) and slightly inhibited LAR (p less than 0.2). Theophylline (30 mg/kg, p.o.) administered before antigen, slightly inhibited both IAR and LAR (p less than 0.2). Salbutamol (3 mg/kg, i.p.) administered before antigen, significantly inhibited IAR (p less than 0.05), but did not affect LAR. These results were correlated with clinical trials. Moreover, peptide leukotriene antagonist, MCI-826, (E)-2,2-Diethyl-3'-[2-[2-(4- isopropyl)thiazolyl] ethenyl]succinanilic acid (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.) administered 1 hr before antigen challenge, significantly inhibited both IAR and LAR (p less than 0.05). MCI-826 (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.) administered 1.5 hr after antigen inhalation, also inhibited LAR (p less than 0.05). Analysis of BAL fluid revealed that DSCG and MCI-826 significantly inhibited the increase in eosinophils (p less than 0.05). These data suggest that leukotriene plays an important role in the development of the pathogenesis of LAR, and that our model is an useful experimental model for investigating the mechanisms of LAR and examining the effects of several anti-asthmatic drugs on LAR.  相似文献   

Training makes an important contribution to maintaining a safe working environment, but trainees may have problems achieving maximum information retention if they are not motivated and interested. The authors describe an innovative safety training program that has been well received by employees and associated with a 62% drop in workplace injuries over a two-year period.  相似文献   

The conventional method for assessing the safety of products, ranging from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals, biocides and industrial and household chemicals - including cosmetics - involves determining their toxicological properties by using experimental animals. The aim is to identify any possible adverse effects in humans by using these animal models. Providing safe products is undoubtedly of the utmost importance but, over the last decade or so, this aim has come into conflict with strong public opinion, especially in Europe, against animal testing. Industry, academia and the regulators have worked in partnership to find other ways of evaluating the safety of products, by non-animal testing, or at least by reducing the numbers of animals required and the severity of the tests in which they are used. There is a long way to go before products can be evaluated without any animal studies, and it may be that this laudable aim is an impossible dream. Nevertheless, considerable progress has been made by using a combination of in vitro tests and the prediction of properties based on chemical structure. The aim of this review is to describe these important and worthwhile developments in various areas of toxicological testing, with a focus on the European regulatory framework for general industrial and household chemicals.  相似文献   

The established criteria for the determination of the optimum time for the sacrifice of guinea pigs inoculated with samples of cooling tower water were found to be inadequate for the detection of low levels of Legionella pneumophila. By ignoring the requirement for fever and by sequentially sacrificing the infected guinea pigs on days 3 through 5 postinoculation, we simplified the procedure, and the sensitivity of detection was improved a great deal.  相似文献   

An experimental study was designed using Hartley guinea pigs, who received full-thickness burns covering 3 percent of their body surface area by direct contact with a hot plate. A total of 40 animals were equally divided among four modalities of closed burn wound management as follows: group I: silver sulfadiazine (Silvadine); group II: aloe vera gel extract (Carrington Dermal Wound Gel); group III: salicylic acid cream (aspirin); and group IV: plain gauze occlusive dressing only. The dressings were changed daily, and the size and appearance of each burn wound were recorded until complete healing. On the sixth postburn day, quantitative burn wound cultures were made. The average time to complete healing in the control group was 50 days, and the only significant difference was found in the aloe vera-treated animals, which healed on an average of 30 days (p less than 0.02). Wound bacterial counts were effectively decreased by silver sulfadiazine (p = 0.015) and by aloe vera extract (p = 0.015). From our data it appears that aloe gel extracts permit a faster healing of burn wounds.  相似文献   

The established criteria for the determination of the optimum time for the sacrifice of guinea pigs inoculated with samples of cooling tower water were found to be inadequate for the detection of low levels of Legionella pneumophila. By ignoring the requirement for fever and by sequentially sacrificing the infected guinea pigs on days 3 through 5 postinoculation, we simplified the procedure, and the sensitivity of detection was improved a great deal.  相似文献   

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