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Ovules of Nicotiana tabacum L. were cryofixed with a propane-jet freezer and freeze-substituted in acetone to examine technique-dependent changes in pre- and post-fertilization embryo sacs using rapidly frozen material. Freezing quality was acceptable in 10% of the embryo sacs in the partially dissected ovules, with ice-crystal damage frequently evident in vacuoles and nuclei. One of the two synergids begins to degenerate before pollen-tube arrival in cryofixed material, with breakdown of the plasma membrane and large chalazal vacuole delayed until the penetration of the pollen tube. Early synergid degeneration involved characteristic increases in cytoplasmic electron density and the generation of cytoplasmic bodies to the intercellular space through “pinching-off”. Upon pollen-tube arrival, the male gametes are released through a terminal aperture into the degenerate synergid. Sperm cells undergo morphological alteration before gametic fusion: their mitochondrial electron density increases, the endoplasmic reticulum dilates, cytoplasm becomes finely vacuolated and the surrounding pollen plasma membrane is lost, causing the sperm cells and vegetative nucleus to dissociate. Discharge of the pollen tube results in the formation of numerous enucleated cytoplasmic bodies which are either stripped or shed from sperm cells and pollen-tube cytoplasm. Two so-called X-bodies are found in the degenerate synergid after pollen-tube penetration: the presumed vegetative nucleus occurs at the chalazal end and the presumed synergid nucleus near the micropylar end.  相似文献   

Summary A 20%–25% yield of isolated and living embryo sacs of Petunia hybrida L. was obtained using an enzymatic maceration mixture containing 3% driselase (soluble fraction only), 0.1% MES buffer, pH 5.5, and 8% mannitol. For each maceration ± 450 ovules were incubated in 1 ml enzyme solution for 2 h at 30° C in a shaking waterbath (150 rpm). Subsequently, the enzyme solution was replaced by Brewbaker and Kwack's medium, pH 6.5, supplemented with 10% mannitol (BKM). Gentle agitation of the suspension resulted in the liberation of embryo sacs, which were then collected with a micropipette using a dissecting microscope and transferred to fresh BKM. The embryo sacs isolated are intact and living, and have maintained their original shape and organization When stored in BKM at room temperature the isolated embryo sacs remain alive for 8 h. Storage at 4° C results in a prolongation of viability of up to 80 h. Prolonged incubation of ovules or reincubation of isolated embryo sacs in the maceration mixture results in the liberation of the gametophytic cells as individual, living protoplasts.  相似文献   

The long-term viability of isolated embryo sacs was studied in maize. Fertilised embryo sacs were digested in order to remove most of the nucellus cells present on their surfaces and then transferred to culture. Experiments on 161 embryo sacs showed that isolation treatments using even minimal enzymatic digestion affected the further development of the embryo sacs. Few embryo sacs survived in culture and those produced only abnormal embryos; they produced no plants. We concluded that embryo sacs isolated through enzymatic digestion may offer limited prospects for long-term studies where normal embryogenic development is required. Alternative strategies are discussed for maize.  相似文献   

Summary Living embryo sacs and megagametophytic cells of Nicotiana alata and Nicotiana tabacum were obtained using enzymatic maceration and microdissection. The yields of isolated embryo sacs, egg apparatus and central cells were up to 35%, 40% and 35%, respectively. Vectorial movement of organelles and undulations of tubular structures, presumably endoplasmic reticulum, were observed in eggs, synergids and central cells using video-enhanced microscopy. Despite evident viability using the fluorochromatic reaction, the egg displays much less organelle movement and therefore appears to be quiescent. The large vacuole of the central cell is traversed by mobile strands of cytoplasm through which organelles migrate. A polygonal network is located at the periphery of the central cell, which may contribute to anchorage of the cell with the embryo-sac wall. The observation of organelle movement provides direct evidence of the condition of the cell and may be a useful approach for assessing cell vigor.  相似文献   

Summary Nucelli and developing embryo sacs were enzymatically isolated from ovules of Nicotiana tabacum. Megaspore mother cells, tetrads, uninucleate, binucleate, four-nucleate, eight-nucleate and mature embryo sacs were obtained. The isolated embryo sacs were intact and living, and maintained their original shape and organization. Cytoplasmic streaming was clearly observed. Prolonged incubation of ovules or reincubation of isolated embryo sacs in the maceration mixture resulted in the liberation of the gametophytic cells as individual, living protoplasts.  相似文献   

Fertilized embryo sacs of Zea mays L. surrounded by a few layers of nucellar cells were cultured in vitro. Primary expiants contained zygotes or twocelled proembryos. Embryos of various sizes and shapes were isolated from 12–48% of explants after two weeks of culture in hormone-free media supplemented with 6–12% of sucrose. Many embryos were at the transition or proembryo stages whilst the rest were either differentiated, with a scutellum, a coleoptile and a shoot apex, or had a deformed apical part. Organogenesis started in 36–89% of embryos cultured on a semisolid medium supplemented with coconut water. Most of the embryos formed only roots but up to 9% of embryos regenerated into plants. This simple method leads the way to plant regeneration from in-vitro-manipulated zygotes or proembryos of maize.Abbreviation NBM medium composed of N6 macronutrients, B5 micronutrients and MS vitamins This research was supported by an I.N.R.A. post-doctoral fellowship. The authors thank R. Blanc for donor plant culture, Dr. M. Cock (Reconnaissance Cellulaire et Amélioration des Plantes, Université Lyon 1) for correction of the English and P. Audenis for micrograph development.  相似文献   

The formation of cell wall fibres at the surface of isolated leaf protoplasts has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. Fibres are not formed on incubated protoplasts until a lag period has elapsed. This period is about 8 h for leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum and about 45 h for leaf protoplasts of Antirrhinum majus. In the case of Antirrhinum protoplasts the length of the lag period is dependent on the concentration of osmoticum present during the incubation period. If regenerating protoplasts are briefly treated with dilute cellulase, the newly formed wall is completely digested. Such protoplasts are capable of producing new fibres at the surface within minutes of their return to a nutrient medium. These results are discussed in terms of the likely source of the lag period and its significance in wall regeneration studies.Abbreviations MS culture medium used at full strength - 0.1 MS culture medium used at one tenth full strength  相似文献   

Summary The embryo sacs of Daucus carota, D. Aureus and D. muricatus are of the Polygonum-type. They contain one egg cell, two synergids, a giant central cell and three antipodal cells that are to a great extent degenerated. The species of Daucus investigated have an egg cell with a vacuole that is large in comparison to the amount of cytoplasm. The most extreme case of reduced cytoplasm with respect to the volume of the vacuole occurs in D. muricatus. The egg cell of this species contains only very few intact plastids and other cytoplasmic organelles. Paternal plastid inheritance in the cross D. muricatus × D. carota is discussed in connection with the small number of cytoplasmic organelles in the female gamete of D. muricatus.  相似文献   

Summary In order to improve the ultrastructural preservation of the female gametophyte ofPetunia x hybrida andBrassica napus we tested several cryofixation techniques and compared the results with those of conventional chemical fixation methods. Ovules fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide in the presence or absence of potassium ferrocyanide showed poor cell morphological and ultrastructural preservation. In ovules cryo-fixed by plunging into liquid propane, the cell morphology was well preserved. However, at the ultrastructural level structure-distorting ice crystals were detected in all tissues. Due to the large size of the ovules, cryofixation by plunging in liquid propane is not adequate for ultrastructural studies. In contrast,P. x hybrida andB. napus ovules cryo-fixed by high pressure freezing showed improved cell morphological as well as ultrastructural preservation of the embryo sac and the surrounding integumentary tissues. The contrast of the cellular membranes after freeze substitution with 2% osmium tetroxide and 0.1% uranyl acetate in dry acetone was high. At the ultrastructural level, the most prominent improvements were: straight plasma membranes which were appressed to the cell walls; turgid appearing organelles with smooth surface contours; minimal extraction of cytoplasmic and extracellular substances. In contrast to the chemically fixed ovules, in high pressure frozen ovules numerous microtubules and multivesicular bodies could be distinguished.  相似文献   

Potassium antimonate was used to localize Ca2+ in tobacco ovules from 0 to 7 d after anthesis in pollinated and emasculated flowers. Antimonate binds “loosely bound” Ca2+ into calcium antimonate; less-soluble forms are unavailable and free calcium usually escapes. Ovules are immature at anthesis. Abundant calcium precipitates in nucellar cells surrounding the micropylar canal. A difference between calcium in the two synergids emerges at 1 d, which is enhanced in pollinated flowers. The future receptive synergid accumulates more precipitates in the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell walls. After fertilization, micropyle precipitates diminish, and the ovule is unreceptive to further tube entry. In emasculated flowers 6 d after anthesis, ovular precipitates essentially disappear; however, flowers pollinated at 4–5 d and collected 2 d later largely restore their prior concentration of precipitates. Ovular precipitates occur initially in the nucellus, then the embryo sac, and finally the synergid and micropylar filiform apparatus. Possibility, calcium is released from the embryo sac, although no structural evidence of exudate formation was observed. Calcium precipitates in the ovule correlate with the ability of the ovule to be fertilized, suggesting that successful pollen tube entry and later development may require calcium of the class precipitated by antimonate. Received: 14 August 1996 / Accepted: 9 October 1996  相似文献   

B. -Q. Huang  S. D. Russell 《Planta》1994,194(2):200-214
The cytoskeletal organization of the embryo sac of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was examined at maturity and during synergid degeneration, pollen-tube delivery and gamete transfer using rapid-frozen, freeze-substituted and chemically fixed material in combination with immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. Before fertilization, the synergid is a highly polarized cell with dense longitudinally aligned arrays of microtubules adjacent to the filiform apparatus at the micropylar end of the cell associated with major organelles. The cytoskeleton of the central cell is less polarized, with dense cortical microtubules in the micropylar and chalazal regions and looser, longitudinally oriented cortical microtubules in the lateral region. In the synergid and central cell, F-actin is frequently found at the surface of the organelles and co-localizes with either single microtubules or microtubule bundles. Egg cell microtubules are frequently cortical, randomly oriented and more abundant at the chalazal end of the cell; actin filaments are associated with microtubules and the cortex of the egg cell. At 48 h after pollination and before the pollen tube arrives, the onset of degeneration is evident in one of the two synergids: the electron density of cytoplasmic organelles and the ground cytoplasm increases and the nucleus becomes distorted. Although synergids otherwise remain intact, the vacuole collapses and organelles degenerate rapidly after pollen-tube entry. Abundant electron-dense material extends from the degenerated synergid into intercellular spaces at the chalazal end of the synergid and between the synergids, egg and central cell. Rhodamine-phalloidin and anti-actin immunogold labeling reveal that electron-dense aggregates in this region contain abundant actin forming two distinct bands termed coronas. This actin is part of a mechanism in the egg apparatus which appears to precisely position and facilitate the access of male gametes to the egg and central cell for fusion.Abbreviations ES embryo sac - FA filiform apparatus - Mf microfilament - Mt microtubule - PT pollen tube - RF-FS rapid-freeze freeze-substitution - TEM transmission electron microscopy We thank Gregory W. Strout for technical assistance in the use of the RF-FS technique and Dr. Hongshi Yu for providing Fig. 1. This research was supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture grants 88-37261-3761 and 91-37304-6471. We gratefully acknowledge use of the Samuel Robert Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory of the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   

Summary Various developmental phases can be distinguished in the definition of the archesporium and the early life of the embryo, takingZea mays (maize) as a model within the family Gramineae, and other families where pertinent: (1) the isolation of the megasporocyte and the functional spore derived from it; (2) the maturation of the specialized walls of the embryo sac, and their reinforcement by ensheathments derived from the contiguous nucellar cells during a sequence of phased genetic ablation; (3) the differentiation of the synergids, the associated flange, and the filiform apparatuses; (4) the blocking of the pollen tube pathway by secondary secretions in the micropylar region and the coagulation of the pollen tube cytoplasm within the filiform apparatuses during the process of fertilization; and finally (5) the development of a compound cutinized envelope of four fused layers (six where the outer integument is also involved) after fertilization. For the nascent haploid generation, the period of maximum vulnerability in respect to both pathogen invasion and the transition from diplophase control occurs during these phases. It is concluded that many of the protective features form a prophylactic shield and are key components of the angiosperms in general, which may have contributed to their evolutionary success as a group. Other physiological or biochemical adaptations or barriers may also supplement the mainly structural features described here.  相似文献   

The enzymatic maceration method was used to isolate an intact embryo sac ofCrinum asiaticum and its component cells. Best results were obtained when using enzyme solutions that contained pectinase hemicellulase, cellulase and pectolyase. Aseptic ovules were incubated in the enzyme solution for 1.5 hr at 25 C. This allowed the isolation of embryo sacs to yield up to 20% of the amount present. An isolated embryo sac usually consists of an egg cell, synergids, antipodals and a central cell. Some embryo sacs can be digested as gametophytic protoplast. The size, shape and position of the isolated embryo sac seemingly possessed similarities with those of the fixed embryo sac in the ovary. An isolated embryo sac can be in a living state when the result of the fluorochromatic reaction (FCR) and protoplasmic streaming is positive. When cultured in proper media, 68% of the isolated gametophytic protoplasts were observed to have sustained their positive FCR for more than 1 month.  相似文献   

P. Schloß  C. Walter  M. Mäder 《Planta》1987,170(2):225-229
Vacuoles of tobacco mesophyll and of suspension-cultured cells were isolated in order to study the localization of peroxidase isoenzymes. Only basic peroxidases were detectable by electrophoretic separation of the vacuolar sap. Some of the basic peroxidases have formerly been described as an ionically bound cell-wall fraction. This fraction, however, was found to be an artifact produced by incomplete cell breakage. Reinvestigation of isolated cell walls confirmed that mainly acidic peroxidases are localized in the cell walls where they move freely or are bound. As a consequence of former and present results we think it probable that all of the peroxidase isoenzymes are secretory proteins because they have to be transported from the sites of synthesis in the cytoplasm to the sites of function, the extracytoplasmic spaces, cell wall (acidic peroxidases), and vacuole (basic peroxidases).Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary During the course of a fluorescence microscopic investigation on the extra-ovular micropylar portion of the embryo sacs ofTorenia fournieri Lind. (Scrophulariaceae) a callosic wall was found which surrounded it almost completely until the time of anthesis. In addition, the walls of young synergids and the filiform apparatus also showed callosic fluorescence. Treatments with PAS reaction revealed a PAS-positive substance filling up the locular cavity. Our attempts to induce fluorochromasia by employing fluorescein diacetate failed, indicating the low permeability of the callosic wall around the embryo sac. It is assumed that the callose wall around the embryo sac isolates the latter from the contents of the locular cavity whereas the callose in the synergid walls may represent an intermediate stage in the maturation of these walls; the filiform apparatus is mainly composed of callose.  相似文献   

Immature tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) pollen has been isolated from anthers in three distinct stages of development, including the microspore stage. In in-vitro cultures, fully functional, mature pollen was obtained. In a germination medium, this pollen produced pollen tubes. After application to stigmas in situ, the in-vitro-matured pollen fertilized ovules, and seeds were produced. Genetic tests with seedlings obtained from pollinations with in-vitro-matured pollen from a transgenic plant revealed normal Mendelian segregation of two marker genes, the neomycin-phosphotransferase II gene and the nopaline-synthase gene. These results are of interest with respect to the control of self-incompatibility, cytoplasmic male sterility and pollen-allergen formation, and it offers an alternative route for gene transfer in those plants which cannot be regenerated in vitro.Abbreviations cms cytoplasmic male sterility; AMGLU, MS, M2S, MR26 - GK culture media, see Material and methods  相似文献   

Strictosidine, a precursor to over 1000 indole alkaloids including the anti-tumor drugs vinblastine, vincristine, and camptothecin, is produced by the condensation of tryptamine and secologanin. Strictosidine synthase, the enzyme responsible for this condensation, is the first committed step in the indole-alkaloid pathway. We have introduced a modified cDNA encoding Strictosidine synthase from Catharanthus roseus (L.) Don. (McKnight et al. 1990, Nucl. Acids Res. 18, 4939) driven by the CaMV 35S promoter into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing this construct had from 3 to 22 times greater strictosidinesynthase activity than C. roseus plants. Ultrastructural immunolocalization demonstrated that strictosidine synthase is a vacuolar protein in C. roseus and is correctly targeted to the vacuole in transgenic tobacco. Immunoblot analysis of strictosidine synthase showed that two distinct forms of the enzyme were produced in transgenic tobacco plants but that only a single form was made in C. roseus. This observation indicates that the second form of the protein is not simply a result of overexpression in tobacco, but may reflect differences in protein processing between tobacco and C. roseus.Abbreviations cDNA complementary DNA - TLC thin-layer chromatography We thank Dr. C.A. Roessner for providing the E. coli strain expressing strictosidine synthase, Dr. J. Balsevich for providing alkaloid standards, and Dr. L. Cloney for assisting with antibody preparation. This work was supported by a National Institutes of Health Biomedical Research Support Grant to T.D.M and by a grant from the US Department of Agriculture, Competitive Research Grants Office (90-37262-5375) to C.L.N.  相似文献   

A new stain-clearing procedure has been developed for embryological observations on whole mounted specimens. Ovules of Helianthus annus and Nicotiana tabacum as well as ovaries of Oryza sativa were stained with diluted Ehrlich's hematoxylin for a proper short time, followed by steps of washing and dehydration, and finally cleared and mounted in methyl salicylate. When observed by ordinary bright-field microscopy, the embryo sacs before fertilization and the embryos and endosperms after fertilization were clearly visible. The gynogenic embryoids induced in unpollinated rice ovaries in vitro were also finely detectable. The Ehrlich's hematoxylin-methyl salicylate technique has the merits of rapidity in specimen preparation, high contrast and three dimensional view, needlessness of phase- or interference-contrast equipment, and the feasibility for a wide range of materials. The special significance of this technique for in vitro embryological studies is emphasized.  相似文献   

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