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We tested two predictions of the hypothesis that competition between self-pollen may mitigate negative genetic effects of inbreeding in plants: (1) intense competition among self-pollen increases offspring fitness; and (2) pollen competition reduces the measured strength of inbreeding depression. We used Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae), an annual with a mixed mating system, to perform controlled crosses in which we varied both the size of the pollen load and the source of pollen (self vs. outcross). Fitness of selfed offspring was higher in the high pollen-load treatment. Our second prediction was also upheld: inbreeding depression was, on average, lower when large pollen loads were applied (11%) relative to the low pollen-load treatment (28%). The reduction was significant for two fitness components relatively late in the life-cycle: number of surviving seedlings and pollen-tube growth rate in vitro. These findings suggest that intermittent inbreeding, which leads to self-fertilization in plants with genetic loads, may select for traits that enhance pollen competition.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heritable genetic variation is crucial for selection to operate, yet there is a paucity of studies quantifying such variation in interactive male/female sexual traits, especially those of plants. Previous work on the annual plant Collinsia heterophylla, a mixed-mating species, suggests that delayed stigma receptivity is involved in a sexual conflict: pollen from certain donors fertilize ovules earlier than others at the expense of reduced maternal seed set and lower levels of pollen competition.


Parent–offspring regressions and sib analyses were performed to test for heritable genetic variation and co-variation in male and female interactive traits related to the sexual conflict.

Key Results

Some heritable variation and evolvability were found for the female trait (delayed stigma receptivity in presence of pollen), but no evidence was found for genetic variation in the male trait (ability to fertilize ovules early). The results further indicated a marginally significant correlation between a male''s ability to fertilize early and early stigma receptivity in offspring. However, despite potential indirect selection of these traits, antagonistic co-evolution may not occur given the lack of heritability of the male trait.


To our knowledge, this is the first study of a plant or any hermaphrodite that examines patterns of genetic correlation between two interactive sexual traits, and also the first to assess heritabilities of plant traits putatively involved in a sexual conflict. It is concluded that the ability to delay fertilization in presence of pollen can respond to selection, while the pollen trait has lower evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

To increase our knowledge about mating-system evolution, we need to understand the relationship between specific floral traits and mating system. Species of Collinsia (Plantaginaceae) vary extensively in mating system; this variation is associated with variation in floral morphology and development and with the timing of self-pollination. Counterintuitively, large-flowered, more outcrossing species tend to have delayed stigma receptivity, reducing the amount of time that the stigma is receptive to cross-pollination before autonomous self-pollination. To understand how the timing of stigma receptivity is related to mating-system evolution, we studied in detail the timing of both stigma receptivity and self-pollination (anther-stigma contact) in two greenhouse-grown populations of large-flowered Collinsia heterophylla. Crosses on emasculated flowers at different stages of floral development always produced seeds, suggesting that cross-fertilization can be effected by pollen arriving prior to physiological receptivity. Phenotypic and genetic variation within populations in the timing of stigma receptivity and anther-stigma contact was substantial, although slightly less for the contact. Despite strong interspecific and interpopulation correlations, we did not find an among-genet phenotypic correlation between the traits. This indicates that each trait may respond independently to selection, and the trait association may be the result of correlational selection.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variability for six characters was estimated in four populations of the annual plant, Collinsia heterophylla, with estimated selling rates ranging from 0.36 to 0.68. Based on large samples of parental plants, all four populations showed significant genetic variation for two or more characters, and there was no sign that the more selfing populations had lower amounts of genetic variance or lower heritability values. Autogamous fruit set rates in the absence of pollinators also showed significant heritability in one population.  相似文献   

Antler size in red deer: heritability and selection but no evolution   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We present estimates of the selection on and the heritability of a male secondary sexual weapon in a wild population: antler size in red deer. Male red deer with large antlers had increased lifetime breeding success, both before and after correcting for body size, generating a standardized selection gradient of 0.44 (+/- 0.18 SE). Despite substantial age- and environment-related variation, antler size was also heritable (heritability of antler mass = 0.33 +/- 0.12). However the observed selection did not generate an evolutionary response in antler size over the study period of nearly 30 years, and there was no evidence of a positive genetic correlation between antler size and fitness nor of a positive association between breeding values for antler size and fitness. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a heritable trait under directional selection will not evolve if associations between the measured trait and fitness are determined by environmental covariances: In red deer males, for example, both antler size and success in the fights for mates may be heavily dependent on an individual's nutritional state.  相似文献   

Costs related to pollen competition have rarely been considered, but are expected in the case of sexual conflict where male and female sexual functions have opposing evolutionary interests. In Collinsia heterophylla, delayed stigma receptivity is beneficial as it enhances pollen competition. A sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity has been proposed in this species as early pollination, following one-time pollinations, is advantageous to pollen donors at a cost of reduced maternal seed set (measured as seed number). In this study, we explored whether the maternal cost was still present following an additional pollination. We hypothesized that the cost is caused either by harm related to early pollen presence or by factors unrelated to harm. We performed pollinations at different stages of floral development, either one or two pollinations (24-h time lag), and varied the size of the first pollen load in the latter category. Early pollination reduced seed biomass also after two-time pollinations, suggesting a persistent maternal cost of early pollen presence. Further, pollen load size modified seed production, possibly indicating that dose-dependent harm influences the maternal cost of early fertilization. Our results strongly suggest negative effects of pollen competition on maternal fitness following early pollination, which is consistent with the existence of a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity. In conclusion, we propose that much could be gained if more plant studies considered the potential for fitness costs in relation to sexual conflict, particularly those investigating pollen-pistil interactions.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of a mutant of Escherichia coli lacking the three lytic transglycosylases Slt70, MltA, and MltB revealed that interference with murein turnover can prevent AmpC beta-lactamase induction. The triple mutant, although growing normally, shows a dramatically reduced rate of murein turnover. Despite the reduction in the formation of low-molecular-weight murein turnover products, neither the rate of murein synthesis nor the amount of murein per cell was increased. This might be explained by assuming that during growth in the absence of the major lytic transglycosylases native murein strands are excised by the action of endopeptidases and directly reused without further breakdown to muropeptides. The reduced rate of murein turnover could be correlated with lowered cefoxitin-induced expression of beta-lactamase, present on a plasmid carrying the ampC and ampR genes from Enterobacter cloacae. Overproduction of MltB stimulated beta-lactamase induction, whereas specific inhibition of Slt70 by bulgecin repressed ampC expression. Thus, specific inhibitors of lytic transglycosylases can increase the potency of penicillins and cephalosporins against bacteria inducing AmpC-like beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Classic theories on the evolution of senescence make the simplifying assumption that all offspring are of equal quality, so that demographic senescence only manifests through declining rates of survival or fecundity. However, there is now evidence that, in addition to declining rates of survival and fecundity, many organisms are subject to age‐related declines in the quality of offspring produced (i.e. parental age effects). Recent modelling approaches allow for the incorporation of parental age effects into classic demographic analyses, assuming that such effects are limited to a single generation. Does this ‘single‐generation’ assumption hold? To find out, we conducted a laboratory study with the aquatic plant Lemna minor, a species for which parental age effects have been demonstrated previously. We compared the size and fitness of 423 laboratory‐cultured plants (asexually derived ramets) representing various birth orders, and ancestral ‘birth‐order genealogies’. We found that offspring size and fitness both declined with increasing ‘immediate’ birth order (i.e. birth order with respect to the immediate parent), but only offspring size was affected by ancestral birth order. Thus, the assumption that parental age effects on offspring fitness are limited to a single generation does in fact hold for L. minor. This result will guide theorists aiming to refine and generalize modelling approaches that incorporate parental age effects into evolutionary theory on senescence.  相似文献   

Typification of the names Antirrhinum barrelieri Boreau, A. controversum Pau and A. litigiosum Pau (Antirrhineae, Plantaginaceae) is needed to clarify the use and concept of these three names. The origin of a misinterpretation of the name A. barrelieri, which conditioned the subsequent use of these three names, is discussed. The previous ‘lectotype’ of A. barrelieri designated by Rothmaler from a Barrelier's illustration is shown to be ineffective, being contrary to Art. 9.12 of the ICN, and therefore a lectotype is designated from a syntype preserved in the herbarium of the Muséum des sciences naturelles d'Angers (France) at ANG. The Pau's names A. controversum and A. litigiosum have not been typified before, and lectotypes are here designated from specimens preserved at P and MA, respectively. As a consequence, the name A. litigiosum should be treated as a later heterotypic synonym of A. barrelieri.  相似文献   

Understanding the biological parameters of some triatomine subspecies of Meccus phyllosomus (Burmeister) is a crucial first step in estimating the epidemiologic importance of this group. Biological parameters related to hatching, lifetime, number of blood meals to molt, percentage of females at the end of the cycle, number of laid eggs, and mortality for each instar of 3 M. phyllosomus subspecies [M. p. mazzottii (Usinger), M. p. pallidipennis (Stål), and M. p. phyllosomus] and their laboratory hybrids were evaluated and compared. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found among the experimental hybrids (MaPa, MaPhy, PaPhy) and reciprocal cohorts. In 5 (hatching, number of blood meals to molt, accumulative mortality, percentage of females, and mean number of laid eggs) of the 6 studied parameters (with the exception of development time), the hybrid cohorts had better fitness results than the parental cohorts involved in each set of crosses. The increase in hybrid fitness found in our study could lead to an increase in the epidemiologic risks caused by transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to humans.  相似文献   

The male annihilation technique (MAT) and sterile insect technique (SIT) are often used to control pestiferous tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). MAT involves the deployment of traps containing a male attractant and insecticide with the goal of drastically reducing male abundance and ultimately eliminating the entire population. SIT, which involves the mass production, sterilization, and release of the target species, may also be implemented to achieve final extirpation. Generally, simultaneous implementation of MAT and SIT is counterproductive, because the presence of large numbers of male-specific traps in the environment (MAT) would greatly reduce the number of sterile males available for copulating with wild females (SIT). However, studies on the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), indicate that concurrent use of MAT and SIT may be feasible. Sexually mature males of B. tryoni are attracted to the raspberry ketone and its synthetic analogue cue-lure. Males of B. tryoni fed raspberry-ketone-supplemented diet when newly emerged showed lower attraction to cue-lure baited traps than control males. In addition, newly emerged males provided this diet displayed accelerated sexual maturation, which would allow the early release of sterile males and reduce pre-release holding costs. Here, we examined whether the addition of raspberry ketone to the adult diet of male melon flies, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett), produced effects similar to those observed for B. tryoni. Despite using similar methods, no significant effect of raspberry ketone-supplemented diet on time to sexual maturity, survival, mating competitiveness, or attraction to cue-lure baited traps in mass-reared Z. cucurbitae males.  相似文献   

Divergence at reproductive traits can generate barriers among populations, and may result from several mechanisms, including drift, local selection and co-adaptation between the sexes. Intersexual co-adaptation can arise through sexually antagonistic co-evolution, a timely hypothesis addressed in animals but, to our knowledge, not yet in flowering plants. We investigated whether male and female population of origin affected pollen competition success, offspring fitness and sex ratio in crosses within/between six genetically differentiated populations of the white campion, Silene latifolia. Each female was crossed with pollen from one focus male from the same population, and pollen from two focus males from two distinct populations, both as single-donor and two-donor crosses against a fixed tester male with a 2-h interpollination interval (n = 288 crosses). We analysed paternity with microsatellite DNA. Male populations of origin significantly differed for siring success and in vitro pollen germination rates. In vitro pollen germination rate was heritable. Siring success also depended on sex ratio in the female family of origin, but only in between-population crosses. In some female populations, two-donor crosses produced less female-biased sex ratios compared with single-donor crosses, yet in other female populations the reverse was true. Offspring sex ratio varied with donor number, depending on the female population. Within/between population crosses did not differ significantly in seed set or offspring fitness, nor were siring success and offspring fitness significantly correlated. Altogether this suggests reproductive divergence for traits affecting pollen competition in S. latifolia.  相似文献   

Labonne JD  Hilliker AJ  Shore JS 《Heredity》2007,98(6):411-418
To explore the rate of recombination resulting from male vs female meiosis, crosses were performed using distylous Turnera subulata as well as a cross involving the introgression of genes from T. krapovickasii into T. subulata. We assayed four loci on the chromosome bearing the S-locus as well as two loci on each of two other linkage groups. Substantial and consistent dimorphism in recombination rates was found with female meiosis resulting in as much as a approximately 6-fold increase relative to male. Aberrant single locus segregation ratios occurred for some loci, particularly when the male (pollen) parent was heterozygous and the cross involved introgressed genes. The extreme trend of greater recombination resulting from female meiosis was, however, maintained in crosses where no aberrant ratios occurred, indicating that the sex dimorphism in recombination is not the result of aberrant segregation. We also exploited this distylous species and tested whether there is recombination suppression around the S-locus because of an inversion or other chromosome rearrangement(s). We found no significant evidence for recombination suppression.  相似文献   

To examine genetic variation in defensive chemistry within and between natural populations of Plantago lanceolata, we performed a greenhouse experiment using clonal replicates of 15 genotypes from each of two populations, from a mowed lawn and an abandoned hayfield. Replicates of each genotype were harvested for determinations of aboveground biomass and leaf chemical content either at the beginning of the experiment (initial controls), after exposure to herbivory by larvae of Junonia coenia, a specialist on P. lanceolata (herbivory treatment), or at the end of the experiment without exposure to herbivory (final controls). Allocation to the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol and the phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside displayed significant genetic variation within and between populations, and differed with leaf age. Significant genotypextreatment interactions indicated genetic variation in response of leaf chemistry to the treatments. There was no evidence for a cost of allocation to chemical defense: genetic correlations within and between chemical pathways and between defensive chemicals and aboveground growth were positive or nonsignificant. Although iridoid glycosides are known to be qualitative feeding stimulants for J. coenia, multiple regression of larval survivorship on leaf chemical content and shoot biomass indicated that larvae had lower survivorship on P. lanceolata ge-notypes with higher concentrations of aucubin in the leaves. Larval survivorship was unaffected by levels of catalpol and verbascoside. Thus, although specialist herbivores may respond to defensive chemicals as qualitative feeding stimulants, they do not necessarily have higher fitness on plant genotypes containing higher concentrations of these chemicals.  相似文献   

In this field study, we compared the bacterial communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of a transgenic, herbicide-resistant sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) cultivar with those of its nonengineered counterpart, using a genetic profiling technique based on PCR amplifications of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). As a control for the plasticity of the bacterial community, we also analyzed the influence of herbicides, the field heterogeneity, and the annual variation. DNA was isolated from bacterial cell consortia that were directly collected from root material. PCR was carried out with primers that hybridized to evolutionarily conserved regions flanking variable regions 4 and 5 of the 16S rRNA gene. SSCP patterns of these PCR products were composed of approximately 50 distinguishable bands, as detected by silver staining of the gels after electrophoresis. Patterns of the replicates and the different treatments were highly similar, but digital image and similarity analyses revealed differences that corresponded to the positions of the replicates in the field. In addition, communities collected from sugar beet in two successive growing seasons could be distinguished. In contrast, no effect of the transgenic herbicide resistance was detectable. Sequencing of 24 dominant products of the SSCP profiles indicated the presence of bacteria from different phylogenetic groups, with Proteobacteria and members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group being most abundant.  相似文献   

Factors suppressing the growth of Tsuga heterophylla, western hemlock, (40–200 cm tall) were separated into aboveground and belowground components. Canopy manipulation by creating gaps produced approximately a 30–34% increase in the overall amount of light available. Growth of the previously suppressed T. heterophylla was increased by minimizing root competition by trenching around individuals and to a much lesser degree by altering the canopy. The combination of the two manipulations did now show a strong synergistic effect.I thank Greg Helve and Randy Kelley for digging trenches. R. Mack, J. Thompson, J. Franklin, and A. McKee provided useful suggestions throughout the study. I appreciate the comments from the Ecological Discussion Group at Washington State University. This study was supported partially with funds to Oregon State University from the National Science Foundation, as well as the Society of Sigma Xi, and Washington State University.  相似文献   

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