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We recently reported that the efficiency of adenoviral gene delivery and virus stability are significantly enhanced when a proteoliposome (PL) containing apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is used in an animal model. In the current study, we tested tumor removal activity of oncolytic adenovirus (Ad) using PL-containing wildtype (WT) or V156K. Oncolytic Ad with or without PL was injected into tumors of zebrafish and nude mice as a Hep3B tumor xenograft model. The V156K-PL-Ad-injected zebrafish, group showed the lowest tumor tissue volume and nucleic acids in the tumor area, whereas injection of Ad alone did not result in adequate removal of tumor activity. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents increased two-fold in tumor-bearing zebrafish; however, the V156K-PL-Ad injected group showed a 40% decrease in ROS levels compared to that in normal zebrafish. After reducing the tumor volume with the V156K-PL-Ad injection, the swimming pattern of the zebrafish changed to be more active and energetic. The oncolytic effect of PL-Ad containing either V156K or WT was about two-fold more enhanced in mice than that of Ad alone 34 days after the injection. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the PL-Ad-injected groups showed enhanced efficiency of viral delivery with elevated Ad-E1A staining and a diminished number of proliferating tumor cells. Thus, the antitumor effect of oncolytic Ad was strongly enhanced by a PL-containing apoA-I and its mutant (V156K) without causing side effects in mice and zebrafish models.  相似文献   

目的:深入观察耐力训练对载脂蛋白E基因敲除(ApoE-/-)致动脉粥样硬化(AS)小鼠白介素18(IL-18)和白介素10(IL-10)的影响,探讨运动防治AS的可能机制。方法:选取8周龄雄性ApoE-/-小鼠20只:随机分为2组(n=10):AS模型组(AC组)和运动干预组(AE组),AE组进行跑台耐力训练;选取8周龄C57BL/6J雄性小鼠10只作为正常对照组(CC组)。实验持续12周,取主动脉制作冰冻切片,分别用于观察主动脉AS斑块和病理变化以及主动脉IL-18、IL-10蛋白表达;采用ELISA法检测血清IL-18、IL-10水平。结果:①12周高脂膳食致ApoE-/-小鼠发生典型的AS病变,耐力训练使AS斑块面积显著减少(P<0.01),病变程度显著减轻。②与CC组比较,AC组、AE组小鼠血清IL-18和IL-10水平均显著升高(P<0.01),且AC组IL-18/IL-10比值显著升高(P<0.01)。AE组血清IL-18水平及IL-18/IL-10比值均显著低于AC组(P<0.01)。③与CC组比较,AC组、AE组小鼠主动脉IL-10和IL-18蛋白表达均显著升高(P<0.01),AE组IL-10表达显著高于AC组(P<0.05),IL-18表达显著低于AC组(P<0.05)。结论:耐力训练通过降低血液和主动脉IL-18及提高IL-10水平,增强了主动脉血管抗炎能力,从而发挥抗AS的作用。  相似文献   

Humans have three major apolipoprotein E (ApoE) alleles (APOE; ε2, ε3 and ε4) that produce three ApoE protein isoforms. The ε2 allele encodes the ApoE2 isoform (Cys112, Cys158), whereas ε3 encodes the wild-type ApoE3 isoform (Cys112, Arg158) and ε4 encodes the ApoE4 isoform (Arg112, Arg158). Because the type of ApoE expressed is related to sporadic Alzheimer’s disease risk and familial hyperlipidemia, many clinical studies have utilized ApoE typing in recent years. ApoE serotyping is based on the correlation between ApoE genotype and isoform; it is therefore possible to determine the genotype from the blood ApoE isoform combination. Serotyping ApoE using mass spectrometry promises highly accurate results while requiring minimal amounts of blood and reagents, resulting in lower costs, which suggest that proteomic-based ApoE serotyping may eventually become a routine clinical laboratory test. Not limited to ApoE, proteomic analysis of human samples could be used to intentionally determine – and perhaps unintentionally reveal – personal genetic information.  相似文献   

The apoA-I mimetic peptide L-4F [(Ac-D-W-F-K-A-F-Y-D-K-V-A-E-K-F-K-E-A-F-NH2) synthesized from all L-amino acids] has shown potential for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Here, we demonstrate that LDL promotes association between L-4F and HDL. A 2- to 3-fold greater association of L-4F with human HDL was observed in the presence of human LDL as compared with HDL by itself. This association further increased when LDL was supplemented with the oxidized lipid 15S-hydroxy-5Z, 8Z, 11Z, 13E-eicosatetraenoic acid (15HETE). Additionally, L-4F significantly (P = 0.02) promoted the transfer of 15HETE from LDL to HDL. The transfer of L-4F from LDL to HDL was demonstrated both in vitro and in C57BL/6J mice. L-4F, injected into C57BL/6J mice, associated rapidly with HDL and was then cleared quickly from the circulation. Similarly, L-4F loaded onto human HDL and injected into C57BL/6J mice was cleared quickly with T(1/2) = 23.6 min. This was accompanied by a decline in human apoA-I with little or no effect on the mouse apoA-I. Based on these results, we propose that i) LDL promotes the association of L-4F with HDL and ii) in the presence of L-4F, oxidized lipids in LDL are rapidly transferred to HDL allowing these oxidized lipids to be acted upon by HDL-associated enzymes and/or cleared from the circulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several gene therapy strategies have been designed for cancer treatment. Intra-tumoral injection of adenoviruses expressing pro-drug-converting enzymes is one such strategy. Although the efficacy of these therapies was tested in animal models, little work has been devoted to the determination of critical variables for success. In this work, we aimed at better understanding variables that affect the cytosine deaminase::uracil phosphoribosyl transferase (CD::UPRT)-based strategy in two human glioblastomas. METHODS: We have constructed two adenoviruses expressing either CD or the fusion protein CD::UPRT. We have tested their anti-tumor activity in combination with 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) in the glioblastoma cell lines U87 and U251, which are p53-wt and p53-deficient, respectively. Anti-tumor activity has also been investigated in spheroid structures. RESULTS: The superiority of CD::UPRT over CD was confirmed in both glioblastoma cells. We found that the pro-drug concentration required for anti-tumor activity was 9-fold higher in U251 than in U87, while multiplicity of infection (MOI) as low as 6 was sufficient to achieve 50% killing. Bystander activity was observed with as few as 2 and 6% transduced cells for U87 and U251, respectively. Differences in sensitivity between U87 and U251 were not due to differences in transduction, transgene expression, or intercellular transport, but were related to 5-FU sensitivity and p53 status. Also, it is noteworthy that, in contrast to U87, U251 spheroids barely responded to the treatment, whereas their monolayer counterparts were very sensitive. CONCLUSIONS: Our study has shown that p53 status is important for CD::UPRT/5-FC treatment. Moreover, this study demonstrated that the three-dimensional spheroid model is a more stringent in vitro model for suicide gene therapy evaluation than are monolayer cultures.  相似文献   

Adenovirus invades host cells by first binding to host receptors through a trimeric fiber, which contains three domains: a receptor-binding knob domain, a long flexible shaft domain, and a penton base-attachment tail domain. Although the structure of the knob domain associated with a portion of the shaft has been solved by X-ray crystallography, the in situ structure of the fiber in the virion is not known; thus, it remains a mystery how the trimeric fiber attaches to its underlying pentameric penton base. By high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy, we have determined the structure of the human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) to 3.6-Å resolution and have reported the full atomic models for its capsid proteins, but not for the fiber whose density cannot be directly interpreted due to symmetry mismatch with the penton base. Here, we report the determination of the Ad5 fiber structure and its mode of attachment to the pentameric penton base by using an integrative approach of multi-resolution filtering, homology modeling, computational simulation of mismatched symmetries, and fitting of atomic models into cryo-electron microscopy density maps. Our structure reveals that the interactions between the trimeric fiber and the pentameric penton base are mediated by a hydrophobic ring on the top surface of the penton base and three flexible tails inserted into three of the five available grooves formed by neighboring subunits of penton base. These interaction sites provide the molecular basis for the symmetry mismatch and can be targeted for optimizing adenovirus for gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

The binding of the adenovirus (Ad) protein E3-19K with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) plays an important role in Ad infections, which is the causative agent of a series of gastrointestinal, respiratory and ocular diseases. The objective of this research is to evaluate the essential interactions between E3-19K and HLA-A2 using the X-ray crystal structure of the E3-19K/HLA-A2 complex, and to identify small molecules that could potentially disrupt their binding. Computational methods, including molecular dynamic simulations, MM/GBSA calculations, and computational solvent mapping, were implemented to determine potential binding site(s) for small molecules. The previous experimentally determined hot spot residues, Q54 and E177 in HLA-A2, were also predicted to be the dominant residues for binding to E3-19K by our theoretical calculations. Several other residues were also found to play pivotal roles for the binding of E3-19K with HLA-A2. Residues adjacent to E177, including Q54 and several other residues theoretically predicted to be crucial in HLA-A2 were selected as a potential binding pocket to perform virtual screening with 1200 compounds from the Prestwick library. Seven hits were validated by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) as binders to HLA-A2 as a first step in identifying molecules that can perturb its association with the Ad E3-19K protein.  相似文献   

LPL activity plays an important role in preceding the VLDL remnant clearance via the three major apolipoprotein E (apoE)-recognizing receptors: the LDL receptor (LDLr), LDL receptor-related protein (LRP), and VLDL receptor (VLDLr). The aim of this study was to determine whether LPL activity is also important for VLDL remnant clearance irrespective of these receptors and to determine the mechanisms involved in the hepatic remnant uptake. Administration of an adenovirus expressing LPL (AdLPL) into lrp(-)ldlr(-/-)vldlr(-/-) mice reduced both VLDL-triglyceride (TG) and VLDL-total cholesterol (TC) levels. Conversely, inhibition of LPL by AdAPOC1 increased plasma VLDL-TG and VLDL-TC levels. Metabolic studies with radiolabeled VLDL-like emulsion particles showed that the clearance and hepatic association of their remnants positively correlated with LPL activity. This hepatic association was independent of the bridging function of LPL and HL, since heparin did not reduce the liver association. In vitro studies demonstrated that VLDL-like emulsion particles avidly bound to the cell surface of primary hepatocytes from lrp(-)ldlr(-/-)vldlr(-/-) mice, followed by slow internalization, and involved heparin-releaseable cell surface proteins as well as scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). Collectively, we conclude that hepatic VLDL remnant uptake in the absence of the three classical apoE-recognizing receptors is regulated by LPL activity and involves heparan sulfate proteoglycans and SR-BI.  相似文献   

Mastadenoviruses represent one of the four major genera of the Adenoviridae family comprising a variety of mammalian pathogens including human adenovirus (Ad), whose genomes encode a gene for minor core protein V (pV), not found in other genera of Adenoviridae. Deletion of other genus-specific genes (gene IX and E3 genes) from the Ad type 5 (Ad5) genome has been studied experimentally in vitro and the results on biological characterization of the mutants support the phylogenetic evidence of those genes being non-essential for Ad viability. On this basis it seemed logical to suggest that a deletion of gene V from the Ad5 genome could also be tolerated. To test this hypothesis we constructed and rescued the first pV-deletion mutant of human Ad5. As compared to Ad5, this mutant formed small plaques, had dramatically reduced thermostability and lower infectivity. A subsequent thermoselection screen of the pV-deleted Ad5 allowed isolation of a suppressor mutant Ad5-dV/TSB with restored biological characteristics. Since replication and viral assembly of Ad5-dV/TSB could still occur in the absence of pV, we conclude that pV is a non-essential component of the virion. The observed rescue of the biological defects appears to be associated with a cluster of point mutations in the gene encoding the precursor for the other core protein, X/Mu. This finding, thus, suggests possible roles of pV and protein X/Mu precursor in viral assembly. It also provides an interesting insight into genetic events that mediate molecular adaptation of viruses to possible changes in the genetic background in the course of their evolutionary divergence. The possible mechanism of the observed genetic suppression is discussed.  相似文献   

Soluble amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) exists in the form of monomers and oligomers, and as complexes with Aβ-binding molecules, such as low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) ligands. The present study investigated the effect of self-aggregation and LRP-1 ligands on the elimination of human Aβ(1–40) [hAβ(1–40)] from the rat brain across the blood–brain barrier. Incubation of [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer resulted in time-dependent and temperature-dependent dimer formation, and the apparent elimination rate of [125I]hAβ(1–40) dimer was significantly decreased by 92.7% compared with that of [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer. Pre-incubation with LRP-1 ligands, such as activated α2-macroglobulin (α2M), apolipoprotein E2 (apoE2), apoE3, apoE4, and lactoferrin, reduced the elimination of [125I]hAβ(1–40). By contrast, pre-administration of the same concentration of these molecules in the rat brain did not significantly inhibit [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer elimination. Purified [125I]hAβ(1–40)/activated α2M complex and [125I]activated α2M were not significantly eliminated from the rat brain up to 60 min. MEF-1 cells, which have LRP-1-mediated endocytosis, exhibited uptake of [125I]activated α2M, and enhancement of [125I]hAβ(1–40) uptake upon pre-incubation with apoE, suggesting that [125I]activated α2M and [125I]hAβ(1–40)/apoE complex function as LRP-1 ligands. These findings indicate that dimerization and LRP-1-ligand complex formation prevent the elimination of hAβ(1–40) from the brain across the blood–brain barrier.  相似文献   

The development of cancer vaccines requires approaches to induce expansion and functional differentiation of tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) effectors which posses cytolytic capability and produce cytokines. Efficient induction of such cells is hindered by the poor immunogenicity of tumor antigens and by the poor transduction efficiency of dendritic cells (DCs) with current nonreplicating vectors. We have investigated the use of influenza A virus, a potent viral inducer of CTLs, as a vector expressing the immunodominant HER-2 CTL epitope KIF (E75). For this purpose, an attenuated influenza A/PR8/34 virus with a truncated nonstructural (NS1) gene was generated containing the E75 epitope in its neuraminidase protein (KIF-NS virus). Stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors and of tumor-associated lymphocytes from ovarian and breast cancer patients with DCs infected with KIF-NS virus (KIF-NS DC) induced CTLs that specifically recognized the peptide KIF and HER-2-expressing tumors in cytotoxicity assays and secreted gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-2 at recall with peptide. Priming with KIF-NS DCs increased the number of E75(+) CD45RO(+) cells by more than 10-fold compared to nonstimulated cells. In addition, KIF-NS virus induced high levels of IFN-alpha in DCs. This is the first report demonstrating induction of human epitope-specific CTLs against a tumor-associated antigen with a live attenuated recombinant influenza virus vector. Such vectors may provide a novel approach for tumor antigen delivery, lymphocyte activation, and differentiation in human cancer vaccine development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: T-cells expressing the HSV1-TK suicide gene can be used for the control of graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. To develop clinical trials based on such a strategy, we have generated under good manufacturing procedures a novel 'split genome' human packaging cell line (1704 cells). METHODS: To minimize the risk of generating replication-competent retroviruses, pol was truncated to remove sequences overlapping with env. To improve retroviral infection and selection of transduced T-cells, high titers of GALV-pseudotyped retroviral particles harboring a bicistronic Thy1-IRES-TK vector coding for the CD90 GPI-anchored membrane molecule were produced by 1704 cells. RESULTS: Using 1704 cell supernatant and an optimized transduction protocol, approximately 50% of primary T-cells were transduced and could then be purified (approximately 95%) using clinical-grade immunomagnetic beads directed against CD90. Over 96% of these OKT3/IL-2-activated CD90(+)-selected T-cells were killed by ganciclovir. Cell proliferation and cytokine production of transduced T-cells and HLA-restricted cytotoxicity of transduced T-cell clones were identical to those of their non-transduced counterparts cultured under the same conditions. CONCLUSIONS: GALV-pseudotyped retroviral particles harboring a bicistronic Thy1-IRES-TK vector allow efficient transduction and rapid selection of human T-cells under conditions applicable for clinical trials using the new human 1704 packaging cell line.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) from astrocytes is one of the signalers used by the brain's extensive glial-neuronal-vascular network, but its excessive production by pro-inflammatory cytokine-stimulated glial cells can be cytodestructive. Here, we show how three pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma) together stimulated the activation, but not the prior expression, of NOS-2 protein via a mechanism involving MEK-ERKs protein kinases in astrocytes from adult human cerebral temporal cortex. The cytokines triggered a transient burst of p38 MAPK activity and the production of NOS-2 mRNA which were followed by bursts of MEK-ERK activities, synthesis of the NOS-2 co-factor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)), a build-up of NOS-2 protein and from it active NOS-2 enzyme. Selectively inhibiting MEK1/MEK2, but not the earlier burst of p38 MAPK activity, with a brief exposure to U0126 between 24 and 24.5 h after adding the cytokine triad affected neither NOS-2 expression nor NOS-2 protein accumulation but stopped BH(4) synthesis and the assembly of the NOS-2 protein into active NOS-2 enzyme. The complete blockage of active NOS-2 production by the brief exposure to U0126 was bypassed by simply adding BH(4) to the culture medium. Therefore, this cytokine triad triggered two completely separable, tandem operating mechanisms in normal human astrocytes, the first being NOS-2 gene expression and accumulation of NOS-2 protein and the second being the synthesis of the BH(4) factor needed to dimerize the NOS-2 protein into active, NO-making NOS-2 enzyme.  相似文献   

Oncolytic adenovirus is capable of infecting, replicating in and lysing cancer cells. In adenovirus infection and replication, the wild type E1a gene (wE1a) mediates various genetic events to facilitate viral replication and exert antitumor effect. To enhance its antitumor efficacy and optimize its safety, we manipulated the wE1a gene and designed a 720-bp truncated minimal-E1a (mE1a) by deletions and mutations of amino acid residues. The mE1a gene was incorporated in an adenovirus under the control of hTERT promoter, giving the vector AdDC315-mE1a. A variety of cancer cell lines infected with the virus expressed the mE1a protein and showed considerable down-regulation in Neu protein expression as compared to normal cell lines. mE1a also had a lower binding affinity to the Rb protein, preserving the Rb tumor suppressive function. The mE1a expression allowed efficient adenovirus replication with high and stable replication ratios in cancer cells (about 125- to 8500-fold higher at 48 h and 180- to 10,900-fold higher at 96 h post-infection). Further, the mE1a-supported oncolytic adenovirus induced higher cancer cell apoptosis, stronger cell cycle arrest and more effective antitumor efficacy in hepatocarcinoma xenografts in nude mice. In conclusion, the truncated minimal mE1a can act as a tumor inhibitor gene, and may be used to construct oncolytic adenovirus vectors for use in gene therapy of a variety of cancers.  相似文献   

Neurocysticercosis is caused by penetration of the tapeworm Taenia solium larvae into the central nervous system resulting in a diverse range of neurologic complications including epilepsy in endemic areas that globalization spreads worldwide. Sensitive and specific immunodiagnosis is needed for the early detection and elimination of the parasite, but the lack of standardized, readily obtainable antigens is a challenge. Here, we used the phage display for resolving the problem. The rationale of the strategy rests on the concept that the screening of combinatorial libraries with polyclonal serum to pathogens reveals families of peptides mimicking the pathogen most immunodominant epitopes indispensable for the successful diagnosis. The screening of a 7mer library with serum IgG of four pigs experimentally infected with parasite followed by computer aided segregation of the selected sequences resulted in the discovery of four clusters of homologous sequences of which one presented a family of ten mimotopes selected by three infected pig serum IgGs; the common motif sequence LSPF carried by the family was considered to be the core of an immunodominant epitope of the parasite critical for the binding with the antibody that selected the mimotopes. The immunoassay testing permitted to select a mimotope whose synthetic peptide free of the phage with the amino acid sequence Leu-Ser-Fen-Pro-Ser-Val-Val that distinguished well a panel of 21 cerebrospinal fluids of neurocysticercosis patients from the fluids of individuals with neurological complications of other etiology. This peptide is proposed as a lead for developing a novel molecularly defined diagnostic antigen(s) for the neurocysticercosis.  相似文献   

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