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We formulate and analyze a theoretical model for the regulation of microtubule (MT) polymerization dynamics by the signaling proteins Rac1 and stathmin. In cells, the MT growth rate is inhibited by cytosolic stathmin, which, in turn, is inactivated by Rac1. Growing MTs activate Rac1 at the cell edge, which closes a positive feedback loop. We investigate both tubulin sequestering and catastrophe promotion as mechanisms for MT growth inhibition by stathmin. For a homogeneous stathmin concentration in the absence of Rac1, we find a switchlike regulation of the MT mean length by stathmin. For constitutively active Rac1 at the cell edge, stathmin is deactivated locally, which establishes a spatial gradient of active stathmin. In this gradient, we find a stationary bimodal MT-length distribution for both mechanisms of MT growth inhibition by stathmin. One subpopulation of the bimodal length distribution can be identified with fast-growing and long pioneering MTs in the region near the cell edge, which have been observed experimentally. The feedback loop is closed through Rac1 activation by MTs. For tubulin sequestering by stathmin, this establishes a bistable switch with two stable states: one stable state corresponds to upregulated MT mean length and bimodal MT length distributions, i.e., pioneering MTs; the other stable state corresponds to an interrupted feedback with short MTs. Stochastic effects as well as external perturbations can trigger switching events. For catastrophe-promoting stathmin, we do not find bistability.  相似文献   

Stathmin is an important microtubule (MT)-destabilizing protein, and its activity is differently attenuated by phosphorylation at one or more of its four phosphorylatable serine residues (Ser-16, Ser-25, Ser-38, and Ser-63). This phosphorylation of stathmin plays important roles in mitotic spindle formation. We observed increasing levels of phosphorylated stathmin in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-harboring lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell lines during the EBV lytic cycle. These suggest that EBV lytic products may be involved in the regulation of stathmin phosphorylation. BGLF4 is an EBV-encoded kinase and has similar kinase activity to cdc2, an important kinase that phosphorylates serine residues 25 and 38 of stathmin during mitosis. Using an siRNA approach, we demonstrated that BGLF4 contributes to the phosphorylation of stathmin in EBV-harboring NPC. Moreover, we confirmed that BGLF4 interacts with and phosphorylates stathmin using an in vitro kinase assay and an in vivo two-dimensional electrophoresis assay. Interestingly, unlike cdc2, BGLF4 was shown to phosphorylate non-proline directed serine residues of stathmin (Ser-16) and it mediated phosphorylation of stathmin predominantly at serines 16, 25, and 38, indicating that BGLF4 can down-regulate the activity of stathmin. Finally, we demonstrated that the pattern of MT organization was changed in BGLF4-expressing cells, possibly through phosphorylation of stathmin. In conclusion, we have shown that a viral Ser/Thr kinase can directly modulate the activity of stathmin and this contributes to alteration of cellular MT dynamics and then may modulate the associated cellular processes.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(12):2938-2951
The dynamic instability of microtubules (MTs), which refers to their ability to switch between polymerization and depolymerization states, is crucial for their function. It has been proposed that the growing MT ends are protected by a “GTP cap” that consists of GTP-bound tubulin dimers. When the speed of GTP hydrolysis is faster than dimer recruitment, the loss of this GTP cap will lead the MT to undergo rapid disassembly. However, the underlying atomistic mechanistic details of the dynamic instability remains unclear. In this study, we have performed long-time atomistic molecular dynamics simulations (1 μs for each system) for MT patches as well as a short segment of a closed MT in both GTP- and GDP-bound states. Our results confirmed that MTs in the GDP state generally have weaker lateral interactions between neighboring protofilaments (PFs) and less cooperative outward bending conformational change, where the difference between bending angles of neighboring PFs tends to be larger compared with GTP ones. As a result, when the GDP state tubulin dimer is exposed at the growing MT end, these factors will be more likely to cause the MT to undergo rapid disassembly. We also compared simulation results between the special MT seam region and the remaining material and found that the lateral interactions between MT PFs at the seam region were comparatively much weaker. This finding is consistent with the experimental suggestion that the seam region tends to separate during the disassembly process of an MT.  相似文献   

Oncoprotein 18/stathmin (Op18) has been identified recently as a protein that destabilizes microtubules, but the mechanism of destabilization is currently controversial. Based on in vitro microtubule assembly assays, evidence has been presented supporting conflicting destabilization models of either tubulin sequestration or promotion of microtubule catastrophes. We found that Op18 can destabilize microtubules by both of these mechanisms and that these activities can be dissociated by changing pH. At pH 6.8, Op18 slowed microtubule elongation and increased catastrophes at both plus and minus ends, consistent with a tubulin-sequestering activity. In contrast, at pH 7.5, Op18 promoted microtubule catastrophes, particularly at plus ends, with little effect on elongation rates at either microtubule end. Dissociation of tubulin-sequestering and catastrophe-promoting activities of Op18 was further demonstrated by analysis of truncated Op18 derivatives. Lack of a C-terminal region of Op18 (aa 100–147) resulted in a truncated protein that lost sequestering activity at pH 6.8 but retained catastrophe-promoting activity. In contrast, lack of an N-terminal region of Op18 (aa 5–25) resulted in a truncated protein that still sequestered tubulin at pH 6.8 but was unable to promote catastrophes at pH 7.5. At pH 6.8, both the full length and the N-terminal–truncated Op18 bound tubulin, whereas truncation at the C-terminus resulted in a pronounced decrease in tubulin binding. Based on these results, and a previous study documenting a pH-dependent change in binding affinity between Op18 and tubulin, it is likely that tubulin sequestering observed at lower pH resulted from the relatively tight interaction between Op18 and tubulin and that this tight binding requires the C-terminus of Op18; however, under conditions in which Op18 binds weakly to tubulin (pH 7.5), Op18 stimulated catastrophes without altering tubulin subunit association or dissociation rates, and Op18 did not depolymerize microtubules capped with guanylyl (α, β)-methylene diphosphonate–tubulin subunits. We hypothesize that weak binding between Op18 and tubulin results in free Op18, which is available to interact with microtubule ends and thereby promote catastrophes by a mechanism that likely involves GTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Tubulin is able to switch between a straight microtubule-like structure and a curved structure in complex with the stathmin-like domain of the RB3 protein (T2RB3). GTP hydrolysis following microtubule assembly induces protofilament curvature and disassembly. The conformation of the labile tubulin heterodimers is unknown. One important question is whether free GDP-tubulin dimers are straightened by GTP binding or if GTP-tubulin is also curved and switches into a straight conformation upon assembly. We have obtained insight into the bending flexibility of tubulin by analyzing the interplay of tubulin-stathmin association with the binding of several small molecule inhibitors to the colchicine domain at the tubulin intradimer interface, combining structural and biochemical approaches. The crystal structures of T2RB3 complexes with the chiral R and S isomers of ethyl-5-amino-2-methyl-1,2-dihydro-3-phenylpyrido[3,4-b]pyrazin-7-yl-carbamate, show that their binding site overlaps with colchicine ring A and that both complexes have the same curvature as unliganded T2RB3. The binding of these ligands is incompatible with a straight tubulin structure in microtubules. Analytical ultracentrifugation and binding measurements show that tubulin-stathmin associations (T2RB3, T2Stath) and binding of ligands (R, S, TN-16, or the colchicine analogue MTC) are thermodynamically independent from one another, irrespective of tubulin being bound to GTP or GDP. The fact that the interfacial ligands bind equally well to tubulin dimers or stathmin complexes supports a bent conformation of the free tubulin dimers. It is tempting to speculate that stathmin evolved to recognize curved structures in unassembled and disassembling tubulin, thus regulating microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

In osteoclasts (OCs) podosomes are organized in a belt, a feature critical for bone resorption. Although microtubules (MTs) promote the formation and stability of the belt, the MT and/or podosome molecules that mediate the interaction of the two systems are not identified. Because the growing “plus” ends of MTs point toward the podosome belt, plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) might regulate podosome patterning. Among the +TIPs, EB1 increased as OCs matured and was enriched in the podosome belt, and EB1-positive MTs targeted podosomes. Suppression of MT dynamic instability, displacement of EB1 from MT ends, or EB1 depletion resulted in the loss of the podosome belt. We identified cortactin as an Src-dependent interacting partner of EB1. Cortactin-deficient OCs presented a defective MT targeting to, and patterning of, podosomes and reduced bone resorption. Suppression of MT dynamic instability or EB1 depletion increased cortactin phosphorylation, decreasing its acetylation and affecting its interaction with EB1. Thus, dynamic MTs and podosomes interact to control bone resorption.  相似文献   

The current two-state GTP cap model of microtubule dynamic instability proposes that a terminal crown of GTP-tubulin stabilizes the microtubule lattice and promotes elongation while loss of this GTP-tubulin cap converts the microtubule end to shortening. However, when this model was directly tested by using a UV microbeam to sever axoneme-nucleated microtubules and thereby remove the microtubule's GTP cap, severed plus ends rapidly shortened, but severed minus ends immediately resumed elongation (Walker, R.A., S. Inoué, and E.D. Salmon. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108: 931–937).

To determine if these previous results were dependent on the use of axonemes as seeds or were due to UV damage, or if they instead indicate an intermediate state in cap dynamics, we performed UV cutting of self-assembled microtubules and mechanical cutting of axoneme-nucleated microtubules. These independent methods yielded results consistent with the original work: a significant percentage of severed minus ends are stable after cutting. In additional experiments, we found that the stability of both severed plus and minus ends could be increased by increasing the free tubulin concentration, the solution GTP concentration, or by assembling microtubules with guanylyl-(α,β)-methylene-diphosphonate (GMPCPP).

Our results show that stability of severed ends, particularly minus ends, is not an artifact, but instead reveals the existence of a metastable kinetic intermediate state between the elongation and shortening states of dynamic instability. The kinetic properties of this intermediate state differ between plus and minus ends. We propose a three-state conformational cap model of dynamic instability, which has three structural states and four transition rate constants, and which uses the asymmetry of the tubulin heterodimer to explain many of the differences in dynamic instability at plus and minus ends.


Microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 2 (MARK2)/PAR-1b and protein kinase A (PKA) are both involved in the regulation of microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth, but whether a direct cross-talk exists between them remains unclear. Here, we found the disruption of microtubule and neurite outgrowth induced by MARK2 overexpression was blocked by active PKA. The interaction between PKA and MARK2 was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry both in vitro and in vivo. PKA was found to inhibit MARK2 kinase activity by phosphorylating a novel site, serine 409. PKA could not reverse the microtubule disruption effect induced by a serine 409 to alanine (Ala) mutant of MARK2 (MARK2 S409A). In contrast, mutation of MARK2 serine 409 to glutamic acid (Glu) (MARK2 S409E) did not affect microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth. We propose that PKA functions as an upstream inhibitor of MARK2 in regulating microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth by directly interacting and phosphorylating MARK2.  相似文献   

We have discovered several novel features exhibited by microtubules (MTs) in migrating newt lung epithelial cells by time-lapse imaging of fluorescently labeled, microinjected tubulin. These cells exhibit leading edge ruffling and retrograde flow in the lamella and lamellipodia. The plus ends of lamella MTs persist in growth perpendicular to the leading edge until they reach the base of the lamellipodium, where they oscillate between short phases of growth and shortening. Occasionally “pioneering” MTs grow into the lamellipodium, where microtubule bending and reorientation parallel to the leading edge is associated with retrograde flow. MTs parallel to the leading edge exhibit significantly different dynamics from MTs perpendicular to the cell edge. Both parallel MTs and photoactivated fluorescent marks on perpendicular MTs move rearward at the 0.4 μm/min rate of retrograde flow in the lamella. MT rearward transport persists when MT dynamic instability is inhibited by 100-nM nocodazole but is blocked by inhibition of actomyosin by cytochalasin D or 2,3-butanedione–2-monoxime. Rearward flow appears to cause MT buckling and breaking in the lamella. 80% of free minus ends produced by breakage are stable; the others shorten and pause, leading to MT treadmilling. Free minus ends of unknown origin also depolymerize into the field of view at the lamella. Analysis of MT dynamics at the centrosome shows that these minus ends do not arise by centrosomal ejection and that ~80% of the MTs in the lamella are not centrosome bound. We propose that actomyosin-based retrograde flow of MTs causes MT breakage, forming quasi-stable noncentrosomal MTs whose turnover is regulated primarily at their minus ends.  相似文献   

微管骨架是细胞骨架系统的主要组成成员,大多数微管的一个显著特征便是具有能够不断解聚、聚合的动态特性,这是微管骨架完成诸多生理功能的重要保证。本文着重介绍了有关微管的动态模型及其体内、体外组装的不同特点,并进一步探讨了生物体在各层次、各水平上对细胞内微管行为的调控。  相似文献   

大鼠卵母细胞的发育具有许多与其他哺乳动物不同的特点,用激光共聚焦显微术研究了大鼠卵母细胞发育过程中微管的组装过程,以及一些因素对微管组装过程的影响.结果表明,在大鼠卵母细胞减数分裂的细胞周期进程中,细胞微管系统发生广泛而剧烈的重组,紫杉醇、星形孢菌素和冈田酸等药物能显著改变卵母细胞内的微管组织状态.大鼠卵母细胞可以在体外发生自发的孤雌活化,也可以被细胞松弛素诱导发生胞质假分裂.因此,研究了在这些过程中微管结构的特殊构象,以期更加深入认识这些特殊细胞事件的生化机理.  相似文献   

微管是细胞骨架的主要成分之一,几乎存在于所有真核生物细胞之中,参与细胞众多生理功能。PP2A是真核生物体内存在最广泛的蛋白磷酸酶之一,可以调控大部分细胞生命活动,其中,包括微管所介导的许多生命活动。该文从以下方面介绍了PP2A在微管功能行使中的重要作用,包括PP2A参与微管蛋白翻译后修饰、调控分子马达和微管相关蛋白的活性、维持细胞周期中微管的动态平衡以及PP2A异常与微管类疾病的相关性。  相似文献   

The post-translational modification of tubulin appears to be a highly controlled mechanism that regulates microtubule functioning. Acetylation of the ϵ-amino group of Lys-40 of α-tubulin marks stable microtubules, although the causal relationship between tubulin acetylation and microtubule stability has remained poorly understood. HDAC6, the tubulin deacetylase, plays a key role in maintaining typical distribution of acetylated microtubules in cells. Here, by using tubastatin A, an HDAC6-specific inhibitor, and siRNA-mediated depletion of HDAC6, we have explored whether tubulin acetylation has a role in regulating microtubule stability. We found that whereas both pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 as well as its depletion enhance microtubule acetylation, only pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 activity leads to an increase in microtubule stability against cold and nocodazole-induced depolymerizing conditions. Tubastatin A treatment suppressed the dynamics of individual microtubules in MCF-7 cells and delayed the reassembly of depolymerized microtubules. Interestingly, both the localization of HDAC6 on microtubules and the amount of HDAC6 associated with polymeric fraction of tubulin were found to increase in the tubastatin A-treated cells compared with the control cells, suggesting that the pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 enhances the binding of HDAC6 to microtubules. The evidence presented in this study indicated that the increased binding of HDAC6, rather than the acetylation per se, causes microtubule stability. The results are in support of a hypothesis that in addition to its deacetylase function, HDAC6 might function as a MAP that regulates microtubule dynamics under certain conditions.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2014,6(1):93-103
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KIF17 is a kinesin-2 family motor that interacts with EB1 at microtubule (MT) plus-ends and contributes to MT stabilization in epithelial cells. The mechanism by which KIF17 affects MTs and how its activity is regulated are not yet known. Here, we show that EB1 and the KIF17 autoinhibitory tail domain (KIF17-Tail) interacted competitively with the KIF17 catalytic motor domain (K370). Both EB1 and KIF17-Tail decreased the K0.5MT of K370, with opposing effects on MT-stimulated ATPase activity. Importantly, K370 had independent effects on MT dynamic instability, resulting in formation of long MTs without affecting polymerization rate or total polymer mass. K370 also inhibited MT depolymerization induced by dilution in vitro and by nocodazole in cells, suggesting that it acts by protecting MT plus-ends. Interestingly, KIF17-Tail bound MTs and tubulin dimers, delaying initial MT polymerization in vitro and MT regrowth in cells. However, neither EB1 nor KIF17-Tail affected K370-mediated MT polymerization or stabilization significantly in vitro, and EB1 was dispensable for MT stabilization by K370 in cells. Thus, although EB1 and KIF17-Tail may coordinate KIF17 catalytic activity, our data reveal a novel and direct role for KIF17 in regulating MT dynamics.  相似文献   

The Golgi vesicles isolated from the pollen of Corylus avellana were incubated with the microtubules polymerized from highly purified calf brain tubulin. After ultracentrifugation on a layer of 1.5 mol/L sucrose, the pellets were assayed with SDS-PAGE and negative staining. The results showed that, in vitro, the pollen Golgi vesicles were able to bind onto calf brain microtubules. The microtubule-binding ability was suppressed by 10 mmol/L ATP and 0. 5 mol/L KCI, but not by 5 mmol/L AMP-PNP, suggesting that the binding may result from some ATP-related peripheral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) are recently identified plant hormones that inhibit shoot branching and control various aspects of plant growth, development and interaction with parasites. Previous studies have shown that plant D10 protein is a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase that functions in SL biosynthesis. In this work, we used an allelic SL-deficient d10 mutant XJC of rice (Oryza sativa L. spp. indica) to investigate proteins that were responsive to SL treatment. When grown in darkness, d10 mutant seedlings exhibited elongated mesocotyl that could be rescued by exogenous application of SLs. Soluble protein extracts were prepared from d10 mutant seedlings grown in darkness in the presence of GR24, a synthetic SL analog. Soluble proteins were separated on two-dimensional gels and subjected to proteomic analysis. Proteins that were expressed differentially and phosphoproteins whose phosphorylation status changed in response to GR24 treatment were identified. Eight proteins were found to be induced or down-regulated by GR24, and a different set of 8 phosphoproteins were shown to change their phosphorylation intensities in the dark-grown d10 seedlings in response to GR24 treatment. Analysis of these proteins revealed that they are important enzymes of the carbohydrate and amino acid metabolic pathways and key components of the cellular energy generation machinery. These proteins may represent potential targets of the SL signaling pathway. This study provides new insight into the complex and negative regulatory mechanism by which SLs control shoot branching and plant development.  相似文献   

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