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The fates of genetically modified (GM)Escherichia coli andPseudomonas putida in the corn rhizosphere were investigated. Under hydrophonic and sterile conditions, both bacteria grew well in the presence of root exudates used as a sole carbon source. The growth patterns of wild types and genetically modified strains ofE. coli andP. putida were similar under the conditions tested.The presence of rhizospheric microorganisms affected the survival pattern ofE. coli. In the presence of corn roots and rhizospheric microorganisms,E. coli numbers increased during the first 3 days but were later drastically reduced, probably as a result of competition with rhizospheric microorganisms for the carbon source. However, in the presence of rhizospheric microorganisms,P. putida survived better thanE. coli in the simulated corn rhizosphere.  相似文献   

A high percentage of photosynthetically assimilated carbon is released into soil via root exudates, which are acknowledged as the most important factor for the development of microbial rhizosphere communities. As quality and quantity of root exudates are dependent on plant genotype, the genetic engineering of plants might also influence carbon partitioning within the plant and thus microbial rhizosphere community structure. In this study, the carbon allocation patterns within the plant-rhizosphere system of a genetically modified amylopectin-accumulating potato line (Solanum tuberosum L.) were linked to microbial degraders of root exudates under greenhouse conditions, using (13)C-CO(2) pulse-chase labelling in combination with phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. In addition, GM plants were compared with the parental cultivar as well as a second potato cultivar obtained by classical breeding. Rhizosphere samples were obtained during young leaf developmental and flowering stages. (13)C allocation in aboveground plant biomass, water-extractable organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon and PLFA as well as the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere varied significantly between the natural potato cultivars. However, no differences between the GM line and its parental cultivar were observed. Besides the considerable impact of plant cultivar, the plant developmental stage affected carbon partitioning via the plant into the rhizosphere and, subsequently, microbial communities involved in the transformation of root exudates.  相似文献   

Edible genetically modified microorganisms and plants for improved health   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of new strategies for the delivery of vaccine antigens or immune modulators to the mucosal tissue includes innovative approaches such as the use of genetically modified food microorganisms and plants. Even though the 'proof-of-concept' has recently been established for these two systems, key questions mainly related to efficacy and risk of breaking oral tolerance remain to be critically addressed in the immediate future.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(6):407-416
Time consuming potato breeding programmes for virus resistances may be shortened by engineering virus resistance in existing cultivars or advanced breeding lines. Under field conditions genetically modified potato plants expressing viral coat protein genes of potato virus X, Y and potato leaf roll virus showed improved resistance up to near immunity. Despite the occurence of variation in the level of virus resistance and in phenotypic identity, in all cases true to type transgenic clones with improved virus resistance could be selected. These results indicate that improving potato cultivars or advanced breeding lines, by selectively adding new traits while preserving intrinsic properties, is commercially feasible.  相似文献   

The progression towards greater industrial sustainability involves the analysis of biotechnology as a means of achieving clean or cleaner products and processes. Because living systems manage their chemistry more efficiently than man-made factories, and their wastes tend to be recyclable and biodegradable, they can be expected to be more environmentally clean. Industry has begun to use enzymes instead of traditional catalysts in many industrial production processes. The future holds obstacles as well as opportunities for biotechnological applications. A greater ability to manipulate biological materials and processes will have significant impact on manufacturing industries. A growing proportion of biotechnologyderived processes and products is based on the use of genetically modified microorganisms. This extends the analysis from the aspect of cleanliness to the aspect of safety.  相似文献   

不同有机肥对土壤镉锌生物有效性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在南方典型稻田设置连续4年施用猪粪、鸡粪、稻草的定位试验,监测施用不同有机肥条件下土壤及水稻植株镉(Cd)、锌(Zn)含量的变化,研究有机肥对土壤Cd、Zn活性及其交互作用的影响.结果表明: 施用有机肥(猪粪、鸡粪、稻草)对土壤全Cd、有效态Cd含量及Cd活性皆无显著影响,但有增加土壤Cd全量的趋势,且显著增加土壤全Zn、有效态Zn含量及Zn活性.施用猪粪、鸡粪、稻草皆可降低稻米Cd含量,降Cd效果为猪粪>鸡粪>稻草,猪粪处理水稻稻米、茎、叶Cd含量分别比对照下降37.5%、44.0%、36.4%;鸡粪处理水稻米、茎、叶Cd含量分别比对照下降22.5%、33.8%、22.7%;而稻草处理水稻米Cd含量比对照下降7.5%,但茎、叶Cd含量比对照分别增加8.2%、22.7%;施用猪粪、鸡粪降低稻米Cd含量主要是降低了水稻植株对土壤Cd的富集,而施用稻草则主要是降低了水稻茎Cd向稻米的转运.施用有机肥还增加了水稻茎Zn含量,施用猪粪、鸡粪、稻草的水稻茎Zn含量比单施化肥分别增加53.4%、41.2%、13.9%,但对水稻稻米、叶Zn含量无显著影响.Zn、Cd在土壤、植株茎中皆表现出显著的拮抗作用,土壤及水稻茎Zn含量的增加显著抑制了水稻米、茎、叶对Cd的吸收积累,且随土壤有效态Zn/Cd含量比值的增加,Zn、Cd竞争土壤吸附不是抑制水稻吸收积累Cd的主控因子,而Zn、Cd竞争吸收才是影响水稻吸收积累Cd的主控因子.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is a hot spot of microbial interactions as exudates released by plant roots are a main food source for microorganisms and a driving force of their population density and activities. The rhizosphere harbors many organisms that have a neutral effect on the plant, but also attracts organisms that exert deleterious or beneficial effects on the plant. Microorganisms that adversely affect plant growth and health are the pathogenic fungi, oomycetes, bacteria and nematodes. Most of the soilborne pathogens are adapted to grow and survive in the bulk soil, but the rhizosphere is the playground and infection court where the pathogen establishes a parasitic relationship with the plant. The rhizosphere is also a battlefield where the complex rhizosphere community, both microflora and microfauna, interact with pathogens and influence the outcome of pathogen infection. A wide range of microorganisms are beneficial to the plant and include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, and plant growth-promoting bacteria and fungi. This review focuses on the population dynamics and activity of soilborne pathogens and beneficial microorganisms. Specific attention is given to mechanisms involved in the tripartite interactions between beneficial microorganisms, pathogens and the plant. We also discuss how agricultural practices affect pathogen and antagonist populations and how these practices can be adopted to promote plant growth and health.  相似文献   

基因工程菌发酵生产L-乳酸研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳酸是重要的工业平台化学品。随着聚乳酸产业的兴起,对高质量L-乳酸的需求量也不断增加。为了进一步降低L-乳酸发酵成本,提高菌株的工业适应性,各种现代生物技术已经应用到L-乳酸发酵菌种的改造上来。文中简要综述了近年来使用乳酸菌、酵母、大肠杆菌及米根霉等基因工程菌株发酵生产L-乳酸的技术进展。  相似文献   

入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)对我国农牧业生产造成了重大的损失。本文主要研究三叶鬼针草入侵与不同本地植物竞争对土壤微生物群落结构和土壤养分的影响。利用磷脂脂肪酸方法(phospholipid fatty acids, PLFAs)测定土壤微生物群落组成, 同时测定土壤养分和酶活性, 并利用Canoco4.5软件分析了土壤微生物、土壤养分和土壤酶活性的相关性。结果表明: (1)三叶鬼针草对革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌、丛枝菌根真菌等土壤微生物具有较强的聚集能力, 且其根际土壤聚集的微生物类群与本地植物种类密切相关。(2)三叶鬼针草入侵显著增加了入侵地土壤的有机碳含量, 降低了铵态氮的含量; 土壤中的速效钾、速效磷和硝态氮的含量则与本地植物种类密切相关。(3)相关性分析表明, 16:00和16:1 ω5c对铵态氮的含量影响较大, 而三叶鬼针草入侵地16:00和16:1 ω5c的含量显著高于裸土对照, 进而推测这一状况导致了铵态氮含量的降低。(4) 15:1 anteiso A和18:1 ω5c与速效钾的含量呈显著正相关, 而其含量在狗尾草(Setaria viridis)中显著高于其他处理, 三叶鬼针草与狗尾草混种处理中土壤中速效钾的含量高于其他处理。以上结果说明, 三叶鬼针草通过改变土壤微生物群落结构影响了土壤酶活性和土壤养分, 且这种改变与入侵地本地植物种类有关。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the herbicide management associated with genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) winter oilseed rape (WOSR) on weed and invertebrate abundance and diversity by testing the null hypotheses that there is no difference between the effects of herbicide management of GMHT WOSR and that of comparable conventional varieties. For total weeds, there were few treatment differences between GMHT and conventional cropping, but large and opposite treatment effects were observed for dicots and monocots. In the GMHT treatment, there were fewer dicots and monocots than in conventional crops. At harvest, dicot biomass and seed rain in the GMHT treatment were one-third of that in the conventional, while monocot biomass was threefold greater and monocot seed rain almost fivefold greater in the GMHT treatment than in the conventional. These differential effects persisted into the following two years of the rotation. Bees and Butterflies that forage and select for dicot weeds were less abundant in GMHT WORS management in July. Year totals for Collembola were greater under GMHT management. There were few other treatment effects on invertebrates, despite the marked effects of herbicide management on the weeds.  相似文献   

More and more studies on genetically modified plants are identifying parts of the genetic code with putative involvement in creating the cuticular barrier. Unfortunately, many of these studies suffer from the inadequacy of the chosen methods to quantify, in a reasonably unambiguous way, if and how the efficacy of the cuticular barrier is affected by the genetic change. A short overview of relevant findings is given and a more stringent experimental approach to quantifying effects on cuticular permeability in genetically modified plants proposed.  相似文献   



Transgenic expression of small RNAs is a prevalent approach in agrobiotechnology for the global enhancement of plant foods. Meanwhile, emerging studies have, on the one hand, emphasized the potential of transgenic microRNAs (miRNAs) as novel dietary therapeutics and, on the other, suggested potential food safety issues if harmful miRNAs are absorbed and bioactive. For these reasons, it is necessary to evaluate the bioavailability of transgenic miRNAs in genetically modified crops.


As a pilot study, two transgenic Arabidopsis lines ectopically expressing unique miRNAs were compared and contrasted with the plant bioavailable small RNA MIR2911 for digestive stability and serum bioavailability. The expression levels of these transgenic miRNAs in Arabidopsis were found to be comparable to that of MIR2911 in fresh tissues. Assays of digestive stability in vitro and in vivo suggested the transgenic miRNAs and MIR2911 had comparable resistance to degradation. Healthy mice consuming diets rich in Arabidopsis lines expressing these miRNAs displayed MIR2911 in the bloodstream but no detectable levels of the transgenic miRNAs.


These preliminary results imply digestive stability and high expression levels of miRNAs in plants do not readily equate to bioavailability. This initial work suggests novel engineering strategies be employed to enhance miRNA bioavailability when attempting to use transgenic foods as a delivery platform.

Pot and field experiments on small plots were carried out to study the effect of isolates ofPseudomonas fluorescens-putida bacteria, applied to potato tubers, on the growth response of potato plants. Inoculation of tuber pieces with the isolates in pot experiments caused a better growth of young potato plant (111 % increase). The effect depended on the viable count in the bacterial suspension and on growth conditions of the plants. Inoculation of potato seed pieces before planting in field experiments caused a 4 –30 % improvement in plant growth and tuber yield. The complex action of inoculation with rhizobacteria apparently caused changes in the microflora colonizing the roots and stolons, which in turn brought about a better growth and yield.  相似文献   

Genetically modified tobacco plants tolerant to high aluminum concentrations were developed by integration of constructs containing rhamnolipid genes (rhlA and rhlB). At an aluminum concentration of 200 mM in ionite soil, the control plants perished, whereas the transgenic plants, although they were inhibited, continued to grow and produced seeds.  相似文献   

In nature, plants are subject to various stresses that are often accompanied by wounding of the aboveground tissues. As wounding affects plants locally and systemically, we investigated the impact of leaf wounding on interactions of Medicago truncatula with root-colonizing microorganisms, such as the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices, the pathogenic oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches and the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. To obtain a long-lasting wound response, repeated wounding was performed and resulted in locally and systemically increased jasmonic acid (JA) levels accompanied by the expression of jasmonate-induced genes, among them the genes encoding allene oxide cyclase 1 (MtAOC1) and a putative cell wall-bound invertase (cwINV). After repeated wounding, colonization with the AM fungus was increased, suggesting a role of jasmonates as positive regulators of mycorrhization, whereas the interaction with the rhizobacterium was not affected. In contrast, wounded plants appeared to be less susceptible to pathogens which might be caused by JA-induced defence mechanisms. The effects of wounding on mycorrhization and pathogen infection could be partially mimicked by foliar application of JA. In addition to JA itself, the positive effect on mycorrhization might be mediated by systemically induced cwINV, which was previously shown to exhibit a regulatory function on interaction with AM fungi.  相似文献   

This article is focused on the problems of reduction of the risk associated with the deliberate release of genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) into the environment. Special attention is given to overview the most probable physiological and genetic processes which could be induced in the released GMMs by adverse environmental conditions, namely: (i) activation of quorum sensing and the functions associated with it, (ii) entering into a state of general resistance, (iii) activation of adaptive mutagenesis, adaptive amplifications and transpositions and (iv) stimulation of inter-species gene transfer. To reduce the risks associated with GMMs, the inactivation of their key genes responsible for stress-stimulated increase of viability and evolvability is proposed.  相似文献   

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