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In eukaryotes, recombinational repair is choreographed by multiprotein complexes that are organized into focal assemblies. These foci are highly dynamic giga-dalton structures capable of simultaneously repairing multiple DNA lesions. Moreover, the composition of these repair centers depends on the nature of the DNA lesion and is tightly coordinated with progression of the cell cycle. Components of DNA repair centers are regulated by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation. Repair foci progress through four distinct stages: first, DNA damage recognition and binding of DNA ends by the Mre11 complex and Ku70/80; second, end-processing and binding of single-stranded DNA by replication protein A, which recruits checkpoint proteins; third, recombinational repair during S and G(2) phase; and fourth, disassembly of foci and resumption of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cejka P  Jiricny J 《Genetics》2008,179(4):1835-1844
Methylating agents of S(N)1 type are widely used in cancer chemotherapy, but their mode of action is poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear how the primary cytotoxic lesion, O(6)-methylguanine ((Me)G), causes cell death. One hypothesis stipulates that binding of mismatch repair (MMR) proteins to (Me)G/T mispairs arising during DNA replication triggers cell-cycle arrest and cell death. An alternative hypothesis posits that (Me)G cytotoxicity is linked to futile processing of (Me)G-containing base pairs by the MMR system. In this study, we provide compelling genetic evidence in support of the latter hypothesis. Treatment of 4644 deletion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the prototypic S(N)1-type methylating agent N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) identified MMR as the only pathway that sensitizes cells to MNNG. In contrast, homologous recombination (HR), postreplicative repair, DNA helicases, and chromatin maintenance factors protect yeast cells against the cytotoxicity of this chemical. Notably, DNA damage signaling proteins played a protective rather than sensitizing role in the MNNG response. Taken together, this evidence demonstrates that (Me)G-containing lesions in yeast must be processed to be cytotoxic.  相似文献   

The RAD6 pathway allows replication across DNA lesions by either an error-prone or error-free mode. Error-prone replication involves translesion polymerases and requires monoubiquitylation at lysine (K) 164 of PCNA by the Rad6 and Rad18 enzymes. By contrast, the error-free bypass is triggered by modification of PCNA by K63-linked polyubiquitin chains, a reaction that requires in addition to Rad6 and Rad18 the enzymes Rad5 and Ubc13-Mms2. Here, we show that the RAD6 pathway is also critical for controlling repair pathways that act on DNA double-strand breaks. By using gapped plasmids as substrates, we found that repair in wild-type cells proceeds almost exclusively by homology-dependent repair (HDR) using chromosomal DNA as a template, whereas non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is suppressed. In contrast, in cells deficient in PCNA polyubiquitylation, plasmid repair occurs largely by NHEJ. Mutant cells that are completely deficient in PCNA ubiquitylation, repair plasmids by HDR similar to wild-type cells. These findings are consistent with a model in which unmodified PCNA supports HDR, whereas PCNA monoubiquitylation diverts repair to NHEJ, which is suppressed by PCNA polyubiquitylation. More generally, our data suggest that the balance between HDR and NHEJ pathways is crucially controlled by genes of the RAD6 pathway through modifications of PCNA.  相似文献   

Checkpoint pathways regulate genomic integrity in part by blocking anaphase until all chromosomes have been completely replicated, repaired, and correctly aligned on the spindle. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA damage and mono-oriented or unattached kinetochores trigger checkpoint pathways that bifurcate to regulate both the metaphase to anaphase transition and mitotic exit. The sensor-associated kinase, Mec1, phosphorylates two downstream kinases, Chk1 and Rad53. Activation of Chk1 and Rad53 prevents anaphase and causes inhibition of the mitotic exit network. We have previously shown that the PKA pathway plays a role in blocking securin and Clb2 destruction following DNA damage. Here we show that the Mec1 DNA damage checkpoint regulates phosphorylation of the regulatory (R) subunit of PKA following DNA damage and that the phosphorylated R subunit has a role in restraining mitosis following DNA damage. In addition we found that proteins known to regulate PKA in response to nutrients and stress either by phosphorylation of the R subunit or regulating levels of cAMP are required for the role of PKA in the DNA damage checkpoint. Our data indicate that there is cross-talk between the DNA damage checkpoint and the proteins that integrate nutrient and stress signals to regulate PKA.  相似文献   

The interacting pathways for prevention and repair of oxidative DNA damage   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

It is well established that DNA damage induces checkpoint-mediated interphase arrest in higher eukaryotes, but recent studies demonstrate that DNA damage delays entry into anaphase as well. Damaged DNA in syncytial and gastrulating Drosophila embryos delays the metaphase/anaphase transition . In human cultured cells, DNA damage also induces a delay in mitosis . However, the mechanism by which DNA damage delays the anaphase onset is controversial. Some studies implicate a DNA damage checkpoint , whereas other studies invoke a spindle checkpoint . To resolve this issue, we compared the effects of random DNA breaks induced by X-irradiation to site-specific I-CreI endonuclease-induced chromosome breaks on cell-cycle progression in wild-type and checkpoint-defective Drosophila neuroblasts. We found that both the BubR1 spindle checkpoint pathway and the Grp/Chk1 DNA damage checkpoint pathway are involved in delaying the metaphase/anaphase transition after extensive X-irradiation-induced DNA damage, whereas Grp/Chk1, but not BubR1, is required to delay anaphase onset in the presence of I-CreI-induced double-strand breaks. On the basis of these results, we propose that DNA damage in nonkinetochore regions produces a Grp/Chk1 DNA-damage-checkpoint-mediated delay in the metaphase/anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Activation of DNA damage checkpoint pathways, including Chk2, serves as an anticancer barrier in precancerous lesions. In an effort to identify small-molecule activators of Chk2, the authors developed a quantitative cell-based assay using a high-content analysis (HCA) platform. Induction of phosphorylated Chk2 was evaluated using several different parameters, including fold induction, Kolmogorov-Smirnov score, and percentage of positively stained cells. These measurements were highly correlated and provided an accurate method for compound ranking/binning, structure-activity relationship studies, and lead identification. Screening for Chk2 activators was undertaken with a target-focused library and a diversified library from ArQule chemical space. Several compounds exhibited submicromolar EC( 50) values for phosphorylated Chk2 induction. These compounds were further analyzed for Chk2-dependent cytotoxicity, as assessed through a high-content cell death assay in combination with siRNA silencing of Chk2 expression. Several compounds were identified and showed specific inhibition or lethality in a target-dependent manner. Therefore, identification of DNA damage checkpoint pathway activators by HCA is an attractive approach for discovering the next generation of targeted cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Aptx gene lead to a neurological disorder known as ataxia oculomotor apraxia-1. The product of Aptx is Aprataxin (Aptx), a DNA-binding protein that resolves abortive DNA ligation intermediates. Aprataxin catalyzes the nucleophilic release of adenylate groups covalently linked to 5' phosphate termini, resulting in termini that can again serve as substrates for DNA ligases. Here we show that Aprataxin acts preferentially on adenylated nicks and double-strand breaks rather than on single-stranded DNA. Moreover, we show that whereas the catalytic activity of Aptx resides within the HIT domain, the C-terminal zinc finger domain provides stabilizing contacts that lock the enzyme onto its high affinity AMP-DNA target site. Both domains are therefore required for efficient AMP-DNA hydrolase activity. Additionally, we find a role for Aprataxin in base excision repair, specifically in the removal of adenylates that arise from abortive ligation reactions that take place at incised abasic sites in DNA. We suggest that Aprataxin may have a general proofreading function in DNA repair, removing DNA adenylates as they arise during single-strand break repair, double-strand break repair, and in base excision repair.  相似文献   

Previously, it was implicated that p53 plays a role in spermatogenesis. Here we report that p53 knockout mice exhibit significantly less mature motile spermatozoa than their p53(+/+) counterparts. To better understand the role of p53 in spermatogenesis, we analyzed the response of spermatogenic cells to DNA insult during prophase. It was found that although low-level gamma-irradiation activated a p53-dependent premeiotic delay, higher levels of gamma-irradiation induced a p53-independent apoptosis during meiosis. Furthermore, p53 knockout mice exhibited reduced in vivo levels of unscheduled DNA synthesis, indicative of compromised DNA repair. Thus, p53 provides another level of stringency in addition to other spermatogenic "quality control" mechanisms.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Kim CH 《Molecules and cells》2002,13(2):159-166
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase that is activated upon DNA damage generated by ionizing radiation or UV-irradiation. It is a three-protein complex consisting of a 470-kDa catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and the regulatory DNA binding subunits, Ku heterodimer (Ku70 and Ku80). Mouse and human cells deficient in DNA-PKcs are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and defective in V(D)J recombination, suggesting a role for the kinase in double-strand break repair and recombination. The Ku heterodimer binds to double-strand DNA breaks produced by either DNA damage or recombination, protects DNA ends from degradation, orients DNA ends for re-ligation, and recruits its catalytic subunit and additional factors necessary for successful end-joining. DNA-PK is also involved in an early stage of damage-induced cell cycle arrest, however, it remains unclear how the enzyme senses DNA damage and transmits signals to downstream gene(s) and proteins.  相似文献   

DNA replication as a target of the DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Faithful inheritance of the genome from mother to daughter cell requires that it is replicated accurately, in its entirety, exactly once. DNA replication not only has to have high fidelity, but also has to cope with exogenous and endogenous agents that damage DNA during the life cycle of a cell. The DNA damage checkpoint, which monitors and responds to defects in the genome, is critical for the completion of replication. The focus of this review is how DNA replication is regulated by the checkpoint response in the presence of DNA damage and fork stalling agents.  相似文献   

DNA损伤检验点调控的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guo YH  Zhu YB 《生理科学进展》2007,38(3):208-212
多种因素可以引起DNA损伤而最终导致基因产生错义突变、缺失或错误重组。为确保遗传准确性,细胞形成了复杂的细胞周期监督机制,即细胞周期检验点。其中DNA损伤检验点由许多检验点相关蛋白组成,可以识别损伤的DNA,经复杂的信号转导途径引发蛋白激酶的级联反应,减慢或阻滞细胞周期进程,从而为细胞修复损伤的DNA赢得时间。  相似文献   

Lisby M  Barlow JH  Burgess RC  Rothstein R 《Cell》2004,118(6):699-713
DNA repair is an essential process for preserving genome integrity in all organisms. In eukaryotes, recombinational repair is choreographed by multiprotein complexes that are organized into centers (foci). Here, we analyze the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Mre11 nuclease and the ATM-related Tel1 kinase are the first proteins detected at DSBs. Next, the Rfa1 single-strand DNA binding protein relocalizes to the break and recruits other key checkpoint proteins. Later and only in S and G2 phase, the homologous recombination machinery assembles at the site. Unlike the response to DSBs, Mre11 and recombination proteins are not recruited to hydroxyurea-stalled replication forks unless the forks collapse. The cellular response to DSBs and DNA replication stress is likely directed by the Mre11 complex detecting and processing DNA ends in conjunction with Sae2 and by RP-A recognizing single-stranded DNA and recruiting additional checkpoint and repair proteins.  相似文献   

The S-phase checkpoint activated at replication forks coordinates DNA replication when forks stall because of DNA damage or low deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate pools. We explore the involvement of replication forks in coordinating the S-phase checkpoint using dun1Delta cells that have a defect in the number of stalled forks formed from early origins and are dependent on the DNA damage Chk1p pathway for survival when replication is stalled. We show that providing additional origins activated in early S phase and establishing a paused fork at a replication fork pause site restores S-phase checkpoint signaling to chk1Delta dun1Delta cells and relieves the reliance on the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Origin licensing and activation are controlled by the cyclin-Cdk complexes. Thus, oncogene-mediated deregulation of cyclins in the early stages of cancer development could contribute to genomic instability through a deficiency in the forks required to establish the S-phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

The conserved checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Rad53-Dun1 block the metaphase to anaphase transition by the phosphorylation and stabilization of securin, and block the mitotic exit network regulated by the Bfa1-Bub2 complex. However, both chk1 and rad53 mutants are able to exit from mitosis and initiate a new cell cycle, suggesting that both pathways have supporting functions in restraining anaphase and in blocking the inactivation of mitotic cyclin-Cdk1 complexes. Here we find that the cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway supports Chk1 in the regulation of mitosis by targeting the mitotic inducer Cdc20. Cdc20 is phosphorylated on PKA consensus sites after DNA damage, and this phosphorylation requires the Atr orthologue Mec1 and the PKA catalytic subunits Tpk1 and Tpk2. We show that the inactivation of PKA or expression of phosphorylation-defective Cdc20 proteins accelerates securin and Clb2 destruction in chk1 mutants and is sufficient to remove most of the DNA damage-induced delay. Mutation of the Cdc20 phosphorylation sites permitted the interaction of Cdc20 with Clb2 under conditions that should halt cell cycle progression. These data show that PKA pathways regulate mitotic progression through Cdc20 and support the DNA damage checkpoint pathways in regulating the destruction of Clb2 and securin.  相似文献   

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