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The X gene of Borna disease virus (BDV) encodes a nonstructural 10-kDa protein that can interact with viral polymerase cofactor P, thus regulating polymerase activity. It remained unknown whether X is essential for virus multiplication. All our attempts to generate mutant BDV with a nonfunctional X gene proved unsuccessful. However, a mutant virus with an inactive X gene was able to replicate in Vero cells if an artificial gene cassette encoding X was inserted at a site near the 5' end of the viral genome. These results indicate that X performs essential viral functions.  相似文献   

We used indirect immunofluorescence to examine the factors determining the intranuclear location of herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA polymerase (Pol) in infected cells. In the absence of viral DNA replication, HSV Pol colocalized with the HSV DNA-binding protein ICP8 in nuclear framework-associated structures called prereplicative sites. In the presence of viral DNA replication, HSV Pol colocalized with ICP8 in globular intranuclear structures called replication compartments. In cells infected with mutant viruses encoding defective ICP8 molecules, Pol localized within the cell nucleus but showed a general diffuse intranuclear distribution. In uninfected cells transfected with a plasmid expressing Pol, Pol similarly showed a diffuse intranuclear distribution. Therefore, Pol can localize to the cell nucleus without other viral proteins, but functional ICP8 is required for Pol to localize to prereplicative sites. In cells infected with mutant viruses encoding defective Pol molecules, ICP8 localized to prereplicative sites. Thus, Pol or the portions of Pol not expressed by the mutant viruses are not essential for the formation of prereplicative sites or the localization of ICP8 to these structures. These results demonstrate that a specific nuclear protein can influence the intranuclear location of another nuclear protein.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the matrix protein M of Borna disease virus (BDV) copurifies with the affinity-purified nucleoprotein (N) from BDV-infected cells, suggesting that M is an integral component of the viral ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). However, further studies were hampered by the lack of appropriate tools. Here we generated an M-specific rabbit polyclonal antiserum to investigate the intracellular distribution of M as well as its colocalization with other viral proteins in BDV-infected cells. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that M is located both in the cytoplasm and in nuclear punctate structures typical for BDV infection. Colocalization studies indicated an association of M with nucleocapsid proteins in these nuclear punctate structures. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that M also colocalizes with the viral genome, implying that M associates directly with viral RNPs. Biochemical studies demonstrated that M binds specifically to the phosphoprotein P but not to N. Binding of M to P involves the N terminus of P and is independent of the ability of P to oligomerize. Surprisingly, despite P-M complex formation, BDV polymerase activity was not inhibited but rather slightly elevated by M, as revealed in a minireplicon assay. Thus, unlike M proteins of other negative-strand RNA viruses, BDV-M seems to be an integral component of the RNPs without interfering with the viral polymerase activity. We propose that this unique feature of BDV-M is a prerequisite for the establishment of BDV persistence.  相似文献   

The open reading frame (ORF) III product (PIII) of cauliflower mosaic virus is necessary for the infection cycle but its role is poorly understood. We have used in vitro protein binding ('far Western') assays to demonstrate that PIII interacts with the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) ORF II product (PII), a known aphid transmission factor. Aphid transmission of purified virions of the PII-defective strain CM4-184 was dependent upon added PII, but complementation was efficient only in the presence of PIII, demonstrating the requirement of PIII for transmission. Deletion mutagenesis mapped the interaction domains of PIII and PII to the 30 N-terminal and 61 C-terminal residues of PIII and PII, respectively. A model for interaction between PIII and PII is proposed on the basis of secondary structure predictions. Finally, a direct correlation between the ability of PIII and PII to interact and aphid transmissibility of the virus was demonstrated by using mutagenized PIII proteins. Taken together, these data argue strongly that PIII is a second 'helper' factor required for CaMV transmission by aphids.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) is a non-segmented, negative-sense RNA virus and has the property of persistently infecting the cell nucleus. BDV encodes a 10-kDa non-structural protein, X, which is a negative regulator of viral polymerase activity but is essential for virus propagation. Recently, we have demonstrated that interaction of X with the viral polymerase cofactor, phosphoprotein (P), facilitates translocation of P from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. However, the mechanism by which the intracellular localization of X is controlled remains unclear. In this report, we demonstrate that BDV X interacts with the 71 kDa molecular chaperon protein, Hsc70. Immunoprecipitation assays revealed that Hsc70 associates with the same region of X as P and, interestingly, that expression of P interferes competitively with the interaction between X and Hsc70. A heat shock experiment revealed that BDV X translocates into the nucleus, dependent upon the nuclear accumulation of Hsc70. Furthermore, we show that knockdown of Hsc70 by short interfering RNA decreases the nuclear localization of both X and P and markedly reduces the expression of viral genomic RNA in persistently infected cells. These data indicate that Hsc70 may be involved in viral replication by regulating the intracellular distribution of X.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) X protein (HBx) is essential for virus infection and has been implicated in the development of liver cancer associated with chronic infection. HBx can interact with a number of cellular proteins, and in cell culture, it exhibits pleiotropic activities, among which is its ability to interfere with cell viability and stimulate HBV replication. Previous work has demonstrated that HBx affects cell viability by a mechanism that requires its binding to DDB1, a highly conserved protein implicated in DNA repair and cell cycle regulation. We now show that an interaction with DDB1 is also needed for HBx to stimulate HBV genome replication. Thus, HBx point mutants defective for DDB1 binding fail to complement the low level of replication of an HBx-deficient HBV genome when provided in trans, and one such mutant regains activity when directly fused to DDB1. Furthermore, DDB1 depletion by RNA interference specifically compromises replication of wild-type HBV, indicating that HBx produced from the viral genome also functions in a DDB1-dependent fashion. We also show that HBx in association with DDB1 acts in the nucleus and stimulates HBV replication mainly by enhancing viral mRNA levels, regardless of whether the protein is expressed from the HBV genome itself or supplied in trans. Interestingly, whereas HBx induces cell death in both HepG2 and Huh-7 hepatoma cell lines, it enhances HBV replication only in HepG2 cells, suggesting that the two activities involve distinct DDB1-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) infection produces a variety of clinical diseases, from behavioral illnesses to classical fatal encephalitis (i.e., Borna disease [BD]). Since the genomes of most BDV isolates differ by less than 5%, host factors are believed responsible for much of the reported variability in disease expression. The contribution of BDV genomic differences to variation in BD expression is largely unexplored. Here we compared the clinical outcomes of rats infected with one of two related BDV variants, CRP3 or CRNP5. Compared to rats inoculated with CRP3, adult and newborn Lewis rats inoculated with CRNP5 had more severe and rapidly fatal neurological disease, with increased damage to the hippocampal pyramidal neurons and rapid infection of brain stem neurons. To identify possible virus-specific contributions to the observed variability in disease outcome, the genomes of CRP3 and CRNP5 were sequenced. Compared to CRP3, there were four nucleotide changes in the CRNP5 variant, two each in the G protein and in the L polymerase, resulting in four amino acid changes. These results suggest that small numbers of genomic differences between BDV variants in the G protein and/or L polymerase can contribute to the variability in BD outcomes.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Kang S  Kim J  Ahn BY 《Journal of virology》2003,77(13):7166-7173
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) X protein (HBx) plays an essential role in viral replication and in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. HBx has the ability to transactivate the expression of all HBV proteins, including the viral core protein HBc. Consistent with its regulatory role, HBx is relatively unstable and is present at low levels in the cell. We report here that the level of HBx was significantly reduced by the coexpression of HBc in cultured human hepatoma cells, whereas the level of HBx mRNA was unaffected. The repression of HBx by HBc was relieved by treating cells with the proteasome inhibitor MG132, indicating that HBc acts by stimulating the proteasome-mediated degradation of HBx. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of HBc was specific to HBx and did not affect other proteins, including p53, a known target of the proteasome. Although no direct physical interaction between HBc and HBx could be demonstrated, mutational analysis indicated that the C-terminal half of HBc is responsible for its inhibitory effect. These results suggest that HBc functions as a novel regulator of the HBV life cycle and of hepatocellular carcinogenesis through control of the HBx level via an inhibitory feedback type of mechanism.  相似文献   

Plus-strand RNA viruses characteristically replicate their genome in association with altered cellular membranes. In the present study, the capacity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins to elicit intracellular membrane alterations was investigated by expressing, in tetracycline-regulated cell lines, a comprehensive panel of HCV proteins individually as well as in the context of the entire HCV polyprotein. As visualized by electron microscopy (EM), expression of the combined structural proteins core-E1-E2-p7, the NS3-4A complex, and protein NS4B induced distinct membrane alterations. By immunogold EM (IEM), the membrane-altering proteins were always found to localize to the respective altered membranes. NS4B, a protein of hitherto unknown function, induced a tight structure, designated membranous web, consisting of vesicles in a membranous matrix. Expression of the entire HCV polyprotein gave rise to membrane budding into rough endoplasmic reticulum vacuoles, to the membranous web, and to tightly associated vesicles often surrounding the membranous web. By IEM, all HCV proteins were found to be associated with the NS4B-induced membranous web, forming a membrane-associated multiprotein complex. A similar web-like structure in livers of HCV-infected chimpanzees was previously described (Pfeifer et al., Virchows Arch. B., 33:233-243, 1980). In view of this finding and the observation that all HCV proteins accumulate on the membranous web, we propose that the membranous web forms the viral replication complex in HCV-infected cells.  相似文献   

To develop a novel attenuation strategy applicable to all influenza A viruses, we targeted the highly conserved protein-protein interaction of the viral polymerase subunits PA and PB1. We postulated that impaired binding between PA and PB1 would negatively affect trimeric polymerase complex formation, leading to reduced viral replication efficiency in vivo. As proof of concept, we introduced single or multiple amino acid substitutions into the protein-protein-binding domains of either PB1 or PA, or both, to decrease binding affinity and polymerase activity substantially. As expected, upon generation of recombinant influenza A viruses (SC35M strain) containing these mutations, many pseudo-revertants appeared that partially restored PA-PB1 binding and polymerase activity. These polymerase assembly mutants displayed drastic attenuation in cell culture and mice. The attenuation of the polymerase assembly mutants was maintained in IFNα/β receptor knock-out mice. As exemplified using a H5N1 polymerase assembly mutant, this attenuation strategy can be also applied to other highly pathogenic influenza A virus strains. Thus, we provide proof of principle that targeted mutation of the highly conserved interaction domains of PA and PB1 represents a novel strategy to attenuate influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Kim M  Kim H  Cho SP  Min MK 《Journal of virology》2002,76(14):6944-6956
The hepatitis C virus (HCV)-encoded NS5B protein is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which plays a substantial role in viral replication. We expressed and purified the recombinant NS5B of an HCV genotype 3a from Esherichia coli, and we investigated its ability to bind to the viral RNA and its enzymatic activity. The results presented here demonstrate that NS5B interacts strongly with the coding region of positive-strand RNA, although not in a sequence-specific manner. It was also determined that more than two molecules of polymerase bound sequentially to this region with the direction 3' to 5'. Also, we attempted to determine the initiation site(s) of de novo synthesis by NS5B on X RNA, which contains the last 98 nucleotides of HCV positive-strand RNA. The initiation site(s) on X RNA was localized in the pyrimidine-rich region of stem I. However, when more than five of the nucleotides of stem I in X RNA were deleted from the 3' end, RNA synthesis initiated at another site of the specific ribonucleotide. Our study also showed that the efficiency of RNA synthesis, which was directed by X RNA, was maximized by the GC base pair at the penultimate position from the 3' end of the stem. These results will provide some clues to understanding the mechanism of HCV genomic RNA replication in terms of viral RNA-NS5B interaction and the initiation of de novo RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

trans-activation of viral enhancers by the hepatitis B virus X protein.   总被引:53,自引:25,他引:28  

Positive-strand RNA [(+)RNA] viruses invariably replicate their RNA genomes on modified intracellular membranes. In infected Drosophila cells, Flock House nodavirus (FHV) RNA replication complexes form on outer mitochondrial membranes inside ~50-nm, virus-induced spherular invaginations similar to RNA replication-linked spherules induced by many (+)RNA viruses at various membranes. To better understand replication complex assembly, we studied the mechanisms of FHV spherule formation. FHV has two genomic RNAs; RNA1 encodes multifunctional RNA replication protein A and RNA interference suppressor protein B2, while RNA2 encodes the capsid proteins. Expressing genomic RNA1 without RNA2 induced mitochondrial spherules indistinguishable from those in FHV infection. RNA1 mutation showed that protein B2 was dispensable and that protein A was the only FHV protein required for spherule formation. However, expressing protein A alone only "zippered" together the surfaces of adjacent mitochondria, without inducing spherules. Thus, protein A is necessary but not sufficient for spherule formation. Coexpressing protein A plus a replication-competent FHV RNA template induced RNA replication in trans and membrane spherules. Moreover, spherules were not formed when replicatable FHV RNA templates were expressed with protein A bearing a single, polymerase-inactivating amino acid change or when wild-type protein A was expressed with a nonreplicatable FHV RNA template. Thus, unlike many (+)RNA viruses, the membrane-bounded compartments in which FHV RNA replication occurs are not induced solely by viral protein(s) but require viral RNA synthesis. In addition to replication complex assembly, the results have implications for nodavirus interaction with cell RNA silencing pathways and other aspects of virus control.  相似文献   

Measles virus has a single‐stranded RNA genome that is organized into a helical complex by the viral N protein. The resulting structure is termed the nucleocapsid and is traversed by the viral polymerase during RNA synthesis. The P protein, the noncatalytic subunit of the polymerase, provides the “legs and feet” that allow the polymerase to walk along its protein‐RNA template. The polymerase feet are very simple three‐helix bundles, only 50 amino acids in size. Previously, we have shown that these feet grasp the viral N protein during movement by attaching to a short sequence (amino acids 487–503) within the disordered and surface‐exposed tail of N, causing it to fold into a helix. The result is a weak‐affinity complex with a short lifetime, which would allow the polymerase to take rapid steps forward. The structure of the complex was determined using X‐ray crystallography. This simple model of binding was challenged by a paper in this journal, claiming that a downstream sequence in the tail of N (amino acids 517–525) was also critical for the association. Its presence was reported to enhance the overall affinity of the polymerase feet for N by three orders of magnitude. We have, therefore, examined binding of the polymerase foot domain to amino acids 477–525 of N using quantitative biophysical techniques, and compared the results to our previous binding studies, performed using amino acids 477–505 of N. We find no evidence that the sequence downstream of amino acid 505 influences binding, validating the original single‐site binding model.  相似文献   

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