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Roseobacter denitrificans (Erythrobacter species strain OCh114) synthesizes bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) and the photosynthetic apparatus only in the presence of oxygen and is unable to carry out primary photosynthetic reactions and to grow photosynthetically under anoxic conditions. The puf operon of R. denitrificans has the same five genes in the same order as in many photosynthetic bacteria, i.e., pufBALMC. PufC, the tetraheme subunit of the reaction center (RC), consists of 352 amino acids (Mr, 39,043); 20 and 34% of the total amino acids are identical to those of PufC of Chloroflexus aurantiacus and Rubrivivax gelatinosus, respectively. The N-terminal hydrophobic domain is probably responsible for anchoring the subunit in the membrane. Four heme-binding domains are homologous to those of PufC in several purple bacteria. Sequences similar to pufQ and pufX of Rhodobacter capsulatus were not detected on the chromosome of R. denitrificans. The puf operon of R. denitrificans was expressed in trans in Escherichia coli, and all gene products were synthesized. The Roseobacter puf operon was also expressed in R. capsulatus CK11, a puf puc double-deletion mutant. For the first time, an RC/light-harvesting complex I core complex was heterologously synthesized. The strongest expression of the R. denitrificans puf operon was observed under the control of the R. capsulatus puf promoter, in the presence of pufQ and pufX and in the absence of pufC. Charge recombination between the primary donor P+ and the primary ubiquinone Q(A)- was observed in the transconjugant, showing that the M and L subunits of the RC were correctly assembled. The transconjugants did not grow photosynthetically under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically active chimeric reaction centers which utilize genetic information from both Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rb. sphaeroides puf operons were isolated using a novel method termed chimeric rescue. This method involves in vivo recombination repair of a Rb. capsulatus host operon harboring a deletion in pufM with a non-expressed Rb. sphaeroides donor puf operon. Following photosynthetic selection, three revertant classes were recovered: 1) those which used Rb. sphaeroides donor sequence to repair the Rb. capsulatus host operon without modification of Rb. sphaeroides puf operon sequences (conversions), 2) those which exchanged sequence between the two operons (inversions), and 3) those which modified plasmid or genomic sequences allowing expression of the Rb. sphaeroides donor operon. The distribution of recombination events across the Rb. capsulatus puf operon was decidedly non-random and could be the result of the intrinsic recombination systems or could be a reflection of some species-specific, functionally distinct characteristic(s). The minimum region required for chimeric rescue is the D-helix and half of the D/E-interhelix of M. When puf operon sequences 3 of nucleotide M882 are exchanged, significant impairment of excitation trapping is observed. This region includes both the 3 end of pufM and sequences past the end of pufM.  相似文献   

An LH2- strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, DBC1, has been constructed by deleting the puc operon, which encodes the LH2 alpha and beta polypeptides, from the chromosome and replacing it with a kanamycin resistance gene. Southern blot analysis indicates that the 950 bp BamHI restriction fragment which contains the puc operon has been lost and has been replaced by the 1.25 kb Km(R) cassette derived from Tn903. Strain DBC1 lacked the LH2 complex, as shown by loss of the characteristic absorbance bands at 800 and 850 nm. The LH2 polypeptides were also found to be absent after SDS-PAGE. The wild-type phenotype was restored to DBC1 by the transfer of a 3.8 kb BscI fragment containing the puc operon in plasmid pMA81. Transconjugants possessed a wild-type absorbance spectrum and LH2 polypeptides.  相似文献   

All photosynthetic organisms are thought to contain the sulfolipid 6-sulfo-alpha-D-quinovosyl diacylglycerol. However, the pathway of sulfolipid biosynthesis has not been elucidated, and the functional or structural significance of this lipid is not known. Mutants of Rhodobacter sphaeroides deficient in sulfolipid accumulation were isolated by directly screening for altered sulfolipid content. The mutants had no apparent phenotype except for the sulfolipid deficiency. A gene, designated sqdA, which complemented one of the mutations was isolated and characterized. The putative sqdA gene product is a protein with a molecular mass of 33.6 kDa that has no sequence similarity to any enzyme of known function.  相似文献   

A paralyzed Rhodobacter sphaeroides mutant strain (PARA1) was isolated by a motility screening procedure following mutagenesis of wild-type R. sphaeroides WS8-N with the transposable element TnphoA (Tn5 IS50L::phoA). PARA1 synthesized a wild-type level of flagellin, as detected by Western immunoblotting with antiflagellar antiserum. Flagellar staining showed that flagellin was assembled into apparently normal external flagellar filaments. Electron micrographs of basal body structures from PARA1 showed that some ring structures that were present were similar to those in wild-type R. sphaeroides WS8-N. PARA1 cells were nonmotile under all growth conditions. No pseudorevertants to motility were seen when PARA1 was grown in the presence of kanamycin to select for the presence of the transposon. The presence of the single copy of TnphoA in the PARA1 chromosome was demonstrated by Southern blotting. Western blotting of cytoplasmic, periplasmic, and membrane fractions of PARA1 with anti-alkaline phosphatase antiserum showed that the transposon had been inserted in-frame into a gene encoding a membrane protein. A SalI restriction endonuclease fragment was cloned from the chromosome of PARA1; this fragment contained a portion of the transposon and R. sphaeroides DNA sequence 5' of the site of insertion. This flanking R. sphaeroides DNA sequence was used to probe an R. sphaeroides WS8 cosmid library. A cosmid designated c19 hybridized to the probe, and a SalI restriction endonuclease fragment derived from this cosmid restored wild-type motility to PARA1 when introduced into this mutant strain by conjugation. The significance of this finding in a bacterium with unidirectionally rotating flagella is discussed.  相似文献   

A large chemotaxis operon was identified in Rhodobacter sphaeroides WS8-N using a probe based on the 3' terminal portion of the Rhizobium meliloti cheA gene. Two genes homologous to the enteric cheY were identified in an operon also containing cheA , cheW , and cheR homologues. The deduced protein sequences of che gene products were aligned with those from Escherichia coli and shown to be highly conserved. A mutant with an interrupted copy of cheA showed normal patterns of swimming, unlike the equivalent mutants in E. coli which are smooth swimming. Tethered cheA mutant cells showed normal responses to changes in organic acids, but increased, inverted responses to sugars. The unusual behaviour of the cheA mutant and the identification of two homologues of cheY suggests that R. sphaeroides has at least two pathways controlling motor activity. To identify functional similarity between the newly identified R. sphaeroides Che pathway and the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP)-dependent pathway in enteric bacteria, the R. sphaeroides cheW gene was expressed in a cheW mutant strain of E. coli and found to complement, causing a partial return to a swarming phenotype. In addition, expression of the R. sphaeroides gene in wild-type E. coli resulted in the same increased tumbling and reduced swarming as seen when the native gene is over-expressed in E. coli . The identification of che homologues in R. sphaeroides and complementation by cheW suggests the presence of MCPs in an organism previously considered to use only MCP-independent sensing. The MCP-dependent pathway, appears conserved. In R. sphaeroides this pathway may mediate responses to sugars, while responses to organic acids may in involve a second system, possibly using the second CheY protein identified in this study.  相似文献   

The ubiquinol: cytochrome-c oxidoreductase (cytochrome bc1 complex) is a central component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as the respiratory and/or photosynthetic systems of numerous prokaryotic organisms. In Rhodobacter sphaeroides, the bc1 complex has a dual function. When the cells are grown photosynthetically, the bc1 complex is present in the intracytoplasmic membrane and is a critical component of the cyclic electron transport system. When the cells are grown in the dark in the presence of oxygen, the same bc1 complex is a necessary component of the cytochrome-c2-dependent respiratory chain. The fact that the bc1 complex from R. sphaeroides has been extensively studied, plus the ability to manipulate this organism genetically, makes this an ideal system for using site-directed mutagenesis to address questions relating to the structure and function of the bc1 complex. In the current work, the cloning and complete sequence of the fbc operon from R. sphaeroides is reported. As in other bacteria, this operon contains three genes, encoding the Rieske 2Fe-2S subunit, the cytochrome b subunit, and the cytochrome c1 subunit. Recombination techniques were used to delete the entire fbc operon from the chromosome. The resulting strain cannot grow photosynthetically, but can grow aerobically utilizing a quinol oxidase. Photosynthetic growth is restored by providing fbc operon on a plasmid, and the reappearance of the protein subunits and the spectroscopic features due to the bc1 complex are also demonstrated. Finally, a mutation is introduced within the gene encoding the cytochrome b subunit which is predicted to confer resistance to the inhibitor myxothiazol. It is shown that the resulting strain contains a functional bc1 complex which, as expected, is resistant to the inhibitor. Hence, this system is suitable for the detailed characterization of the bc1 complex, combining site-directed mutagenesis with the biochemical and biophysical techniques which have been previously developed for the study of photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of water-soluble nonstarch polysaccharides (sNSP) on human metabolism are considered to be beneficial because they decrease postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia following ingestion of starch-rich foods. The mechanisms by which sNSP attenuate the postprandial rise in blood glucose are not well understood but their presence increases the viscosity of gastrointestinal contents, which affects physiological functions, e.g. gastric emptying and peristalsis. Increased viscosity and decreased water activity during hydrothermal treatment of starch could influence alpha-amylase action.Using guar galactomannan as a representative of sNSP, we found that galactomannan has a direct noncompetitive inhibitory effect on alpha-amylase with a K(i) value of approximately 0.5% (3.3 microM). The inhibition is not time dependent and studies suggest direct binding of the enzyme to galactomannan; the resulting galactomannan-amylase complex being inactive. Processing of starch at low water levels greatly affects the catalytic efficiency of alpha-amylase. The Km value for starch heat treated in limited water is raised and kcat is lowered relative to starch gelatinised in excess water. Since galactomannan has no effect on the Km of alpha-amylase, we conclude that the inhibitory action of the polymer is not secondary to a decrease in available water. Neither does it seem to be a consequence of impaired diffusion of enzyme, substrate and products because of an increase in viscosity of the medium.Thus, the effects of sNSP in lowering postprandial glycaemia not only involve modifications of gut physiology, but also include direct inhibition of the first stage in the biochemical degradation of starch.  相似文献   

A Rhodobacter sphaeroides ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RubisCO) deletion strain was constructed that was complemented by plasmids containing either the form I or form II CO2 fixation gene cluster. This strain was also complemented by genes encoding foreign RubisCO enzymes expressed from a Rhodospirillum rubrum RubisCO promoter. In R. sphaeroides, the R. rubrum promoter was regulated, resulting in variable levels of disparate RubisCO molecules under different growth conditions. Photosynthetic growth of the R. sphaeroides deletion strain complemented with cyanobacterial RubisCO revealed physiological properties reflective of the unique cellular environment of the cyanobacterial enzyme. The R. sphaeroides RubisCO deletion strain and R. rubrum promoter system may be used to assess the properties of mutagenized proteins in vivo, as well as provide a potential means to select for altered RubisCO molecules after random mutagenesis of entire genes or gene regions encoding RubisCO enzymes.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic prokaryotes that assimilate CO2 under anoxic conditions may also grow chemolithoautotrophically with O2 as the electron acceptor. Among the nonsulfur purple bacteria, two species (Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodopseudomonas acidophilus), exhibit aerobic chemolithoautotrophic growth with hydrogen as the electron donor. Although wild-type strains of Rhodobacter sphaeroides grow poorly, if at all, with hydrogen plus oxygen in the dark, we report here the isolation of a spontaneous mutant (strain HR-CAC) of Rba. sphaeroides strain HR that is fully capable of this mode of growth. Rba. sphaeroides and Rba. capsulatus fix CO2 via the reductive pentose phosphate pathway and synthesize two forms of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO). RubisCO levels in the aerobic-chemolithoautotrophic-positive strain of Rba. sphaeroides were similar to those in wild-type strains of Rba. sphaeroides and Rba. capsulatus during photoheterotrophic and photolithoautotrophic growth. Moreover, RubisCO levels of Rba. sphaeroides strain HR-CAC approximated levels obtained in Rba. capsulatus when the organisms were grown as aerobic chemolithoautotrophs. Either form I or form II RubisCO was able to support aerobic chemolithoautotrophic growth of Rba. capsulatus strain SB 1003 and Rba. sphaeroides strain HR-CAC at a variety of CO2 concentrations, although form II RubisCO began to lose the capacity to support aerobic CO2 fixation at high O2 to CO2 ratios. The latter property and other facets of the physiology of this system suggest that Rba. sphaeroides and Rba. capsulatus strains may be effectively employed for the biological selection of RubisCO molecules of altered substrate specificity. Received: 8 August 1997 / Accepted: 26 December 1997  相似文献   

Dragnea V  Arunkumar AI  Lee CW  Giedroc DP  Bauer CE 《Biochemistry》2010,49(50):10682-10690
The AppA BLUF photoreceptor from Rhodobacter sphaeroides contains a conserved key residue, Gln63, that is thought to undergo a shift in hydrogen-bonding interactions when a bound flavin is light excited. In this study we have characterized two substitution mutants of Gln63 (Q63E, Q63L) in the context of two constructs of the BLUF domain that have differing lengths, AppA1-126 and AppA17-133. Q63L mutations in both constructs exhibit a blue-shifted flavin absorption spectrum as well as a loss of the photocycle. Altered fluorescence emission and fluorescence quenching of the Q63L mutant indicate significant perturbations of hydrogen bonding to the flavin and surrounding amino acids which is confirmed by (1)H-(15)N HSQC NMR spectroscopy. The Q63E substitution mutant is constitutively locked in a lit signaling state as evidenced by a permanent 3 nm red shift of the flavin absorption, quenching of flavin fluorescence emission, analysis of (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra, and the inability of full-length AppA Q63E to bind to the PpsR repressor. The significance of these findings on the mechanism of light-induced output signaling is discussed.  相似文献   

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