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Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-regulated HCN channels underlie the Na+-K+ permeable IH pacemaker current. As with other voltage-gated members of the 6-transmembrane KV channel superfamily, opening of HCN channels involves dilation of a helical bundle formed by the intracellular ends of S6 albeit this is promoted by inward, not outward, displacement of S4. Direct agonist binding to a ring of cyclic nucleotide-binding sites, one of which lies immediately distal to each S6 helix, imparts cAMP sensitivity to HCN channel opening. At depolarized potentials, HCN channels are further modulated by intracellular Mg2+ which blocks the open channel pore and blunts the inhibitory effect of outward K+ flux. Here, we show that cAMP binding to the gating ring enhances not only channel opening but also the kinetics of Mg2+ block. A combination of experimental and simulation studies demonstrates that agonist acceleration of block is mediated via acceleration of the blocking reaction itself rather than as a secondary consequence of the cAMP enhancement of channel opening. These results suggest that the activation status of the gating ring and the open state of the pore are not coupled in an obligate manner (as required by the often invoked Monod-Wyman-Changeux allosteric model) but couple more loosely (as envisioned in a modular model of protein activation). Importantly, the emergence of second messenger sensitivity of open channel rectification suggests that loose coupling may have an unexpected consequence: it may endow these erstwhile “slow” channels with an ability to exert voltage and ligand-modulated control over cellular excitability on the fastest of physiologically relevant time scales.  相似文献   

In Shaker-like channels, the activation gate is formed at the bundle crossing by the convergence of the inner S6 helices near a conserved proline-valine-proline motif, which introduces a kink that allows for electromechanical coupling with voltage sensor motions via the S4-S5 linker. Human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) channels lack the proline-valine-proline motif and the location of the intracellular pore gate and how it is coupled to S4 movement is less clear. Here, we show that proline substitutions within the S6 of hERG perturbed pore gate closure, trapping channels in the open state. Performing a proline scan of the inner S6 helix, from Ile655 to Tyr667 revealed that gate perturbation occurred with proximal (I655P-Q664P), but not distal (R665P-Y667P) substitutions, suggesting that Gln664 marks the position of the intracellular gate in hERG channels. Using voltage-clamp fluorimetry and gating current analysis, we demonstrate that proline substitutions trap the activation gate open by disrupting the coupling between the voltage-sensing unit and the pore of the channel. We characterize voltage sensor movement in one such trapped-open mutant channel and demonstrate the kinetics of what we interpret to be intrinsic hERG voltage sensor movement.  相似文献   

In Shaker-like channels, the activation gate is formed at the bundle crossing by the convergence of the inner S6 helices near a conserved proline-valine-proline motif, which introduces a kink that allows for electromechanical coupling with voltage sensor motions via the S4-S5 linker. Human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) channels lack the proline-valine-proline motif and the location of the intracellular pore gate and how it is coupled to S4 movement is less clear. Here, we show that proline substitutions within the S6 of hERG perturbed pore gate closure, trapping channels in the open state. Performing a proline scan of the inner S6 helix, from Ile655 to Tyr667 revealed that gate perturbation occurred with proximal (I655P-Q664P), but not distal (R665P-Y667P) substitutions, suggesting that Gln664 marks the position of the intracellular gate in hERG channels. Using voltage-clamp fluorimetry and gating current analysis, we demonstrate that proline substitutions trap the activation gate open by disrupting the coupling between the voltage-sensing unit and the pore of the channel. We characterize voltage sensor movement in one such trapped-open mutant channel and demonstrate the kinetics of what we interpret to be intrinsic hERG voltage sensor movement.  相似文献   

We constructed chimeras between the rapidly activating Kv1.2 channel and the slowly activating Kv2.1 channel in order to study to what extent sequence differences within the S1–S4 region contribute to the difference in activation kinetics. The channels were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and the currents were measured with a two-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. Substitution of the S1–S4 region of Kv2.1 subunits by the ones of Kv1.2 resulted in chimeric channels which activated more rapidly than Kv2.1. Furthermore, activation kinetics were nearly voltage-independent in contrast to the pronounced voltage-dependent activation kinetics of both parent channels. Systematic screening of the S1–S4 region by the replacement of smaller protein parts resolved that the main functional changes generated by the S1–S4 substitution were generated by the S2 and the S3 segment. However, the effects of these segments were different: The S3 substitution reduced the effective gating charge and accelerated both a voltage-dependent and a voltage-independent component of the activation time course. In contrast, the S2 substitution accelerated predominantly the voltage-dependent component of the activation time course thereby leaving the effective gating charge unchanged. It is concluded that the S2 and the S3 segment determine the activation kinetics in a specific manner. Received: 13 November 2000/Revised: 5 April 2001  相似文献   

Shaker channel mutants, in which the first (R362), second (R365), and fourth (R371) basic residues in the S4 segment have been neutralized, are found to pass potassium currents with voltage-insensitive kinetics when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Single channel recordings clarify that these channels continue to open and close from −160 to +80 mV with a constant opening probability (P o). Although P o is low (∼0.15) in these mutants, mean open time is voltage independent and similar to that of control Shaker channels. Additionally, these mutant channels retain characteristic Shaker channel selectivity, sensitivity to block by 4-aminopyridine, and are partially blocked by external Ca2+ ions at very negative potentials. Furthermore, mean open time is approximately doubled, in both mutant channels and control Shaker channels, when Rb+ is substituted for K+ as the permeant ion species. Such strong similarities between mutant channels and control Shaker channels suggests that the pore region has not been substantially altered by the S4 charge neutralizations. We conclude that single channel kinetics in these mutants may indicate how Shaker channels would behave in the absence of voltage sensor input. Thus, mean open times appear primarily determined by voltage-insensitive transitions close to the open state rather than by voltage sensor movement, even in control, voltage-sensitive Shaker channels. By contrast, the low and voltage-insensitive P o seen in these mutant channels suggests that important determinants of normal channel opening derive from electrostatic coupling between S4 charges and the pore domain.  相似文献   

Mutations at solvent-inaccessible core positions in proteins can impact function through many biophysical mechanisms including alterations to thermodynamic stability and protein dynamics. As these properties of proteins are difficult to investigate, the impacts of core mutations on protein function are poorly understood for most systems. Here, we determined the effects of alanine mutations at all 15 core positions in ubiquitin on function in yeast. The majority (13 of 15) of alanine substitutions supported yeast growth as the sole ubiquitin. Both the two null mutants (I30A and L43A) were less stable to temperature-induced unfolding in vitro than wild type (WT) but were well folded at physiological temperatures. Heteronuclear NMR studies indicated that the L43A mutation reduces temperature stability while retaining a ground-state structure similar to WT. This structure enables L43A to bind to common ubiquitin receptors in vitro. Many of the core alanine ubiquitin mutants, including one of the null variants (I30A), exhibited an increased accumulation of high-molecular-weight species, suggesting that these mutants caused a defect in the processing of ubiquitin-substrate conjugates. In contrast, L43A exhibited a unique accumulation pattern with reduced levels of high-molecular-weight species and undetectable levels of free ubiquitin. When conjugation to other proteins was blocked, L43A ubiquitin accumulated as free ubiquitin in yeast. Based on these findings, we speculate that ubiquitin's stability to unfolding may be required for efficient recycling during proteasome-mediated substrate degradation.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels (NaVs) are central elements of cellular excitation. Notwithstanding advances from recent bacterial NaV (BacNaV) structures, key questions about gating and ion selectivity remain. Here, we present a closed conformation of NaVAe1p, a pore-only BacNaV derived from NaVAe1, a BacNaV from the arsenite oxidizer Alkalilimnicola ehrlichei found in Mono Lake, California, that provides insight into both fundamental properties. The structure reveals a pore domain in which the pore-lining S6 helix connects to a helical cytoplasmic tail. Electrophysiological studies of full-length BacNaVs show that two elements defined by the NaVAe1p structure, an S6 activation gate position and the cytoplasmic tail “neck”, are central to BacNaV gating. The structure also reveals the selectivity filter ion entry site, termed the “outer ion” site. Comparison with mammalian voltage-gated calcium channel (CaV) selectivity filters, together with functional studies, shows that this site forms a previously unknown determinant of CaV high-affinity calcium binding. Our findings underscore commonalities between BacNaVs and eukaryotic voltage-gated channels and provide a framework for understanding gating and ion permeation in this superfamily.  相似文献   

The hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-modulated channel gene family (HCN1-4) encodes the membrane depolarizing current that underlies pacemaking. Although the topology of HCN resembles Kv channels, much less is known about their structure-function correlation. Previously, we identified several pore residues in the S5-P linker and P-loop that are externally accessible and/or influence HCN gating, and proposed an evolutionarily conserved pore-to-gate mechanism. Here we sought dynamic evidence by assessing the functional consequences of Cys-scanning substitutions in the unexplored P-S6 linker (residues 352–359), the HCN1-R background (that is, resistant to sulfhydryl-reactive agents). None of A352C, Q353C, A354C, P355C, V356C, S357C, M358C, or S359C produced functional currents; the loss-of-function of Q353C, A354C, S357C, and M358C could be rescued by the reducing agent dithiothreitol. Q353C, A354C, and S357C, but not M358C and HCN1-R, were sensitive to Cd2+ blockade (IC50 = 3–12 μM vs. >1 mM). External application of the positively charged covalent sulfhydryl modifier MTSET irreversibly reduced I −140mV of Q353C and A354C to 27.9 ± 3.4% and 58.2 ± 13.1% of the control, respectively, and caused significant steady-state activation shifts (∆V 1/2 = –21.1 ± 1.6 for Q353C and −10.0 ± 2.9 mV for A354C). Interestingly, MTSET reactivity was also state dependent. MTSET, however, affected neither S357C nor M358C, indicating site specificity. Collectively, we have identified novel P-S6 residues whose extracellular accessibility was sterically and state dependent and have provided the first functional evidence consistent with a dynamic HCN pore-to-gate model.  相似文献   

Flightin is a thick filament protein that in Drosophila melanogaster is uniquely expressed in the asynchronous, indirect flight muscles (IFM). Flightin is required for the structure and function of the IFM and is indispensable for flight in Drosophila. Given the importance of flight acquisition in the evolutionary history of insects, here we study the phylogeny and distribution of flightin. Flightin was identified in 69 species of hexapods in classes Collembola (springtails), Protura, Diplura, and insect orders Thysanura (silverfish), Dictyoptera (roaches), Orthoptera (grasshoppers), Pthiraptera (lice), Hemiptera (true bugs), Coleoptera (beetles), Neuroptera (green lacewing), Hymenoptera (bees, ants, and wasps), Lepidoptera (moths), and Diptera (flies and mosquitoes). Flightin was also found in 14 species of crustaceans in orders Anostraca (water flea), Cladocera (brine shrimp), Isopoda (pill bugs), Amphipoda (scuds, sideswimmers), and Decapoda (lobsters, crabs, and shrimps). Flightin was not identified in representatives of chelicerates, myriapods, or any species outside Pancrustacea (Tetraconata, sensu Dohle). Alignment of amino acid sequences revealed a conserved region of 52 amino acids, referred herein as WYR, that is bound by strictly conserved tryptophan (W) and arginine (R) and an intervening sequence with a high content of tyrosines (Y). This motif has no homologs in GenBank or PROSITE and is unique to flightin and paraflightin, a putative flightin paralog identified in decapods. A third motif of unclear affinities to pancrustacean WYR was observed in chelicerates. Phylogenetic analysis of amino acid sequences of the conserved motif suggests that paraflightin originated before the divergence of amphipods, isopods, and decapods. We conclude that flightin originated de novo in the ancestor of Pancrustacea > 500 MYA, well before the divergence of insects (~400 MYA) and the origin of flight (~325 MYA), and that its IFM-specific function in Drosophila is a more recent adaptation. Furthermore, we propose that WYR represents a novel myosin coiled-coil binding motif.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the opening and closing of individual ion-conducting channels in lipid bilayers doped with small amounts of excitability-inducing material (EIM) are determined from discrete fluctuations in ionic current. The kinetics for the approach to steady-state conductance during voltage clamp are determined for lipid bilayers containing many EIM channels. The two sets of measurements are found to be consistent, verifying that the voltage-dependent conductance of the many-channel EIM system arises from the opening and closing of individual EIM channels. The opening and closing of the channels are Poisson processes. Transition rates for these processes vary exponentially with applied potential, implying that the energy difference between the open and closed states of an EIM channel is linearly proportional to the transmembrane electric field. A model incorporating the above properties of the EIM channels predicts the observed voltage dependence of ionic conductance and conductance relaxation time, which are also characteristic of natural electrically excitable membranes.  相似文献   

Resistance to bacterial speck disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is activated upon recognition by the host Pto kinase of either one of two sequence-unrelated effector proteins, AvrPto or AvrPtoB, from Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst). Pto induces Pst immunity by acting in concert with the Prf protein. The recently reported structure of the AvrPto-Pto complex revealed that interaction of AvrPto with Pto appears to relieve an inhibitory effect of Pto, allowing Pto to activate Prf. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Pto binding domain of AvrPtoB (residues 121 to 205) at a resolution of 1.9Å and of the AvrPtoB121-205–Pto complex at a resolution of 3.3 Å. AvrPtoB121-205 exhibits a tertiary fold that is completely different from that of AvrPto, and its conformation remains largely unchanged upon binding to Pto. In common with AvrPto-Pto, the AvrPtoB-Pto complex relies on two interfaces. One of these interfaces is similar in both complexes, although the primary amino acid sequences from the two effector proteins are very different. Amino acid substitutions in Pto at the other interface disrupt the interaction of AvrPtoB-Pto but not that of AvrPto-Pto. Interestingly, substitutions in Pto affecting this unique interface also cause Pto to induce Prf-dependent host cell death independently of either effector protein.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for studying individual protein domains within the nuclear pore complex (NPC) using fluorescence polarization microscopy. The NPC is a large macromolecular complex, the size and complexity of which presents experimental challenges. Using fluorescence anisotropy and exploiting the symmetry of the NPC and its organization in the nuclear envelope, we have resolved order and disorder of individual protein domains. Fluorescently tagging specific domains of individual nucleoporins revealed both rigid and flexible domains: the tips of the FG domains are disordered, whereas the NPC-anchored domains are ordered. Our technique allows the collection of structural information in vivo, providing the ability to probe the organization of protein domains within the NPC. This has particular relevance for the FG domain nucleoporins, which are crucial for nucleocytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   



UGT2B17 is a vital member of the UGT2 family and functions as a detoxification enzyme which catalyzes the glucuronidation of lipophilic compounds. Accumulating evidences implicates that it may contribute to the susceptibility of tumor risk. Identification of a UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism has attracted studies to evaluate the association between the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism and tumor risk in diverse populations. However, the available results are conflicting.


A meta-analysis based on 14 studies from 10 publications including 5,732 cases and 5,112 controls was performed. Published literature from PubMed, EMBASE and Web of Science was pooled and the crude odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to estimate the strength of the associations.


Conclusively, our results indicate that individuals with a UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism were associated with tumor risks (OR = 1.29, 95% CI = 1.03–1.63, P<0.001) in a recessive model. However, after excluding two studies for their heterogeneity, the result then demonstrated that the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism was not associated with tumor risks (OR = 1.118, 95%CI = 0.938–1.332, P>0.1). A subgroup analysis based on tumor type, sex or race did not show significant results.


These results suggest that the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism is not associated with tumor risks.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels possess charged domains that move in response to changes in transmembrane voltage. How this movement is transduced into gating of the channel pore is largely unknown. Here we show directly that two functionally important regions of the spHCN1 pacemaker channel, the S4-S5 linker and the C-linker, come into close proximity during gating. Cross-linking these regions with high-affinity metal bridges or disulfide bridges dramatically alters channel gating in the absence of cAMP; after modification the polarity of voltage dependence is reversed. Instead of being closed at positive voltage and activating with hyperpolarization, modified channels are closed at negative voltage and activate with depolarization. Mechanistically, this reversal of voltage dependence occurs as a result of selectively eliminating channel deactivation, while retaining an existing inactivation process. Bridging also alters channel activation by cAMP, showing that interaction of these two regions can also affect the efficacy of physiological ligands.  相似文献   

Recently, applications of the patch-clamp fluorometry (PCF) technique in studies of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) and hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-regulated (HCN) channels have provided direct evidence for the long-held notion that ligands preferably bind to and stabilize these channels in an open state. This state-dependent ligand-channel interaction involves contributions from not only the ligand-binding domain but also other discrete structural elements within the channel protein. This insight led us to investigate whether the pore of the HCN channel plays a role in the ligand-whole channel interaction. We used three well-characterized HCN channel blockers to probe the ion-conducting passage. The PCF technique was used to simultaneously monitor channel activity and cAMP binding. Two ionic blockers, Cs(+) and Mg(2+), effectively block channel conductance but have no obvious effect on cAMP binding. Surprisingly, ZD7288, an open channel blocker specific for HCN channels, significantly reduces the activity-dependent increase in cAMP binding. Independent biochemical assays exclude any nonspecific interaction between ZD7288 and isolated cAMP-binding domain. Because ZD7228 interacts with the inner pore region, where the activation gate is presumably located, we did an alanine scanning of the intracellular end of S6, from T426 to A435. Mutations of three residues, T426, M430, and H434, which are located at regular intervals on the S6 α-helix, enhance cAMP binding. In contrast, mutations of two residues in close proximity, F431A and I432A, dampen the response. Our results demonstrate that movements of the structural elements near the activation gate directly affect ligand binding affinity, which is a simple mechanistic explanation that could be applied to the interpretation of ligand gating in general.  相似文献   

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