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Retinas of all classes of vertebrates contain endogenous circadian clocks that control many aspects of retinal physiology, including retinal sensitivity to light, neurohormone synthesis, and cellular events such as rod disk shedding, intracellular signaling pathways, and gene expression. The vertebrate retina is an example of a "peripheral" oscillator that is particularly amenable to study because this tissue is well characterized, the relationships between the various cell types are extensively studied, and many local clock-controlled rhythms are known. Although the existence of a photoreceptor clock is well established in several species, emerging data are consistent with multiple or dual oscillators within the retina that interact to control local physiology. A prominent example is the antiphasic regulation of melaton in and dopamine in photoreceptors and inner retina, respectively. This review focuses on the similarities and differences in the molecular mechanisms of the retinal versus the SCN oscillators, as well as on the expression of core components of the circadian clockwork in retina. Finally, the interactions between the retinal clock(s) and the master clock in the SCN are examined.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms represent a type of cellular regulation common to most eukaryotes. Analysis of the genetic basis of this phenomenon is beginning to provide information about how clocks function at the molecular level. Surprisingly, the first two cloned 'clock genes', one from a fruit fly and one from a fungus, share some common characteristics both genetically and in the nature of the proteins they encode. In related work, the recent identification and molecular analysis of clock-controlled genes is revealing how biological clocks control gene expression, and may pave the way for the isolation of novel 'clock genes' in the future.  相似文献   

In this study, we addressed the temporal sequence of photoreceptor fate determination in Xenopus laevis by examining a number of key events during early cone and rod development. We compared the relative timing and spatial pattern of cone and rod specification using a number of cell type-specific markers, including probes to a long wavelength-sensitive opsin which is expressed by the major cone subtype. Our results show that cones are initially more numerous, and can arise in less mature regions of the retina than rods, although both types of photoreceptors begin to express their respective opsins at about the same time. We applied these markers to an assay of cellular determination to identify the stages of embryonic development at which the earliest photoreceptor fates are induced in vivo. The relative birth order of the major cone and rod subtypes was revealed by simultaneous labeling with markers of cell proliferation and terminal differentiation. Although there is much temporal overlap between the periods of cone and rod genesis and determination in Xenopus, we could discern that the earliest cones are both born and determined before the first rods. Thus, even in the rapidly developing retina of Xenopus, photoreceptors achieve their identities in a sequential fashion, suggesting that the inductive cues which determine specific photoreceptor fates may also arise sequentially during development. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 227–244, 1998  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy or blinding resulted in loss of the clarity of the free-running rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature and reduced the peak level of circulating melatonin rhythms to approximately a half in intact pigeons, neither pinealectomy nor blinding abolished any of these rhythms. However, when pinealectomy and blinding were combined, the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature disappeared in prolonged constant dim light, and melatonin concentration was reduced to the minimum level of detection. In order to examine the role of melatonin in the pigeon's circadian system, it was administered either daily or continuously to PX + EX-pigeons in LLdim. Daily administration of melatonin restored circadian rhythms of locomotor activity which entrained to melatonin injections, but continuous administration did not induce any remarkable change of locomotor activity. These results suggest that melatonin synthesized in the pineal body and the eye contributes to circulating melatonin and its rhythmicity is important for the control of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in the pigeon.Abbreviations LD Light-dark - LLdim constant dim light - LLbright constant bright light - PX pinealectomy - EX blinding - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

We examined melatonin profiles of ruin lizards in different seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) under light:dark (LD) and concomitant responses when transferred to continuous darkness (DD) to determine the degree to which previously reported seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior are related to melatonin secretion. The amplitude of the melatonin rhythm and the amount of melatonin produced over 24 h varied with season. In spring, the amount of melatonin produced was greatest and the amplitude 4- 5 times that found in summer or autumn. The degree of self-sustainment of the melatonin rhythm when transferred to DD also varied with season. In DD, melatonin levels remained high but did not exhibit circadian variation in spring. In summer, the melatonin profile persisted virtually unchanged in DD, showing the existence of a circadian rhythm. Finally, in the fall there was no circadian variation in DD and levels remained low. These responses correspond closely to previously reported effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior where there is little or no effect of pinealectomy in spring or fall but a profound alteration of locomotor behavior in summer. These results suggest that the seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior in ruin lizards are related to a seasonally mediated change in the degree of self-sustainment of some component of the circadian pace-making system of which melatonin plays some role.  相似文献   

Regressive evolution of morphological features is a common evolutionary event. However, the relationship between structural degeneration and loss of physiological function is often unclear because the ancestral and derived states of a character are usually not available for comparison. Here, we report studies on retinomotor rhythms during development of the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus, a single teleost species consisting of a sighted surface-dwelling form (surface fish) and several blind cave-dwelling (cavefish) forms. The eyed and blind forms of Astyanax diverged from a common sighted ancestor within the past million years. Despite the absence of functional eyes in cavefish adults, optic primordia are formed in embryos, but then gradually arrest in development, degenerate, and sink into the orbits. Although a layered retina is formed in cavefish embryos, it is deficient in photoreceptor cells, and in some cases the retinal pigment epithelium has lost its pigmentation. We show that the capacity to exhibit light-entrained retinomotor rhythms has been conserved in the degenerating embryonic eyes of two different Astyanax cavefish populations. The results indicate that loss of circadian retinal function does not precede and is therefore not required for eye degeneration in the blind cavefish.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory has shown that daily injection of large doses of the pineal hormone melatonin entrains the free-running locomotor rhythms of rats held in constant darkness and synchronizes the disrupted patterns of rats maintained in constant bright light. The present experiments determined the dose-response characteristics of entrainment to daily melatonin injections and made preliminary biochemical estimates of blood melatonin levels and half-lives after two critical doses of the hormone. The data indicated that the median effective dose for melatonin as an entraining agent in free-running rats was 5.45 +/- 1.33 micrograms/kg, considerably lower than doses previously employed and lower than doses employed in reproductive and metabolic studies in rats and hamsters. The data further indicated that the response to melatonin was quantal; rats either entrained to melatonin or they did not. No "partial entrainment" was evident, nor were there differences in phase angle, activity, or period among all effective doses. Biochemical estimates of blood melatonin after either 1 mg/kg or 1 microgram/kg of melatonin indicated that all effective doses resulted in supraphysiological levels of blood melatonin, although doses of 1 microgram/kg resulted in blood levels that were within one order of magnitude of normal nighttime values. Together, the data suggest that the rat circadian system is sensitive to the pineal hormone melatonin at or below doses required to effect rodent reproduction. Whether this sensitivity reflects a role for the pineal gland in rat circadian organization, however, still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possibility of an endogenous circadian rhythm in retinal cone function in humans. A full-field cone electroretinogram (ERG) was performed every 2 h for 24 h under continuous rod-saturating ambient white light (53 ± 30 lux; pupils dilated) in nine healthy subjects. Distinct circadian variations were superimposed upon a gradual decrease in cone responsiveness to light, demonstrated most reliably in the implicit times of b-wave and oscillatory potentials, and to a lesser extent in amplitude and a-wave implicit times. After mathematical correction of the linear trend, the cone response was found to be greatest around 20:00 h and least around 06:00 h. The phase of the ERG circadian rhythm was not synchronized with the phase of the salivary melatonin rhythm measured the previous evening. Melatonin levels measured under constant light on the day of ERG assessments were suppressed by 53% on average compared to melatonin profiles obtained previously under near-total darkness in seven participants. The progressive decline in cone responsiveness to light over the 24 h may reflect an adaptation of the cone-driven retinal system to constant light, although the mechanism is unclear. The endogenous rhythm of cone responsiveness to light may be used as an additional index of central or retinal circadian clock time.  相似文献   

Summary Melatonin levels in the plasma of homing pigeons were measured by radioimmunoassay. In a 1212 LD cycle a robust daily rhythm of plasma melatonin was found in intact birds. This rhythm is significantly reduced in amplitude after pinealectomy, and disappears completely after the pinealectomized animals have been bilaterally enucleated. The results indicate that in the pigeon 70% of the nighttime peak of blood-borne melatonin comes from the pineal gland, while 17% comes from the retina. In addition, there is a relatively large amount (13%) of non-rhythmic melatonin of unidentified origin. The melatonin rhythm appears to be circadian in nature, since melatonin levels begin to fall before lights-on in LD, and rhythmicity persists in intact and pinealectomized birds for at least two cycles in DD. In conjunction with earlier studies, the present results are consistent with the hypothesis that melatonin serves as mediator of circadian information in the pigeon.  相似文献   

To systematically determine the effects of daytime exposure to sleep in darkness on human circadian phase, four groups of subjects participated in 4-day studies involving either no nap (control), a morning nap (0900-1500), an afternoon nap (1400-2000), or an evening nap (1900-0100) in darkness. Except during the scheduled sleep/dark periods, subjects remained awake under constant conditions, i.e., constant dim light exposure (36 lx), recumbence, and caloric intake. Blood samples were collected at 20-min intervals for 64 h to determine the onsets of nocturnal melatonin and thyrotropin secretion as markers of circadian phase before and after stimulus exposure. Sleep was polygraphically recorded. Exposure to sleep and darkness in the morning resulted in phase delays, whereas exposure in the evening resulted in phase advances relative to controls. Afternoon naps did not change circadian phase. These findings indicate that human circadian phase is dependent on the timing of darkness and/or sleep exposure and that strategies to treat circadian misalignment should consider not only the timing and intensity of light, but also the timing of darkness and/or sleep.  相似文献   

The human circadian timing system has previously been shown to free run with a period slightly longer than 24 h in subjects living in the laboratory under conditions of forced desynchrony. In forced desynchrony, subjects are shielded from bright light and periodic time cues and are required to live on a day length outside the range of circadian entrainment. The work schedule used for most personnel aboard American submarines is 6 h on duty alternating with 12 h off duty. This imposed 18-h cycle is too short for human circadian synchronization, especially given that there is no bright-light exposure aboard submarines. However, crew members are exposed to 24-h stimuli that could mediate synchronization, such as clocks and social contacts with personnel who are living on a 24-h schedule. The authors investigated circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin in 20 crew members during a prolonged voyage on a Trident nuclear submarine. The authors found that in crew members living on the 18-h duty cycle, the endogenous rhythm of melatonin showed an average period of 24.35 h (n = 12, SD = 0.18 h). These data indicate that social contacts and knowledge of clock time are insufficient for entrainment to a 24-h period in personnel living by an 18-h rest-activity cycle aboard a submarine.  相似文献   

In vertebrate retina, light hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor membrane, and this is an essential cellular signal for vision. Cellular signals responsible for photic entrainment of some circadian oscillators appear to be distinct from those for vision, but it is not known whether changes in photoreceptor membrane potential play roles in photic entrainment of the photoreceptor circadian oscillator. The authors show that a depolarizing exposure to high potassium resets the circadian oscillator in cultured Xenopus retinal photoreceptor layers. A 4-h pulse of high [K(+)] (34 mM higher than in normal culture medium) caused phase shifts of the melatonin rhythm. This treatment caused phase delays during the early subjective day and phase advances during the late subjective day. In addition to the phase-shifting effect, high potassium pulses stimulated melatonin release acutely at all times. High [K(+)] therefore mimicked dark in its effects on oscillator phase and melatonin synthesis. These results suggest that membrane potential may play a role in photic entrainment of the photoreceptor circadian oscillator and in regulation of melatonin release.  相似文献   

Vigabatrin (VGB) is a commonly prescribed antiepileptic drug designed to inhibit GABA-transaminase, effectively halting seizures. Unfortunately, VGB treatment is also associated with the highest frequencies of peripheral visual field constriction of any of the antiepileptic drugs and the mechanisms that lead to these visual field defects are uncertain. Recent studies have demonstrated light exposure exacerbates vigabatrin-induced retinal toxicity. We further assessed this relationship by examining the effects of vigabatrin treatment on the retinal structures of mice with genetically altered photoreception. In keeping with previous studies, we detected increased toxicity in mice exposed to continuous light. To study whether cone or rod photoreceptor function was involved in the pathway to toxicity, we tested mice with mutations in the cone-specific Gnat2 or rod-specific Pde6g genes, and found the mutations significantly reduced VGB toxicity. Our results confirm light is a significant enhancer of vigabatrin toxicity and that a portion of this is mediated, directly or indirectly, by phototransduction signaling in rod and cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The role of myosins in Xenopus retinal ganglion cell growth cone motility in the optic tract was studied using two pharmacologic inhibitors with different specificities. 2,3-Butanedione monoxime (BDM) disrupts myosin—actin interactions of all myosins, and ML-7 specifically inhibits activation of myosin II. Both inhibitors caused growth cones to assume a collapsed morphology and decreased growth cone speed. Similar effects were observed in vitro. Interestingly, the effects of the two inhibitors, while similar, were clearly distinguishable, raising the possibility that different myosins may have different functional roles in growth cone motility. BDM caused growth cones to withdraw lamellipodia and some filopodia and eventually to freeze, whereas ML-7 caused total collapse and retraction. Concentrations of BDM and ML-7 that had no effect when applied independently stopped growth cones when applied simultaneously, suggesting that these inhibitors act synergistically on myosin function, thus providing evidence of specificity. These results imply that normal growth cone motility in the molecularly and spatially complex environment of the living brain requires myosin function. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 567–578, 1997  相似文献   

We investigated circadian ocular rhythms in the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. The birds were placed under light-dark cycles (LD 1212), constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD), and the retinas were dissected out at four-hour intervals throughout 24 h. Following measurements were performed. (1) Melatonin content in the retina was measured by radioimmunoassay. It was low in light and several folds higher in darkness under LD 1212. The rhythm continued in DD, but disappeared in LL. (2) Mitotic figures in the corneal epithelium were counted. Similar rhythms to the melatonin content were observed in the corneal mitotic rate with a slight phase delay. (3) The retinas were fixed at 4-h intervals and immunostained with anti-bovine rhodopsin serum and anti-chicken iodopsin monoclonal antibodies. The outer segments of photoreceptor cells were stained intensively throughout 24 h in LD 1212, LL and DD. In contrast, the stainability of the locus close to the outer limiting membrane where the Golgi apparatus exists changed diurnally. Scores showing the ratio of cells with positive staining indicated high values from 4 h after the onset of light to the beginning of dark phase under LD 1212. The values were high throughout 24 h in LL and intermediate or low in DD. (4) To investigate the effect of melatonin on the corneal mitotic rate and visual pigments at the Golgi region, melatonin was injected into one eye and saline into the contralateral eye. Melatonin induced a phase advance in the corneal mitotic rate under LD 1212, but did not induce a rhythm under LL. The ratio of photoreceptor cells with positive staining to anti-visual pigment antibodies at the Golgi region was not affected by melatonin injection.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BSA bovine serum albumin - DD constant darkness - Io-mAb monoclonal antibodies against chicken iodospin - LD light-dark - LL constant light - mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid - PBS phosphate buffer solution - Rh-As antiserum against bovine rhodopsin - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - T transducin - T transducin   相似文献   

The effects of nitric oxide (NO) on electroretinograms and light responses of horizontal cells intracellularly recorded from isolated, superfused carp retinas were studied. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an NO donor, suppressed scotopic b wave, while enhancing photopic b wave, and the effects could be blocked by hemoglobin, an NO chelator. Furthermore, following SNP application, light responses of rod horizontal cells were reduced in size and those of cone horizontal cells were increased. These results suggest that NO suppresses the activity of rod pathway, but enhances that of cone pathway in the outer retina. Moreover, the effects of methylene blue, an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase, on rod and cone horizontal cells were just opposite to those of SNP, implying that the effects of NO may be mediated by cGMP. Project supported by the “Climbing Project” of the State Commission of Science and Technology (China) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

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