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Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC purified from leaves of the crassulacean acid metabolism plant (Crassula argentea) was chemically modified by the specific arginyl reagent 2,3-butanedione. Modification resulted in enzyme inactivation which followed pseudo first-order kinetics. Participation of arginyl residues involved in the binding of or response to both phosphoenolpyruvate and malate, respectively, was established. Inactivation and protection studies suggest the presence of three sites involved in the binding of the substrate, phosphoenolpyruvate, the activator, glucose 6-phosphate, and the inhibitor, malate. Studies using both fluorescence measurements of binding and steady-state kinetic methods indicate that phosphoenolpyruvate can bind both to the active site and to the activator site. Evidence for stimulation of the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase upon the binding of substrate to the activation site was provided by kinetic studies using AMP, previously shown to be a specific ligand for the activation site.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the kinetic parameters of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from Crassula argentea was such that both the Vmax and Km(MgPEP) values tended upward over the range from 11 to 35 degrees C. The increased rate at low temperatures due to the low Km is at least partially offset by the increased Vmax at higher temperatures, potentially leading to a broad plateau of enzyme activity and a relatively small effect of temperature on the enzyme. The cooperativity was negative at 11 degrees C, but above 15 degrees C it became positive. The presence of 5 mM glucose-6-phosphate has relatively little effect on Vmax but it clearly reduces Km and overcomes any effect of temperature on this parameter in the range studied. Positive cooperativity is observed only at temperatures above 25 degrees C. The size of the native enzyme, as determined by dynamic light scattering, was strongly toward the tetrameric form. At a temperature of 40 degrees C and above, a considerable oligomerization takes place. No loss of activity can be observed in this range of temperature. In the presence of either glucose-6-phosphate or magnesium phosphoenolpyruvate, at temperatures under 25 degrees C, the equilibrium is displaced toward higher levels of aggregation. Maximal accumulation of lead malate occurred at 10 to 12 degrees C in vivo with reduction to about 25% at 35 degrees C. Glucose-6-phosphate followed a similar curve in response to temperature, but the overall difference was about 50%. The sum of phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate is level at night temperatures below 25 degrees C, doubling at 35 degrees C. Calculated concentrations of malate, glucose-6-phosphate, and phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate indicate that the concentrations present are equal to or greater than Ki, Ka, and Km values for these metabolites, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphate and several phosphate-containing compounds on the activity of purified phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) from the crassulacean acid metabolism plant, Crassula argentea, were investigated. When assayed at subsaturating phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) concentrations, low concentrations of most of the compounds tested were found to stimulate PEPC activity. This activation, variable in extent, was found in all cases to be competitive with glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) stimulation, suggesting that these effectors bind to the Glc-6-P site. At higher concentrations, depending upon the effector molecule studied, deactivation, inhibition, or no response was observed. More detailed studies were performed with Glc-6-P, AMP, phosphoglycolate, and phosphate. AMP had previously been shown to be a specific ligand for the Glc-6-P site. The main effect of Glc-6-P and AMP on the kinetic parameters was to decrease the apparent Km and increase Vmax/Km. AMP also caused a decrease in the Vmax of the reaction. In contrast, phosphoglycolate acted essentially as a competitive inhibitor increasing the apparent Km for PEP and decreasing Vmax/Km. Inorganic phosphate had a biphasic effect on the kinetic parameters, resulting in a transient decrease in Km followed by an increase of the apparent Km for PEP with increasing concentration of phosphate. The Vmax also was decreased with increasing phosphate concentrations. Further, the enzyme appeared to respond to the complex of phosphate with magnesium. In the presence of a saturating concentration of AMP, no activation but rather inhibition was observed with increasing phosphate concentration. This is consistent with the binding of phosphate to two separate sites--the Glc-6-P activation site and an inhibitory site, a phenomenon that may be occurring with other phosphate containing compounds. High concentrations of phosphate with magnesium were found to protect enzyme activity when PEPC, previously shown to contain an essential arginine at the active site, was incubated with the specific arginyl reagent 2,3-butanedione, consistent with the binding of phosphate at the active site. Data were successfully fitted to a rapid equilibrium model allowing for binding of the phosphate-magnesium complex to both the activation site and the active site which accounts for the activation/deactivation observed at low substrate concentrations. Effects on the Vmax of the reaction are also addressed. Factors controlling the differential affinity of various effectors to the active site or activation site appear to include charge distribution, size, and other steric factors.  相似文献   

Using size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography, it is shown that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Crassula argentea, a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant, exists primarily in the form of a tetramer of a 100-kDa subunit at night and as a dimer of the same subunit during the day. The tetrameric enzyme from night leaves is not inhibited by malate, while the dimeric form from day leaves can be completely inhibited by malate. The purified day, or dimer, form of the enzyme can be converted to the tetramer by concentration and exposure to Mg2+. When thus converted, the tetramer is insensitive to malate inhibition, and is more strongly activated by glucose 6-phosphate than the dimer. The purified night, or tetramer, form is converted to the dimer by incubation for 60 min at pH 8.2. This enzyme may also be converted to the dimer by adding 1.5 mM malate to the elution buffer, but preincubation for 15 min with phosphoenolpyruvate prevents disaggregation when chromatographed with buffer containing malate. Preincubation with 1mM EDTA and subsequent chromatography with buffer containing malate shows a progressive dissociation of the tetrameric form with increasing time of preincubation. The implications of these observations for the diurnal regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in CAM metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) leaves was assayed with varying concentrations of free phosphoenolpyruvate at several fixed-varying concentrations of free magnesium higher than required to saturate the enzyme reaction. These assays produced velocity data which were found to form a family of individual lines when plotted against free phosphoenolpyruvate or against total phosphoenolpyruvate, but not when plotted against the concentration of the complex of phosphoenolpyruvate with magnesium. In this latter case, the points from all the fixed-varying concentrations fell on the same line, which can be fitted to a modified Michaelis-Menten equation with a multiple correlation coefficient R2 = 0.995. Similar results were obtained when the enzyme from the C4 plant maize was assayed with manganese rather than magnesium and when phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from leaves of the C3 plant wheat (Triticum vulgare Vill.) was assayed with magnesium. However, at pH 7.0 the enzyme from the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Crassula argentea did not produce a satisfactory single line when plotted against the complex of metal ion and substrate, but did so when the assay pH was raised to 8.0. It is concluded that in general the preferred form of substrate for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is the complex of phosphoenolpyruvate with the metal ion.  相似文献   

The hysteretic behavior of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase from Crassula argentea has been investigated. Incubation of the purified enzyme with the inhibitor malate prior to starting the reaction by the addition of PEP resulted in a kinetic lag of several minutes duration. The length of the lag was inversely proportional to the enzyme concentration, suggesting subunit association-dissociation as the hysteretic mechanism, rather than a mechanism based on a slow conformational change in the enzyme. Dynamic laser light scattering measurements also support this conclusion, showing that the diffusion coefficient of malate-incubated enzyme slowly decreased after the reaction was started by the addition of PEP. Lags were observed only at pH values of 7.5 or lower. Maximum lags were observed after 10 min of preincubation with malate. Fumarate and succinate, which like malate caused mixed inhibition, also caused lags. In contrast, no lag was induced by malate in the presence of PEP or by the competitive inhibitor phosphoglycolate. The activators glucose 6-phosphate and malonate decreased the malate-induced lag.  相似文献   

Effects of pH on inactivation of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maize leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is inactivated by incubation at pH's above neutrality. Both the amount and the rapidity of inactivation increase as the pH rises. The presence of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), malate, glucose 6-phosphate and dithiothreitol in the incubation medium give protection to the enzyme. While the presence of PEP during incubation at pH 8 prevents inactivation, the level of PEP in the assay after incubation has no effect on the relative inactivation. When the enzyme is incubated at pH 7 with 5 mM malate (a treatment known to cause dimerization) subsequent assay at saturating levels of MgPEP completely restores activity while assay at less than Km MgPEP produces greater than 99% inhibition of the same sample, showing that high PEP concentration has reconverted the PEPC to the malate-resistant tetramer. Thus the protective effect of PEP against inactivation at high pH probably is not related to its effect on the aggregation state of the enzyme but rather is due to the presence of PEP at the active site. Protection of PEPC at pH 8 by EDTA and its inactivation by low concentrations of Cu2- indicates that the loss of activity at high pH probably is in a sense an artifact resulting from the binding to a deprotinated cysteine of heavy metal ions contaminating the enzyme preparation or present in reagents. This suggests that caution should be used in the interpretation of experiments involving PEPC activity at alkaline pH's.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) was purified 40-fold from soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) nodules to a specific activity of 5.2 units per milligram per protein and an estimated purity of 28%. Native and subunit molecular masses were determined to be 440 and 100 kilodaltons, respectively, indicating that the enzyme is a homotetramer. The response of enzyme activity to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) concentration and to various effectors was influenced by assay pH and glycerol addition to the assay. At pH 7 in the absence of glycerol, the Km (PEP) was about twofold greater than at pH 7 in the presence of glycerol or at pH 8. At pH 7 or pH 8 the Km (MgPEP) was found to be significantly lower than the respective Km (PEP) values. Glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate, glucose-1-phosphate, and dihydroxyacetone phosphate activated PEPC at pH 7 in the absence of glycerol, but had no effect under the other assay conditions. Malate, aspartate, glutamate, citrate, and 2-oxoglutarate were potent inhibitors of PEPC at pH 7 in the absence of glycerol, but their effectiveness was decreased by raising the pH to 8 and/or by adding glycerol. In contrast, 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate were less effective inhibitors at pH 7 in the absence of glycerol than under the other assay conditions. Inorganic phosphate (up to 20 millimolar) was an activator at pH 7 in the absence of glycerol but an inhibitor under the other assay conditions. The possible significance of metabolite regulation of PEPC is discussed in relation to the proposed functions of this enzyme in legume nodule metabolism.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from maize was a homodimer of molecular weight 200 kDa and was readily converted to a tetrameric form in the presence of Mg2+ plus PEP or Mg2+ alone. During the assay, the enzyme activity increased with time, reaching a steady state after a discernible lag, suggesting its hysteretic nature. The hystereses was not due to oligomerization of the enzyme as the lag time tau was independent of the enzyme concentration and the lag was not abolished on preincubation with 25 mM Mg2+, the condition under which the enzyme existed in tetrameric form. Nevertheless, the lag could be abolished on preincubating the enzyme with PEP plus Mg2+, indicating that the hystereses is due to a PEP plus Mg2(+)-induced slow transition of the enzyme to an activated state during the catalysis. During steady state, the enzyme showed cooperative kinetics for PEP and Mg2+ at pH 7. It had two binding sites with nearly 10-fold difference in affinities for PEP and Mg2+.  相似文献   

The chemical modification of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from Crassula argentea leaves was studied using the fluorescence of the extrinsic probe 8-anilino-1-naphalenesulfonate. The effects of ligands on kinetic parameters of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity, and its response to pH and metal cations, were associated with the binding of the ligands to the enzyme as measured by fluorescence. Binding of the ligands phosphoenolpyruvate, malate, and glucose-6-phosphate revealed by fluorescence measurements corresponds to competitive phenomena observed in kinetic studies. The fluorescence measurements also suggest the involvement of specific amino acids in the binding of a given ligand. Arginyl residues modified by 2,3-butanedione appear to be directly involved in the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate and malate to the active and the inhibition sites, respectively. A histidyl residue was involved in the binding of malate, accounting for the lack of inhibition by malate in kinetic studies of the enzyme treated with diethylpyrocarbonate. Although activity was lost, there was no decrease in the ability of the treated enzyme to bind phosphoenolpyruvate, suggesting that additional histidyl residues are essential for activity although not directly involved in the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate. The lysine reagent trinitrobenzenesulfonate caused a loss of activity and a reduction in malate inhibition and glucose-6-phosphate activation, but these modifications were not related to changes in the ability of the enzyme to bind any of the three ligands. This suggests that lysine residues were not directly involved in the binding of these ligands.  相似文献   

The effects of adenine nucleotides on phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase were investigated using purified enzyme from the CAM plant, Crassula argentea. At 1 millimolar total concentration and with limiting phosphoenolpyruvate, AMP had a stimulatory effect, lowering the Km for phosphoenolpyruvate, ADP caused less stimulation, and ATP decreased the activity by increasing the Km for phosphoenolpyruvate. Activation by AMP was not additive to the stimulation by glucose 6-phosphate. Furthermore, AMP increased the Ka for glucose 6-phosphate. Inhibition by ATP was competitive with phosphoenolpyruvate. In support of the kinetic data, fluorescence binding studies indicated that ATP had a stronger effect than AMP on phosphoenolpyruvate binding, while AMP was more efficient in reducing glucose 6-phosphate binding. As free Mg2+ was held constant and saturating, these effects cannot be ascribed to Mg2+ chelation. Accordingly, the enzyme response to the adenylate energy charge was basically of the “R” type (involving enzymes of ATP regenerating sequences) according to D. E. Atkinson's (1968 Biochemistry 7: 4030-4034) concept of energy charge regulation. The effect of energy charge was abolished by 1 millimolar glucose 6-phosphate. Levels of glucose 6-phosphate and of other putative regulatory compounds of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were determined in total leaf extracts during a day-night cycle. The level of glucose 6-phosphate rose at night and dropped sharply during the day. Such a decrease in glucose 6-phosphate concentration could permit an increased control of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase by energy charge during the day.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Crassula argentea was substantially desensitized to the effects of regulatory ligands by treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate, a reagent which selectively modifies histidyl residues. Desensitization of the enzyme to the inhibitor malate and the activator glucose 6-phosphate was accompanied by the appearance of a peak in the ultraviolet difference spectrum at 240 nanometers, indicating the formation of ethoxyformylhistidyl derivatives. Hydroxylamine reversed part of the spectral change under native conditions, and almost all of the change under denaturing conditions, but failed to restore sensitivity to effectors. The pH profiles of desensitization to malate and glucose 6-phosphate indicated the involvement of groups on the enzyme with pK, values of 6.8 and 6.4, respectively. Under denaturing conditions, a total of 15 histidine residues per subunit were modified by diethylpyrocarbonate, whereas for the native enzyme nine histidines were modified per subunit. Effector desensitization occurs after the modification of two to three histidyl residues per subunit. The presence of malate reduced the apparent rate constant for desensitization by 60%, suggesting that the modification occurred at the malate binding site. Diethylpyrocarbonate treatment also eliminated the kinetic lag caused by malate. Glucose 6-phosphate did not protect the enzyme against diethylpyrocarbonate-induced desensitization.  相似文献   

Wu MX  Wedding RT 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1080-1083
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in Crassulacean acid metabolism plants during the day exists in dimeric form the activity of which is strongly inhibited by malate. Enzyme purified from Crassula leaves collected during the day and stored at −70°C for 49 days shows a steady progression of change from dimer to tetramer, and this change in oligomeric state is accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of the enzyme to inhibition by malate. At 10 minutes preincubation of enzyme after 11 days storage—which is composed of an equilibrium mixture of dimer and tetramer—with malate causes most of the enzyme to be converted to dimer and increases the sensitivity of the enzyme to malate inhibition during assay. Preincubation with phosphoenolpyruvate shifts the equilibrium toward the tetrameric form and reduces the maximal inhibition produced by 5 millimolar malate to less than 20%. However, none of the treatments used resulted in shifting the oligomerization equilibrium completely in either direction. Thus the question of whether some covalent modification of the enzyme, such as phosphorylation, is required to permit complete changes in equilibrium remains open.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi was shown to exist in two forms: a night form, which is phosphorylated and has low sensitivity to inhibition by malate, and a day form, which is dephosphorylated and 10 times more sensitive to malate. The day and night forms of the enzyme were purified retaining their distinct malate sensitivities and phosphorylation states. The purified enzymes contained a major protein (subunit Mr 112,000) and a minor protein (subunit Mr 123,000). The two polypeptides appeared to have closely related amino acid sequences and were present in a similar ratio in extracts that had been prepared rapidly. The phosphate present in the night form of the enzyme was covalently bound to serine. It was not a catalytic intermediate. Alkaline phosphatase removed the phosphate group in vitro and increased the malate sensitivity of the enzyme to that observed for the day form. Both the day and night forms of the enzyme were probably tetramers, and their apparent Mr was lowered by the presence of malate, but was unaffected by Mg2+ ions, EDTA, a rise in pH or a 10-fold change in enzyme concentration. The rapid loss of malate sensitivity, observed in extracts of leaves prepared during the day and at night, was shown to be due to proteolysis of the enzyme. It was slowed in the presence of malate and by phosphorylation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

应用气象色谱-质谱联用技术对燕子掌挥发油化学成分进行了分析研究,共鉴定出66种组分与燕子掌主要挥发性化学成分以苯乙醇、2,6,6-三甲基-2,4-环庚二烯-1-酮、6,10,14-三甲基十五烷-2-酮、十六烷酸甲酯、十六烷酸乙酯、十八烷酸甲酯为主要成分,化合物类型以酮、酯、类等化合物为主,其中十六烷酸甲酯的含量最高,占挥发油总量的26.13%。  相似文献   

Malate inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from crassula   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase partially purified from leaves of Crassula and rendered insensitive to malate by storage without adjuvants can be altered to the form sensitive to malate inhibition by brief, 5-minute preincubation with 5 millimolar malate. The induction of malate sensitivity is reversible by lowering the malate2− concentration. Of the reaction components only HCO3 increases the sensitivity to malate in subsequent assay. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), which itself tends to lower sensitivity to subsequent malate inhibition, also reduces the effect of malate in the assay, as does glucose-6-phosphate. PEP isotherms showed that the insensitive or unpreincubated enzyme, responds to the presence of 5 millimolar malate during assay with a 3-fold increase in Km, but no effect on Vmax. Enzyme preincubated with malate shows the same effect of malate on Km, but in addition Vmax is inhibited 72%. It thus appears that both sensitive and insensitive forms of PEP carboxylase are subject to K-type inhibition by malate, but only the sensitive form also shows V-type inhibition. Preincubation with malate at different pH values showed that at pH 6.15, the inhibition by malate in subsequent assay at pH 7 was much lower than at pH 7 or 8. When the reaction is prerun for 30 minutes with increasing concentrations of PEP, subsequent assay with malate shows progressively less inhibition due to malate. When 0.3 millimolar PEP either alone or with 0.1 millimolar ATP and 0.3 millimolar NaF is present during preincubation, the effect of malate in a following assay is to activate the reaction. These results may indicate an effect of phosphorylation of the enzyme on sensitivity to malate.  相似文献   

Diurnal regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from crassula   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Wu MX  Wedding RT 《Plant physiology》1985,77(3):667-675
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase appears to be located in or associated with the chloroplasts of Crassula. As has been found with this enzyme in other CAM plants, a crude extract of leaves gathered during darkness and rapidly assayed for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activity is relatively insensitive to inhibition by malate. After illumination begins, the PEPc activity becomes progressively more sensitive to malate. This enzyme also shows a diurnal change in activation by glucose-6-phosphate, with the enzyme from dark leaves more strongly activated than that from leaves in the light.

When the enzyme is partially purified in the presence of malate, the characteristic sensitivity of the day leaf enzyme is largely retained. Partial purification of the enzyme from dark leaves results in a small increase in sensitivity to malate inhibition.

Partially purified enzyme is found by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis to have two bands of PEPc activity. In enzymes from dark leaves, the slower moving band predominates, but in the light, the faster moving band is preponderant. Both of these bands are shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be composed of the same subunit of 103,000 daltons.

The enzyme partially purified from night leaves has a pH optimum of 5.6, and is relatively insensitive to malate inhibition over the range from pH 4.5 to 8. The enzyme from day leaves has a pH optimum of 6.6 and is strongly inhibited by malate at pH values below 7, but becomes insensitive at higher pH values.

Gel filtration of partially purified PEPc showed two activity peaks, one corresponding approximately to a dimer of the single subunit, and the other twice as large. The larger protein was relatively insensitive to malate inhibition, the smaller was strongly inhibited by malate.

Kinetic studies showed that malate is a mixed type inhibitor of the sensitive, day, enzyme, increasing Km for phosphoenolpyruvate and reducing Vmax. With the insensitive, night, enzyme, malate is a K type inhibitor, reducing the Km for phosphoenolpyruvate, but having little effect on Vmax. The inhibition of the insensitive enzyme by malate appears to be hysteretic, taking several minutes to be expressed during assay, probably indicating a change in the conformation or aggregation state of the enzyme.

Activation by glucose-6-phosphate is of the mixed type for the day form of the enzyme, causing both a decreased Km for phosphoenolpyruvate and an increased Vmax, but the night, or insensitive, form shows only an increase in Vmax in response to glucose-6-phosphate.


S L Ausenhus  M H O'Leary 《Biochemistry》1992,31(28):6427-6431
In addition to the normal carboxylation reaction, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Zea mays catalyzes a HCO3(-)-dependent hydrolysis of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate and Pi. Two independent methods were used to establish this reaction. First, the formation of pyruvate was coupled to lactate dehydrogenase in assay solutions containing high concentrations of L-glutamate and aspartate aminotransferase. Under these conditions, oxalacetic acid produced in the carboxylation reaction was efficiently transaminated, and decarboxylation to form spurious pyruvate was negligible. Second, sequential reduction of oxalacetate and pyruvate was achieved by initially running the reaction in the presence of malate dehydrogenase with NADH in excess over phosphoenolpyruvate. After the reaction was complete, lactate dehydrogenase was added, thus giving a measure of pyruvate concentration. At pH 8.0 in the presence of Mg2+, the rate of phosphoenolpyruvate hydrolysis was 3-7% of the total reaction rate. The hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was strongly metal dependent, with rates decreasing in the order Ni2+ greater than Co2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Mg2+ greater than Ca2+. These results suggest that the active site metal ion binds to the enolate oxygen, thus stabilizing the proposed enolate intermediate. The more stable the enolate, the less reactive it is toward carboxylation and the greater the opportunity for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus, oxaloacetate synthesis is a major and essential CO(2)-fixation reaction. This methanogenic archaeon possesses two oxaloacetate-synthesizing enzymes, pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from this organism was purified to homogeneity. The subunit size of this homotetrameric protein was 55 kDa, which is about half that of all known bacterial and eukaryotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylases (PPCs). The NH(2)-terminal sequence identified this enzyme as the product of MTH943, an open reading frame with no assigned function in the genome sequence. A BLAST search did not show an obvious sequence similarity between MTH943 and known PPCs, which are generally well conserved. This is the first report of a new type of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase that we call PpcA ("A" for "archaeal"). Homologs to PpcA were present in most archaeal genomic sequences, but only in three bacterial (Clostridium perfringens, Oenococcus oeni, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides) and no eukaryotic genomes. PpcA was the only recognizable oxaloacetate-producing enzyme in Methanopyrus kandleri, a hydrothermal vent organism. Each PpcA-containing organism lacked a PPC homolog. The activity of M. thermautotrophicus PpcA was not influenced by acetyl coenzyme A and was about 50 times less sensitive to aspartate than the Escherichia coli PPC. The catalytic core (including His(138), Arg(587), and Gly(883)) of the E. coli PPC was partly conserved in PpcA, but three of four aspartate-binding residues (Lys(773), Arg(832), and Asn(881)) were not. PPCs probably evolved from PpcA through a process that added allosteric sites to the enzyme. The reverse is also equally possible.  相似文献   

The structural specificity of the allosteric inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylas [EC] of Escherichia coli W was investigated using native enzyme and photooxidized enzyme which was desensitized to L-aspartate. Inhibitory activity was expressed in terms of the concentration of the compound required for 50% inhibition (I0.5). For the native enzyme, L-aspartate and L-malate were the strongest inhibitors with I0.5 values of about 0.10-0.15 mM among about 20 componds tested. For the photooxidized enzyme, oxaloacetate and L-malate were relatively strong inhibitors wiht I0.5 values of about 11-16 mM. The results obtained suggest that the inhibition of the native enzyme mainly reflects allosteric inhibition.  相似文献   

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