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Thirty-nine riboflavin-deficient mutants have been isolated from three yeast strains of Pichia guilliermondii (ATSS 9058, VKM Y-1256, VKM Y-1257) and F5-121 mutant which is capable of production of large amounts of riboflavin in the presence of iron in the medium. All mutants were divided into five groups according to the nature of precursors accumulated in the medium and growth reaction in media with 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumasine and diacetyl. The mutants of the first group did not accumulate specific precursors of riboflavin either in the cells or in the medium. The mutants of the second, third and fourth groups accumulated, after the incubation with diacetyl, 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6,7-dimethylpteridine, 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6,7-dimethyl-8-ribitylpteridine and 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumasine; therefore, they synthesized the following precursors of riboflavin: 2,4,5-triamino-6-hydroxy-pyrimidine, 2,5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-ribitylaminopyrimidine and 2,6-dihydroxy-5-amino-4-ribitylaminopyrimidine. The mutants of the fifth group accumulated 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumasine in the medium and lacked riboflavin synthetase activity, as was confirmed by enzymatic studies.  相似文献   

93 mutants resistant to 8-azaguanine (AGR-mutants) were derived from the strain of Pichia guilliermondii with blocked guanine deaminase (EC by UV-irradiation. The mutants retained the ability to uptake 8-azaguanine and guanine but could not deaminate guanine. Some of the AGR-mutants were found to accumulate large amounts of hypoxanthine and small amounts of guanine in the cultural medium. The inhibitory effect of guanine and 8-azaguanine but not adenine on the purine biosynthesis de novo was considerably decreased. It was established observing the rates of 5 amino 4-imidazoleribotide accumulation in purine-requiring AGR-mutants in the presence of different purines. The regulation of the activity and biosynthesis of IMP-dehydrogenase (EC 1. 2. 1. 14) with guanine compounds in AGR-mutants was completely preserved. Under cultivating in iron-rich medium all the AGR-mutants accumulated more riboflavin than the strain H-101 and the wild type strain. That occured as a result of the increase of flavinogenesis velocity in AGR-mutants during late logarithmic and negative growth acceleration phases. Some of mutants also synthesized more riboflavin in iron-deficient medium. Depression of riboflavine synthetase was not observed in the iron-rich cells of AGR-mutants.  相似文献   

114 riboflavinless mutants were selected from the genetic line of Pichia guilliermondii yeast. By means of accumulation test the mutants were divided into five biochemical groups. In genetic experiments seven complementation classes were found among 106 mutants. The strains of the I biochemical group, accumulating no specific products, corresponded to complementation class rib1; II group, accumulating 2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine - to the class rib2; III group, accumulating 2,6-dihydroxy-4-ribitylaminopyrimidine - to the class rib3; the mutants of the IV group, accumulating 2,6-dihydroxy-5-amino-4-ribitylaminopyrimidine, were divided into three complementation classes rib4, rib5 and rib6; the mutants of the V group, acculumating 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine, corresponded to the class rib7. Two mutants of the IV biochemical group within complementation classes rib4 and rib5 were detected could not grow in the medium with diacetyl without riboflavin. Intragenic complementation was found within classes rib6 and rib7. No linkage between mutations of different complementation classes was detected.  相似文献   

Pichia guilliermondii is a representative of a yeast species, all of which over-synthesize riboflavin in response to iron deprivation. Molecular genetic studies in this yeast species have been hampered by a lack of strain-specific tools for gene manipulation. Stable P. guilliermondii ura3 mutants were selected on the basis of 5'-fluoroorotic acid resistance. Plasmid carrying Saccharomyces cerevisiae URA3 gene transformed the mutant strains to prototrophy with a low efficiency. Substitution of a single leucine codon CUG by another leucine codon CUC in the URA3 gene increased the efficiency of transformation 100 fold. Deletion cassettes for the RIB1 and RIB7 genes, coding for GTP cyclohydrolase and riboflavin synthase, respectively, were constructed using the modified URA3 gene and subsequently introduced into a P. guilliermondii ura3 strain. Site-specific integrants were identified by selection for the Rib(-) Ura(+) phenotype and confirmed by PCR analysis. Transformation of the P. guilliermondii ura3 strain was performed using electroporation, spheroplasting or lithium acetate treatment. Only the lithium acetate transformation procedure provided selection of uracil prototrophic, riboflavin deficient recombinant strains. Depending on the type of cassette, efficiency of site-specific integration was 0.1% and 3-12% in the case of the RIB1 and RIB7 genes, respectively. We suggest that the presence of the ARS element adjacent to the 3' end of the RIB1 gene significantly reduced the frequency of homologous recombination. Efficient gene deletion in P. guilliermondii can be achieved using the modified URA3 gene of S. cerevisiae flanked by 0.8-0.9 kb sequences homologous to the target gene.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the synthesis of a riboflavin (RF) precursor, 2,6-dihydroxy-5-amino-4-ribitylaminopyrimidine (DHARAP), was studied using the washed cells of RF-deficient mutants of Pichia guilliermondii R7G and Pichia ohmeri R32 with blocked lumasine synthetase. RF inhibited the synthesis of DHARAP while cycloheximide in the absence of RF had no effect on this process. The data suggest that flavins regulate the biosynthesis of RF in P. guillier mondii and P. ohmeri b7 means of feed-back inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

Pichia guilliermondii is a representative of a group of so-called flavinogenic yeast species that overproduce riboflavin (vitamin B(2)) in response to iron limitation. Using insertion mutagenesis, we isolated P. guilliermondii mutants overproducing riboflavin. Analysis of nucleotide sequence of recombination sites revealed that insertion cassettes integrated into the genome disrupting P. guilliermondii genes similar to the VMA1 gene of Ashbya gossypii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and FES1 and FRA1 genes of S. cerevisiae. The constructed P. guilliermondiiΔvma1-17 mutant possessed five- to sevenfold elevated riboflavin production and twofold decreased iron cell content as compared with the parental strain. Pichia guilliermondiiΔfra1-45 mutant accumulated 1.8-2.2-fold more iron in the cells and produced five- to sevenfold more riboflavin as compared with the parental strain. Both Δvma1-17 and Δfes1-77 knockout strains could not grow at 37 °C in contrast to the wild-type strain and the Δfra1-45 mutant. Increased riboflavin production by the wild-type strain was observed at 37 °C. Although the Δfes1-77 mutant did not overproduce riboflavin, it showed partial complementation when crossed with previously isolated P. guilliermondii riboflavin-overproducing mutant rib80-22. Complementation analysis revealed that Δvma1-17 and Δfra1-45 mutants are distinct from previously reported riboflavin-producing mutants hit1-1, rib80-22 and rib81-31 of this yeast.  相似文献   

The so far largely uncharacterized central carbon metabolism of the yeast Pichia stipitis was explored in batch and glucose-limited chemostat cultures using metabolic-flux ratio analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance. The concomitantly characterized network of active metabolic pathways was compared to those identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which led to the following conclusions. (i) There is a remarkably low use of the non-oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathway for glucose catabolism in S. cerevisiae when compared to P. stipitis batch cultures. (ii) Metabolism of P. stipitis batch cultures is fully respirative, which contrasts with the predominantly respiro-fermentative metabolic state of S. cerevisiae. (iii) Glucose catabolism in chemostat cultures of both yeasts is primarily oxidative. (iv) In both yeasts there is significant in vivo malic enzyme activity during growth on glucose. (v) The amino acid biosynthesis pathways are identical in both yeasts. The present investigation thus demonstrates the power of metabolic-flux ratio analysis for comparative profiling of central carbon metabolism in lower eukaryotes. Although not used for glucose catabolism in batch culture, we demonstrate that the PP pathway in S. cerevisiae has a generally high catabolic capacity by overexpressing the Escherichia coli transhydrogenase UdhA in phosphoglucose isomerase-deficient S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions of the cytochemical assay for acid phosphatase in protoplasts and whole cells of S. cerevisiae have been described. Dimethyl sulfoxide was used to increase the permeability of the yeast cell envelope. In the yeast cells, grown up to the end of the exponential phase, acid phosphatase is shown to be located mainly in the central vacuole and on the cell envelope surface. A considerable activity of acid phosphatase is demonstrable on the surface of the plasma membrane and within adjacent vesicles that represent, presumably, part of the endoplasmic reticulum. Acid phosphatase can be considered as a marker enzyme for yeast cell vacuoles.  相似文献   

Pichia yeasts have been recognized as important microbial cell factories in the biotechnological industry. Notably, the Pichia pastoris and Pichia stipitis species have attracted much research interest due to their unique cellular physiology and metabolic capability: P. pastoris has the ability to utilize methanol for cell growth and recombinant protein production, while P. stipitis is capable of assimilating xylose to produce ethanol under oxygen-limited conditions. To harness these characteristics for biotechnological applications, it is highly required to characterize their metabolic behavior. Recently, following the genome sequencing of these two Pichia species, genome-scale metabolic networks have been reconstructed to model the yeasts’ metabolism from a systems perspective. To date, there are three genome-scale models available for each of P. pastoris and P. stipitis. In this mini-review, we provide an overview of the models, discuss certain limitations of previous studies, and propose potential future works that can be conducted to better understand and engineer Pichia yeasts for industrial applications.  相似文献   

The paper describes the conditions in which the spheroplasts of the yeast Torulopsis candida IBFM-Y-127 with a high respiration rate can be isolated. The preliminary incubation of the cells with SH-reagents has to be carried out in a buffer without an osmotic stabilizer, and the incubation in a medium containing 0.6 M KCL, 0.1 M MgSO4, 0.1 MKH2PO4, pH 5.2. In these conditions the cells are incubated with the enzyme from Helix pomatia during 15 to 20 minutes, and the yield of the spheroplasts is 95 to 100 per cent. The spheroplasts oxidize various substrates (glucose, acetate, ethanol) at the same, or even higher, rate as the intact cells.  相似文献   

As part of a comparative genomics project on 13 hemiascomycetous yeasts, the Pichia angusta type strain was studied using a partial random sequencing strategy. With coverage of 0.5 genome equivalents, about 2500 novel protein-coding genes were identified, probably corresponding to more than half of the P. angusta protein-coding genes, 6% of which do not have homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Some of them contain one or two introns, on average three times shorter than those in S. cerevisiae. We also identified 28 tRNA genes, a few retrotransposons similar to Ty5 of S. cerevisiae, solo long terminal repeats, the whole ribosomal DNA cluster, and segments of mitochondrial DNA. The P. angusta sequences were deposited in EMBL under the accession numbers AL430961 to AL436044.  相似文献   

Glucose transport activity was determined on erythrocytes from healthy adult and children. A large variability of values was found between each donor, but transport rate was significantly higher in erythrocytes from adults than those from children. In opposite, the same number of glucose transport sites was found on erythrocytes from adult and children, suggesting that transporters from adult erythrocytes exhibited an higher own activity than transporters from child erythrocytes. Involvement of various factors in glucose transport activity was discussed.  相似文献   

The utilization of D-ribose by yeasts of the genus Pichia was examined with respect to aerobic growth, respiration and entry of ribose into the cells. Pichia etchellsii (CBS2011) could respire D-ribose, but not use it for aerobic growth. Pichia fermentans (CBS187) neither respired nor grew on D-ribose, though it entered the cells of this yeast either by simple diffusion, or possibly, by the D-glucose carrier, this having a very low affinity for D-ribose. Pichia pinus (CBS5097) respired and grew on D-ribose; kinetic evidence is given for this yeast having two ribose carriers, one inducible and the other constitutive.  相似文献   

Conditionally pathogenic species Pichia guilliermondii which, being parenterally introduced to white mice, induced pathological changes in viscera and rarely death, has been revealed among species of genus Pichia previously considered as a nonpathogenic genus. The strains differ considerably between themselves in virulence. The latter does not depend on the yeast sex and the source of strain isolation.  相似文献   

By heat treatment killer strains of the type K1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are known to harbour dsRNA plasmids were completely cured, whereas only a small fraction of the clones of the killer type K2 had lost the dsRNA dependent killer character. The K2 killers but not the strains of killer type K1 were easily cured by cycloheximide. Killer strains of Hanseniaspora uvarum were not curable by heat treatment. Curing was successfull with cycloheximide or 5-fluorouracil. Two double-stranded RNA plasmids were detected in the killer strains of H. uvarum. The smaller dsRNA plasmid was absent in the strains that were cured of their killer character by 5-fluorouracil. The killer character of H. uvarum was transferred to S. cerevisiae by spheroplast fusion. The fusion products showing the killer character contained both dsRNA plasmids, obviously the smaller plasmid (M-dsRNA) carries the genes for killer toxin formation. Killer strains of Pichia kluyveri were not curable of their killer character, in these strains no dsRNA plasmids were detected.This paper was kindly supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The total amylolytic activity of 14 selected fermentation type I members of the generaSaccharomyces, Zygosaccharomyces, Candida andTorulopsis was studied. Fractions with α-glucosidase activity, the specificty of which was tested for maltose and sucrose, were isolated on carboxymethyl-cellulose from the intracellular contents of two strains ofCandida albicans and one ofCandida stellatoidea. The fraction from the strainCandida albicans 29-3-109, which is more virulent for mice, displayed the greatest α-glucosidase activity, moderate activity was present in the strainCandida stellatoidea 29-64-1, while the lowest activity was found in the less virulent strain ofCandida albicans, 29-3-19.  相似文献   

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