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We determined whether the direction of the acute effect of insulin on hepatic triacylglycerol secretion is dependent on the prior physiological state or on the in vitro experimental system used. The effect of insulin on triacylglycerol secretion was studied using perfused livers isolated from rats under three metabolic conditions: fed normo-insulinaemic, 24-h fasted and fed, streptozotocin-diabetic (insulin-deficient). Insulin acutely activated triacylglycerol secretion (by 43%) in organs from fed, normo-insulinaemic animals, whereas it inhibited triacylglycerol secretion in livers isolated from fasted or insulin-deficient rats (by 30 and 33%, respectively). By contrast, in 24-h-cultured hepatocytes insulin invariably acutely inhibited triacylglycerol secretion irrespective of the metabolic state of the donor animals. It is concluded that the use of perfused livers enables the observation of a switch in the direction of insulin action on hepatic triacylglycerol secretion from stimulatory, in the normo-insulinaemic state, to inhibitory in the fasting or insulin-deficient state. The possible implications of this switch for the relationship between hyperinsulinaemia, increased hepatic very-low-density lipoprotein-triacylglycerol secretion and hypertriglyceridaemia observed in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The fatty acid synthesis in isolated liver cells from fed rats was studied with tritiated water as the radioactive precursor. The cells incorporated 3H20 at a rate of 1.26 mumol per min per g packed cells. 2. Addition of ethanol caused a 20% decrease in the incorporation of tritium into fatty acids. The decrease was correlated to the increase in the NAD-redox level. Probably, the decreased tritium incorporation into fatty acids during ethanol metabolism is due to a decrease in the specific activity of the NADPH used for the synthesis of fatty acids, rather than to a real inhibition of the fatty acid synthesis. 3. Ethanol oxidation via NADPH-consuming pathways and ethanol per se at a concentration of 80 mM had no effect upon the incorporation of tritium into fatty acids. 4. Fructose in a concentration of 15 mM inhibited the fatty acid synthesis by 75%, and this inhibition was further augmented by ethanol. 5. The ioslated rat liver cells oxidized ethanol at a rate of 2.72, 2.93 and 3.48 mumol per min per g packed cells at 5, 20 and 80 mM ethanol, respectively. Fructose had no effect upon ethanol oxidation neither at low nor at high concentrations of ethanol. 6. Ethanol oxidation via the non alcohol dehydrogenase pathway(s) may involve a transfer of reducing equivalents from mitochondrial NADH to cyctosolic NADP+ as judged from measurements of metabolite levels. This conclusion is supported by determinations of 14C yield in glucose from [1-14C] ethanol, and the results are taken as evidence for the presence of hydrogen shuttle activity during metabolism of ethanol, catalyzed by the NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase. A metabolic scheme is proposed to account for the observed changes at low and high concentrations of ethanol.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the analytical and preparative isolation of basolateral plasma membranes from rat small intestine. They were separated on a self-orientating Percoll (modified colloidal silica) gradient starting with a heavy microsomal-membrane fraction and involving centrifugation at 48,000 g for 1 h. (Na+ + K+)-stimulated ATPase activity, used as a marker enzyme for the basolateral plasma membrane, is enriched 20-fold compared with that found in the homogenate of isolated intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A method allowing one to measure the rate of glucose phosphorylation in the livers of anesthetized rats is described. Upon injection of [2-3H]glucose into the portal vein, about 90% of the radioactivity remained in the liver for approximately 30 s. The proportion of radioactivity accounted for by tritiated water increased linearly at a rate of about 5%/min in control animals. Fructose injected into the penile vein stimulated this rate up to 2.2- and 2.7-fold in fed and overnight starved rats respectively, a maximal effect being observed at a dose of 50 mg/kg under both conditions. Fructose was also active when administered by intragastric infusion. The ketose caused increases in the concentration of fructose 1-phosphate, which reached values known to relieve the inhibition exerted on glucokinase by its regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Acetoacetate was the sole ketone body formed when livers from starved rats were perfused with minimal concentrations of non-esterified fatty acid. Absence of 3-hydroxybutyrate was related to a low substrate potential, which caused a more oxidized redox state and a decreased [ATP]/[ADP] ratio. Only under conditions of comparable non-esterified fatty acid uptake was lipoprotein triacylglycerol production inversely related to ketogenesis.  相似文献   

Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2ase,EC purified from livers of fed rabbits has been reported to contain tryptophan, which is not present in the enzyme purified from livers of fasted animals. We now show that the tryptophan arises from small amounts of active or inactive rabbit liver aldolase in the Fru-P2ase preparations. Fru-P2ase free of tryptophan may conveniently be prepared by raising the temperature of the heat step in the purification procedure to 67 °C.  相似文献   

Dietary orotic acid has been shown to inhibit secretion of plasma lipoproteins from the liver and to cause the accumulation of lipoprotein apoproteins within the liver. Comparison of the carbohydrate composition of plasma apoproteins and corresponding apoproteins isolated from orotic acid induced fatty livers indicates that the latter are deficient in N-acetyl glucosamine, galactose, and N-acetyl neuraminic acid. These differences can be explained by a lack of exposure of liver apoproteins to glycosylating enzymes present in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

To assess the possible role of altered hepatic processing of free fatty acids in dietary sucrose-induced accumulation of triglyceride in the liver and blood plasma, livers from rats fed commercial laboratory stock and high sucrose diets were perfused both with and without oleic acid substrate. Consumption of the sucrose diet exerted a multiplicity of effects on oleic acid metabolism, characterized by decreased conversion to both ketone bodies and carbon dioxide, increased esterification into liver triglyceride, and increased secretion in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. During the infusion of oleic acid, livers from sucrose-fed rats also exhibited decreased ketogenesis, and increased secretion of triglyceride from endogenous sources. Since oleic acid uptake from the perfusion medium was identical in both groups, the observed effects of sucrose feeding are ascribed to altered rates of intracellular metabolic processes. Mass and radiochemical analyses of perfusate ketone bodies and triglycerides were indicative of greater mobilization of triglycerides from hepatocellular lipid droplets in the livers from sucrose-fed rats. These livers contained more triglyceride and secreted more triglyceride even in the absence of infused oleic acid. In summary, the sucrose-rich diet increased the esterification:oxidation ratio of intracellular free fatty acids derived from both the circulation and endogenous sources within the hepatocyte. In response, secretion of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by the liver and deposition of triglyceride within the liver were promoted. It is concluded that alterations in the processing of free fatty acids by the liver contribute significantly to the liver and plasma triglyceride accumulation following sucrose consumption.  相似文献   

Differential scanning colorimetry (DSC) has been applied to study the phase transition properties of isolated lipids from liver microsomal membranes of rats fed high cholesterol diets with or without high levels of either saturated (coconut oil) or unsaturated (sunflower seed oil) fat. DSC of aqueous buffer dispersions of liver microsomal lipids exhibited two independent, reversible phase transitions. The dietary cholesterol treatments had their major effect on the temperature at which the lower phase transition (T1) occurred. This transition occurred at a lower temperature when cholesterol was added to the diet, irrespective of the nature of the fatty acid supplement. However the magnitude of decrease was more when cholesterol was fed with sunflower seed oil. Inclusion of cholesterol into the rat diets also lowered the enthalpy values for the lower phase transition (T1). No appreciable effect on the temperature of the higher phase transition (T2) was observed, however the enthalpy values were slightly decreased by cholesterol feeding. These results suggest that certain domains of microsomal lipids, probably containing some relatively higher melting-point lipids, independently undergo solidus or gel formation and this transition (T2) is not greatly affected by dietary cholesterol. On the other hand, domains representing the bulk of the microsomal lipids undergo a phase change (T1) at temperatures which are dependent on cholesterol content and fatty acid profiles of the membrane, which are in turn, modified by dietary cholesterol intake.  相似文献   

The activation of hepatic glycogenolysis by glucagon and metabolic inhibitors was studied in isolated perfused livers from fed rats. Glucose production rates and phosphorylase activity were increased by all these agents. If iodoacetate (1 mM) and cyanide (1 mM) were infused simultaneously, glycogenolysis was activated to the same extent as by glucagon (1 nM). The effects of the hormone were additive to those of cyanide, but not to those of iodoacetate. When glycogen breakdown was maximally activated by cyanide plus glucagon, additional iodoacetate was inhibitory. The glucagon-induced release of cyclic AMP into the perfusate was partially suppressed by iodoacetate. The inhibitors caused various degrees of depletion of the tissue ATP content and parallel augmentation of the AMP levels. ADP rose to a lesser extent. Indirect evidence suggested that of a progressive lowering of the cellular ATP levels was accompanied by an inhibition of enzyme dephosphorylation as well as of phosphorylation processes. However, dephosphorylation appeared to be more sensitive to changes of the energy balance, resulting in an activation of phosphorylase in response to the metabolic inhibitors.  相似文献   

Perfusion of livers from fed and fasted rats with 0.07--0.1 mM t-butyl hydroperoxide for 15 min decreased the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) by 1.5 mumol/g liver in both nutritional states. Glutathione disulfide (GSSG) was increased by 70 and 140 nmol/g liver and glutathione mixed disulfides enhanced by 45 and 150 nmol/g liver in livers from fed and fasted animals, respectively. The ratio of GSH/GSSG was decreased from 243 to 58 in fed animals, and from 122 to 8 in fasted animals. The increase of GSSG and the mixed disulfides was nearly parallel until an apparently critical low GSH content of 1.5 mumol/g was reached. Only in livers from fasted rats 14CO2-production from [1-14C]glucose was stimulated upon t-butyl hydroperoxide infusion at the employed rates. Flux of glucose through pentose phosphate cycle rose from 8 to 12% of glucose utilization via glycolysis, whereas in livers from fed animals this portion remained unchanged at 8% Dithio-erythritol reversed pentose phosphate cycle activity as well as GSSG and protein-bound glutathione contents to the original levels. In livers from fasted rats the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was increased by 34% by t-butyl hydroperoxide infusion.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) was shown to increase glycogenolysis in the perfused liver 2-3-fold. In isolated parenchymal liver cells, however, endotoxin did not influence glycogenolysis, whereas stimulation by endotoxin of glycogenolysis in the perfused liver could be blocked by aspirin. This suggests that the effect of endotoxin on liver glycogenolysis is mediated by eicosanoids. The amount of prostaglandin D2 (which is the major prostanoid formed by Kupffer cells) in the liver perfusates was increased 5-fold upon endotoxin addition, with a time course which preceded the increase in glucose output. It is concluded that endotoxin stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver by stimulating prostaglandin D2 release from Kupffer cells, with a subsequent activation of glycogenolysis in parenchymal liver cells. This mechanism of intercellular communication may be designed to provide the carbohydrate source of energy necessary for the effective destruction of invaded microorganisms, by phagocytic cells, including the Kupffer cells.  相似文献   

Livers from fed or 24-hr fasted male rats were perfused in a recycling system. VLDL labeled with [1-14C]oleate (95% in triglyceride), produced in separate perfusions of livers from fed rats, was added to the medium as a pulse. Uptake of VLDL 14C-labeled triglyceride by livers from fasted rats was less than that from fed rats regardless of addition of oleate. During the interval in which radioactive triglyceride was taken up, the mass of triglyceride in the medium increased, indicative of the synthesis and net secretion of triglycerides. The rates of secretion of VLDL and uptake of VLDL were both more rapid in livers from fed rats in comparison to those from fasted animals. It was calculated that about 50% of the triglyceride synthesized and secreted by the liver was taken back by livers from fed rats. The VLDL from livers of fasted rats did not contain any apoE detectable by SDS gel electrophoresis or by radioimmunoassay when no fatty acid or 166 mumol of oleic acid was infused. In contrast, apoE comprised 6% of the VLDL apoprotein derived from perfusion of livers from fed animals in the absence of added fatty acid, and 20% when the fed livers were infused with 166 mumol of oleic acid. However, the net output (accumulation) of apoE by fasted liver was only two-thirds that from fed livers. When lipoprotein-free rat plasma containing apoE (4 mg/dl) was used in place of bovine serum albumin, the VLDL secreted by livers from either fed or fasted rats contained apoE and was taken up to a similar extent by such livers. These data suggested that the apoE of the d greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction was transferred to newly secreted VLDL which then stimulated uptake of the VLDL by livers from fasted rats. With further stimulation of secretion of VLDL triglyceride by infusion of 332 mumol of oleic acid/hr, the percent of apoE in the VLDL secreted by livers from fasted rats increased to 20%, which was similar to that of the VLDL produced by livers from fed rats when either 166 or 332 mumol/hr was infused. These data suggest a relationship between rates of hepatic secretion of VLDL (TG) and apoE, and the association of apoE with the secreted VLDL. During fasting, reduced secretion of both VLDL and apoE resulted in a VLDL particle that was considerably diminished in content of apoE and, therefore, that would be taken up by the liver at a reduced rate, in comparison to that observed in the fed animal.  相似文献   

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