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Penicillin-susceptible mutants and beta-lactamase-negative mutants were isolated from Mycobacterium smegmatis after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Both the mutants were found to be susceptible to low levels of penicillin and cephalosporins by twofold dilution testing. Clavulanic acid reduced the minimal inhibitory concentrations of beta-lactamase-labile beta-lactams for the penicillin-susceptible mutants and the parent strain, but had no effect on the susceptibility of the beta-lactamase-negative mutants. Comparison of the beta-lactamase activities found in these mutants and the parent strain indicated that there was a rough correlation between the beta-lactamase level in these organisms and their susceptibility to beta-lactams.  相似文献   

One-month-old and 1-year-old male BALB/c mice showed a lower resistance than 4.5-month-old mice to Histoplasma capsulatum infection. 4.5-month-old mice successfully resolved the infection when challenged with either a LD50 or LD100 for 1-month-old mice. A critical clinical course of experimental histoplasmosis was observed in 4.5-month-old syngeneic mice when spleen cells from 1-month-old BALB/c mice were transferred to them. Irradiated recipient mice, into which bone marrow and spleen cells were transferred, died when infected with the LD100 for 1-month-old mice. The same occurred with 4.5-month-old non-irradiated infected mice which received only spleen cells and with 1-month-old mice which were used as a control of infection. However, infected and non-transferred 4.5-month-old mice survived this dose. Thus, the adoptive transference of spleen cells from 1-month-old mice to 4.5-month-old mice suppressed the resistance of these adult mice to infection. Apparently, the transference of the suppressive state requires the presence of two cell populations, a non-adherent and an adherent and radioresistant cell present in the spleen of male 1-month-old mice.  相似文献   

Relationship between leptin concentration and insulin resistance.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Available evidences suggest that leptin has inhibitory role on insulin secretion. The aim of the work was to examine the association between plasma leptin concentrations and insulin resistance in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. As a cross-sectional study we recruited 741 pregnant women. The universal screening was performed with an oral glucose challenge test-50 g. The recruits with plasma glucose levels of > or = 7.2 mmol/l were diagnosed as having gestational diabetes mellitus if they had an impaired oral glucose tolerance test-100 g based on Carpenter and Coustan criteria. In all pregnancies plasma insulin and leptin concentrations were measured. Gestational diabetes mellitus developed in 7% (52) of pregnancies. Elevated leptin concentrations were positively associated with insulin levels, BMI, and HOMA index while it was negatively associated with Quicky index. After adjusting for age and BMI before pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus had independent direct correlation with leptin concentration. Indeed, leptin level equal to or more than 20 ng/ml could help to predict the developing gestational diabetes mellitus. Measurement of leptin together with the assessment of other risk factors could help identifying women at risk of developing GDM.  相似文献   

Relationship between selenium, immunity and resistance against infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Food selenium content, selenium supply and selenium needs are presented, along with methods of evaluation of selenium status. Glutathione peroxidase, a selenium-containing enzyme, is ubiquitous in the organism. 2. Some experimental studies on animal models reported a positive relationship between selenium status and resistance against infections. 3. Only one study in humans concerned the mechanisms of immune functions in selenium deficiency. Several experimental works suggest that severe selenium deficiency compromises T-cell dependent immune functions such as the blastogenic response to mitogens, but selenium deficiency was concomitant with vitamin E deficiency in most of them. Delayed hypersensitivity response is controversial in selenium-supplemented rats and guinea-pigs. 4. Selenium deficiency in animals decreases the antibody response, especially if associated with vitamin E deficiency. Low dietary selenium supplementation of healthy animals has a positive effect upon humoral responses. 5. Despite some controversies, most experimental studies on selenium-deficient animals report normal phagocytosis and an altered bactericidal capacity of neutrophils. The decrease in glutathione peroxidase activity of polymorphonuclear cells following selenium deficiency could explain some of these alterations. 6. Splenic Natural Killer cells activity is enhanced in selenium-supplemented, healthy animals.  相似文献   

Serving as an important second messenger, calcium ion has unique properties and universal ability to transmit diverse signals that trigger primary physiological actions in cells in response to hormones, pathogens, light, gravity, and stress factors. Being a second messenger of paramount significance, calcium is required at almost all stages of plant growth and development, playing a fundamental role in regulating polar growth of cells and tissues and participating in plant adaptation to various stress factors. Many researches showed that calcium signals decoding elements are involved in ABA-induced stomatal closure and plant adaptation to drought, cold, salt and other abiotic stresses. Calcium channel proteins like AtTPC1 and TaTPC1 can regulate stomatal closure. Recently some new studies show that Ca2+ is dissolved in water in the apoplast and transported primarily from root to shoot through the transpiration stream. The oscillating amplitudes of [Ca2+]o and [Ca2+]i are controlled by soil Ca2+ concentrations and transpiration rates. Because leaf water use efficiency (WUE) is determined by stomatal closure and transpiration rate, so there may be a close relationship between Ca2+ transporters and stomatal closure as well as WUE, which needs to be studied. The selection of varieties with better drought resistance and high WUE plays an increasing role in bio-watersaving in arid and semi-arid areas on the globe. The current paper reviews the relationship between calcium signals decoding elements and plant drought resistance as well as other abiotic stresses for further study.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the various controllers of thyroarytenoid (TA) activity in lambs during resting breathing, hypocapnic hypoxia, and isocapnic hypoxia. The TA muscle is known as the major adductor of the laryngeal aperture. We assumed that both the chemoreceptors and vagal nerves would interact to inhibit TA activity during hypoxia and to favor the occurrence of hyperpnea as a defense against hypoxia. We recorded TA activity directly in 11 awake lambs, aged 11 to 22 days, and studied them in three groups: four normals, four carotid body denervated, and three vagotomized. To test the contribution of the chemoreceptors to TA activity, we used pure O2 tests (Dejours' test) to silence the effects of the peripheral arterial chemoreceptors on the larynx during resting breathing and during the course of two hypoxia tests (the first: hypocapnic hypoxia; the second: isocapnic hypoxia). Our results confirmed 1) that both the peripheral arterial chemoreceptors and the vagal nerves inhibit the TA activity of 15-day-old lambs, during both resting and hypocapnic hypoxia conditions, and 2) that their effects override the hypocapnic effects that would otherwise recruit the TA muscle and close the glottis during hypocapnic hypoxia. We also found that vagotomy, or the pure O2 test, causes major recruitment of TA activity. These findings confirm that 15-day-old lambs are capable of using sustained hyperventilation as a means of fighting hypoxia, and that, because of the control of both the vagus nerves and the chemoreceptors, the laryngeal dynamic is able to keep the glottis aperture actively open, thereby favoring the hyperpnea.  相似文献   

小麦根系活力变化与叶片衰老的研究   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
对小麦根系活力、叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率变化的田问实验结果表明,根系活力的衰退早且快于叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率的衰退;根系活力和叶片光合速率呈正相关关系(r=0.8006).拔节期追施氮肥,改善根际营养条件后,叶片的光合速率、根系活力明显提高,叶片中ABA含量降低,ZRs升高,SOD活性增加,MDA的高峰期比对照推迟8~10d,说明根系活力变化与地上部叶片的衰老密切相关,改善根际营养,提高生育前期的根系活力有助于延缓地上部分的衰老.  相似文献   

Summary Difluoromethylidene bisphosphonate (F2MBP) is one of the many bisphosphonates known to inhibit bone resorption in vitro and in vivo. We have developed an analytical method, employing anion exchange and postcolumn indirect fluorescence detection, by which F2MBP can be quantified in bone samples. The objective of this study was to relate the concentration of F2MBP in embryonic bones treated in organ culture to the physiological effects of the compound, such as bone resorption (i.e., the amount of 45Ca released into the medium from prelabeled bones) and viability of the osteoclast population (i.e., the incidence of abnormal osteoclasts). Osteoclasts in bones treated with F2MBP exhibited morphological features of apoptosis, such as nuclear fragmentation. Both the number and percentage of these abnormal cells increased with dose of F2MBP and duration of incubation. The decrease in normal osteoclasts was correlated with the decreased amount of 45Ca released into the medium. Bones treated with F2MBP for only the first 5 min of the 48-h incubation period had similar numbers of abnormal osteoclasts and amounts of 45Ca released, as had bones incubated with F2MBP continuously for 48 h. The uptake of F2MBP into the bone was rapid. Bones treated with F2MBP for 6 h were similar to bones treated with F2MBP for the entire 48-h incubation period, both in F2MBP concentration and the 45Ca release ratios. These relationships between concentrations of F2MBP within bone and osteoclast activity and viability implicate apoptosis in the mechanism by which this bisphosphonate inhibits bone resorption.  相似文献   

Relationship between size and mass transfer resistance in aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the size effect of aerobic granules on mass transfer efficiency by introducing the effective factor and the modified Thiele modulus. METHODS AND RESULTS: Batch experiments of aerobic granules with different sizes were conducted to study the size effect of granules on mass transfer resistance. Results showed that both specific substrate removal and biomass growth rates were size dependent, i.e. reduced rates were observed at big sizes. It was found that the diffusion resistance described by the effective factor and the Thiele modulus increased with the increase of the size of aerobic granules. CONCLUSIONS: The effective factor should be controlled at values higher than 0.44 and the Thiele modulus lower than 1.05 for efficient mass transfer in aerobic granules. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Based on the coupled effective factor and Thiele modulus, an operation guidance including granule radius, kinetics of biomass and environmental conditions could be proposed for stable aerobic granulation.  相似文献   

Drought is a major yield constraint in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Pulse-chase (14)C-labelling experiments were performed using Pinto Villa (drought resistant) and Canario 60 (drought sensitive) cultivars, grown under optimal irrigation and water-deficit conditions. Starch and the radioactive label incorporated into starch were measured in leaves and pods at different time points, between the initiation of pod development and the production of mature pods. The water-stress treatment induced a higher starch accumulation in the drought-resistant cultivar pods than in those of the drought-sensitive cultivar. This effect was more noticeable during the early stages of pod development. Consistently, a reduction of starch content occurred in the leaves of the drought-resistant cultivar during the grain-filling stage. Furthermore, a synchronized accumulation of sucrose was observed in immature pods of this cultivar. These data indicate that carbohydrate partitioning is affected by drought in common bean, and that the modulation of this partitioning towards seed filling has been a successful strategy in the development of drought-resistant cultivars. In addition, our results suggest that, in the drought-resistant cultivar, the efficient carbon mobilization towards the seeds in response to water limitation is favoured by a mechanism that implies a more effective sucrose transport.  相似文献   

Bacillus sphaericus 9602 was grown in batch culture at various temperatures. At 10°C and 12°C the maximum sporulation yield was <10%, while at 15°C, 20°C and 30°C, a sporulation yield of >95% was achieved. However at 40°C B. sphaericus grew only vegetatively. The heat resistances (D values at 90°C) of spores grown at 15°C and 20°C were significantly higher than those grown at 30°C.  相似文献   

We have measured changes in tracheal mucosal thickness and tracheal vascular resistance in the dog. A probe was used to detect changes in height with time of the tracheal epithelium relative to an underlying cartilage. Tracheal vascular resistance was determined by perfusing a cranial tracheal artery at constant flow and measuring inflow pressure. Various drugs injected close-arterially were tested in 20 greyhounds anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. Bradykinin, histamine, and methacholine significantly (P less than 0.01) decreased vascular resistance (-39.3 +/- 3.7, -47.3 +/- 4.2, and -22.5 +/- 5.2%, respectively) and increased the thickness of the mucosa (119.0 +/- 25.0, 61.9 +/- 25.0, and 46.3 +/- 6.4 micron). Substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, prostaglandin F2 alpha, and prostaglandin E, had large vasodilator actions (-31.4 +/- 5.0, -34.3 +/- 2.2, -21.9 +/- 2.8, and -31.5 +/- 2.4%) but only small effects on mucosal thickness (12.3 +/- 3.9, 13.0 +/- 3.4, 16.7 +/- 6.5, and 8.7 +/- 2.9 micron, respectively). Phenylephrine hydrochloride increased vascular resistance (19.8 +/- 1.7%) and decreased mucosal thickness (-23.9 +/- 3.1 micron). Thus airway vascular resistance and mucosal thickness always change in opposite directions, but drugs have different relative actions on the two variables. Even with large vasodilatations, the absolute changes in mucosal thickness were small and were unlikely to have an appreciable effect on tracheal airway resistance.  相似文献   

The binding affinities of a series of steroidal compounds for the hamster uterine progesterone receptor were determined using two sets of incubation conditions. These competitive binding conditions were designed to deduce the relative rates of ligand dissociation from the progesterone receptor. The progestin activity of these compounds was also determined in a bioassay employing the measurement of diamine oxidase in the traumatized hamster uterus. Steroids could be classified into two categories based on either an increase or decrease in relative binding affinity (RBA) with increasing time of competitive incubation. The mean (+/- SEM) progestin biopotency for the compounds having an increase in RBA was 120 +/- 18 (progesterone = 100), while the biopotency for compounds having a decrease in RBA was only 44 +/- 17. This difference was significant (P less than 0.01). Linear regression analyses revealed significant correlations between the RBAs and progestin biopotencies. Compounds showing a decrease in RBA with increasing time of incubation did not have antiprogestin activity. Kinetic studies of this type should be useful for selecting compounds with potent agonistic activity, but cannot unequivocally predict antihormonal activity.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between epidemics and extremes of solar activity has been discussed previously. The purpose of the present study was to verify whether differences in the levels of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) could be noted at the highest (July 1989) and lowest (September 1986) points of the last (21st) and present (22nd) 11-year solar cycle. The work was divided into a 1-month study (covering the month of minimal or maximal solar activity), a 3-month study (1 month before and after the month of minimal or maximal solar activity) and a 5-month study (2 months before and after the month of minimal or maximal solar activity). A trend of a drop-off for all three immunoglobulins was seen on the far side of the maximal point of the solar cycle. Statistical significance was achieved in the 5-month study for IgM (P=0.04), and a strong trend was shown for IgG (P=0.07). Differences between the sexes were also noted.  相似文献   

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